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Background The main prediction of life-history theory is that optimal energy allocated among the traits is related to the growth, maintenance
and survival. It is hypothesized that the optimal resource allocated to immune function, which generates resistance towards
parasites and reduce the fitness losses caused by parasitism, is depending on other requirements for energetic resource and
the benefits associated with them. The aims of this study are to investigate in a comparative way (1) how parasitism is related
to fish life history traits (fecundity, longevity, mortality), (2) whether there is a trade-off between reproduction and immune
investments in fish females (i.e. energetic hypothesis) and in males (i.e. immunohandicap hypothesis), (3) whether parasitism
influences host immunity (spleen size) and reproduction (gonad size) in females and males. 相似文献
LTR (long terminal repeat) retrotransposons are the main components of higher plant genomic DNA. They have shaped their host genomes through insertional mutagenesis and by effects on genome size, gene expression and recombination. These Class I transposable elements are closely related to retroviruses such as the HIV by their structure and presumptive life cycle. However, the retrotransposon life cycle has been closely investigated in few systems. For retroviruses and retrotransposons, individual defective copies can parasitize the activity of functional ones. However, some LTR retrotransposon groups as a whole, such as large retrotransposon derivatives and terminal repeats in miniature, are non-autonomous even though their genomic insertion patterns remain polymorphic between organismal accessions. Here, we examine what is known of the retrotransposon life cycle in plants, and in that context discuss the role of parasitism and complementation between and within retrotransposon groups. 相似文献
Trade-offs between behavioural traits promoting high life-history productivity and mortality may fuel the evolution of animal personalities. We propose that parasites, including pathogens, impose fitness costs comparable to those from predators, and influence the adaptiveness of personality traits associated with productivity (PAPs). Whether personality traits are adaptive or not may also depend on individual immunological capacity. We illustrate this using a conceptual example in which the optimal level of PAPs depends on predation, parasitism and host compensation (resistance and tolerance) of parasitism's negative effects. We assert that inherent differences in host immune function can produce positive feedback loops between resource intake and compensation of parasitism's costs, thereby providing variation underlying the evolution of stable personalities. Our approach acknowledges the condition dependence of immune function and co-evolutionary dynamics between hosts and parasites. 相似文献
When choosing between shoals differing in Schistocephalus solidus infection status, uninfected test sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus showed a preference for joining uninfected conspecifics when shoal sizes were equal, but reversed this preference when the relative size of the infected shoal was increased by a factor of 3. When given a choice between a shoal composed of size-matched minnows Phoxinus phoxinus and a shoal composed of the same number of all uninfected or all S. solidus -infected sticklebacks, test fish always preferred the sticklebacks, regardless of their infection status, over the minnow shoal. These observations suggest that species, parasite status and shoal size are all of importance when fish decide which shoal to join. 相似文献
by Graeme C. Kearn, Chapman & Hall, 1998. pound115.00 (xii +544 pages) ISBN 0 412 80460 3. 相似文献
Response diversity and asynchrony are important for stability and resilience of meta‐populations, however little is known about the mechanisms that might drive such processes. In salmon populations, response diversity and asynchrony have been linked to the stability of their meta‐populations and the fisheries that integrate across them. We examined how population diversity influenced response diversity and asynchrony in 42 populations of Chinook salmon from the Fraser River, British Columbia. We examined diversity in the survival responses to large‐scale ocean climate variables for populations that differed in life history. Different life‐histories responded differently to ocean environmental conditions. For instance, an increase of offshore temperature was associated with decreased survival for a population with ocean rearing juveniles but increased survival for a population with stream rearing juveniles. In a second analysis, we examined asynchrony in abundance between populations, which we then correlated with life history, spatial, and genetic diversity. Populations that were more genetically distant had the most different population dynamics. Collectively, these results suggest that fine‐scale population diversity can contribute to the asynchrony and response diversity that underpins the stability of fisheries or metapopulation dynamics, and emphasize the need to manage and conserve this scale of population diversity. 相似文献
Host-parasite interactions have been hypothesized to affect the evolution of dispersal by providing a possibility for hosts to escape debilitating parasites, and by influencing the level of local adaptation. We used a comparative approach to investigate the relationship between a component of host immune function (which reflects the evolutionary history of parasite-induced natural selection) and dispersal in birds. We used a sample of 46 species of birds for which we had obtained field estimates of T-cell response for nestlings, mainly from our own field studies in Denmark and Spain. Bird species with longer natal, but not with longer breeding dispersal distances had a stronger mean T-cell-mediated immune response in nestlings than species with short dispersal distances. That was also the case when controlling for the potentially confounding effect of migration from breeding to wintering area, which is known from previous studies to be positively associated with dispersal distance. These relationships held even when controlling for similarity among species because of common ancestry. Avian hosts with a larger number of different breeding habitats had weaker mean T-cell-mediated immune responses than habitat specialists. This relationship held even when controlling for similarity among species because of common ancestry. Therefore, T-cell-mediated immunity is an important predictor of evolutionary changes in dispersal ability among common European birds. 相似文献
The study aims to ascertain the diversity of trombiculid species associated with Chiroptera in Poland, and for the first time in the case of research on Central European Trombiculidae, we use both DNA and morphology in an integrative taxonomic approach to determine species identities of trombiculids. The research was carried out from 2015 to 2019. In total, 2725 larvae were collected from 300 specimens of bats belonging to 11 species. Deutonymphs were obtained through laboratory rearing of larvae; few larvae and deutonymphs were collected also from bats' daily roosts. The presence of trombiculid larvae on hosts was observed between July and April of the following year, with the highest numbers recorded in autumn, during bat swarming. Male bats were infested more often than females (16.4 vs. 6.6%). The highest infestation rate was recorded for Barbastella barbastellus, Myotis nattereri and Plecotus auritus, and the highest prevalence of chiggers (>?30%) for Myotis bechsteinii and P. auritus. The larvae found on bats occupied the areas with free access to the host’s skin: auricles, tragus, and snout. Morphological identification of specimens to the species level was hindered by the mosaic distribution of diagnostic traits. Morphological analyses indicated the presence of Leptotrombidium russicum and Leptotrombidium spp. in the examined material, whereas molecular analyses additionally suggested three other potential species assigned to the same genus based on the assessed scope of intrageneric variation (ASAP method). We argue that the identification of the parasitic larvae (chiggers) using morphological characters does not address the question of actual species boundaries, which, in turn, affects the inferences about host specificity and host range. 相似文献
Parasite-mediated sexual selection may arise as a consequence of 1) females avoiding mates with directly transmitted parasites, 2) females choosing less-parasitized males that provide parental care of superior quality, or 3) females choosing males with few parasites in order to obtain genes for parasite resistance in their offspring. Studies of specific host-parasite systems and comparative analyses have revealed both supportive and conflicting evidence for these hypotheses. A meta-analysis of the available evidence revealed a negative relationship between parasite load and the expression of male secondary sexual characters. Experimental studies yielded more strongly negative relationships than observations did, and the relationships were more strongly negative for ectoparasites than for endoparasites. There was no significant difference in the magnitude of the negative effect for species with and without male parental care, or between behavioral and morphological secondary sexual characters. There was a significant difference between studies based on host immune function and those based on parasite loads, with stronger effects for measures of immune function, suggesting that the many negative results from previous analyses of parasite-mediated sexual selection may be explained because relatively benign parasites were studied. The multivariate analyses demonstrating strong effect sizes of immune function in relation to the expression of secondary sexual characters, and for species with male parental care as compared to those without, suggest that parasite resistance may be a general determinant of parasite-mediated sexual selection. 相似文献
Evidence from studies on ancient human feces, intestinal contents and organs of preserved bodies has established that Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Diphyllobothrium spp and probably Trichinella spiralis infected humans in the pre-Columbian New World. These species, and perhaps other common human helminths for which there is not yet convincing evidence, probably accompanied transberingeal immigrants and their dogs, and thus can be seen as heirloom parasites. Early humans on the American continents were affected by helminths of native animals such as Paragonimus and Cryptocotyle, and these have also been found in precontact human remains. Michael Kliks considers that the indigenous parasites infecting early Americans may be viewed as zoonotic souvenirs of some 50 millennia of migrations from Alaska to Patagonia. Among the most serious zoonoses would have been infection by cystic hydatid larvae of echinococcid tapeworms, the many enzootic filarial worms, and a variety of larval trematodes and nematodes. 相似文献
In fungi, horizontal transmission of deleterious cytoplasmic elements is reduced by the vegetative incompatibility system. This self/non-self recognition system may select for greater diversity of fungal incompatibility phenotypes in a frequency-dependent manner but the link between the diversity of fungal phenotypes and the virulence of cytoplasmic parasites has been poorly studied. We used an epidemiological model to show that even when transmission between incompatibility types is permitted, parasite pressure can lead to high levels of polymorphism for vegetative incompatibility systems. Moreover, high levels of polymorphism in host populations can select for less virulent cytoplasmic parasites. This feedback mechanism between parasite virulence and vegetative incompatibility system polymorphism of host populations may account for the general avirulence of most known mycoviruses. Furthermore, this mechanism provides a new perspective on the particular ecology and evolution of the host/parasite interactions acting between fungi and their cytoplasmic parasites. 相似文献
Although a negative covariance between parasite load and sexually selected trait expression is a requirement of few sexual selection models, such a covariance may be a general result of life‐history allocation trade‐offs. If both allocation to sexually selected traits and to somatic maintenance (immunocompetence) are condition dependent, then in populations where individuals vary in condition, a positive covariance between trait expression and immunocompetence, and thus a negative covariance between trait and parasite load, is expected. We test the prediction that parasite load is generally related to the expression of sexual dimorphism across two breeding seasons in a wild salamander population and show that males have higher trematode parasite loads for their body size than females and that a key sexually selected trait covaries negatively with parasite load in males. We found evidence of a weaker negative relationship between the analogous female trait and parasite infection. These results underscore that parasite infection may covary with expression of sexually selected traits, both within and among species, regardless of the model of sexual selection, and also suggest that the evolution of condition dependence in males may affect the evolution of female trait expression. 相似文献
Parasitism as one of the modes of life is a general biological phenomenon and is characteristic of all viruses, many taxa
of bacteria, fungi, protists, metaphytes, and metazoans. Zooparasitology is focused on studies of parasitic animals, particularly,
on their taxonomy, anatomy, life cycles, host-parasite relations, biocoenotic connections, and evolution. Ecological parasitology
is a part of ecology as a discipline studying the relation of living organisms with each other and their surroundings. The
present paper contains a critical analysis of the problems, main postulates, and terminology of the modern ecological parasitology. 相似文献
The obligatory heterogenous tissue cyst-forming coccidia of the genus Sarcystosis are regarded as an excellent example of the specific coexistence of two organisms, i.e., the host and parasite. These parasitic protozoans are known as causative agents of the chronic, often life-threatening disease, sarcocystosis, which still cannot be effectively controlled. In Sarcocystis, the entire phase of asexual multiplication was transferred to the intermediate host. Of special interest is the parasite's ability to persist in this host at the stage of tissue cyst or sarcocyst. This is a giant meront, in which unidirectional development proceeds starting from a little differentiated metrocyte, through intermediate cells, and towards highly differentiated cyst merozoites (gamonts) unable to further divide. The life span of the sarcocyst depends, to a great extent, on self-regulation within the cyst itself and on relations between the cyst and its immediate environment. A totally new field of research into Sarcocystis was initiated by the discovery that the intracellular parasite damages both cyst harboring and intact muscle cells, apart from the adjacent connective and nervous tissue. The previously unknown cytopathological effects of sarcocysts have been described and characterized. The changes observed within and outside the sarcocysts have been analyzed in terms of general biological processes: proliferation, differentiation, and programmed cell death. 相似文献
Sequencing in all areas of the tree of life has produced > 300,000 cytochrome P450 (CYP) sequences that have been mined and collected. Nomenclature has been assigned to > 41,000 CYP sequences and the majority of the remainder has been sorted by BLAST searches into clans, families and subfamilies in preparation for naming. The P450 sequence space is being systematically explored and filled in. Well-studied groups like vertebrates are covered in greater depth while new insights are being added into uncharted territories like horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus), tardigrades ( Hypsibius dujardini), velvet worm ( Euperipatoides_rowelli), and basal land plants like hornworts, liverworts and mosses. CYPs from the fungi, one of the most diverse groups, are being explored and organized as nearly 800 fungal species are now sequenced. The CYP clan structure in fungi is emerging with 805 CYP families sorting into 32 CYP clans. > 3000 bacterial sequences are named, mostly from terrestrial or freshwater sources. Of 18,379 bacterial sequences downloaded from the CYPED database, all are > 43% identical to named CYPs. Therefore, they fit in the 602 named P450 prokaryotic families. Diversity in this group is becoming saturated, however 25% of 3305 seawater bacterial P450s did not match known P450 families, indicating marine bacterial CYPs are not as well sampled as land/freshwater based bacterial CYPs. Future sequencing plans of the Genome 10 K project, i5k and GIGA (Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance) are expected to produce more than one million cytochrome P450 sequences by 2020. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cytochrome P450 biodiversity and biotechnology, edited by Erika Plettner, Gianfranco Gilardi, Luet Wong, Vlada Urlacher, Jared Goldstone. 相似文献