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The highly endangered Spanish imperial eagle, Aquila adalberti, has suffered from both population decline and fragmentation during the last century. Here we describe the current genetic status of the population using an extensive sampling of its current distribution range and both mitochondrial control region sequences and nuclear microsatellite markers. Results were evaluated in comparison to those obtained for the Eastern imperial eagle, Aquila heliaca, its nearest extant relative. Mitochondrial haplotype diversity was lower in the Spanish than in the Eastern species whereas microsatellite allelic richness and expected heterozygosity did not differ. Both allelic richness and expected heterozygosity were lower in the small Parque Nacional de Doñana breeding nucleus compared to the remaining nuclei. A signal for a recent genetic bottleneck was not detected in the current Spanish imperial eagle population. We obtained low but significant pairwise FST values that were congruent with a model of isolation by distance. FST and exact tests showed differentiation among the peripheral and small Parque Nacional de Doñana population and the remaining breeding subgroups. The centrally located Montes de Toledo population did not differ from the surrounding Centro, Extremadura and Sierra Morena populations whereas the latter were significantly differentiated. On the other hand, a Bayesian approach identified two groups, Parque Nacional de Doñana and the rest of breeding nuclei. Recent migration rates into and from Parque Nacional de Doñana and the rest of breeding nuclei were detected by assignment methods and estimated as 2.4 and 5.7 individuals per generation, respectively, by a Bayesian approach. We discuss how management strategies should aim at the maintenance of current genetic variability levels and the avoidance of inbreeding depression through the connection of the different nuclei.  相似文献   

The fragmentation of a population may have important consequences for population genetic diversity and structure due to the effects of genetic drift and reduced gene flow. We studied the genetic consequences of the fragmentation of the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) population into small patches through a temporal analysis. Thirty‐four museum individuals representing the population predating the fragmentation were analysed for a 345‐bp segment of the mitochondrial control region and a set of 10 nuclear microsatellite loci. Data from a previous study on the current population (N = 79) were re‐analysed for this subset of 10 microsatellite markers and results compared to those obtained from the historical sample. Three shared mitochondrial haplotypes were found in both populations, although fluctuations in haplotype frequencies and the occurrence of a fourth haplotype in the historical population resulted in lower current levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversity. However, microsatellite markers revealed undiminished levels of nuclear diversity. No evidence for genetic structure was observed for the historical Spanish imperial eagle population, suggesting that the current pattern of structure is the direct consequence of population fragmentation. Temporal fluctuations in mitochondrial and microsatellite allelic frequencies were found between the historical and the current population as well as for each pairwise comparison between historical and current Centro and historical and current Parque Nacional de Doñana nuclei. Our results indicate an ancestral panmictic situation for the species that management policies should aim to restore. A historical analysis like the one taken here provides the baseline upon which the relative role of recent drift in shaping current genetic patterns in endangered species can be evaluated and this knowledge is used to guide conservation actions.  相似文献   

Here we describe 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci for Trichechus manatus latirostris (Florida manatee), isolated using a polymerase chain reaction‐based technique. The number of alleles at each locus ranged from two to four (mean = 2.5) in specimens from southwest (n = 58) and northeast (n = 58) Florida. Expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.11 to 0.67 (mean = 0.35) and from 0.02 to 0.78 (mean = 0.34), respectively. Departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium occurred at two loci. There was no evidence of genotypic disequilibrium for any pair of loci. For individual identification, mean random‐mating and θ‐corrected match probabilities were 9.36 × 10?7 and 1.95 × 10?6, respectively.  相似文献   

Polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified in order to study golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) population fragmentation. Twenty‐six published Aquila and eight published Haliaeetus microsatellite loci were tested for polymorphism in A. chrysaetos. Fifteen loci were polymorphic with between two and six alleles detected per locus. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.15 to 0.77 among 177 unrelated individuals from Scotland. There was no evidence for null alleles. Two pairs of loci (Hal‐10 & Aa15 and Hal‐10 & Aa26) displayed linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses on noninvasively collected samples have revolutionized how populations are monitored. Most noninvasive monitoring studies have used hair or scat for individual identification of elusive mammals, but here we utilize naturally shed feathers. The Eastern imperial eagle (EIE) is a species of conservation concern throughout Central Asia and, like most raptors, EIEs are inherently challenging to study because adults are difficult to capture and band using conventional techniques. Over 6 years, we noninvasively collected hundreds of adult feathers and directly sampled EIE chicks at a national nature reserve in Kazakhstan. All samples were genetically sexed and genotyped at a suite of microsatellite loci. Genetically profiled adult feathers identified and monitored the presence of individual eagles over time, enabling us to address a variety of issues related to the biology, demography, and conservation of EIEs. Specifically, we characterized (i) the genetic mating system, (ii) relatedness among mated pairs, (iii) chick sex ratios, and (iv) annual turnover in an adult breeding population. We show that EIEs are genetically monogamous and furthermore, there is no apparent relatedness-based system of mate choice (e.g. inbreeding avoidance). Results indicate that annual adult EIE survivorship (84%) is lower than expected for a long-lived raptor, but initial analyses suggest the current reproductive rate at our study site is sufficient to maintain a stable breeding population. The pristine habitat at our study site supports an EIE population that is probably the most demographically robust in the world; thus, our results caution that populations in marginal habitats may not be self-sustaining.  相似文献   

We present data from a 17-year study of the population biology of a growing population of Spanish imperial eagles Aquila adalberti across most of its breeding range. The objective of this study was to analyse the effects of age, supplemental feeding and rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) on several breeding parameters of this population of eagles. Average clutch size was 2.2 eggs per clutch, and the average incubation time was 41.7 days per clutch. Fledging occurred an average of 76.8 days after hatching, the length of the fledgling period was not correlated to clutch size. The annual average percentage of pairs laying eggs was 88%. A significant reduction in the percentage of pairs laying eggs in the period 1992–1994 (from 91 to 81%) coincided with most of the eagles’ territories being affected by the rabbit epizootic disease, RHD, which reduced their food supply significantly. Average productivity was 1.23 chicks per monitored territory, average breeding success was 1.40 chicks in a clutch per territory and the average fledging rate was 1.69 chicks per territory with hatching success. The main known causes of breeding failure during incubation were nest collapse and human disturbance. During chick-rearing, total or partial chick losses were mainly caused by siblicide, disease, malnutrition or nest collapse. In 26.2% of the 1372 monitored breeding attempts, at least one of the breeding birds was a subadult (the male in 56.1% of the cases, the female in 15.5% and both sexes in 28.4% of cases). In cases of mixed-aged pairs (n = 205), 70.7% were the result of a substitution, and 29.3% were the result of the forming of a new pair. Egg laying took place significantly earlier and breeding success was higher in territories occupied by adults than in those occupied by subadults. Breeding parameters were higher in high-quality (rabbit-rich) territories than in low-quality (rabbit-poor) territories, but only for those territories occupied by adults. The values obtained in the territories occupied by adults were only significantly higher than in those of the subadults in high-quality territories. Age and territory quality thus simultaneously affected reproductive output.  相似文献   

We developed five highly polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci for the grassland species Hypochaeris radicata (Asteraceae). Polymorphism of these markers was examined in six populations in the Netherlands. All loci were polymorphic in all populations. The number of alleles per locus varied between 18 and 43. Expected heterozygosity was between 0.86 and 0.91. Cross‐species amplification was tested in six Hypochaeris species and was successful for three different loci in four species. These microsatellites are a useful tool in population genetic, dispersal and metapopulation studies or in testing levels of inbreeding.  相似文献   

Premise of the study: Microsatellite loci were developed in Launaea arborescens, an endangered and medicinal Asteraceae species in North Africa, for further investigation of its conservation genetics. • Methods and Results: We isolated and characterized 10 polymorphic and nine monomorphic microsatellite loci from L. arborescens using the protocol of Fast Isolation by AFLP of Sequences COntaining repeats (FIASCO). For the 10 polymorphic loci, the number of alleles detected per locus varied from two to six, and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.000 to 0.833 and 0.059 to 0.713, respectively. • Conclusions: The polymorphic markers provide a useful tool for conservation genetics studies of L. arborescens, including analysis of mating system, estimating gene flow, and identifying discrete genetic units within the species.  相似文献   

To study the population genetics as well as the mating system of captive zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) populations, we developed primers for 12 microsatellite loci and screened them in 529 individuals from two successive generations of a single captive population. All markers were polymorphic with five to 14 alleles per locus. We checked all markers for Mendelian inheritance in 307 offspring whose parents were known for sure. Four markers showed evidence for the presence of null alleles. Once allowing for null alleles, we found no mismatches between offspring and parents, suggesting a very low rate of mutation. Average observed and expected heterozygosities across the eight loci showing no evidence for null‐alleles was 0.819 and 0.812, respectively.  相似文献   

The Scandinavian eagle owl population decreased to a few hundred individuals during the first 80 years of the last century as a result of hunting, collecting of chicks, and reproductive problems because of pollution. When most threats against the population were gone, supportive breeding was initiated. Since then the population has recovered remarkably. We describe how seven polymorphic microsatellite markers (Bb‐42, 100, 101, 111, 126, 131 and 145) were developed from an enriched genomic library. These loci have three to 12 alleles and observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.20 to 0.94 in a sample of 66 individuals from a Swedish captive population.  相似文献   

To investigate the mating system of northern flickers (Colaptes auratus), we developed primers for 14 microsatellite loci and screened them in 68 unrelated adults and their offspring. All markers were highly polymorphic with 9 to +36 alleles per locus. One marker was Z‐chromosome linked; one marker exceeded the size standard range and could not be analysed further. We checked the other 12 markers for Mendelian inheritance in 36 broods for which the social parents were known. Seven markers showed evidence for the presence of null alleles, and three of those showed significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Markers were generally unlinked.  相似文献   

Fourteen microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas, by screening a genomic library with the oligonucleotide probes (GA)10 (GT)10 and (GATA)4. Allelic diversity was estimated in samples collected from potato fields in Tunisia. Ten loci displayed polymorphism that ranged from two to four alleles per locus and the observed heterozygosity ranged from zero to one. These markers could be used to study the population genetic structure of this polyphagous aphid species.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of seven dinucleotide microsatellite loci developed from the red‐billed gull (Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus). Locus‐specific primers were used to genotype individuals from 13 populations of this subspecies as well as individuals from closely related subspecies from Australia and New Caledonia. The primers were tested successfully on other species of gulls and shorebirds. The number of alleles observed within the red‐billed gull ranged from three to 17, and observed heterozygosity varied from 0.359 to 0.787. These microsatellites are likely to be useful for studies of mating systems and population genetics in a wide range of gull species.  相似文献   

A microsatellite‐enriched genomic library was developed for the water flea Daphnia atkinsoni Baird, 1859, a dominant species of intermittent wetlands in Europe. Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers were successfully optimized. Characterization of 77 individuals from Belgium and Spain showed moderate (in the former) to high (in the latter) levels of polymorphism with two to 11 alleles per locus and an observed heterozygosity ranging from 0 to 0.87. Some of these microsatellite markers were successfully amplified in three other Daphnia species (D. magna n = 4, D. similis n = 6; D. obtusa n = 6).  相似文献   

Hostas are very popular ornamental plants in gardens in the United States, Europe, and East Asia. We have developed nine microsatellite loci from an enrichment library of genomic DNA in Hosta albomarginata. We characterized these nine microsatellite loci for 20 individuals from a population of H. albomarginata. The primers developed in this study yielded an average of 12.4 alleles per locus (range five to 20) and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.86 (range 0.65 to 0.95). These markers will be powerful tools for breeding programmes of hosta cultivars, studies of population genetics, and the conservation of wild hosta species.  相似文献   

We characterized 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the giant spiny frog, Paa spinosa. These loci were highly polymorphic when screened in 38 individuals from two different populations, with nine to 23 alleles per locus. The range of observed and expected heterozygosities was 0.231-0.916 and 0.296-0.944, respectively. These polymorphic loci will be useful for assessing genetic diversity, population structure, gene flow, population assignment and determining paternity in the giant spiny frog.  相似文献   

We identified and optimized 10 microsatellite loci for the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Monotremata: Ornithorhynchidae), and screened 21 individuals from the southern tablelands area of New South Wales, Australia. Each polymorphic locus possessed between two and 12 alleles with observed heterozygosities between 0.118 and 0.950. The intent of this effort was to provide informative loci for studies on the population genetics of this species.  相似文献   

A microsatellite library was prepared from size-selected genomic DNA of Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor). Approximately 81% of recovered clones hybridized with microsatellite motif-specific probes. Subsequently, 2350 clones were sequenced. Sixty-two individual flies from laboratory strains were used to test for reliability and polymorphism in 50 of the microsatellites by gel electrophoresis; 18 were further tested with capillary electrophoresis. Of these, 17 behaved as a polymorphic single locus appropriate for population analysis.  相似文献   

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