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Questions: Does natural revegetation from indigenous soil improve the restoration success of roadside areas? What are the effects of topsoil, subsoil and fertilization on natural revegetation? Location: Akershus county, SE Norway (10°25′ E, 59° 44′ N). Methods: We used a recently constructed road through a boreal coniferous forest for a three year (2000–2002), fully replicated revegetation experiment (six replications). Treatments were soil type (two levels; one topsoil and one subsoil type) and fertilization (two levels; NPK and unfertilized control). Ordination methods, constrained ordination methods as well as univariate statistical methods, such as Wilcoxon's signed‐rank test and correlation analysis, were used to assess the relative importance and significance of treatments on the plant species composition. Results: There was no fertilization effect on species composition. The species composition on both soil types was stabilised by the second year. The species dominating the topsoil were more in accordance with the indigenous vegetation than was the case on the subsoil. The significant difference in species composition among blocks, persisting for the entire study period, indicated that local factors are important determinants of the outcome of revegetation. Conclusions: Unfertilized topsoil provides a revegetation result in better accordance with the indigenous vegetation than does subsoil.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of vegetation cover, radiation, micro‐habitat variables and maritime influence on the floristic composition of a saxicolous community in Vingen, western Norway were studied. Particular emphasis is put on the local distribution of Fuscidea cyathoides, Ochrolechia tartarea, Ophioparma ventosa and Pertusaria corallina. Very little of the variation in the lichen community composition is directly related to measured micro‐environmental variables but variance partitioning shows that vegetation cover explains more of the floristic variation than radiation, maritime influence and microhabitat variables. Logistic regression analyses nevertheless indicate that the micro‐environment influences the spatial distribution of the four species. The high fraction of unexplained floristic variation, 91%, is suggested to result from (1) lack of fit of data to the response model; (2) some influential environmental variables that have not been recorded; (3) local historical factors that affect present day distribution and/or (4) apparent randomness in colonization. The results also agree with the view that the four lichen species in this study are able to co‐exist in the long‐term because of different spatial distributions resulting from different strategies with respect to ecology, dispersion and interaction.  相似文献   

Abstract. We evaluate the potential influence of disturbance on the predictability of alpine plant species distribution from equilibrium‐based habitat distribution models. Firstly, abundance data of 71 plant species were correlated with a comprehensive set of environmental variables using ordinal regression models. Subsequently, the residual spatial autocorrelation (at distances of 40 to 320 m) in these models was explored. The additional amount of variance explained by spatial structuring was compared with a set of functional traits assumed to confer advantages in disturbed or undisturbed habitats. We found significant residual spatial autocorrelation in the habitat models of most of the species that were analysed. The amount of this autocorrelation was positively correlated with the dispersal capacity of the species, levelling off with increasing spatial scale. Both trends indicate that dispersal and colonization processes, whose frequency is enhanced by disturbance, influence the distribution of many alpine plant species. Since habitat distribution models commonly ignore such spatial processes they miss an important driver of local‐ to landscape‐scale plant distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vascular plant species richness was related to biomass and vegetation cover in nine different alpine vegetation types on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau, western Norway. Each vegetation type was sampled within an 8m × 6m area, and the species‐richness pattern analysed. Evidence for a unimodal relationship between species richness and both biomass and cover was found at the within‐vegetation type scale. Cover was a better predictor for species richness than biomass, suggesting that light may be an important factor influencing species richness at this scale in alpine vegetation. The possibility that the results are an artefact of small grain size is also discussed, and several arguments for an ecological explanation of the humpback relationship between species richness and cover are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated germination responses and seed recruitment in the clonal grassland herb Knautia arvensis (Dipsacaceae) throughout its distributional range in Norway. Four predicted relationships between germination responses and field regeneration behaviour were tested using phytotron experiments and experimental and observational field studies. Seedlings appeared in all experimental microsites in the field, corroborating phytotron predictions that gap‐ or depth‐sensing strategies should be absent in the species. Seasonal timing patterns were predicted from a cold stratification response in the phytotron, but these were not supported in the field. The relationship between dormancy, germinability during storage, and seed carry‐over in the field largely conformed to expectations. Seeds from four different geographical regions responded differently to temperature and cold stratification and storage. Dormancy and seed carry‐over was higher in seeds from a coastal population, where winters are relatively mild and the probability of repeated freeze‐thaw events is high, than in populations from mountain and inland areas, where winters are colder. This is discussed against two alternative hypotheses about the relationship between climate and dormancy in seasonal climates.  相似文献   

Abstract. 39 species of vascular epiphytes were found in a 625-m2 plot in a cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico. Epiphyte biomass was estimated for all species in six zones distinguished on each tree > 10 cm in DBH: stem base, lower stem, upper stem, branches > 20 cm, branches from 5 — 20 cm and branches < 5 cm diameter. Branches were additionally separated according to their position in the upper, middle or lower canopy. Total dry matter of green organs was 318 kg/ha. Dominance/diversity curves fitted best to the lognormal model. Principal Coordinate Analysis showed that canopy height and branch thickness are both important factors and also that the stem base was the most distinct zone. Microhabitat preferences and niche overlap of the frequent species proved some degree of resource partitioning within the canopy. Ecophysiological characters possibly responsible for these preferences and implications for conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Plant functional types (PFTs) bridge the gap between plant physiology and community and ecosystem processes, thus providing a powerful tool in climate change research. We aimed at identifying PFTs within the flora of central-western Argentina, and to explore their possible consequences for ecosystem function. We analyzed 24 vegetative and regenerative traits of the 100 most abundant species along a steep climatic gradient. Based on plant traits and standard multivariate techniques, we identified eight PFTs. Our results confirmed, over a wide range of climatic conditions, the occurrence of broad recurrent patterns of association among plant traits reported for other floras; namely trade-offs between high investment in photosynthesis and growth on the one hand, and preferential allocation to storage and defence on the other. Regenerative traits were only partially coupled with vegetative traits. Using easily-measured plant traits and individual species cover in 63 sites, we predicted main community-ecosystem processes along the regional gradient. We hypothesized likely impacts of global climatic change on PFTs and ecosystems in situ, and analysed their probabilities of migrating in response to changing climatic conditions. Finally, we discuss the advantages and limitations of this kind of approach in predicting changes in plant distribution and in ecosystem processes over the next century.  相似文献   

Shrubland vegetation and environmental data in western Shewa, Ethiopia have been analysed. Vegetation data include cover-abundance values of vascular plant species; environmental data comprise physical and chemical properties of the soil, altitude, slope, grazing and browsing pressure. The vegetation data were subj ected to hierarchical and non-hierarchical classification and ordination with correspondence analysis. The classification resulted in seven different vegetation types, ranging from grassland with scattered shrubs to degenerated forest. Ordination of the data and biplot analysis showed that the vegetation is influenced by anthropogenic factors and altitudinal variation. Sand content is related to a low level of anthropogenic influence whereas silt content is related to a high level. This is explained by historical events rather than by the present situation. Total nitrogen, organic carbon, altitude and slope are positively correlated and these variables are negatively related to anthropogenic influences. The shrubland vegetation may have expanded from lower altitudes and drier sites as forests gradually disappeared. The recovery of an economically more rewarding vegetation type may be achieved through pro viding alternative sources of fuel and construction and through prohibiting cultivation and grazing in the shrublands on the hillsides. Regeneration can be accelerated by actively introducing seedlings of tree species that do not need a heavy canopy cover for establishment and growth.  相似文献   

Question: What is the influence of refuse dumps of leaf‐cutting ants on seedling recruitment under contrasting moisture conditions in a semi‐arid steppe? Location: Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: In a greenhouse experiment, we monitored seedling recruitment in soil samples from refuse dumps of nests of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis and non‐nest sites, under contrasting moisture conditions simulating wet and dry growing seasons. Results: The mean number of seedling species and individuals were higher in wet than in dry plots, and higher in refuse dump plots than in non‐nest soil plots. The positive effect of refuse dumps on seedling recruitment was greater under low moisture conditions. Both the accumulation of discarded seeds by leaf‐cutting ants and the passive trapping of blowing‐seeds seems not explain the increased number of seeds in refuse dumps. Conversely, refuse dumps have higher water retention capacity and nutrient content than adjacent non‐nest soils, allowing the recruitment of a greater number of species and individual seedlings. Conclusions: Nests of A. lobicornis may play an important role in plant recruitment in the study area, allowing a greater number of seedlings and species to be present, hence resulting in a more diverse community. Moreover, leaf‐cutting ant nests may function as nurse elements, generating safe sites that enhance the performance of neighbouring seedlings mainly during the driest, stressful periods.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fuel-breaks to impede the spread of fires in Mediterranean woody vegetation are created by clearing of shrubs, followed by very intensive cattle grazing before the fire season. The present research analysed the effects of these two disturbance types on herbaceous community composition at the functional group and the species level, by using canonical discriminant ordination analysis and by categorical modeling methods. Grazing caused an increase in the abundance of small species, geophytes, and species with an early flowering period that ends before the grazing period. The abundance of many different species increased as a result of clearing. However, no association was found between positive or negative response to clearing and any species attribute tested. Several a priori functional groups defined by life form and family showed responses to either grazing or clearing. Links between these responses and individual species attributes are discussed. The results emphasize the different nature of the two disturbances: grazing as a selective agent, and shrub clearing as a generalized one. It also stresses the importance of the plant architecture and the morphological and phenological niche in determining community composition under extremely intensive grazing conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Throughout the eastern United States, plant species distributions and community patterns have developed in response to heterogeneous environmental conditions and a wide range of historical factors, including complex histories of natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Despite increased recognition of the importance of disturbance in determining forest composition and structure, few studies have assessed the relative influence of current environment and historical factors on modern vegetation, in part because detailed knowledge of prior disturbance is often lacking. In the present study, we investigate modern and historical factors that control vegetation patterns at Harvard Forest in central Massachusetts, USA. Similar to the forested uplands throughout the northeastern United States, the site is physiographically heterogeneous and has a long and complex history of natural and anthropogenic disturbance. However, data on forest composition and disturbance history collected over the past > 90 years allow us to evaluate the importance of historical factors rigorously, which is rarely possible on other sites. Soil analyses and historical sources document four categories of historical land use on areas that are all forested today: cultivated fields, improved pastures/mowings, unimproved pastures, and continuously forested woodlots. Ordination and logistic regressions indicate that although species have responded individualistically to a wide range of environmental and disturbance factors, many species are influenced by three factors: soil drainage, land use history, and C:N ratios. Few species vary in accordance with ionic gradients, damage from the 1938 hurricane, or a 1957 fire. Contrary to our expectation that the effects of disturbance will diminish over time, historical land use predicts 1992 vegetation composition better than 1937 composition, perhaps because historical woodlots have become increasingly differentiated from post-agricultural stands through the 20th century. Interpretations of modern vegetation must consider the importance of historical factors in addition to current environmental conditions. However, because disturbances such as land use practices and wind damage are complex, it is often difficult to detect disturbance effects using multivariate approaches, even when the broad history of disturbance is known.  相似文献   

Abstract. Correlations between five floristic gradients at small spatial extents (10 - 20 m) and one successional gradient over a larger spatial extent (1.5 km) are analysed. Floristic data (62 taxa) were sampled on five terminal moraines of known age deposited after the ‘Little Ice Age’ (1750–1930). The floristic gradients on the moraine ridges were sampled by two or three transects on each moraine, and the successional gradient by 114 plots on all moraines. The sequential orders of species were determined by constrained and unconstrained Correspondence Analysis. The similarities between species order on the successional gradient and the exposure gradients at the same age were tested against the null hypothesis of no correlation. The null hypothesis was rejected using both Monte Carlo permutation tests and Spearman's rank correlations, except on the oldest moraine. Here a closed canopy has developed, which eliminates the environmental variability associated with ridge morphology. The similarity between the successional gradient and the moraine-ridge gradients is attributed to variation in environmental severity, mainly caused by glacier wind and related factors such as temperature and moisture. Similarity was highest on the moraines in the middle of the glacier foreland, which have many successional stages present and have a relatively exposed relief. The distribution of growth/life-forms along gradients of small spatial extent are comparable to the successional gradient, but lichens, herbs and graminoids differ in their behaviour. The resemblance between species gradients at a small spatial extent and species gradients on a larger spatial extent is interpreted as an ecological self-similar pattern, where young and old substrate are linked to exposed-xeric and protected-mesic habitats, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of selective logging on tree diversity, changes in tree species composition and plant functional types were studied with the use of seven permanent plots in virgin and in logged forest. All plots were located in a lowland dipterocarp rain forest in East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. Just after logging and during the following 20 yr tree diversity measured as Fishers’α was not significantly affected in logged forest plots. Temporal shifts in tree species composition were analysed with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Logged forest plots had much larger changes over time than virgin forest plots. In the smallest diameter class, some logged forest plots showed a distinct trajectory in PCA space compared to virgin forest plots, while in larger diameter classes movement of logged plots in PCA space was random. This suggests that there is no predetermined community to which logged forest plots tend to shift when recovering from logging. We found a significant negative correlation between diameter increments and the species‐specific wood densities of tree species. Species‐specific wood density and potential tree height were used to assign species to five PFTs. As expected, logging increased the fraction of softwood stems in small diameter classes. In the largest diameter classes (≥ 50 cm DBH) a strong decrease of softwood emergent stems was found in logged forest plots. After more than 20 yr no recruitment was found of softwood emergent stems in selectively logged forest.  相似文献   

We have constructed a rice function map by collating the results on quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for 23 important physiological and agronomic characters (including 13 newly measured traits) obtained using backcross inbred lines of japonica Nipponbare×indica Kasalath. Using these materials, The Rice Genome project (RGP) has developed a high-density genetic map. QTLs controlling yield did not overlap with those controlling the morphological and physiological traits supposed to relate to yield, such as photosynthetic ability. This result suggests that these traits do not influence yield, at least in this genetic background and environment. QTLs controlling yield also did not overlap with the structural genes controlling carbon metabolism (rbcS, cytosolic or plastidic fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, R-enzyme, and sucrose synthase).The combination of a function map and results from the RGP can be advantageous. The utility of this map is discussed. Received: 1 October 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 2000  相似文献   

Background and AimsPlants depend fundamentally on establishment from seed. However, protocols in trait-based ecology currently estimate seed size but not seed number. This can be rectified. For annuals, seed number should simply be a positive function of vegetative biomass and a negative function of seed size.MethodsUsing published values of comparative seed number as the ‘gold standard’ and a large functional database, comparative seed yield and number per plant and per m2 were predicted by multiple regression. Subsequently, ecological variation in each was explored for English and Spanish habitats, newly calculated C-S-R strategies and changed abundance in the British flora.Key ResultsAs predicted, comparative seed mass yield per plant was consistently a positive function of plant size and competitive ability, and largely independent of seed size. Regressions estimating comparative seed number included, additionally, seed size as a negative function. Relationships differed numerically between regions, habitats and C-S-R strategies. Moreover, some species differed in life history over their geographical range. Comparative seed yield per m2 was positively correlated with FAO crop yield, and increasing British annuals produced numerous seeds. Nevertheless, predicted values must be viewed as comparative rather than absolute: they varied according to the ‘gold standard’ predictor used. Moreover, regressions estimating comparative seed yield per m2 achieved low precision.ConclusionsFor the first time, estimates of comparative seed yield and number for >800 annuals and their predictor equations have been produced and the ecological importance of these regenerative traits has been illustrated. ‘Regenerative trait-based ecology’ remains in its infancy, with work needed on determinate vs. indeterminate flowering (‘bet-hedging’), C-S-R methodologies, phylogeny, comparative seed yield per m2 and changing life history. Nevertheless, this has been a positive start and readers are invited to use estimates for >800 annuals, in the Supplementary data, to help advance ‘regenerative trait-based ecology’ to the next level.  相似文献   

Question: How does form (leaf and trunk morphology) relate to function (tolerance of shade and nutrient storage) in trees? Location: Los Toldos montane valley in NW Argentina. Methods: We analysed the relationships amongst (1) ten vegetative and four reproductive traits across 40 tree species, (2) a distribution based measure of recruitment under shade and (3) a distribution based measure of recruitment over a soil fertility gradient. Results: Ordinations revealed three main axes of species’ morphological differentiation: (1) evergreen species had leaves with a lower specific leaf area, greater tensile resistance and slower decomposition rate, denser wood and thinner bark than deciduous species; (2) tall tree species that lack spines and are anemochorous were separated from short, spinescent and zoochorous species and (3) species were distinguished according to clonal growth, seed mass and pollination syndromes. Notably, species’ recruitment under shade and over a soil fertility gradient were independent of each other, but both were correlated with species’ scores along the first axis of morphological variation (tolerant species have attributes that favour resource conservation). Different sets of traits were correlated with recruitment under shade and over a soil fertility gradient when traits where assessed individually. Amongst shade tolerant species, recruitment under shade was negatively correlated with species’ maximum height, suggesting differential responses to vertical gradients of light. Conclusions: These results provide new evidence of integration between leaf and stem morphology which is consistent with an evolutionary compromise between high rate of resource acquisition and resource conservation. Generalizations about the functional value of individual morphological characteristics and of ‘strategies’ vary with the resolution of analyses.  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) has become a popular model for genetic studies of fruit flavor in the last two decades. In this article we present a study of tomato fruit flavor, including an analysis of the genetic, metabolic and sensorial variation of a collection of contemporary commercial glasshouse tomato cultivars, followed by a validation of the associations found by quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of representative biparental segregating populations. This led to the identification of the major sensorial and chemical components determining fruit flavor variation and detection of the underlying QTLs. The high representation of QTL haplotypes in the breeders’ germplasm suggests that there is great potential for applying these QTLs in current breeding programs aimed at improving tomato flavor. A QTL on chromosome 4 was found to affect the levels of the phenylalanine‐derived volatiles (PHEVs) 2‐phenylethanol, phenylacetaldehyde and 1‐nitro‐2‐phenylethane. Fruits of near‐isogenic lines contrasting for this locus and in the composition of PHEVs significantly differed in the perception of fruity and rose‐hip‐like aroma. The PHEV locus was fine mapped, which allowed for the identification of FLORAL4 as a candidate gene for PHEV regulation. Using a gene‐editing‐based (CRISPR‐CAS9) reverse‐genetics approach, FLORAL4 was demonstrated to be the key factor in this QTL affecting PHEV accumulation in tomato fruit.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed the relationship between seed traits (weight, shape and dispersal structures) and the abundance and habitat segregation of Mediterranean grassland species. To take into account possible correlations with other plant traits, the study also includes 5 vegetative traits (growth form, plant longevity, clonality, onset of flowering and plant size) of commonly accepted functional importance. Data were recorded for 85 species from dehesa grasslands in central Spain. Species abundance was measured in upper (dry and less productive, high stress) and lower (moist and more productive, low stress) slope zones in the same area. Habitat segregation was estimated using an index based on the relative frequencies of species in upper and lower slope zones. Multiple regression models were fitted using species, as well as phylogenetically independent contrasts, as data points. Annual small‐seeded species without specialised dispersal structures are over‐represented in dehesa grasslands. Abundance was negatively related to seed weight in upper slope zones. None of the recorded plant traits were related to abundance in the lower slope zones. Habitat segregation was mainly related to seed weight, but also to some vegetative traits. Annual, early flowering and small‐seeded species were relatively more abundant in the upper than the lower slope zones. This pattern is independent of phylogeny. Our results suggest that in dry Mediterranean grasslands, abundance of many species is determined by dispersal (production of numerous small seeds) rather than by competitive ability.  相似文献   

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