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This study presents the results of chemometric data analysis which describes the maturation of sewage sludge compost. The compost was characterized at different stages of maturation by various chemical and spectroscopic parameters including carbon and nitrogen content, humic substances content, UV-Vis and 13C NMR. The data set of compost characteristics was analyzed using multivariate methods: cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The results enabled the determination of three groups of compost samples at different stages of maturation that correspond to three stages of composting: (i) domination of rapid decomposition of non-humic, easily biodegradable organic matter, (ii) domination of organic matter humification and formation of polycondensed, humic-like substances (the next 2 weeks), (iii) stabilization of transformed organic material and weak microbial activity. The multivariate techniques also enabled the identification of main parameters that change during different stages of composting the most.  相似文献   

To use compost appropriately in agriculture it is extremely important to estimate the stabilization level of the organic matter. In this work, two different piles of compost were studied by means of (i) humification parameters (degree of humification--DH, humification rate--HR, humification index--HI) prior to and after enzymatic hydrolysis of the extracted organic carbon, (ii) water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and (iii) water-soluble nitrogen. A significant relationship between composting time, WSOC and humification parameters after enzymatic hydrolysis (DHenz; HRenz; HIenz) was found.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to comparatively evaluate the oxidative stress response on exposure to natural organic matter (NOM) in three amphipod (Crustacea, Amphipoda) species from different taxonomic groups and different habitats of Lake Baikal. Endemic species from Lake Baikal were used: the shallow-water dwelling Gmelinoides fasciatus (Dyb.), Pallasea cancelloides (Gerstf.), and the deep-layer inhabitant Ommatogammarus flavus (Dyb.). Three key enzymes, catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and glutathione S-transferase (GST), were studied. The applied NOM from Lake Schwarzer (Germany) directly impacts the two littoral species which quickly respond. The response is characterized by a significant decrease of POD and an increase of CAT activities. GST activity remains stable or decreased slightly. In contrast to the littoral amphipods, the deep-layer inhabitant O. flavus showed no significant reaction to NOM exposure, probably due to decreased adaptive ability of this species. The stable environment of the Baikalean deep zones obviously does not provide triggers for the development of flexible antioxidant or general defense systems.  相似文献   

城市污泥强制通风堆肥过程中的生物学和化学变化特征   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
采用间竭式强制通风堆肥法进行的肥堆体积约4m3,堆肥时间为53d的污泥堆肥试验表明,堆肥的第2天即达高温阶段(≥55℃)并能保持8d,平均最高温度达68℃,局部温度达74℃.粪大肠杆菌由开始时的1.41×105个·g-1降至试验结束时的2.32×101个·g-1.污泥堆肥过程中挥发性固体,总有机C、水溶性有机C、固体有机 C/N比和水溶性有机 C/有机 N比下降明显,而 N、P及重金属含量有所升高.随着堆肥的进程,在前1周堆肥过程中产生的氨氮大幅下降,硝酸盐含量随之升高.相应地,pH在第1周内升高,随后降低.堆肥40d左右,水芹(Lepidiumsativum L.)种子发芽指数即可达 80%.综合堆肥过程中堆温和化学与生物学变化特点,表明污泥堆肥在40d左右基本上接近腐熟,50d后达到完全腐熟.产品外观呈黑褐色,蓬松,无明显异味.  相似文献   

A microstructure characterization study using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was conducted to specify organic matter dynamics during the co-composting process of sewage sludge, green waste and barks. TEM results showed that ligneous and polyphenolic compounds brought by barks were not biodegraded during composting. Green waste brought more or less biodegraded ligneous constituents and also an active microbial potential. Chloroplasts and sludge flocs appeared to be relevant indicators of green waste and sewage sludge in composted products, as they were still viewable at the end of the process. TEM characterization of the final product highlighted two main fractions of organic matter, one easily available and a more recalcitrant one, and also a remaining microbial activity. Thus microstructure characterization appeared to be an appropriate way of taking the heterogeneity of the organic constituents' size and composition into account when attempting to specify such compost quality parameters as maturity and stability.  相似文献   

The effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM), water soluble organic matter derived from sewage sludge, on the sorption of atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-trazine) by soils were studied using a batch equilibrium technique. Six paddy soils, chosen so as to have different organic carbon contents, were experimented in this investigation. Atrazine sorption isotherms on soils were described by the linear equation, and the distribution coefficients without DOM (Kd) or with DOM (Kd*) were obtained. Generally, the values of Kd*/Kd initially increased and decreased thereafter with increasing DOM concentrations of 0-60 mg DOC ·L-1 in soil-solution system form. Critical concentrations of DOM (DOMnp) were obtained where the value of Kd* was equal to Kd. The presence of DOM with concentrations lower than DOMnp promoted atrazine sorption on soils (Kd* > Kd), whereas the presence of DOM with concentrations higher than DOMnp tended to inhibit atrazine sorption (Kd* < Kd). Interestingly, DOMnp for  相似文献   

The effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM), water soluble organic matter derived from sewage sludge, on the sorption of atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-trazine) by soils were studied using a batch equilibrium technique. Six paddy soils, chosen so as to have different organic carbon contents, were experimented in this investigation. Atrazine sorption isotherms on soils were described by the linear equation, and the distribution coefficients without DOM (Kd) or with DOM (Kd*) were obtained. Generally, the values of Kd*/Kd initially insoil-solution system form. Critical concentrations of DOM (DOMnp) were obtained where the value of Kd* was equal to Kd. The presence of DOM with concentrations lower than DOMnp promoted atrazine sorption on soils (Kd* > Kd), whereas the presence of DOM with concentrations higher than DOMnp tended to inhibit atrazine sorption (Kd* < Kd). Interestingly, DOMnp for tested soils was negatively correlated to the soil organic carbon content, and the maximum of Kd*/Kd (i.e.Kmax) correlated positively with the maximum of DOM sorption on soil (Xmax). Further investigations showed that the presence of hydrophobic fraction of DOM evidently promoted the atrazine sorption on soils, whereas the presence of hydrophilic DOM fraction obviously tended to inhibit the atrazine sorption. Interactions of soil surfaces with DOM and its fractions were suggested to be the major processes determining atrazine sorption on soils. The results of this work provide a reference to the agricultural use of organic amendment such as sewage sludge for improving the availability of atrazine in soils.  相似文献   

The effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM), water soluble organic matter derived from sewage sludge, on the sorption of atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-trazine) by soils were studied using a batch equilibrium technique. Six paddy soils, chosen so as to have different organic carbon contents, were experimented in this investigation. Atrazine sorption isotherms on soils were described by the linear equation, and the distribution coefficients without DOM (Kd) or with DOM (Kd *) were obtained. Generally, the values of Kd */Kd initially increased and decreased thereafter with increasing DOM concentrations of 0–60 mg DOC · L?1 in soil-solution system form. Critical concentrations of DOM (DOMnp) were obtained where the value of Kd * was equal to Kd. The presence of DOM with concentrations lower than DOMnp promoted atrazine sorption on soils (Kd * > Kd), whereas the presence of DOM with concentrations higher than DOMnp tended to inhibit atrazine sorption (Kd * < Kd). Interestingly, DOMnp for tested soils was negatively correlated to the soil organic carbon content, and the maximum of Kd */Kd (i.e.K max) correlated positively with the maximum of DOM sorption on soil (Xmax). Further investigations showed that the presence of hydrophobic fraction of DOM evidently promoted the atrazine sorption on soils, whereas the presence of hydrophilic DOM fraction obviously tended to inhibit the atrazine sorption. Interactions of soil surfaces with DOM and its fractions were suggested to be the major processes determining atrazine sorption on soils. The results of this work provide a reference to the agricultural use of organic amendment such as sewage sludge for improving the availability of atrazine in soils.  相似文献   

研究不同污泥堆肥施用量(0、0.8%、2%、6%和10%)对高羊茅、黑麦草和早熟禾3种草坪草生长及光合特征的影响.结果表明: 污泥堆肥施用量为6%时效果最好.随污泥堆肥施用量的增加,高羊茅、黑麦草和早熟禾的株高、单叶面积和单株生物量均显著增加,根冠比显著降低,其中,株高增幅分别为64.9%~180.8%、97.3%~200.9%和39.1%~156.5%,单叶面积增幅分别为91.3%~417.4%、186.4%~394.9%和164.6%~508.3%,单株生物量增幅分别为333.4%~867.6%、138.4%~445.1%和316.3%~669.2%.随污泥堆肥施用量的增加,高羊茅净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(WUE)呈先增加后降低的趋势;早熟禾Pn、Tr和WUE逐渐增加,Ci呈先增加后降低的趋势;黑麦草Pn和WUE逐渐增加,但其Ci和Tr呈先增加后降低的趋势.污泥堆肥施用使3种草叶绿素a、b和(a+b)含量增加,施用量>6%后叶绿素a、b和(a+b)含量下降,但叶绿素a/b变化不明显.

In this study, biodegradation of natural organic matter (NOM) in a biological aerated filter (BAF) as pretreatment of UF treating river water was investigated. Photometric measurement, three-dimensional excitation–emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy and liquid chromatography with online organic carbon detector (LC-OCD) were used to investigate the fate of NOM fractions in the BAF + UF process. Results showed that the BAF process could effectively remove particles and parts of dissolved organic matter, which led to a lower NOM loading in the UF system, but different NOM fractions showed different biodegradation potentials. Further biodegradation batch experiments confirmed this observation and identified that polysaccharides and proteins (quantified using photometric methods) contained a large proportion of readily biodegradable matter while humic substances were mainly composed of inert organic substances. According to EEM measurements, it is evident that protein-like substances were more readily eliminated by microorganisms than humic-like substances. LC-OCD data also supported the phenomena that the polysaccharides and large-size proteins were more degradable than humic substances.  相似文献   

《Bioresource technology》2000,71(3):253-259
Organic fertilizer produced by composting 62% town wastes, 21% sewage sludge and 17% sawdust by volume, was applied at the rates of 0 (control), 75, 150 and 300 m3 ha−1 to loamy and clay soils, in order to investigate its potential for soil improvement. The experiments were conducted in areas characterised by a semi-arid climate. The chemical properties of the soils were affected directly by the amendment compost. The physical properties of the amended soils were improved in all cases as far as the saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, water retention capacity, bulk density, total porosity, pore size distribution, soil resistance to penetration, aggregation and aggregate stability, were concerned. In most of the cases the improvements were proportional to the application rates of the compost and they were greater in the loamy soil than in the clay soil.  相似文献   

Degradation kinetics of particulate matter in anaerobic digestion of secondary sludge, untreated and sonicated, was investigated by carrying out batch tests at different feed/inoculum ratio (F/I) (in the range of 0.1-4.0). Particulate COD degradation data were analysed using the four equations most widely utilized to model the hydrolysis process and the related kinetic parameters were evaluated. The increase of F/I results in a correspondent increase of the process rate up to one order of magnitude in the investigated interval for both untreated and sonicated sludge. The maximum step increase is observed in the range of 0.1-2.0 while for F/I varying from 2.0 to 4.0 only a modest enhancement of the process kinetics is detected. The effect of sonication on kinetics is not appreciable at low F/I, due to the low fraction of fed sludge and to the consequent strong substrate limitation, whereas at high F/I a slight increase is evidenced.  相似文献   

The presented studies were carried out to get more information about physiological properties of methylotrophic bacteria selected from sewage sludges derived from mechanical and biological sewage treatment plants. All the isolated bacterial strains belonged to facultative methylotrophs. The majority of them utilized glucose, starch and lipids. Moreover, most of them were also found to possess proteolytic properties and were able to hydrolyze urea but they were incapable of asparagine ammonification.  相似文献   

The STG method presented here is a simple approach facilitating the characterization of biogenic organic materials. Pre-dried (130°C and grounded (< 0.5 mm) samples were heated in a muffle furnace at 280 °C for 6 h and subsequently at 520 °C for 6 h. The weight loss in the temperature range, 130–280°C (PI) and 280–520 °C (PII), provided an index (Rp) defined as, Rp = PII/(PI + PII). Plant materials rich in structural carbohydrates generally showed a Rp index around 0.3, whereas Rp for animal tissues rich in proteins usually were around 0.6. A general relationship between Rp and C:N for living biogenic organic matter, ranging from leaves of terrestrial origin to marine invertebrate tissue, was described by the equation: Rp = 0.791 x (C:N)-0.246 (n = 13, r2 = 0.946). During biological decomposition of composting barley straw, Rp increased from 0.17 to 0.37 and C:N decreased from 87 to 16. A similar Rp-C:N pattern was observed with depth in the upper 2 cm of an organic poor marine lagoon sediment (Rp increased from 0.43 to 0.47; C:N decreased from 8.4 to 7.7); indicating that microbial protein synthesis may have occurred with depth in this layer. The observed increase in both Rp and C:N with depth from 2 to 8 cm (Rp increased from 0.47 to 0.52; C:N increased from 7.7 to 10.3) suggested that humification may predominate in this zone. Accordingly, humic acids are found to have a Rp as high as 0.64. The Rp-C:N relationship appears to be a powerful two-dimensional tool applicable to characterize the bulk composition of various biogenic organic materials at different stages of decomposition.  相似文献   

Microbial fuel cell (MFC) could be an efficient sludge treatment unit in regard of rates and extents of total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) removal, particularly when ultrasound was applied to pretreat the sludge. This study characterized the organic matter in sludge before and after MFC treatment, with or without ultrasound as a pretreatment stage. The 5-d MFC tests with electric load significantly enhanced TCOD removal rate from 11.3% to 19.2% for raw sludge and from 25% to 57% for sludge pretreated with >0.6 W ml?1 ultrasound, using conventional anaerobic digestion test (without electric load) as control. The aromatic proteins, soluble microbial byproduct-like fluorescent compounds and carboxylic components, aliphatic components (C–H related), hydrocarbon and carbohydrate materials were identified to be principally released by ultrasound pretreatment and the fuels in the present MFC study.  相似文献   

Cai QY  Mo CH  Wu QT  Zeng QY 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(6):1830-1836
We studied the accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and phthalic acid esters (PAEs) in a latosolic red soil and radish (Raphanus sativus) with application of sewage sludge at rates of 10, 20 and 40 g kg(-1) soil or compost at rate of 10 g kg(-1) soil. In radish the concentrations of individual PAHs and PAEs varied from non-detectable to 803 microg kg(-1) dry weight (d.w.) and from non-detectable to 2048 microg kg(-1) d.w., respectively. Compared to the control, higher application rates of sewage sludge resulted in pronounced increases in shoot, root and soil concentrations of PAHs and PAEs. PAE concentrations in radish grown in soil spiked with sludge compost were higher while the PAH concentrations were comparable to those receiving 10 g kg(-1) of sewage sludge. However, the root biomass of radish in soil amended with compost was significantly higher and the shoot-to-root ratio was significantly lower than in the other treatments. The bioconcentration factors (BCFs, the ratio of contaminant concentration in plant tissue to the soil concentration) of di-n-butyl phthalate and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in both shoots and roots and of total PAH concentrations in roots were less than 1.0, but some BCFs for individual PAHs were high with a maximum value of 80.  相似文献   

Based on the chemical features of natural organic matter (NOM) with its variety of functional groups, we hypothesized that NOM will modify the multixenobiotic-resistance (MXR) of an organism as xenobiotic chemicals do. The MXR system is a general first rather non-specific line of defense against environmental contaminants. The aim of this study was to compare the impacts on MXR activity in amphipod species (Eulimnogammarus cyaneus and E. verrucosus, from Lake Baikal) stressed by cadmium chloride or dissolved NOM for 24 h. NOM exposure concentrations were environmentally realistic. MXR activity was assessed based on rhodamine B efflux; its specificity was proven by a verapamil inhibition assay. It was shown that both NOM and CdCl2 lead to substantial reduction of the rhodamine B efflux. This suggests that NOM may be regarded as a chemosensor which is able to reduce the efficiency of the MXR system. Possible mechanisms of direct NOM impact on MXR processes are discussed, such as peroxidation of the membranes (including P-glycoproteins) or internal blockage of the MXR pump by bioconcentrated NOM. In general, our results show that well-developed depuration pathways of freshwater organisms in contaminated environments may be impaired by strong chemical stressors and, more important, by natural biogeochemical matrices such as humic substances — humic substances are present in all freshwater systems.  相似文献   

Bacterial isolates from sludge samples collected at a local municipal sewage treatment plant were screened for bacteria producing polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Initially Sudan black B staining was performed to detect lipid cellular inclusions. Lipid-positive isolates were then grown in a nitrogen limitation E2 medium containing 2% (w/v) glucose to promote accumulation of PHA before the subsequent staining with Nile blue A. The positive isolates were quantified initially with a u.v. spectrophotometer, for a very large number of isolates (105) and among them high PHA-producing isolates (15) were selected and were confirmed by gas chromatographic analysis. The GC analysis showed the polymers produced by 13 of the selected isolates to be polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), and the remaining two isolates produced polyhydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate (PHB-co-HV) copolymer. The proportion of the PHA-positive bacterial isolates showed variability in the number of PHA accumulators during various months. The correlation of PHB production with the cell dry weight (CDW) was found to be statistically significant. The metabolism of PHB in these selected 15 isolates was studied using the Nile blue A staining, which showed an initial increase in the fluorescence followed by a decline, on further incubation. All the selected 15 isolates were classified to genus level by studying their morphological and biochemical characteristics. There were seven Bacillus species, three Pseudomonas species, two Alcaligenes species, two Aeromonas species, and one Chromobacterium species.  相似文献   

Composting is the biochemical transformation of waste organic matter by microorganisms whose metabolism occurs in the water-soluble phase. Therefore, a study of the changes occurring in compost dissolved organic matter can be useful for assessing its stability and maturity. In light of the variety of parameters generally utilized to study composting processes, this work aims at identifying the major chemical processes that occur in solution and their influence on the attainment of stability and maturity with composting time. Compost stability, assessed by means of respirometric analysis which determined oxygen demand as a result of mineralization of the compost's organic matter, and compost maturity evaluated with Lepidium sativum L. seed bioassays, were found to be highly related to the nature and content of water-soluble organic matter. Moreover, fractionation of the water-extractable organic carbon showed that the ratio of hydrophobic to hydrophilic carbon increased to values greater than unity for stabilized compost. These results together with the analysis for non-cellulosic polysaccharides, phenolic compounds and organic nitrogen within the water extracts, confirmed the influence of solubilization, mineralization and organic matter transformation on the quality of the final compost.  相似文献   

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