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Male secondary sexual traits often scale allometrically with body size. These allometries can be variable within species and may shift depending on environmental conditions, such as food quality. Such allometric plasticity has been hypothesized to initiate local adaptation and evolutionary diversification of scaling relationships, but is under‐recorded, and its eco‐evolutionary effects are not well understood. Here, we tested for allometric plasticity in the bulb mite (Rhizoglyphus robini), in which large males tend to develop as armed adult fighters with thickened third legs, while small males become adult scramblers without thickened legs. We first examined the ontogenetic timing for size‐ and growth‐dependent male morph determination, using experimentally amplified fluctuations in growth rate throughout juvenile development. Having established that somatic growth and body size determine male morph expression immediately before metamorphosis, we examined whether the relationship between adult male morph and size at metamorphosis shifts with food quality. We found that the threshold body size for male morph expression shifts toward lower values with deteriorating food quality, confirming food‐dependent allometric plasticity. Such allometric plasticity may allow populations to track prevailing nutritional conditions, potentially facilitating rapid evolution of allometric scaling relationships.  相似文献   

Morphological structures used as weapons in male–male competition are not only costly to develop but are also probably costly to maintain during adulthood. Therefore, having weapons could reduce the energy available for other fitness‐enhancing actions, such as post‐copulatory investment. We tested the hypothesis that armed males make lower post‐copulatory investments than unarmed males, and that this difference will be most pronounced under food‐limited conditions. We performed two experiments using the male‐dimorphic bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini, in which males are either armed “fighters” or unarmed “scramblers.” Firstly, we tested whether fighters and scramblers differed in their reproductive output after being starved or fed for 1 or 2 weeks. Secondly, we measured the reproductive output of scramblers and fighters (starved or fed) after one, two or three consecutive matings. Scramblers sired more offspring than fighters after 1 week, but scramblers and fighters only sired a few offspring after 2 weeks. Scramblers also sired more offspring than fighters at the first mating, and males rarely sired offspring after consecutive matings. Contrary to our hypothesis, the fecundity of starved and fed males did not differ. The higher reproductive output of scramblers suggests that, regardless of nutritional state, scramblers make larger post‐copulatory investments than fighters. Alternatively, (cryptic) female choice generally favours scramblers. Why the morphs differed in their reproductive output is unclear. Neither morph performed well relatively late in life or after multiple matings. It remains to be investigated to what extent the apparent scrambler advantage contributes to the maintenance and evolution of male morph expression.  相似文献   

In wing‐polymorphic insects, wing morphs differ not only in dispersal capability but also in life history traits because of trade‐offs between flight capability and reproduction. When the fitness benefits and costs of producing wings differ between males and females, sex‐specific trade‐offs can result in sex differences in the frequency of long‐winged individuals. Furthermore, the social environment during development affects sex differences in wing development, but few empirical tests of this phenomenon have been performed to date. Here, I used the wing‐dimorphic water strider Tenagogerris euphrosyne to test how rearing density and sex ratio affect the sex‐specific development of long‐winged dispersing morphs (i.e., sex‐specific macroptery). I also used a full‐sib, split‐family breeding design to assess genetic effects on density‐dependent, sex‐specific macroptery. I reared water strider nymphs at either high or low densities and measured their wing development. I found that long‐winged morphs developed more frequently in males than in females when individuals were reared in a high‐density environment. However, the frequency of long‐winged morphs was not biased according to sex when individuals were reared in a low‐density environment. In addition, full‐sib males and females showed similar macroptery incidence rates at low nymphal density, whereas the macroptery incidence rates differed between full‐sib males and females at high nymphal density. Thus complex gene‐by‐environment‐by‐sex interactions may explain the density‐specific levels of sex bias in macroptery, although this interpretation should be treated with some caution. Overall, my study provides empirical evidence for density‐specific, sex‐biased wing development. My findings suggest that social factors as well as abiotic factors can be important in determining sex‐biased wing development in insects.  相似文献   

The effects of crowding and isolation on body color and behavior were observed for the mid‐instar nymphs of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Some of the solitarious (isolation‐reared) nymphs that were crowded for 1 or 4 h during the third instar developed black patterns at the fourth instar, but most individuals remained unaffected. Black patterns appeared in all individuals that were crowded for 1 day or longer, but even after 4 days of crowding the black patterning for some individuals was not as intense as that for the gregarious (crowd‐reared) controls. Isolation of gregarious nymphs caused the black patterns to recede or disappear at the last (fifth) nymphal instar, but it was necessary to isolate the nymphs from the beginning of the first instar to obtain body coloration looking like solitarious nymphs in most individuals. Solitarious nymphs that were allowed to see gregarious nymphs developed different intensities of black patterns depending on the body size and number of nymphs shown. The behavioral phase shift from one phase to another was observed when the nymphs were crowded or isolated for 2 days or longer, as previously reported for the last nymphal instars of the same strain. Behavioral gregarization was induced for isolated nymphs that were allowed to see a group of nymphs through a transparent double wall. These results suggested that body‐color phase shift occurred more rapidly for mid‐instar nymphs than for late instar nymphs but the rate of behavioral phase shift was similar for the two instars.  相似文献   

In male dimorphic species, growth influences morph expression and thereby the reproductive success of males. However, how variation in nutritional conditions affects male morph development and whether males can compensate for lost growth is poorly known. Here, we performed an experiment where males of the bulb mite (Rhizoglyphus robini)—which are fighters, able to kill other mites, or benign scramblers—were offered high quality food during the larval stage, but food of high or low quality during the protonymph and tritonymph (=final) stage. When food quality was low during the latter two stages, males matured smaller, later and were more likely to be a scrambler than when food quality was high. We found no evidence for compensatory growth: when males had low quality food only during the protonymph stage, they matured at the same age, but grew at a slower rate and matured at a smaller size than males that had high quality food throughout ontogeny. Furthermore, males that experienced this transient period of low food quality were less likely to mature as a fighter. Interestingly, scrambler increase in body size during the protonymph and tritonymph stages was always lower than that of fighters. Given the strong link between adult size and fitness, combined with the different development times and life histories of the male morphs, the lack of ability to compensate for a transient period of food deprivation during ontogeny is likely to have consequences for the dynamics of bulb mite populations.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) are examples of individual heterogeneity in which males adopt one of typically two alternative strategies to mate with females: males are either large, armed fighters or small, benign sneakers. ART expression is often conditionally determined, and variation in the expression of conditional ARTs due to genetic and/or environmental influences can greatly affect population composition and trajectory. For example, ecological feedback mechanisms resulting from strong density‐dependent competition over food have been suggested to explain the observation that the harvesting of scramblers (= sneakers) in closed populations of the bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini did not result in an increase (expected from quantitative genetics theory) but decrease in fighter expression. Here, we exposed closed bulb mite populations to selective fighter or scrambler harvesting for 5–6 generations under abundant food (to halt ecological feedbacks through density‐dependence) to confirm predictions from quantitative genetics theory. However, we found no evolutionary shift in ART expression; rather, we observed an overcompensatory ecological response, whereby the number of fighters increased when we harvested them. Treatment effects on scrambler numbers could not be tested as there were too few in the experimental populations. Further experiments revealed that starved fighters preferentially killed immature males and immature fighters; possibly to reduce male‐male competition as e.g. immature fighters have not yet developed their lethal weaponry. If this is so, then harvesting adult fighters reduced the killing pressure on immature males in our experiment, which resulted in an overcompensatory number of immature fighters that matured as adults. Our results highlight the complexity of how individual heterogeneity in ARTs affects the ecological and evolutionary processes that determine population fluctuations.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution and maintenance of within-sex reproductive morphs, or alternative reproductive phenotypes (ARPs), requires in depth understanding of the proximate mechanisms that determine ARP expression. Most species express ARPs in complex ecological environments, yet little is know about how different environmental variables collectively affect ARP expression. Here, I investigated the influence of maternal and developmental nutrition and sire phenotype on ARP expression in bulb mites (Rhizoglyphus robini), where males are either fighters, able to kill other mites, or benign scramblers. In a factorial experiment, females were raised on a rich or a poor diet, and after maturation they were paired to a fighter or a scrambler. Their offspring were put on the rich or poor diet. Females on the rich diet increased investment into eggs when mated to a fighter, but suffered reduced longevity. Females indirectly affected offspring ARP expression as larger eggs developed into larger final instars, which were more likely to develop into a fighter. Final instar size, which also strongly depended on offspring nutrition, was the main cue for morph development: a switch point, or size threshold, existed where development switched from one phenotype to the other. Sire phenotype affected offspring phenotype, but only if offspring were on the poor diet, indicating a gene by environment interaction. Overall, the results revealed that complex environmental effects can underlie ARP expression, with differential maternal investment potentially amplifying genetic effects on offspring morphology. These effects can therefore play an important role in understanding how selection affects ARP expression and, like quantitative genetics models for continuous traits, should be incorporated into models of threshold traits.  相似文献   

The conditional evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) with status-dependent tactics is the most commonly invoked ESS for alternative reproductive tactics within the sexes. Support for this model has recently been criticized as apparent rather than real. We address key predictions of the status-dependent ESS in three populations of the male dimorphic mite Sancassania berlesei. In S. berlesei'fighter' males are characterized by a thickened pair of legs used for killing rivals; 'scramblers' are benign. Most males in each population could be manipulated to become fighters by decreasing density, fulfilling the prediction that males make a 'decision'. There was evidence of genetic covariance between sire status and offspring morph, but also a strong effect of sire morph on offspring morph ratio. This was consistent with considerable genetic variation for the status-dependent switch point as a breeding experiment found no support for single-locus inheritance. We also found evidence that switch points evolve independently of distributions of status. This study supports the current status-dependent ESS model.  相似文献   

Two basic male morphs occur in several species of the family Acaridae: heteromorphic fighters, possessing a thickened and sharply terminated third pair of legs, and homeomorphic males with unmodified legs. We compared major life-history traits of the two morphs in the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini. We found no significant differences in development time or virility, but homeomorphic males lived 23% longer than heteromorphs. We discuss the possibility that the trade-off between longevity and adaptation for fighting maintains genetic variation for the male morph in the studied species.  相似文献   

Among the Orthoptera, wing dimorphism, where one morph is long‐winged and flight capable while the other is short‐winged and flight incapable, is common and believed to be maintained in populations due to trade‐offs to flight capability. In males, macropterous individuals call less than micropterous individuals and as a consequence obtain fewer matings. This trade‐off is hypothesized to be mediated by the energetic costs of calling. In this paper we report results for a path analysis examining lipid weight and DLM (dorso longitudinal muscle) condition of male Gryllus firmus. We found that as DLM condition changes from a nonfunctional to a functional state, call duration decreases, and as lipid weight increases, call duration increases. The most important linked path was wing morph → DLM condition → call duration. This model is consistent with the prediction that the trade‐off between wing morph and call duration is mediated via DLM and lipid stores.  相似文献   

In Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fumouze and Robin) two male morphs occur: heteromorphs, with a thickened and sharply terminated third pair of legs that serve as a weapon in intrasexual conflicts, and homeomorphs, with unmodified legs. This study investigated the system of male morph determination. No significant heritability of male morph was found, but cues emanating from a dense colony were found to suppress the production of heteromorphs. Developmental plasticity was retained throughout the protonymphal stage. Diet did not influence morph expression, but lowered temperature decreased the proportion of heteromorphs emerging.  相似文献   

The conditional expression of alternative phenotypes underlies the production of almost all life history decisions and many dichotomous traits, including male alternative reproductive morphs and behavioral tactics. Changes in tactic fitness should lead to evolutionary shifts in developmental switch points that underlie tactic expression. We used experimental evolution to directly test this hypothesis by rearing ten generations of the male-dimorphic mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus in either simple or three-dimensionally complex habitats that differed in their effects on morph fitness. In R. echinopus, fighter males develop weapons used for killing rivals, whereas scrambler males do not. Populations evolving in complex 3D habitats, where fighters had reduced fitness, produced fewer fighters because the switch point for fighter development evolved to a larger critical body size. Both the reduced mobility of fighter males and the altered spatial distribution of potential mates and rivals in the complex habitat were implicated in the evolutionary divergence of switch point between the habitats. Our results demonstrate how abiotic factors like habitat complexity can have a profound effect on evolution through sexual selection.  相似文献   

We compared the calling and mating behavior and volatile release of wild males Anastrepha ludens (Loew) with males from 4 mass‐reared strains: (i) a standard mass‐reared colony (control), (ii) a genetic sexing strain (Tap‐7), (iii) a colony started from males selected on their survival and mating competitiveness abilities (selected), and (iv) a hybrid colony started by crossing wild males with control females. Selected and wild males were more competitive, achieving more matings under field cage conditions. Mass‐reared strains showed higher percentages of pheromone calling males under field conditions except for Tap‐7 males, which showed the highest percentages of pheromone calling males under laboratory cage conditions. For mature males of all strains, field‐cage calling behavior increased during the last hour before sunset, with almost a 2 fold increase exhibited by wild males during the last half hour. The highest peak mating activity of the 4 mass‐reared strains occurred 30 min earlier than for wild males. By means of solid phase microextraction (SPME) plus gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS), the composition of volatiles released by males was analyzed and quantified. Wild males emitted significantly less amounts of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene but emitted significantly more amounts of (E,E)‐suspensolide as they aged than mass‐reared males. Within the 4 mass‐reared strains, Tap‐7 released significantly more amounts of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene and hybrid more of (E,E)‐suspensolide. Differences in chemical composition could be explained by the intrinsic characteristics of the strains and the colony management regimes. Characterization of calling behavior and age changes of volatile composition between wild and mass‐reared strains could explain the differences in mating competitiveness and may be useful for optimizing the sterile insect technique in A. ludens.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The form of asymmetry in bilateral organs usually follows the same pattern within single populations. However, some exceptions may occur when a population consists of different phenotypes that are from different ontogenic backgrounds and under different selective pressures. We investigated the asymmetric patterns of mandibles of larvae, females, and males in the stag beetle Prosopocoilus inclinatus. 2. Larval mandibles exhibited directional asymmetry both in length and cross direction, whereas female mandibles showed directional asymmetry in cross direction. These asymmetric structures might be more effective in cutting wood fibres. 3. For the relation of male mandible length to body size, a model with a switch point showed a better fit to the data than a convex curve model. This shows that the males are dimorphic with two distinct morphs. 4. The form of asymmetry in male mandible length differed between the morphs. The smaller males exhibited left‐biased directional asymmetry in common with larvae, whereas the larger males exhibited fluctuating asymmetry. 5. This is a novel finding of a morph‐dependent asymmetry. The morph‐dependent asymmetry in males may be as a result of different selection on each morph or a developmental constraint from larval mandibles to adult ones.  相似文献   

1. In haplodiploid social insects where males are haploid and females are diploid, inbreeding depression is expressed as the production of diploid males when homozygosity at the sex‐determining locus results in the production of diploid individuals with a male phenotype. Diploid males are often assumed to have reduced fitness compared with their haploid brothers. 2. While studying the reproductive biology of a leaf‐cutting ant, Atta sexdens, in Gamboa, Republic of Panama, we detected the presence of a larger male morph. Using microsatellite markers we were able to confirm that the large male morph was diploid in 87% of cases. 3. We infer that the Gamboa population of A. sexdens experiences inbreeding depression because diploid males were found in three out of five mature colonies. However, their frequencies were relatively low because queens were multiply mated and our estimates suggest that many diploid male larvae may not survive to adulthood. 4. We measured two traits potentially linked to male reproductive success: sperm length and sperm number, and showed that diploid males produced fewer but longer sperm. These results provide indirect evidence that diploid male reproductive success would be reduced compared with haploid males if they were able to copulate. 5. We conclude that diploid male production is likely to affect the fitness of A. sexdens queens with a matched mating, as these males are produced at the cost of workers and, if the colony survives to reach mature size, also gynes.  相似文献   

A mechanism commonly suggested to explain the persistence of color polymorphisms in animals is negative frequency‐dependent selection. It could result from a social dominance advantage to rare morphs. We tested for this in males of red and blue color morphs of the Lake Victoria cichlid, Pundamilia. Earlier work has shown that males preferentially attack the males of their own morph, while red males are more likely to win dyadic contests with blue males. In order to study the potential contribution of both factors to the morph co‐existence, we manipulated the proportion of red and blue males in experimental assemblages and studied its effect on social dominance. We then tried to disentangle the effects of the own‐morph attack bias and social dominance of red using simulations. In the experiment, we found that red males were indeed socially dominant to the blue ones, but only when rare. However, blue males were not socially dominant when rare. The simulation results suggest that an own‐morph attack bias reduces the social dominance of red males when they are more abundant. Thus, there is no evidence of symmetric negative frequency‐dependent selection acting on social dominance, suggesting that additional fitness costs to the red morph must explain their co‐existence.  相似文献   

Evolution of relative organ size is the most prolific source of morphological diversity, yet the underlying molecular mechanisms that modify growth control are largely unknown. Models where organ proportions have undergone recent evolutionary changes hold the greatest promise for understanding this process. Uniquely among Drosophila species, Drosophila prolongata displays a dramatic, male‐specific increase in the size of its forelegs relative to other legs. By comparing leg development between males and females of D. prolongata and its closest relative Drosophila carrolli, we show that the exaggerated male forelegs are produced by a sex‐ and segment‐specific increase in mitosis during the final larval instar. Intersegmental compensatory control, where smaller leg primordia grow at a faster rate, is observed in both species and sexes. However, the equilibrium growth rates that determine the final relative proportion between the first and second legs have shifted in male D. prolongata compared both to conspecific females and to D. carrolli. We suggest that the observed developmental changes that produce new adult proportions reflect an interplay between conserved growth coordination mechanisms and evolving organ‐specific growth targets.  相似文献   

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