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Carpospores of Gymnogongrus linearis (C. Ag.) J. Ag. collected from Sonoma Co., California were cultured and gave rise to crustose plants. Tetrasporogenesis could not be induced. However, tetraspores from field-collected crustose tetrasporophytes found near G. linearis from San Mateo Co., California were cultured. These field crusts superficially resemble Petrocelis middendorffii (Ruprecht) Kjellman, but differ in size, color, number of tetrasporangia per filament, and distal dichotomous branching of the perithallial filaments. Tetraspores gave rise to upright plants identical to G. linearis. Gymnogongrus leptophyllus J. Ag. collected from California and Baja California, Mexico were found as narrow and wide forms. Narrow form isolates recycled directly without producing a crustose tetrasporophyte. These are interpreted as apogamous. Carpospores of the wide form grew into crusts resembling Petrocelis (=Erythrodermis) haematis Hollenberg. Tetrasporogenesis was induced in culture by abrasion or dehydration. Tetraspores from field-collected crusts and laboratory cultured tetrasporophytes grew into plants identical to G. leptophyllus, completing a sexual life history with an alternation of heteromorphic generations.  相似文献   

The foliose red alga Gigartina papillata (C. Ag.) J. Ag. was studied in culture to determine its life history and possible relationship to the life history of Petrocelis middendorffii (Ruprecht) Kjellman. Carpospores cultured from individual female plants gave rise to either crustose Petrocelis-like plants that reproduced by tetraspores, or to another generation of foliose female (cystocarpic) plants that reproduced by carpospores. Apices cultured from blades of individual field-collected female plants produced either papillae with many procarps that developed cystocarps only when crossed with male plants, or papillae with few procarps that produced cystocarps in the absence of male plants. The results are interpreted to demonstrate that two types of life history occur in G. papillata: one, a sexual life history involving a crustose tetrasporophyte; the other, a possibly apomictic life history involving only cystocarpic plants. Hybridization experiments demonstrated, that G. papillata is interfertile with Gigartina-phase gametophytes cultured from tetraspores of P. middendorffii. Sexual plants of G. papillata are postulated to represent the naturally-occurring gametophyte of P. middendorffii in California. The possible relationships of the sexual and apomictic plants of G. papillata are discussed.  相似文献   

The Gymnogongrus devoniensis (Greville) Schotter complex in the North Atlantic Ocean was elucidated by comparative molecular, morphological, and culture studies. Restriction fragment length patterns and hybridization data on organellar DNA revealed two distinct taxa in samples from Europe and eastern Canada. Nucleotide sequences for the intergenic spacer between the large and small subunit genes of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), and the adjoining regions of both genes, differed by 12.5–13.4% between the two taxa. One of the taxa, which included material from the type locality of G. devoniensis at Torbay, Devon, England, was taken to represent authentic G. devoniensis. Within this taxon, samples from Ireland, England, northern France, northern Spain, and southern Portugal showed great morphological variation, particularly in habit, but their Rubisco spacer sequences were identical or differed by only a single nucleotide. Constant morphological features included the development, from a single auxiliary cell, of the spherical cystocarp with a thick mucilage sheath that appears to be typical of Gymnogongrus species with internal cystocarps. Two life-history types were found. Northern isolates underwent a direct-type life history, recycling apomictic females by carpospores, whereas the Portuguese isolate followed a heteromorphic life history in which carpospores gave rise to a crustose tetrasporophyte. The second group of samples, from Nova Scotia and Northern Ireland, provisionally referred to as Gymnogongrus sp., showed little morphological variation. The life history in both areas consists of apomictically reproducing diploid female gametophytes and diploid crustose bisporophytes and tetrasporophytes. Rubisco spacer sequences of the samples were identical, and the plasmid previously described in the Nova Scotian samples was also present in the Northern Ireland population. This species is widely distributed in the western Atlantic, from Newfoundland to Massachusetts. In Europe, gametophytes are known only at one site, but crusts are distributed from Denmark, Scotland (and probably Norway) to France. It is very likely that this species was introduced from one side of the North Atlantic to the other by shipping during the early nineteenth century. Several morphological features are unusual within the genus but are shared with G. leptophyllus J. Agardh from the eastern Pacific Ocean, and further work is necessary to determine whether Gymnogongrus sp. and G. leptophyllus are conspecific.  相似文献   

Carrageenan, the major cell wall carbohydrate of certain red algae, is variable in structure and gelling properties. Sequence types include gelling (kappa and iota) and nongelling (lambda) types in addition to precursors, often in hybrid molecules containing more than one precursor and/or sequence type. Molecular markers to subunits were needed to study carrageenan synthesis, cell wall organization, and the relationship between structure and function. Monoclonal antibodies were produced to carrageenan, and their specificities were determined by competitive enzyme immunoassay. Antibodies were identified with specificities related to kappa, iota, and lambda carrageenan. The patterns of immunofluorescence localization on Kappaphycus alvarezii = Eucheuma alvarezii var. tambalang (Doty) sections were distinctive for each antibody. The antibody to a kappa-related epitope labeled mature tissue strongly; antibodies to an iota-related epitope and a lambda-related epitope labeled weakly, consistent with the kappa-enriched carrageenan produced by this alga. Kappa-related epitopes were distributed throughout the wall and matrix, whereas iota-related epitopes were concentrated in the middle lamella. Lambda-related epitopes were localized primarily at the plant cuticle where kappa and iota antigens were lacking. An antibody appeared to be specific for a precursor of the gelling subunits because it showed maximal wall and intracellular labeling at the youngest developmental stage. All antibodies labeled intracellular inclusions in the transition zone between the epidermis and medulla during the development of medullary cells from the peripheral meristem in young branches. The results demonstrate the intracellular synthesis of epitopes related to all major carrageenan subunits and their differential extracellular distribution.  相似文献   

The population structure of 4 California Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory populations was studied. Random sampling procedures were used to measure seasonal variations in standing crops, density and size-class distribution of life history stages. The results describe aspects of the in situ life history; a prerequisite to realistically considering the distribution, ecology or life history expressions of an alga. Seasonal fluctuations in density occur only in the juvenile stage, which is initiated during the winter (November to January) predominantly from the basal perennial crusts. Both the gametangial and tetrasporangial stages are present throughout the year. The tetrasporangial stage is dominant in relation to the sexual stages in both density and biomass during most of the year, except spring when the new crop in just maturing and all stages are abundant. Density in nearly constant and observable changes in the populations are due to biomass fluctuations. Seasonal lows in biomass occur during the winter with the majority of thalli in the smaller size-classes. Growth and maturation culminate in peak summer crops and dominance of the tetrasporangial stage, followed by autumnal senescence and die-back in winter. Carrageenans analyzed from immature thalli showed a predominance of lambda-type, previously determined as specific for tetrasporangial plants. This indirect evidence for the tetrasporangial nature of immature plants suggests that dominance of the diploid stage occurred prior to blade development and most likely at the spore level. Alternatively, field results indicate a major contribution and possible replacement of alternation of gametangial and tetrasporangial stage by thallus perennation and vegetative reproduction.  相似文献   

The three Australian-endemic species comprising the genus Areschougia have been examined to determine the structure of their nonfibrillar wall components. The polysaccharide extracted from the most widely distributed species, A. congesta (Turner) J. Agardh, was shown by compositional analyses, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, linkage analysis, and 13C-NMR spectroscopy to be a carrageenan composed predominantly of the repeating disaccharides 6'- O -meth- ylcarrabiose 2,4'-disulfate, carrabiose 2,4'-disulfate (the repeating unit of ι-carrageenan), 4',6'- O -(1-carboxyethylidene)carrabiose 2-sulfate, and 6'- O -methylcarrabiose 2-sulfate. The carrageenan also contained small amounts of 4-linked Gal p residues, some bearing methyl ether substitution at O-3 and some possibly bearing sulfate ester and/or glycosyl substitutions at O-3. The A. congesta carrageenan had unique rheological properties, its gels having some similarities to those of commercial ι-carrageenan but with the viscosity of commercial λ-carrageenan. Polysaccharides from A. ligulata Harvey ex J. Agardh and A. stuartii Harvey were shown by constituent sugar and FTIR analyses to be sulfated galactans rich in mono- O -methylgalactose. The carrageenan structures of Areschougia spp. were consistent with those of the genera Rhabdonia , Erythroclonium , and Austroclonium , the other genera constituting the family Areschougiaceae.  相似文献   

小熊猫种群遗传结构和地理分化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文采用分子系统地理学的研究方法 ,对我国小熊猫 (Ailurusfulgens)地理分布格局的形成原因进行了探讨。我们从四个地理单元的 32号样品中成功地扩增出了 371bp的线粒体DNA控制区片段 ,在所有可比较的 35 7bp的序列中 ,发现 2 9个变异位点 ,其中转换和颠换分别为 2 1和 8,没有插入 /缺失。在四个地理单元中 ,共有 16种线粒体DNA单倍型 ,且在各地理单元中都具有较高的单倍型的多态性。进一步分析表明 ,各单倍型之间的遗传距离平均为 1 6 0 % ,76 5 9%的遗传差异发生在地理单元间 ,仅 2 3 4 1%发生在单元内。分子变异分析和系统重建结果也表明 ,各地理单元之间不存在共享的单倍型 ,YN (云南地理单元 )与XL (相岭地理单元 )和QL (邛崃地理单元 )之间存在着显著的遗传分化 ,FST分别为 0 336和 0 35 1(P <0 0 0 1) ,其余地理种群之间分化不明显 (P >0 0 5 ) ,单倍型缺乏比较明显的地理分布格局 ,各地理单元中的单倍型相互散布在不同的分布群中。经Fs检验 (Fs=- 10 12 1) ,并结合化石资料 ,我们认为由于受第四纪气候和环境变化的影响 ,小熊猫种群在进化过程中曾经历种群暴发而不断扩散 ,从而形成今天的分布格局。  相似文献   

PCR amplification was employed to identify female or male gametophyte associated markers in Saccharina japonica (Aresch.) C. E. Lane, C. Mayes et G. W. Saunders (=Laminaria japonica Aresch.). One pair of the primers, P5, was screened from five pairs designed based on a specific sequence (GenBank accession no. AB069714 ) of Marchantia polymorpha Y chromosome, resulting in a differential band ~500 bp in size between female and male gametophytes of Rongfu strain of Sjaponica. According to the SCAR (sequence‐characterized amplified regions) strategies, one pair of primers, P51, was designed on the basis of the sequence of this band that was only present in female gametophytes. A SCAR marker, designated FRML‐494 (494‐bp Female‐Related Marker of S. japonica, GenBank accession no. EU931619 ), was developed successfully by PCR amplification using the designed P51 primer pair. The SCAR marker was verified to be present only in female gametophytes of another variety 901 of this kelp that was a hybrid between Sjaponica as paternal and Slongissima (Miyabe) C. E. Lane, C. Mayes, Druehl et G. W. Saunders (=Laminaria longissima Miyabe) as maternal, suggesting that the FRML‐494 marker was specifically related to female gametophytes of the genus. This marker is the first molecular tool reported for sex identification in kelps. This study was beneficial for identifying gametophyte gender during vegetative growth and for judging whether the monogenetic sporophytes came from exclusive male or female gametophytes, as well as for further research on sex determination at the molecular level in kelps.  相似文献   

月光及光照强度对艾虎微生境利用的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
月光及光照作为一种捕食风险对许多动物的微生境利用有明显的影响。野外的无线电遥测资料和室风模拟光照强度的研究表明,艾虎在明亮的月光期明显增加了加平坦灌丛区域的利用时间,灌丛作用一种隐蔽场所减少了艾虎被捕食的风险,艾虎在明亮的月光期增加对灌丛的利用是一种反捕食策略,无论光照强度如何。艾虎对有隐蔽洞道区域的利用程度较高,在无隐蔽物区域采用短时间的活动方式,在有隐蔽物区域采用长时间活动方式。这表明艾虎在进化过程中形成了反捕食策略,而不是躲避捕食的策略。  相似文献   

Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt is one of the most well‐known invasive species in the world. There have, however, been few genetic investigations on both its introduced and native populations. There are also some questions about the taxonomic status of this species. This study is the first to assess the genetic diversity of S. muticum on a global scale, by utilizing one marker each from the extranuclear genomes, namely, plastidial RUBISCO and mitochondrial TrnW_I spacers, as well as the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2). Based on the markers investigated, both the invasive as well as the native populations of this species appeared very homogenous, when compared with other invasive and brown macroalgae. No variation in ITS2 and RUBISCO spacer was revealed in S. muticum populations, including those from its native ranges in Asia and the introduced ranges in Europe and North America. Two TrnW_I spacer haplotypes with a fixed two‐nucleotide difference were found between the populations of eastern Japan and the other 15 populations examined. This study confirms that there is no cryptic diversity in the introduced range of this species. All the materials collected globally are indeed S. muticum. Results depicting the distribution range of the two TrnW_I spacer haplotypes also support the earlier suggestion that the source of the introduced S. muticum populations is most likely western and central Japan (Seto Inland Sea), where the germlings of S. muticum were likely to have been transported with the Pacific oysters previously introduced for farming in Canada, UK, and France in earlier years.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic variations of the samples that were tentatively identified as two cultivated Porphyra species (Porphyra yezoensis Ueda and Porphyra tenera Kjellm.) from various natural populations in Japan using molecular analyses of plastid and nuclear DNA. From PCR‐RFLP analyses using nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA and plastid RUBISCO spacer regions and phylogenetic analyses using plastid rbcL and nuclear ITS‐1 rDNA sequences, our samples from natural populations of P. yezoensis and P. tenera showed remarkably higher genetic variations than found in strains that are currently used for cultivation. In addition, it is inferred that our samples contain four wild Porphyra species, and that three of the four species, containing Porphyra kinositae, are closely related to cultivated Porphyra species. Furthermore, our PCR‐RFLP and molecular phylogenetic analyses using both the nuclear and plastid DNA demonstrated the occurrence of plastid introgression from P. yezoensis to P. tenera and suggested the possibility of plastid introgression from cultivated P. yezoensis to wild P. yezoensis. These results imply the importance of collecting and establishing more strains of cultivated Porphyra species and related wild species from natural populations as genetic resources for further improvement of cultivated Porphyra strains.  相似文献   

目的探讨兔后肢动脉生成过程中VEGF(A)及其受体Flk-1的表达特征。方法兔双侧股动脉结扎,并将一侧结扎的股动脉远侧端缝到伴行的静脉上造成动静脉短路,另一侧为对照组。一周后动物被处死。应用免疫荧光组织化学技术检测侧支血管中VEGF(A)及其受体Flk-1的表达。结果在正常血管,VEGF(A)没有表达,Flk-1只在内皮细胞上有微弱表达;对照侧,VEGF(A)和Flk-1在平滑肌细胞和内皮细胞的表达明显上调;在动静脉短路侧,VEGF(A)和Flk-1的表达显著增加,分别是对照侧的2·3倍和2倍。结论在侧支血管发育过程中,VEGF(A)及其受体Flk-1在平滑肌细胞和内皮细胞同时表达上调,在快速生长的侧支血管它们的表达更为显著,提示Flk-1的表达在VEGF促动脉生成作用中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

房继明  孙儒泳 《动物学报》1995,41(2):141-148
通过对两个肥满度指标的理论和生物学意义分析,以及对布氏田鼠肥满度的研究和实际应用的讨论,认为描述动物的肥满度时,重长指标KWL优于指标K。两指标的最大差别是成体的KWL值大于幼体,而成体的K值小于幼体。布氏田鼠肥满度没有性别差异;有异著的年龄差异,成体鼠的肥满度高于幼鼠;有显著的季节变化,鼠种群春季肥满度最高,夏季降低,秋季回升;有显著的年际变化,高数量年的肥满度高于低数量年。  相似文献   

The single, basal pyrenoids of Gonium quadratum Pringsheim ex Nozaki and G. pectorale Müller (Goniaceae, Chlorophyta) differed in appearance when vegetative colonies were cultured photoheterotrophically in medium containing sodium acetate. Chloroplasts of G. quadratum had distinct pyrenoids when grown in medium without major carbon compounds. However, the pyrenoids degenerated and were markedly reduced in size when such cells were inoculated into a medium containing 400 mg·L?1 of sodium acetate. No pyrenoids were visible under the light microscope; however, with electron microscopy small pyrenoids and electron-dense bodies were visible within the degenerating chloroplasts, which had only single layers of thylakoid lamellae at the periphery. The chloroplasts subsequently developed distinct pyrenoids and several layers of thylakoid lamellae as the culture aged. In contrast, vegetative cells of G. pectorale always showed distinct pyrenoids when cells were inoculated into medium containing sodium acetate, sodium pyruvic acid, sodium lactate, and/or yeast extract. Therefore, we propose two terms, “unstable pyrenoids” and “stable pyrenoids,” for pyrenoids of G. quadratum and G. pectorale, respectively. Chloroplasts of the colonial green flagellates should thus be examined under various culture conditions in order to determine whether their pyrenoids are unstable or stable when pyrenoids are used as taxonomic indicators. Immunogold electron microscopy showed that the ratios of gold particle density of ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) between pyrenoid matrix and chloroplast stroma in G. quadratum grown in medium with or without sodium acetate were lower than those of G. pectorale. Heavy labeling by anti-RuBisCO was observed in both the electron-dense bodies and pyrenoid matrix of G. quadratum. This is the first electron microscopic demonstration of degeneration and development of both pyrenoids and thylakoid lamellae in the chloroplast as a function of culture condition in green algae.  相似文献   

Three features of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in plastids isolated from Acetabularia mediterranea (acetabulum) were analyzed after staining the organelles with the fluorochrome 4′6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI): (1) number of chloroplasts exhibiting DNA fluorescence, (2) number of nucleoids per plastid, and (3) nucleoid morphology. In vegetative Acetabularia cells only half of the total chloroplast population comprising several millions displayed the whitish-blue fluorescence of the DNA/DAPI complex. This percentage remained stable independent of whether cells were grown in supplemented natural sea water or enriched synthetic sea water. A single nucleoid, widely differing in size and morphology among the organelles, was characteristic of 76–81% of chloroplasts with DNA. Less than 20% contained two nucleoids, and in rare cases three or four nucleoids were present. The pattern of nucleoid numbers followed a Poisson distribution in one experiment, if calculated with the intrinsic mean of the observed data. In two other experiments, however, a significant difference existed between observed and expected values for a Poisson distribution according to the Chisquared test. After secondary enlargement of portions of the negatives, the nucleoids’substructure was disclosed and found to consist of brightly fluorescent spots interspersed by unstained regions The lack of cpDNA in Acetabularia cells appears to be brought about by (1) the polarized pattern of growth and translation confined to the apical region of the single cell and (2) the cpDNA arrangement in a single nucleoid acentrically located in the organelle. A scheme for the evolution of a chloroplast population having plastids without DNA is proposed. In theory the lack of cpDNA could arise in each plant, since chloroplasts never evolved a mitotic-like spindle to ensure the equal distribution of genetic material. The different nucleoid arrangement in most other plants, however, efficiently counteracts this ‘carelessness of nature’  相似文献   

Temperature is one of the major environmental factors that affect the distribution, growth rate, and life cycle of intertidal organisms, including red algae. In an effort to identify the genes involved in the high‐temperature tolerance of Porphyra, we generated 3,979 expression sequence tags (ESTs) from gametophyte thalli of P. seriata Kjellm. under normal growth conditions and high‐temperature conditions. A comparison of the ESTs from two cDNA libraries allowed us to identify the high temperature response (HTR) genes, which are induced or up‐regulated as the result of high‐temperature treatment. Among the HTRs, HTR2 encodes for a small polypeptide consisting of 144 amino acids, which is a noble nuclear protein. Chlamydomonas expressing the Porphyra HTR2 gene shows higher survival and growth rates than the wild‐type strain after high‐temperature treatment. These results suggest that HTR2 may be relevant to the tolerance of high‐temperature stress conditions, and this Porphyra EST data set will provide important genetic information for studies of the molecular basis of high‐temperature tolerance in marine algae, as well as in Porphyra.  相似文献   

The relationships between growth rate, cell‐cycle parameters, and cell size were examined in two unicellular cyanobacteria representative of open‐ocean environments: Prochlorococcus (strain MIT9312) and Synechococcus (strain WH8103). Chromosome replication time, C, was constrained to a fairly narrow range of values (~4–6 h) in both species and did not appear to vary with growth rate. In contrast, the pre‐ and post‐DNA replication periods, B and D, respectively, decreased with increasing growth rate from maxima of ~30 and 10–20 h to minima of ~4–6 and 2–3 h, respectively. The combined duration of the chromosome replication and postreplication periods (C+D), a quantity often used in the estimation of Prochlorococcus in situ growth rates, varied ~2.4‐fold over the range of growth rates examined. This finding suggests that assumptions of invariant C+D may adversely influence Prochlorococcus growth rate estimates. In both strains, cell mass was the greatest in slowly growing cells and decreased 2‐ to 3‐fold over the range of growth rates examined here. Estimated cell mass at the start of replication appeared to decrease with increasing growth rate, indicating that the initiation of chromosome replication in Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus is not a simple function of cell biomass, as suggested previously. Taken together, our results reflect a notable degree of similarity between oceanic Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus strains with respect to their growth‐rate‐specific cell‐cycle characteristics.  相似文献   

A set of 18 freshwater and morphologically similar marine samples of Ulva were collected from inland and coastal waters throughout Europe to assess their taxonomic identity and invasive potential. An additional 11 specimens were obtained from herbaria. The material was studied using a combination of classical morphological methods and molecular techniques; the latter included sequencing of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2) and the chloroplast RUBISCO LSU (rbcL) gene and comparison of the ITS2 secondary structure predictions. Based on classical methods, all the specimens could be determined as U. flexuosa Wulfen and could be further divided into three groups matching three infraspecific taxa. This pattern was generally well supported by molecular phylogenetic analyses. All sequenced samples formed a monophyletic lineage within Ulva, showing a putative synapomorphy in the ITS2 secondary structure. The individual subspecies corresponded to phylogenetic clusters within this lineage. In freshwater habitats, the dominant taxon was U. flexuosa subsp. pilifera, but subsp. paradoxa was also occasionally recorded. In marine habitats, only U. flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and subsp. paradoxa were located. These findings support the view that U. flexuosa subsp. pilifera is primarily a freshwater alga that probably dominates in Europe. As confirmed by the study of herbarium specimens, U. flexuosa should be regarded as indigenous, although it has a tendency to form blooms under certain conditions. Besides clarifying the identity of prevailing European freshwater Ulva, the study provides novel data concerning the distribution and morphological plasticity within the U. flexuosa complex.  相似文献   

Recent studies have led to a rapid increase in knowledge of auxospore formation in diatoms. However, these studies have been limited to centric and raphid pennate diatoms, and there is still very little information for the araphid pennate diatoms. Using LM and SEM, we studied the development of the auxospore and the initial cell of the marine epiphytic diatom Gephyria media Arnott. Auxospores were bipolar and curved in side view, as in many other pennate diatoms. SEM revealed many transverse perizonial bands, all of which were incomplete rings. There was an elongate, sprawling, silicified structure beneath the ventral suture of the transverse perizonial bands. This structure is presumably equivalent to the longitudinal perizonial band in other pennate diatoms, although we could not determine the homologous relationship between the two features. Scales were found both in the inner wall of the perizonium and around the primary perizonial bands. The presence or absence of scales may be of phylogenetic significance in diatoms, only during the final stages of auxospore formation because scales are found in early spherical stages. The distinctive finger‐like structures observed throughout all stage of G. media have not been observed before in the other diatom taxa.  相似文献   

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