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Cui B  He Q  Zhang K  Chen X 《Oecologia》2011,166(4):1067-1075
Vegetation zonation patterns in coastal marshes are hypothesized to be the result of both physical stress and competitive interactions. How these patterns may be driven by these factors at different life history stages remains poorly understood. We investigated the relative importance of species tolerance (response to physical stress) and competitive ability in determining the distributions of two dominant marsh species across a salt–fresh marsh interface in the Yellow River Estuary, China. There is a steep gradient in salinity across this interface and Suaeda salsa, an annual, dominates the saline side of the interface, while Phragmites australis, a perennial species, dominates the freshwater side. Using a series of field transplants, we examined the roles of physical stress and competition in mediating this zonation at different life history stages. Suaeda salsa performed well in its home zone, but seedling emergence, seedling survival, adult survival and adult growth were significantly suppressed by competition in the freshwater P. australis zone. Emergence, survival and growth of P. australis were inhibited in the saline S. salsa zone, regardless of neighbor treatments, but it performed well in its home zone. The magnitude of the competitive effect on the performance of S. salsa differed among the life history stages. Competition from P. australis had a much stronger effect on S. salsa seedling emergence and adult growth than on seedling survival and adult survival. Our results reveal that both physical stress and competition contributed to the observed zonation patterns in this marsh system. However, for S. salsa, the effect of competition varied with life-history stage. Insight into these ecological processes is critical to understanding how the zonation pattern in the marsh system is formed and maintained.  相似文献   

Managed re-alignment of sea defences is seen as the way to strengthen these by rationalising the line between land and sea and creating a buffer of inter-tidal habitat in front of them. This buffer is most commonly salt marsh which absorbs wave energy thus protecting the defences. The global area of salt marsh is in decline due to a range of issues and managed re-alignment is a way of creating or recreating this important habitat. This review examines managed re-alignment schemes in the light of salt marsh loss, rising sea levels and a changing climate. The ecosystem services and benefits provided by salt marsh can be assessed and given a monetary value. Managed re-alignment can be an important tool for salt marsh creation and coastal zone management. The number and size of schemes in the UK has increased in recent years but the area of recreated salt marsh is still insufficient to replace that lost by erosion and other processes. Background data from a proposed site, and adjacent areas likely to be affected, need to be collected prior to embarking on a scheme that may prove successful. Stakeholder interests cannot be neglected and there will also be a need for long-term monitoring. Re-created salt marshes may form an effective sea defence buffer but they remain significantly different from adjacent natural marshes for many years both in their vegetation and functional equivalence.  相似文献   

Many authors have referred to the important role of vegetation in the consolidation of salt marsh sediments, but experiments previously carried out by us have shown results that do not always agree with these statements. In other words, the type of salt marsh surface coverage is not the main factor that contributes to the consolidation of sediments. To test this hypothesis different Portuguese salt marsh stations (species/unvegetated areas) from two sites, Tagus estuary (Corroios and Pancas) and Ria de Aveiro (Barra and Verdemilho), were compared to evaluate their influence on suspended matter deposition on the salt marsh surface. A short-term sedimentation study was performed within stands of Spartina maritima, Halimione portulacoides, Sarcocornia perennis subsp. perennis and unvegetated areas, by analysing the deposition of sediment material on nylon filters anchored to the marsh surface. Numerical results obtained from hydrodynamic models coupled to a Lagrangean module implemented for the Ria de Aveiro and the Tagus Estuary, namely the root-mean square velocity (V rms) and residual velocity of tides, were also used. Average sedimentation rates (mean value between the different surface cover in a salt marsh) showed a seasonal trend more or less defined but with significantly different values between sites and salt marshes. Sedimentation rates varied between marshes: there are significant differences between Pancas and the other three marshes, but only significant differences in sedimentation rates between Spartina and Sarcocornia. Despite the important role of vegetation in the consolidation of salt marsh sediments, our results suggest that, the position of stations and related abiotic conditions in the salt marshes are determining factors of variation to take into account in the studies related with the stabilization and survival of salt marshes facing sea level rise. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

Aims Extensive dieback of salt marsh dominated by the perennial grass Spartina alterniflora occurred throughout the Mississippi River deltaic plain during 2000. More than 100,000 ha were affected, with 43,000 ha severely damaged. The aim of this work was to determine if sudden dieback could have been caused by a coincident drought and to assess the significance of this event with respect to long‐term changes in coastal vegetation. Location Multiple dieback sites and reference sites were established along 150 km of shoreline in coastal Louisiana, USA. Methods Aerial and ground surveys were conducted from June 2000 to September 2001 to assess soil conditions and plant mortality and recovery. Results Dieback areas ranged in size from ~300 m2?5 km2 in area with 50–100% mortality of plant shoots and rhizomes in affected zones. Co‐occurring species such as Avicennia germinans (black mangrove) and Juncus roemerianus (needlegrass rush) were unaffected. Historical records indicate that precipitation, river discharge, and mean sea level were unusually low during the previous year. Although the cause of dieback is currently unknown, plant and soil characteristics were consistent with temporary soil desiccation that may have reduced water availability, increased soil salinity, and/or caused soil acidification (via pyrite oxidation) and increased uptake of toxic metals such as Fe or Al. Plant recovery 15 months after dieback was variable (0–58% live cover), but recovering plants were vigorous and indicated no long‐lasting effects of the dieback agent. Main conclusions These findings have relevance for global change models of coastal ecosystems that predict vegetation responses based primarily on long‐term increases in sea level and submergence of marshes. Our results suggest that large‐scale changes in coastal vegetation may occur over a relatively short time span through climatic extremes acting in concert with sea‐level fluctuations and pre‐existing soil conditions.  相似文献   

In this study we accumulate evidence that brown hare competes with brent goose for food resources in a temperate salt marsh. We show that both species overlap in habitat use and share food plants. The two herbivores mainly used the common habitat at different times of the day, with hares active in the dark and geese during the daylight. During the morning and evening, however, the habitat was exploited simultaneously. Food availability was manipulated by excluding brent geese on both small-scale (30 m2) and large-scale (0.96 ha) plots, while hares had free access everywhere. Exclusion of brent geese enhanced the level of utilisation by hares in both Festuca and Puccinellia dominated marshes, which are among the most intensively grazed parts of the salt marsh. The increase in hare grazing pressure following goose exclusion was stronger, when the adjacent control plots had attracted more goose visitation. When geese were excluded, the decrease in Festuca consumption by geese was completely matched by increased hare grazing, while for Puccinellia only part of the `surplus' was harvested. Enhanced levels of hare utilisation were not due to geese interfering directly with hare, nor due to hares avoiding goose droppings. Considering the interaction from the other perspective, hares were observed to disturb geese effectively in every spring. This might have reduced exploitation by geese of the shared resources. On the basis of our experimental results, we conclude that in this salt- marsh system competition for food with brent geese plays a role in the habitat use of hares, and that hares can reduce goose exploitation of shared habitats. Received: 30 March 1998 / Accepted: 6 July 1998  相似文献   

Changes in salt marsh vegetation were analyzed over a two-year period (November 1984–November 1986) following the construction of a dike in the southwest corner of Punta Banda Estuary, Baja California, México. Changes included: increased interstitial soil salinity, reduced soil moisture, increased mortality of Spartina foliosa and decreased middle marsh species diversity due to the elimination of annual and short-lived species. The sea-side edge of the middle marsh shifted its boundary to a lower elevation. By the end of 1986, dominant species were Salicornia virginica, Batis maritima and Frankenia grandifolia. By October 1988, only a few patches of S. foliosa persisted at the water edge, and it appeared that the community was not yet stable. The potential future of the estuary is evaluated.  相似文献   

This article assesses changes in the macrophyte community of Loch Leven over a period of 100 years. Evidence is presented that shows that these changes are associated with eutrophication and with subsequent recovery from eutrophication when anthropogenic nutrient inputs to the loch were reduced. This study uses macrophyte survey data from 1905, 1966, 1972, 1975, 1986, 1993, 1999 and 2008. In each of the four most modern surveys, the loch was divided into 19 sectors, each with at least one transect ranging from the shallowest to the deepest occurrence of macrophytes. From these data, a range of indicators of recovery were derived at the whole lake scale: the relative abundance of taxa, taxon richness and evenness. All of these metrics showed an improvement since 1972. Species richness, measured at the scales of survey sector and individual samples, also appeared to have increased in recent years. All of these measures, coupled with ordination of the presence/absence composition data from all survey years, indicate that the macrophyte community in the loch is recovering towards the state that was recorded in 1905.  相似文献   

Abstract. Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa has played a central role in the encroachment of woody plants in southern Texas, grasslands and savannas by acting as a nurse plant for various shrubs that establish in its understory. To test for continued facilitation of established understory shrubs by Prosopis and to determine if established shrubs compete with the Prosopis nucleus, selective removal experiments were conducted and monitored over a 2–5 yr period. Short-term (1–3 days) and long-term (2 yr) growth and physiological activities (midday net photosynthesis and leaf/shoot water potential) of two common understory shrubs, Zanthoxylum fagara and Berberis trifoliolata, growing with Prosopis, were generally comparable to those of individuals occurring in clusters where Prosopis was removed. Shrubs growing with an intact Prosopis occasionally showed significantly higher leaf-[N] and pre-dawn water potentials than those in clusters lacking a live Prosopis, especially under drought conditions; however, these differences did not translate into greater midday leaf gas exchange or shoot growth. By comparison, removal of understory shrubs elicited large increases in Prosopis net photosynthesis, annual trunk growth in each of the 5 yr monitored, and seed pod production in three of the four years monitored. Seven of 26 Prosopis plants in experimental clusters with an intact understory died over a 5-yr period, compared to only two of the 26 plants in clusters with the cleared understory. Results indicate that (1) the founding overstory Prosopis plant may continue to facilitate understory shrubs following their establishment, but these beneficial effects appear to be small and transitory, and (2) the understory shrubs have a pronounced negative effect on Prosopis, such that competition between overstory and understory woody plants is strongly asymmetrical. These findings suggest that understory shrubs will likely persist despite changes in microclimate and soils (potentially) that occur after the Prosopis plant, which facilitated their ingress or establishment, has died. Soil resource depletion by shallow-rooted understory shrubs appears to be a primary factor contributing to the demise of the deeply rooted, overstory Prosopis plants, especially on upland sites with duplex soils where below-ground competition is accentuated.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The effects of salt stress on the salt marsh halophyte Spartina alterniflora have been well documented. However, plant responses to combined salinity and ammonium toxicity and the underlying mechanisms are relatively unknown. The aim of the present investigation was to study the effects of both salinity (0, 200 and 500 mM NaCl) and nitrogen form (NO3 ?, NH4 + or NH4NO3) on S. alterniflora.


Plants were cultivated in sandy soil under greenhouse conditions for 3 months. At harvest, growth parameters were measured and leaf samples were analysed for oxidative stress parameters (malondialdehyde, MDA; electrolyte leakage, EL; and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 concentration) and the activity of antioxidant enzymes (glutathione reductase, GR; superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT; ascorbate peroxidase, APX and Guaiacol peroxidase, GPX).


In the absence of NaCl, plant growth rate was the highest in the medium containing both nitrogen forms, and the lowest in the medium containing only nitrate. Irrespective of the nitrogen form, plant growth was generally higher at 200 mM NaCl than without salinity. Ammonium-fed plants showed better growth than nitrate-fed plants under high salinity. In the absence of salinity, ammonium-fed plants showed higher SOD, APX, GR, CAT, and GPX activities than nitrate-fed ones. The antioxidant enzymes exhibited higher activity in saline-treated plants. The considerable advantage of NH4 + nutrition to S. alterniflora under saline conditions was associated with high antioxidant enzyme activities, together with low MDA content, EL, and H2O2 concentration.


These data clearly demonstrate that NH4 + is more favourable for the growth of S. alterniflora under high salinity than NO3 ?. It is suggested that NH4 + nutrition improves the plant’s capacity to limit oxidative damage by stimulating the activities of the major antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2004,25(3):137-142
We studied patterns of small mammal abundance and species richness in post-fire habitats by sampling 33 plots (225 m2 each) representing different stages of vegetation recovery after fire. Small mammal abundance was estimated by live trapping during early spring 1999 and vegetation structure was sampled by visual estimation at the same plots. Recently–burnt areas were characterised by shrubby and herbaceous vegetation with low structural variability, and unburnt areas were characterised by well developed forest cover with high structural complexity. Small mammal abundance and species richness decreased with time elapsed since the last fire (from 5 to at least 50 years), and these differences were associated to the decreasing cover of short shrubs as the post-fire succession of plant communities advanced. However, relationships between vegetation structure and small mammals differed among areas burned in different times, with weak or negative relationship in recently burnt areas and positive and stronger relationship in unburnt areas. Furthermore, the abundance of small mammals was larger than expected from vegetation structure in plots burned recently whereas the contrary pattern was found in unburned areas. We hypothesised that the pattern observed could be related to the responses of small mammal predators to changes in vegetation and landscape structure promoted by fire. Fire-related fragmentation could have promoted the isolation of forest predators (owls and carnivores) in unburned forest patches, a fact that could have produced a higher predation pressure for small mammals. Conversely, small mammal populations would have been enhanced in early post-fire stages by lower predator numbers combined with better predator protection in areas covered by resprouting woody vegetation.  相似文献   

Meloidoderita salina sp. n. is described and illustrated from the halophytic plant Atriplex portulacoides L. (sea purslane) growing in a micro-tidal salt marsh in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay in France. This new species is the first member of Meloidoderita Poghossian, 1966 collected from a saline environment, and is characterized by the following features: sedentary mature females having a small swollen body with a clear posterior protuberance; slightly dorsally curved stylet, 19.9 µm long, with posteriorly sloping knobs; neck region irregular in shape and twisted; well developed secretory-excretory (S–E) pore, with markedly sclerotized S-E duct running posteriorly; prominent uterus bordered by a thick hyaline wall and filled with eggs. The adult female transforms into a cystoid. Eggs are deposited in both egg-mass and cystoid. Cystoids of Meloidoderita salina sp. n. display a unique sub-cuticular hexagonal beaded pattern. Male without stylet, pharyngeal region degenerated, S-E duct prominent, deirids small, developed testis 97.5 µm long, spicules 18.4 µm long, cloacal opening ventrally protruded, small phasmids posterior to cloaca opening and situated at 5.9 (3.2–7.7) µm from tail end, and conical tail ending in a rounded terminus marked with one (rarely two) ventrally positioned mucro. Additionally, some young malesof the new species were observed enveloped in the last J2 cuticle. Second-stage juvenile body 470 µm long, with a 16.4 µm long stylet, prominent rounded knobs set off from the shaft, hemizonid anterior and adjacent to S-E pore, small deirids located just above S-E pore level, genital primordium located at 68–77% of body length, phasmids small and located at about 19 µm from tail tip, and tail 38.7 µm long, tapering to finely pointed terminus with a finger-like projection. Phylogenetic analyses based on the nearly full length small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences of Meloidoderita salina sp. n. revealed a close relationship of the new species with Sphaeronema alni Turkina & Chizhov, 1986 and placed these two species sister to the rest of Criconematina.  相似文献   

Contagious yawning is a form of response facilitation found in humans and other primates in which observing a model yawning enhances the chance that the observer will also yawn. Because contagious yawning seems to be more easily triggered when models are conspecifics or have a strong social bond with the observer, it has been proposed that contagious yawning is linked to empathy. A possible way to test this hypothesis is to analyze whether individuals’ responses differ when they observe models yawning or performing different involuntary (i.e., nose wiping, scratching) and voluntary (i.e., hand closing, wrist shaking) actions that are not linked to empathy. In this study, we tested the four great ape species with two different setups by exposing them to a human experimenter repeatedly performing these actions online, and video-recorded conspecifics repeatedly performing these actions on a screen. We examined which behaviors were subject to response facilitation, whether response facilitation was triggered by both human models and video-recorded conspecifics, and whether all species showed evidence of response facilitation. Our results showed that chimpanzees yawned significantly more when and shortly after watching videos of conspecifics (but not humans) yawning than in control conditions, and they did not do so as a response to increased levels of anxiety. For all other behaviors, no species produced more target actions when being exposed to either model than under control conditions. Moreover, the individuals that were more “reactive” when watching yawning videos were not more reactive when exposed to other actions. Since, at least in chimpanzees, (1) subjects only showed response facilitation when they were exposed to yawning and (2) only if models were conspecifics, it appears that contagious yawning is triggered by unique mechanisms and might be linked to empathy.  相似文献   

Over 30 years after drainage for agriculture, a 2700 ha temporary marshland was recently restored in Doñana National Park. We describe the recovery of zooplankton communities (copepods, cladocerans and rotifers) in 47 new temporary ponds excavated as part of the restoration project during the first two hydroperiods (April 2006 and 2007), and compare them to those of eight reference sites in the surrounding marshland. Major changes in the species composition and abundance occurred in new ponds between years. While rotifers and cyclopoid copepods dominated in terms of number of individuals in 2006, calanoid copepods and cladocerans were the most abundant groups in 2007. Rotifer species richness was significantly lower in 2007, but there was an increase in Simpson and β-diversity in 2007 owing largely to a dramatic decline in the abundance of Hexarthra cf. fennica (rare in reference sites) from 93% of all rotifer individuals in new ponds in 2006 to only 32% in 2007. In contrast, species richness of copepods and cladocerans was significantly higher in new ponds in 2007, but there were no changes in Simpson diversity. β-Diversity of cladocerans was also significantly higher in 2007. In 2006, the species richness of cladocera and copepods was significantly lower in new ponds than in reference sites, but by 2007 there were no differences in richness or Simpson diversity. Overall, 7 copepod, 13 cladoceran and 26 rotifer taxa were recorded in new ponds, including 80% of taxa recorded in reference sites. These results indicate that zooplankton communities can be rapidly restored in Mediterranean temporary wetlands, at least when large source populations in the surrounding area reduce dispersal limitation. They also illustrate the importance of comparing different metrics of richness and diversity in studies of zooplankton restoration.  相似文献   

Abstract. Data referring to changes in vegetation composition resulting from cattle exclosure and ploughing in a Portuguese pasture dominated by annuals were used to test hypotheses regarding the biology of species favoured or eliminated by disturbance in semi-natural herbaceous communities. These hypotheses were tested in two ways. First we compared the distribution of six a priori groups – grasses, small rosettes, large rosettes, small species with leafy stems, large species with leafy stems, legumes – across grazed, ploughed and undisturbed plots. In a second set of analyses we examined changes in the frequencies of individual biological attributes in response to grazing and ploughing. These analyses were carried out separately for grasses and dicot forbs. Overall, the species composition showed little response to either grazing or ploughing, though species dominance changed. This lack of responsiveness of species composition was attributed to the long history of intensive land use which has resulted in the loss of disturbance-intolerant species over entire landscapes. When considering a priori groups, small rosettes were indifferent to disturbance. grazing and ploughing showed that dominated. Large rosettes, large species with leafy stems and legumes were generally intolerant to both grazing and ploughing, though individual species may increase in response to disturbance. Small species with leafy stems were the only group favoured by grazing whereas ploughing favoured grasses. As to individual traits, grazing excluded large grass species with heavy seeds and promoted a flat rosette canopy structure and a small size, along with a moderate dormancy and protected inflorescences. In forbs, grazing favoured small species, as expected, while it excluded tall species, and, in contrast to earlier results, a rosette canopy. These attributes were consistent with responses of the a priori groups, though it would not have been possible to reconstruct groups directly from the attribute list. Ploughing had no effect on any of the forb traits. As to grass traits, flat- and short-statured species increased and heavy-seeded species decreased. Our analysis revealed two advantages of establishing plant functional classifications within life forms. Subgroups within forbs had contrasting types of behaviour. For the same trait patterns could differ within the grass group from within the forb group. Finally, this analysis emphasizes the need for plant functional classifications aiming at the identification of syndromes of co-occurring attributes rather than of lists of isolated traits of which actual combinations are not specified.  相似文献   

“Threats analysis” is a conservation discipline directed to identify, quantify, rank, map the human-induced threats occurring in a specific study area, assessing their spatial-temporal regime (e.g., the extension and intensity on specific targets of conservation concern). This approach may be particularly useful in order to define the priorities in the management strategies to be adopted by nature reserves, especially those that are situated in human-altered multi-disturbed contexts. In a remnant Mediterranean wetland of central Italy, where 15 human-induced threats were identified, we compared the assessment given for two regime parameters (scope and severity) of each threat by a panels of not-expert students (n = 13) during different phases of a training academic course, thus evaluating perception modifications during three steps. We applied an experience-based method, then comparing the assessments obtained during the training course with the values obtained previously from a panel of experts (n = 10). Two direct threats (pollution and alien species) significantly changed their mean values in scope during the three steps, and three threats (habitat conversion, garbage, and aircraft) significantly changed as for severity. Students tended to significantly correct their responses in such a way to progressively match with the experts’ responses for a set of threats either for scope (habitat conversion, linear infrastructures, grazing, garbage, fires on reed-beds) or severity (pollution, garbage, fires on reed-beds). Despite the responses were not clear for some threats (aircraft), we suppose that students could assign a initial emphasis towards more charismatic threats as pollution, garbage, fires that instead locally did not appear of priority concern, while threats being uneasily detected (as alien species) were underestimated. Our study showed that a training course with field surveys allows to better define and contextualize the threats affecting a given area, reducing the perception effect that each student had prior to the beginning of the course, when their education information was mainly mass-media based.  相似文献   

  1. Parallel latitudinal clines in flowering time have been documented in both the invasive and native ranges of plants. Furthermore, flowering time has been found to affect biomass at maturity. Therefore, understanding how these flowering times affect biomass accumulation across latitudes is essential to understanding plant adaptations and distributions.
  2. We investigated and compared trends in first flowering day (FFD), aboveground biomass (AGB), belowground biomass (BGB), and BGB:AGB ratio of the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora along latitudinal gradients from the invasive (China, 19–40°N) and native range (United States, 27–43°N) in a greenhouse common garden experiment, and tested whether FFD would drive these divergences between invasive and native ranges.
  3. The invasive populations produced more (~20%, ~19%) AGB and BGB than native populations, but there were no significant differences in the FFD and BGB:AGB ratio. We found significant parallel latitudinal clines in FFD in both invasive and native ranges. In addition, the BGB:AGB ratio was negatively correlated with the FFD in both the invasive and native ranges but nonsignificant in invasive populations. In contrast, AGB and BGB increased with latitude in the invasive range, but declined with latitude in the native range. Most interestingly, we found AGB and BGB positively correlated with the FFD in the native range, but no significant relationships in the invasive range.
  4. Our results indirectly support the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis (EICA) that S. alterniflora has evolved to produce greater AGB and BGB in China, but the flowering and allocation pattern of native populations is maintained in the invasive range. Our results also suggest that invasive S. alterniflora in China is not constrained by the trade‐off of earlier flowering with smaller size, and that flowering time has played an important role in biomass allocation across latitudes.

Although Mediterranean temporary pools are of great value for conservation, they are in rapid decline under the impact of various forms of anthropogenic pressure. Their disappearance from the landscape may result in a weakening of the biological connections between pools due to increasing isolation and the impoverishment of their communities. In Western Morocco (province of Benslimane), temporary pools have undergone severe regression over the past decades. The quantification of these losses and the impact on the richness of plant communities remain, however, unstudied. Since this is of vital importance for the conservation of the biodiversity of these habitats, a study has been undertaken associating (1) an assessment of the pool losses (both in density and surface area) between 1955 and 2001 using remote sensing, (2) surveys of vegetation and water depth (in 2006) in 48 pools, and (3) an assessment of the density and surface area of pools occurring within a 3 km radius around each of the sampled pools. The results show a loss of 23% in number and 61% in surface area of pools in the province over a period of 47 years. This decline, promoted by their small size and shallowness, is probably related to socio-economic changes (intensification of agricultural practices and population growth). The richness in characteristic and rare species of the pools was related to both local (water depth) and regional features (land use, pool density and total water surface area in the surrounding landscape). The significant impact of the current density of pools and their total surface area on the conservation value of the studied pools suggests a weakening of the metacommunity dynamics between pools. Given the rapid socio-economic changes in the province and the current rate of pool disappearance (0.5% per year) we predict a continuing reduction in pool density with a high risk of the widespread loss of their unique flora in the long term.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions in salt marsh creeks are intermediate between the open tidal coast and estuaries. A large salt marsh creek at the island of Sylt (North Sea) was studied in order to test whether its fauna is more similar to that of the open tidal coast or to that of estuaries. Because of a sandy bar at the seaward opening, the tidal range is only 10 cm in the creek, and the water level never drops below the level of the sand bar. Zoobenthos in the sandy bottom and on the sandy shores was studied at both ends and in the middle of the creek. Polychaeta and Plathelminthes were determined to species level. On an average, 2115 metazoans were found below 10 cm2 of surface area. At the seaward end of the creek, abundance and taxonomic composition are similar to that of the adjoining Wadden area. Nematoda are the dominant taxon, followed by Copepoda, Plathelminthes and Oligochaeta. Taxonomic composition is different at the landward end. Plathelminthes and Nematoda are most abundant followed by Copepoda. Both Oligochaeta and Polychaeta are scarce at these newly eroded sites. Plathelminth abundance at the landward end of the creek is exceptionally high (770–935·10 cm−2). Contrary to what is generally found in estuaries, the species density of Plathelminthes shows a significant increase toward the land. The species composition of Polychaeta and Plathelminthes indicates that the sites below mean high tide level of the creek correspond to the adjacent eulittoral Wadden area while the fauna of the supralittoral sites of the creek is similar to the fauna of supralittoral tidal coasts. Typical sublittoral species did not occur in the salt marsh creek. Thus, salt marsh creeks may be regarded as a small-scale model for the tidal coast. In context with the results obtained, the definition of estuaries is discussed.  相似文献   

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