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Objective: To investigate the familial resemblance of 7‐year changes in body mass and adiposity among Canadian families. Research Methods and Procedures: The sample consisted of 655 women and 660 men from 521 families who participated in the Canada Fitness Survey in 1981 and the follow‐up Campbell's Survey in 1988. Indicators of baseline and 7‐year changes in body mass and adiposity included body mass (kilograms), body mass index (BMI; kilograms per square meter), sum of five skinfolds (SF5; millimeters), and waist circumference (WC; millimeters). The data were adjusted for the effects of age and sex, and the change scores were adjusted for baseline levels. A familial correlation model was used to determine the heritability of each phenotype using maximum likelihood techniques. Results: Significant familial resemblance was observed at baseline and for 7‐year changes in all phenotypes. At baseline, moderate heritabilities were observed [body mass: heritability coefficient (h2) = 56%; BMI, h2 = 39%; SF5, h2 = 41%; and WC, h2 = 39%], whereas values were attenuated for each change score except for WC (Δbody mass, h2 = 23%; ΔBMI, h2 = 14%; ΔSF5, h2 = 12%; and ΔWC, h2 = 45%). Discussion: Changes in body mass and adiposity significantly aggregate within families over 7 years. However, baseline values are characterized by higher heritability levels except WC. The significant heritabilities observed for change scores suggest that lifestyle, transient environmental factors, and possibly age‐related gene effects are important determinants of changes in body mass and adiposity.  相似文献   

Objective: Previous research has suggested a genetic contribution to the development of insulin resistance and obesity. We hypothesized that the same genes influencing insulin resistance might also contribute to the variation in adiposity. Research Methods and Procedures: A total of 601 (200 male, 401 female) adult baboons (Papio hamadryas) from nine families with pedigrees ranging in size from 43 to 121 were used in this study. Plasma insulin, glucose, C‐peptide, and adiponectin were analyzed, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA IR) was calculated. Fat biopsies were collected from omental fat tissue, and triglyceride concentration per gram of fat tissue was determined. Body weight and length were measured, and BMI was derived. Univariate and bivariate quantitative genetic analyses were performed using SOLAR. Results: Insulin, glucose, C‐peptide, and adiponectin levels, HOMA IR, triglyceride concentration of fat tissue, body weight, and BMI were all found to be significantly heritable, with heritabilities ranging from 0.15 to 0.80. Positive genetic correlations (rGs) were observed for HOMA IR with C‐peptide (rG = 0.88 ± 0.10, p = 0.01), triglyceride concentration in fat tissue (rG = 0.86 ± 0.33, p = 0.02), weight (rG = 0.50 ± 0.20, p = 0.03), and BMI (rG = 0.64 ± 0.22, p = 0.02). Discussion: These results suggest that a set of genes contributing to insulin resistance also influence general and central adiposity phenotypes. Further genetic research in a larger sample size is needed to identify the common genes that constitute the genetic basis for the development of insulin resistance and obesity.  相似文献   

Objective : Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is an autosomal dominant disorder involving the proximal long arm of chromosome 15, in which obesity is common. However, there is limited information on the underlying physiological mechanisms promoting obesity in this population. We tested whether there was a significant positive association between leptin and total body fat (TBF) in subjects with PWS, and whether this association was stronger among subjects with than without PWS. Research Methods and Procedures : We studied 21 PWS patients and 64 non-PWS controls on whom we measured serum leptin, total body fat, glucose, insulin, and resting energy expenditure. We tested whether the slope of the regression line between leptin and TBF (in kg), measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, was the same for PWS patients and aon-PWS controls. Results : Regression analyses indicated that the leptin-TBF association was significantly stronger among PWS patients. In contrast, the slope of the leptin-body mass index association did not significantly differ between PWS patients and non-PWS controls. None of the other outcome variables showed associations with leptin. Discussion : Results suggest that the role of leptin in promoting obesity may be greater among subjects with PWS than among non-PWS controls.  相似文献   

Objective: It is commonly recognized that genetic, environmental, behavioral, and social factors are involved in the development of obesity. The family environment may play a key role in shaping children's eating behaviors. The purpose of this study was to estimate the degree of familial resemblance in eating behavioral traits (cognitive dietary restraint, disinhibition, and susceptibility to hunger). Research Methods and Procedures: Eating behavioral traits were assessed with the Three‐Factor Eating Questionnaire in 282 men and 402 women (202 families) from the Quebec Family Study. Familial resemblance for each trait (adjusted for age, sex, and BMI) was investigated using a familial correlation model. Results: The pattern of familial correlation showed significant spouse correlation for the three eating behavior phenotypes, as well as significant parent‐offspring and sibling correlations for disinhibition and susceptibility to hunger. According to the most parsimonious model, generalized heritability estimates (including genetic and shared familial environmental effects) reached 6%, 18%, and 28% for cognitive dietary restraint, disinhibition, and susceptibility to hunger, respectively. Discussion: These results suggest that there is a significant familial component to eating behavioral traits but that the additive genetic component appears to be small, with generalized heritability estimates ranging from 6% to 28%. Thus, non‐familial environmental factors and gene‐gene and gene‐environmental interactions seem to be the major determinants of the eating/behavioral traits.  相似文献   

LIU, JIANMEI, HASAN ASKARI, AND SAMUEL DAGOGO-JACK. Basal and stimulated plasma leptin in diabetic subjects. Obes Res. Objective: To determine whether leptin secretion is impaired in diabetes, we compared basal and stimulated plasma leptin levels in diabetic subjects and healthy controls. Research Methods and Procedures: Blood samples for assay of leptin and other hormones were obtained at baseline in 54 diabetic patients and 65 controls, and 8 hours, 16 hours, and 40 hours following ingestion of dexamethasone (4 mg) in 6 healthy and 12 controls. C-peptide status was defined as “negative” if ≤0.1 ng/mL or “positive” if ≥0.3 ng/mL, in fasting plasma. Results: Basal plasma leptin levels were 19. 7±2. 2 ng/mL in nondiabetic subjects, 13. 4±1. 5 ng/ml in C-peptide negative (n = 28) and 26. 1±23. 7 ng/mL in C-peptide positive (n = 26, p = 0. 001) diabetic patients. Dexamethasone increased leptin levels of controls (n = 6) to 145±17% of baseline values at 8 hours (p = O. O3), 224±18% at 16 hours (p = 0. 01), and 134218% at 40 hours (p = 0. 05). The corresponding changes were 108±13%, 126±23%, and 98±16% in C-peptide negative (n = 6), and 121±10%, 144±16% (p = 0. 03), and 147±23% (p = 0. 11) in C-peptide positive (n = 6) diabetic patients, respectively. The peak stimulated leptin levels were lower in the diabetic patients, compared with controls. Plasma insulin increased (p = 0. 02) in controls, but not in the diabetic patients, following dexamethasone. Discussion: Although diabetic patients have normal plasma leptin levels under basal conditions, their leptin responses to glucocorticoid are impaired, probably because of the concomitant insulin secretory defect. A subnormal leptin secretory response could worsen obesity and insulin resistance in diabetes.  相似文献   

Shared genetic and familial environmental causes for the associations among resting metabolic rate (RMR), fat-free mass (FFM), and fat mass (FM) were investigated in families participating in phase 2 of the Québec Family Study. A multivariate familial correlation model assessing the pattern of significant cross-trait correlations between family members (e.g., RMR in parents with FFM in offspring) was used to infer the etiology of the associations. For each of FM and FFM with RMR, significant sibling, parent-offspring, and intraindividual cross-trait correlations suggest the associations are familial. Furthermore, the lack of significant spouse cross-trait correlations suggests that the familial aggregation is primarily genetic. Bivariate heritability estimates suggest that as much as 45% to 50% of the shared variance between FFM and RMR may be genetic, and as much as 28% to 34% for FM and RMR. This study supports the notion that the gene(s) affecting each of FFM and FM also influence the RMR. Moreover, the lack of any familial associations between FFM and FM suggests that the effects of each body size component on RMR are independent, i.e., more than one genetic source on the RMR-body size association. The possibility that RMR is an oligogenic trait (i.e., more than one underlying genetic etiology) should be further investigated using more complex multivariate segregation methods until specific genes can be tested.  相似文献   



Targeted food pricing policies may improve population diets. To assess their effects on inequalities, it is important to determine responsiveness to price changes across income levels and ethnic groups.


Our goal was to estimate price elasticity (PE) values for major commonly consumed food groups in New Zealand, by income and ethnicity. PE values represent percentage change in demand associated with 1% change in price of that good (own-PE) or another good (cross-PE).


We used food expenditure data from national household economic surveys in 2007/08 and 2009/10 and Food Price Index data from 2007 and 2010. Adopting an Almost Ideal Demand System approach, own-PE and cross-PE estimates were derived for 24 food categories, household income quintiles, and two ethnic groups (Māori and non-Māori).


Own-PE estimates (with two exceptions) ranged from −0.44 to −1.78. Cross-PE estimates were generally small; only 31% of absolute values were greater than 0.10. Excluding the outlier ‘energy drinks’, nine of 23 food groups had significantly stronger own-PEs for the lowest versus highest income quintiles (average regression-based difference across food groups −0.30 (95% CI −0.62 to 0.02)). Six own-PEs were significantly stronger among Māori; the average difference for Māori: non-Māori across food groups was −0.26 (95% CI −0.52 to 0.00).


Food pricing policies have potential to improve population diets. The greater sensitivity of low-income households and Māori to price changes suggests the beneficial effects of such policies on health would be greatest for these groups.  相似文献   

Heritabilities and genetic correlations for body size characters and development period in a coccinellid beetle,Harmonia axyridis were estimated by a sib-analysis experiment. Positive genetic correlations were detected between size characters and development rate. If this is upheld in the field, genetic variation would be eliminated, as the loci affecting the characters are supposed to be fixed. However, the results indicated moderate heritabilities for all characters. Possible explanations for the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: Because leptin production by adipose tissue is under hormonal control, we examined the impact of epinephrine administration on plasma leptin concentrations. Research Methods and Procedures: We measured plasma leptin, insulin, and free fatty acid (FFA) responses after a 60-minute epinephrine infusion (0.010 μg/kg fat free mass/min) followed by a 30-minute recovery period (no infusion) in a group of 11 lean (mean body mass index ± SD: 22.6 ± 1.1 kg/m2) and 15 obese (30.0 ± 1.3 kg/m2) premenopausal women. Leptin, insulin, and FFA levels were measured in plasma before (−15 and 0 minutes) and at every 30 minutes over the 90-minute period. Results: In both lean and obese individuals, plasma leptin was significantly reduced by epinephrine (p < 0.0001). Body fat mass was associated with fasting leptin levels (r = 0.64, p < 0.0005) as well as with the decrease in leptinemia (r = −0.51, p < 0.01) produced by epinephrine administration. Furthermore, we noted a large range of leptin response to epinephrine among our subjects, especially in obese women (from −12 to −570 ng/mL per 60 minutes). However, there was no association between postepinephrine leptin and FFA levels (r = −0.14, p = 0.55). Discussion: Results of this study indicate that leptin levels decrease after epinephrine administration in both lean and obese premenopausal women. However, the heterogeneity in the response of leptin to catecholamines suggests potential alterations of the leptin axis that may contribute to generate a positive energy balance and, thus, may favor weight gain in some obese individuals.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate familial basis for the relationship between cortisol adiposity at baseline and their training responses. Research Methods and Procedures: Bivariate correlation and segregation analyses were employed between cortisol and several adiposity measures [body mass index, fat mass (FM), fat-free mass, percentage of body fat (% BF), abdominal visceral fat (AVF), abdominal subcutaneous fat (ASF), and abdominal total fat (ATF)] from 99 white families and 105 black families. Results: In both races, significant inverse phenotypic correlations were generally observed between cortisol and adiposity measures at baseline but not for training responses. Significant cross-trait familial correlations were found for cortisol with abdominal fat (ASF, AVF, ATF) and overall body adiposity (FM, % BF) measures at baseline, which accounted for 14% to 20% of the phenotypic variance in whites. The cross-trait correlations were not significant for baseline phenotypes in blacks, perhaps because of the small sample size. A bivariate segregation analysis showed evidence of polygenic pleiotropy for cortisol with both abdominal fat and overall adiposity measures that accounted for 14% to 17% of the phenotypic covariance, but major gene pleiotropy was not suggested in whites. However, when ASF, AVF, and ATF were additionally adjusted for FM, no familial cross-trait correlations or polygenic pleiotropy between cortisol and the abdominal fat measures remained. Discussion: Evidence was found for polygenic pleiotropy but not for pleiotropic major gene effects between cortisol and overall adiposity in whites. However, the covariation of cortisol with abdominal fat phenotypes is dependent on concomitant polygenic factors for total-body fat.  相似文献   

HENNES, MAGDA MI, ARNAVAZ DUA, DIANA L MAAS, GABRIELE E SONNENBERG, GLENN R KRAKOWER, AHMED H KISSEBAH. Relationships of plasma leptin levels to changes in plasma free fatty acids in women who are lean and women who are abdominally obese. Regulation of leptin production by the hormonal and metabolic milieu is poorly understood. Because abdominal obesity is commonly associated with elevated plasma free fatty acid (FFA) flux, we examined the effects of augmenting FFA on plasma leptin levels in women who were lean and of suppressing FFA in women with abdominal obesity. In study 1, nine subjects who were lean, after a 12-hour overnight fast, received either intravenous saline or Intralipid plus heparin to increase the plasma FFA concentration to approximately 1000 μmol/ L. After 3 hours of additional fasting, subjects underwent 3-hour hyperglycemic clamps. In study 2, seven subjects with abdominal obesity were evaluated by a similar protocol, but lipolysis and plasma FFA flux were instead maximally suppressed by acipimox. In the individuals who were lean, leptin levels were unchanged during clamping. Increasing plasma FFA reduced plasma leptin from 7.66 ± 0.66 to 7.05 ±0 0.66 (p=0.03), but 3 hours of hyperglycemia plus hyperinsulinemia had no additional effect on leptin levels (7.15 ± 0.71). Basal leptin levels, 4-fold higher in the subjects with obesity, were reduced from 34.6 ± 2.4 μg/L to 32.3 ± 1.1 μg/L (p=0.004) during the clamp period. When plasma FFA flux was suppressed, however, plasma leptin levels after clamped hyperglycemia/hyperinsulinemia were increased to 38.9 ± 1.2 μg/L (p=0.014 vs. time 0 and 0.001 vs. saline protocol). Changes in leptin concentrations are not correlated with changes in FFA. These results suggest that plasma FFA concentration does not regulate plasma leptin levels in basal, extended fasting, or hyperglycemic/hyperinsulinemic states.  相似文献   

Objective: It is under debate whether free fatty acids (FFAs) play an independent role in the regulation of adipose cell functions. In this study, we evaluated whether leptin secretion induced by FFA is due directly to an increased FFA availability or whether it is mediated by insulin levels. Research Methods and Procedures: To test this hypothesis, we compared the effects of six different experimental designs, with different FFA and insulin levels, on plasma leptin: euglycemic clamp, euglycemic clamp + FFA infusion, FFA infusion alone, FFA + somatostatin infusion, somatostatin infusion alone, and saline infusion. Results: Our results showed that euglycemic clamp, FFA infusion, or both in combination induced a similar increment of circulating leptin (3.31 ± 0.30, 3.40 ± 0.90, and 3.35 ± 0.80 ng/mL, respectively). Moreover, the inhibition of FFA‐induced insulin increase by means of somatostatin infusion completely abolished the rise of leptin in response to FFA (1.05 ± 0.30 vs. 3.40 ± 0.90 ng/mL, p < 0.001). Discussion: In conclusion, our data showed that the effects of high FFA levels on plasma leptin were mediated by the rise of insulin concentration. These data confirm a major role for insulin in the regulation of leptin secretion from rat adipose tissue and support the hypothesis that leptin secretion is coupled to net triglyceride synthesis in adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effect of plasma leptin, nonsterified fatty acids (NEFAs), and tumor necrosis factor‐receptor 1 (TNFR1) on plasma insulin and insulin‐resistance status in children. Research Methods and Procedures: One thousand thirty‐two children (521 boys and 511 girls) were included in this study. We measured plasma insulin and leptin levels by radioimmunoassay, plasma NEFA levels by enzymatic acyl‐coenzyme A synthase—acyl‐coenzyme A oxidase spectrophotometric methods, and TNFR1 levels by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. We calculated insulin resistance index (IRI) using homeostasis model assessment and calculated insulin‐resistance syndrome summary score (IRS) by adding the quartile ranks from the distribution of systolic blood pressure (BP), serum triglyceride, high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol (inverse), and insulin levels. Results: Overweight children had higher BP, plasma leptin, and insulin levels and higher IRI and IRS than normal‐weight children. Plasma leptin and TNFR1 were positively correlated with insulin levels, IRI, and IRS. The correlation coefficients of leptin and TNFR1 in IRI were 0.53 and 0.12, respectively, for boys and 0.25 and 0.18, respectively, for girls. In multivariate regression analyses, TNFR1 was positively associated with insulin level and IRI in girls; NEFA was positively associated only with IRS. Plasma leptin levels were significantly positively associated with insulin levels, IRI, and IRS, even after adjusting for BMI and other potential confounders. Discussion: Overweight children had higher BP, plasma insulin, and leptin levels and adverse insulin‐resistance status than normal‐weight children. Plasma leptin levels, rather than NEFA and TNFR1, may play a significant role in the development of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance in children.  相似文献   

Objective: A gastric pacemaker has been developed to treat morbid obesity. Patients experience increased satiety, the ability to reduce food intake, and a resultant weight loss. However, the mechanism behind the changed eating behavior in paced patients is still under investigation. Research Methods and Procedures: This study was performed on 11 morbidly obese patients (mean BMI, 46.0 kg/m2) treated with gastric pacing. The peripheral blood levels of satiety signals of cholecystokinin (CCK), somatostatin, glucagon‐like peptide‐1 (GLP‐1), and leptin were studied 1 month before gastric pacer implantation, 1 month after implantation, and 6 months after activation of electrical stimulation. Blood samples were drawn 12 hours after fasting and in response to a hypocaloric meal (270 kcal). Patients were followed monthly for vital signs and weight level. Results: Gastric pacing resulted in a significant weight loss of a mean of 10.4 kg (4.4 BMI units). No negative side effects or complications were observed during the treatment. After activation of the pacemaker, meal‐related response of CCK and somatostatin and basal levels of GLP‐1 and leptin were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) compared with the tests before gastric pacing. The weight loss correlated significantly with a decrease of leptin levels (R = 0.79, p < 0.01). Discussion: Gastric pacing is a novel and promising therapy for morbid obesity. Activation of the gastric pacer was associated with a decrease in plasma levels of CCK, somatostatin, GLP‐1, and leptin. More studies are necessary to elucidate the correlations between satiety, weight loss, and digestive neuro‐hormone changes.  相似文献   

Objective: Prospective studies have shown a positive association between leptin concentrations and coronary heart disease (CHD) in men, but its effect in women is unclear. Our objective was to examine the association of serum leptin levels with CHD in a prospective study of women. Research Methods and Procedures: We conducted a prospective (4 year) case (N = 165) control (N = 335) study nested within a cohort of 4286 British women. Results: With mutual adjustment for each other and age, social class, smoking, and physical activity, leptin was positively associated with BMI, fasting insulin, total cholesterol, low‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol, triglycerides, and hypertension and was inversely associated with homeostasis model assessment insulin sensitivity. Leptin was not associated with CHD risk (age‐adjusted relative risk for a doubling of leptin: 1.08 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.91, 1.29]). This changed little with adjustment for childhood and adult social class, smoking, alcohol, and physical activity but attenuated to 1.00 (95% CI: 0.80, 1.26) with further adjustment for other metabolic risk factors (waist‐to‐hip ratio, low‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol, triglycerides, C‐reactive protein, fasting insulin, hypertension). Discussion: We found no strong statistical evidence that leptin is associated with CHD risk in this study population of older British women. Further research is needed to compare associations of leptin with CHD in men and women and to determine whether the effect varies by gender.  相似文献   

Objective: Abdominal fat and myocyte triglyceride levels relate negatively to insulin sensitivity, but their interrelationships are inadequately characterized in the overweight. Using recent methods for measuring intramyocyte triglyceride, these relationships were studied in men with a broad range of adiposity. Research Methods and Procedures: Myocyte triglyceride content (1H‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy of soleus and tibialis anterior muscles and biochemical assessment of vastus lateralis biopsies), regional fat distribution (DXA and abdominal magnetic resonance imaging), serum lipids, insulin action (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp), and substrate oxidation rates (indirect calorimetry) were measured in 39 nondiabetic men (35.1 ± 7.8 years) with a broad range of adiposity (BMI 28.6 ± 4.1 kg/m2, range 20.1 to 37.6 kg/m2). Results: Relationships between insulin‐stimulated glucose disposal and regional body fat depots appeared more appropriately described by nonlinear than linear models. When the group was subdivided using median total body fat as the cut‐point, insulin‐stimulated glucose disposal correlated negatively to all regional body fat measures (all p ≤ 0.004), serum triglycerides and free fatty acids (p < 0.02), and both soleus intramyocellular lipid (p = 0.003) and vastus lateralis triglyceride (p = 0.04) in the normal/less overweight group. In contrast, only visceral abdominal fat showed significant negative correlation with insulin‐stimulated glucose disposal in more overweight men (r = ?0.576, p = 0.01), some of whom surprisingly had lower than expected myocyte lipid levels. These findings persisted when the group was subdivided using different cut‐points or measures of adiposity. Discussion: Interrelationships among body fat depots, myocyte triglyceride, serum lipids, and insulin action are generally absent with increased adiposity. However, visceral abdominal fat, which corresponds less closely to total adiposity, remains an important predictor of insulin resistance in men with both normal and increased adiposity.  相似文献   

Obesity‐induced hyperleptinemia is frequently associated with insulin resistance suggesting a crosstalk between leptin and insulin signaling pathways. Our aim was to determine whether insulin and leptin together interfere on NOS activation in adipocytes. We examined insulin and leptin‐induced nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity, protein amount and NOS III phosphorylation at Ser1179 in isolated epididymal adipocytes from rat, in the presence or not of inhibitors of kinases implicated in insulin or leptin signaling pathways. Insulin or leptin induced NOS III phosphorylation at Ser1179 leading to increased NO production in rat adipocytes, in agreement with our previous observations. When insulin and leptin at a concentration found in obese rats (10 ng/ml) were combined, NOS activity was not increased, suggesting a negative crosstalk between insulin and leptin signaling mechanisms. Chemical inhibitors of kinases implicated in signaling pathways of insulin, such as PI‐3 kinase, or of leptin, such as JAK‐2, did not prevent this negative interaction. When leptin signaling was blocked by PKA inhibitors, insulin‐induced NOS activity and NOS III phosphorylation at Ser1179 was observed. In the presence of leptin and insulin, (i) IRS‐1 was phosphorylated on Ser307 and this effect was prevented by PKA inhibitors, (ii) JAK‐2 was dephosphorylated, an effect prevented by SHP‐1 inhibitor. A mutual resistance occurs with leptin and insulin. Leptin phosphorylates IRS‐1 to induce insulin resistance while insulin dephosphorylates JAK‐2 to favor leptin resistance. This interference between insulin and leptin signaling could play a crucial role in insulin‐ and leptin‐resistance correlated with obesity. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 982–988, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

一种长效胰岛素的分子设计和目标产品制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照“增加次级键,稳化寡聚体”以产生长效性的分子设计原理,以精确的胰岛素三维结构为基础,通过计算机模拟提出对残基B2-Val-Lys/Arg的分子改造方案,并预测它能在不影响生物活力的条件下产生长效效应。在此基础上,用化学半合成的方法制备了目标产品desBl-LysB2胰岛索,并进行了产物活力和基本性质测定。结果表明,与天然胰岛素相比较,该目标产品保有基本的降血糖生物活力(82%),表现出显著的长效效应。  相似文献   

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