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The resolution of social conflict in colonies may accord with the interests of the most numerous party. In social insect colonies with single once-mated queens, workers are more closely related to the workers' sons than they are to the queens' sons. Therefore, they should prefer workers to produce males, against the queen's interests. Workers are capable of producing males as they arise from unfertilized eggs. We found Polistes gallicus to have colonies of single, once-mated queens, as determined by microsatellite genotyping of the workers, so worker interests predict worker male production. In colonies lacking queens, workers produced the males, but not in colonies with original queens. Thus worker interests were expressed only when the queen was gone. The high fraction of missing queens and early end to the colony cycle relative to climate so early in the season is surprising and may indicate a forceful elimination of the queen.  相似文献   

In Polistes paper wasps, haploid early males can mate with early emerging females and leave viable offspring. In contrast, diploid early males are eventually sterile because they contribute triploid offspring via diploid sperm. Clarifying the ploidy of early males is important for determining whether early male production is a reproductive strategy for the species. We examined the mating behavior and the ploidy of early males in the Japanese paper wasp, Polistes rothneyi iwatai van der Vecht. Thirteen early males from four colonies were all diploid. Two of the nine early males (22.2%) attempted to mate with females, but only one individual (11.1%) was successful (the female's spermatheca contained spermatozoa). These results suggest that although most early males of P. rothneyi iwatai do not produce offspring, their mating may be linked to the occasional production of triploid females.  相似文献   

Colonies of the European hornet, Vespa crabro, are typically founded by a single queen mated to a single male. From the resulting colony relatedness pattern we predicted strong worker-queen conflict over male production where both the workers and the queen attempt to produce the colony's males. To test for this conflict, male production was studied in 15 hornet nests using a combination of DNA microsatellite analysis (282 males), worker ovary dissections (500 workers from eight nests) and 50 h of observation (four nests). In contrast to our prediction, the data show that hornet males are queens' sons, that workers never attempt to lay eggs, rarely have activated ovaries, and that there is no direct aggression between the queen and the workers. This contrasts with other data for vespine wasps, which support relatedness predictions. Dolichovespula arenaria has the same kin structure as V. crabro and workers produce males in many colonies. The similarity between these two species makes it difficult to explain why workers do not reproduce in V. crabro. Self-restraint is expected if worker reproduction significantly reduces colony productivity but there is no obvious reason why this should be important to V. crabro but not to D. arenaria. Alternatively, queen control may be important. The absence of expressed queen-worker conflict rules out physical control. Indirect pheromonal control is a possibility and is supported by the occurrence of royal courts and queen pheromone in Vespa but not Dolichovespula. Pheromonal queen control is considered evolutionarily unstable, but could result from a queen-worker arms race over reproductive control in which the queen is ahead. The genetic data also revealed diploid males in one colony, the first example in the vespine wasps, and two colonies with double matrilines, suggesting that occasional usurpation by spring queens occurs.  相似文献   

The European bumblebee B. terrestris was recently introduced in Japan for agricultural purposes and has now become naturalized. The naturalization of this exotic species may have great detrimental effects on closely related native Japanese bumblebees. The Japanese bumblebee Bombus florilegus is a rare and locally distributed species found in the Nemuro Peninsula of Hokkaido, Japan. In order to assess its population genetics, we estimated the genetic structure of B. florilegus in 16 breeding colonies (queen, workers, and males) and 20 foraging queens by analyzing microsatellite DNA markers. Of the 36 queens analyzed by genotyping and dissection, 32 had been inseminated by a male. The remaining 4 had not been inseminated at all. Of the 4 nonmated queens, one was triploid. Diploid males were found in 4 breeding colonies. Based on the microsatellite data, it appears that B. florilegus has low reproductive success. Since matched mating and nonmating within local populations are high, the extinction risk is correspondingly higher. Our results suggest that conservation of the Japanese B. florilegus is required in order to protect it from both habitat destruction and the naturalization of alien species. Received 19 July 2007; revised 13 October 2007; accepted 15 October 2007.  相似文献   

Mating systems are important determinants of genetic structure in cooperative groups, and their effects can influence profoundly the interactions of group members. The primitively eusocial wasp, Ropalidia revolutionalis, has an interesting genetic and social structure that makes it an excellent model system for examining the evolution of more complex societies. In particular, its colonies sometimes have multiple queens, a key characteristic of more advanced wasp societies. In this study, we have characterized the mating system of the social wasp Ropalidia revolutionalis to understand better its colony genetic structure. R. revolutionalis females nearly always mate singly and they are unrelated to their mates. However, different females in the same colony do mate with males, on average, who are related as cousins. Single mating will help to maintain high relatedness, which should be important for continued cooperation in multiple queen societies, but it creates potential conflicts in single queen colonies over the production of males as well as over the timing of male production. We have also characterized the population structure of R. revolutionalis from Townsville, in tropical north Queensland, to Brisbane in the subtropics. Even at such a large scale, the population is remarkably unstructured with an average F(ST) of 0.0546. There is weak isolation by distance, and evidence for subtle differentiation between a southern region with no dry season, which extends as far north as Rockhampton, and a northern region with a severe to moderate dry season. This may reflect historical effects of extreme aridity on the population structure.  相似文献   

In the HymenopteraDiadromus pulchellus diploid males have been observed in samples collected in the wild and bred in the laboratory. Using a yellow body color mutant strain, a protocol of crosses, involving inbred individuals, allows the routine production of such diploid males. These males result from the development of fertilized ova and emerge normally. Their preimaginal viability is similar to those of other individuals, and their imaginal viability does not differ from that of haploid males. Diploid males present normal external morphology and neither mosaicism nor intersexuality was observed. However, they are bigger than haploid males and have head size and wing length similar to those of females. The significance of diploid male viability in hymenopteran populations is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the mating frequencies of queens in a social wasp, Dolichovespula arenaria (Vespinae) using DNA microsatellites. Five of the seven colonies supported the hypothesis of single mating by queens. The other two colonies supported two and three matings, with effective paternity of 1.48 and 1.91. Mean worker relatedness was 0.77 +/- 0.09. In two of the four male-containing colonies, all were likely progeny of the queen. In the other two colonies workers produced 8 and 14% of the male wasps. Overall, 94.3% of the male wasps were likely progeny of the queen. These patterns are consistent with published studies of vespine wasps.  相似文献   

Who reproduces in colonies of social insects is determined bysome combination of direct competition and more peaceful convention.We studied these two alternatives in foundresses of the paperwasp, Polistes carolina, by examining two different contexts:what determines who becomes the dominant reproductive and whatdetermines the amount of reproduction obtained by subordinates.The dominant queen on most nests was the foundress to arrivefirst, rather than the largest foundress, expected to be bestat fighting. This suggests that dominance is initially determinedby convention, although the persistence of some aggressiveconflict throughout the foundress period suggests that thisconvention is not absolute. Attempts to explain the divisionof reproduction using several skew theories were generallyunsuccessful. Skew was not correlated with relatedness, size differences, colony productivity, and challenges by the subordinate.P. carolina showed high constraints against solitary nesting,with a minority of females attempting to nest alone, and nonesucceeding. In this situation, most skew theories predict thatgroup stability will be independent of relatedness, yet nearlyall collected subordinates were full sisters to the queen.Reproductive partitioning in early P. carolina colonies may have more to do with enhancing worker production than with conflictover direct fitness.  相似文献   

J. ELIAS  S. DORN  D. MAZZI 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(11):2336-2345
Inbreeding occurs in numerous animal and plant species. In haplodiploid hymenopterans with the widespread single locus complementary sex determination, the frequency of diploid males, which are produced at the expense of females, is increased under inbreeding. Diploid males in species of bees, ants and wasps are typically either unviable or effectively sterile and thus impose a severe genetic load on populations. However, a recent study indicated that diploid males can be reproductive in the gregarious parasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata, effectively reducing the diploid male load. To understand the role of inbreeding as a potential selective pressure towards the evolution of diploid male fertility, we genotyped specimens collected in the field at four locations using microsatellite markers to estimate the ratio of sibling matings under natural conditions. Results show that more than half of all matings involved siblings. We argue that the frequent occurrence of inbreeding has driven the evolution of diploid male fertility.  相似文献   

Owing to habitat loss populations of many organisms have declined and become fragmented. Vertebrate conservation strategies routinely consider genetic factors, but their importance in invertebrate populations is poorly understood. Bumblebees are important pollinators, and many species have undergone dramatic declines. As monoandrous social hymenopterans they may be particularly susceptible to inbreeding due to low effective population sizes. We study fragmented populations of a bumblebee species, on a model island system, and on mainland Great Britain where it is rare and declining. We use microsatellites to study: population genetic structuring and gene flow; the relationships between genetic diversity, population size and isolation; and frequencies of (sterile) diploid males - an indicator of inbreeding. We find significant genetic structuring (theta = 0.12) and isolation by distance. Populations > 10 km apart are all significantly differentiated, both on oceanic islands and on the mainland. Genetic diversity is reduced relative to closely related common species, and isolated populations exhibit further reductions. Of 16 populations, 10 show recent bottlenecking, and 3 show diploid male production. These results suggest that surviving populations of this rare insect suffer from inbreeding as a result of geographical isolation. Implications for the conservation of social hymenopterans are discussed.  相似文献   

We developed 52 microsatellite loci for the wasp, Polybioides tabidus, for the purpose of studying the evolution and inclusive fitness consequences of swarm-founding. The large number of loci is important for three reasons that may apply to many other systems. Heterozygosity was low in our target species, yet we found enough polymorphic loci for accurate kinship studies in this species. Many monomorphic loci were polymorphic in other polistine wasps, making comparative studies possible. Finally, enough loci amplified over a broad range of species to add a historical dimension. We sequenced six loci in other polistine wasps and used the flanking sequences to construct a phylogeny. Based on this phylogeny, we infer that swarm-founding has evolved independently three times in the polistine wasps.  相似文献   

In the Hymenoptera, single locus complementary sex determination (sl-CSD) describes a system where males develop either from unfertilized haploid eggs or from fertilized diploid eggs that are homozygous at a single polymorphic sex locus. Diploid males are often inviable or sterile, and are produced more frequently under inbreeding. Within families where sl-CSD has been demonstrated, we predict that sl-CSD should be more likely in species with solitary development than in species where siblings develop gregariously (and likely inbreed). We examine this prediction in the parasitoid wasp genus Cotesia, which contains both solitary and gregarious species. Previous studies have shown that sl-CSD is absent in two gregarious species of Cotesia, but present in one gregarious species. Here, we demonstrate CSD in the solitary Cotesia vestalis, using microsatellite markers. Diploid sons are produced by inbred, but not outbred, females. However, frequencies of diploid males were lower than expected under sl-CSD, suggesting that CSD in C. vestalis involves more than one locus.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean parasitoid Aphidius transcaspicus is currently under investigation as a potential biological control agent for the mealy plum aphid, Hyalopterus pruni, in California. To better understand the biology of this parasitoid, including the potential existence of distinct strains or geographic races, we have developed a set of nine di‐ and trinucleotide repeat microsatellite markers. These markers were examined for variability in individuals from throughout the geographic distribution of A. transcaspicus, and we found between three and 19 alleles per locus. These are the first loci developed for A. transcaspicus and they will be of value in studying the population structure of this potential biocontrol agent and for future diagnostics.  相似文献   

Biologists are still discovering diverse and powerful ways sexual conflicts shape biodiversity. The present study examines how the proportion of females in a population that exhibit male mimicry, a mating resistance trait, influences conspecific males’ behavior, condition, and survival. Like most female‐polymorphic damselflies, Ischnura ramburii harbors both “andromorph” females, which closely resemble males, and sexually dimorphic “gynomorph” counterparts. There is evidence that male mimicry helps andromorphs evade detection and harassment, but males can also learn to target locally prevalent morph(s) via prior mate encounters. I hypothesized that the presence of male mimics could therefore predispose males to mate recognition errors, and thereby increase rates of costly male‐male interactions. Consistent with this hypothesis, male‐male interaction rates were highest in mesocosms containing more andromorph (vs. gynomorph) females. Males in andromorph‐biased mesocosms also had lower final body mass and higher mortality than males assigned to gynomorph‐majority treatments. Male survival and body mass were each negatively affected by mesocosm density, and mortality data revealed a marginally significant interaction between andromorph frequency and population density. These findings suggest that, under sufficiently crowded conditions, female mating resistance traits such as male mimicry could have pronounced indirect effects on male behavior, condition, and survival.  相似文献   

Inherited bacteria which kill males during early development are widely distributed throughout the insects, but have been little studied outside of a single family of beetles, the Coccinellidae. We have investigated a male‐killing bacterium discovered in the butterfly Acraea encedana. This bacterium belongs to the genus Wolbachia and is identical in wsp gene sequence to a male‐killer in the closely related butterfly A. encedon, suggesting that it has either recently moved between host species or was inherited from a common ancestor of the butterflies. The prevalence of Wolbachia is remarkably high, 95% of females are infected and only 6% of wild caught butterflies are male. Measurements of the vertical transmission efficiency were used to calculate that this high prevalence is the result of infected females producing at least 1.79 times the number of surviving daughters as uninfected females (lower confidence limit is 1.25).  相似文献   

Several eusocial wasps are prominent invaders to remote islands. The paper wasp Polistes chinensis antennalis is native to East Asia, was introduced to New Zealand in 1979 and has expanded its distribution there. This provides an excellent opportunity to examine the impacts of an initial bottleneck and subsequent expansion on genetic structure. We analysed and compared the genetic population structures of the native (Japan and South Korea) and invasive New Zealand populations. Although 94% of individuals had shared haplotypes detected across both populations, the remaining 6% had private haplotypes identified in only one of the three countries. The genetic variation at microsatellite loci was lower in New Zealand than in native countries, and the genetic structure in New Zealand was clearly distinct from that in its native range. Higher frequencies of diploid‐male‐ and triploid‐female‐producing colonies were detected in New Zealand than in the native countries, showing the reduction in genetic variation via a genetic bottleneck. At least two independent introductions were suggested, and the putative source regions for New Zealand were assigned as Kanto (central island) and Kyushu (south island) in Japan. Serial founder events following the initial introduction were also indicated. The estimated dispersal distance between mother and daughter in New Zealand was twice that in Japan. Thus, the introduction history of P. chinensis antennalis in New Zealand is probably the result of at least two independent introductions, passing through a bottleneck during introduction, followed by population expansion from the point of introduction.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Patterns of male production and life-cycle variation were investigated in the aphid Sitobion avenae . Seventy-seven field-collected clones were subjected to a 14 °C short day-length regime to assess their reproductive modes, and three clones were used to study life-cycle inheritance. A further analysis assessed the cost of male production.
2. In comparison with those from East Anglia, there were more holocyclic and intermediate clones found in Scottish populations, and they produced significantly more mating females. In total, 44% of clones were androcyclic.
3. The inheritance of life cycle showed a greater level of complexity than could be achieved by previously suggested monohybrid inheritance mechanisms.
4. Holocyclic and intermediate clones produced a higher proportion of males than did androcyclic clones. Inter-clonal differences were reflected in the pattern of male production in the reproductive sequence.
5. A significant cost was associated with male production in terms of a reduction in both fecundity and total offspring biomass.
6. Winged females rarely gave birth to males but the pattern of mating female production differed between holocyclic and intermediate clones.
7. Patterns of male and mating female production by the different types of clone may be related to different advantages and disadvantages of dispersal and inbreeding.
8. Recent models of aphid overwintering could be enhanced by consideration of issues raised in this study, such as the cost of male production, the inheritance of life cycle, and the patterns of sexual morph production.  相似文献   

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