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Euglena viridis (subgenus Euglena) serves as the type species for the genus Euglena. In this study, molecular phylogenetic analyses using a small subunit (SSU) and a combined SSU–partial large subunit rDNA data set for members of the genus Euglena showed that strains identified as E. viridis on the basis of morphology are distributed between two separate nonsister clades. Although all the E. viridis strains examined were morphologically indistinguishable and possessed spherical mucocysts and stellate chloroplasts with one paramylon center, there was a high degree of sequence divergence between the E. viridis strains in different clades, making this a cryptic species. Like E. viridis, all taxa from the subgenus Euglena are characterized by having one or more stellate chloroplasts with paramylon grains clustered around the center of the chloroplast. These additional taxa were divided into four clades in all the molecular analyses. Strains of Euglena stellata formed two nonsister clades whose members had a single aggregate chloroplast with paramylon center and spindle‐shaped mucocysts. A geniculata clade included species with one or two stellate chloroplasts with paramylon centers and spherical mucocysts, and the cantabrica clade had members with one stellate chloroplast with paramylon center and spherical mucocysts often arranged in spiral rows. Interspersed among these were three additional clades bearing taxa from the subgenus Calliglena that contains members with discoid plastids and pyrenoids that may or may not be capped with paramylon. These taxa formed a laciniata clade, mutabilis clade, and gracilis clade. This study demonstrates that E. viridis and E. stellata are cryptic species that can only be distinguished at the molecular level. Because E. viridis is the designated type species for the genus Euglena, we designated an epitype for E. viridis.  相似文献   

The establishment of epitypes (together with the emended diagnoses) for three species of Euglenaria Karnkowska, E. W. Linton et Kwiatowski [Eu. anabaena (Mainx) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton; Eu. caudata (Hübner) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton; and Eu. clavata (Skuja) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton] and two species of Euglena Ehrenberg [E. granulata (Klebs) Schmitz and E. velata Klebs] was achieved due to literature studies, verification of morphological diagnostic features (cell size, cell shape, number of chloroplasts, the presence of mucocysts), as well as molecular characters (SSU rDNA). Now all these species are easy to identify and distinguish, despite their high morphological similarity, that is, spindle‐shaped (or cylindrically spindle‐shaped) cells and parietal, lobed chloroplasts with a single pyrenoid, accompanied by bilateral paramylon caps located on both sides of the chloroplast. E. granulata is the only species in this group that has spherical mucocysts. E. velata is distinguished by the largest cells (90–150 μm) and has the highest number of chloroplasts (>30). Eu. anabaena has the fewest chloroplasts (usually 3–6), and its cells are always (whether the organism is swimming or not) spindle‐shaped or cylindrically spindle‐shaped, in contrast to the cells of Eu. clavata, which are club‐shaped (clavate) while swimming and only after stopping change to resemble the shape of a spindle or a cylindrical spindle; Eu. clavata has numerous chloroplasts (15–20). Eu. caudata is characterized by asymmetrical spindle‐shaped (fusiform) cells, that is, with an elongated rear section and a shorter front section; the number of chloroplasts normally ranges from 7 to 15.  相似文献   

For this study, we have examined the literature and the morphological diversity, as well as analyzed the nuclear SSU rDNA sequences of two very common and cosmopolitan species formerly known as Euglena deses Ehrenb. and Euglena intermedia (G. A. Klebs) F. Schmitz. Our studies have shown that there is evidence for distinguishing only one species (E. deses). Here, we define new diagnostic features for E. deses, namely, periplast ornamentation (the presence of small papillae—discovered for the first time in this species) and the lateral location of the anterior canal opening, from which the flagellum emerges. We also designate the epitype and emend the diagnosis for E. deses.  相似文献   

Chloroplast morphology was investigated in five species of euglenophytes: Trachelomonas volvocinopsis Swirenko, Strombomonas verrucosa (Daday) Deflandre, Strombomonas costata Deflandre, Colacium mucronatum Bourrelly et Chafaud, and Colacium vesiculosum Ehrenberg. All five species share a common plastid morphotype: disk‐shaped plastids with a pyrenoid that protrudes asymmetrically toward the center of the cell and is capped by a single large grain of paramylon that conforms to the shape of the pyrenoid. Although plastids demonstrated some degree of diversity among the species studied, it was not consistent with current generic boundaries. The plastids of S. verrucosa show a developmental pattern similar to that of Euglena gracilis. The plastids divide during the early portion of the light phase after cell division, and pyrenoids are reduced or absent in dividing plastids. Developmental patterns of plastid replication also suggest that these five taxa share recent common ancestry with members of the genus Euglena subgenus Calliglena.  相似文献   

The taxonomic position of Blastodinium navicula Chatton and B. contortum Chatton, parasites of marine copepods, was investigated on the basis of morphological observations and molecular data. The life cycle of Blastodinium includes a parasitic stage, a trophont, and free‐swimming dinospores. The individual cells in the trophont, as well as the dinospores that they produced, were thecate. Dinospores of B. contortum and Bnavicula had peridinioid plate tabulation formula, demonstrating an affiliation to the order Peridiniales Heackel (subdivision Dinokaryota Fensome et al.). This systematic position is in contrast to current classifications, in which the order Blastodiniales Chatton is thought to represent an early evolutionary branch of the dinokaryote lineage. Small‐subunit rRNA gene sequences were generated from six Blastodinium individuals isolated from three different host species. In phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA genes, Blastodinium spp. branched with the typical dinoflagellates. Even though overall statistical support was low, the analyses suggested that Blastodinium spp. are late‐branching, dinokaryote dinoflagellates. Species currently included in Blastodiniales are all parasites, but they are morphologically and functionally diverse. Emerging molecular data also reveal high genetic diversity, and therefore, the taxonomy of the group requires reevaluation.  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular studies, as well as original literature reexamination, necessitate establishment of five Euglena species with a single axial, stellate chloroplast [Euglena viridis (O. F. Müller) Ehrenberg 1830 , Euglena pseudoviridis  Chadefaud 1937 , Euglena stellata  Mainx 1926 , Euglena pseudostellata sp. nov., and Euglena cantabrica  Pringsheim 1956 ], three species with two chloroplasts (Euglena geniculata Dujardin ex Schmitz 1884 , Euglena chadefaudii  Bourrelly 1951 , and Euglena pseudochadefaudii sp. nov.), and one species with three chloroplasts (Euglena tristella  Chu 1946 ). The primary morphological features, allowing distinction of the considered species are the presence and the shape of mucocysts, as well as the number of chloroplasts. Spherical mucocysts occur in E. cantabrica and E. geniculata, while spindle‐shaped mucocysts are present in E. stellata, E. pseudostellata, E. chadefaudii, E. pseudochadefaudii, and E. tristella. No mucocysts are observed in E. viridis and E. pseudoviridis. Two new species (E. pseudochadefaudii sp. nov. and E. pseudostellata sp. nov.) differ from the respective species, E. chadefaudii and E. stellata, only at the molecular level. Molecular signatures and characteristic sequences are designated for nine distinguished species. Emended diagnoses for all and delimitation of epitypes for seven species (except E. viridis and E. tristella) are proposed.  相似文献   

The study and revision of the unicellular cyanobacterial genus Synechocystis was based on the type species S. aquatilis Sauv. and strain PCC 6803, a reference strain for this species. Uniformity in rRNA gene sequence, morphology, and ultrastructure was observed in all available Synechocystis strains, with the exception of the strain PCC 6308, which has been considered by some to be a model strain for Synechocystis. This strain differs substantially from the typical Synechocystis cluster according to both molecular (<90% of similarity, differences in 16S–23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer [ITS] secondary structure) and phenotypic criteria (different ultrastructure of cells). This strain is herein classified into the new genus Geminocystis gen. nov., as a sister taxon to the genus Cyanobacterium. Geminocystis differs from Cyanobacterium by genetic position (<94.4% of similarity) and more importantly by its different type of cell division. Because strain PCC 6308 was designated as a reference strain of the Synechocystis cluster 1 in Bergey’s Manual, the members of this genetic cluster have to be revised and reclassified into Geminocystis gen. nov. Only the members of the Synechocystis cluster 2 allied with PCC 6803 correspond both genetically and phenotypically to the type species of the genus Synechocystis (S. aquatilis).  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of Koliella , a chlorophyte characterized by Klebsormidium type cell division, was inferred from analyses of partial 18S rDNA and partial 16S rDNA. Parsimony and distance analyses of separate and combined data sets indicated that the members of Koliella belonged to Trebouxiophyceae, and high decay indices and bootstrap values supported this affinity. However, the genus appeared to be polyphyletic. Koliella spiculiformis , the nomenclatural type of the genus, was allied with Nannochloris eucaryota and the "true" chlorellas ( Chlorella vulgaris , C. lobophora , C. sorokiniana , and C. kessleri ). The close relatives of Koliella longiseta (≡ Raphidonema longiseta ) and Koliella sempervirens appeared to be Stichococcus bacillaris and some species traditionally classified in Chlorella that were characterized by the production of secondary carotenoids under nitrogen-deficient conditions. This clade was also supported by the presence of a relatively phylogenetically stable group I intron (1506) in the 18S rRNA gene. Because of the presence of Klebsormidium type cell division, some authors regarded the members of Koliella as closely related to charophytes. Molecular analyses, however, did not confirm this affinity and suggested that a Klebsormidium type cell division is homoplastic in green plants.  相似文献   

Numerous attempts to capture the morphological variability of the genus Caulerpa have resulted in an unstable classification of numerous varieties and formae. In the present study we attempted to test taxon boundaries by investigating morphological and genetic variation within and between seven taxa of Caulerpa, supposedly belonging to four species, sampled at different sites in a Philippine reef system. Using both field and culture observations, we described the relation between the variability of a set of morphological characters and ecological parameters, such as wave exposure, light intensity, and substrate type. Statistical analyses showed that the limits between two (out of three) ecads of the C. racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh complex were obscured by the presence of morphological plasticity. Other studied taxa of Caulerpa (i.e. C. cupressoides [Vahl] C. Agardh, C. serrulata [Forsskål] J. Agardh, and two formae of C. sertularioides [S. Gmelin] Howe) could be grouped based on morphology despite the presence of morphological plasticity. Our results indicated a strong association between light intensity and several quantitative morphological variables. Genetic diversity of these taxa was assessed by partial sequencing chloroplast rbcL and tufA genes and the ycf10‐chlB chloroplast spacer. In all phylogenetic analyses, C. serrulata, C. cupressoides, C. sertularioides, and the three ecads of C. racemosa emerged as distinct genetic units. Despite the presence of morphological plasticity and morphological convergence, a subset of morphological characters traditionally used in taxonomic delimitation still had sufficient discriminative power to recognize the terminal phylogenetic clades.  相似文献   

We studied the morphological diversity and analyzed the small subunit rDNA sequences of two taxa formerly known as Euglena spirogyra Ehr. and Euglena fusca (Klebs) Lemmermann. Our studies confirmed that the two should have the rank of a species, namely Lepocinclis spirogyroides (Ehr.) Marin et Melkonian and Lepocinclis fusca (Klebs) Kosmala et Zakry? comb. nov. (Euglenophyceae). We are defining new diagnostic features for these species, namely the size and the shape of the cells and the shape of the papillae, as well as designating epitypes for them.  相似文献   

The volvocacean genus Pleodorina has been morphologically characterized as having small somatic cells in spheroidal colonies and anisogamous sexual reproduction with sperm packets. In this study we examined two new species that can be assigned to the genus Pleodorina based on morphology: P. starrii H. Nozaki et al. sp. nov. and P. thompsonii F. D. Ott et al. sp. nov. P. starrii was collected from Japan and had 32‐ or 64‐celled colonies with anterior somatic cells and spheroidal individual cellular sheaths that were weakly attached to each other within the colonial envelope. P. thompsonii from Texas (USA) exhibited four or 12 somatic cells in the anterior pole of 16‐ or 32‐celled colonies, respectively, and had a single large pyrenoid in the chloroplast of mature reproductive cells. The chloroplast multigene phylogeny placed P. starrii and P. indica (Iyenger) H. Nozaki in a clade that was robustly separated from the type species P. californica Shaw and P. japonica H. Nozaki. Pleodorina thompsonii was resolved as a basal branch within a large monophyletic group (Eudorina group) composed of Eudorina, Pleodorina and Volvox (excluding section Volvox). Thus, Pleodorina was found among three separate lineages within the Eudorina group in which Eudorina and Volvox were also resolved as nonmonophyletic. The DNA sequences from additional species/strains as well as recognition of morphological attributes that characterize the monophyletic groups within the Eudorina group are needed to construct a natural generic classification within these members of the Volvocaceae.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize the paramylon synthesizing enzyme from Euglena gracilis Klebs. A method for enzyme solubilization with high synthase activity using the zwitterionic detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate is presented. Fractionated purification showed that the main enzyme activity was associated with the paramylon granula fraction, isolated from heterotrophically grown cells of E. gracilis. Further purification by sucrose density centrifugation resulted in a large enzyme complex with an apparent molar mass of 670 kDa (native). The complex remained active throughout the isolation procedures and produced beta-1,3-glucan in vitro. Two polypeptides of 37 and 54 kDa could be identified by photoaffinity labeling with [32P]-UDP-glucose as substrate after SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

四种绒螯蟹分子分类与系统发育   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用PCR技术,扩增了中华绒螯解、狭额绒螯蟹线粒体16SrDNA片段,经测序,与GenBank数据库中的日本绒螯解16SrDNA同源序列进行比较。结果显示,在长为376bp的16SrDNA同源序列中有33个多态性核革酸位点(8.78%),其中种间多态性核苷酸位点28个(7.45%),种间差异远大于种内差异。引入方蟹科其它近缘种类厚纹蟹、相手蟹和张口蟹的16SrDNA同源序列与上述4种绒螯蟹比较分析,MP法和NJ法构建的分子系统树表明:中华绒螯蟹与日本绒螯蟹亲缘关系最近,首先聚在一起,然后与台湾绒螯蟹聚为一支,狭额绒螯蟹则为相对独立的一支,且进化速度大于前3种绒螯蟹,但最后与前者仍聚在同一组,狭额绒螯蟹只是绒螯蟹属系统进化中的一个侧支,故本研究结果不支持Sakai(1983)和Guo等(1997)把狭额绒螯蟹和台湾绒螯蟹各自立为新属的观点。  相似文献   

A new marine benthic Prorocentrum species from sandy habitats of South Brittany (northwestern France), P. consutum sp. nov., is described using LM and SEM and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Cells have a subcircular to broadly ovoid shape and are plainly flattened. They are 57–61 μm long and 52–55 μm wide. A central pyrenoid is present, and the kidney‐shaped nucleus is positioned in the posterior region. In right valve view, the periflagellar area is deeply excavated, and the left valve forms a prominent apical ridge. The periflagellar area consists of nine platelets, and a small narrow collar is present around the flagellar pore. The ornamentation of this new species is very peculiar and is characterized by a ring of round areolae located at the periphery of the valves, each areola containing three or four pores. Apart from this ring of areolae, the cell surface is smooth and with scattered pores. Pores are not present in the center of the right or left valve. The intercalary band is generally narrow and faintly striated horizontally. The molecular phylogenetic position of P. consutum sp. nov. was inferred using SSU and LSU rDNA. In both analyses, this species branched with high support in the clade comprising species with a symmetric shape and appeared to be a sister group to that formed by P. lima and other tropical benthic species, such as P. arenarium, P. belizeanum, P. hoffmannianum, and P. maculosum.  相似文献   

Delineation of species in the economically important agarophyte genera Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis has proven extremely difficult using available morphological characteristics. In this study, we examine the usefulness of two transcribed spacers for molecular systematic studies of these genera. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify the internal transcribed spacers (ITSs) and the intervening 5.8S ribosomal DNA of the nuclear ribosomal repeat region. In addition, a plastid spacer region and flanking regions of coding genes were amplified from the RUBISCO operon. Both regions were sequenced for individuals and populations of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Bory) Dawson, Acleto, et Foldvik to determine the usefulness of these spacers in delimiting populations. These studies reveal that there is as much variation among individuals of a population as there is between individuals of geographically separate populations. In addition, the ITS spacer regions were compared between different species of Gracilariopsis and Gracilaria. The nuclear ITS spacer region is conserved at a species level in both genera and provides phylogenetically informative characters that can be used to examine species interrelationships among relatively closely related taxa. However, because of the difficulties of aligning this entire region among species from the two genera, the ITS region is not useful for examining intergenera relationships. ITS interspecies sequence comparisons indicate that Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis from California is significantly different from G. lemaneiformis from China and that a species of Gracilariopsis from Peru is more closely related to G. lemaneiformis from North Carolina than it is to the other Gracilariopsis species examined. In addition, these studies indicate that Gracilaria chilensis Bird, McLachlan, et Oliveira from New Zealand and Gracilaria tenuistipitata Chang et Xia from southeast Asia are as closely related as are Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss, G. pacifica Abbott, and Gracilaria robusta Kylin. Phylogenetic analysis of aligned plastid spacer sequences from Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis taxa provide similar conclusions about species relationships.  相似文献   

Seven new species of the genus Haploniscus from the deep Scotia and Weddell Seas are presented, combining morphological and molecular data (mitochondrial 16S rDNA and nuclear 18S rDNA). Haploniscus cassilatus sp. nov. , H. cucullus sp. nov. , H. weddellensis sp. nov. , H. procerus sp. nov. and H. kyrbasia sp. nov. are characterized by a prominent rostral process, the size and shape of which vary among species. The rostrum of H. microkorys sp. nov. is distinctly smaller than that of the former species, while H. nudifrons sp. nov. does not possess a rostrum. The status of the latter as separate species is obvious, owing to the stronger morphological differences. DNA was sequenced from three of the other five species. Genetic distances together with the more subtle morphological variation justify the erection of separate species. Overall morphological variations between these species are small yet noticeable and include, among others, the rostrum, the shape of the pleotelson and setation of pereopods. Our molecular data sets reveal detailed phylogenetic insights within the Haploniscus cucullus complex, supporting the monophyly of all species. We found p -distances of at least 0.0732 (16S rDNA) and 0.0140 (complete 18S rDNA) between pairs of species and show that both genes can be used as a marker for DNA taxonomy.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 655–706.  相似文献   

Species of Volvox sect. Volvox (Volvocaceae, Chlorophyceae) are unique because they have thick cytoplasmic bridges between somatic cells and spiny‐walled zygotes. This section is taxonomically important because the genus Volvox is polyphyletic. However, taxonomic studies of species in Volvox sect. Volvox have not been carried out on cultured material. Here, we performed a taxonomic study of monoecious species of Volvox sect. Volvox based on the comparative morphology and molecular phylogeny of chloroplast genes and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear rDNA using various strains originating from Japan and two preserved strains from the USA. The strains were clearly divided into four species, V. globator L., V. barberi W. Shaw, V. kirkiorum sp. nov., and V. ferrisii sp. nov., on the basis of differences in numbers of zygotes (eggs) in the sexual spheroids, form of zygote wall, and somatic cell shape. Sequences for ITS of nuclear rDNA resolved that the two new species have phylogenetic positions separated from V. globator, V. barberi, V. capensis F. Rich et Pocock, and V. rousseletii G. S. West UTEX 1862 within Volvox sect. Volvox.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic variations of the samples that were tentatively identified as two cultivated Porphyra species (Porphyra yezoensis Ueda and Porphyra tenera Kjellm.) from various natural populations in Japan using molecular analyses of plastid and nuclear DNA. From PCR‐RFLP analyses using nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA and plastid RUBISCO spacer regions and phylogenetic analyses using plastid rbcL and nuclear ITS‐1 rDNA sequences, our samples from natural populations of P. yezoensis and P. tenera showed remarkably higher genetic variations than found in strains that are currently used for cultivation. In addition, it is inferred that our samples contain four wild Porphyra species, and that three of the four species, containing Porphyra kinositae, are closely related to cultivated Porphyra species. Furthermore, our PCR‐RFLP and molecular phylogenetic analyses using both the nuclear and plastid DNA demonstrated the occurrence of plastid introgression from P. yezoensis to P. tenera and suggested the possibility of plastid introgression from cultivated P. yezoensis to wild P. yezoensis. These results imply the importance of collecting and establishing more strains of cultivated Porphyra species and related wild species from natural populations as genetic resources for further improvement of cultivated Porphyra strains.  相似文献   

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