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湖北松滋早始新世一鸟化石   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
侯连海 《古脊椎动物学报》1990,28(1):34-42,T001,T002
本文记述了采自湖北松滋县王家桥区黑档口早始新世洋溪组页岩中一保存较好的鸟化石。依其形态特征归于鹤形目内,但它与已知鹤形目各科又有某些明显的区别,与秧鸡科比较接近。建立一新科:松滋鸟科Songzidae fam. nov.代表我国已知鹤形目化石最早的记录。这一发现还证明始新世早期亚洲东部北纬30°左右已有比较原始的小型鹤形目鸟类分布。本文还讨论了松滋鸟的某些形态功能。  相似文献   

记述产自中国辽西的逍遥蛛科化石1新属:白垩逍遥蛛属Cretadromus gen.nov.,1新种:辽宁白垩逍遥蛛Cretadromus liaoningensis sp.nov.:这是逍遥蛛科化石在中国的首次发现,也是逍遥蛛科在晚侏罗世-早白垩世的首次报道。标本采白辽宁省凌源市大王杖子晚侏罗世-早白垩世义县组地层,现存于大连自然博物馆:  相似文献   

DNA条形码主要目的是物种鉴定和新物种或隐存种的发现,而DNA条形码参考数据库是物种快速鉴定的重要基础。目前中国维管植物DNA条形码参考数据库正在建设之中,借助于公共数据库(NCBI)和初步建立的中国植物DNA条形码参考数据库,运用DNA条形码数据开展了植物标本鉴定的核查工作:(1)比较DNA序列信息与标本鉴定信息,从科、属、种级水平查找鉴定错误的标本;(2)基于有较好研究基础的DNA条形码参考数据库,开展未知标本的鉴定;(3)通过对标本核查的总结,提出DNA条形码参考数据库建设过程中的几点建议。  相似文献   

The number of described species on the planet is about 1.9 million, with ca. 17,000 new species described annually, mostly from the tropics. However, taxonomy is usually described as a science in crisis, lacking manpower and funding, a politically acknowledged problem known as the Taxonomic Impediment. Using data from the Fauna Europaea database and the Zoological Record, we show that contrary to general belief, developed and heavily-studied parts of the world are important reservoirs of unknown species. In Europe, new species of multicellular terrestrial and freshwater animals are being discovered and named at an unprecedented rate: since the 1950s, more than 770 new species are on average described each year from Europe, which add to the 125,000 terrestrial and freshwater multicellular species already known in this region. There is no sign of having reached a plateau that would allow for the assessment of the magnitude of European biodiversity. More remarkably, over 60% of these new species are described by non-professional taxonomists. Amateurs are recognized as an essential part of the workforce in ecology and astronomy, but the magnitude of non-professional taxonomist contributions to alpha-taxonomy has not been fully realized until now. Our results stress the importance of developing a system that better supports and guides this formidable workforce, as we seek to overcome the Taxonomic Impediment and speed up the process of describing the planetary biodiversity before it is too late.  相似文献   

王科  蔡磊 《生物多样性》2022,30(8):22277-239
21世纪以来, 菌物新物种的发现速度逐渐加快。每个新发表的菌物新名称都蕴含着大量的分类学和多样性信息, 通过对这些信息进行统计和分析, 可以揭示菌物分类学的发展趋势和存在的问题。2021年全球共发表了3,734个菌物新名称, 包括288个新高阶分类单元(1个新门、2个新纲及新亚纲、16个新目及新亚目、36个新科、233个新属及次级属下单元)、2,551个新种及种下单元、782个新组合、113个其他新名称。这些新名称隶属于3界13门40纲159目425科1,165属, 伞菌和小型子囊菌是本年度最受关注的类群。全球有2,060位学者参与了菌物新名称的研究与发表工作, 为历史上命名作者数量最多的一年。中国学者在本年度的菌物新命名工作中做出了突出贡献, 约30%的新名称(1,124个)由中国学者参与发表。来自中国的命名作者共有380位, 是我国命名作者数量最多的一年。本年度发现的2,533个菌物新物种来自于世界7个大洲的101个国家和地区, 新物种丰富度最多的地区是亚洲东部和南部, 而中国发现了756个菌物新物种, 是发现新物种最多的国家, 占全球的近30%。我国南方地区的新物种数量远多于北方地区, 发现新物种最多的省份是云南省, 共发现248种, 占全国的33%。总体来看, 全球菌物新物种发现的速度与近年持平, 处于波动上升的趋势, 而中国的菌物分类学发展速度和贡献度仍在快速提升。建议未来的分类学研究工作中, 继续扩大研究地域和类群, 将新物种发现与完善高阶分类系统并重, 逐步揭示全球菌物多样性本底。  相似文献   

Taxonomy and species conservation are often assumed to be completely interdependent activities. However, a shortage of taxonomic information and skills, and confusion over where the limits to 'species' should be set, both cause problems for conservationists. There is no simple solution because species lists used for conservation planning (e.g. threatened species, species richness estimates, species covered by legislation) are often also used to determine which units should be the focus of conservation actions; this despite the fact that the two processes have such different goals and information needs. Species conservation needs two kinds of taxonomic solution: (i) a set of practical rules to standardize the species units included on lists; and (ii) an approach to the units chosen for conservation recovery planning which recognizes the dynamic nature of natural systems and the differences from the units in listing processes that result. These solutions are well within our grasp but require a new kind of collaboration among conservation biologists, taxonomists and legislators, as well as an increased resource of taxonomists with relevant and high-quality skills.  相似文献   

Taxonomy is a traditional subject, but it still receives attention and has become a topic of much discussion in recent years. Many of these discussions have raised concerns about the future of taxonomy, especially with regard to the workforce responsible for the discovery of new species in the context of declining biodiversity. Previous discussions were based on the taxonomic data of plants and animals, but the status of fungal taxonomy has not been mentioned. Fungi have one of the highest levels of biodiversity among all living organisms, second only to insects. The discussion of the future of taxonomy without the inclusion of fungal data is incomplete. Here, we present the results of analyses based on all new fungal taxa published since 1753. Fungal taxonomy is an ever‐growing area of study with increasing numbers of new taxa being described and growing numbers of fungal taxonomists. Compared with plants and most animal groups, there has been a much sharper increase in the rate at which new fungal taxa are being described. Furthermore, the number of taxonomists studying fungi has increased at a faster speed than those studying plants or animals. This indicates that fungal taxonomy is a prosperous subject and a dynamic area for scientific studies, and that it deserves much more attention and support. The study of fungal taxonomy will deepen our understanding of the biodiversity of our planet.  相似文献   

杜诚  刘军  刘夙  马金双 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):22355-190
中国植物资源丰富, 长期以来被外国人所关注和研究。直到1916年, 中国植物分类学者才开始独立研究本国植物, 并经历了从民国时期开始自立、到1949年后自主完成《中国高等植物图鉴》《中国植物志》等国家级和相对完整的地方植物志以及中外合作完成英文版的国家植物志Flora of China、再到21世纪新一代学者每年更新《中国生物物种名录》并且开始主导国际性植物分类学研究工作等3个主要时期。统计表明, 超过3,000位中国学者参与过植物命名或植物名称处理等命名相关工作, 近些年更是达到每年新增100人左右的新高。但这种繁荣局面与中国植物分类学的衰退状况彼此矛盾。为了解释这个矛盾, 结合对历史回顾的深入分析说明, 真正能够反映分类学发展程度的量化指标应当是“活跃”分类学者数目。这个数目在21世纪停滞不前, 表明当今的分类学人才队伍建设仍存在不少问题, 特别是新分类群的发表与系统学研究脱节, 对分子系统学证据的应用仍有不足, 以及科研评价体系偏重于论文影响因子等。本文因此提出了当今分类学者应该具备的6条技能标准: (1)具有科学精神和全球视野; (2)掌握学科内知识; (3)掌握学科外知识; (4)具备野外工作技能; (5)具备标本馆和实验室工作技能; (6)掌握文献和数据库检索技能。  相似文献   

A new species of Discodorididae is described from the Pacific coasts of Mexico and Panama. It is named using a modified version of the epithet-based nomenclature proposed by Url Lanham 40 years ago. The species described here can be placed confidently in the clade Discodorididae, but not in any of its subclades (traditionally taxa of genus rank). The unique, epithet-based name of the species is “aliciae Dayrat, 2005”. The combination Discodorididae aliciae may also be used, once the unique, epithet-based name has been cited. Discodorididae aliciae is an example of how a new species of Discodorididae could be named in the context of phylogenetic nomenclature. I argue that epithet-based species names and their combinations with clade addresses should be very appealing to people who think phylogenetically. I also discuss two advantages of such combinations: first, they should be more stable than Linnaean binomials, which often change for arbitrary (e.g. non-phylogenetic) reasons; second, they should help taxonomists avoid creating multiple names for the same species.  相似文献   

A list is provided of all 358 taxa ofErythroxylum described from the Neotropics through the year 2000, including type specimen citations, probable synonymy, geographic distribution, and designation of 41 new lectotypes and one new neotype. The list includes 187 accepted species, eight accepted varieties, 27 infraspecific names of uncertain status, and 136 synonyms. A searchable specimen database and type image archive may be accessed at www.fieldmuseum.org/research_collections/database.htm. T. Plowman, deceased 7 January 1989.  相似文献   

Thenewmateria1describedinthispaperisarowofcontinual1lteethandgentlyarciform,itslengthmeasuresaboutl2Omm-Thevariationsinsizeoftheteetharesomewhatirregularffomendtoend.Atoothmayberegardedasconsi-stingofthreeparts:acuttingblade,alatera1part(wing)andabase.Thereisnointerdenticalspacebetweenadjacentteeth.Thecuttingbladeistriangu1arinlateralview,itformsabouthalfofthetota1lengthofthetooth-Therearemanydenticlesonitsanteriorandposterioredges,whicharel8averagelyinnumberoneachside.Thetopsofthedenticlesa…  相似文献   

Even since Linnaeus, naturalists and taxonomists have been systematically describing species new to science. Besides indicating gaps in taxonomic effort, understanding the temporal patterns of species discovery could help in identifying drivers that determine discovery. In this study we report the patterns of discovery of eight taxa — birds, butterflies, frogs, tiger beetles, grasses, asters, ferns and orchids — in the Western Ghats, a megadiversity centre in India. Our results indicate that the discovery curves for birds and butterflies have been saturated while those for frogs and grasses continue to increase. Within each taxon, the major drivers of discovery were commonness of the species and their size. The average years taken for discovery across taxa were directly related to the per cent endemicity and species richness of the taxa. We discuss the trajectories of discovery with respect to rarity or endemicity of the species and life history features, and the implications these might have for strategizing the discovery process in India.  相似文献   

灵芝(Ganoderma lucidum)远在东汉(纪元102—200)年间的《神农本草经》中就有记载。中国劳动人民认识它远在此之前。国外最早的记载是1781年W.Curtis的“Boletus lucidus W.Curt.,t.no.224”.此种模式标本已不存在。Karsten(1881)在赫尔辛基植物博物馆留下一号标本作为新模式(neoty pc)。不同的分类学家认为在同一种不同的标本上皮壳构造可能有变化,甚致在同一号标本中也有变化。菌肉的颜色也有变化。或许菌肉颜色变暗是由于纬度和海拔高度的不同,平均温度渐渐增加所致(steyaert,1972)。有些分类学家认为菌柄的有无不能作分类的依据。Steyaert(1975)证明甚致硬皮灵芝(Ganoderma tornatum coinplex)的孢子因纬度和海拔高度的不同有改变。总而言之,我们可以说灵芝复合种(Ganoderma complex)在自然界的存在是不稳定的。诚然,这是一条自然规律。在自然界每一个生物种都是连续不断的变化着。但也相对的稳定。它们在自然界的矛盾中生长和发育。本文作者同意其他分类学家的意见,即在灵芝属中孢子诸性状是唯一地分类根据。种与种之间孢子的性状是清楚的不同。同时他建议应用每一个种的综合性状作分类依据或许是正确的。因为不同的分类学家对灵芝有人持广义的概念,也有人持狭义的概念。对它的亲缘种自然也有不同。下列种类现作者认为可能是它的亲缘种类。它们是:无柄灵芝;弱光泽灵芝;四川灵芝;紫芝以及松杉树芝。现作者假定灵芝在本组中是一个中心种。其它亲缘种围绕它而诞生。于是形成一个较大的种群。也有分类学家称之为灵芝复合种。长期以来灵芝复合种已经成为分类上的困难问题。有人认为成了本组分类的绊脚石。作者研究本组真菌已有多年。根据他的经验认为持种的狭义概念大概更合乎自然规律。对于以上观点作者拟在另文中阐述。本文因限于篇幅,只报道4个新种。其中1新种应隶属紫芝组。它们是:大青山灵芝(Ganoderma daiqingshanense Zhao),昆明灵芝(G.kunmingense Zhao),多分枝灵芝(G.ramosissimum),澄海灵芝(G.chenghaiense Zhao)。以上所有引证标本都保藏于中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

Semiautomated methods for microscopic image acquisition, image analysis, and taxonomic identification have repeatedly received attention in diatom analysis. Less well studied is the question whether and how such methods might prove useful for clarifying the delimitation of species that are difficult to separate for human taxonomists. To try to answer this question, three very similar Fragilariopsis species endemic to the Southern Ocean were targeted in this study: F. obliquecostata, F. ritscheri, and F. sublinearis. A set of 501 extended focus depth specimen images were obtained using a standardized, semiautomated microscopic procedure. Twelve diatomists independently identified these specimen images in order to reconcile taxonomic opinions and agree upon a taxonomic gold standard. Using image analyses, we then extracted morphometric features representing taxonomic characters of the target taxa. The discriminating ability of individual morphometric features was tested visually and statistically, and multivariate classification experiments were performed to test the agreement of the quantitatively defined taxa assignments with expert consensus opinion. Beyond an updated differential diagnosis of the studied taxa, our study also shows that automated imaging and image analysis procedures for diatoms are coming close to reaching a broad applicability for routine use.  相似文献   

In 1926, based on a specimen (Poilane 3846) collected from Vietnam, F. Pellegrin described a new species of the genus Hemiboea. Recently, after dissecting a flower of the holotype we realized that this species was erroneously placed in Hemiboea, differring from the latter in a series of important morphological characters, and in fact represents a new genus (Deinostigma) ofthe tribe Didymocarpeae, which is described in the present paper.  相似文献   

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