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I described the development of degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for intron‐containing regions of nine candidate wing patterning and pigmentation genes in Heliconius butterflies. Primers were developed by comparing sequence data from Drosophila melanogaster, Precis coenia, and a variety of other insects so they are likely to be applicable widely among the butterfly family Nymphalidae and perhaps Lepidoptera in general. The amplified regions are highly variable and should be useful for inferring relationships among closely related species and estimating the phylogeographical and population genetic structure of individual species.  相似文献   

The butterflies in the genus Heliconius offer an exceptional opportunity for the study of the ecology and genetics of an adaptive radiation due to their extensive intra‐ and interspecific variation in wing colour patterns and mimetic associations. Here, we characterize 22 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Heliconius melpomene that have been shown to be useful for linkage mapping and population studies in this and other species. Levels of variation were high, although heterozygosity deficiencies were found in most loci, probably due to null alleles. The loci showed broad amplification success on six other species across the genus.  相似文献   

The degree to which loci promoting reproductive isolation cluster in the genome—that is, the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation—can influence the tempo and mode of speciation. Tight linkage between these loci can facilitate speciation in the face of gene flow. Pheromones play a role in reproductive isolation in many Lepidoptera species, and the role of endogenously produced compounds as secondary metabolites decreases the likelihood of pleiotropy associated with many barrier loci. Heliconius butterflies use male sex pheromones to both court females (aphrodisiac wing pheromones) and ward off male courtship (male‐transferred antiaphrodisiac genital pheromones), and it is likely that these compounds play a role in reproductive isolation between Heliconius species. Using a set of backcross hybrids between H. melpomene and H. cydno, we investigated the genetic architecture of putative male pheromone compound production. We found a set of 40 significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) representing 33 potential pheromone compounds. QTL clustered significantly on two chromosomes, chromosome 8 for genital compounds and chromosome 20 for wing compounds, and chromosome 20 was enriched for potential pheromone biosynthesis genes. There was minimal overlap between pheromone QTL and known QTL for mate choice and color pattern. Nonetheless, we did detect linkage between a QTL for wing androconial area and optix, a color pattern locus known to play a role in reproductive isolation in these species. This tight clustering of putative pheromone loci might contribute to coincident reproductive isolating barriers, facilitating speciation despite ongoing gene flow.  相似文献   

The Neotropical butterfly Heliconius numata (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) is known for its striking diversity of wing color patterns driven by the Müllerian mimicry of multiple local models and controlled by a single supergene locus. Such fine‐scale variation of traits under strong selection offers a unique opportunity for the study of the ecology and genetics of adaptation. However, little is still known of the population processes driving geographical variation in wing‐pattern phenotypes. We report the characterization of 26 microsatellite markers for the butterfly H. numata, including six located inside the wing color‐pattern supergene region. All markers are polymorphic, with allele numbers ranging from 2 to 21 per locus, an observed heterozygosity of 0.111 to 0.848 and an expected heterozygosity of 0.126 to 0.942. A subset of 18 of these markers was tested on five closely related sympatric Heliconius species with an amplification success ranging from 88% to 94%. The obtained set of microsatellite markers provides a new and useful set of tools to investigate patterns of differentiation and selection in populations of mimetic Heliconius butterflies. Moreover, markers developed within the color‐pattern supergene will facilitate characterization of the association between the genetic architecture and the functional diversity of wing patterns. Finally, the cross‐species amplification success of the described markers extends their utility to also encompass comparative population genetic studies of closely related species within a clade of rapidly diversifying species.  相似文献   

Species level phylogenetic hypotheses can be used to explore patterns of divergence and speciation. In the tropics, speciation is commonly attributed to either vicariance, perhaps within climate-induced forest refugia, or ecological speciation caused by niche adaptation. Mimetic butterflies have been used to identify forest refugia as well as in studies of ecological speciation, so they are ideal for discriminating between these two models. The genus Ithomia contains 24 species of warningly colored mimetic butterflies found in South and Central America, and here we use a phylogenetic hypothesis based on seven genes for 23 species to investigate speciation in this group. The history of wing color pattern evolution in the genus was reconstructed using both parsimony and likelihood. The ancestral pattern for the group was almost certainly a transparent butterfly, and there is strong evidence for convergent evolution due to mimicry. A punctuationist model of pattern evolution was a significantly better fit to the data than a gradualist model, demonstrating that pattern changes above the species level were associated with cladogenesis and supporting a model of ecological speciation driven by mimicry adaptation. However, there was only one case of sister species unambiguously differing in pattern, suggesting that some recent speciation events have occurred without pattern shifts. The pattern of geographic overlap between clades over time shows that closely related species are mostly sympatric or, in one case, parapatric. This is consistent with modes of speciation with ongoing gene flow, although rapid range changes following allopatric speciation could give a similar pattern. Patterns of lineage accumulation through time differed significantly from that expected at random, and show that most of the extant species were present by the beginning of the Pleistocene at the latest. Hence Pleistocene refugia are unlikely to have played a major role in Ithomia diversification.  相似文献   

Homoploid hybrid speciation (HHS) is the establishment of a novel species through introgressive hybridization without a change in chromosome number. We discuss different routes by which this might occur and propose a novel term, 'hybrid trait speciation', which combines the idea that hybridization can generate adaptive novelty with the 'magic trait' model of ecological speciation. Heliconius butterflies contain many putative examples of hybrid colour patterns, but only recently has the HHS hypothesis been tested explicitly in this group. Molecular data has shown evidence for gene flow between many distinct species. Furthermore, the colour pattern of Heliconius heurippa can be recreated in laboratory crosses between Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius cydno and, crucially, plays a role in assortative mating between the three species. Nonetheless, although the genome of H. heurippa shows evidence for hybridization, it is not a mosaic of the two parental species. Instead, ongoing hybridization has likely blurred any signal of the original speciation event. We argue that where hybridization leads to novel adaptive traits that also cause reproductive isolation, it is likely to trigger speciation.  相似文献   

Four polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified in the butterfly Speyeria idalia. We constructed a phagemid library and screened approximately 120 000 inserts. Probing with GT15, we identified 36 positives and designed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for 12 potential loci. Of those loci, only four consistently produced polymorphic, diallelic PCR products in the expected size range. These results are consistent with previous studies concerning the low frequency of microsatellite loci in the lepidoptera, although these four loci are highly polymorphic and therefore likely to provide information on the fine scale genetic structure among populations in this species.  相似文献   

Shifts in host‐plant use by phytophagous insects have played a central role in their diversification. Evolving host‐use strategies will reflect a trade‐off between selection pressures. The ecological niche of herbivorous insects is partitioned along several dimensions, and if populations remain in contact, recombination will break down associations between relevant loci. As such, genetic architecture can profoundly affect the coordinated divergence of traits and subsequently the ability to exploit novel habitats. The closely related species Heliconius cydno and H. melpomene differ in mimetic colour pattern, habitat and host‐plant use. We investigate the selection pressures and genetic basis underlying host‐use differences in these two species. Host‐plant surveys reveal that H. melpomene specializes on a single species of Passiflora. This is also true for the majority of other Heliconius species in secondary growth forest at our study site, as expected under a model of interspecific competition. In contrast, H. cydno, which uses closed‐forest habitats where both Heliconius and Passiflora are less common, appears not to be restricted by competition and uses a broad selection of the available Passiflora. However, other selection pressures are likely involved, and field experiments reveal that early larval survival of both butterfly species is highest on Passiflora menispermifolia, but most markedly so for H. melpomene, the specialist on that host. Finally, we demonstrate an association between host‐plant acceptance and colour pattern amongst interspecific hybrids, suggesting that major loci underlying these important ecological traits are physically linked in the genome. Together, our results reveal ecological and genetic associations between shifts in habitat, host use and mimetic colour pattern that have likely facilitated both speciation and coexistence.  相似文献   

Hostplants and classification: a review of nymphalid butterflies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In reviewing the hostplant associations of nymphalid butterflies, particular emphasis is placed on the intractable problem of nymphalid classification. Although offering few certain conclusions, if used in conjunction with more formal morphological characters, the data presented should contribute toward a resolution of the inter-relationships of the many widely recognized groupings within the Nymphalidae, several of which seem to be broadly characterized by typical host families. As a direct result of this analysis, the presumed association between larval hostplants and unpalatability is re-appraised.  相似文献   

Recent models of mate preference evolution suggest that direct selection on alleles at preference loci and correlated evolution of preference with locally adapted mating cues are more likely to drive the evolution of assortative mate preference than reinforcement. Mate preference evolution in mimetic Heliconius butterflies has been attributed to all three forms of selection, but here we show that reinforcement has been critical. By examining geographical variation in assortative mating and male mate preference among seven populations of three hybridizing Heliconius species from Costa Rica, we found pronounced character displacement of preference such that sexual isolation was enhanced in areas of interspecific contact. Of the different explanations for the evolution of assortative mate preference, only reinforcement is dependent on interspecific contact in this system. Thus, the observed pattern of reproductive character displacement of mate preference is best explained as a product of indirect selection generated by natural selection against nonmimetic hybrids.  相似文献   

Theory predicts strong stabilizing selection on warning patterns within species and convergent evolution among species in Müllerian mimicry systems yet Heliconius butterflies exhibit extreme wing pattern diversity. One potential explanation for the evolution of this diversity is that genetic drift occasionally allows novel warning patterns to reach the frequency threshold at which they gain protection. This idea is controversial, however, because Heliconius butterflies are unlikely to experience pronounced population subdivision and local genetic drift. To examine the fine-scale population genetic structure of Heliconius butterflies we genotyped 316 individuals from eight Costa Rican Heliconius species with 1428 AFLP markers. Six species exhibited evidence of population subdivision and/or isolation by distance indicating genetic differentiation among populations. Across species, variation in the extent of local genetic drift correlated with the roles different species have played in generating pattern diversity: species that originally generated the diversity of warning patterns exhibited striking population subdivision while species that later radiated onto these patterns had intermediate levels of genetic diversity and less genetic differentiation among populations. These data reveal that Heliconius butterflies possess the coarse population genetic structure necessary for local populations to experience pronounced genetic drift which, in turn, could explain the origin of mimetic diversity.  相似文献   

To test whether ithomiine butterfly species within Miillerian mimetic classes are associated in space and time, we sampled a community of ithomiine butterflies at monthly intervals with traps in the canopy and the understory of four forest habitats: primary, higrade, secondary and edge. A species accumulation curve reached an asymptote at 22 species, suggesting that these species have a greater preference for feeding on fruit juices than other ithomiines known to occur at the study site. Species richness and individual abundance showed marked temporal variation, and there were slight differences in the distribution of species richness and individual abundance among the four habitats. The 22 species sampled in this study were not stratified vertically. The five mimetic colour classes of these butterflies were unequally distributed among the four habitats and over the course of the twelve months. There is suggestive evidence that co-mimic species occurred in the same habitats, and strong evidence that they occurred at the same times. Habitat and temporal effects each contributed approximately 10% to the total mimetic class diversity, with the temporal effect being slightly larger than that of habitat. This study demonstrates that Müllerian co-mimic associations can be measured on a much smaller scale than has been done previously.  相似文献   

The comimetic Heliconius butterfly species pair, H. erato and H. melpomene, appear to use a conserved Mendelian switch locus to generate their matching red wing patterns. Here we investigate whether H. cydno and H. pachinus, species closely related to H. melpomene, use this same switch locus to generate their highly divergent red and brown color pattern elements. Using an F2 intercross between H. cydno and H. pachinus, we first map the genomic positions of two novel red/brown wing pattern elements; the G locus, which controls the presence of red vs brown at the base of the ventral wings, and the Br locus, which controls the presence vs absence of a brown oval pattern on the ventral hind wing. The results reveal that the G locus is tightly linked to markers in the genomic interval that controls red wing pattern elements of H. erato and H. melpomene. Br is on the same linkage group but approximately 26 cM away. Next, we analyze fine-scale patterns of genetic differentiation and linkage disequilibrium throughout the G locus candidate interval in H. cydno, H. pachinus and H. melpomene, and find evidence for elevated differentiation between H. cydno and H. pachinus, but no localized signature of association. Overall, these results indicate that the G locus maps to the same interval as the locus controlling red patterning in H. melpomene and H. erato. This, in turn, suggests that the genes controlling red pattern elements may be homologous across Heliconius, supporting the hypothesis that Heliconius butterflies use a limited suite of conserved genetic switch loci to generate both convergent and divergent wing patterns.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that when males provision females with nuptial gifts that include nutrients, the degree of polyandry should be positively correlated with the size or quality of the gift. This is because larger and more nutritious gifts tend to increase female refractory period, reducing the chances the female will remate soon. This decreases the likelihood of sperm competiton and consequently increases the donor male fitness. Butterflies in the genus Heliconius Kluk (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconini) exhibit variable mating systems that include monandry and polyandry. In addition to protein in the spermatophore, males increase gift quality by providing females with cyanide, which may contribute to protection of the female or her eggs. We tested whether degree of polyandry and gift quality (spermatophore weight and cyanide content) were correlated in nine Heliconius species from greenhouse populations. As predicted, both spermatophore weight and cyanide content were correlated with mating frequency. This is the first report to show that degree of polyandry correlates with allocation of defensive chemical as part of a nuptial gift.  相似文献   

Species coexistence involves the evolution of reproductive barriers opposing gene flow. Heliconius butterflies display colorful patterns affecting mate choice and survival through warning signaling and mimicry. These patterns are called “magic traits” for speciation because divergent natural selection may promote mimicry shifts in pattern whose role as mating cue facilitates reproductive isolation. By contrast, between comimetic species, natural selection promotes pattern convergence. We addressed whether visual convergence interferes with reproductive isolation by testing for sexual isolation between two closely related species with similar patterns, H. timareta thelxinoe and H. melpomene amaryllis. Experiments with models confirmed visual attraction based on wing phenotype, leading to indiscriminate approach. Nevertheless, mate choice experiments showed assortative mating. Monitoring male behavior toward live females revealed asymmetry in male preference, H. melpomene males courting both species equally while H. timareta males strongly preferred conspecifics. Experiments with hybrid males suggested an important genetic component for such asymmetry. Behavioral observations support a key role for short‐distance cues in determining male choice in H. timareta. Scents extracts from wings and genitalia revealed interspecific divergence in chemical signatures, and hybrid female scent composition was significantly associated with courtship intensity by H. timareta males, providing candidate chemical mating cues involved in sexual isolation.  相似文献   

蛱蝶翅鳞片的超微结构观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
房岩  王同庆  孙刚  丛茜 《昆虫学报》2007,50(3):313-317
对我国东北地区典型常见蛱蝶科15属20种蝴蝶翅鳞片的超微结构进行了扫描电镜观察。结果显示:蛱蝶翅鳞片形态上可分为窄叶形、阔叶形和圆叶形3种,鳞片长65~135 μm,宽35~85 μm,间距48~112 μm。蛱蝶翅鳞片的超微结构可分为拱桥形、棋盘形和筛孔形3 种。拱桥形结构和棋盘形结构比较接近,二者与筛孔形结构差异较明显。在已观察的种类中,线蛱蝶属红线蛱蝶翅鳞片上的纵肋突起最小(200 nm×300 nm),闪蛱蝶属柳紫闪蛱蝶翅鳞片上的纵肋突起最大(590 nm×560 nm)。鳞片具有相似的形状、结构和排列,尤其是同属蝴蝶翅鳞片超微结构的形状和尺寸差异较小,表明它们之间的亲缘关系接近。  相似文献   

We present 28 polymorphic microsatellite loci, including a sex‐linked W‐chromosome marker, for the Afrotropical butterfly, Bicyclus anynana. Our primary motivation to develop these markers was to apply them in quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies. A technique is also proposed that may be useful in avoiding redundant sequences which are common in lepidopteran‐enriched libraries. Pedigree analysis was performed to test Mendelian segregation of the markers and to address the issue of null alleles.  相似文献   

Anartia fatima and A. amathea form a hybrid zone in Panama where F1 and back-cross hybrids are found. Crosses were carried out to determine the nature of any reproductive isolation between these two butterflies. A novel analysis demonstrated both strong assortative mating among the pure forms and an unusual example of Haldane''s rule: F1 hybrid females (the heterogametic sex) from the cross A. amathea (female) multiplied by A. fatima (male) have a reduced tendency to mate. Historically, Haldane''s rule has been restricted to hybrid mortality or sterility and most studies have concentrated on taxa (predominantly Drosophila) between which strong barriers to gene flow already exist. Our data suggest that Haldane''s rule might be extended to cover any decrease in hybrid fitness and that mating propensity may provide a sensitive and comparable means of assessing such decreases. Other barriers to gene flow were also evident in Anartia: F1 hybrid females have reduced fertility (also a Haldane effect) and larval survivorship was greatly reduced in F2 hybrids of both sexes. These examples of hybrid disruption are expected under the dominance theory of Haldane''s rule but do not exclude other explanations.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers are suitable tools for studying dispersal pattern among local populations. I report on the characterization of seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in the scarce heath butterfly (Coenonympha hero), from one unenriched and one enriched genomic library. Number of alleles ranged from two to 20 when 108 individuals from seven populations were screened. HO ranged from 0.140 to 0.889. Primers were also tested on three other butterfly species. Amplification was successful for all loci in Erebia triaria, while only one gave products in Maculinea alcon and Maculinea rebeli. To my knowledge, these are the first microsatellite markers published in the Nymphalidae subfamily Satyrinae.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change is thought to present a significant threat to biodiversity, in particular to tropical ectotherms, and the effects of long-term developmental heat stress on this group have received relatively little research attention. Here, we studied the effects of experimentally raising developmental temperatures on a tropical butterfly. We measured survival, development time, adult body mass and wing size of Heliconius erato demophoon (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) across three temperature treatments. Egg survival was lower in the hotter treatments, with 84%, 73% and 49% of eggs hatching in the 20–30°C (fluctuating temperature with 12 h at 20°C followed by 12 h at 30°C), 23–33°C and 26–36°C treatments, respectively. Larval survival was three times lower in the 26–36°C treatment (8%) compared with the 20–30°C treatment (26%), and we did not detect differences in pupal survival across treatments due to high mortality in earlier stages. Under a moderately increased temperature at 23–33°C, larvae developed faster and adults had a higher body mass and wing loading, but this was not seen in the hottest treatment (26–36°C). Females were also heavier than males in the 23–33°C treatment, but there was no associated increase in wing size. This may suggest a different developmental response to moderately elevated temperatures between the sexes. In summary, high developmental temperatures are particularly lethal for eggs and less so for larvae and also affect adult morphology. This highlights the importance of understanding the effects of temperature variation across ontogeny in tropical ectotherms.  相似文献   

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