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The evolution of sexual display traits or preferences for them in response to divergent natural selection will alter sexual selection within populations, yet the role of sexual selection in ecological speciation has received little empirical attention. We evolved 12 populations of Drosophila serrata in a two‐way factorial design to investigate the roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of female mate preferences for male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). Mate preferences weakened in populations evolving under natural selection alone, implying a cost in the absence of their expression. Comparison of the vectors of linear sexual selection revealed that the populations diverged in the combination of male CHCs that females found most attractive, although this was not significant using a mixed modelling approach. Changes in preference direction tended to evolve when natural and sexual selection were unconstrained, suggesting that both processes may be the key to initial stages of ecological speciation. Determining the generality of this result will require data from various species across a range of novel environments.  相似文献   

Both sexes of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were very sensitive to the absence of their mate on the spawning ground, particularly females during the last hour before oviposition. The improvement of behavioural chaining just before viposition might elicit the accurate timing of synchronized gamete release for successful fertilization. While the reproductive behaviour of the opposite sex could largely affect breeding activity, relative mate size appeared to be the prevailing sexual motivation factor in this species. Even in the absence of courtship, large mate size may constitute a supra-stimulus inducing an increase in spawning behaviour of the other sex. Females with smaller males delayed their first spawning activity, took longer to spawn and made more nests than those with large males. However, female egg retention was not influenced by relative male size.  相似文献   

We know very little about male mating preferences and how they influence the evolution of female traits. Theory predicts that males may benefit from choosing females on the basis of traits that indicate their fecundity. Here, we explore sexual selection generated by male choice on two components of female body size (wing length and body mass) in Drosophila serrata. Using a dietary manipulation to alter female size and 828 male mate choice trials, we analysed linear and nonlinear sexual selection gradients on female mass and wing length. In contrast to theoretical expectations and prevailing empirical data, males exerted stabilizing rather than directional sexual selection on female body mass, a correlate of fecundity. Sexual selection was detected only among females with access to standard resource levels as an adult, with no evidence for sexual selection among resource-depleted females. Thus the mating success of females with the same body mass differed depending upon their access to resources as an adult. This suggests that males in this species may rely on signal traits to assess body mass rather than assessing it directly. Stabilizing rather than directional sexual selection on body mass together with recent evidence for stabilizing sexual selection on candidate signal traits in this species suggests that females may trade-off resources allocated to reproduction and sexual signalling.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the strength of male mate choice should vary depending on male quality when higher-quality males receive greater fitness benefits from being choosy. This pattern extends to differences in male body size, with larger males often having stronger pre- and post-copulatory preferences than smaller males. We sought to determine whether large males and small males differ in the strength (or direction) of their preference for large, high-fecundity females using the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. We measured male courtship preferences and mating duration to show that male body size had no impact on the strength of male mate choice; all males, regardless of their size, had equally strong preferences for large females. To understand the selective pressures shaping male mate choice in males of different sizes, we also measured the fitness benefits associated with preferring large females for both large and small males. Male body size did not affect the benefits that males received: large and small males were equally successful at mating with large females, received the same direct fitness benefits from mating with large females, and showed similar competitive fertilization success with large females. These findings provide insight into why the strength of male mate choice was not affected by male body size in this system. Our study highlights the importance of evaluating the benefits and costs of male mate choice across multiple males to predict when differences in male mate choice should occur.  相似文献   

Changes in the environment due to human activities are becomingincreasingly common. A serious problem in aquatic environmentsis increased water turbidity due to phytoplankton algal growth.This may affect the breeding system of fishes, especially thosewith a visually based mating system. Here we show that increasedturbidity affects sexual selection in the threespine stickleback(Gasterosteus aculeatus) through impaired possibility for visuallybased mate choice. In a laboratory mate preference and matechoice experiment on sticklebacks from the Baltic Sea, whichis an area suffering from increased turbidity due to human activities,we found that females spent more time with and visited moreoften males in clear water than males in turbid water. For malesin turbid water to receive the same amount of interest fromfemales as males in clear water, they needed to court significantlymore. Thus, turbid water induced selection for higher courtshipactivity. However, the final spawning decision of the femalesdid not depend on water turbidity, which suggests that nonvisualcues determined the final spawning decision. Because visualcues are important in mate attraction, increased turbidity affectsan important evolutionary force, sexual selection, which mayhave further consequences for the evolution of the sexual displaysand preferences. Differences in visual conditions could hencebe one factor that has lead to differences among sticklebackpopulation in the use of sexual signals.  相似文献   

Hungry females show stronger mating preferences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Female mating decisions that are based on condition-dependenttraits, such as male nutritional state, may be associated witha female's own condition. In the swordtail fish, Xiphophorusbirchmanni, females prefer the chemical cues of well-fed malesto cues of food-deprived males. Here we show that this preferenceis significantly stronger in females when they were experimentallyfood deprived than when they were well fed. Our results suggestthat if females have limited access to food resources, and arethemselves food deprived, they will attend to cues indicatingmale nutritional condition more than when environmental conditionsallow for greater access to food. Furthermore, not only is theslope of the preference function condition dependent but also,in all trials, the latency to respond to the presented stimuliwas shorter in food-deprived females, suggesting that responsivenessto environmental cues is condition dependent as well. Undernatural conditions, females of many species likely experiencevariation in resource availability. Thus, we predict that covariancebetween the strength of female preferences and resource availabilitymay be widespread and may represent a common source of femalepreference variation within and between populations.  相似文献   

Speciation and sexual isolation often occur when divergent female mating preferences target male secondary sexual traits. Despite the importance of such male signals, little is known about their evolvability and genetic linkage to other traits during speciation. To answer these questions, we imposed divergent artificial selection for 10 non-overlapping generations on the Inter-Pulse-Interval (IPI) of male courtship songs; which has been previously shown to be a major species recognition trait for females in the Drosophila athabasca species complex. Focusing on one of the species, Drosophila mahican (previously known as EA race), we examined IPI's: (1) rate of divergence, (2) response to selection in different directions, (3) genetic architecture of divergence and (4) by-product effects on other traits that have diverged in the species complex. We found rapid and consistent response for higher IPI but less response to lower IPI; implying asymmetrical constraints. Genetic divergence in IPI differed from natural species in X versus autosome contribution and in dominance, suggesting that evolution may take different paths. Finally, selection on IPI did not alter other components of male songs, or other ecological traits, and did not cause divergence in female preferences, as evidenced by lack of sexual isolation. This suggests that divergence of male courtship song IPI is unconstrained by genetic linkage with other traits in this system. This lack of linkage between male signals and other traits implies that female preferences or ecological selection can co-opt and mould specific male signals for species recognition free of genetic constraints from other traits.  相似文献   

Female mate preference is central to sexual selection, and all indirect benefit models require that there is genetic variation in female preference. This has rarely been tested however, with relatively few studies documenting heritable variation in female preference and even fewer that have directly selected on mate preference to unequivocally show that it can evolve. Additionally, costs of mate preference are poorly understood even though these have implications for preference evolution. We selected on female preference for ebony‐males in replicate Drosophila simulans lines, and generated a rapid evolutionary response in both replicates, with the proportion of females mating with ebony‐males increasing from approximately 5% to 30% after five generations of selection. This increase was independent of changes in ebony‐males as only females were included in our selection regime. We could detect no cost to mate preference itself other than that associated with the fitness consequences of mating with ebony males.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by females is widely thought to encourage post-mating sexual selection and enhance female fitness. We show that whether polyandrous mating has these effects depends on two conditions. Condition 1 is the pattern of sperm utilization by females; specifically, whether, among females, male mating number, m (i.e. the number of times a male mates with one or more females) covaries with male offspring number, o. Polyandrous mating enhances sexual selection only when males who are successful at multiple mating also sire most or all of each of their mates'' offspring, i.e. only when Cov(m,o), is positive. Condition 2 is the pattern of female reproductive life-history; specifically, whether female mating number, m, covaries with female offspring number, o. Only semelparity does not erode sexual selection, whereas iteroparity (i.e. when Cov(m,o), is positive) always increases the variance in offspring numbers among females, which always decreases the intensity of sexual selection on males. To document the covariance between mating number and offspring number for each sex, it is necessary to assign progeny to all parents, as well as identify mating and non-mating individuals. To document significant fitness gains by females through iteroparity, it is necessary to determine the relative magnitudes of male as well as female contributions to the total variance in relative fitness. We show how such data can be collected, how often they are collected, and we explain the circumstances in which selection favouring multiple mating by females can be strong or weak.  相似文献   

The functions of sexually selected traits are particularly sensitive to changes in the environment because the traits have evolved to in-crease mating success u...  相似文献   

Female mate preferences for ecologically relevant traits may enhance natural selection, leading to rapid divergence. They may also forge a link between mate choice within species and sexual isolation between species. Here, we examine female mate preference for two ecologically important traits: body size and body shape. We measured female preferences within and between species of benthic, limnetic, and anadromous threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus species complex). We found that mate preferences differed between species and between contexts (i.e., within vs. between species). Within species, anadromous females preferred males that were deep bodied for their size, benthic females preferred larger males (as measured by centroid size), and limnetic females preferred males that were more limnetic shaped. In heterospecific mating trials between benthics and limnetics, limnetic females continued to prefer males that were more limnetic like in shape when presented with benthic males. Benthic females showed no preferences for size when presented with limnetic males. These results show that females use ecologically relevant traits to select mates in all three species and that female preference has diverged between species. These results suggest that sexual selection may act in concert with natural selection on stickleback size and shape. Further, our results suggest that female preferences may track adaptation to local environments and contribute to sexual isolation between benthic and limnetic sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Sexual selection arising through female mate choice typically favours males with larger, brighter and louder signals. A critical challenge in sexual selection research is to determine the degree to which this pattern results from direct mate choice, where females select individual males based on variation in signalling traits, or indirect mate choice, where male competition governs access to reproductively active females. We investigated female mate choice in a lekking Lake Malawi cichlid fish, Hemitilapia oxyrhynchus, in which males build and aggressively defend sand 'bowers'. Similar to previous studies, we found that male reproductive success was positively associated with bower height and centrality on the lek. However, this pattern resulted from males holding these territories encountering more females, and thus their greater success was due to indirect mate choice. Following initial male courtship, an increase in the relative mating success of some males was observed, but this relative increase was unrelated to bower size or position. Crucially, experimentally manipulating bowers to resemble those of a co-occurring species had no appreciable effect on direct choice by females or male spawning success. Together, these results suggest indirect mate choice is the dominant force determining male-mating success in this species, and that bowers are not signals used in direct mate choice by females. We propose that, in this species, bowers have a primary function in intraspecific male competition, with the most competitive males maintaining larger and more central bowers that are favoured by sexual selection due to higher female encounter rates.  相似文献   

Mate choice studies routinely assume female preferences for indicators of high quality in males but rarely consider developmental causes of within-population variation in mating preferences. By contrast, recent mate choice models assume that costs and benefits of searching or competing for high-quality males depend on females'' phenotypic quality. A prediction following from these models is that manipulation of female quality should alter her choosiness or even the direction of her mating preferences. We here provide (to our knowledge) the first example where an experimental manipulation of female quality induced a mating preference for low-quality males. Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) reared in small or large experimental broods became high- or low-quality adults, respectively. Only high-quality females preferred high-quality males'' mate-advertising songs, while all low-quality females preferred low-quality males'' song. Subsequent breeding trials confirmed this pattern: latency until egg laying was shortest in quality-matched pairs, indicating that quality-matched birds were accepted faster as partners. Females produced larger eggs when mated with high-quality males, regardless of their own quality, indicating consensus regarding male quality despite the expression of different choices. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering the development of mating preferences to understand their within-population variation and environmentally induced change.  相似文献   

According to theory, directional female choice for male sexual ornaments is expected to erode underlying genetic variation. Considerable attention, in this regard, has been given to understanding the ubiquity of heritable genetic variation in both female choice and male sexual traits. One intriguing possibility emerging from this work is that persistent genetic variation could be maintained, over time, by variation in female mate preferences. Here, we report the results of a four-year study showing significant year-to-year fluctuations in mate preferences in a small marine fish, the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus. Although the average size of mature fish varied across years, we were unable to find direct evidence linking this variation to differences in female preferences among years. Our results, nevertheless, underscore the importance of temporal fluctuations in female mate preferences, as these can have important consequences for understanding variation in sexual traits and the intensity of sexual selection.  相似文献   

In some species, females sequentially mate with different maleswithin a single mating period, store sperm until the eggs areeventually fertilized, and gain no other resources from themales. Halliday hypothesized that, for such species, a femalecould ensure fertilization of her eggs by mating with the firstmale that she encounters; thereafter, she can maximize the qualityof her progeny by sampling further males and by mating onlywith males of higher quality than previously mated males. Thishypothesis predicts that females' choosiness will increase asthe breeding season progresses. We tested this prediction ofHalliday's hypothesis by examining mate choice by female smoothnewts (Triturus vulgaris vulgaris). Males of this species developa dorsal crest during the courtship season. Crest height variesbetween males and is potentially an indicator of male quality.Initially, female smooth newts were equally willing to matewith males with low or high crests. However, in their secondmating, females remated only with high-crested males. Theseresults support our prediction and are consistent with Halliday'shypothesis. If crest height in smooth newts is an indicatorof quality, this change in females' mate choice criterion allowsfemales both to initiate egg-laying very early in the seasonand, subsequently, to mate preferentially with higher qualitymates  相似文献   

Preferences for mates within and between species are often harmonious, as traits that females prefer are usually more developed in conspecifics than heterospecifics. This need not be the case, however. When it is not, conflict between these arenas of mate choice can be resolved if females attend to different cues for each task. But this raises the potential for correlations among preferences to limit the opportunity for these two processes to operate independently. Here, we show that, within individual female pygmy swordtails (Xiphophorus pygmaeus), directional preferences for conspicuous ornamentation are inversely associated with discrimination against a sympatric heterospecific, Xiphophorus cortezi. Thus, mate choice among and within species need not be separate, independent processes; instead, they can be mechanistically intertwined. As a consequence, different arenas of mate choice can constrain one another, even when females assess multiple cues.  相似文献   

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