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Nikishin VP 《Tsitologiia》2003,45(7):722-729
The ultrastructure of lemnisci in female acanthocephala (Polymorphus magnus) has been studied. Lemnisci are shown to be specific metabolic centers, where lipids are accumulated and utilized. Lipids get to these centers either by means of absorption by praesomal tegument or from the pseudocoel through the system of invaginations of cytoplasmic membrane limiting the lemnisci. Lipids are supposed to be transported after conversion into the praesoma tegument and secreted to its surface through the striated layer canals.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Polymorphus magnus acanthocephalan eggs has been studied. The eggshell consists of four envelopes that are morphologically similar to those of the eggs of other Palaeacanthocephala representatives. The studied acanthors are formed by the cortical syncytium and "central nuclear mass". In the anterior part of acanthors there is a penetration gland. Its secret may provide the larvae migration into intermediate host's organism. "Central nuclear mass" consists of several germinative nuclei and numerous fibrillar bodies, formed as a result of germinative nuclei degradation.  相似文献   

Examination of the sarcoid granuloma by electron microscopic and electron microscopic immunocytochemical techniques shows that the sarcoid macrophage giant cell is rich in lysozyme, present within the centre of the syncytium in dense granules approximately 200 nm in diameter. The ultrastructure of the syncytium is that of an actively secretory cell, suggesting that the sarcoid macrophage giant cell actively produces as well as stores lysozyme, rather than being a fusion product of mononuclear cells which produce lysozyme, or being a site of storage of ingested lysozyme.  相似文献   

The Centrorhynchus milvus spermatozoon is a filiform cell. The free part of the flagellum measure 2 mu and is situated in front of the gamete. The centriole is no more visible but an axial tubule formation is found at the anterior extremity of the flagellum. This Polymorphidae spermatozoon shows a reversed anatomy like the one we described for the first time with an acanthocephala wich belongs to the Rhadinorhynchidae family.  相似文献   

A case of anaplastic, multinucleated giant cell tumor of the thyroid was studied by light and electron microscopy. The coexistence of anaplastic sarcomatous tumor and well differentiated follicular carcinoma, and the presence of desmosomes among the mononuclear cells suggested that this tumor originates in thyroid follicular cells. The multinucleated giant cells, which characterize this thyroid tumor, appeared to be formed by fusion of follicular carcinoma cells and mononuclear epithelial cells, and not by nuclear division without cytoplasmic division.  相似文献   

闫喜中  谢佼昕  邓彩萍  郝赤 《昆虫学报》2021,64(11):1252-1260
【目的】明确小菜蛾Plutella xylostella成虫喙管感器的形态结构及感器神经元的投射。【方法】利用扫描电子显微镜观察小菜蛾成虫喙管结构和感器,利用神经回填技术和激光共聚焦显微镜观察喙管感器神经元在脑部的投射。【结果】小菜蛾成虫喙管上存在毛形感器(两种亚型)、腔锥形感器、锥形感器、刺形感器和栓锥形感器5种不同类型的感器。毛形感器表面光滑,分布于外颚叶外侧,可分为毛形感器Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种亚型,其中Ⅰ型比Ⅱ型长;锥形感器分布于喙管外表面,由一个感觉锥和一个短的圆形基座组成;腔锥形感器仅分布于食管内侧,只有一个粗短感觉锥而无基座;刺形感器由一个细长的感觉毛和一个圆形基座组成,表面无孔,分布于喙管的外表面;栓锥形感器是昆虫喙管上最典型的感受器,集中分布于喙管顶端区域,感器顶部凹腔伸出一个单感觉锥。此外,喙管上的感觉和运动神经元投射到初级味觉中枢咽下神经节。【结论】本研究阐明了小菜蛾成虫喙管感器的类型、分布和形态特征及其感器神经元在脑部的投射形态,为深入了解小菜蛾喙管感器的生理和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Flotillins and the PHB domain protein family: rafts, worms and anaesthetics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While our understanding of lipid microdomains has advanced in recent years, many aspects of their formation and dynamics are still unclear. In particular, the molecular determinants that facilitate the partitioning of integral membrane proteins into lipid raft domains are yet to be clarified. This review focuses on a family of raft-associated integral membrane proteins, termed flotillins, which belongs to a larger class of integral membrane proteins that carry an evolutionarily conserved domain called the prohibitin homology (PHB) domain. A number of studies now suggest that eucaryotic proteins carrying this domain have affinity for lipid raft domains. The PHB domain is carried by a diverse array of proteins including stomatin, podocin, the archetypal PHB protein, prohibitin, lower eucaryotic proteins such as the Dictyostelium discoideum proteins vacuolin A and vacuolin B and the Caenorhabditis elegans proteins unc-1, unc-24 and mec-2. The presence of this domain in some procaryotic proteins suggests that the PHB domain may constitute a primordial lipid recognition motif. Recent work has provided new insights into the trafficking and targeting of flotillin and other PHB domain proteins. While the function of this large family of proteins remains unclear, studies of the C. elegans PHB proteins suggest possible links to a class of volatile anaesthetics raising the possibility that these lipophilic agents could influence lipid raft domains. This review will discuss recent insights into the cell biology of flotillins and the large family of evolutionarily conserved PHB domain proteins.  相似文献   

The giant anterior salivary gland cells from the large mammalian blood-sucking, glossiphoniid leech, Haementeria ghilianii, can be subdivided into three morphologically and functionally distinct regions: 1) a soma, responsible for the synthesis and storage of secretory products; 2) a long cell process, responsible for the storage and intracellular transport of the secretory vesicles; and 3) the site of exocytosis at the process terminal. The giant somata are densely packed with secretory vesicles. Deep plasmalemmal invaginations invade the soma and form an extensive system of extracellular lacunae. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus are organized in the cell periphery, near the highly branched nucleus, and along the lacunae. The somata taper into long processes extending over several centimeters to the proboscis tip. These contain secretory vesicles through their whole length. In the process periphery, the vesicles are completely ensheathed by a concentric subplasmalemmal smooth ER cisterna. This originates deeply within the soma and extends through the whole cell process to its terminal. The ER provides support for up to several hundred longitudinally oriented microtubules. Secretion occurs at the very tip of the cell processes, each of which terminates at the proboscis tip at the base of a cuticular pore. We found synapses close to the sites of exocytosis, providing morphological evidence for neuronal control of secretion.  相似文献   

Three types of microtubule-organizing centers are present in the interphase L-cells: centriolar matrix, pericentriolar satellites, and electron-dense bodies that are not attached to the centrioles. Different types of microtubule-organizing centers may be present simultaneously in the same centrosome. In most of the cells some microtubules have their proximal ends free, rather than attached to the microtubule-organizing center. A network of intermediate filaments is condensed around the centrosome. The intermediate filaments run from the centrosome parallel to the microtubules. Although the filaments are often in close proximity to the centrioles and microtubules, direct contacts between them are rare. The intermediate filaments have convergence foci of their own in the centrosome.  相似文献   

Based on serial semithin sections and SEM photographs of representatives of European Bombyliinae and Anthracinae, the mouthparts of Bombyliidae are studied and compared with the relevant data from literature on other families of Diptera Brachycera. The three moving units of the proboscis (clypeo-cibarial region, haustellum-maxillary base region, and labella) and their structures and muscles are described. Functions and possible movements are inferred from the structures observed. Articulations both between the parts of the organ and to the head capsule enable the fly to retract its proboscis into a resting position. Proboscis movement from a resting to a feeding position encompasses the following submovements: rotating of the basal clypeo-cibarial region (= fulcrum) against the head capsule, folding of the haustellum-maxillary base region against the fulcrum, evagination and invagination of the labial base, and the labella movements. This is a novelty as compared to the rigid proboscis of Tabanidae and agrees largely with the conditions in the Cyclorrhapha. The evolution of these novelties and their functional significance are discussed. The fulcrum, as well as the haustellum-maxillary base, as the new moving units are deduced from the plesiomorphic state as present in Tabanidae by fusions of sclerites, shifts of musculature and formation of new articulations. Accepted: 5 April 2000  相似文献   

The giant cells of soft tissues and those of mineralized tissues (osteoclasts) have distinctly different cell surface receptors and ultrastructural characteristics. Recently, the removal of dead bone particles in a subcutaneous environment has been described as a prototype of bone resorption, and a major issue is whether the giant cells that surround these ectopic bone implants and the processes involved in the disruption of bone surfaces are the same as those in the skeleton. We have compared the cytology and ultrastructure of giant cells recruited to subcutaneously implanted isogeneic bone particles with similar features of osteoclasts in metaphyseal bone of young normal rats and mice. Giant cells on surfaces of bone particles 2, 3, and 4 weeks after implantation were multinucleated, had a homogeneous, nonvacuolated cytoplasm, and had a bone surface interface unremarkable by light microscopy. In a few cells randomly distributed, small cytoplasmic vacuoles were present and large vacuoles were noted next to the bone surface at high magnification. By transmission electron microscopy, folded membrane configurations forming extensive interdigitations with adjacent cells were prominent features on most surfaces of giant cells. In instances where these interdigitations abutted bone surfaces, configuration resembling a ruffled border were noted, but these regions were always part of two different cells when examined at lower magnification or in serial sections. Breakdown of bone particles appeared to be by phagocytosis of small pieces and subsequent intracellular digestion in electron-dense cytoplasmic vacuoles. Osteoclasts from these same young animals were smaller with fewer nuclei, had cytoplasmic vacuoles concentrated next to bone surfaces, and had characteristic ruffled borders and clear zones. These results confirm those of others that native osteoclasts and multinucleated giant cells on dead bone particles are distinctly different with respect to both ultrastructure and mechanism of disruption of bone surfaces.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of two kinds of mechanoreceptive organs, pit organs and neuromasts, in the skin of adult giant salamanders (Andrias davidianus) was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Neuromasts and pit organs differ in their types of synapses, the spatial distribution of kinocilia on sensory cells, and in the degree to which sensory cells are separated by processes of the supporting cells; the two organs probably serve complementary functions. The neuromasts in A. davidianus differ from those of other salamanders in the orientation of kinocilia, in the extent of intrusion of supporting cells into the sensory layer, in the degree of thickening of the synaptic membranes, in the distribution of synaptic spheres, and by the absence of a cupula.  相似文献   

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