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In order to improve the interpretive potential of archaeoparasitology, it is important to demonstrate that the epidemiology of ancient parasites is comparable to that of modern parasites. Once this is demonstrated, then we can be secure that the evidence of ancient parasitism truly reflects the pathoecology of parasitic disease. Presented here is an analysis of the paleoepidemiology of Pediculus humanus infestation from 146 mummies from the Chiribaya culture 1000-1250 AD of Southern Peru. The study demonstrates the modern parasitological axiom that 10% of the population harbors 70% of the parasites holds true for ancient louse infestation. This is the first demonstration of the paleoepidemiology of prehistoric lice infestation.  相似文献   

Adult cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouché), from two laboratory colonies (one originating in California and one from Florida) were exposed to residues of eight pyrethroids to compare their susceptibilities. The Florida strain was more tolerant than the California strain, with 6.8-, 5.2-, and 4.8-fold tolerance to cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, and fluvalinate, respectively. The Florida strain showed less than 3-fold tolerance to the other five insecticides (permethrin, tralomethrin, d-phenothrin, resmethrin, and fenvalerate). Overall, the pyrethroids were ineffective against the Florida strain.  相似文献   

张迎春  漆一鸣 《昆虫学报》2008,51(5):504-508
【目的】通过研究苯醚威对印鼠客蚤 Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild,1903)的早 3 龄幼虫和未吸血新羽化成虫的组织学变化,探讨其灭蚤机理,为鼠疫媒介蚤种的防治提供基础资料。【方法】以微量点滴法将苯醚威施药于印鼠客蚤早3龄幼虫和未吸血新羽化成虫,采用组织学、显微摄影及统计学方法观察组织变化。【结果】经苯醚威作用后,印鼠客蚤的早 3 龄幼虫的表皮增厚、卵巢芽生殖细胞萎缩、睾丸芽精原细胞间质减少;未吸血新羽化成虫的睾丸塞消失快、唾液腺细胞破坏严重、中肠上皮细胞萎缩。【结论】(1)苯醚威通过干扰印鼠客蚤幼虫的变态,引起幼虫表皮、生殖芽异常改变,不能发育为成虫而死亡;(2)苯醚威可加速印鼠客蚤新羽化雄性成虫的睾丸塞吸收;(3)苯醚威可破坏印鼠客蚤新羽化成虫的唾液腺细胞,并引起中肠上皮细胞萎缩。  相似文献   

Among the fleas of medico-veterinary interest, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché, 1 835) is the one most studied. This taxon includes two subspecies: Ctenocephalides f. felis, and Ctenocephalides f. strongylus (Jordan, 1925); only C. f. felis has been the subject of almost all the studies available. We were, thus, interested in C. f. strongylus which can be regarded as the species of substitution of C. f. felis on the African continent. The purpose of our work was to establish some biological parameters such as: hatching of eggs, cycle of development and emergence of adults. These data were compared with those available on C. f. felis. With temperatures ranging between 19 degrees C and 29 degrees C and a relative humidity (HR) of 75 % +/- 5, the hatching rates of eggs observed from the two subspecies of C. felis, are higher than 88 %. The optimal temperature of eggs hatching for C. felis is 29 degrees C, with more than 70 % of hatching obtained in 1-2 days after the laying. The larval developments of the two subspecies are almost identical and function of the temperature 18-9 days with 27 degrees C). Only differs the minimal duration of the progressive cycle. For C. f. strongylus, it lasts in 16-17 days at 29 degrees C, 20-21 days at 27 degrees C and 38 days at 19 degrees C. For C. f. felis, published values give report of 15 days at 27 degrees C and 17 days at 24 degrees C. The emergence of adults of C. f. strongylus takes eight to ten days between 19 degrees C and 29 degrees C, while data published on C. f. felis are about 26 days at 19 degrees C and 15 days at 27 degrees C.  相似文献   

As part of a program to monitor the susceptibility of cat flea populations to the insecticide imidacloprid we have examined the cat flea nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, the target site protein of the neonicotinoid group of insecticides. Seven nAChR subunits (six alpha-type and one beta-type) were identified in cat flea using a degenerate PCR-based strategy. Five of these were expressed in vitro by creating chimeras containing the N-terminal ligand-binding domain of the cat flea subunits and the C-terminal region of the Drosophila Dalpha2 (SAD) subunit. Two of the five chimeric subunits, Cfalpha1/Dalpha2 and Cfalpha3/Dalpha2, when co-expressed with rat beta2 in Drosophila S2 cells, showed high-affinity binding of both epibatidine (Kd=1.6+/-0.6 and 0.13+/-0.06nM, respectively), and imidacloprid (Ki=142+/-34 and 28.7+/-2.4nM, respectively). It is likely therefore that Cfalpha1 and Cfalpha3 contribute to nAChR populations in vivo that are sensitive to imidacloprid. The identification of cat flea nAChR subunits that have a high affinity for imidacloprid presents candidate genes in which to look for resistance-associated mutations if target-site resistance to imidacloprid arises in domestic pet flea populations.  相似文献   

A new species of microsporidium, Nolleria pulicis, is described and named here from the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. The genus Nolleria is created and placed within the family Chytridiopsidae. The family is slightly modified to accommodate certain features of intracellular development seen in N. pulicis, which is otherwise very similar to other species in the family Chytridiopsidae. Sporulation is described from ultrastructural analysis of infected midgut epithelial cells of adult C. felis. The term "multiple division by vacuolation" is proposed for describing sporogony as it occurs in this species and certain related species of microsporidia. The probable mode of transmission and apparent absence of merogony are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty two species of ectoparasites (Family Nycteribiidae: Nycteribia (Listropoda) schmidlii schmidlii, Nycteribia (Nycteribia) latreillii, Nycteribia (Nycteribia) pedicularia, Penicillidia (Penicillidia) dufourii, and Phthiridium biarticulatum; Family Streblidae: Brachytarsina (Brachytarsina) flavipennis and Raymondia huberi; Order Siphonaptera: Rhinolophopsylla unipectinata arabs, Nycteridopsylla longiceps, Araeopsylla gestroi, Ischnopsyllus intermedius, and Ischnopsyllus octactenus; Order Heteroptera: Cimex pipistrelli, Cimex lectularius, and Cacodmus vicinus; Class Arachnida: Order Mesostigmata: Spinturnix myoti and Eyndhovenia euryalis; Order Ixodida: Family Argasidae: Argas transgariepinus and Argas vespertilionis; Family Ixodidae: Hyalomma dromedarii, Ixodes ricinus, and Ixodes vespertilionis) were recovered from 19 bat species in Algeria. New host records for bats are recorded for the first time: N. schmidlii from Rh. clivosus and R. cystops; N. latreillii from Rh. blasii and P. gaisleri; R. huberi from Rh. clivosus; C. pipistrelli from E. isabellinus and H. savii; C. vicinus from E. isabellinus; S. myoti from P. gaisleri; E. euryalis from P. gaisleri and Rh. blasii; A. vespertilionis from P. gaisleri; I. ricinus from T. teniotis and Rh. hipposideros and H. dromedarii from P. kuhlii. Raymondia huberi is recorded for the first time from Algeria.  相似文献   

The geographical and host distributions of Xenopsylla fleas parasitizing murid rodents on the Canary Islands have been reported. Three Xenopsylla species, X. cheopis, X. brasiliensis and X. guancha, have been detected on two rodents species, Mus musculus and Rattus rattus. X. guancha has been the most prevalent species detected, specifically on M. musculus, the most abundant rodent, but it has been detected only on three eastern islands, where the species is endemic. X. cheopis has been shown to be the most widely distributed species throughout the archipelago and the species most frequently found on R. rattus. X. brasiliensis has been shown to be the least prevalent Xenopsylla species, with the lowest geographical distribution on the Canary Islands and focused only on R. rattus. The detection of both X. cheopis and X. brasiliensis on the island of Lanzarote, and of X. guancha on the island of Fuerteventura and the islet of La Graciosa represents the first report of these species on those particular Canary Islands.  相似文献   

Specimens of fleas Ctenocephalides felis felis (1052 female symbol/448 male symbol), obtained from 150 dogs in Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were dissected and examined for endosymbionts. Three protozoan, Nolleria pulicis, a gregarine (Actinocephalidae) and Leptomonas sp., together with one cestode, Dipylidium caninum were identified. Infections by N. pulicis and Leptomonas sp. occurred mainly in the warm-rainy period. The prevalence and distribution of these endosymbionts in fleas derived from Brazil and South America, and the their variation according to sex and season, are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche) adults were tested with 0.5% malathion and 0.5% permethrin, using the standard WHO methods. After 24 h exposure to malathion (3.6 mg/cm2), 92% of the fleas died. The LT50 for malathion was approximately 8 h. Permethrin (0.45 mg/cm2) produced 100% mortality of exposed insects after 24 h while with a higher dose (0.9 mg/cm2) all fleas died after 8 h exposure. LT50 for the two doses of permethrin were 7.7 and 1.05 h, respectively. The failure of the diagnostic dose of malathion to kill 100% of the population was attributed to resistance. Permethrin is a suitable pesticide for controlling fleas of domestic animals in Tanzania.  相似文献   

Adult cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouché), on cats (Felis catus) were exposed to emissions from an ultrasonic flea collar worn by the cat. No significant differences were found in total numbers of eggs produced per day (mean = 524 control, 614 treatment), in length of larval development time (mean = 7.7 d control, 7.7 d treatment), or in total daily pupal production (mean = 485 control, 445 treatment) between the treatment and the control groups. Tests off the host were conducted to determine whether ultrasonic exposure caused mortality in adult fleas; no significant differences were found in daily mortality between the treated and control fleas during 1 wk of exposure.  相似文献   

A new species of the orchid genus Myoxanthus, M. oliviae, is described based on Peruvian material. The novelty resembles M. serripetalus from which it differs by the 7–8‐veined lateral sepals (versus 6‐ or 9‐veined), the petals contracted below the apex and expanded again into a sagittate apex (versus apex caudate) and entire lip middle lobe (versus fimbriate). The flowers of M. oliviae are pale brownish‐purple, internally intensively suffused with yellow, dark‐purple spotted. The new species grows among rocks at the elevation of 2700–3100 m a.s.l. A key to Peruvian Myoxanthus representatives is provided.  相似文献   

The natural diet of cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche), larvae is primarily adult flea feces, but dried bovine blood may be substituted in the laboratory. Percentage adult emergence (79.4% on feces; 78.9% on blood) and developmental times (20.6 d on feces; 17.1 d on blood) did not significantly differ for the two diets. The drying temperature of blood determined its quality; blood dried at 120 degrees C was unsatisfactory for larval development. The dietary value of dried bovine blood was not enhanced when supplemented with brewer's yeast, rodent chow, or a combination of those constituents. Blood particle size ranging from less than 180 to greater than 500u did not affect the value of blood as a diet. Rodent chow, yeast, albumen, hemoglobin, and mixtures of these constituents were unsuitable as larval diets.  相似文献   

A new species of microsporidium, Nolleria pulicis, is described and named here from the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. The genus Nolleria is created and placed within the family Chytridiopsidae. The family is slightly modified to accommodate certain features of intracellular development seen in N. pulicis, which is otherwise very similar to other species in the family Chytridiopsidae. Sporulation is described from ultrastructural analysis of infected midgut epithelial cells of adult C. felis. The term “multiple division by vacuolation” is proposed for describing sporogony as it occurs in this species and certain related species of microsporidia. The probable mode of transmission and apparent absence of merogony are discussed.  相似文献   

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