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The effect of drought on transport and metabolism of radioactive abscisic acid (ABA) in roots and shoots of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Russian) was observed. Radioactivity from ABA moved freely all over the plants. Young shoot tissues, such as the growing apical bud or axillary buds released from apical dominance, were strong sinks for ABA. Mature tissues were effective exporters. Drought-induced alterations in the pattern of transport of radioactivity do not appear to be a major factor in the control of drought-induced changes in ABA levels. Metabolism of ABA occurred in all organs examined in stressed and unstressed plants. Labelled ABA and its metabolites moved in the xylem. Drought altered the quantity of radioactive metabolites and reduced the amount of radioactive ABA in extracts from the stressed plants.  相似文献   

Photochemical response to drought acclimation in two sunflower genotypes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of drought acclimation on CO2 assimilation and light utilization were investigated in two sunflower genotypes ( Helianthus annuus L., T32 and Viki) in relation to water deficit and/or high light conditions. Drought interaction with PSII efficiency was observed in the genotype T32 with a sustained decrease in the potential photochemical efficiency of PSII, Fn/Fm. In response to drought acclimation, T32 displayed some tendency to accumulate closed PSII traps (higher value of 1-qp) without an enhancement of thermal deactivation (Stem-Volmer non-photochemical quenching, NPQ). Irrespective of the growth conditions (growth chamber or greenhouse), only Viki was responsive to drought acclimation, with (1) increased net photosynthesis in well-watered plants, (2) higher maintenance of photochemical electron transfer under water deficit and/or high light, (3) limited PSII inactivation (lower value of 1-qp) through increased non-photochemical energy dissipation (Stern-Volmer NPQ) which was readily reversible even at low leaf water potentials, and (4) higher Fv/Fm recovery after high light treatment. Additionally, drought acclimation delayed turgor loss during subsequent water stress in Viki. Thus, the response to drought acclimation, with an adjustment of water relations and of energy utilization by PSII, was observed under both growth conditions and was mainly genotype dependent.  相似文献   

Abstract. The diurnal cycling of leaf water potential (Ψleaf) in field-grown sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ) was used to investigate the cause of water deficitinduced limitation of net photosynthesis. Daily midafternoon decreases in Ψleaf of up to 1.5 MPa and in net photosynthesis of up to 50% were typical for irrigated sunflower during seed filling. These midafternoon values were lowered an additional 0.6 to 0.8 MPa by prolonged drought treatment. There was a nearly linear relationship between the decline in net photosynthesis and reductions in leaf conductance over the course of the day. Thus, it was unexpected to find that the low, midafternoon rates of photosynthesis were associated with the highest intercellular CO2 concentrations. These and other observations suggest that the daily decline in photosynthesis represents a 'down regulation' of the biochemical demand for CO2 that is coordinated with the diurnally developing need to conserve water, thus establishing a balanced limitation of photosynthesis involving both stomatal and non-stomatal factors. There were no indications that either short term (i.e. diurnal declines in Ψleaf) or long term (i.e. drought treatment) water deficits caused any damage or malfunctioning of photosynthesis. Rather, both the daily declines in photosynthesis and the nearly 25% decrease in leaf area induced by prolonged drought appeared to be well-controlled adaptive responses by field-grown sunflower plants to limited water availability.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaf expansion of four sunflower cultivars ( Helianthus annuus L. cvs. Hysun 31, Havasupai, Hopi and Seneca) was monitored continuously in a growth cabinet through the final stages of a drying cycle and then throughout the first 2 days after rewatering in order to study the responses of leaf expansion to water deficits. Comparable plants were also measured throughout a diurnal cycle in a glasshouse.
In the cabinet, leaf extension was faster in the dark than in the light, but an extended dark period suppressed leaf extension. At similar leaf water potentials, the rate of leaf extension was greater in the light than in the dark, but as the osmotic potential was lower in the light than in the dark, the relationship between turgor pressure and leaf extension rate was similar in both environments. Throughout the drying and recovery cycles turgor and leaf extension rate was positively correlated: no significant differences among cultivars were observed.
In the plants grown and measured in the glasshouse, leaf expansion occurred at lower leaf water potentials in stressed than in unstressed plants, but the relationship between leaf expansion and turgor was similar in both stressed and unstressed plants as a result of a lowering of the osmotic potential in the former. Diurnal turgor maintenance resulting from osmotic adjustment was almost half that occurring during a complete drying cycle. During the day, the leaf expansion rate increased linearly with turgor pressure in all cultivars: the expansion rate per unit turgor pressure was greater in the glasshouse than in the growth cabinet. Nocturnal leaf expansion in the stressed and unstressed plants was not, however, correlated with turgor pressure.  相似文献   

Water deficit is the major yield‐limiting factor of crop plants. The exposure of plants to this abiotic stress can result in oxidative damage due to the overproduction of reactive oxygen species. The aim of this work was to study the antioxidant‐stress response of drought‐tolerant (SP83‐2847 and SP83‐5073) and drought‐sensitive (SP90‐3414 and SP90‐1638) sugarcane varieties to water‐deficit stress, which was imposed by withholding irrigation for 3, 10 and 20 days. The drought‐sensitive varieties exhibited the lowest leaf relative water content and highest lipid peroxidation, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and proline contents during the progression of the drought‐stress condition. The antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities changed according to variety and stress intensity. SP83‐2847 exhibited higher CAT and APX activities than the other varieties in the early stage of drought, while the activities of GPOX and GR were the highest in the other varieties at the end of the drought‐stress period. A Cu/Zn SOD isoenzyme was absent at the end of drought period from the SP90‐3414‐sensitive variety. The results indicate that lipid peroxidation and early accumulation of proline may be good biochemical markers of drought sensitivity in sugarcane.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of a slow stress and recovery cycle on the pattern of leaf expansion in four diverse sunflower cultivars ( Helianthus annuus L. cvs. Hysun 31, Havasupai, Hopi and Seneca) was studied in a glasshouse. Stress had no significant effect on the time of flower bud emergence and anthesis, or on final leaf number, but delayed the appearance of leaves at high insertions in all cultivars except Hysun 31.
Leaf expansion was markedly reduced as the predawn leaf water potential decreased from −0.35 to −0.60 MPa, and the predawn turgor pressure decreased from 0.3 to 0.2 MPa, and expansion ceased at a predawn leaf water potential of about −1.0 MPa, i.e. when the predawn turgor pressure reached zero.
The leaves most reduced in final size when water was withheld were those at the insertions which grew the most rapidly in unstressed plants. The maximum reduction in final leaf size of 25–35% was similar in all cultivars and was due to retardation of the rate of leaf expansion: the duration of leaf expansion was actually increased by stress. However, leaves that were initiated during stress, but emerged after rewatering, had final leaf areas at least equal to those in the unstressed plants: in the cultivar Seneca, the final size of leaves of high insertion was significantly greater in stressed than unstressed plants, whereas in the three other cultivars the final leaf sizes were similar in both treatments. All four cultivars examined adjusted osmotically to the same degree, but leaf water potentials in one, Seneca, increased more rapidly after rewatering than in the other three, and this may have contributed to the greater relative leaf size in the leaves of high insertion in this cultivar.  相似文献   

Many TFIIIA‐type zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) play important roles in stress responses in plants. In the present study, a novel zinc finger protein gene, StZFP1, was cloned from potato. StZFP1 is a typical TFIIIA‐type two‐finger zinc finger gene with one B‐box domain, one L‐box domain and a DLN‐box/EAR motif. The StZFP1 genes belong to a small gene family with an estimated copy number of four or five, located on chromosome I. StZFP1 is constitutively expressed in leaves, stems, roots, tubers and flowers of adult plants. Expression of StZFP1 can be induced by salt, dehydration and exogenously applied ABA. StZFP1 expression is also responsive to infection by the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Transient expression analysis of StZFP1:GFP fusion protein revealed that StZFP1 is preferentially localised in the nucleus. Ectopic expression of StZFP1, driven by the Arabidopsis rd29A promoter in transgenic tobacco, increased plant tolerance to salt stress. These results demonstrate that StZFP1 might be involved in potato responses to salt and dehydration stresses through an ABA‐dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Protein breakdown and mobilization are some of the major metabolic features associated with abiotic stresses, essential for nutrient recycling and plant survival. Genetic manipulation of protease and/or protease inhibitors may contribute to modulate proteolytic processes and plant responses. The expression analysis of the whole cystatin family, inhibitors of C1A cysteine proteases, after water deprivation in barley leaves highlighted the involvement of Icy‐2 and Icy‐4 cystatin genes. Artificial microRNA lines independently silencing the two drought‐induced cystatins were generated to assess their function in planta. Phenotype alterations at the final stages of the plant life cycle are represented by the stay‐green phenotype of silenced cystatin 2 lines. Besides, the enhanced tolerance to drought and differential responses to water deprivation at the initial growing stages are observed. The mutual compensating expression of Icy‐2 and Icy‐4 genes in the silencing lines pointed to their cooperative role. Proteolytic patterns by silencing these cystatins were concomitant with modifications in the expression of potential target proteases, in particular, HvPap‐1, HvPap‐12, and HvPap‐16 C1A proteases. Metabolomics analysis lines also revealed specific modifications in the accumulation of several metabolites. These findings support the use of plants with altered proteolytic regulation in crop improvement in the face of climate change.  相似文献   

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