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Invasive plant species can potentially exert competitive or facilitative effects on insect pollination services of native species. Factors that influence these effects include the degree of shared pollinator species, synchronous flowering phenology, similar flower morphology and color, relatedness of invasive and natives, and showiness and densities of flowers. We investigated such plant-pollinator dynamics by comparing the invasive Lespedeza cuneata and three native congeners, all sympatric with synchronous flowering, using in situ populations over 2 years during peak floral displays. Insect visitation rates of the invasive were significantly higher per plant in both years than on the native species. The invasive exerted a competitive effect on visitation of the two native species with fewer shared pollinators, and a facilitative effect on visitation of the native species with the highest degree of shared insect visitors. Positive correlations were found between floral density and visitation rate per plant in all the native species. Although no such correlation was found for the invasive, floral density in L. cuneata was at least twenty times higher than in the native species and likely saturated the response of the pollinator community. Analyses of insect visitor taxonomic data indicated the insect communities visiting each of the Lespedeza species were generally similar though with species-specific differences. The main exception was that the common honeybee, Apis mellifera, was a primary visitor to the invasive plant species, yet was never observed on the native Lespedeza species.  相似文献   

Abstract Pedicularis (Orobranchaceae) is a common high altitude genus of the Himalayas that may be affected by pollination limitation. Using Pedicularis lachnoglossa from Yulong (Jade Dragon) Snow Mountain in Lijiang (Yunnan Province, southwest China), we investigated the effects of high altitude habitats on the process of pollination and seed production. Floral biology, pollinator foraging behavior, breeding system, and pollination efficiency were examined using observation and exclusionary techniques. Pedicularis lachnoglossa was found to be entomophilous and exclusively pollinated by Bombus friseanus and B. yunnanicola. Our results indicated that pollination limitation in P. lachnoglossa was not significant. Under open pollination, approximately 80% of flowers were successfully pollinated and developed to fruits, and about 38% of ovules developed to mature seeds. Bumblebee pollination is highly precise and efficient in P. lachnoglossa, because its flowering phenology and floral characters enhance the foraging of bumblebees on flowers. This study supports that animal pollination plays a crucial role in the outbreeding of the early flowering Pedicularis. The evolution of floral specification in Pedicularis has the advantages of adaptation to bumblebee pollination in adverse high altitude habitats.  相似文献   

张丽芳  裘利洪 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1301-1311
为探讨蛛网萼(Platycrater arguta)传粉生物学特性,该研究以江西上饶广丰铜钹山国家级自然保护区、江西阳际峰国家级自然保护区蛛网萼为材料,采用野外观察和人工授粉等方法,对蛛网萼开花物候、花部形态及繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明:(1)蛛网萼为伞形花序,种群花期一般在6月中下旬至8月中旬,单花花期为2~3 d,花序花期持续10 d。两个保护区由于年均温度与光照的不同,花期进程有显著不同。(2)蛛网萼可孕花与不孕花从绿色变为白色时对访花昆虫有吸引作用,不孕花能够增加昆虫的访花频率。(3)蛛网萼花粉胚珠比(P/O)为2 520~3 100,杂交指数即是3或4。(4)繁育体系属于以异交为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者;熊蜂(Bombus sp.)、四条蜂(Apis florea)和油茶地蜂(Andrena cammelia)是蛛网萼的有效传粉昆虫。(5)套袋和人工授粉结果显示,蛛网萼为兼性自交和异交授粉,异株异花授粉能显著提高坐果率及结籽率,这主要与生境中有效传粉昆虫种类、数量少,花粉传递效率低,种群间基因流交流降低以及柱头自花及同株异花传粉等有关,从而表明在蛛网萼现有生境中植株的早期生殖成功受到影响。蛛网萼种群分布范围扩张以有性繁殖为主,无性繁殖作为重要补充及繁殖保障。  相似文献   

王子琪  黄石连  洪欣  温放 《广西植物》2021,41(5):671-683
苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)是一个近年来备受关注的类群,其纷繁复杂的物种多样性和属下种间的特有分布引起了分类学家和植物学研究者的极大兴趣。该属除了极少数的物种如牛耳朵[(Primulina eburnea(Hance)Y. Z. Wang)]以外,绝大部分的物种为狭域分布或地方特有种,其分布范围很窄。为了揭示牛耳朵的传粉生物学和繁育系统对其生殖过程和拓殖能力的影响机制,作者系统地研究了牛耳朵的开花物候、花粉与柱头活性、访花昆虫的种类和访花行为、花粉胚珠比、OCI指数和套袋实验结实率,探究其传粉等生殖过程对牛耳朵的广布是否有正面影响。结果表明:牛耳朵的自然花期是3—5月,全花期约45 d,其中盛花期约20 d,单花期6~8 d; 开花后1~2 d花粉活力最强,开花前柱头没有可授性; 花粉胚珠比为537; 杂交指数为5; 去雌套袋、去雄套袋均无法结实,说明本种不存在无融合生殖; 与自然授粉相比,自花授粉结实率略低,异花授粉结实率略高,说明自交亲和; 牛耳朵的主要传粉者是花条蜂(Anthophora florea)和熊蜂(Bombus sp.)。花蜜产量较高、花粉量较大、花粉活力较强等特点,有利于牛耳朵完成传粉和结实的整个繁殖过程。因此,这一结果显然有利于牛耳朵的拓殖进而广布在我国华南至西南地区的喀斯特地区。  相似文献   

王子琪  黄石连  洪欣  温放 《广西植物》2021,41(5):671-683
苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)是一个近年来备受关注的类群,其纷繁复杂的物种多样性和属下种间的特有分布引起了分类学家和植物学研究者的极大兴趣。该属除了极少数的物种如牛耳朵[(Primulina eburnea (Hance) Y. Z. Wang)]以外,绝大部分的物种为狭域分布或地方特有种,其分布范围很窄。为了揭示牛耳朵的传粉生物学和繁育系统对其生殖过程和拓殖能力的影响机制,作者系统地研究了牛耳朵的开花物候、花粉与柱头活性、访花昆虫的种类和访花行为、花粉胚珠比、OCI指数和套袋实验结实率,探究其传粉等生殖过程对牛耳朵的广布是否有正面影响。结果表明:牛耳朵的自然花期是3—5月,全花期约45 d,其中盛花期约20 d,单花期6~8 d;开花后1~2 d花粉活力最强,开花前柱头没有可授性;花粉胚珠比为537;杂交指数为5;去雌套袋、去雄套袋均无法结实,说明本种不存在无融合生殖;与自然授粉相比,自花授粉结实率略低,异花授粉结实率略高,说明自交亲和;牛耳朵的主要传粉者是花条蜂(Anthophora florea)和熊蜂(Bombus sp.)。花蜜产量较高、花粉量较大、花粉活力较强等特点,有利于牛耳朵完成传粉和结实的整个繁殖过程。因此,这一结果显然有利于牛耳朵的拓殖进而广布在我国华南至西南地区的喀斯特地区。  相似文献   

Flexistyly in Plagiostachys was first reported by Takano et al., while they provided no detailed study on pollination biology and breeding system. In this study, we tested this suspicion in one species of Plagiostachys (Plagiostachys austrosinensis). Field observations suggested that flexistyly was present in this species, and stigmatic behavior was similar to that reported for Alpinia and Amomum species. Two phenotypes (anaflexistylous and cataflexistylous) occurred in a ratio of 1:1 in natural populations. Anthesis began around 1530–1600 h and lasted for about 24 h. Pollen viability and stigma receptivity remained high throughout the flowering process. Mean nectar volume (4.15–11.30 μL) and mean sugar concentration (>32%) also remained at a high level during the flowering process. No fruit set occurred in unpollinated bagged plants. Two pollinators (Bombus pyrosoma and Vespidae spp.) and one pollen robber (Mutillidae spp.) were found as flower visitors. Fruit set following self‐pollination and cross‐pollination did not differ significantly in the cataflexistylous morph. Partial self‐incompatibility was apparent in the anaflexistylous morph. These results provide the concrete evidence of flexistyly in Plagiostachys and a more thorough understanding of its evolutionary origin in gingers.  相似文献   

The terrestrial orchid Epipactis helleborine is a morphologically variable species with a wide geographical distribution. It is found throughout Europe and continues eastwards to Siberia, China and Japan. It is usually pollinated by social wasps and displays the morphological characteristics of an outcrossing species. In warm, temperate areas of Japan, E. helleborine often appears in alpine or subalpine regions, and has never been found in low‐altitude forests, except for coastal pine forests. The coastal population of E. helleborine is often classified at the variety level, as E. helleborine var. sayekiana, and the inland populations are known as E. helleborine var. papillosa. It is possible that E. helleborine var. sayekiana possesses a distinctive selfing strategy, as its autonomous self‐pollination has evolved in dry habitats, such as coastal dunes. The present study investigated the pollination biology of E. helleborine var. sayekiana and var. papillosa to detect differences in their reproductive systems. Unexpectedly, both E. helleborine var. papillosa and E. helleborine var. sayekiana were found to possess a self‐pollination strategy and were therefore rarely visited by insects. Self‐pollination occurs at the end of the flowering season and probably acts to ensure pollination even if insect‐mediated pollination fails. Moreover, there are no floral differences between E. helleborine var. papillosa and E. helleborine var. sayekiana. These observations suggest that it is not necessary to distinguish between these two varieties. Furthermore, E. helleborine var. papillosa was pollinated by hoverflies, suggesting that E. helleborine var. papillosa is probably biologically distinct from its mother species, E. helleborine. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 733–743.  相似文献   

'Big Bang' flowering is common among geophyte plants and is a strategy particularly important in arid areas. Griffinia is a genus whose species have very ephemeral flowering. Not surprisingly, there is so far no information on the reproductive biology and pollination ecology of any Griffinia species. Here, we highlight an amazing phenomenon of massive flowering in Griffinia gardneriana, a species that blooms for only one or two nights and emits a remarkable odor plume in the Caatinga night. The flowering event of the species varied depending on the locality, but it was always associated with the rainy season. The high number of white tubular flowers produce a strong sweet perfume dominated by (E)-nerolidol (42%), linalool (33%) and (E)-β-ocimene (15%). Agrius cingulata (Sphingidae) was the only pollinator recorded. Because G. gardneriana set only a few fruits by self-pollination, in contrast to a high number of fruits under natural conditions, this hawkmoth pollination system seems to be very efficient.  相似文献   

Floral biology and pollination mechanisms of Cymbidium dayanum, an endangered epiphytic orchid, were investigated in south Kyushu, Japan. The flowering period spanned approximately 4 months from fall to winter, with the inflorescences often blooming asynchronously on each plant and individual flowers commonly lasting for a month. The nectarless flowers are self-compatible but cannot autonomously self-pollinate; the orchid needs to attract pollinators by deceit for capsule production. The field observations showed that the flowers were pollinated exclusively by the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica, despite its long flowering period. The worker bees pollinated flowers and/or received the pollinarium on the thorax, while escaping from the labellum chamber. The natural fruit-set ratios at the population level, an estimate of pollination success, varied interannually but were generally low, as the result of infrequent flower visits by honeybee workers owing to the cold winter climate and the lack of a nectar reward. Because most flowers that were artificially pollinated in the winter successfully developed into capsules, the coldness was not considered a direct cause of the low fruit-set ratios. Our results explicitly indicate that the bee pollination niche could be available to temperate plant species even during mid-winter. We inferred advantages for the winter flowering of C. dayanum.  相似文献   

The pollination biology and breeding system of Vellozia squamata (Velloziaceae), a species of cerrado vegetation in Central Brazil, were studied. V. squamata is unusual in being pollinated by a few, generalist bee species despite having very large flowers, and having a distinctive pulsed flowering phenology. The species is self-incompatible but with a late-acting, post-fertilization rejection mechanism.  相似文献   

深山含笑传粉生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确深山含笑(Michelia maudiae)的传粉生物学特性,该文以西华师范大学校园内的深山含笑为研究材料,采取野外观察法记录了深山含笑的开花动态、访花者及访花频率;用游标卡尺法,测定了深山含笑的异交指数(OCI);用醋酸洋红法,测定了花粉胚珠比(P/O);用套袋和人工授粉法,测定了深山含笑的繁育系统。结果表明:(1)深山含笑为早春开花植物,其种群花期为2~3月,持续30d左右,单花花期5~6d;在单花开放初期,最内层的花瓣未绽开,是适应潮湿或多雨的环境而保护花药与柱头免受雨水的冲刷,提高雌雄性适合度,确保繁殖成功的一种策略;(2)深山含笑的有效传粉者为蜜蜂,访花时间集中在晴朗天气的中午;(3)深山含笑的异交指数(OCI)等于5,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为2 933±50;(4)深山含笑为雄蕊先熟,柱头可授性在开花第2~3天达到最高;(5)套袋和人工授粉表明深山含笑为兼性自交和异交授粉,其中异交授粉的座果率和结籽率显著高于自交授粉。早春开花的深山含笑,其传粉者为单一的蜜蜂,繁育系统为异交,部分自交亲和,结果为引种栽培、良种选育等提供依据更好地利用和保护此资源奠定基础。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the reproductive biology of endangered plants is essential for their effective conservation. It also provides important information for understanding the evolutionary processes that affect speciation, thus helping the definition of proper units for conservation in endangered plants with problematic taxonomy. We studied the reproductive potential and possibility for hybridization in the endangered genus Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae) by examining flowering phenology, flower and seed production and pollination of three sympatric cross‐compatible Saintpaulia species in the East Usambara Mts., Tanzania. The synchrony observed in flowering in S. confusa and S. difficilis may enable hybridization between these two species, whereas partial phenological separation may contribute to the integrity of S. grotei. Although the level of flower abortion is high in S. confusa, each pollinated flower yields about 1000 seeds. Saintpaulia confusa produces fruits following both self‐ and cross‐pollination but spontaneous self‐pollination seems not to occur. Thus, seed production depends on sufficient pollinator service. Floral heteromorphy (i.e. enantiostyly) and bee pollination are likely to further enhance cross‐pollination, suggesting that the genus predominantly outcrosses. Thus, Saintpaulia populations are likely to suffer from negative effects of inbreeding if they become small and isolated.  相似文献   

The phenology and flowering of two sympatric understory palms from western Ecuador, until recently regarded as conspecific, is described.Geonoma irena Borchs. flowers throughout the year. Anthesis lasts 11–14 weeks per inflorescence, with overlapping male and female phases. Flowers open in the midmorning, and are visited mainly by meliponid and halictid bees.Geonoma cuneata var.sodiroi (Burret)Skov flowers from December to April, with a distinct peak in Feburary. Anthesis lasts 6–8 days per inflorescence, with non-overlapping male and female phases. Flowers open at dawn, and are visited mainly by drosophilid and sphaerocerid flies. The flowering pattern of the two species match different specific behavioural features of their insect visitors. The study provides an example of how differences in reproductive biology may act as an important barrier to gene flow between related, co-occurring taxa.  相似文献   

The genus Aspidistra comprises about 160 species of herbaceous plants. In previous investigations, different authors suggested that Aspidistra is pollinated by flies, fungus gnats, slugs, amphipods and even collembolans. The vast majority of data was based on only one species, A. elatior, and was not confirmed by direct observations. Recent field observations of anthetic plants confirm the idea of pollination by flies for two other species of the genus. The present study summarizes direct observations of flowering phenology and pollination of five previously unstudied species of Aspidistra. Flowering biology was studied using visual observations as well as video and photo monitoring. Flowers and captured pollinators were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. As a result, knowledge of the flowering biology of Aspidistra has been increased. The absence of heat production and an ultraviolet pattern were verified. The present data show that flowers of Aspidistra can serve as a food resource for animals. The investigated species of Aspidistra are pollinated by dipteran insects: A. formosa, A. marasmioides and A. subrotata are pollinated by fungus gnats; A. multiflora and A. oviflora are pollinated by flies. The occurrence of fungus‐gnat pollination was directly demonstrated for the first time in the genus Aspidistra. The present study confirmed the idea of myiophily in the genus Aspidistra. Apparently, myiophily is common and diverse in Aspidistra. More likely, pollinators are attracted by scent, which is undetectable by humans, but the attraction mechanism is still not completely clear.  相似文献   

Synchronous monocarpy in long‐lived plants is often associated with pollination by wind, in part because infrequent mass flowering may satiate pollinators. Selfing in synchronous monocarps may provide reproductive assurance but conflict with the benefits of outcrossing, a key evolutionary driver of synchrony. We predicted that animal‐pollinated species with synchronous flowering would have unspecialised flowers and attract abundant generalised pollinators, but predictions for selfing and outcrossing frequencies were not obvious. We examined the pollination biology of Isoglossa woodii (Acanthaceae), an insect‐pollinated, monocarpic herb that flowers synchronously at 4–7‐year intervals. The most frequent visitor to I. woodii flowers was the African honeybee, Apis mellifera adansonii. Hand‐pollination failed to enhance seed production, indicating that the pollinators were not saturated. No seed was set in the absence of pollinators. Seed set was similar among selfed and outcrossed flowers, demonstrating a geitonogamous mixed‐mating strategy with no direct evidence of preferential outcrossing. Flowers contained four ovules, but most fruits only developed one seed, raising the possibility that preferential outcrossing occurs by post‐pollination processes. We argue that a number of the theoretical concerns about geitonogamous selfing as a form of reproductive assurance do not apply to a long‐lived synchronous monocarp such as I. woodii.  相似文献   

  • Opuntia (Cactaceae) is known for high rates of hybridization and ploidisation, resulting in the formation of new species. The occurrence of two sympatric and closely related species of Opuntia, O. elata and O. retrorsa, in Brazilian Chaco enabled us to test the hypothesis that pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation mechanisms operate in both species.
  • We monitored the flowering period, as well as floral biology, and compared the morphological variation of floral structures through measurements, performed intra‐ and interspecific cross‐pollination tests, and recorded the guild of floral visitors and pollinators.
  • Flowering was seasonal and highly synchronous. Floral biology exhibits similar strategies, and although floral morphology differs significantly in many of the compared structures, such morphological variation does not result in the selection of exclusive pollinators. Floral visitors and pollinators are oligolectic bees shared by both species. Opuntia elata and O. retrorsa are self‐compatible. While interspecific cross‐pollination (bidirectional) resulted in germination, the pollen tube did not penetrate the stigma.
  • Opuntia elata and O. retrorsa are closely related; however, they are isolated and do not hybridise in Brazilian Chaco. We found that both have weak pre‐pollination barriers, but that they are strongly isolated by pollen–pistil incompatibility, i.e. post‐pollination barrier.

Calanthe amamiana is a terrestrial orchid that thrives on the shady forest floors of broad-leaved forests on Amami Island, central Ryukyus, Japan. Here, I report on the floral and pollination biology of this critically endangered orchid based on a 7-year study conducted in the species' natural habitats. As the nectarless flowers are probably self-compatible but are unable to autonomously self-pollinate, they need to attract pollen vectors by deceit for pollination. To advertise themselves, the flowering inflorescences, which comprise a few to dozens of flowers, use whitish floral colors that are comparatively conspicuous against the shaded background. The exclusive pollinator was the long-horned bee Eucera okinawae, which nests in soils of the forest floor, although bee abundance varied considerably among study years. Natural fruit-set ratios were generally low but showed interannual variation. The annual fruit-set ratios were positively correlated with annual bee abundance, thereby suggesting that under natural conditions, the orchid is pollinator-limited. Given that C. amamiana is dependent exclusively on E. okinawae for pollination and is also probably pollinator-limited, conservation plans for this orchid should take into consideration the welfare of long-horned bees. In particular, as nectariferous flowers were unavailable within broad-leaved forests, to satisfy the foraging requirements of long-horned bees, conservation managers should be cognizant of conservation values of flowering plants distributed in sun-lit sites near orchid habitats, and manage those in an appropriate manner.  相似文献   

Nouelia insignis Franch. (Asteraceae) is a short, narrow endemic and endangered tree, growing with a natural population in the dry and hot valley of the Jinsha River in the southwest area of China. In this work, flowering phenology (time and duration), floral biology, visit frequency and behavior of pollinators, and pollination characteristics were studied based on investigation in the field and analysis in the laboratory with the help of a stereomicroscope, and the relationship between seed setting rate and reproductive traits, as well as the relationship between flowering time and rainfall before flowering, was tested using the method of general linear regression model. The results showed that natural population of N. insignis exhibited high flowering synchrony with relatively stable flowering duration, and the flowering time fluctuated greatly depending on the rainfall 5 months before flowering. The pollination of N. insignis required pollinators, and insect activities played a very important role in the pollination process. However, lack of the pollinators was not a limitation for reproductive fitness in N. insignis, although the number of pollinators was small and the frequency of visits was low. In addition, no pollen limitation was found during pollination. The average seed setting rate of N. insignis in the natural condition was only 1.52%–3.73%, and it was generally affected by changes in flowering phenology between years and had a higher seed set in early flowering year. The annual variation of seed set might be related to the annual variations of stamen and pistil functions, such as changes of pollen viability and stigma receptivity, which were closely related to flowering time. The results of this study are of value for further conservation actions on natural population of this threatened endemic plant.  相似文献   

杨柳  周天华  王勇  牛鑫 《西北植物学报》2023,43(7):1218-1226
陕西羽叶报春为中国珍稀濒危植物,研究其开花物候、传粉者及访花行为、花粉活力、柱头可授性、繁育系统,以明确陕西羽叶报春的传粉特性及制濒机制。以勉县陕西羽叶报春野生居群为研究对象,通过野外观察和人工授粉实验首次对陕西羽叶报春的传粉生物学进行研究。结果表明:(1)陕西羽叶报春种群花期为2-4月中旬,单花花期一般为14~17 d;单花开花进程中花部形态有6个明显发育变化:全部被萼片包裹、花苞伸出并为深粉色、花朵打开为淡粉色、花冠为白色、花朵枯萎、花冠脱落花萼宿存。(2)陕西羽叶报春为异花授粉植物,蜜蜂属为其主要传粉者。(3)柱头在花粉未开裂前就具有可授性,可授性逐渐增强;花药在花瓣打开后的第3天才开始开裂、散粉,在第4天活力最高,为98.18%,此后逐渐减弱。(4)繁育系统检测显示,长、短柱型花的花粉/胚珠比分别为902.26和831.48,杂交指数为4;套袋实验显示,陕西羽叶报春异型交配可育,同型交配不可育。由此表明,陕西羽叶报春的繁育系统为异交型,自交不亲和,需要传粉者。综上所述,陕西羽叶报春传粉者种类少、自交不亲和、胚珠败育现象可能是导致陕西羽叶报春濒危的重要原因。  相似文献   

矮紫金牛(Ardisia humilis)是优良的野生观赏植物。为探究该植物开花生物学与繁育系统特征,促进其杂交选育与园林应用,该研究以同质园引种的矮紫金牛为对象,对其开花物候、访花昆虫种类及访花行为进行观测,采用花粉离体萌发法和联苯胺-过氧化氢法,对花粉活力与柱头可授性进行检测,结合配子显微观测法和控制性授粉实验,对其繁育系统进行分析。结果表明:(1)花期为5月中下旬至6月中上旬,盛花期在5月底,单花、单株和群体水平的花期分别为1、17~20、25 d。(2)开两性花,雌蕊先熟,与雄蕊成熟期部分重叠,柱头可授性滞至雄蕊凋谢后1 d。(3)杂交指数(OCI)值为4,花粉/胚珠比(P/O)值为5.61×103,显示其繁育系统以异交为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者。(4)自然授粉的结实率最高(平均52.96%),其次是自花授粉(52.29%)和人工异株授粉(50.33%),三者差异不显著(P> 0.05),但均显著高于人工同株授粉的结实率(28.67%)(P<0.05),显示矮紫金牛不仅异交亲和性强,还具有很强的自动自花授粉能力。(5)主要传粉昆虫包括隧蜂科...  相似文献   

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