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Paddock‐scale Acacia nilotica L. Willd. ex Del. (prickly acacia) spatial distribution, seed production and dispersal patterns were investigated in the Astrebla (Mitchell) grasslands of northern Australia as a step toward predicting future patterns of invasion. A number of hypotheses were tested based on what we know of this species in both Australia and regions where it is native, for example South Africa. It was hypothesized that most A. nilotica seeds would be produced by trees in riparian habitats with access to permanent water. In addition, we predicted that seeds would be dispersed throughout the Astrebla grassland landscape by cattle, following observations that cattle readily ingest and pass seeds and that cattle have access to all areas within paddock boundary fences. Tree density, seed production and seed dispersal by cattle were measured along a series of transects from permanent watering points to paddock boundary fences. Trees associated with permanent watering points produced more seeds per unit area and occurred at higher density than their non‐riparian counterparts. The importance of riparian trees decreased in years with high rainfall and in paddocks with only small areas of riparian habitat. Cattle spread dung and seeds throughout paddocks, with peaks of deposition adjacent to permanent watering points. These results suggest that invasion patterns are likely to be uneven across the landscape and may be reactive to climate. High seedling recruitment and possible thicket formation is expected adjacent to permanent watering points and wherever cattle congregate. Patterns of recruitment in non‐riparian areas are likely to be relatively sparse. The importance of post‐dispersal factors in determining recruitment patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) is an aggressive invader in California’s riparian habitats. Field experiments were conducted to examine invader and site attributes important in early invasion. One hundred A. donax rhizomes were planted along five transects into each of three southern California riparian habitats. Pre-planting rhizome weight was recorded, along with site variables including percent bare ground, litter depth, PAR, soil moisture, soil temperature, incidence of herbivory, native canopy cover, and plant community richness and diversity. A. donax shoot emergence, survival time, and shoot height were recorded for approximately 10 months. The experiment was repeated over three years in different locations within each site. When years and sites were pooled to reveal large-scale patterns, A. donax performance was explained by rhizome weight, soil moisture, bare ground, soil temperature, and herbivory. When each site was considered singly, A. donax was positively correlated with different variables in each location. Species richness was correlated with A. donax performance in only one site. Our results indicate that A. donax establishment in riparian habitats is promoted by both vegetative reproduction and favorable abiotic environmental factors and relatively unaffected by the composition of the native community. The positive response of A. donax to disturbance (bare ground) and high resource availability (soil moisture), combined with a competitive perennial habit suggest that this species takes advantage of a competitive-ruderal life history. The ability of A. donax to respond to different conditions in each site combined with low genetic and phenotypic variation seen in other studies also suggests that a high degree of environmental tolerance contributes to invasion success.  相似文献   

Carabid beetles are common predators of pest insects and weed seeds in agricultural systems. Understanding their dispersal across farmland is important for designing farms and landscapes that support pest and weed biological control. Little is known, however, about the effect of farmland habitat discontinuities on dispersal behaviour and the resulting redistribution of these beetles. We released 1,985 well‐fed and 1,680 food‐deprived individuals of the predatory carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on a farm in Wageningen, The Netherlands. We recaptured 23.6% of those beetles over a period of 23 days in 2010. The farmland comprised agricultural fields with various crop species and tillage, separated by strips of perennial vegetation. We developed discrete Fokker‐Planck diffusion models to describe dispersal based on motility (m2 day?1) and preferential behaviour at habitat interfaces. We used model selection and Akaike’s information criterion to determine whether movement patterns were driven by variation in motility between habitats, preferential behaviour at habitat interfaces, or both. Model selection revealed differences in motility among habitats and gave strong support for preferential behaviour at habitat interfaces. Behaviour at interfaces between crop and perennial vegetation was asymmetric, with beetles preferentially moving towards the crop. Furthermore, beetles had lower motility in perennial strips than in arable fields. Also between arable habitats movement was asymmetric, with beetles preferentially moving towards the habitat in which motility was lowest. Neither crop type nor tillage explained differences in motility between crop habitats. Recapture data representing dispersal patterns of beetles were best described by a model that accounted for differences in motility between farmland habitats and preferential behaviour at habitat interfaces. Motility in farmland and behaviour at interfaces can also be estimated for other organisms and farmland habitats to support design of farmland conducive to natural pest suppression. Landscape design for early recruitment of carabids into arable fields should take into account the quantity and quality of resource habitats in the landscape, their proximity to crop fields, movement rates, and the possibility of movement responses at interfaces between landscape elements.  相似文献   

Regional persistence of species requires a positive balance between colonizations and local extinctions. In this study, we examined the amount of colonizations and extinctions and their likelihood as a function of patch size, isolation, and habitat characteristics of a riparian perennial plant, Erigeron acer subsp. decoloratus. We also studied the importance of patch dynamics to the regional population growth. Over five successive years, we counted the number of plant patches along 43 km of riverside. Most patches were small in area and population size. The annual finite growth rate in the number of patches varied between years, but the geometric mean was close to 1.0, indicating a viable patch network in spite of local extinctions. Extinction rate was highest on steep slopes and for small patches with few individual plants and a small patch area. When the patches were classified into different stage classes, the most common fate was stasis, i.e., the patch remained at the same stage. Patch survival and local, within-patch dynamics were most important during this five-year period. Between-patch dynamics (including colonization for example) accounted for 5–10% of annual transitions. The overall dynamics were relatively similar to those of other plant species subjected to riparian disturbance regimes. In the long run, the survival of the species depends on how well it is able to escape from competition from forest and meadow species and track the availability of suitable habitats. This kind of habitat tracking differs from classical metapopulation dynamics. In the former, local extinctions occur as a consequence of adverse changes in the habitat and recolonizations are rare, whereas metapopulation models assume a highly persistent habitat structure with frequent recolonizations. In this respect, the regional dynamics of perennial plants in disturbed riparian habitats may differ from classical metapopulations.  相似文献   

The red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus, Linnaeus) is a species of Suidae with populations ranging from western to central Africa. Little is known about the population status of red river hog, and few studies have investigated habitat characteristics associated with their occupancy which is critical in determining possible reasons behind suspected population declines. We used camera traps and site occupancy models to examine the effects of habitat covariates on occupancy of red river hog on Tiwai Island and in surrounding forests of Sierra Leone during two field seasons, 2008–2011. We also estimated group size and composition and growth patterns of juveniles. In both sampling periods, understory vegetation strongly influenced red river hog occupancy with greatest association with riparian and swamp vegetation types. Red river hogs seemed to avoid habitats of high human impact such as farmbush and secondary growth forests. Average group size was 2.46 ± 0.28 (SE) hogs per group. Growth patterns of juveniles suggested the majority of piglets were born during the middle of dry season (January–February). Our research suggests landscape use by red river hog is influenced by presence of riparian habitats with dense vegetation.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts from urbanization, deforestation, and agriculture have degraded the riparian margins of waterways worldwide. In New Zealand, such impacts have caused changes in native vegetation, enhanced invasion by exotic grasses, and altered river bank morphology. One consequence has been a great reduction in obligate spawning habitat of a diadromous fish, Galaxias maculatus. Juvenile G. maculatus comprise a culturally important fishery that has been considerably reduced over recent decades. Rehabilitation of riparian vegetation needed for spawning is relatively straightforward, but slow. We hypothesized that artificial spawning habitats could accelerate restoration of fish egg production by creating an environment that would support at least the same density and survival of eggs as non‐impacted vegetation. We tested three artificial devices (straw bales, straw tubes, and moss tubes) in degraded and intact sites. Eggs were laid in all of these with numbers and survival usually exceeding that in riparian grasses. Where habitat was degraded, artificial spawning habitats yielded up to 10,000 eggs compared to none in nearby natural spawning habitat. The ground‐level environment of artificial habitat was similar to that of intact vegetation in buffering ambient temperature and humidity fluctuations. Crucial properties of the artificial habitats were (1) shelter to provide shade and hold moisture; (2) accessibility to allow adult fish to deposit and fertilize eggs; and (3) robustness to provide reliable surfaces and protection for the eggs during their development. We show that artificial spawning habitats are a viable short‐term alternative to rehabilitating spawning habitat while legacy effects abate and riparian vegetation recovers.  相似文献   

Riverine landscapes are shaped by the spatio-temporal dynamics of the water regime. Water level transitions induce a shift in plant species composition from aquatic to ephemeral vegetation communities in riparian habitats. Hence, the occurrence of these ephemerals is strongly related to the hydrological connectivity and therefore used as indicator for the assessment of riparian habitat types. The delineation and assessment of such habitat types is time-consuming due to the indifferent occurrence of the plants. Therefore, in this study a knowledge-based framework is presented to provide readily usable polygons to support subsequent field surveys on species level. Different hierarchical scales range from hydrological connectivity classes to watercourses and to the micro-morphological classification of riparian habitats. The object-based image analysis approach was used to extract information from terrain and groundwater models, aerial images, and thematic data. The study site is located in the Danube floodplains east of Vienna Natura 2000 site. The micro-morphological classification of the watercourses resulted in the delineation of the classes Waterbodies, Riparian Habitats and the remaining Transition Zones. Watercourses with high flow velocity or with low hydrological connectivity show a small portion of potentially suitable riparian habitats for ephemeral vegetation communities. The framework with focus on terrain models delineating the shape of the riparian habitats performed well with an overall accuracy of 90% (kappa = 0.74). The thresholds in the framework were set fixed or calculated automatically to facilitate an application by spatial ecologist due to the combination of remote sensing techniques and GIS functionalities. The knowledge-based framework can be adapted to provide a harmonised and standardised dataset for any riverine study area.  相似文献   

The nocturnal, cryptic and geographically remote nature of night parrots, combined with their apparent rapid decline, means that very little is known of their biology or ecology. The discovery of a resident population in south‐western Queensland in 2013 provides the first opportunity to undertake detailed studies on this most enigmatic of birds. We attached a radio tag to a bird for 20 days in April 2015 and a GPS tag to another bird for 5 days in May 2016 to study movement patterns and habitat use. Both birds displayed similar behaviour but the GPS‐tagging provided a much finer resolution of spatial data. They called at dusk from their diurnal roosts amongst spinifex hummocks and then flew to more floristically diverse habitats dominated by large‐seeded species to feed. We conducted floristic surveys to describe the feeding grounds of the GPS‐tagged bird and make dietary inferences. This individual spent most of its time in highly diverse but ephemeral habitats, including seasonally inundated plains and depressions associated with the outer Diamantina floodplain and gilgais on ironstone plains. Prolifically seeding ephemeral species, most notably the annual grass Uranthoecium truncatum, dominate these feeding grounds. This work suggests that the habitat mosaic containing roost sites in close proximity to feeding grounds with key seed‐producing species is an important factor, rather than an association with spinifex or samphire alone. Further work is needed to examine movement patterns and habitat use in more typical dry seasons and the impact of cattle grazing on night parrot feeding areas, particularly with regard to seed production. The information presented here is vital for both in situ conservation of the Pullen‐Pullen‐Mt Windsor‐Diamantina population and for setting future research and survey priorities.  相似文献   

The circumpolar expansion of woody deciduous shrubs in arctic tundra alters key ecosystem properties including carbon balance and hydrology. However, landscape‐scale patterns and drivers of shrub expansion remain poorly understood, inhibiting accurate incorporation of shrub effects into climate models. Here, we use dendroecology to elucidate the role of soil moisture in modifying the relationship between climate and growth for a dominant deciduous shrub, Salix pulchra, on the North Slope of Alaska, USA. We improve upon previous modeling approaches by using ecological theory to guide model selection for the relationship between climate and shrub growth. Finally, we present novel dendroecology‐based estimates of shrub biomass change under a future climate regime, made possible by recently developed shrub allometry models. We find that S. pulchra growth has responded positively to mean June temperature over the past 2.5 decades at both a dry upland tundra site and an adjacent mesic riparian site. For the upland site, including a negative second‐order term in the climate–growth model significantly improved explanatory power, matching theoretical predictions of diminishing growth returns to increasing temperature. A first‐order linear model fit best at the riparian site, indicating consistent growth increases in response to sustained warming, possibly due to lack of temperature‐induced moisture limitation in mesic habitats. These contrasting results indicate that S. pulchra in mesic habitats may respond positively to a wider range of temperature increase than S. pulchra in dry habitats. Lastly, we estimate that a 2°C increase in current mean June temperature will yield a 19% increase in aboveground S. pulchra biomass at the upland site and a 36% increase at the riparian site. Our method of biomass estimation provides an important link toward incorporating dendroecology data into coupled vegetation and climate models.  相似文献   

Many species are more restricted in their habitat associations at the leading edges of their range margins, but some species have broadened their habitat associations in these regions during recent climate change. We examine the effects of multiple, interacting climatic variables on spatial and temporal patterns of species' habitat associations, using the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, in Britain, as our model taxon. Our analyses reveal that this species, traditionally regarded as a woodland‐dependent insect, is less restricted to woodland in regions with warmer winters and warmer and wetter summers. In addition, over the past 40 years of climate change, the species has become less restricted to woodland in locations where temperature and summer rainfall have increased most. We show that these patterns arise mechanistically because larval growth rates are slower in open (i.e. nonwoodland) habitats associated with colder microclimates in winter and greater host plant desiccation in summer. We conclude that macro‐ and microclimatic interactions drive variation in species' habitat associations, which for our study species resulted predominantly in a widening of habitat associations under climate change. However, species vary in their climatic and nonclimatic requirements, and so complex spatial and temporal patterns of changes in habitat associations are likely to be observed in future as the climate changes.  相似文献   

Macroalgae contribute approximately 15% of the primary productivity in coastal marine ecosystems, fix up to 27.4 Tg of carbon per year, and provide important structural components for life in coastal waters. Despite this ecological and commercial importance, direct measurements and comparisons of the short‐term responses to elevated pCO2 in seaweeds with different life‐history strategies are scarce. Here, we cultured several seaweed species (bloom forming/nonbloom forming/perennial/annual) in the laboratory, in tanks in an indoor mesocosm facility, and in coastal mesocosms under pCO2 levels ranging from 400 to 2,000 μatm. We find that, across all scales of the experimental setup, ephemeral species of the genus Ulva increase their photosynthesis and growth rates in response to elevated pCO2 the most, whereas longer‐lived perennial species show a smaller increase or a decrease. These differences in short‐term growth and photosynthesis rates are likely to give bloom‐forming green seaweeds a competitive advantage in mixed communities, and our results thus suggest that coastal seaweed assemblages in eutrophic waters may undergo an initial shift toward communities dominated by bloom‐forming, short‐lived seaweeds.  相似文献   

Geographic isolation is suggested to be among the most important processes in the generation of cichlid fish diversity in East Africa's Great Lakes, both through isolation by distance and fluctuating connectivity caused by changing lake levels. However, even broad scale phylogeographic patterns are currently unknown in many non‐cichlid littoral taxa from these systems. To begin to address this, we generated restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequence (RADseq) data to investigate phylogeographic structure throughout Lake Tanganyika (LT) in two broadly sympatric rocky shore catfish species from independent evolutionary radiations with differing behaviors: the mouthbrooding claroteine, Lophiobagrus cyclurus, and the brood‐parasite mochokid, Synodontis multipunctatus. Our results indicated contrasting patterns between these species, with strong lake‐wide phylogeographic signal in L. cyclurus including a deep divergence between the northern and southern lake basins. Further structuring of these populations was observed across a heterogeneous habitat over much smaller distances. Strong population growth was observed in L. cyclurus sampled from shallow shorelines, suggesting population growth associated with the colonization of new habitats following lake‐level rises. Conversely, S. multipunctatus, which occupies a broader depth range, showed little phylogeographic structure and lower rates of population growth. Our findings suggest that isolation by distance and/or habitat barriers may play a role in the divergence of non‐cichlid fishes in LT, but this effect varies by species.  相似文献   

Widespread invasion of riparian ecosystems by the large bamboo-like grass Arundo donax L. has altered community structure and ecological function of streams in California. This study evaluated the influence of wildfire on A. donax invasion by investigating its relative rate of reestablishment versus native riparian species after wildfire burned 300 ha of riparian woodlands along the Santa Clara River in southern California in October 2003. Post-fire A. donax growth rates and productivity were compared to those of native woody riparian species in plots established before and after the fire. Arundo donax resprouted within days after the fire and exhibited higher growth rates and productivity compared to native riparian plants. Arundo donax grew 3–4 times faster than native woody riparian plants—up to a mean of 2.62 cm day−1—and reached up to 2.3 m in height less than 3 months after the fire. One year post-fire, A. donax density was nearly 20 times higher and productivity was 14–24 times higher than for native woody species. Three mechanisms—fire-adapted phenology, high growth rate, and growth response to nutrient enrichment—appear to promote the preemption of native woody riparian species by A. donax after fire. This greater dominance of A. donax after wildfire increased the susceptibility of riparian woodlands along the Santa Clara River to subsequent fire, potentially creating an invasive plant-fire regime cycle. Moreover, A. donax infestations appear to have allowed the wildfire to cross the broad bed of the Santa Clara River from the north, allowing thousands of acres of shrubland to the south to burn.  相似文献   

Ephemeral reaches are common along desert rivers but are less well studied than those with perennial stream flow. This study contrasted riparian plant species richness and composition (extant vegetation and soil seed bank) between stream reaches with different low-flow conditions (perennial vs. ephemeral flow) but similar flood patterns and similar watershed-derived species pools. Data were collected at Cienega Creek (Arizona, USA) over a 2 year period spanning drought conditions and wetter conditions. Consistent with expectations relating to water limitation effects on diversity, species richness in the riparian zone was lower at ephemeral-flow sites during a season with minimal precipitation and no overbank flooding; under these conditions, the more permanent water sources of the perennial-flow sites sustain the larger number of species. During seasons with greater precipitation and elevated stream flows, in contrast, species richness at ephemeral-flow sites increased to levels at or slightly above those of perennial-flow sites. For values pooled across two wet seasons of a calendar year, year-round richness was greater at the two ephemeral-flow sites (total of 92 vascular plant species) than at the two perennial-flow sites (68 species). This greater year-round richness was a combination of multiple factors: greater light, space, and bare ground, a diverse soil seed bank (with the seed banks equally species-rich among hydrologic types), and moderately abundant precipitation and flooding sufficient to stimulate establishment of opportunistic species (mainly annuals) during the bimodal wet seasons. These results indicate that long-term patterns of site water availability, by influencing woody plant cover, mediate the diversity response to episodic water pulses in dryland rivers. The results also have implications for riparian conservation efforts, which to date have focused primarily on perennial stream reaches: ephemeral reaches of spatially intermittent rivers harbor many riparian plant species, and warrant conservation efforts, as well.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the riparian vegetation of perennial and ephemeral rivers systems in the semi-arid, winter rainfall region of South Africa has changed over time. Using an environmental history approach we assess the extent of change in plant cover at 32 sites using repeat photographs that cover a time span of 36–113 years. The results indicate that in the majority of sites there has been a significant increase in cover of riparian vegetation in both the channel beds and adjacent floodplain environments. The most important species to have increased in cover across the region is Acacia karroo. We interpret the findings in the context of historical changes in climate and land use practices. Damage to riparian vegetation caused by mega-herbivores probably ceased sometime during the early 19th century as did scouring events related to large floods that occurred at regular intervals from the 15th to early 20th centuries. Extensive cutting of riparian vegetation for charcoal and firewood has also declined over the last 150 years. Changes in the grazing history as well as increased abstraction and dam building along perennial rivers in the region also account for some of the changes observed in riparian vegetation during the second half of the 20th century. Predictions of climate change related to global warming anticipate increased drought events with the subsequent loss of species and habitats in the study area. The evidence presented here suggests that an awareness of the region’s historical ecology should be considered more carefully in the modelling and formulation of future climate change predictions as well as in the understanding of climate change impacts over time frames of decades and centuries.  相似文献   

An impact assessment study was undertaken to determine seed predation rates by two bruchid beetles, Bruchidus sahlbergi Schilsky and Caryedon serratus Olivier, on the invasive shrub Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Del. The former bruchid was released as a biological control agent for A. nilotica, whereas the latter is naturalized in Australia. We attempted to determine the dynamics and magnitude of bruchid predation, following a number of differing reports of their effectiveness. To investigate the importance of seed availability on bruchid numbers, we compared seed death in high- and low-seed-density habitats, both before and after pods had dropped from tree branches. Bruchid predation was initially low (<2%) in pods on tree branches in both habitats, but increased abruptly to 12% in riparian and 32% in nonriparian exclosures by the third collection date. Bruchid numbers then crashed to below 2% in both habitats, when pods dropped to the ground. B. sahlbergi predation later increased markedly (up to 65%) again at high-pod-density sites. No further increase in predation took place beyond this level. Seed predation by C. serratus was found to be minimal (<5% of seeds infested) throughout the monitoring period. We suggest that seed predation by the bruchids, prior to pod drop and removal by cattle, is insufficient to cause major impacts on A. nilotica populations. Bruchid seed damage is likely to be significant only in situations with low cattle numbers, where cattle cannot remove the majority of fallen seed pods or where cattle are excluded. Exclusion of cattle from some areas within A. nilotica-invaded landscapes to potentially increase bruchid effectiveness is proposed. The demographic impact of optimal A. nilotica seed losses is discussed.  相似文献   

Aster kantoensis, an endangered and monocarpic perennial plant species, is endemic to the gravelly floodplain of a few rapid flowing rivers in eastern central Japan. In recent years, an extreme declining trend in the species has been accelerated due to the strong negative influence by invasion of an alien grass, Eragrostis curvula. A restoration project aimed at recovering the original condition of the floodplain in the Kinu River, central Japan, has been started. To determine the possibility of successful restoration as well as its habitat preferences, I carried out some seed sowing experiments. In April 2003, seeds collected from a seminatural habitat were sown (54,000 seeds) in the restoration site (1.2 ha), where flood frequency, substrate condition, and control of alien plants are combined to form different habitat conditions. Seedling survival, flowery, and seed production were subsequently monitored from 2003 to 2005. Seed cohorts completed their life cycles within 3 years, and mean fitness of 927 was achieved. Performance of A. kantoensis seedlings was generally greater for environmental variables of sandy-type substrate and/or with control of alien plants. In addition, there were significant negative correlations between percentage survival, percentage flowery, and seed production with vegetation cover and coverage of E. curvula. The results confirm that, if safe sites with sparse vegetation exist, irrespective of their substrate condition, as well as seed sources of river endemics in natural habitats, restoration of riparian vegetation including river endemics is possible. The aggressive alien species E. curvula should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Extrafloral nectar (EFN) mediates food‐for‐protection mutualisms between plants and ants. Such mutualisms exist within a complex web of biotic interactions, and in a framework provided by the abiotic environment. Both biotic and abiotic factors, therefore, affect the outcome of ant–plant interactions. We conducted an experiment to determine the effects of ant activity, and light intensity, on herbivory rates, growth, and reproductive fitness in Senna mexicana var. chapmanii, a perennial legume native to pine rockland habitats of south Florida. Forty plants were divided among four treatments in a factorial experimental design with two independent variables: ant activity and light intensity. Plants were divided equally between sunny and shady habitats, and ants were excluded from half of the plants in each habitat type. The presence of ants significantly reduced herbivory rates in S. chapmanii. In shaded habitats, the presence of ants had no effect on plant reproductive fitness, however, in sunny habitats plants with ants produced significantly more seeds over the duration of the 1‐yr study. Ants represent an important biotic defense against herbivores in S. chapmanii; however, their effects on plant fitness are dependent on light conditions. Pine rockland habitats in south Florida have been widely destroyed or mismanaged. In fragments that remain, suppression of fire has led to increased canopy closure and shading of the understory. These changes will likely negatively impact plants that rely on ants for defense. We highlight the importance of conservation efforts to preserve the pine rocklands and the fire regimes on which they rely.  相似文献   

Abstract: Wetlands in the Playa Lakes Region (PLR) provide important habitats for wintering waterfowl, cranes, and both migrant and breeding shorebirds. Playa Lakes Region wetlands experience naturally fluctuating hydroperiods but are exposed to anthropogenic stresses, which are exacerbated during summer and may influence PLR wetland occupancy and selection by breeding shorebirds. We examined wetland-scale habitat use and nest-site selection of the 4 dominant shorebirds (American avocets [Recurvirostra americana], black-necked stilts [Himantopus mexicanus], killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], snowy plovers [C. alexandrinus]) nesting in playas, saline lakes, and in both created and riparian wetlands in the PLR of Texas, USA. All 4 species nested in saline lakes. Only avocets and killdeer nested in playas, and snowy plovers nested in riparian wetlands. No nests were found in created wetlands. Wetland habitat changed (P < 0.001) during the breeding season, while water habitats generally decreased. Used (i.e., shorebirds found nesting) wetlands had more (P < 0.05) mudflats than non-used (i.e., shorebirds not found nesting) wetlands, which had more (P < 0.05) dry habitats. Used and non-used wetlands had similar (P > 0.05) amounts of water habitats. Nests were located close to vegetation on bare dry ground and dry ground with vegetation. Because water is ephemeral in PLR wetlands, shorebirds must select—in a somewhat predictive manner upon arrival—wetlands with suitable nest-site and brood-rearing habitat. Although surface water is necessary for nesting, its presence is not adequate for delineating suitable PLR wetland habitat for breeding shorebirds. Our findings that created wetlands cannot compensate for regional wetland losses in habitat or function highlights the need for conservation of natural PLR wetlands  相似文献   

In this study, we support the hypothesis that wall plant species come mainly from rocky habitats, taking into account that ancient walls show similar characteristics to rocks. The occurrence of wall species in natural habitats was investigated. The main literature concerning wall and natural vegetation of central-southern Italy was viewed. Vegetation synoptic tables were analysed through statistical procedures for comparing occurrence and behaviour of wall species in ruderal habitats as archaeological sites and natural ones.The study pointed out that wall species show similar ecological and coenological features in both habitats. This confirms that the main natural habitat from which wall species come from are rocks, but secondarily also ephemeral Mediterranean meadows and garrigues. Particularly, some wall species belonging to Parietarietea judaicae class are participating in the formation of natural rocky communities of Asplenietea trichomanis. Species occurring on emerging ruins form ephemeral meadows belonging to Helianthemetea guttati, also found in natural Mediterranean environment. On wide tops of ruins, where community dynamism is higher, some perennial herbaceous and shrubby species participate in the formation of impoverished communities matching to natural aspects of Mediterranean maquis. The knowledge of the natural habitat of wall species can be useful for a better management of archaeological sites.  相似文献   

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