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Abstract. The first objective of this paper is to define a new measure of fidelity of a species to a vegetation unit, called u. The value of u is derived from the approximation of the binomial or the hypergeometric distribution by the normal distribution. It is shown that the properties of u meet the requirements for a fidelity measure in vegetation science, i.e. (1) to reflect differences of a species’relative frequency inside a certain vegetation unit and its relative frequency in the remainder of the data set; (2) to increase with increasing size of the data set. Additionally (3), u has the property to be dependent on the proportion of the vegetation unit's size to the size of the whole data set. The second objective is to present a method of how to use the value of u for finding species groups in large data bases and for defining vegetation units. A species group is defined by possession of species that show the highest value of u among all species in the data set with regard to the vegetation unit defined by this species group. The vegetation unit is defined as comprising all relevés that include a minimum number of the species in the species group. This minimum number is derived statistically in such a way that fewer relevés always belong to a species group than would be expected if the differential species were distributed randomly among the relevés. An iterative algorithm is described for detecting species groups in data bases. Starting with an initial species group, species composition of this group and the vegetation unit defined by this group are mutually optimized. With this algorithm species groups are formed in a data set independently of each other. Subsequently, these species groups can be combined in such a way that they are suited to define commonly known syntaxa a posteriori.  相似文献   

Abstract. A method is described for the determination of plant species cover in herbaceous plant communities by means of image analysis. It is a computerized extension of the quadrat-charting method. The method was tested with four different computer systems for three different vegetation types, a shady lawn, a pioneer vegetation and a forest floor. We compared the results with vertical point-intercept analyses of the same stands. Image analysis revealed a high accuracy of the method ranging from < ± 1 to about ± 2% cover depending on the dominance of the species being analysed. The method is particularly suitable for the analysis of low herbaceous or unsaturated vegetation, dominance stands of broad-leaved plant species and for the analysis of cover changes in permanent plots.  相似文献   

Question: What was the change in diversity of urban synantropic vegetation in a medium‐sized Central European city during the period of increasing urbanization (1960s‐1990s)? Location: The city of Plzeň, an industrial centre of the western part of the Czech Republic. Methods: Sampling of various types of synanthropic vegetation, conducted in the 1960s, was repeated by using the same methods in the 1990s. This yielded 959 relevés, of which 623 were made in the 1960s and 336 in the 1990s. The relevés were assigned to the following phytosociological classes: Chenopodietea, Artemisietea vulgaris, Galio‐Urticetea, Agropyretea repentis and Plantaginetea majoris. Total number of vascular plant species, evenness index J, number of alien species (classified into archaeophytes and neophytes), and mean Ellenberg indicator values for light, temperature, continentality, moisture, soil reaction, and nutrients were obtained for each relevé. Results: From 1960s to 1990s, there was a significant decrease of species richness and diversity in synanthropic vegetation. The proportion of archaeophytes decreased in most vegetation types, indicating the contribution of this group of species, often confined to specific rural‐like habitats, to the observed impoverishment of ruderal vegetation. The proportion of neophytes did not change between the two periods. Comparison between 1960s and 1990s indicated a decrease in light, temperature, moisture, soil reaction and nutrient indicator values in some vegetation types. In both periods, Artemisieta, Galio‐Urticetea and Chenopodietea formed a distinct group harbouring more species than Agropyretea and Plantaginetea. Neophytes, i.e. recently introduced species, were most represented in the early successional annual vegetation of Chenopodietea, rather than in perennial vegetation of the other classes. Conclusions: Synanthropic vegetation of Plzeň exhibited a general trend of decrease in species diversity.  相似文献   

Question: How different are lists of diagnostic species of vegetation units, derived using various fidelity measures, in different contexts and with presence/absence versus cover data? Methods: Six different fidelity measures were calculated for vegetation units of two classified data sets covering contrasting types of Central European vegetation (beech forest and dwarf shrub vegetation). Both statistical and non‐statistical fidelity measures were used, and either species presence/absence or cover was considered. Each measure was calculated on four hierarchical levels and within two different contexts, either within the whole data set or within the next higher level of hierarchical classification. Average similarities of the diagnostic species lists derived from various combinations of fidelity measures and contexts were calculated and visualized using principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Results: The correlations between fidelity values derived from non‐statistical and statistical measures were rather weak. Nevertheless, diagnostic species lists calculated for the same syntaxon by different measures usually had several species in common. Average similarity between pairs of fidelity measures or contexts (based on the Sørensen similarity index) ranged from 0.21 to 0.92. PCoA clustered individual combinations of fidelity measures and contexts mainly according to the context and the use of presence/absence versus cover data, rather than according to the fidelity measures. Conclusions: The strongest impact on the lists of diagnostic species was not the fidelity measure itself but the context of its application and the use of presence/absence or cover data. Despite the weak correlation between individual fidelity values, traditional (non‐statistical) and statistical measures produce quite similar lists of diagnostic species, provided that the context of the analysis is the same. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of the appropriate algorithm should depend on the focus of the study.  相似文献   

Aim: Concentration of species occurrences in groups of classified sites can be quantified with statistical measures of fidelity, which can be used for the determination of diagnostic species. However, for most available measures fidelity depends on the number of sites within individual groups. As the classified data sets typically contain site groups of unequal size, such measures do not enable a comparison of numerical fidelity values of species between different site groups. We therefore propose a new method of measuring fidelity with presence/absence data after equalization of the size of the site groups. We compare the properties of this new method with other measures of statistical fidelity, in particular with the Dufrêne‐Legendre Indicator Value (IndVal) index. Methods: The size of site groups in the data set is equalized, while relative frequencies of species occurrence within and outside of these groups are kept constant. Then fidelity is calculated using the phi coefficient of association. Results: Fidelity values after equalization are independent of site group size, but their numerical values vary independently of the statistical significance of fidelity. By changing the size of the target site group relative to the size of the entire data set, the fidelity measure can be made more sensitive to either common or rare species. We show that there are two modifications of the IndVal index for presence/absence data, one of which is also independent of the size of site groups. Conclusion: The phi coefficient applied to site groups of equalized size has advantages over other statistical measures of fidelity based on presence/absence data. Its properties are close to an intuitive understanding of fidelity and diagnostic species in vegetation science. Statistical significance can be checked by calculation of another fidelity measure that is a function of statistical significance, or by direct calculation of the probability of observed species concentrations by Fisher's exact test. An advantage of the new method over IndVal is its ability to distinguish between positive and negative fidelity. One can also weight the relative importance of common and rare species by changing the equalized size of the site groups.  相似文献   

QuestionsDoes the plant species composition of Thandiani sub Forests Division (TsFD) correlate with edaphic, topographic and climatic variables? Is it possible to identify different plant communities in relation to environmental gradients with special emphasis on indicator species? Can this approach to vegetation classification support conservation planning?LocationThandiani sub Forests Division, Western Himalayas.MethodsQuantitative and qualitative characteristics of species along with environmental variables were measured using a randomly stratified design to identify the major plant communities and indicator species of the Thandiani sub Forests Division. Species composition was recorded in 10 × 2.5 × 2 and 0.5 × 0.5 m square plots for trees, shrubs and herbs, respectively. GPS, edaphic and topographic data were also recorded for each sample plot. A total of 1500 quadrats were established in 50 sampling stations along eight altitudinal transects encompassing eastern, western, northern and southern aspects (slopes). The altitudinal range of the study area was 1290 m to 2626 m above sea level using. The relationships between species composition and environmental variables were analyzed using Two Way Cluster Analysis (TWCA) and Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) via PCORD version 5.ResultsA total of 252 plant species belonging to 97 families were identified. TWCA and ISA recognized five plant communities. ISA additionally revealed that mountain slope aspect, soil pH and soil electrical conductivity were the strongest environmental factors (p  0.05) determining plant community composition and indicator species in each habitat. The results also show the strength of the environment-species relationship using Monte Carlo procedures.ConclusionsAn analysis of vegetation along an environmental gradient in the Thandiani sub Forests Division using the Braun-Blanquet approach confirmed by robust tools of multivariate statistics identified indicators of each sort of microclimatic zones/vegetation communities which could further be used in conservation planning and management not only in the area studied but in the adjacent regions exhibit similar sort of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. The habitat type system developed by R. Daubenmire has been widely adopted throughout the western United States. Habitat types result from a site classification derived from the classification of late seral plant communities using selected indicator species. It has been suggested that the classification of late successional vegetation used to derive habitat types does not substantially differ from phytosociological classification in the sense of Braun‐Blanquet approach, and that habitat types can be adopted in their present form into floristically‐based vegetation classifications. Despite the many commonalities between the two systems, however, the classification methods, and specifically the use of indicator species in the habitat type system, yield a significantly different classification than the phytosociological approach. This is demonstrated in the comparison of a habitat type classification with the results of a recent phytosociological classification of forest vegetation in the northern Salish Mountains of Montana.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of wanning on a montane meadow was simulated by a translocation experiment. A coherent piece of turf and soil was transferred from 600 m to 170 m a.s.1., corresponding to an increase in temperature of ca. 2.8 K. The vegetation was monitored by recording cover and counting individuals one year before the translocation and continued for the subsequent seven years. For comparison, a control plot that had also been translocated but remained at 600 m was monitored. Four of eight species with a montane distribution in Europe showed a constant degree of cover during the investigation period (Nardus stricta, Poa chaixii, Polygonatum verticillatum,Potentilla erecta). In contrast, another four montane species declined in cover or died out (Arnica montana, Meum athamanticum, Hypericum maculatum, Galium harcynicum). None of these species declined on the control plot. It is argued that the species' responded individualistically to the site factors that had changed with the translocation to low altitude. A direct effect of enhanced temperature was probably the reason for the decline of only one species (Meum athamanticum). Reduced humidity might be the reason for the extinction of two moisture demanding species (Viola palustris, Succisa pratensis). The biomass of the plot increased by increased growth of one of the matrix species (Festuca rubra), probably due to elevated nutrient mineralization. Many low growing species responded indirectly to the reduced light availability, caused by an increased level of competition for light (e.g. Galium harcynicum). Increased slug herbivory at low altitude resulted in the extinction of Arnica montana. At the end of the investigation period, the similarity in species composition to the initial state was only 45%, indicating that the community had changed into a different plant association. The importance of considering biotic interactions when predicting the impacts of climate change is discussed.  相似文献   

Questions: Can probability of occurrence and dominance be accurately estimated for six important conifer species with varying range sizes? Does range size impact the accuracy of species probability of occurrence models? Is species predicted probability of occurrence significantly related to observed dominance? Location: Pacific Northwest region, North America (60°–40°N, 140°–110°W). Methods: This study develops near range‐wide predictive distribution maps for six important conifer species (Pseudotsuga menziesii, Tsuga heterophylla, Pinus contorta, Thuja plicata, Larix occidentalis, and Picea glauca) using forest inventory data collected across the United States and Canada. Species model accuracies are compared with range size using a rank scoring system. A suite of climate and topographic predictor variables are used to investigate environmental constraints that limit species range and quantify relationships between species predicted probability of occurrence and dominance at both plot and landscape scales. Results: Evaluation statistics revealed significant and accurate probability of occurrence models were developed for all six species. Based on ranked evaluation statistics, Tsuga heterophylla had highest overall model accuracy (statistic rank score=5) and Pinus contorta the lowest (statistic rank score=17). Across species, ranked evaluation statistics also revealed a pattern of decreasing model accuracy with increasing range size. At plot level, correlations between dominance and probability of occurrence were weakly positive for all species with only half of the species having statistically significant correlations. Pseudotsuga menziesii had the highest correlation (r=0.36, P<0.001) and Thuja plicata lowest (r=0.038, P=0.799). At the 50‐km scale, correlations between dominance and probability of occurrence improved for all species except Pinus contorta. Pseudotsuga menziesii displayed the highest correlation (r=0.68, P<0.001) and Thuja plicata the lowest (r=0.07, P>0.709). Conclusions: Species probability of occurrence model accuracy decreased with increasing range size. The strength and significance of correlations between probability of occurrence and dominance varied considerably by species and across spatial scales. Apart from Pseudotsuga menziesii and L. occidentalis, the results suggest that probability of occurrence is not a consistently reliable surrogate for species dominance in Pacific Northwest forests. We demonstrate how the degree of correlation between species occurrence and dominance can be used as an indicator of how well predictions of occurrence characterize the optimal niche of a species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The concept of mapping potential replacement vegetation (PRV) is proposed as a parallel to potential natural vegetation (PNV). Potential replacement vegetation (PRV) is an abstract and hypothetical vegetation which is in balance with climatic and soil factors currently affecting a given habitat, with environmental factors influencing the habitat from outside such as air pollution, and with an abstract anthropogenic influence (management) of given type, frequency and intensity. For every habitat, there is a series of possible PRV-types corresponding to the different anthropogenic influences, e.g. grazing, mowing, trampling or growing cereals. The PRV-concept is especially useful in large-scale mapping (scales > 1 : 25 000) of small areas where replacement vegetation is the focus of attention for managers and land-use planners, for example in nature reserves where the aim is conservation of replacement vegetation managed in a traditional way, or in restoration ecology where the concept may be used for defining restoration goals and evaluating the success of restoration efforts. At smaller scales, PRV-mapping may be useful for revealing the biogeographical patterns of larger areas which may be different from the corresponding PNV patterns, because replacement vegetation and natural vegetation may respond to environmental gradients at different scales. An example of medium-scale PRV-mapping through the coincidence of diagnostic species of vegetation types, based on species distribution grid data, is presented. In cultural landscapes, the advantage of using the PRV-concept instead of PNV is its direct relationship to the replacement vegetation. In the habitat mapping with respect to the replacement vegetation, the PRV concept yields more valuable results than the mapping of actual vegetation, as the latter is strongly affected by spatially variable anthropogenic influences which may be largely independent from climatic and soil factors.  相似文献   

Question: What is the relative ability of four species of Sphagnum (S. fuscum, S. rubellum, S. magellanicum and S. angustifolium) to establish on bare peat substratum in the field when re‐introduced as single or multi‐species re‐introductions and in relation to interannual variations in climate? Location: Continental southeastern Canada. Methods: Diaspores (fragments) of four Sphagnum species alone or in combination were re‐introduced onto residual peat surfaces and were monitored to follow the development of the moss carpet over four growing seasons. In order to compare results under a variety of climatic conditions, this whole experimental setting was repeated four times (trials), with a four‐year follow‐up for each trial. Conclusions: The establishment rate of the moss carpet varied among years, in response to climatic variations between growing seasons. The relative success of different moss species and combinations of species, however, did not vary within or between trials. Thus, the species and combinations of species resulting in the highest short‐term or long‐term establishment rates remained the same for all trials, independent of the climatic conditions at the time of re‐introduction. Our results showed no link between the number of species in the diaspore mixture and successful establishment of the moss carpet. Yet successful regeneration was clearly influenced by the identity of species chosen for re‐introduction. S. fuscum, alone or in combination, was the species found to lead to the most extensive development of the moss carpet under the current test conditions.  相似文献   

Questions: Is it possible to render the species pool concept operational for cultural landscape management and restoration? Location: Hordaland and Sogn & Fjordane counties, western Norway. Methods: An initial regional species list, based on information on the distribution of species and habitats in the Norwegian flora, was filtered using information on target communities and species lists from 95 sites in the region. Owing to the importance of both mowing and grazing Ellenberg indicator values were not used in the identification process. Results: The final regional species pool consisted of 227 species, of which 194 were extracted from the flora, while 33 agricultural landscape species were added from the actual pool or from a list of species in additional hay meadows. Some of the 33 species were regular inhabitants of hay meadows, others were rare in the region. The regional species pool list includes information on each species on demands when hydrology, nutrients and base saturation in the soil is concerned, and whether or not they are characteristic for either of the boreal or boreo‐nemoral vegetation zones. Conclusions: Specialist knowledge was an advantage when adding cultural landscape species other than meadow species of the flora; 77 species were documented only by the flora, interesting from the point of view of restoration as this part of the pool would not have been found by just adding species lists. The diversity of the now isolated hay meadow sites in the region may be kept up by replacing the lost natural invasion by an artificial one, using local seed mixtures and transplants.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Mediterranean Basin harbours paleo‐endemic species with a highly restricted and fragmented distribution. Many of them might also be of the remnant type, for which the regional dynamics depends on the persistence of extant populations. Therefore, a key issue for the long‐term persistence of these species is to assess the variability and effects of ecological factors determining plant performance. We investigated the spatio‐temporal variability in plant traits and ecological factors of Ramonda myconi, a preglacial relict species with remnant dynamics, in 5 populations over 4–7 yr. Ecological factors contributing to fecundity showed a high degree of between‐year variability. Pre‐dispersal fruit predation had a minor influence on total reproductive output, and most of the variability was found among individuals within populations and years. Spatio‐temporal variability in growth and survival was rather low but significant, whereas recruitment showed important between‐population variability. Among‐year variability in fecundity and growth was related to climatic fluctuations on a regional scale, notably rainfall and temperature in a particular period, while the spatial variability in survival and recruitment was explained by within‐population (patch) habitat quality. Although R. myconi is able to withstand repeated periods of drought, water availability seems to be the most important factor affecting plant performance in all the study populations. These findings suggest that the long‐term persistence of species showing remnant population dynamics in habitats under the influence of Mediterranean climate might be threatened by increased aridity as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

Abstract. In seasonally dry regions of the world fire is a recurring disturbance but little is known of how fire interacts with granite outcrop vegetation. We hypothesize that the floristic composition in granite vegetation, usually attributed to the edaphic environment, may also reflect the impact of disturbances such as fire. Dramatic differences in floristic composition and cover over 13 years and two fires were observed in vegetation on a Western Australian granite outcrop. This was very marked in the first year following the two fires, with annuals and geophytes showing the greatest turnover of species. Even among the perennial shrubs there was considerable turnover in a number of obligate seeders. After the first fire the number of species declined for woody perennials, herbaceous perennials and annuals, remained unchanged for perennial grasses and sedges, and varied with highest richness 4 yr after fire for geophytes. Demographic studies of two endemic woody obligate seeders and three endemic mallee eucalypt resprouters similarly showed dramatic differences within and between species in seedling recruitment following the two fires. Fire does have a significant impact on the floristic composition of semi‐arid granite outcrop vegetation communities. Studies on other granite outcrop systems are needed to test the generality of this conclusion.  相似文献   

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