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Genetically modified plants containing selectable markers offer a unique opportunity for pollination biologists to investigate some of the major, but intractable questions about paternity distributions and their causes. Here, a method is reported that uses transgenic plants to enable the quantification of the outcrossed fertilizations that result from a single pollinator visit. Gene flow mediated by worker bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) was studied among plants of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Westar) where transgenic paternity in seeds of a non-transgenic plant was manifested as herbicide resistance. Overall, 91% of the resistant seeds resulted from the first four flowers that were visited after the bumblebee left the transgenic plant, and none was found beyond the 14th successively visited flower. The possibilities for developing the method to address various questions in pollination biology are discussed.  相似文献   

Pollinator foraging patterns and the dynamics of pollen transport influence the quality and diversity of flowering plant mating opportunities. For species pollinated by grooming pollinators, such as bees, the amount of pollen carried between a donor flower and potential recipient flowers depends on how grooming influences pollen transfer. To investigate the relationship between grooming and pollen‐mediated gene dispersal, we studied bumblebee (Bombus fervidus) foraging behavior and resulting gene dispersal in linear arrays of Mimulus ringens. Each of the 14 plants in an array had a unique multilocus genotype, facilitating unambiguous assignment of paternity to 1050 progeny. Each plant was trimmed to a single flower so that pollinator movements could be linked directly to resulting gene dispersal patterns. Pollen‐mediated gene dispersal was very limited. More than 95% of the seeds sired by a donor flower were distributed over the first three recipient flowers in the visitation sequence. However, seeds were occasionally sired on flowers visited later in the pollinator's floral visitation sequence. Intensive grooming immediately following pollen removal from a donor flower significantly increased the decay rate of the donor flower's gene dispersal curve. These results suggest that the frequency and relative intensity of grooming can have significant effects on patterns of pollen‐mediated gene dispersal from individual pollen donors.  相似文献   

Summary Two bumblebee species, Bombus bifarius and B. flavifrons, forage randomly with respect to direction when gathering pollen on Potentilla gracilis. Bees avoid revisiting flowers by being able to differentiate recently visited from unvisited flowers. This recognition occurs while bees are flying over open flowers and appears to be a response to the amount of available pollen within flowers. Random foraging with respect to direction is the optimal strategy when the probability of flower revisitation is low. Bumblebees appear to be moving preferentially between nearest neighbors, again as predicted by foraging theory. This behavior causes the establishment of pollen patches in the P. gracilis population. Unlike other pollinators studied in similar situations, bumblebees on P. gracilis do not forage utilizing an area-restricted searching behavior. Because floral reward quality can be assessed at low cost by bees foraging on P. gracilis, their tendency to move to nearby flowers even after encountering a poor quality blossom apparently yields a higher rate of net energy intake than does area-restricted searching. The data indicate that bumblebees exhibit great plasticity in foraging behavior and that they are able to forage efficiently under a wide range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Pollinators are beneficial for many wild and crop plants. As a mass-flowering crop, oilseed rape has received much focus in terms of its pollination requirements but despite a threefold increase in area of cultivation of this crop in Ireland over the past 5 years, little is known about its pollination here. We surveyed the flower visiting insects found in commercial winter oilseed rape fields and evaluated the importance of different pollinator groups, investigated the contribution of insect pollination to oilseed rape seed production, and estimated the economic value of insect pollination to the crop at a national level. Our data showed that winter oilseed rape is visited by a wide variety of insect species, including the honeybee, bumblebees, solitary bees, and hoverflies. The honeybee, Eristalis hoverflies and bumblebees (especially Bombus sensu stricto and B. lapidarius) were the best pollinators of winter oilseed rape based on the number of pollen grains they carry, visitation rates per flower and their relative abundance per field. Exclusion of pollinators resulted in a 27 % decrease in the number of seeds produced, and a 30 % decrease in seed weight per pod in winter crops, with comparable values from a spring oilseed rape field also. The economic value of insect pollination to winter oilseed rape was estimated as €2.6 million per annum, while the contribution to spring oilseed rape was €1.3 million, resulting in an overall value of €3.9 million per annum. We can suggest the appropriate conservation and management of both honeybees and wild pollinators in agricultural areas to ensure continued provision of pollination services to oilseed rape, as a decrease in insect numbers has the potential to negatively influence crop yields.  相似文献   

The risk of release of genetically modified oilseed rape (Brassica napus) was investigated in relation to interspecific gene flow with hoary mustard (Hirschfeldia incana). Microscopic studies showed polymorphism within the population of hoary mustard for pollen germination on oilseed rape flowers. The transgenic herbicide-resistant and a commercial cultivar of oilseed rape were not different for pollen behaviour and ovule fertilization. Pollen tube growth was slow and erratic in interspecific crosses. Fertilization efficiency of oilseed rape and hoary mustard pollen in interspecific crosses was 15% and 1.3%, respectively, of that in intraspecific crosses. This unequal efficiency in reciprocal crosses was confirmed by hybrid seed set in pods. There was no post-zygotic barrier to the development of hybrid embryos in hoary mustard pods. Up to 26 spontaneous hybrids per male sterile oilseed rape plant, and one per hoary mustard plant, were obtained in field experiments. Hybrids were identified by isozyme electrophoresis, morphology and cytology. All hybrids were triploid with 26 chromosomes, and had low fertility. They produced 0.5 seeds per plant after spontaneous backcrossing with hoary mustard. Some of these descendants were produced from unreduced gametes. Our results suggest that gene flow is likely to occur, but its actual frequency under crop growing conditions remains to be estimated.  相似文献   

Providing ample nectar and pollen, mass-flowering crops were suggested to counteract ongoing pollinator declines in modern agro-ecosystems. Lately, however, positive effects were shown to be transient and highly trait-specific within the social bumblebees. Contrary to bumblebees, solitary wild bees may benefit more sustainably from mass-flowering crops due to a better seasonal match of the mass provision of resources and their sexual reproduction. We quantified reproductive activity and reproductive output of the polylectic solitary bee Osmia rufa during and after mass-flowering in landscapes with differing amounts of oilseed rape and semi-natural habitats. Across seasons, the number of produced offspring increased with availability of oilseed rape and semi-natural habitats while brood abortion decreased with the former and parasitation with the latter. Season-specific analyses suggest that increased nest-building during mass-flowering of oilseed rape early in the season outweighs negative effects on the number of cells per nest and the percentage of parasitized cells once the mass-flowering has ceased. No effect on number of cells per nest during mass-flowering and exemplary pollen analysis indicate that oilseed rape benefits solitary bees in the form of abundant nectar for foraging flights rather than pollen for brood provisioning. Besides providing permanent forage and nesting sites, semi-natural elements seem to benefit pollinators also by mitigating negative effects of parasitation, potentially via enhanced hyperparasitism. In conclusion, O. rufa clearly benefits from mass-flowering oilseed rape. Yet, the outweighing of the negative post-flowering effects by the early benefits of oilseed rape is tightly linked to the bee's polylecty and early phenology. Thus, it remains to be tested if species unable to utilize oilseed rape due to mismatched oligolecty or later phenology suffer disproportionally from the post-flowering phase of oilseed rape.  相似文献   

The Bombus sensu stricto species complex is a widespread group of cryptic bumblebee species which are important pollinators of many crops and wild plants. These cryptic species have, until now, largely been grouped together in ecological studies, and so little is known about their individual colony densities, foraging ranges or habitat requirements, which can be influenced by land use at a landscape scale. We used mass-flowering oilseed rape fields as locations to sample bees of this complex, as well as the second most common visitor to oilseed rape B. lapidarius, and molecular RFLP methods to distinguish between the cryptic species. We then used microsatellite genotyping to identify sisters and estimate colony densities, and related both proportions of cryptic species and their colony densities to the composition of the landscape surrounding the fields. We found B. lucorum was the most common member of the complex present in oilseed rape followed by B. terrestris. B. cryptarum was also present in all but one site, with higher proportions found in the east of the study area. High numbers of bumblebee colonies were estimated to be using oilseed rape fields as a forage resource, with B. terrestris colony numbers higher than previous estimates from non-mass-flowering fields. We also found that the cryptic species responded differently to surrounding landscape composition: both relative proportions of B. cryptarum in samples and colony densities of B. lucorum were negatively associated with the amount of arable land in the landscape, while proportions and colony densities of other species did not respond to landscape variables at the scale measured. This suggests that the cryptic species have different ecological requirements (which may be scale-dependent) and that oilseed rape can be an important forage resource for many colonies of bumblebees. Given this, we recommend sustainable management of this crop to benefit bumblebees.  相似文献   

Abstract. The role of pollen odour cues in the foraging behaviour of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) is poorly understood. Using classical conditioning of the proboscis extension response, in which bees learn to associate an odour with a sucrose reward, the present study tests whether odours of bee-collected pollen from the hive environment or odours of fresh pollen on the anthers of flowers could be used in pollen foraging. Honey bees efficiently learn odours from field-bean (Vicia faba) bee-collected pollen and oilseed-rape (Brassica napus) bee-collected pollen, hand-collected pollen, anthers and whole flowers, demonstrating that honey bees can learn pollen odours associatively in biologically realistic concentrations. Honey bees learn pollen odours of oilseed rape better than field bean and, although they generalize these two odours, they easily distinguish between them in discrimination tests, suggesting that pollen odours may be used in species recognition/discrimination. There is little evidence that honey bees can recognize whole flowers based on previous experience of bee-collected pollen odour. However, they generalize the odours of oilseed-rape anthers and whole flowers, suggesting that anther pollen in situ may play a more prominent role than bee-collected pollen in foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract The pollination biology of Hosta sieboldiana and H. sieboldii is investigated comparatively in Central Japan. Both species have homogamous, one-day flowers pollinated by bumblebees. The abdomens of the bees touch the stigma on the extended style when they land on the anthers inside the herkogamous flower, and autogamy is effectively prevented. However, the flowers are fairly self-compatible, and geitonogamy may occur rather frequently because two or more flowers on a scape very often bloom at the same time and many ramets are contiguous. The pollen/ovule ratios suggest that these species are facultative outbreeders. The flower of H. sieboldii seems completely suited to bumblebee pollination. In H. sieboldiana the stigma of the flower, whose style strongly protrudes, is not always touched by bumblebees, but frequent visitation of bumblebees results in pollination of almost all the flowers. Both species have similar pollination systems but seem reproductively isolated by blooming times and habitats. Their common pollinators, however, may sometimes cause introgressive hybridization in contiguous populations.  相似文献   

Increasing cultivation of oilseed rape may have consequences for pollinators and wild plant pollination. By providing pollinating insects with pollen and nectar, oilseed rape benefits short-tongued, generalist insect species. Long-tongued bumble bee species, specialized to other flower types, may instead be negatively affected by increased competition from the generalists (e.g. due to nectar-robbing of long-tubed flowers) after oilseed rape flowering has ceased. We expected that the increased abundance of short-tongued pollinators and reduced abundance of long-tongued bumble bees in landscapes with a high proportion of oilseed rape would impact the pollination of later flowering wild plant species. In addition, we expected contrasting effects on plants pollinated by short-tongued pollinators and those pollinated by long-tongued bumble bees. We predicted that semi-natural grasslands, which provide insects with alternative floral resources, would reduce both negative and positive effects on pollination by mitigating competition between pollinators.In 16 semi-natural grasslands, surrounded by agricultural landscapes, with a variation in both the proportion of oilseed rape and the proportion of semi-natural grassland within 1 km, we studied reproductive output in two species of potted plants with different pollination strategies: the woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) and red clover (Trifolium pratense). The first species is mainly pollinated by short-tongued pollinators, e.g. hoverflies and solitary bees, and the latter by long-tongued bumble bees. Both species flowered after oilseed rape.Strawberry weight was higher in landscapes with a high proportion of oilseed rape, but only in landscapes with a low proportion of semi-natural grassland. The proportion of developed achenes was also positively related to the proportion of oilseed rape, but only during the latest flowering period. In contrast, red clover seed set was unrelated to the proportion of oilseed rape. Whereas the discrepancy between the two strawberry measurements calls for further research, this study suggests that oilseed rape can affect later flowering plants and that the impact differs among species.  相似文献   

The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) herbicide resistant oilseed rape (Brassica napus) has increased over the past few years. The transfer of herbicide resistance genes via pollen (gene flow) from GM crops to non-GM crops is of relevance for the realisation of co-existence of different agricultural cultivation forms as well as for weed management. Therefore the likelihood of pollen-mediated gene flow has been investigated in numerous studies. Despite the difficulty to compare different experiments with varying levels of outcrossing, we performed a literature search for world-wide studies on cross-fertilisation in fully fertile oilseed rape. The occurrence and frequency of pollen-mediated intraspecific gene flow (outcrossing rate) can vary according to cultivar, experimental design, local topography and environmental conditions. The outcrossing rate from one field to another depends also on the size and arrangement of donor and recipient populations and on the ratio between donor and recipient plot size. The outcrossing levels specified in the presented studies are derived mostly from experiments where the recipient field is either surrounding the donor field (continuous design) or is located as a patch at different distances from the donor field (discontinuous design). Reports of gene flow in Brassica napus generally show that the amount of cross-fertilisation decreases as the distance from the pollen source increases. The evidence given in various studies reveals that the bulk of GM cross-fertilisation occurs within the first 10 m of the recipient field. The removal of the first 10 m of a non-transgenic field facing a GM crop might therefore be more efficient for reducing the total level of cross-fertilisation in a recipient sink population than to recommend separation distances. Future experiments should investigate cross-fertilisation with multiple adjacent donor fields at the landscape level under different spatial distributions of rapeseed cultivars and different cropping systems. The level of cross-fertilisation occurring over the whole field is mainly important for co-existence and has not been investigated in agricultural scale experiments until now. Potential problems with herbicide resistant oilseed rape volunteers arising from intraspecific gene flow can be largely solved by the choice of suitable cultivars and herbicides as well as by soil management.  相似文献   

The role of pollen odour in resource location by the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a pollen-feeding insect regarded as a pest of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L., (Brassicaceae) crops, was investigated in a linear track olfactometer. Both male and female beetles were attracted to the odour of whole oilseed rape flowers, indicating that these insects can locate their host plants using floral odours as cues. The attractive odour of flowers was found to emanate from all floral parts tested: the petals/sepals, the anthers, and from pollen itself. Therefore, at least part of the attractive odour of oilseed rape flowers emanates from pollen. Beetles were more attracted to floral samples containing anthers than those without anthers when these odours were directly compared in a choice-test, and this indicates that there were detectable differences between them. Anthers and pollen may therefore release distinctive odours that are quantitatively and/or qualitatively different from the odour of the rest of the flower. These experiments support the hypothesis that pollen-seeking insects use pollen odour cues to locate this food source.  相似文献   

Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) rely on an abundant and diverse selection of floral resources to meet their nutritional requirements. In farmed landscapes, mass‐flowering crops can provide an important forage resource for bumblebees, with increased visitation from bumblebees into mass‐flowering crops having an additional benefit to growers who require pollination services. This study explores the mutualistic relationship between Bombus terrestris L. (buff‐tailed bumblebee), a common species in European farmland, and the mass‐flowering crop courgette (Cucurbita pepo L.) to see how effective B. terrestris is at pollinating courgette and in return how courgette may affect B. terrestris colony dynamics. By combining empirical data on nectar and pollen availability with model simulations using the novel bumblebee model Bumble‐BEEHAVE, we were able to quantify and simulate for the first time, the importance of courgette as a mass‐flowering forage resource for bumblebees. Courgette provides vast quantities of nectar to ensure a high visitation rate, which combined with abundant pollen grains, enables B. terrestris to have a high pollination potential. While B. terrestris showed a strong fidelity to courgette flowers for nectar, courgette pollen was not found in any pollen loads from returning foragers. Nonetheless, model simulations showed that early season courgette (nectar) increased the number of hibernating queens, colonies, and adult workers in the modeled landscapes. Synthesis and applications. Courgette has the potential to improve bumblebee population dynamics; however, the lack of evidence of the bees collecting courgette pollen in this study suggests that bees can only benefit from this transient nectar source if alternative floral resources, particularly pollen, are also available to fulfill bees’ nutritional requirements in space and time. Therefore, providing additional forage resources could simultaneously improve pollination services and bumblebee populations.  相似文献   

Most flowers are visited by a wide range of potential pollinators. However, their efficiency in pollen removal and deposition, and other behavioural factors affecting pollination effectiveness may greatly differ among taxa, and even individuals. Fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris L., Liliaceae) is a spring-flowering, critically endangered plant in the Polish flora, red-listed in most of the European countries of its range. Based on indirect evidence, that is, body pollen loads, visitation frequency and seasonal abundance, it is estimated that its key pollinators are queen bumblebees, but, as shown in the literature, the largest Fritillaria pollen loads are carried by solitary bees. To study pollinator effectiveness for floral visitors to F. meleagris, we performed a garden experiment, where we analysed pollen deposition and assessed pollen removal per single flower-visit in the plant. Similarly to field conditions reported in the literature, our experimental plants were serviced by nectar-seeking bumblebee queens and two taxa of solitary bees, small pollen-collecting Andrena and large, nectar-seeking Anthophora males. When “quality” component was addressed, despite the character of visits, insects from all groups deposited more pollen than was found on unvisited flowers, but they did not differ significantly from each other in pollen deposition on virgin stigmas. We also found some differences in pollen removal both within- and among-visitor species and control flowers, unfortunately due to extremely high variation of the results they were all statistically insignificant. However, when “quantity” component of insect performance was concerned, we observed that over 81 % of visits were by bumblebees. Bombus queens stayed on flowers significantly less time than small Andrena individuals (13 % of recorded visits) and equally long as Anthophora males (only 6 % of visits). We conclude that although all the visitor groups can pollinate the flowers of F. meleagris, bumblebee queens indeed proved to be the most effective pollinators of the plant, when both quality and quantity components of pollination are concerned.  相似文献   


Given that pollinators usually visit flowers for hidden rewards, they need to rely on floral traits that indicate reward status (“honest signals”). However, the relationship between pollination, honest signals, and floral rewards is little documented in natural conditions. The Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) is an invasive shrub with polymorphism in the color of its flowers that can be yellow, orange, or red. In three areas dominated by the Scotch broom, we described the abundance of the floral morphs and estimated bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) visitation rate. We examined whether bumblebee visitation to the floral morphs was related to pollen reward. We collected flowers and classified their stamens according to their function: reward or pollen export. Then, we measured anther size and estimated pollen quantity. The yellow morph was more abundant and more visited by bumblebees than the orange and red morphs. The yellow flowers did indeed offer more pollen than the other morphs and this occurred only for rewarding anthers, suggesting that bumblebees could use yellow color as an honest signal to visit the most rewarding flowers. We discuss whether innate and/or learned preferences of bumblebees can explain why the yellow morph is more visited, pollinated, and abundant, while the other morphs are maintained at a lower frequency. This is one of the few field works that shows that variation in intra-specific floral traits is associated with variation in floral reward and pollinator visitation rate, helping to understand the foraging preferences of pollinators and the coexistence of floral morphs in nature.

Clinical trials registration: Not applicable.


It has been suggested that there is a link between the relatively recent expansion in the farming of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and an increase in the incidence of respiratory illness in eastern Scotland. However, there is limited evidence of the extent to which one possible cause of this increased illness, the pollen of oilseed rape, is disseminated from fields of this crop. The present study used sedimentation traps and a portable volumetric air sampler to study the transport of pollen from rape fields in Fife, and the results confirmed the widely held view that most of the pollen travels only a short distance from its source. In this case relatively low quantities ofBrassica pollen were detected more than 200 m from fields of rape. This may have implications for the formulation of advice for those who appear to suffer from an allergic reaction to rape crops.  相似文献   

Wildlife-friendly management practices promote pollinators and pollination services in agricultural landscapes. Wild bee densities are driven by landscape composition, as they benefit from an increased availability of nesting and foraging resources at landscape scale. However, effects of landscape composition on bee foraging decisions and consequences for crop pollination have rarely been studied. We investigated, how landscape composition affects bee densities and foraging behavior in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) fields and how this impacts faba bean yield. We recorded densities and nectar robbing behavior of honeybees, long- tongued and short-tongued bumblebees in faba bean fields in eleven landscapes with varying landscape composition (e.g. land cover of oilseed rape, faba bean and semi-natural habitats). Moreover, we assessed yield components of faba beans via pollinator exclusion experiments. Increasing covers of faba bean and semi-natural habitats positively influenced bumblebee densities, while high oilseed rape covers negatively affected short-tongued bumblebee densities in bean fields. Increased faba bean covers enhanced the proportion of nectar-robbing short-tongued bumblebees. The number of beans per pod was increased by insect pollination, while the number of pods was decreased; these effects however depended on variety. Landscape composition interacted with bee densities in shaping yield components in V. faba. Our study emphasizes the importance of considering landscape management to maximize crop yields, as shown for the case of faba beans. The composition of agricultural landscape can modulate bee densities in crop fields, bees foraging behavior and pollination services.  相似文献   

One of the major aims of pollination ecology has been to understand the role and relative importance of different pollinator species in both natural and agricultural systems. This study explores how the quantity of pollen delivered in a single visit to a stigma (SVD) differs across insect species from a wide range of taxa (Orders: Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera) and assesses the morphological and behavioural traits that lead to differences in pollen delivery. We used oilseed rape (OSR) (Brassica napus L.), an economically important crop with open self-fertile flowers, as a test system. Behavioural traits and SVD were measured in the field for individuals of all frequent flower-visiting species of OSR. Individuals were collected and morphological traits were measured in the laboratory. The quantities of free pollen on different body parts of flower visitors, or ‘pollen load’, were also measured. Behavioural and morphological traits were then assessed as predictors of SVD. The individuals that delivered most pollen were (in order of greatest median number of pollen grains delivered): bumblebees (Bombus spp.), mining bees (Andrenidae) and honeybees (Apis mellifera). However, all but one family of flies tested delivered a significantly greater median number of pollen grains than the control, and most delivered more than sweat bees (Halictidae). Behavioural and morphological traits were important in determining pollen delivery, with greater body length, hairiness and visit duration all resulting in greater SVD. Pollen load was measured for a proportion of individuals and we found that for momentary flower visits, a greater quantity of pollen on the head of the flower visitor was linked to a greater SVD. This study demonstrates that, while bees are important pollinators in this system, many fly taxa are also effective at delivering pollen and this is linked to morphological and behavioural traits found in both groups.  相似文献   

Zheng  Guiling  Li  Peng  Pemberton  Robert  Luo  Yibo 《Ecological Research》2011,26(2):453-459
Most Cypripedium species are specialized orchids pollinated by, in a broad sense, bees or flies. Here we present the first evidence that a slipper orchid, Cypripedium flavum, is pollinated by both bees and flies, i.e., bumblebees and blowflies. Artificial pollination experiments demonstrated that the flowers of C. flavum are self-compatible, but need pollen vectors for successful reproduction. Field observations detected 25 insects visiting the flowers, and 14 of these insects entered into the labellum of the flowers, but only female bumblebees, Bombus hypnorum, B. remotus, and the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria exited of the labellum with pollen smears of C. flavum. The floral functional morphology of C. flavum appears to be more suited to bumblebees than to blowflies. The bumblebees are more efficient pollinators of the orchid, but blowflies are more frequent visitors, so they pollinated more flowers despite being less efficient.  相似文献   

Thomas C. Boyden 《Oecologia》1982,55(2):178-184
Summary The orchid Calypso bulbosa var. americana has deceptive flowers that provide no rewards for visitors. Near Banff, Alberta, the flowering period of this species is synchronized with the emergence of its pollinators, large bumblebee queens, in late spring. Calypso flowers appear to rely on the initial attraction and deception of newly-emerged naive bumblebees for pollination. Indirect evidence suggests that individual bees subsequently learn to avoid these flowers and that avoidance is learned quite rapidly. Avoidance behavior by pollinators is obviously detrimental to sexual reproduction in Calypso. This negative effect appears to be offset by the large number of seeds produced in plants which are effectively pollinated. A test of the hypothesis that Calypso flowers mimic flowers of the shooting star, Dodecatheon radicatum (Primulaceae) failed to provide evidence for mimicry.  相似文献   

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