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The genetic population structure of a large, wide-ranging marsupial, the red kangaroo ( Macropus rufus ) was assessed using sequence and haplotype frequency data of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from locations across the species range in Australia. Results from sequence data revealed extensive haplotype diversity within the red kangaroo (32/34 sequences were unique). Sequence diversity was distributed within rather than between geographical regions across the species range. Genetic connectivity across the range of the species has therefore been maintained over the long term. On a smaller within-region scale, significant genetic structuring was evident from heterogeneity of haplotype frequencies amongst sampling sites. The geographical scale of panmictic populations differed across the continent with more restricted genetic populations occurring in areas with greater topographic and habitat complexity. We propose that these differences in area of genetic populations are the result of population responses to limiting ecological factors during drought.  相似文献   

H. Bender 《Journal of Zoology》2006,268(4):415-422
Most species of the family Macropodidae (kangaroos and wallabies) make a distinctive foot thump by striking the ground with their hind feet when they detect potential danger. I used the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus as a model to examine (1) the acoustic characteristics and structure of the thump, (2) the social context in which free-ranging kangaroos thumped when approached by a human observer on foot and (3) the intended recipient of the signal. Thumps were about two-thirds of a second in length, generally composed of two noisy pulses, and had the majority of the signal energy below 7 kHz. Only adult kangaroos, of both sexes, were observed to thump. A higher proportion of solitary kangaroos thumped than grouped kangaroos, and a higher proportion of kangaroos thumped when visibility was poor, either because of habitat type or low light levels. Given the context in which thumps were given, the foot thump appears to be a signal to a potential predator with three possible functions: to startle, signal detection or deter pursuit.  相似文献   

The polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB), Euwallacea sp., was first detected in 2003 in Los Angeles County, California, USA. Recently, this invasive species has become a major pest of many hardwood trees in urban and wildland forests throughout southern California. PSHB is nearly identical in morphology and life history to the tea shot hole borer (TSHB), Euwallacea fornicatus, an invasive pest of hardwoods in Florida, USA and many other parts of the world. However, molecular studies have suggested that the taxa are different species. We conducted morphometric and chemical analyses of the phenotypes of Euwallacea sp. collected in southern California (Los Angeles County) and E. fornicatus collected in Florida (Miami‐Dade County). Our analyses indicated that PSHB has 3 larval instars. The third larval instar was separated from the first 2 instars by head capsule width with 0 probability of misclassification. The body length, head width, and pronotal width of PSHB adult males were significantly less than those of females. Head width and pronotal width of female PSHB were significantly less than those of female TSHB. In contrast, body length, and ratio of body length to pronotal width of female PSHB were significantly greater than those of female TSHB. However, females of these 2 species could not be separated completely by these 4 measurements because of the overlapping ranges. Cuticular hydrocarbons detected in both species were exclusively alkanes (i.e., n‐alkanes, monomethylalkanes, dimethylalkanes, and trimethylalkanes). Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of PSHB males and females were similar, but they both differed from that of TSHB females. Cuticular hydrocarbons of PSHB were predominantly internally branched dimethylalkanes with backbones of 31 and 33 carbons, whereas cuticular hydrocarbons of TSHB females were dominated by internally branched monomethylalkanes and dimethylalkanes with backbones of 28 and 29 carbons. Multiple compounds within these classes appear to be diagnostic for PSHB and TSHB, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract. An investigation of the long-term effects of livestock grazing on the spatial distribution of plant nutrients was conducted in the Sahelian region of West Africa. The study area was located along the transhumance corridor used for at least the past century by a long-established population of agropastoralists in central Mali. Spatial variation of plant and soil chemistry across eighteen sites was investigated with respect to a grid, whose axes are defined by distance from a pan from which livestock disperse to graze primarily during the early dry season (D1) and by distance from the nearest of three pans used primarily during the rainy season (D2). Particle size distribution, pH, total C, N, and P of surface soil (0–10 cm) was determined for four composite samples collected at eleven of the eighteen ecological sites. Elemental analysis (N, P, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu) was performed on above-ground tissue samples (excluding seeds) of the three most common grasses and the most common legume collected at all eighteen sites at the end of the rainy season. Results demonstrate that long-term grazing movements can, over the long-term, affect nutrient availability over wider spatial scales (5 km radii) than previously observed by shorter-term studies. Soil and plant chemistry were found in general to be most affected by the historic gradient of cattle presence during the rainy season (D2). Controlling for soil C and coarse sand fraction, soil pH was found to decline with D2 (?0.5 pH units per km D2) and to a lesser extent D1 (?0.15pH units per km D1), a finding that cannot be explained solely by a consideration of local geomorphology. The pH gradient was found to significantly affect micronutrient concentrations in plant tissues. Phosphorus (P) concentrations of plant tissue were found to decrease with D2. The increase in P-availability near rainy-season encampments could result from P-release from Al-complexes at higher pH and/or by the redistribution of P from outlying zones towards rainy-season encampments.  相似文献   

The in vitro reproductive fitness on carrot discs and the in vivo pathogenicity on selected FHIA (Fundación Hondureña de Investigaciónes Agrícola) banana hybrids of a population of Radopholus similis isolated from banana in Davao, Philippines, were investigated at the Bureau of Plant Industry, Davao City, Philippines. It was shown that on carrot discs following inoculation with 25 females, the Davao population had the highest population density and multiplication rate compared with two other R. similis populations from the Philippines (Los Baños and Quezon) and two exotic populations of R. similis (from Uganda and Indonesia). According to the Gompertz model, the Davao population also had a short lag phase and a high maximum specific growth. Following inoculation with one single female, the Davao population also had the highest multiplication rate and the highest proportion of juveniles and females compared with the other four populations included in the experiments. Nine weeks after inoculation with 1000 vermiforms, the R. similis population from Davao had reduced the plant height of the FHIA hybrids included in the experiment (FHIA-3, FHIA-4, FHIA-5, FHIA-18 and FHIA-23) on average by 37%, plant girth by 5.3–40.9%, shoot weight by 20.1–65.8% and root weight by 31.7–69.7%, indicating the high pathogenicity of this population on banana. FHIA-4 was tolerant to R. similis infection.  相似文献   

The body condition of live-caught male and female red kangaroos (Macropus rufus Desmarest 1842) was assessed in environmental conditions described by a period of high (two years) followed by low (one year) rainfall. Changes in pasture biomass and quality closely followed rainfall fluctuations in these years. Fluctuations in standardized body mass, in turn, lagged behind changes in pasture biomass with a delay of three months. Male and female body condition was best predicted by green grass biomass. Kangaroos caught during the high rainfall period reached an above average plane of condition. In the low rainfall period that followed, the condition of kangaroos declined, and was greater for small males (14–41 kg), large males (45–89 kg), and females (18–36 kg) with small or no pouch young than for female subadults (< 22 kg) and females with large pouch young (20–34 kg). Female subadults were also significantly older and the ratio of females:females with young-at-foot was higher in the low rainfall period. This suggests a mechanism for age/sex class differences in survivorship. The lagged synchrony of body condition with pasture biomass can be explained by body-size related digestive constraints, reflecting sex differences in adaptation to a stochastic environment.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a unifying framework for the understanding of spatial vegetation patterns in heterogeneous landscapes. While much recent research has focused on self‐organised vegetation the prevailing view is still that biological patchiness is mostly due to top‐down control by the physical landscape template, disturbances or predators. We suggest that vegetation patchiness in real landscapes is controlled both by the physical template and by self‐organisation simultaneously, and introduce a conceptual model for the relative roles of the two mechanisms. The model considers four factors that control whether vegetation patchiness is emerged or imposed: soil patch size, plant size, resource input and resource availability. The last three factors determine the plant‐patch size, and the plant‐to‐soil patch size ratio determines the impact of self‐organisation, which becomes important when this ratio is sufficiently small. A field study and numerical simulations of a mathematical model support the conceptual model and give further insight by providing examples of self‐organised and template‐controlled vegetation patterns co‐occurring in the same landscape. We conclude that real landscapes are generally mixtures of template‐induced and self‐organised patchiness. Patchiness variability increases due to source–sink resource relations, and decreases for species of larger patch sizes.  相似文献   

Three sesame genotypes (Rama, SI 1666 and IC 21706) were treated with physical (γ-rays: 200 Gy, 400 Gy or 600 Gy) or chemical (ethyl methane sulphonate, EMS: 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% or 2.0%) mutagens and their mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency were estimated in the M (2) generation. The M (3) generation was used to identify the most effective mutagen and dose for induction of mutations. The average effectiveness of EMS was much higher than γ-rays. The lowest dose of γ-rays (200 Gy) and the lowest concentration of EMS (0.5%) showed the highest mutagenic efficiency in all genotypes. Analysis of the M (3) generation data based on parameters such as the variance ratio and the difference in residual variances derived from the model of Montalván and Ando indicated that 0.5% concentration of EMS was the most effective treatment for inducing mutations.  相似文献   

Tafas  T.  Danielidis  D.  Overbeck  J.  Economou-Amilli  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,344(1-3):129-139
The physical and chemical status of Trichonis – the largestanddeepest natural lake in Greece – is examined over two annualcycles (1985–86 and 1988–89). A correlation between lakenutrientpatterns and phytoplankton biomass is attempted. Limnologicalfeatures are compared with data from other warm and temperatelakes.With regard to its thermal regime, Trichonis is classified asawarm monomictic lake. The lake's stratification pattern andannualheat budget resemble those of other temperate lakes. Trichonisisa carbonate type, low conductivity lake (class II, lowsalinitywarm lake). Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were ratherlow.The inorganic nitrogen content fluctuated widely over the twoannual cycles examined. On the contrary, phosphorusconcentrationsshowed no significant changes. The limiting factor during1985–86was P, while N was limiting during stratification in 1988–89.Aweak correlation was found between the plankton communityfeatures(species abundance, biomass, chlorophyll-a) and lightpenetration. At present the eutrophication process fromoligotrophytowards mesotrophy has not been essentiallyaccelerated.  相似文献   

Axel Meyer 《Molecular ecology》2017,26(20):5582-5593
Colonization of novel habitats is typically challenging to organisms. In the initial stage after colonization, approximation to fitness optima in the new environment can occur by selection acting on standing genetic variation, modification of developmental patterns or phenotypic plasticity. Midas cichlids have recently colonized crater Lake Apoyo from great Lake Nicaragua. The photic environment of crater Lake Apoyo is shifted towards shorter wavelengths compared to great Lake Nicaragua and Midas cichlids from both lakes differ in visual sensitivity. We investigated the contribution of ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity in shaping the visual system of Midas cichlids after colonizing this novel photic environment. To this end, we measured cone opsin expression both during development and after experimental exposure to different light treatments. Midas cichlids from both lakes undergo ontogenetic changes in cone opsin expression, but visual sensitivity is consistently shifted towards shorter wavelengths in crater lake fish, which leads to a paedomorphic retention of their visual phenotype. This shift might be mediated by lower levels of thyroid hormone in crater lake Midas cichlids (measured indirectly as dio2 and dio3 gene expression). Exposing fish to different light treatments revealed that cone opsin expression is phenotypically plastic in both species during early development, with short and long wavelength light slowing or accelerating ontogenetic changes, respectively. Notably, this plastic response was maintained into adulthood only in the derived crater lake Midas cichlids. We conclude that the rapid evolution of Midas cichlids’ visual system after colonizing crater Lake Apoyo was mediated by a shift in visual sensitivity during ontogeny and was further aided by phenotypic plasticity during development.  相似文献   

Wright  David  Rajper  Inayatullah 《Plant and Soil》2000,223(1-2):279-287
Two wheat varieties were grown in artificially created sodic soils in pots at a range of sodicity levels (exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) 15–52), with and without an anionic polyacrylamide soil conditioner (PAM) to stabilise soil aggregates. Increasing sodicity decreased the % water stable aggregates (% WSA) in soil and survival, grain and straw yield of wheat. Plants grown at high sodicity also had higher Na+, lower K+ and Ca2+ concentrations and lower K+/Na+ ratio in flag leaf sap than plants grown in control (non-sodic) soil. Sodicity had no effect on the concentrations of Cu2+, Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ in grains and straw, but total uptake of these micronutrients was deceased due to lower dry weight of these tissues per plant. At all sodicity levels treatment of sodic soil with PAM increased the % WSA to values greater than in the non-sodic control soil, and slightly lowered ESP. Over the range ESP 15–44 the effects of PAM on wheat grain yield increased as sodicity increased, so that at ESP 44 grain yield in the treatment with PAM was only 25% lower than in the non-sodic control. However at ESP 52 the effects of PAM were smaller, and grain yield was 86% lower than in the control. At this sodicity level the decreases in grain yield due to sodicity and the increases in reponse to treatment of sodic soil with PAM were similar in the two varieties tested. At high sodicity levels (ESP 44 and 52) treatment of sodic soil with PAM decreased the concentration of Na+ and increased K+ and K+/Na+ ratio in flag leaf sap. However, at the highest sodicity level (ESP 52), flag leaf Na+ concentration remained above the level (100 mol m-3) at which it has been found to be toxic. Concentrations of Cu2+, Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ in grain and straw were unaffected by PAM. These results suggest that at ESP up to 40–50 adverse physical characteristics are the major cause of low wheat yield in sodic soils, either due to their direct effects in decreasing growth, or their indirect effects in increasing uptake of Na+ and decreasing uptake of K+. Above ESP 50, roots are less able to exclude Na+, even in the presence of improved soil physical conditions, so that at these sodicity levels, both adverse physical and adverse chemical properties contribute to the decreased yield. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Benthic cyanobacteria in rivers produce cyanotoxins and affect aquatic food webs, but knowledge of their ecology lags behind planktonic cyanobacteria. The buoyancy of benthic Anabaena spp. mats was studied to understand implications for Anabaena dispersal in the Eel River, California. Field experiments were used to investigate the effects of oxygen bubble production and dissolution on the buoyancy of Anabaena dominated benthic mats in response to light exposure. Samples of Anabaena dominated mats were harvested from the South Fork Eel River and placed in settling columns to measure floating and sinking velocities, or deployed into in situ ambient and low light treatments to measure the effect of light on flotation. Floating and sinking occurred within minutes and were driven by oxygen bubbles produced during photosynthesis, rather than intracellular changes in carbohydrates or gas vesicles. Light experiment results showed that in a natural ambient light regime, mats remained floating for at least 4 days, while in low light mats begin to sink in <24 h. Floating Anabaena samples were collected from five sites in the watershed and found to contain the cyanotoxins anatoxin-a and microcystin, with higher concentrations of anatoxin-a (median 560, max 30,693 ng/g DW) than microcystin (median 30, max 37 ng/g DW). The ability of Anabaena mats to maintain their buoyancy will markedly increase their downstream dispersal distances. Increased buoyancy also allows toxin-containing mats to collect along shorelines, increasing threats to human and animal public health.  相似文献   

I conducted an exhaustive literature review on Japanese knotweeds s.l. (including Reynoutria japonica, R. sachalinensis and R. ×bohemica), especially on the effects of these invasive plants on biodiversity and ecological processes or the chemical and physical characteristics of invaded habitats. A total of 44 studies have been published, the earliest in 2005, in peer-reviewed journals. Most studies were conducted in Europe, the others in the USA. Invasive knotweeds have major negative impacts on native plants, while the abundant litter produced and the deep rhizome system alter soil chemistry to the benefit of the invaders. However, the effects of knotweeds on other groups of species vary, with a combination of losers (soil bacteria, most arthropods and gastropods, some frogs and birds) and winners (most fungi, detritivorous arthropods, aquatic shredders, a few birds). This literature review highlights significant knowledge gaps of the effects of knotweeds on biodiversity (vertebrates) and ecological processes (ecohydrology). To what extent knotweed invasions have an impact on the population dynamics of native plants and animals on a regional to national scale remains to be verified. Although there is some evidence that knotweed invasions have negative effects on the environment, the research to date remains modest and a more extensive effort is needed to better define the environmental impacts of these plant invaders.  相似文献   

Summary We tested the Enemy Impact Hypothesis, which predicts that communities of one tropic level are organized by the tropic level above. In the case of gallforming insect communities, the hypothesis predicts that gall morphology will diverge, minimizing the number of parasitoids shared among species. We used the monophyletic group of gallforming cecidomyiids (Asphondylia spp.) on creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) to test this hypothesis, predicting that species with thicker gall walls should exclude species of parasitoids with shorter ovipositors and have lower levels of parasitism. Of 17 parasitoid species reared from Asphondylia galls on creosote bush, 9 accounted for over 98% of parasitism. Seven of these 9 species had ovipositors long enough to penetrate 10 of 13 gall morphs measured. There was no significant relationship between gall wall thickness and number of associated parasitoid species (r 2=0.01, P>0.05, n=13). There was no relationship between gall wall thickness and types of parasitoid species colonizing galls: parasitoids with the shortest ovipositors colonized all types of gall morphs and were dominant members of the parasitoid assemblages in galls with the thickest walls. Ultimately, there were no significant differences in percent parasitism among Asphondylia species, regardless of gall wall thickness. We found no difference in numbers of associated parasitoids or percent parasitism in galls with different textures (e.g. hairy versus smooth), different locations on the plant or different phenologies. Our results suggest that enemy impact has not influenced the diversity of this gall community. Gall wall thickness, phenology, location on the plant and surface structure do not appear to influence the distribution of parasitoid species. Other explanations are offered to account for diversity in gall morphology among these species.  相似文献   

Thiolases belong to a superfamily of condensing enzymes that includes also beta-ketoacyl acyl carrier protein synthases (KAS enzymes), involved in fatty acid synthesis. Here, we describe the high resolution structure of human cytosolic acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase (CT), both unliganded (at 2.3 angstroms resolution) and in complex with CoA (at 1.6 angstroms resolution). CT catalyses the condensation of two molecules of acetyl-CoA to acetoacetyl-CoA, which is the first reaction of the metabolic pathway leading to the synthesis of cholesterol. CT is a homotetramer of exact 222 symmetry. There is an excess of positively charged residues at the interdimer surface leading towards the CoA-binding pocket, possibly important for the efficient capture of substrates. The geometry of the catalytic site, including the three catalytic residues Cys92, His 353, Cys383, and the two oxyanion holes, is highly conserved between the human and bacterial Zoogloea ramigera thiolase. In human CT, the first oxyanion hole is formed by Wat38 (stabilised by Asn321) and NE2(His353), and the second by N(Cys92) and N(Gly385). The active site of this superfamily is constructed on top of four active site loops, near Cys92, Asn321, His353, and Cys383, respectively. These loops were used for the superpositioning of CT on the bacterial thiolase and on the Escherichia coli KAS I. This comparison indicates that the two thiolase oxyanion holes also exist in KAS I at topologically equivalent positions. Interestingly, the hydrogen bonding interactions at the first oxyanion hole are different in thiolase and KAS I. In KAS I, the hydrogen bonding partners are two histidine NE2 atoms, instead of a water and a NE2 side-chain atom in thiolase. The second oxyanion hole is in both structures shaped by corresponding main chain peptide NH-groups. The possible importance of bound water molecules at the catalytic site of thiolase for the reaction mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Generally, young growing mammals have resting metabolic rates (RMRs) that are proportionally greater than those of adult animals. This is seen in the red kangaroo (Macropus rufus), a large (>20 kg) herbivorous marsupial common to arid and semi-arid inland Australia. Juvenile red kangaroos have RMRs 1.5–1.6 times those expected for adult marsupials of an equivalent body mass. When fed high-quality chopped lucerne hay, young-at-foot (YAF) kangaroos, which have permanently left the mother's pouch but are still sucking, and recently weaned red kangaroos had digestible energy intakes of 641±27 kJ kg–0.75 day–1 and 677±26 kJ kg–0.75 day–1, respectively, significantly higher than the 385±37 kJ kg–0.75 day–1 ingested by mature, non-lactating females. However, YAF and weaned red kangaroos had maintenance energy requirements (MERs) that were not significantly higher than those of mature, non-lactating females, the values ranging between 384 kJ kg–0.75 day–1 and 390 kJ kg–0.75 day–1 digestible energy. Importantly, the MER of mature female red kangaroos was 84% of that previously reported for similarly sized, but still growing, male red kangaroos. Growth was the main factor affecting the proportionally higher energy requirements of the juvenile red kangaroos relative to non-reproductive mature females. On a good quality diet, juvenile red kangaroos from permanent pouch exit until shortly after weaning (ca. 220–400 days) had average growth rates of 55 g body mass day–1. At this level of growth, juveniles had total daily digestible energy requirements (i.e. MER plus growth energy requirements) that were 1.7–1.8 times the MER of mature, non-reproductive females. Our data suggest that the proportionally higher RMR of juvenile red kangaroos is largely explained by the additional energy needed for growth. Energy contents of the tissue gained by the YAF and weaned red kangaroos during growth were estimated to be 5.3 kJ g–1, within the range found for most young growing mammals.Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - DEI digestible energy intake - MER maintenance energy requirement - MERg maintenance plus growth energy requirement - PPE permanent pouch exit - RMR resting metabolic rate - YAF young-at-foot Communicated by I.D. Hume  相似文献   

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