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 Linkages between high- and low-molecular-weight (Mr) glutenin, gliadin and triticin loci in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheats were studied by hybridization of restriction fragments with DNA clones and by SDS-PAGE. In tetraploid and hexaploid wheat, DNA fragments hybridizing with a low-Mr glutenin clone were mapped at the XGlu-3 locus in the distal region of the maps of chromosome arms 1AS, 1BS, and 1DS. A second locus, designated XGlu-B2, was detected in the middle of the map of chromosome arm 1BS completely linked to the XGli-B3 gliadin locus. The restriction fragments mapped at this locus were shown to co-segregate with B subunits of low-Mr glutenins in SDS-PAGE in tetraploid wheat, indicating that XGlu-B2 is an active low-Mr glutenin locus. A new locus hybridizing with the low-Mr clone was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 7Am in diploid wheat. No glutenin protein was found to co-segregate with this new locus. Triticin loci were mapped on chromosome arms 1AS, 1BS, and 1DS. A failure to detect triticin proteins co-segregating with DNA fragments mapped at XTri-B1 locus suggests that this locus is not active. No evidence was found for the existence of Gli-A4, and it is concluded that this locus is probably synonymous with Gli-A3. Recombination was observed within the multigene gliadin family mapped at XGli-A11 (1.2 cM).1 Although these closely linked loci may correspond to the previously named Gli-A1 and Gli-A5 loci, they were temporarily designated XGli-A1.1 and XGli-A1.2 until orthology with Gli-A1 and Gli-A5 is established. Received: 25 March 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

The genetic control of grain esterases in hexaploid wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Analysis of grain esterase isozymes in Chinese Spring aneuploid genotypes by IEF confirmed that genes on the long arms of chromosomes 3A, 3B and 3D (Est-5) control the production of 19 isozymes. Allelic variants have been found for the isozyme pattern controlled by each chromosome. Segregational data involving null alleles and complex phenotypic differences indicate that the wheat grain esterases are encoded by three compound and probably homoeoallelic loci, each capable of producing at least six different isozymes. In a sample of 138 hexaploid genotypes, seven alleles were distinguished.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis systems can synthesize proteins with high speed and accuracy, but produce only a low yield because of their instability over time. Here we review our recent advances in a cell-free protein synthesis system prepared from wheat embryos. We first addressed and resolved the source of the instability of existing systems in light of endogenous ribosome-inactivating proteins. We found that conventional wheat germ extracts contained the RNA N-glycosidase tritin and other inhibitors such as thionin, ribonucleases, deoxyribonucleases, and proteases that originate from the endosperm and inhibit translation. Extensive washing of wheat embryos to eliminate endosperm contaminants has resulted in extracts with a high degree of stability and activity. To maximize the translation yield and throughput of the system, we then focused on developing the following issues: optimization of the ORF flanking regions, a new strategy to construct PCR-generated DNAs for screening, and design of an expression vector for large-scale protein production. The resulting system achieves high-throughput expression, with a PCR-directed system at least 50 genes that can be translated in parallel, yielding between 0.1 and 2.3 mg of protein by one person within 2 days. Under the dialysis mode of reaction, the system with the expression vector can maintain productive translation for 14 days. The cell-free system described here bypasses most of the biological processes and lends itself to robotic automation for high-throughput expression of genetic information, thus opening up many possibilities in the post-genome era.  相似文献   

In hexaploid wheat, single-locus and two-locus quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses for grain protein content (GPC) were conducted using two different mapping populations (PI and PII). Main effect QTLs (M-QTLs), epistatic QTLs (E-QTLs) and QTL x environment interactions (QE, QQE) were detected using two-locus analyses in both the populations. Only a few QTLs were common in both the analyses, and the QTLs and the interactions detected in the two populations differed, suggesting the superiority of two-locus analysis and the need for using several mapping populations for QTL analysis. A sizable proportion of genetic variation for GPC was due to interactions (28.59% and 54.03%), rather than to M-QTL effects (7.24% and 7.22%), which are the only genetic effects often detected in the majority of QTL studies. Even E-QTLs made a marginal contribution to genetic variation (2.68% and 6.04%), thus suggesting that the major part of genetic variation is due to changes in gene networks rather than the presence or absence of specific genes. This is in sharp contrast to the genetic dissection of pre-harvest sprouting tolerance conducted by us earlier, where interaction effects were not substantial, suggesting that the nature of genetic variation also depends on the nature of the trait.  相似文献   

Summary Two F5 strains of tetraploid triticale (2n= 4x=28), obtained from 6x triticaleX2 rye progenies, were crossed with diploid and tetraploid rye, some durum and bread wheats, and various 8x and 6x triticale lines. Meiosis in the different hybrid combinations was studied. The results showed that the haploid complement of these triticales consists of seven chromosomes from rye and seven chromosomes from wheat. High frequencies of PMCs showing trivalents were observed in hybrids involving the reference genotypes of wheat and triticale. These findings proved that several chromosomes from the wheat component have chromosome segments coming from two parental wheat chromosomes. The origin of these heterogeneous chromosomes probably lies in homoeologous pairing occurring at meiosis in the 6x triticaleX2x rye hybrids from which 4x triticale lines were isolated. A comparison among different hybrids combinations indicated that the involvement of D-genome chromosomes in homoeologous pairing is quite limited. In contrast, meiotic patterns in 4x triticale X 2x rye hybrids showed a quite high pairing frequency between some R chromosomes and their A and B homoeologues.  相似文献   

P、Zn在小麦细胞内的积累、分布及交互作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
报道了小麦无性系细胞在含有3个P水平(0.5、1.5、3.5mmol·L-1)和2个Zn水平(0、60μmol·L-1)的M.S培养液中,细胞对P、Zn的积累、分布特性及交互作用的研究.P和Zn在细胞内的积累分别随外施P、Zn浓 度的提高而提高.与缺Zn比较,加Zn处理能抑制培养7d细胞中P的含量.营养液中0.5~1.5mmol·L-1 P能促进细胞的含Zn量,但高P处理即抑制细胞的含Zn量.小麦细胞壁固定了细胞83.9%~88.3%的P,而外施P浓度越高,则细胞壁中P分配的比例越大.在供Zn条件下,细胞壁截留了细胞中一半以上的Zn(52.0~60.5%).小麦液泡中P和Zn的含量较少,分别为2.2%~3.8%和10.6%~30%.  相似文献   

Study was done to compare the response of Triticum aestivum (hexaploid), Triticum durum (tetraploid) and Triticum monococcum (diploid) wheat species to the elevated CO2 using Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility. It was demonstrated that the modern cultivar of wheat Triticum aestivum (hexaploid) was largely sink limited. It appeared to have less photosynthesis per unit leaf area than Triticum monococcum (diploid wheat). While leaf size, grain weight and amylase activity increased with the ploidy level from diploid to hexaploid wheat forms, the photosynthetic rate was reduced significantly. These wheat species responded differentially to the elevated CO2. The larger leaf area and greater seed weight and presence of 38 KDa protein band caused by elevated CO2 had additive effect in improving the productivity of hexaploid wheat by changing the source sink ratio. Whereas, such a source sink balance was not induced by elevated CO2 in diploid wheat. The increasing CO2 may present opportunities to breeders and possibly allow them to select for cultivars responsive to the elevated CO2 with better sink potential.Key words: Elevated CO2, FACE technology, Photosynthesis, Seed weight, Source sink ratio, Triticum  相似文献   

Summary The technique of in situ hybridisation of cloned ribosomal DNA has been used to establish the numbers of nucleolar organising sites in a range of tetraploid and hexaploid wheats.  相似文献   

Southern-blot hybridizations of total DNA to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) probes were used to investigate the extent of mtDNA variability in cultures derived from immature embryos of diploid (Triticum monococcum, genomic formula: AA, T. tauschii, genomic formula: DD), allotetraploid (T. durum cv Creso, genomic formula: AABB), and allohexaploid (T. aestivum, genomic formula: AABBDD) wheat species. Similar distinct changes in mtDNA organization were observed in in vitro cultures of the derived tetraploid and the hexaploid species with related genomes. The tetraploid and hexaploid species share the B genome and mtDNA variability in in vitro culture is known to be under nuclear control. These results suggest that a study of B genome diploids and other polyploid combinations would now shed light on whether or not mtDNA variability in tissue cultures is under B-genome control.  相似文献   

The expression of salt tolerance from Triticum tauschii in hexaploid wheat   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Accessions of Triticum tauschii (Coss.) Schmal. (D genome donor to hexaploid wheat) vary in salt tolerance and in the rate that Na+ accumulates in leaves. The aim of this study was to determine whether these differences in salt tolerance and leaf Na+ concentration would be expressed in hexaploid wheat. Synthetic hexaploids were produced from five T. tauschii accessions varying in salt tolerance and two salt-sensitive T. turgidum cultivars. The degree of salt tolerance of the hexaploids was evaluated as the grain yield per plant in 150 mol m-3 NaCl relative to grain yield in 1 mol m-3 NaCl (control). Sodium concentration in leaf 5 was measured after the leaf was fully expanded. The salt tolerance of the genotypes correlated negatively with the concentration of Na+ in leaf 5. The salt tolerance of the synthetic hexaploids was greater than the tetraploid parents primarily due to the maintenance of kernel weight under saline conditions. Synthetic hexaploids varied in salt tolerance with the source of their D genome which demonstrates that genes for salt tolerance from the diploid are expressed at the hexaploid level.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand factors affecting in vitro embryo rescue culture from hybrids between diploid and tetraploid varieties of grape in creation new triploid germplasm resources. The effects of different media, removal ages of immature seeds and reciprocal crosses of parents on the germination and seedling survival of immature seeds from crosses between diploid and tetraploid grape varieties by in vitro embryo rescue culture were investigated. The results indicated that the medium consisting of NN-1969 + IAA 1.75 mg l−1 + GA3 0.35 mg l−1 + CH 400 mg l−1 + AC 2.0 g l−1 was better than other media. The optimal removal age of immature seeds for the best development of embryos was 35–45 days after pollination (DAP). The percentage of germination (PG) for immature seeds and the percentage of seedling survival (PSS) for immature seeds for diploid varieties used as female parents were 10.72% and 4.35% higher than when tetraploid varieties were used as female parents respectively. A total of 41 hybrid progenies from eight combinations were obtained, made up of 17 diploid, 9 tetraploid, 14 aneuploid, and 1 triploid progeny as determined by root-tip chromosome identification. The triploid progeny was from Fujiminori (2n = 4x = 76) × Jingxiu (2n = 2x = 38). These results implied that it was feasible to extend the hybridization range of grape and to create new germplasm resources by in vitro embryo rescue based on the conventional hybridization. The NN-1969 medium supplemented with GA3 and IAA was more propitious to the development of immature seeds sampled at about 45 DAP. It was easier to obtain plants using diploid as female parent, but triploid progeny was only obtained using tetraploid as female parent.  相似文献   

二倍体、四倍体和六倍体小麦产量及水分利用效率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验选用了6个不同染色体倍性的小麦进化材料(3个二倍体、2个四倍体和1个六倍体),分别在不同水肥条件下研究其根系、地上生物量、产量、蒸腾耗水量和水分利用效率等指标,旨在阐明小麦进化材料产量及水分利用效率的差异及水肥条件对这些特性的影响。试验表明:不同倍性小麦进化材料的生物量、产量和水分利用存在显著的差异,而且水肥条件对其有显著影响。在染色体倍性由2n→4n→6n的进化过程中,小麦根系及地上生物量均先增加后降低,而产量却显著增加,这与收获指数的增加有关。小麦产量的大小顺序为:T.aestivum〉T.dicoccum〉T.dicoccoides〉Ae.squarrosa〉Ae.speltoides〉T.boeoticum。水分亏缺显著降低小麦的生物量、产量和收获指数;在不同水分条件下,增加施肥量有利于这些指标的增加。但是水分亏缺下,增加施肥却降低各小麦材料的根系生物量。随小麦的进化,蒸腾耗水量显著降低,这与其生育期缩短有关;而生物量水分利用效率和产量水分利用效率却显著升高,且后者的差异要大于前者。各小麦产量水分利用效率的大小排序与产量的完全一致。水分亏缺处理显著减少各小麦进化材料的蒸腾耗水量47%~52%,而显著增加生物量水分利用效率3%~40%;但水分亏缺对产量水分利用效率的促进作用却随染色体倍性的增加而降低,甚至降低六倍体小麦T.aestivum的产量水分利用效率19%。不同水分条件下,高肥处理均有利于蒸腾耗水量、生物量水分利用效率和产量水分利用效率的增加。  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of sperm from tetraploid organisms (the possession of four chromosome sets) is essentially unexplored. This is the first cryopreservation study to address sperm from tetraploid Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, and addresses the commercial production of triploid oysters (three chromosome sets). Initial motility, refrigerated storage of undiluted sperm, osmolality of extender solutions, sperm concentrations, equilibration time, and cryoprotectants of propylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide were evaluated with sperm from diploid and tetraploid oysters. Unlike most teleost fishes, in which the duration of active motility is typically brief, the motility of sperm from oysters lasts for hours. The present study showed that responses to treatment effects by sperm from tetraploids were different from diploids. The majority of tetraploid experiments resulted in less than 10% motility after thawing and less than 5% fertilization. The highest fertilization obtained for thawed sperm was 96% for sperm from diploid oysters and 28% for sperm from tetraploid oysters. Differential responses to treatments by sperm from tetraploid and diploid oysters may be due to differences in gonadal development. However, the use of cryopreserved sperm from tetraploid Pacific oysters produced 100% triploid offspring by fertilization of eggs from diploid females as determined by flow cytometry of larvae. This study demonstrates that sperm from tetraploid oysters can be collected, frozen, and stored for production of triploid offspring.  相似文献   

Summary Isoelectric focusing of seed esterase (Est-5) isozymes in 79 T. tauschii accessions from diverse sources revealed the presence of six different seed esterase phenotypes. In one of these phenotypes, exclusive to a var. meyeri accession (AUS 18989), no detectable enzymatic activity was observed. Segregation in crosses between T. tauschii (Dt) accessions confirmed three of the seed esterase phenotypes to be alleles of the designated Est-D t5 gene locus; the inheritance pattern of these isozymes was not affected by the subspecies differences between the parents. On the bases of variation in Est-5 and their Glu-1 and Gli-1 gene loci (in a previous study in this series), only three strangulata accessions showed consistent homology with their prevalent gene expression in the D genome of hexaploid wheat. The implications of these observations for further interpreting the phyletic nature of the D genome donor in natural hexaploid wheat synthesis are also reported.  相似文献   

Summary Eight leaf peroxidase isozymes were distinguished by IEF in Chinese Spring. Two genes which control the production of three of these isozymes were located on chromosome arms 1BS and 1DS by nullisomic analysis. These loci probably form part of a homoeoallelic series and have been designated Per-B1 and Per-D1 respectively. Analysis of chromosome 1B short arm terminal deletion stocks indicated that the Per-B1 locus is located between the nucleolar organiser region and another isozyme marker, Hk-B1. Two variant leaf peroxidase phenotypes were distinguished in a small sample of hexaploid wheat varieties. Analysis of wheat-alien addition and substitution lines identified homoeologous loci in rye (Per-R1) and barley (Per-H1).  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-specific variation in CO2 assimilation rate (A) in Triticum spp. is well documented for reproductive growth stages. Research was conducted to characterize early vegetative photosynthetic variation in a diverse set of cultivated hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum L.) germplasm and in wild tetraploid (T. dicoccoides Korn) and hexaploid x tetraploid populations. Choice of hexaploid genotypes was based on maximum genetic distance between cultivars within the HRW and SRW wheat classes of the USA. The tetraploid material was produced by hybridizing two accessions of T. dicoccoides previously shown to differ widely in A and A/Chl but with similar leaf morphology. Genetic variability in the HRW and SRW gene pools was attributed to more recently developed descendent lines and unrelated lines rather than parental lines. Phenotypic distributions for A, stomatal conductance (gs), and internal CO2 concentration (Ci) in the F2 tetraploid population were continuous and showed transgressive segregation, reflecting quantitative inheritance with intermediate heritability. Variability in A was not associated with chlorophyll content or CO2 supply to the mesophyll measured as Ci. Genetic variability in A was also observed in the interspecific backcross population, 2*TAM W-101/PI 428109, thereby providing a germplasm pool to select for high A while restoring the D genome of hexaploid wheat. These results suggest that genetic improvement of vegetative assimilation rate is feasible in hexaploid wheat via homologous transfer from an alien source.Abbreviations HRW hard red winter - LA leaf area - rG genotypic correlation - rP phenotypic correlation - SRW soft red winter  相似文献   

Two aspartic proteinase (AP) cDNA clones, WAP1 and WAP2, were obtained from wheat seeds. Proteins encoded by these clones shared 61% amino acid sequence identity. RNA blotting analysis showed that WAP1 and WAP2 were expressed in both germinating and maturing seeds. The level of WAP2 mRNA expression was clearly weaker than that of WAP1 in all tissues of seeds during germination and maturation. APs purified from germinating seeds were enzymatically active and digested the wheat storage protein, gluten. To elucidate the physiological functions of WAP1 and WAP2 in seeds, we investigated the localisation of WAP1 and WAP2 by in situ hybridisation. In germinating seeds investigated 24h after imbibition, both WAP1 and WAP2 were expressed in embryos, especially in radicles and shoots, scutellum, and the aleurone layer. In maturing seeds, WAP1 was expressed in the whole embryo, with slightly stronger expression in radicles and shoots. WAP1 was also expressed in the aleurone layer 3 weeks after flowering. Strong signals of WAP1 mRNA were detected in the whole embryo and aleurone layer 6 weeks after flowering. On the other hand, WAP2 was scarcely detected in seeds 3 weeks after flowering, and thereafter weak signals began to appear in the whole embryo. WAP1 and WAP2 were expressed widely in germinating and maturing seeds. Such diversity in site- and stage-specific expression of the two enzymes suggests their differential functions in wheat seeds.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Diploid A genome wheat species harbor immense genetic variability which has been targeted and proven useful in wheat improvement. Development and deployment of...  相似文献   

Summary Diallel crosses among Triticum boeoticum (4 lines from different geographical areas), T.urartu, Aegilops squarrosa and Ae. speltoides exhibited reciprocal differences in hybrid seed morphology, endosperm development, and embryo viability. T. urartu and Ae. squarrosa as females with T. boeotiaum and Ae. speltoides lead to shrivelled inviable seed. T.boeoticum accessions as female with Ae.speltoides also lead to shrivelled seeds. The reciprocal crosses produced plump seeds which either resembled the maternal parent or showed size differences. By altering the endospermic genome ratios, hybrid seeds with 1 (PF)/1 (PM) showed extreme shrivelling whereas those with 4 (PF)/1 (PM) were medium shrivelled to plump. Genetic experiments involving hybrids of T. boeoticum, T. urartu and T. monococcum showed that a factor is present in pollen or male gametes, which shows dosage effect and which, by interacting with the maternal genome, leads to endosperm abortion.  相似文献   

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