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Recent estimates of the global species numbers of fungi suggest that the much-used figure of 1.5 million is low, and figures up to 5.1 million have been proposed in the last few years. Data emerging from tropical studies, and from large-scale sequencing of environmental samples, have the potential to contribute towards a more robust figure. Additional evidence of species richness is coming from long-term studies of particular non-tropical sites, and also from molecular phylogenetic studies revealing extensive cryptic speciation. However, uncertainties remain over fungus:plant species ratios and how they should be extrapolated to the global scale, and also as to the geographical distribution of fungi known only as sequences. Also unclear is the extent to which figures should be modified to allow for insect-associated fungi. The need for comprehensive studies, especially in the tropics, to address the uncertainties used in past extrapolations, is stressed. For the present, it is recommended that the phrase “at least 1.5, but probably as many as 3 million” be adopted for general use until some of the current uncertainties are resolved.  相似文献   

An adverse consequence of applying morphology‐based taxonomic systems to catalog cyanobacteria, which generally are limited in the number of available morphological characters, is a fundamental underestimation of natural biodiversity. In this study, we further dissect the polyphyletic cyanobacterial genus Lyngbya and delineate the new genus Okeania gen. nov. Okeania is a tropical and subtropical, globally distributed marine group abundant in the shallow‐water benthos. Members of Okeania are of considerable ecological and biomedical importance because specimens within this group biosynthesize biologically active secondary metabolites and are known to form blooms in coastal benthic environments. Herein, we describe five species of the genus Okeania: Ohirsuta (type species of the genus), Oplumata, Olorea, Oerythroflocculosa, and O. comitata, under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. All five Okeania species were morphologically, phylogenetically, and chemically distinct. This investigation provides a classification system that is able to identify Okeania spp. and predict their production of bioactive secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of a tetrigid genus Teredorus Hancock is reviewed. Two new species, Teredorus parvipulvillus sp. n. and Teredorus hunanensis sp. n. are described from China and an updated identification key to all known species of the genus is given, as well as brief comments on phylogenetic relationships, biology and ecology.  相似文献   

Zhuang WY  Luo J  Zhao P 《Mycologia》2011,103(2):400-406
Studies on the genus Acervus from China are reviewed briefly. Six of the seven known species of the genus are currently recorded in this country. Acervus beijingense and A. changchunense are described as new based on morphological features and molecular data, and A. flavidus with minor emendation is added to the Chinese fungus flora. Phylogenetic relationships among four of the seven species of the genus are investigated based on the 28S rDNA sequence analysis. Species of the genus formed a single clade with high bootstrap support. The sequences of A. epispartius forma epispartius and that of A. flavidus obtained from materials in different geographical regions together formed a group with 100% bootstrap support. Ascospore size and shape are important criteria in the taxonomy of the genus and are phylogenetically informative. A dichotomous key to all described species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Larkum AW  Salih A  Kühl M 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e20841


The calcifying siphonalean green alga, Halimeda macroloba is abundant on coral reefs and is important in the production of calcium carbonate sediments. The process by which new green segments are formed over-night is revealed here for the first time.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Growth of new segments was visualised by epifluorescence and confocal microscopy and by pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorimetry. Apical colourless proto-segments were initiated on day 1, and formed a loose network of non-calcified, non-septate filaments, containing no chloroplasts. Rapid greening was initiated at dusk by i) the mass movement of chloroplasts into these filaments from the parent segment and ii) the growth of new filaments containing chloroplasts. Greening was usually complete in 3–5 h and certainly before dawn on day 2 when the first signs of calcification were apparent. Mass chloroplast movement took place at a rate of ∼0.65 µm/s. Photosynthetic yield and rate remained low for a period of 1 to several hours, indicating that the chloroplasts were made de novo. Use of the inhibitors colchicine and cytochalasin d indicated that the movement process is dependent on both microtubules and microfilaments.


This unusual process involves the mass movement of chloroplasts at a high rate into new segments during the night and rapid calcification on the following day and may be an adaptation to minimise the impact of herbivorous activity.  相似文献   

Tropical forest management often focuses on a few high‐value timber species because they are thought to be the most vulnerable in logged forests. However, other tree species may be vulnerable to secondary effects of logging, like loss of vertebrate dispersers. We examined vulnerability of tree species to loss of vertebrate dispersers in Mabira, a heavily disturbed tropical rainforest in Uganda. Fruit characteristics and shade tolerance regimes of 269 tree species were compiled. Stem densities of tree species producing fruits of various sizes and having different shade tolerance regimes were computed for Mabira and compared with densities of conspecifics in Budongo, a less disturbed forest with similar floral composition. Seventy per cent of tree species in Mabira are animal‐dispersed, of which 10% are large‐fruited light demanders. These species are the most vulnerable because they rarely recruit beneath adult conspecifics and are exclusively dispersed by large vertebrates, also vulnerable in heavily disturbed forests. Comparison of densities between Mabira and Budongo showed that large‐fruited light demanders had a lower density in Mabira. Other categories of tree species had similar densities in both forests. It is plausible that the low density of large‐fruited light demanders is due to limited recruitment caused by dispersal limitations.  相似文献   

Over a dozen species of the genus Halimeda have been chemically investigated and found to produce the diterpenoid metabolites halimedatrial (1) and halimedatetraacetate (2) in varying concentrations. These meabolites have been proposed to play a role in chemical defense against herbivores based on their chemical structures and their demonstrated biological activities in laboratory and aquarium assays. We examined and compared the feeding deterrent effects of these two compounds tovard herbivorous fishes in field experiments on Guam reefs. Halimedatrial is a more effective feeding deterrent than halimedatetraacetate. It is the major secondary metabolite in young Halimeda macroloba and in the newly produced segments of growing plants. The organic extracts from young plants and new segments were significantly more deterrent than extracts from mature plant tissue. Some populations of Halimeda growing in reef-slope habitats, where herbivory is intense, also have high concentrations of halimedatrial. We compared extracts between reef slope and reef flat collections of Halimeda opuntia on Guam and Pohnpei (= Ponape), and H. discoidea and H. macroloba on Guam. We found that halimedtrial was the major metabolite in reef-slope collections of H. opuntia from Pohnpei and Pago Bay, Guam, and that halimedatetraacetate was the major metabolite a non-reef slope populations. In the cases examined, chemical defenses were greatest in (1) plant parts and (2) populations that were at greatest risk to herbivores.  相似文献   

The calcified green algal genus Halimeda is one of the most ecologically important but morphologically diverse seaweeds in sub-tropical and tropical waters. Because of its high morphological plasticity, the identification of Halimeda species based on morphological characters is challenging without the assistance of molecular analysis. To date, the species diversity of Halimeda in Taiwan and its overseas territories has not been investigated with the assistance of DNA sequencing, and this taxonomic knowledge gap should be filled. The present study initiates a systematic examination of the species diversity and distribution of Halimeda in Taiwan, Spratly Island, and Dongsha Atoll in the South China Sea, using DNA sequence data (plastid tufA gene and rbcL) and morphological data. Our DNA analyses revealed the presence of 10 Halimeda species (Halimeda borneensis, Halimeda cylindracea, Halimeda discoidea, Halimeda distorta, Halimeda macroloba, Halimeda minima, Halimeda opuntia, Halimeda renschii, Halimeda taiwanensis sp. nov., and Halimeda velasquezii) in the waters around Taiwan, Spratly Island, and Dongsha Atoll. The majority of the species could be readily distinguished by their morphological and anatomical characters. The proposed new species, H. taiwanensis, was differentiated not only by our algorithmic species delimitation analyses (statistical parsimony network analysis and automated barcode gap discovery), but also by its morphological features. The proposed new species differs from two externally resembled species, H. cuneata and H. discoidea, in having an undulated segment margin, the complete fusion of medullary siphons at the node, the lack of segment stalk, and the presence of a large primary utricle. Here, we present the up-to-date taxonomic account, molecular diversity, and geographical distribution of Halimeda spp. in Taiwan and associated areas of the South China Sea. Environmental factors that might drive the occurrence and latitudinal distribution of the species are also discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Libnotes Westwood, 1876, L.(Libnotes) wanensis sp. nov. and L.(L.) pseudonohirai sp. nov. from Southern China(Anhui) are described and illustrated here. A key to all of Chinese species in the subgenus Libnotes(Libnotes) is provided. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the animal specimen room, School of Life Sciences, Anqing Normal University, Anhui Province, China.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Sporobolomyces and one of the genus Rhodotorula are described. Sporobolomyces elongatus and Rhodotorula armeniaca spp. nov. were isolated from the surfaces of leaves of Callistemon viminalis (Soland ex Gaertn.) G. Don ex Loud. and Sporobolomyces foliicola from the leaves of Banksia collina R. Br. growing at Armidale.  相似文献   

A new genus of Picramniaceae from tropical America, Nothotalisia, is described. Of the three species in the genus, N. piranii and N. cancellata, are new to science. The third, N. peruviana, was originally described as Talisia peruviana in the Sapindaceae. The genus and all three species are described, illustrated, and distinguished by means of a key.  相似文献   

A new genus of Convolvulaceae is described to accommodate two species previously included withinJacquemontia. A discussion is given of generic limits in the family, and a taxonomic treatment of the new genusOdonellia is presented.  相似文献   

Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Lasiobelba (Oribatida, Oppiidae), Lasiobelba (Lasiobelba) daamsae sp. n. and Lasiobelba (Antennoppia) nepalica sp. n., are described from eastern Nepal. Lasiobelba (L.) daamsae sp. n. is most similar to L. (L.) remota Aoki, 1959 and L. (L.) gibbosa (Mahunka, 1985), however, it differs from both by the anterior part of pedotecta I specifically curved, rostrum pointed and exobothridial setae not shorter than bothridial setae. Lasiobelba (Antennoppia) nepalica sp. n. is most similar to L. (A.) granulata (Mahunka, 1986), however, it differs from the latter by the larger body size, exobothridial setae longer than rostral setae and bothridial setae not longer than interlamellar setae. An identification key to known species of Lasiobelba is given.  相似文献   

木霉属2中国新记录种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]明确我国南部地区土壤中分离得到的2株木霉菌的分类地位.[方法]采用PDAm培养基分离木霉菌菌株,通过形态学鉴定和内转录间隔区(ITS)序列、翻译延长因子1-alpha (Tef1-α)部分序列相似性分析对菌株进行初步鉴定;选取MEGA 4.0软件用Bootstrap最大简约法、水平3、重复1 000次来构建ITS、Tef1-α序列系统进化树并分析其亲缘关系.[结果]菌株CM01的ITS序列与GenBank基因库中Trichoderma intricatum strain GJS 02-78 ITS序列同源性高达99%,在ITS序列系统进化树中与模式菌株T.intricatum GJS 02-78、Trichoderma atroviride DAOM 179514亲缘关系最近;其Tef1-α序列与GenBank基因库中Hypocrea intricate strain GJS 02-78 Tef1-α序列同源性高达99%,在Tef1-α序列系统进化树中与模式菌株H.intricata GJS 02-78亲缘关系最近;其形态描述和模式菌株一致.菌株SCGA5003的ITS序列与GenBank基因库中Trichoderma stromaticum strain GJS 97-181 ITS序列同源性高达99%,在ITS序列系统进化树中与模式菌株T.stromaticum GJS 97-179、GJS 97-180、GJS 97-181、GJS 97-182、GJS 97-183亲缘关系最近;其Tef1-α序列与GenBank基因库中T.stromatieum strain GJS 97-183 Tef1-α序列同源性高达94%,在Tef1-α序列系统进化树中与模式菌株T.stromaticum CQSQ1032、GXNN7006亲缘关系最近;其形态描述和模式菌株一致.[结论]结合形态学特征与分子鉴定结果,判定菌株CM01为交织木霉(Trichoderma intricatum Samuels&Dodd/Hypocrea intricata Samuels et Dodd)、SCGA5003 为子座木霉(Trichoderma stromaticum Samuels & Pardo-Schulth/Hypocrea stromatica Bezerra,Costa & Bastos),即发现木霉属2个中国新记录种.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of metabolites, including lipids and lipid-like compounds, nitrogen metabolites, oligopeptides and amino acid derivatives, produced by cyanobacteria of the genera Anabaenopsis, Aphanizomenon, Aulosira, Cylindrospermopsis, Cylindrospermum, Nodularia, and Richelia of the family Nostocaceae.  相似文献   

The results of a study of nutrient enrichment with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on productivity and calcification of fleshy and calcareous algae are reported in this study. Plants were collected from a nearshore eutrophic site in the Florida Keys (USA) and experimentally pulsed during the night with combinations of N and P. After several days of pulsing (7–10 days), net productivity, calcification, and alkaline phosphatase activity (APA), were measured. Productivity of fleshy algae were frequently enhanced by N, P, and N+P, during both summer and winter. Phosphorus limited the productivity of Hydroclathrus clathratus during winter and Ulva spp. during summer, whereas nitrogen limited the productivity of Laurencia intricata during both seasons. During summer, Dictyota cervicornis productivity was not enhanced by any nutrient enrichment. Nitrogen limited the productivity of the three calcareous species Penicillus capitatus, Penicillus dumetosus and Halimeda opuntia during winter and that of H. opuntia during summer. Neither N nor P enrichment increased calcification of calcareous species, and P enrichment greatly inhibited calcification of P. dumetosus during winter. Nutrient enrichment enhanced the productivity of the fleshy species to a greater extent than that of calcareous algae. The seawater DIN:SRP molar ratio was low at our eutrophic study site (molar ratio average of 3:1 during winter and 9:1 during summer) compared to more oligotrophic sites in the Florida Keys, suggesting that in carbonate-rich environments, eutrophication shifts nutrient regulation of productivity from P to N. APA activities of fleshy macroalage were higher than calcareous algae, and rates of all macro algae were 2- to 7-fold higher in summer compared to winter. Productivity was also about 3-fold higher in fleshy compared to calcareous species and about 2-fold higher in summer compared to winter. These results suggest that nutrient enrichment enhances productivity of fleshy algae to a greater extent than that of calcareous algae. Thus, overgrowth of calcareous algae by more opportunistic fleshy forms could reduce carbonate accretion in tropical coastlines experiencing increased eutrophication.  相似文献   

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