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The N and P uptake responses were studied in a northern Spanish population of the edible red seaweed Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) Kuntze. The fronds were incubated at different concentrations, and the nutrient depletion in the medium was measured at successive times to calculate uptake rates. Palmaria palmata uptake response was biphasic and nonsaturable for inorganic P. This would allow the species to exploit transient pulses of high P concentration in natural and fertilized conditions. Such a response is a common feature of algae avoiding nutrient deficiency. At average concentrations measured in the ocean, the response was nonsaturable for inorganic N sources, except for ammonium in autumn and winter when it is not the major N source. In contrast to the general rule of ammonium being taken at a higher rate than nitrate, we found similar affinity for both nutrients corresponding to the minor role of ammonium as N source for field populations over the year.  相似文献   

Light has been identified as one of the main factors affecting seaweed ecophysiology. We investigated the dependence of nutrient metabolism on sun and shade light conditions and whether episodes of upwelling of nutrient‐rich subsuperficial water could reduce the summer nutrient limitation driving physiological changes in Palmaria palmata (L.) Kuntze. We measured the major nutrient pools, photosynthetic pigments, and light curves, under sun and shade conditions during a summer period when one upwelling was recorded. The redundancy analysis (RDA) produced two clear groups: sun‐ and shade‐acclimated algae. Light was the major predictive factor. Sun‐acclimated algae exhibited higher carbon (C) and lower nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content in association with the storage of floridoside (main C reserve) to benefit from higher irradiance (under nutrient limitation). Among N pools, N reserves (phycoerythrin, nitrate) were a lower proportion of the total N in sun‐acclimated algae, suggesting their degradation to fulfill the N demands of the cell. The orthophosphate content was also lower in sun‐acclimated algae, indicating its utilization as a nutrient reserve. In contrast, N within cell walls and membranes and chl a contributed to a similar proportion of the total N in sun‐ and shade‐acclimated algae, suggesting a response to sustain cell integrity. Transient high nutrient concentration due to the upwelling was unrelated to the nutrient content of the thallus. The storage of C as floridoside from high light exposure was shown to be the driving force for the metabolic adjustment of P. palmata at the end of summer before the onset of dormancy.  相似文献   

The tetrasporangial initial in Palmaria palmata (L.) O. Kuntze (formerly Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Greville) arises from a cortex cell which enlarges and deposits a protein-rich wall layer. This cell undergoes mitosis to form a tetrasporocyte and a stalk cell. Synaptonemal complexes are formed in the sporocyte nucleus while in the cytoplasm floridean starch is deposited in association with ER or with particles presumed to be ribosomes. Microbody-like structures become numerous between the nuclear envelope and perinuclear ER, and clusters of non-membranous, spherical structures also are associated with the nucleus. Chromatin condensation is reversed following pachytene and a prolonged diffuse stage ensues, when dictyosomes and ER produce vesicles which deposit mucilage rich in sulfated and acidic polysaccharides around the tetrasporocyte. A conspicuous lenticular thickening of the mucilage sheath develops at the apical end of the sporangium. Dictyosomes are frequently associated with mitochondria which may be associated with chloroplasts. Following nuclear divisions the tetrasporocyte is cleaved into four spores by sequentially initiated, but simultaneously completed periclinal and anticlinal furrows. When mucilage deposition ceases, the dictyosomes begin to produce vesicles with glycoprotein-rich contents. These vesicles are abundant in released tetraspores, and they probably contain adhesive material aiding in the attachment of the liberated spores.  相似文献   

Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) O. Kuntze (Rhodophyta, Palmariaceae) is a seaweed commercially harvested for human consumption. Its population density, size structure, and frond dynamics were investigated from May 1999 to May 2001 at one intertidal locality in the northern coast of Spain, which is within the southern distributional boundary of the species in the eastern Atlantic coasts. The effect of size, age, and the life‐history phase (haploid vs. diploid) on frond growth and mortality were also evaluated. The study was carried out by mapping and monitoring fronds in the field. New fronds (macroscopic recruits or sprouts) appeared in spring, but subsequent mortality of these young fronds and detachment of the host plant led to lower density values in January. Palmaria palmata exhibited a distinctive seasonal growth cycle, with positive net growth from March to August and breakage from August to March. Interannual differences were also detected, with higher net growth in 2000 than in 1999. Net growth was apparently independent of age, reproductive status (fertile vs. reproductive), and life‐history phase (haploid vs. diploid) but was dependent on size, as longer fronds showed minor growth or greater breakage than small ones. Mortality, on the other hand, was more dependent on age than on size in the period analyzed (March–May 2000). Results of the study indicate that both size and age should be included as state variables and temporal changes in transition probabilities considered in the development of demographic models of the species.  相似文献   

The dependence of the carbon concentrating mechanism of Palmaria palmata (L.) Kuntze on the growth light level was examined 1) to determine whether or not there is a threshold photon flux density (PFD) at which the inorganic carbon uptake mechanism can operate and 2) to attempt to quantify the relative energetic costs of acclimation to the two different limiting factors, PFD and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration. Plants were grown at six PFDs: 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, and 125 μmol photons. m?2.s?1. Growth rates increased with increasing PFD from 5 to 50 μmol photons. m?2. s?1 and were light-saturated at 75, 95, and 125 μmol photons. m?2. s?1 Values of δ13C increased continuously with increasing growth PFD and did not saturate over the range of light levels tested. Time-resolved fluorescence characteristics indicated a progressive photoacclimation below 50 μmol photons. m?2. s?1. Analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence induction showed three levels of light use efficirncy associated with growth at 5 or 25, 50, and >75 μmol photons. m?2. s?1. The light-haruesting efficiency was inversely proportional to the effectiveness of DIC acquisition in plants grown at the six PFDs. These data were interpreted to indicate that there is a physiological tradeoff between photosynthetic efficiency and bicarbonate use in this species.  相似文献   

The acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus of Palmaria palmata (L.) to light intensity was examined in the field and under laboratory conditions. Algae from 3 different shore levels and from laboratory cultures adapted to 6 different photon flux densities were compared. This was done on the basis of light doses, which were delivered by different light regimes in the field and in the laboratory. Laboratory samples were adjusted to constant photon flux densities between 7 and 569 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1 in a 16:8 light:dark photoperiod. Under field conditions the daily amplitudes reached up to approximately 2000 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1 within a natural daily light course. Over the course of 14 days the light doses resulting from those different regimes are similar for both treatments. An increasing growth rate per day with increasing light doses was observed in the laboratory. Growth was saturated at 113 mol photons·m ? 2·14 d ? 1. Light saturation points (Ek) of photosynthesis increased with increasing light doses for both field and laboratory samples, and all Ek values were significantly related to the growth light dose. A correlation between fresh weight‐related lutein content and growth light dose was found for laboratory samples only, whereas the lutein:chlorophyll a (chl a) ratio was strongly correlated with Ek for laboratory and field samples. The content of chl a and phycoerythrin (PE) per fresh weight decreased significantly with increasing light doses under field conditions. Simultaneously, the PE:chl a ratio increased, whereas this ratio was not influenced by laboratory treatments. The correspondence of Ek values for field and laboratory treatments indicated that they were affected mainly by light dose. However, the variability in pigmentation was mainly dependent on temporal variability in light intensity (the amplitude of variations in incident light).  相似文献   

Fertilization of cultured microscopic female gametophytes by spermatia from field-collected male gametophytes of Palmaria sp. was observed by light and transmission electron microscopy. Liberated spermatia had a prophase-arrested nucleus with a pair of polar rings. The protoplast of spermatia was covered with ca. a 3-μm-thick hyaline covering. After spermatium inoculation, the spermatial covering was attached specifically to the coat surrounding the cell wall of the trichogyne. The spermatial covering was eliminated only at the site of gamete attachment, resulting in direct attachment of the spermatial plasma membrane to the trichogyne within 5 min after spermatium inoculation. This direct attachment was followed by completion of spermatial nuclear division and cell wall formation. The polar rings disappeared before prometaphase. The cytoplasm of the binucleate spermatium invaded the trichogyne cell wall and subsequently fused with the trichogyne cytoplasm. The trichogyne could fuse with many spermatia, and many male nuclei (the derivative nuclei of spermatial nuclear division) could enter the trichogyne cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus to light absorbed primarily by phycobilisomes (which transfer energy predominantly to photosystem II) or absorbed by chlorophyll a (mainly present in the antenna of photosystem I) was studied in the macroalga Palmaria palmata L. In addition, the influence of blue and yellow light, exciting chlorophyll a and phycobilisomes, respectively, ivas investigated. All results were compared to a white light control. Complementary chromatic adaptation in terms of an enhanced ratio of phycoerythrin to phycocyanin under green light conditions was observed. Red light (mainly absorbed by chlorophyll a) and green light (mainly absorbed by phycobilisomes) caused an increase of the antenna system, which was not preferentially excited. Yellow and blue light led to intermediate states comparable to each other and white light. Growth was reduced under all light qualities in comparison to white light, especially under conditions preferably exciting phycobilisomes (green light-adapted algae had a 58% lower growth rate compared to white light-adapted algae). Red and blue light-adapted algae showed maximal photosynthetic capacity with white light excitation and significantly lower values with green light excitation. In contrast, green and yellow light-adapted algae exhibited comparable photosynthetic capacities at all excitation wavelengths. Low-temperature fluorescence emission analysis showed an increase of photosystem II emission in red light-adapted algae and a decrease in green light-adapted algae. A small increase of photosystem I emission teas also found in green light-adapted algae, but this was much less than the photosystem II emission increase observed in red light-adapted algae (both compared to phycobilisome emission). Efficiency of energy transfer from phycobilisomes to photosystem II was higher in red than in green light-adapted algae. The opposite was found for the energy transfer efficiency from phycobilisomes to photosystem I. Zeaxanthin content increased in green and blue light-adapted algae compared to red, white, and yellow light-adapted algae. Results are discussed in comparison to published data on unicellular red algae and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The freshwater red alga Compsopogon coeruleus (Balbis) Montague is capable of growing and reproducing in salinities up to 35 ppt. Increased accumulation of floridoside (D-galactopyranosyl glycerol) parallels increase in salinity. Compsopogon phycobilisomes contain an unusual B-phycoerythrin completely lacking in phycourobilin chromophores, but with a pigmented γ subunit. The α, β, and γ subunits of this phycoerythrin all carry phycoerythrobilins. These results suggest that C. coeruleus is secondarily adapted to freshwater from marine habitats.  相似文献   

Variations of pigment content in the microscopic conchocelis stage of four Alaskan Porphyra species were investigated in response to environmental variables. Conchocelis filaments were cultured under varying conditions of irradiance and nutrient concentrations for up to 60 d at 11°C and 30 psu salinity. Results indicate that conchocelis filaments contain relatively high concentrations of phycobilins under optimal culture conditions. Phycobilin pigment production was significantly affected by irradiance, nutrient concentration, and culture duration. For Porphyra abbottiae V. Krishnam., Porphyra sp., and Porphyra torta V. Krishnam., maximal phycoerythrin (63.2–95.1 mg · g dwt?1) and phycocyanin (28.8–64.8 mg · g dwt?1) content generally occurred at 10 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1, f/4–f/2 nutrient concentration after 10–20 d of culture. Whereas for Porphyra hiberna S. C. Lindstrom et K. M. Cole, the highest phycoerythrin (73.3 mg · g dwt?1) and phycocyanin (70.2 mg · g dwt?1) content occurred at 10 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1, f nutrient concentration after 60 d in culture. Under similar conditions, the different species showed significant differences in pigment content. P. abbottiae had higher phycoerythrin content than the other three species, and P. hiberna had the highest phycocyanin content. P. torta had the lowest phycobilin content.  相似文献   

The accumulation of nitrogen in different cellular pools by the macroalgae Ulva fenestrata (Postels and Ruprecht) (Chlorophyta) and Gracilaria pacifica (Abbott) (Rhodophyta) was studied in a laboratory experiment. After 8 or 9 days of nitrogen enrichment, nitrate, ammonium, free amino acid (FAA), protein, chlorophyll (chl), phycoerythrin (PE), and insoluble nitrogen pools were extracted and analyzed, and their relative contribution to total nitrogen (TN) was assessed. In U. fenestrata, the nitrate and ammonium enrichments resulted in a significant increase of TN from 2.41% dry weight (dw) to 4.19% and 4.71% dw, respectively. All the extracted N pools increased significantly. In G. pacifica, TN increased more under ammonium enrichment than under nitrate enrichment. In both macroalgae, proteins and FAA were the most important N storage pools. Protein-N ranged from 700 to 2300 μmol N·g dw−1 (43%–66% of TN) and contributed the most to TN increase (41%–89%). The FAA pool was always larger in G. pacifica than in U. fenestrata. In both species, the FAA pool accounted for 4%–17% of TN (70–600 μmol N·g dw−1). In U. fenestrata, nitrate can represent a temporary storage pool: it accumulated up to 200 μmol N·g dw−1 (7% of TN) and contributed more than FAA to overall increase in cellular nitrogen. In contrast, G. pacifica had a small nitrate pool. The PE pool in G. pacifica increased with TN but was never more than 9% of total protein-N or 6% of TN, and it was less important than FAA as a storage pool. All TN was recovered in the extracted and insoluble N pools at the end of the experiment in U. fenestrata. In G. pacifica, the extracted and insoluble N pools accounted on average for 83%–90% of TN.  相似文献   

The combined effects of light intensity and nitrogen (NO3?) on growth rate, pigment content, and biochemical composition of Gracilaria foliifera v. angustissima (Harvey) Taylor was investigated using outdoor continuous cultures. Growth of Gracilaria increased linearly with increasing light to 0.43 doublings d?1 at high light levels (383 ly d?1 of in situ light), suggesting that light may often limit growth of this plant in nature. Chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin contents were inversely proportional to light level and growth rate. However, pigment content did not affect the growth capacity of Gracilaria. There was no increase in growth or pigment content with increasing additions of nitrogen. The low nitrogen treatment was unenriched seawater that had higher NO3? levels than most coastal waters (influent = 8.61 μM; residual = 0.94 μM). When growing near its maximum rate under high light intensities, Gracilaria had a significantly (P < 0.001) lower phycoerythrin: chlorophyll a ratio (phyco: Chl a) than did Gracilaria growing more slowly under lower light (Phyco:Chl a of 2.8 ± 0.2 vs. 3.8 ± 0.3). Faster growing plants also had C:N ratios above 10, indicating N- limitation. In addition to harvesting light the phycobiliproteins of Gracilaria may store nitrogen. Growth rates of Gracilaria correlated negatively with ash (r =–0.85) and positively with the carbon: phycoerythrin ratio (r = 0.85), suggesting that these two indices can be used to estimate growth in the field.  相似文献   

The influence of seasonally fluctuating photoperiods on the photosynthetic apparatus of Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) Ricker was studied in a year‐round culture experiment. The optimal quantum yield (Fv/Fm) and the maximal relative electron transport rate (ETRmax), measured by in vivo chl fluorescence and pigment content, were determined monthly. During darkness, an initial increase in pigment content was observed. After 3 months in darkness, ETRmax and Fv/Fm started to decrease considerably. After 4 months in darkness, degradation of the light‐harvesting antennae, the phycobilisomes, began, and 1 month later the light harvesting complex I and/or the reaction centers of PSII and/or PSI degraded. Pigment content and photosynthetic performance were at their minimum at the end of the 6‐month dark period. Within 24 h after re‐illumination, P. decipiens started to accumulate chl a and to photosynthesize. The phycobiliprotein accumulation began after a time lag of about 7 days. Palmaria decipiens reached ETRmax values comparable with the values before darkness 7 days after re‐illumination and maximal values after 30 days of re‐illumination. Over the summer, P. decipiens reduced its photosynthetic performance and pigment content, probably to avoid photodamage caused by excess light energy. The data show that P. decipiens is able to adapt to the short period of favorable light conditions and to the darkness experienced in the field.  相似文献   

Algal cell wall mechanical properties, crucial for biological functions and commercial applications, rely on interactions in macromolecular assemblies. In an effort to better understand the interactions of the matrix‐phase β‐(1,3)/(1,4)‐d ‐xylan in the edible seaweed Palmaria palmata ((L.) O. Kuntze, Rhodophyta, Palmariales), sequential extractions by saline, alkaline, and chaotropic solutions were done. The chemical composition and structure and the physicochemical properties of the isolated xylan revealed that it was partly acidic, probably due to the presence of sulfate (up to 5%) and phosphate groups (up to 4%). Although such acidity suggested ionic interactions of xylan in the cell walls, the high yields of polysaccharide extracted by alkali and particularly by 8 M urea and 4.5 M guanidium thiocyanate demonstrated that it was mainly hydrogen bonded in the cell wall. H‐bonds did not appear to be related to the mean proportions of β‐(1,3) and β‐(1,4)‐d ‐xylose linkages because these did not differ between extracts of increasing alkalinity. However, the decreasing molar weight and intrinsic viscosity of extracts obtained by alkaline solution containing a reducing agent used to prevent polysaccharide degradation suggested the presence of an alkali‐labile component in the xylan. These results are discussed with regard to the role of potential wall proteins as a means of control of these interactions.  相似文献   

The phenology and seasonal growth of Porphyra linearis Grev. were investigated in two morphologically dissimilar populations from the west coast of Ireland. Thallus size and reproductive status of individuals were monitored monthly between June 1997 and June 1998. Both populations exhibited a similar phenology: gametophyte stages appeared on the shore in October, with spermatangial and zygotosporangial sori appearing the following February; the gametophyte stage began to degenerate in April and had disappeared completely by June. However, significant differences in growth and reproduction in the field and in cultures of plants from the two populations were observed. Thallus length and width of individuals from one population were significantly longer throughout the sample period, and reproduction and sporulation occurred 1 month earlier. Also, in situ relative growth rates (RGRs) of plants differed significantly and were correlated with different climatic factors (sunshine, day length, irradiance, rainfall, seawater temperature, and intertidal temperatures), suggesting that plants were affected by two different microhabitats. At one site, blades were more exposed to wave action, sunshine, and extreme minimum temperatures, while at the other site, blades were more protected in winter, spring, and early summer. In culture, RGRs of blades from the second site were higher than RGRs of blades from the first site under short days, corroborating the field results and suggesting a degree of phenotypic differentiation between the two populations. However, there were no sequence divergences of the RUBISCO spacer between strains of the two P. linearis populations.  相似文献   

Theoretical considerations predict that the cell N:P ratio at transition from nitrogen limitation to phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton growth (critical ratio, Rc) varies, as a function of population growth rate. This prediction is confirmed by experimental, data from the literature along with new experimental data for the marine, prymnesiophyte Pavlova lutheri (Droop) Green. Rc passes through a maximum at intermediate growth rates for the three phytoplankton species for which data, are available, but there is significant interspecific variability in its value. There is no theoretical or experimental evidence to support the idea that the ratio of subsistence N and P cell quotas is equal to Rc over the range of growth rates, or that the subsistence quota ratio equals the ratio of the N and P cell quotas minus a storage fraction. Examination of N:P composition ratios can be used to determine which nutrient is limiting, but cannot be used to determine relative growth rates or competitive advantage between species limited by the same nutrient. Growth rates are determined by environmental conditions and by the cell quota of the limiting nutrient, without reference to the cell quota of the non-limiting nutrient.  相似文献   

Clonal cultures of the thermophilic alga Plectonema notatum Schmidle were grown from cells collected in winter from the surface and subsurface zones of the cell mat in Jerry Johnson Hot Spring, Idaho. Both surface and subsurface clones exhibited light saturation curves and concentrations of photosynthetic pigments typical of ecotypes highly adapted to shade environments. These winter clones were compared to surface and subsurface clones collected during summer months. This comparison illustrates the seasonal rotation of ecotypes. The shade adapted winter surface and subsurface types dominated the mat during the low light intensity, short photoperiod winter season. With increasing light intensities and photoperiods the winter ecotypes were replaced by the high light intensity adapted summer ecotypes.  相似文献   

Phycobilisomes in Griffithsia pacifica are closely spaced on the thylakoid membrane. By negative staining, attached and isolated phycobilisomes have been shown to have a block shaped appearance. They are 63 nm long, 38 nm high, and 38 nm wide, making them the largest thus far reported. Isolated phycobilisomes, shown to be functionally intact by their 675 nm fluorescence emission (excitation 545 nm) were stable for more than a day. Phycobiliproteins from dissociated phycobilisomes, separated on sucrose gradients and by polyacrylamide electrophoresis, yielded large (R-) and small (r-) molecular weight species of phycoerythrin (ca. 4:1 respectively) constituting 89% of the phycobiliprotein content, with R-phycocyanin 8%, and allophycocyanin 3% accounting for the rest. Phycobilisomes of Griffithsia pacifica and Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) Drew and Ross (P. cruentum) are structurally very similar with phycoerythrin being on the outside and surrounding a core of R-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin.  相似文献   

渤海南部半滑舌鳎的食性及摄食的季节性变化   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
窦硕增  杨纪明 《生态学报》1992,12(4):368-376
本文研究了渤海南部半滑鳎的食性及其摄食的季节性变化,胃食物分析结果表明,半滑舌鳎为底栖生物食性鱼类,以虾类,蟹类,双壳类及部分中下层小型鱼类为主要食物,兼食一些多毛类,头足类,腹足类,棘皮动物及海葵,半滑舌鳎终年摄食,其摄食强度的周年变化不大,半滑舌鳎常年捕食鲜明鼓虾,日本鼓虾,口虾蛄,隆线强蟹及泥古隆背蟹等。夏季加强捕食小刀蛏,凸壳肌蛤等双壳类,降春季外还捕食一些以虾虎鱼为主的中下层小型鱼类。  相似文献   

Internal nitrogen pools in thalli of Gracilaria tikvahiae McLachlan were examined in three experiments as a function of total nitrogen content of the thallus, nitrogen deprivation, and nitrogen resupply. Amino acids and proteins appeared to form the major nitrogen storage pools in G. tikvahiae, while DNA appeared to be relatively unimportant in this regard. Inorganic nitrogen in the forms of NH4+ and NO3? was found in the thalli; however, its contribution to the total nitrogen, pools was small. Within the protein pool, the phycoerythrin pigments appear important as a source of nitrogen when thalli are initially becoming nitrogen limited. In general, there was an inverse relationship between the levels of nitrogen and the carbohydrate content of the algal thalli.  相似文献   

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