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Magnetic resonance imaging and otherNMR methods have a potential for thenon-destructive observation of environmentallyrelevant processes with both spatial andtemporal resolution. Among other applications,such methods can be used to study transport andimmobilization of paramagnetic heavy metal ionsin biosorbents and other matrices. Thisoverview covers various NMR approaches to studysuch processes and illustrates them withexamples of imaging on alginate-basedbiosorbents and on heavy-metal doped gypsumpastes. Experimental challenges in studies ofother matrices are shortly addressed as well.  相似文献   

Biosorption can be used as a cost effective and efficient technique for the removal of toxic heavy metals from wastewater. Waste materials from industries such as food processing and agriculture may act as biosorbents. This study investigates the removal of cadmium by fruit wastes (derived from several citrus fruits, apples and grapes). Citrus peels were identified as the most promising biosorbent due to high metal uptake in conjunction with physical stability. Uptake was rapid with equilibrium reached after 30-80 min depending on the particle size (0.18-0.9 mm). Sorption kinetics followed a second-order model. Sorption equilibrium isotherms could be described by the Langmuir model in some cases, whereas in others an S-shaped isotherm was observed, that did not follow the Langmuir isotherm model. The metal uptake increased with pH, with uptake capacities ranging between 0.5 and 0.9 meq/g of dry peel. Due to their low cost, good uptake capacity, and rapid kinetics, citrus peels are a promising biosorbent material warranting further study.  相似文献   

Summary Whole cells of Arthrobacter simplex were immobilized in a living state in calcium alginate gel. The bacteria showed steroid-1-dehydrogenase activity and the production of prednisolone from cortisol was investigated. The 1-dehydrogenase activity of the immobilized cells could be increased about ten-fold by incubation in nutrient media (e.g., containing 0.5% peptone abd 0.2% glucose). The reason for this activation was examined and it was found that the immobilized cells were capable of multiplying when supplied with nutrients. Furthermore, provided that an inducer, cortisol, was present, the steroid-1-dehydrogenase activity increased in proportion to the increase in the number of cells and it was thus concluded that microbial growth was the cause of activation.Experiments on repeated, batch-wise pseudocrystallofermentation with immobilized A. simplex cells also showed that immobilized cells could be advantageously used for pseudocrystallofermentation of steroids.  相似文献   

Summary Three algae,Melosira granulata, Fragilaria capucina, andAnacystis cyanea, collected as part of a natural phytoplankton assemblage were found to differ in their cytological responses to low dose short-term exposure to copper and lead. In general, all were more sensitive to copper than to lead.Fragilaria was more sensitive to both metals than the other species examined. Most immediate changes in relative volume categories can be ascribed to changes in vacuole volume that are most likely the result of changes in membrane permeability. There was some degree of accommodation in all three species at 24 hours. These results are discussed in view of the natural environment of the algae, as well as in relationship to previous studies.  相似文献   

The rate of celluose degradation, limited due to the inhibition by cellobiose, can be increased by the hydrolysis of cellobiose to glucose using immobilized beta-glucosidase. Production of beta-glucosidase in four yeasts was studied and a maximum activity of 1.22 IU/mg cells was obtained in cells of Pichia etchellsii when grown on 3% cellobiose as the sole carbon source. A study of the immobilization of beta-glucosidase containing cells of Pichia etchellsii on various solid supports was conducted and immobilization by entrapment in calcium alginate gel beads was found to be the most simple and efficient method. A retention of 96.5% of initial activity after ten sequential batch uses of the immobilized preparation was observed. The pH and temperature optima for free and immobilized cells were the same, i.e., 6.5 (0.05M Maleate buffer) and 50 degrees C, respectively. Even though the temperature optimum was found to be 50 degrees C, the enzyme exhibits a better thermal stability at 45 degrees C. Beads stored at 4 degrees C for six months retain 80% of their activity. Kinetic studies performed on free and immobilized cells shown that glucose is a noncompetitive product inhibitor.The immobilized preparation was found to be limited by pore diffusion but exhibited no film-diffusion resistance during packed bed column indicated by a low dispersion number of 0.1348. A model for reaction with pore diffusion for a noncompetitive type of inhibited system was developed and applied to the cellobiose hydrolysis system. The rate of reaction with diffusional limitations was determined by using the model and effectiveness factors were calculated for different particle sizes. An effectiveness factor of 0.49 was obtained for a particle diameter of 2.5 mm. The modified rate expression using the effectiveness factor represented batch and packed bed reactor operation satisfactorily. The productivity in the packed bed column was found to fall rapidly with increase in conversion rate indicating that the operating conditions of the column would have to be a compromise between high conversion rates and reasonable productivity. A half-life of over seven days was obtained at the operating temperature of 45 degrees C in continuous operation of the packed bed reactor. However, the half-life in the column was found to be greatly affected by temperature, increasing to over seventeen days at a temperature of 40 degrees C and decreasing to less than two days at 50 degrees C.  相似文献   

The immobilization of Pseudomonas delafieldii R-8 in calcium alginate beads has been studied in order to improve biodesulfurization activity in oil/water (O/W) biphasic systems. A gas jet extrusion technique was performed to produce immobilized beads. The specific desulfurization rate of 1.5 mm diameter beads was 1.4-fold higher than that of 4.0 mm. Some nonionic surfactants can significantly increase the activity of immobilized cells. The desulfurization rate with the addition of 0.5% Span 80 increased 1.8-fold compared with that of the untreated beads. The rate of biodesulfurization was markedly enhanced by decreasing the size of alginate beads and adding the surfactant Span 80, most likely resulting from the increasing mass transfer of substrate to gel matrix.  相似文献   

Conclusions Immobilized vegetative cells ofC. acetobutylicum has a similar product formation pattern when incubated in a simple glucose-salts solution as ordinary growing cells. If vegetative cells of the organism are immobilized in the solvent production phase, solvents are continuously produced on extended incubation.By immobi1izing spores of the organism the disturbance of the cells metabolic activity during the immobilization procedure was avoided. After the outgrowth of viable cells within the gel, the washed gel preparation retained at a high production capacity in the non-growth stage and the results indicate that continuous production might be fully possible. The butanol productivity was also found to be higher with immobilized cells than in a normal batch process.  相似文献   

Bacteriocinogenic strains, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis DPC 3147 and L. lactis DPC 496, producing lacticin 3147 and nisin, respectively, were immobilized in double-layered calcium alginate beads. These beads were inoculated into MRS broth at a ratio of 1:4 and continuously fermented for 180 h. Free cells were used to compare the effect of immobilization on bacteriocin production. After equilibrium was reached, a flow rate of 580 ml h(-1) was used in the immobilized cell (IC), and 240 ml h(-1) in free-cell (FC) bioreactors. Outgrowth from beads was observed after 18 h. Bacteriocin production peaked at 5120 AU ml(-1) in both IC and FC bioreactors. However, FC production declined after 80 h to 160 AU ml(-1) at the end of the fermentation. Results of this study indicate that immobilization offers the possibility of a more stable and long-term means of producing lacticin 3147 in laboratory media than with free cells.  相似文献   

Streptomyces rimosus Pfizer 18234–2 cells were immobilized in calcium alginate and used for the production of oxytetracycline. The influence of the incubation period, alginate concentration and storage in CaCl2 were investigated. From the results of the repeated batch fermentations of the shake flasks, a good level of antibiotic was maintained for a period of about 28 days using 4% calcium alginate. The cell leakage and cell concentration inside the beads were affected by the alginate concentration and storage in CaCl2 solution.  相似文献   

Yeast protoplasts may regenerate the cell wall and revert to cells if immobilized in a 2%–5% Ca-alginate gel and cultured in an osmotically stabilized medium. The method of protoplast immobilization and subsequent isolation from the gel is described in detail. The reversion yield is dependent of the actual gel concentration, gel shape (beads vs. sheets) and of a medium molarity, and it may be up to 90%. The morphology of the cell wall regeneration and morphology of reversion to the cell forms correspond to protoplast development in gelatin or agar gels.  相似文献   

Nitrile degradation by Candida guilliermondii CCT 7207 using free and immobilized cell systems was compared. Different specific growth rates were observed for immobilized (mumax=0.021 h(-1)) and the free cells (mumax=0.029 h(-1)). The maximum specific rate of acetic acid formation was 0.387 h(-1) and 0.266 h(-1) for free and immobilized cells, respectively. Cell adhesion to the support materials was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. When immobilized, the yeast was able to use high nitrile and amide concentrations (aliphatic and aromatic) as nitrogen sources. The results suggest that C. guilliermondii CCT 7207 presents a physiological pattern potentially useful for the bioremediation of polluted environments or for the bioproduction of amides and organic acid of high commercial value.  相似文献   

Summary Gluconobacter oxydans subspecies suboxydans (ATCC 621 H), when growing at high glucose concentrations, oxidizes this substrate incompletely and gluconic acid accumulates in the medium in almost stoichiometric amounts. Such cells were harvested and entrapped in various alginate gels. The preparation with the highest retention of glucose oxidizing activity was used in further studies with the aim of developing an efficient process for continuous gluconic acid production.The retention of activity increases (up to 95%) as the alginate concentration in the gel decreases or the cell/alginate weight ratio is enhanced. In the latter case, however, transport of oxygen to and inside the biocatalyst beads rapidly becomes rate-limiting and thus lowers the efficiency of the biocatalyst. Similarly, the efficiency decreases as the size of the biocatalyst beads increases. In no case rate-limitation by transport of glucose was found. Thus, biocatalyst activity per unit volume of support, diameter of the biocatalyst beads, and aeration efficiency are important parameters for reactor design.  相似文献   

超富集植物吸收富集重金属的生理和分子生物学机制   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
与普通植物相比,超富集植物在地上部富集大量重金属离子的情况下可以正常生长,其富集重金属的机理已经成为当前植物逆境生理研究的热点领域.尤其是近两年,随着分子生物学等现代技术手段的引人,关于重金属离子富集机理的研究取得了一定进展.通过与酵母突变株功能互补克隆到了多条编码微量元素转运蛋白的全长cDNA;也从分子水平上研究了谷胱甘肽、植物螯合素、金属硫蛋白、有机酸或氨基酸等含巯基物质与重金属富集之间的可能关系.本文从植物生理和分子生物学角度简要评述超富集植物对重金属元素的吸收、富集、整合及区室化的机制.  相似文献   

Kluyveromyces bulgaricus cells were immobilized in matrices resisting to complexing anions. Yeast entrapped in alginate stabilized by polyethylenimine and glutaraldehyde were unable to hydrolyse whey owing to the inactivation of β-galactosidase by the stabilizing agents. Chitosan was resistant to whey medium but decreased the yeast hydrolyzing capacity by 15% with respect to alginate. The hydrolysis rate was found to be unchanged for 37 days at 21–25°C.  相似文献   

Heavy metal (HM) tolerance, effects on maize growth, heavy metal absorption and accumulation by endophytic Peyronellaea from HM-contaminated and uncontaminated sites were studied to evaluate the hypothesis that endophytes from HM-contaminated sites would enhance HM-tolerance in hosts. Although we found that certain endophytes improved tolerance of plants to heavy metals, isolates from the HM-contaminated site were not more tolerant to heavy metals than those from the uncontaminated site. Pot experiments indicated that growth and heavy metal absorption and accumulation by host plants in HM-polluted environments could be affected by inoculation with HM-tolerant endophytic fungi, and isolates showed a high intraspecific variability. However, there was no significant difference in growth between the maize inoculated with the endophytes from the HM-contaminated site and uncontaminated site under lead stress. Similarly, the HM content in the shoots and roots of maize inoculated with the isolates from the HM-contaminated site was not always higher than that in maize inoculated with endophytes from the uncontaminated site. Therefore, based on our experiments it is suggested that HM-tolerance due to endophytes and their effects on host plant growth and heavy metal absorption and accumulation were not correlated with origin of the endophytes.  相似文献   

Yoshida N  Kato T  Yoshida T  Ogawa K  Yamashita M  Murooka Y 《BioTechniques》2002,32(3):551-2, 554, 556 passim
We investigated the potential utility of a recombinant E. coli that expresses the human metallothionein II gene as a fusion protein with beta-galactosidase as a heavy metal biosorbent. E. coli cells expressing the metallothionein fusion demonstrated enhanced binding of Cd2+ compared to cells that lack the metallothionein. It was shown that the metallothionein fusion was capable of efficiently removing Cd2+ from solutions. Approximately 40% of the Cd2+ accumulated by the recombinant cells free in suspension was associated with the outer cell membrane, and 60% of that was present in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Mercury accumulation and volatilization in immobilized algal cell systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Rapid removal of mercury from growth medium and its uptake by free and alginate-entrappedChlorella has been observed. Immobilized cell systems accumulated more mercury than free cell systems. In addition, both volatilized significant quantities of mercury. Studies show, however, that mercury lost in this way may re-enter the aqueous phase and subsequently be accumulated by immobilized cells.  相似文献   

Nitrosomonas europaea cells have been immobilized in calcium alginate and the resulting preparation was used as a biocatalyst for the oxidation of NH+4 to NO?2. Characterization of this immobilized biocatalyst was done according to the guidelines recommended by the Working Party on Immobilized Biocatalysts of the European Federation of Biotechnology. The most important indications obtained from the results are: (a) at low concentrations of substrate, either ammonium ions or oxygen, diffusion limitation will play a role; (b) inhibition by nitrite ions accumulating in the support is not rapidly controlling the efficiency of the immobilized cells; (c) accumulation of hydrogen ions is a rate-limiting factor, especially in unbuffered solutions; (d) the activity of immobilized N. europaea can increase as a result of growth in the support under conditions which would cause washout of free cells. This last result shows the potential of immobilized N. europaea for nitrification of wastewater. The development of a system applying a cheaper and more stable support is, however, a prerequisite for this application.  相似文献   

Activated sludge has been fed with a medium containing ammonium ions as the sole nitrogen source. Biomass collected from this continuous culture was immobilized in calcium alginate. The influence of pH, temperature, and the size and cell load of the biocatalyst beads on the nitrifying activity was determined, as well as the storage and operational stability of the system. The results are compared with those obtained with Nitrosomonas europaea. It has been concluded that the mixed culture is more difficult to work with than the pure strain and that the reproducibility of the results is lower. The trends found, however, were largely similar, except for the operational stability which was poorer in the case of the immobilized mixed culture.  相似文献   

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