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The mating systems of internal parasites are inherently difficult to investigate although they have important implications for the evolutionary biology of the species, disease epidemiology, and are important considerations for control measures. Using parentage analyses, three topics concerning the mating biology of Schistosoma mansoni were investigated: the number of mates per adult male and female, variance in reproductive success among individuals, and the potential role for sexual selection on male body size and also mate choice for genetically dissimilar individuals. Results indicated that schistosomes were mostly monogamous, and evidence of only one mate change occurred over a period of 5-6 weeks. One male was polygynous and contained two females in its gynecophoral canal although offspring were only detected for one of the females. Even though they were primarily monogamous and the sex ratio near even, reproductive success was highly variable, indicating a potential role for sexual selection. Male body size was positively related to reproductive success, consistent with sexual selection via male-male competition and female choice for large males. However, relatedness of pairs was not associated with their reproductive success. Finally, genetically identical individuals differed significantly in their reproductive output and identical males in their body size, indicating important partner and environmental effects on these traits.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual traits in females are a relatively rare phenomenon. Empirical studies have focused on the role of male mate choice in their evolution; however, recently it has been suggested that secondary sexual traits in females are more likely to be under selection via reproductive competition. We investigated female competition and the influence of female phenotype on fitness in Onthophagus sagittarius, a species of dung beetle that exhibits female-specific horns. We compared reproductive fitness when females were breeding in competition versus breeding alone and found that competition for breeding resources reduced fitness for all females, but that smaller individuals suffered a greater fitness reduction than larger individuals. When females were matched for body size, those with the longest horns gained higher reproductive fitness. The fitness function was positive and linear, favouring increased horn expression. Thus, we present evidence that female body size and horn size in O. sagittarius are under directional selection via competition for reproductive resources. Our study is a rare example of female contest competition selecting for female weaponry.  相似文献   

The relationship between sexual size dimorphism, body-weight and different reproductive traits (e.g. clutch size, egg weight and incubation period) in relation to mating system and forms of parental care was studied in waders. Two hypotheses were examined. (1) Sexual size dimorphism is correlated with the intensity of sexual selection. (2) The degree of sexual size dimorphism is the result of an interrelationship between the reproductive strategy of the female and her body size. In the polygynous species the male was significantly larger than the female. This is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis. However, among waders, a positive correlation exists between egg weight, clutch mass and body-weight. Selection for small eggs or a short incubation period may therefore have an influence on female body-weight. If the lack of paternal care reduces the female's possibility for producing large eggs or incubating a large clutch mass, we would expect a selection pressure for small female size among polygynous species. Thus, large sexual size dimorphism among polygynous waders may be a result of selection for small female size to lack of paternal care, or selection for large male size due to intramale competition or a female preference for large-sized males. In multiple-clutch species (viz. species in which the female regularly lays more than one clutch during the season) egg weight was low both for a given female and male body-weight. The low egg weight of multiple-clutch species is assumed to be a result of the constraints placed on the female from producing several clutches during a single breeding season.  相似文献   

As a general rule, males of sexually dimorphic ungulate species have evolved larger body size than females but shorter reproductive life spans as elements of their strategy for intrasexual competition for mating opportunities. Evolutionary theories of senescence predict that the durability of somatic structures should relate to the length of reproductive life span. This prediction has recently been tested for red deer (Cervus elaphus): molariform teeth of males are smaller and less durable than those of females, which corresponds with sex differences in reproductive life span. However, general evidence that male teeth are smaller than expected by allometric rules as a consequence of sexual selection for increasing male body mass requires an interspecific comparison between dimorphic and nondimorphic ungulates. Here we investigate the relationship between cheek-teeth size (occlusal surface area; OSA) and body mass in 123 species of extant ungulates. We found lower slopes for dimorphic species compared with nondimorphic ones and smaller OSA, relative to body mass, in males of dimorphic species compared with females of dimorphic species. Rates of evolution of OSA relative to rates of evolution of body mass were greater in females than in males and also greater in nondimorphic than in dimorphic species. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection in polygynous male ungulates favors body size more than tooth size, with possible consequences in male senescence via early depletion of male teeth compared to females.  相似文献   

Sex differences in ageing in natural populations of vertebrates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In many long-lived vertebrates (including humans), adult males have shorter lifespans than adult females, partly as a result of higher annual rates of mortality in males and partly owing to sex differences in the rate of ageing. A probable explanation of the evolution of sex differences in ageing is that, in polygynous species, intense intrasexual competition between males restricts the number of seasons for which individual males are able to breed successfully, weakening selection pressures favouring adult longevity in males relative to females. If this is the case, sex differences in adult longevity and in the onset and rate of senescence should be greater in polygynous species than in monogamous ones and their magnitude should be related to the duration of effective breeding males compared with females. Here, we use data from longitudinal studies of vertebrates to show that reduced longevity in adult males (relative to females) is commonly associated with a more rapid decline in male than female survival with increasing age and is largely confined to polygynous species. The magnitude of sex differences in adult longevity in different species is consistently related to the magnitude of sex differences in the duration of effective breeding, calculated across surviving adults. Our results are consistent with the suggestion that sex differences in senescence in polygynous species are a consequence of weaker selection for longevity in males than females.  相似文献   

We have analysed the relationship between primate mating system, size and size dimorphism by utilizing several phylogenetically based methods. An independent contrast analysis of male and female size (log weight) showed that these are tightly correlated and that size dimorphism is not a simple allometric function of size. We found no relationship between mating system and sexual dimorphism in strepsirhines but a strong relationship in haplorhines. By matched-pairs analysis, where sister groups were matched according to whether the mating system predicted higher or lower intrasexual selection for male size, haplorhine species in more polygynous clades (with a predicted higher sexual selection) were significantly more dimorphic, had larger males, and also, but to a lesser degree, larger females. Both independent contrast and matched-pairs analyses are non-directional and correlational. By using a directional test we investigated how a transition in mating system affects size and dimorphism. Here, each observation is the sum of changes in dimorphism or size in a clade that is defined by a common origin of a mating system. Generally, dimorphism, as well as male and female size, increased after an expected increase in sexual selection, and decreased after an expected decrease in sexual selection. The pattern was, however, not significant for all of the alternative character reconstructions. In clades with an expected increase in sexual selection, male size increased more than female size. This pattern was significant for all character reconstructions. The directional investigation indicates that the magnitude of change in haplorhine dimorphism is larger after an increase in sexual selection than after a decrease, and, for some reconstructions, that the magnitude of size increase is larger than the magnitude of size decrease for both sexes. Possible reasons for these patterns are discussed, as well as their implications as being one possible mechanism behind Cope's rule, i.e. general size increase in many phylogenetic lineages.  相似文献   

Bumblebees and other eusocial bees offer a unique opportunity to analyze the evolution of body size differences between sexes. The workers, being sterile females, are not subject to selection for reproductive function and thus provide a natural control for parsing the effects of selection on reproductive function (i.e., sexual and fecundity selection) from other natural selection. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we explored the allometric relationships among queens, males, and workers in 70 species of bumblebees (Bombus sp.). We found hyperallometry in thorax width for males relative to workers, indicating greater evolutionary divergence of body size in males than in sterile females. This is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for reproductive function, most probably sexual selection, has caused divergence in male size among species. The slope for males on workers was significantly steeper than that for queens on workers and the latter did not depart from isometry, providing further evidence of greater evolutionary divergence in male size than female size, and no evidence that reproductive selection has accelerated divergence of females. We did not detect significant hyperallometry when male size was regressed directly on queen size and our results thus add the genus Bombus to the increasing list of clades that have female-larger sexual size dimorphism and do not conform to Rensch's rule when analyzed according to standard methodology. Nevertheless, by using worker size as a common control, we were able to demonstrate that bumblee species do show the evolutionary pattern underlying Rensch's rule, that being correlated evolution of body size in males and females, but with greater evolutionary divergence in males.  相似文献   

The water spider Argyroneta aquatica is the only spider spending its whole life under water, and one of the few spider species in which males are larger than females. Previous studies indicated that males can cannibalize females, which is uncommon among spiders. Here we aimed to further test for a potential influence of sexual selection on male body size. We examined the importance of female choice by testing whether females prefer the larger of two simultaneously presented males as mating partners. Further, we examined the influence of male–male competition by comparing the fighting behaviour between large and small males when alone or when together with a female, and we determined the outcome of fights. We found that females approach and choose large males as mating partners, despite the risk of male cannibalism. Additionally, males intensively compete for females, and large males clearly win against smaller ones. Hence sexual selection seems to be important for the evolution of the peculiar sexual size dimorphism of water spiders, as large size is beneficial for males in both the intra‐ and intersexual context. Previous studies have suggested an important role of natural selection in the sex‐specific body size of water spiders, but natural and sexual selection mechanisms apparently work in the same direction, favouring large male size.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism is often a likely outcome of the interplay between natural selection and sexual selection, with female size dictated primarily by natural selection that maximizes fecundity and male size by sexual selection that maximizes reproductive opportunities. Attention to male fitness has focused heavily on direct male-male conflict selecting for superior male size and/or fighting ability, although male reproductive traits vary immensely among animals. An alternative, advanced by Michael Ghiselin, posits highly mobile dwarf males as a strategy for finding relatively immobile females in low-density populations. Adult male crab spiders Misumena vatia , sit-and-wait predators, are strikingly smaller, much more active, and relatively longer-legged than their females. This size difference results largely from males having two fewer instars than females, which simultaneously results in marked protandry. Populations of M. vatia often were small and of low density, with a female-biased sex ratio and an operational sex ratio that changed strikingly over the season. Sexual selection through scramble competition (locating the female first) should favour this suite of characters in males of low-density populations. Although direct male-male contests favoured large males, the low densities of adult males and the dispersed, relatively immobile females led to low levels of direct intrasexual contest. Females exaggerated the problem of males in finding them by providing few cues to their presence, a pattern consistent with indirect mate choice. In addition to favouring high mobility, scramble competition favoured males that selected flowers attracting many prey, the sites most often occupied by females.  相似文献   

Sexual selection should produce sexual size dimorphism in species where larger members of one sex obtain disproportionately more matings. Recent theory suggests that the degree of sexual size dimorphism depends on physical and temporal constraints involving the operational sex ratio, the potential reproductive rate and the trade-off between current reproductive effort and residual reproductive value. As part of a large-scale experiment on dispersal, we investigated the mating system of common brushtail possums inhabiting old-growth Eucalyptus forest in Australia. Paternity was assigned to 20 of 28 pouch-young (maternity known) genotyped at six microsatellite loci. Male mating success was strongly related to body size and age; male body weight and age being highly correlated. Despite disproportionate mating success favouring larger males, sexual size dimorphism was only apparent among older animals. Trapping and telemetry indicated that the operational sex ratio was effectively 1 : 1 and the potential reproductive rate of males was at most four times that of females. Being larger appeared to entail significant survival costs because males 'died-off' at the age at which sexual size dimorphism became apparent (8-9 years). Male and female home ranges were the same size and males appeared to be as sedentary as females. Moreover, longevity appears to be only slightly less important to male reproductive success than it is to females. It is suggested that a sedentary lifestyle and longevity are the key elements constraining selection for greater sexual size dimorphism in this 'model' medium-sized Australian marsupial herbivore.  相似文献   

Abstract. Charadrii (shorebirds, gulls, and alcids) have an unusual diversity in their sexual size dimorphism, ranging from monomorphism to either male-biased or female-biased dimorphism. We use comparative analyses to investigate whether this variation relates to sexual selection through competition for mates or natural selection through different use of resources by males and females. As predicted by sexual selection theory, we found that in taxa with socially polygynous mating systems, males were relatively larger than females compared with less polygynous species. Furthermore, evolution toward socially polyandrous mating systems was correlated with decreases in relative male size. These patterns depend on the kinds of courtship displays performed by males. In taxa with acrobatic flight displays, males are relatively smaller than in taxa in which courtship involves simple flights or displays from the ground. This result remains significant when the relationship with mating system is controlled statistically, thereby explaining the enigma of why males are often smaller than females in socially monogamous species. We did not find evidence that evolutionary changes in sexual dimorphism relate to niche division on the breeding grounds. In particular, biparental species did not have greater dimorphism in bill lengths than uniparental species, contrary to the hypothesis that selection for ecological divergence on the breeding grounds has been important as a general explanation for patterns of bill dimorphism. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that sexual selection has had a major influence on sexual size dimorphism in Charadrii, whereas divergence in the use of feeding resources while breeding was not supported by our analyses.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often assumed to be driven by three major selective processes: (1) sexual selection influencing male size and thus mating success, (2) fecundity selection acting on females and (3) inter‐sexual resource division favouring different size in males and females to reduce competition for resources. Sexual selection should be particularly strong in species that exhibit lek polygyny, since male mating success is highly skewed in such species. We investigated whether these three selective processes are related to SSD evolution in grouse and allies (Phasianidae). Male‐biased SSD increased with body size (Rensch’s rule) and lekking species exhibited more male‐biased SSD than nonlekking ones. Directional phylogenetic analyses indicated that lekking evolved before SSD, but conclusions were highly dependent on the body size traits and chosen model values. There was no relationship between SSD and male display agility, nor did resource division influence SSD. Although clutch mass increased with female body size it was not related to the degree of SSD. Taken together, the results are most consistent with the hypothesis that lekking behaviour led to the evolution of male‐biased SSD in Phasianidae.  相似文献   

Studies of phenotypic selection in natural populations often concentrate only on short time periods and do not quantify selection intensities. We quantified temporal and microspatial variation in the intensities of natural and sexual selection for body size in the yellow dung fly over 2 years. Female fecundity selection intensity remained approximately constant over the season with an overall mean ± SE of 0.187 ± 0.014. Selection intensity for male reproductive success, defined as eggs obtained by mating males, did not differ from zero, indicating there was no assortative mating by size. Sexual selection intensity for male mating success favouring large males was variable but overall strong in the two years (0.499 ± 0.053 and 0.510 ± 0.051). As theoretically expected for male–male competition, sexual selection intensity increased with competitor density and reached an asymptote at about 250 males per pat; it also decreased with time in spring and increased again in autumn as a function of density. Small males had the best chance of obtaining a female at very low male densities. Greater selection intensity for large size in males than females is consistent with, and might be responsible for, the observed sexual size dimorphism in this species, as males are larger. The seasonal pattern of mean male body size (smallest at the beginning and end of the season) most likely reflects mere environmental (primarily temperature) influences on phenotypic size.  相似文献   

In polygynous mating systems, males compete intensely for mates and may mate several females during a single reproductive season. Accordingly, factors influencing the ability of males to control a larger number of females during the breeding season can provide information on the processes underlying sexual selection. In ungulates, age, body mass and social rank are considered good predictors of the reproductive success of males, but how male age structure and sex ratio in the population influence mating group (MG) dynamics has received little empirical testing. Between 1996 and 2005, we manipulated male age‐ and sex structure and monitored MG dynamics in a reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) population. We investigated the influence of male characteristics, percentage of males and male age structure on MG size and stability. We found that males with higher social rank (that were also older and heavier) controlled larger MGs (therefore had greater mating opportunities) and had more stable MGs (corresponding to a higher ability to maintain and control females) than males of lower social rank. Moreover, MG size and MG stability decreased as the percentage of males in the population increased, most likely resulting from greater male–male competition and increased female movements. Male age structure did not influence MG stability. Given the positive relationship between mating success and MG size (and likely MG stability), frequent female movements and intense competition among males to control females seem to be the principal components of reindeer MGs dynamic.  相似文献   

Female-biased size dimorphism, in which females are larger than males, is prevalent in many animals. Several hypotheses have been developed to explain this pattern of dimorphism. One of these hypotheses, the mobility hypothesis, suggests that female-biased size dimorphism arises because smaller males are favored in scramble competition for mates. Using radiotelemetry, we assessed the mobility hypothesis in the Cook Strait giant weta (Deinacrida rugosa), a species with strong female-biased size dimorphism, and tested the prediction that male traits promoting mobility (i.e., longer legs, smaller bodies) are useful in scramble competition for mates and thus promote reproductive success. Our predictions were supported: males with longer legs and smaller bodies exhibited greater mobility (daily linear displacement when not mating), and more mobile males had greater insemination success. No phenotypic traits predicted female mobility or insemination success. In species with female-biased size dimorphism, sexual selection on males is often considered to be weak compared to species in which males are large or possess weaponry. We found that male giant weta experience sexual selection intensities on par with males of a closely related harem-defending polygynous species, likely because of strong scramble competition with other males.  相似文献   

In species where females mate promiscuously, the reproductive success of males depends both on their ability to acquire mates (pre-copulatory sexual selection) and ability of their ejaculates to outcompete those of other males (post-copulatory sexual selection). Sperm competition theory predicts a negative relationship between investment in body traits favouring mate acquisition (secondary sexual characters, SSCs) and investment in ejaculate size or quality, due to the inherent costs of sperm production. In contrast, the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis posits that male fertilizing efficiency is reliably reflected by the phenotypic expression of male SSCs, allowing females to obtain direct benefits by selecting more ornamented males as copulation partners. In this study, we investigated the relationships between male SSCs and size and quality (viability and longevity) of ejaculates allocated to females in mating trials of the freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius italicus. We showed that the relative size of male weapons, the chelae, was negatively related to ejaculate size, and that chelae asymmetry, resulting from regeneration of lost chelipeds, negatively covaried with sperm longevity. Moreover, males allocated more viable sperm to mates from their own rather than different stream of origin. Our findings thus suggest that, according to sperm competition theory, pre-copulatory sexual selection for large weapons used in male fighting may counteract post-copulatory sperm competition in this crayfish species, and that investment in cheliped regeneration may impair ejaculate quality.  相似文献   

In the breeding system of Pacific salmon, females compete for oviposition territories, and males compete to fertilize eggs. The natural selection in females and sexual selection in males likely has been responsible for their elaborate breeding morphologies and the dimorphism between the sexes. We quantified direct-selection intensities during breeding on mature coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), measured for seven phenotypic characters, including three secondary sexual characters. Wild and sea-ranched hatchery coho were used to enhance the range of phenotypes over which selection could be examined. The fish were allowed to breed in experimental arenas where we could quantify components of breeding success as well as estimate overall breeding success. We found that without competition, natural selection acts only on female body size for increased egg production; there is no detectable selection on males for the phenotypic distribution we used. Under competition, the opportunity for selection increased sixfold among females. Natural selection favored female body size and caudal-peduncle (tail) depth. Increased body size meant increased egg production and access to nesting territories. The caudal peduncle, used in burst swimming and nest digging, influenced both successful egg deposition and nest survival. Increasing density increased competition among females, though it did not significantly intensify natural selection on their characters. In males, competition increased the opportunity for selection 52-fold, which was nine times greater than for females. Sexual selection favored male body size and hooked snout length, both characters directly influencing male access to spawning opportunities. Selection on male body size was also affected significantly by breeding density. The ability of large males to control access to spawning females decreased at higher densities reflecting an increase in the operational sex ratio. Further, the relative success of small males, which could sneak access to spawning females, appeared to increase as that of intermediate-sized males decreased. Such disruptive selection may be responsible for the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics in salmon.  相似文献   

Summary The polychaeteOphryotrocha puerilis is a male-to-female sex-changer, whereasO. labronica has separate sexes throughout life. In other respects the two species are remarkably similar: they occur in the same habitat, they look the same, they eat the same things, and in someO. labronica populations sex-changers can actually be found. The size-advantage hypothesis predicts that inO. puerilis males should not benefit reproductively from a size increase as much as males inO. labronica: henceO. puerilis but notO. labronica males should change to the female sex at a certain size. I experimentally compared reproductive success at different body sizes between the two species. In isolated male-female pairs reproductive rate increased significantly with female body size but not with male body size, and this pattern was the same in both species. Hence male fecundityper se cannot account for the difference in reproductive type between the two species. In other experiments I investigated if larger males gained access to more females because they were superior competitors for mates or were preferred by females, compared to small males. InO. puerilis the combined effect of these two factors conferred no size advantage to the males, whereas inO. labronica larger males acquired more females than did smaller males. Hence interactions among males and females, in accordance with the size-advantage hypothesis, can explain why sex change is maintained inO. puerilis, and why separate sexes are maintained inO. labronica.  相似文献   

The magnitude and direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varies greatly across the animal kingdom, reflecting differential selection pressures on the reproductive and/or ecological roles of males and females. If the selection pressures and constraints imposed on body size change along environmental gradients, then SSD will vary geographically in a predictable way. Here, we uncover a biogeographical reversal in SSD of lizards from Central and North America: in warm, low latitude environments, males are larger than females, but at colder, high latitudes, females are larger than males. Comparisons to expectations under a Brownian motion model of SSD evolution indicate that this pattern reflects differences in the evolutionary rates and/or trajectories of sex‐specific body sizes. The SSD gradient we found is strongly related to mean annual temperature, but is independent of species richness and body size differences among species within grid cells, suggesting that the biogeography of SSD reflects gradients in sexual and/or fecundity selection, rather than intersexual niche divergence to minimize intraspecific competition. We demonstrate that the SSD gradient is driven by stronger variation in male size than in female size and is independent of clutch mass. This suggests that gradients in sexual selection and male–male competition, rather than fecundity selection to maximize reproductive output by females in seasonal environments, are predominantly responsible for the gradient.  相似文献   

Summary In sexually dimorphic animals, large male body size is often associated with direct interference competition among males for access to females or resources used in reproduction. In constrast, small male body size may be associated with indirect scramble competition among males for temporal or spatial access to females. Minute, “parasitic” males of the acrothoracican barnacleTrypetesa lampas (Hancock) appear to compete with one another for permanent attachment sites on the external body of the female. Several spatial patterns suggest indirect male-male competition: 1) males were consistently aggregated on the anterior surface of the female ovarian disc; 2) the average distance from attached males to the site of insemination correlated positively with local male density; 3) average male body size on a female decreased as a function of male density; 4) the distribution of males on the left and right hand sides of the female ovarian disc was more even than expected, suggesting that males avoided crowded settlement sites. The number of males attached to a female increased with female body size and matched a null model in which males colonized female “targets” of differing areas. These results suggest that competition between males primarily affected settlement sites and male body sizes within, rather than among, females. Male parasitism may have evolved through both sexual selection for efficient access to females (Ghiselin 1974) and natural selection for reduced burrow density in a space-limited habitat (Turner and Yakovlev 1983).  相似文献   

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