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In bilateral organisms, fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was often used as an index of developmental instability but FA was not always found to be higher in stressful environments. An intercontinental set of recombinant inbred lines (RIL) was used to search for genetic variation in fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of both wing length (WL) and wing width (WW) in Drosophila melanogaster when reared at both benign (25 °C) and stressful (30 °C) temperatures. FA levels did not differ between benign and stressful temperatures. At benign temperature, no QTL was significant for FA. However, at stressful temperature, composite interval mapping revealed some QTL for FA in both WL and WW. QTL-based scans under stressful thermal environments may be an informative approach for either FA or developmental instability analyses, even when FA levels are similar between stressful and benign environments.  相似文献   

The local density of individuals is seldom uniform in space and time within natural populations. Yet, formal approaches to the process of isolation by distance in continuous populations have encountered analytical difficulties in describing genetic structuring with demographic heterogeneities, usually disregarding local correlations in the movement and reproduction of genes. We formulate exact recursions for probabilities of identity in continuous populations, from which we deduce definitions of effective dispersal () and effective density (De) that generalize results relating spatial genetic structure, dispersal and density in lattice models. The latter claim is checked in simulations where estimates of effective parameters obtained from demographic information are compared with estimates derived from spatial genetic patterns in a plant population evolving in a heterogeneous and dynamic habitat. The simulations further suggest that increasing spatio‐temporal correlations in local density reduce and generally decrease the product , with dispersal kurtosis influencing their sensitivity to density fluctuations. As in the lattice model, the expected relationship between the product and the genetic structure statistic ar holds under fluctuating density, irrespective of dispersal kurtosis. The product D σ2 between observed census density and the observed dispersal rate over one generation will generally be an upwardly biased (up to 400% in simulations) estimator of in populations distributed in spatially aggregated habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract To date, there is still no consensus on the real significance of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in evolutionary biology. Some studies have established links between FA and Darwinian fitness, and in a number of cases intermediate heritabilities for FA have been reported. However, many claims have been raised against the generality of these findings. I therefore tested if FA of a sexually selected trait (wing length) is indeed related to male mating success in Drosophila buzzatii from field and laboratory samples and whether FA has detectable heritability. Single, unsuccessful males had greater asymmetry for wing length than their mating counterparts both in nature and under nonoptimal rearing environments, but the higher FA in single males is most likely due to a poorer average phenotypic condition because there was no evidence of a genetic basis for this trait. Further evidence of an increase in FA under larval food stress is suggested when comparing the magnitude of the FA levels between stressful and optimal environments. On methodological grounds, a linear model is suggested that allows directional asymmetry (DA) and any genetic variation of DA that may be present to be statistically eliminated from estimates of FA.  相似文献   

The aerobic capacity model postulates that high basal metabolic rates (BMR) underlying endothermy evolved as a correlated response to the selection on maximal levels of oxygen consumption () associated with locomotor activity. The recent assimilation capacity model specifically assumes that high BMR evolved as a by‐product of the selection for effective parental care, which required long‐term locomotor activity fuelled by energy assimilated from food. To test both models, we compared metabolic and behavioural correlates in males of laboratory mice divergently selected on body mass‐corrected BMR. elicited by running on the treadmill did not differ between selection lines, which points to the lack of genetic correlation between BMR and . In contrast, there was a positive, genetic correlation between spontaneous long‐term locomotor activity, food intake and BMR. Our results therefore corroborate predictions of the assimilation capacity model of endothermy evolution.  相似文献   

In this work we investigate the effect of interspecific hybridization on wing morphology using geometric morphometrics in the cactophilic sibling species D. buzzatii and D. koepferae. Wing morphology in F1 hybrids exhibited an important degree of phenotypic plasticity and differs significantly from both parental species. However, the pattern of morphological variation between hybrids and the parental strains varied between wing size and wing shape, across rearing media, sexes, and crosses, suggesting a complex genetic architecture underlying divergence in wing morphology. Even though there was significant fluctuating asymmetry for both, wing size and shape in F1 hybrids and both parental species, there was no evidence of an increased degree of fluctuating asymmetry in hybrids as compared to parental species. These results are interpreted in terms of developmental stability as a function of a balance between levels of heterozygosity and the disruption of coadaptation as an indirect consequence of genomic divergence.  相似文献   

Some studies have found intermediate heritabilities for fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in traits, but almost all of these are flawed and/or based on laboratory experiments. We therefore tested if there was heritable variation for FA in bristle and wing traits in three field collections of Drosophila melanogaster by rearing F1s from field flies under laboratory conditions. One of the collections was reared to the F2 generation in the laboratory to compare heritability estimates from the laboratory with those from the field-laboratory comparison. Trait means indicated an increase in size under laboratory rearing. FAs increased in one collection, decreased in another collection, and showed no changes in the third collection under laboratory rearing. FAs from the collections tended to converge under laboratory conditions. Morphological traits were heritable under field conditions. However, FA was not significantly heritable for any of the individual traits or when FA was determined by combining traits. Comparisons of the two laboratory generations showed that FA heritability was low under laboratory conditions, in contrast to the morphological traits themselves. These findings suggest a very low heritability for FA in field and laboratory Drosophila. FA in bristle and wing traits may therefore be a poor indicator of genetic quality in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The relationship between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and mating success was studied within males of the sphragis-baring butterfly Luehdorfia japonica, which were collected at various periods during their mating season. FA was measured on the forewing and hindwing radius lengths of male butterflies. Mating frequency of males was estimated by assessing the degree of scale loss from their claspers. Males consume scales and use them to form sphragis on the female abdomen during copulation, sealing the ostium bursa for life. Age of males was scored as wing age 0 to 4 according to the wearing of the wing. FA was negatively correlated with mating frequency but positively correlated with wing age, and average FA decreased with mating season. As females have little chance to express mate choice, it is likely that FA is an indicator of male viability: symmetrical males live longer and/or fly more actively, resulting in a higher lifetime mating success compared to asymmetrical males.  相似文献   


Although developmental instability (DI), measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is expected to be positively related to environmental stress and negatively to habitat quality, the pattern found here was the reverse. Developmental instability of leaf traits (leaf width and vein distances within a leaf) was estimated (using two indices of FA: FA4 and σi 2) and compared between three populations of Plantago major L. (Plantaginaceae) from northern Serbia. Two of the populations are from chronically polluted areas (Karaburma & Zemun), while Crni Lug is from an unpolluted, natural area. Results obtained using both FA indices were the same; higher asymmetry levels in the unpolluted area than in the polluted sites, were found for both traits. Between the two polluted sites, FA values were significantly higher in Karaburma site for vein distances within a leaf. Concerning differences in FA4 values between samples, in two cases, results are similar to those found for σi 2 values, for vein distances within leaf. These are the first quantitative data on P. major indicating that (i) plants living in the stressful sites are more symmetrical and (ii) leaf FA for plant species with wide ecological distribution such as P. major should be considered as an ‘index of habitat quality.’  相似文献   

Fatty acid (FA) composition is a key component of sheep milk nutritional quality. However, breeding for FA composition in dairy sheep is hampered by the logistic and phenotyping costs. This study was aimed at estimating genetic parameters for sheep milk FA and to test the feasibility of their routine measurement by using Fourier-transform IR (FTIR) spectroscopy. Milk FA composition of 989 Sarda ewes farmed in 48 flocks was measured by gas chromatography (FAGC). Moreover, FTIR spectrum was collected for each sample, and it was used to predict FA composition (FAFTIR) by partial least squares regression: 700 ewes were used for estimating model parameters, whereas the remaining 289 animals were used to validate the model. One hundred replicates were performed by randomly assigning animals to estimation and validation data set, respectively. Variance components for both measured and predicted traits were estimated with an animal model that included the fixed effects of parity, days in milking interval, lambing month, province, altitude of flock location, the random effects of flock-test-date and animal genetic additive. Genetic correlations among FAGC, and between corresponding FAGC and FAFTIR were estimated by bivariate analysis. Coefficients of determination between FAGC and FAFTIR ranged from moderate (about 0.50 for odd- and branched-chain FA) to high (about 0.90 for de novo FA) values. Low-to-moderate heritabilities were observed for individual FA (ranging from 0.01 to 0.47). The largest value was observed for GC measured C16:0. Low–to-moderate heritabilities were estimated for FA groups. In most of cases, heritabilites were slightly larger for FAGC than FAFTIR. Estimates of genetic correlations among FAGC showed a large variability in magnitude and sign. The genetic correlation between FAFTIR and FAGC was higher than 60% for all investigated traits. Results of the present study confirm the existence of genetic variability of the FA composition in sheep and suggest the feasibility of using FAFTIR as proxies for these traits in large scale breeding programs.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of thermal stress on the variability and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in different morphological traits, viz., thorax length (TL), sternopleural bristle number (SBN), wing length (WL), wing-to-thorax (W/T) ratio, sex comb tooth number (SCTN) and ovariole number (ON), was investigated in 10 isofemale lines of Drosophila ananassae. The phenotypic and genetic variability is higher in the flies reared at low (20 °C) and at high (30 °C) temperatures as compared to that of standard (25 °C) temperature. Further, the levels of FA of measured traits differed significantly among the three temperature regimes except SBN and SCTN in males and SBN and W/T ratio in females. Moreover, the magnitude of positional fluctuating asymmetry is similar in males reared at three different developmental temperatures for SBN and SCTN but it varies significantly for SBN in females. However, when FA across all the traits was combined into a composite index (CFA), significant differences were found for both temperature regimes and sexes. Males showed higher CFA at 30 °C whereas in females it was higher at 20 °C. The results suggest that temperature increases the levels of variability and FA but the effect seems to be trait and sex specific in D. ananassae.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), a measure of developmental stability, has been suggested as a monitoring tool for environmental pollution. However, there have been few investigations into the effects of short term pollution on the level of FA. This paper explores effects of exposing late instar larvae to short term pollution on the level of FA in the wings of adult damselflies. In these insects FA in wing length and in cell patterns have different windows of opportunity in relation to environmental stress. If increased environmental stress is applied after the window of opportunity of one trait had closed, while the window of the other trait was still open then the level of FA of the first trait should not be altered whereas that of the latter should increase. If short term pollution killed part of a population, symmetrical individuals (low FA) should survive better than highly asymmetrical ones, because FA reflects the overall ability of an individual to cope with stress. If the pollution event occurred at a time when the level of FA was already fixed, the level of FA of the remaining population should be lower than that in controls. An experiment was carried out, using 10 artificial ponds, each holding a population of larvae of the damselfly Xanthocnemis zealandica (McLachlan). Damselfly larvae were exposed to carbaryl at a nominal concentration of 100 g l–1, which reduced emergence success after 10–20 days by ca. 50%. Based on laboratory experiments, it was assumed that despite the high mortality, the short exposure to carbaryl late in the last instar would ensure that the wing cell patterns of the damselflies were not altered by the increased stress. The level of FA in wing length increased in the damselflies surviving the exposure to carbaryl but the level of FA in cell patterns did not differ significantly between the treatment and the control. The effects of differential mortality, as well as the effects of pollution, on the level of FA in traits with different windows of opportunity need further investigation.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is often used as a measure of underlying developmental instability (DI), motivated by the idea that morphological variance is maladaptive. Whether or not DI has evolutionary potential is a highly disputed topic, marred by methodological problems and fuzzy prejudices. We report here some results from an ongoing study of the effects of karyotype, homozygosity and temperature on wing form and bilateral asymmetry using isochromosomal lines ofDrosophila subobscura. Our approach uses the recently developed methodologies in geometric morphometrics to analyse shape configurations of landmarks within the standard statistical framework employed in studies of bilateral asymmetries, and we have extended these methods to partition the individual variation and the variation in asymmetries into genetic and environmental causal components. The analyses revealed temperaturedependent expression of genetic variation for wing size and wing shape, directional asymmetry (DA) of wing size, increased asymmetries at suboptimal temperature, and a transition from FA to DA in males as a result of increase in the rearing temperature. No genetic variation was generally detected for FA in our samples, but these are preliminary results because no crosses between lines were carried out and, therefore, the contribution of dominance was not taken into account. In addition, only a subset of the standing genetic variation was represented in the experiments.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of developmental instability (DI) remains largely unknown as a result of its morphological expression, fluctuating asymmetry (FA), poorly reflecting DI, especially if few traits are studied. The typically low values of heritability of FA (h2FA) can be translated into higher values of DI (h2DI) by the hypothetical repeatability, yet leading to wide confidence intervals. Thus, high sample sizes and/or several traits are indispensible for reaching meaningful conclusions. To obtain more insights into quantitative genetic variation of DI, we investigated between‐family variance in DI in six long bones of 1126 foetuses of the New Zealand white rabbit from a full‐sib experiment. We applied different approaches to obtain genetic parameters for DI. Heritabilities and the coefficients of between‐family variation (CVB) were calculated for six individual traits and composite indices. The results obtained, despite a likely upward bias as a result of maternal and non‐additive effects, lend support to the presence of moderate additive genetic variance for DI. It is suggested that, in foetal traits, the environmental variance was minimal, leading to a high likelihood of detecting genetic variation in DI, thus creating an ideal model system for studying the genetic basis of DI. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 33–42.  相似文献   

Host shifts cause drastic consequences on fitness in cactophilic species of Drosophila. It has been argued that changes in the nutritional values accompanying host shifts may elicit these fitness responses, but they may also reflect the presence of potentially toxic secondary compounds that affect resource quality. Recent studies reported that alkaloids extracted from the columnar cactus Trichocereus terscheckii are toxic for the developing larvae of Drosophila buzzatii. In this study, we tested the effect of artificial diets including increasing doses of host alkaloids on developmental stability and wing morphology in D. buzzatii. We found that alkaloids disrupt normal wing venation patterning and affect viability, wing size and fluctuating asymmetry, suggesting the involvement of stress–response mechanisms. Theoretical implications are discussed in the context of developmental stability, stress, fitness and their relationship with robustness, canalization and phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Drosophila serrata occurs along the eastern coast of Australia with a southern range boundary near Sydney. To compare levels of phenotypic variation in marginal and central populations, we examined morphological variation in populations of this species from the southern range boundary and two more northerly populations. The populations differed for wing traits and there was an increase in wing size in the marginal locations which persisted under laboratory culture. The means of wing and bristle traits increased under laboratory culture, whereas wing trait coefficients of variation and variances decreased. Heritability estimates for wing size traits tended to be lower in the field compared with the laboratory, whereas bristle and crossvein length heritabilities were similar across environments. There was evidence for heritable variation in wing and bristle traits in both the marginal and more northern populations, suggesting that genetic variation was not limiting in marginal populations. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was also assessed as a measure of genomic and environmental stress. There were no consistent differences among populations for the FA of individual traits, or for a total FA score summed across traits. FA levels in field parents and laboratory‐reared progeny were similar. Overall, the results do not support the conjecture that levels of phenotypic and genetic variability differ between central and marginal D. serrata populations.  相似文献   

C Vishalakshi  B N Singh 《Génome》2006,49(7):777-785
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA, subtle random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry) is often used as a measure of developmental instability (DI), which results from perturbations in developmental pathways caused by genetic or environmental stressors. During the present study, we estimated FA in 5 morphological traits, viz. wing length (WL), wing to thorax ratio (W:T), sternopleural bristle number (SBN), sex-comb tooth number (SCTN), and ovariole number (ON) in 18 laboratory populations of Drosophila ananassae. FA levels of measured traits differed significantly among populations except for SBN (in males and females) and W:T ratio (in females). Positional fluctuating asymmetry (PFA), a sensitive measure of DI, also varied significantly among the populations for SBN in females and SCTN in males. Interestingly, both males and females were similar for nonsexual traits. However, when FA across all traits (sexual and nonsexual) was combined into a single composite index (CFA), significant differences were found for both populations and sexes. Males showed higher CFA values than females, suggesting that males are more prone to developmental perturbations. The magnitude of FA differed significantly among traits, being lowest for nonsexual traits (SBN, WL, W:T ratio) and highest for sexual traits (SCTN and ON). The trait size of sexual traits (SCTN and ON) was positively correlated with their asymmetry. The possible reasons for variation in FA both among traits and among populations, and the usefulness of FA as an indicator of developmental stress and phenotypic quality in D. ananassae are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between developmental stability and morphological asymmetry is derived under the standard view that structures on each side of an individual develop independently and are normally distributed. I use developmental variance of sizes of parts, VD, as the converse of developmental stability, and assume that VD follows a gamma distribution. Repeatability of asymmetry, a measure of how informative asymmetry is about VD, is quite insensitive to the variance in VD, for example only reaching 20% when the coefficient of variation of VD is 100%. The coefficient of variation of asymmetry, CVFA, also increases very slowly with increasing population variation in VD. CVFA values from empirical data are sometimes over 100%, implying that developmental stability is sometimes more variable than any previously studied type of trait. This result suggests that alternatives to this model may be needed.  相似文献   

Reaction norms across three temperatures of development were measured for thorax length, wing length and wing length/thorax length ratio for ten isofemale lines from each of two populations of Drosophila aldrichi and D. buzzatii. Means for thorax and wing length in both species were larger at 24 °C than at either 18 °C or 31 °C, with the reduction in size at 18 °C most likely due to a nutritional constraint. Although females were larger than males, the sexes were not different for wing length/thorax length ratio. The plasticity of the traits differed between species and between populations of each species, with genetic variation in plasticity similar for the two species from one locality, but much higher for D. aldrichi from the other. Estimates of heritabilities for D. aldrichi generally were higher at 18 °C and 24 °C than at 31 °C, but for D. buzzatii they were highest at 31 °C, although heritabilities were not significantly different between species at any temperature. Additive genetic variances for D. aldrichi showed trends similar to that for heritability, being highest at 18 °C and decreasing as temperature increased. For D. buzzatii, however, additive genetic variances were lowest at 24 °C. These results are suggestive that genetic variation for body size characters is increased in more stressful environments. Thorax and wing lengths showed significant genetic correlations that were not different between the species, but the genetic correlations between each of these traits and their ratio were significantly different. For D. aldrichi, genetic variation in the wing length/thorax length ratio was due primarily to variation in thorax length, while for D. buzzatii, it was due primarily to variation in wing length. The wing length/thorax length ratio, which is the inverse of wing loading, decreased linearly as temperature increased, and it is suggested that this ratio may be of greater adaptive significance than either of its components.  相似文献   

Developmental stability, the ability of organisms to buffer their developmental processes against developmental noise is often evaluated with fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Natural genetic variation in FA has been investigated using Drosophila wings as a model system and the recent estimation of the heritability of wing shape FA was as large as 20 %. Because natural genetic variation in wing shape FA was found to localize in a partial component of the wings, heritable variation in specific parts of the wings might be responsible for FA estimation based on the whole wing shape. In this study, we quantified the shape of three partial components of the wings, and estimated the heritability of the wing shape FA based on artificial selections. As a result, FA values for the partial wing shape components did not respond to artificial selections and the heritability scores estimated were very small. These results indicate that natural additive genetic variation in FA of partial wing components was very small compared with that in a complex wing trait.  相似文献   

Reaction norms across seven constant and one fluctuating temperature of development were measured for thorax length and several wing size traits for up to 10 isofemale lines of each of the cactophilic Drosophila species, D. aldrichi and D. buzzatii, originating from the same locality. Maximum thorax length was reached at different low to intermediate temperatures for the two species, whereas wing length was highest at the lowest temperature in both species. Various ratio parameters showed pronounced species differences. The reaction norm for the wing loading index (wing length/thorax length) decreased monotonically with temperature in both species, but was much steeper and spanned a wider range in D. aldrichi than in D. buzzatii, suggesting either that wing loading is not a good characterization of flight capacity or, more likely, that flight optimization does not occur in the same manner in both species. The vein ratio (distal length/proximal length of the third vein) increased with temperature in D. buzzatii but decreased in D. aldrichi. Wing development in the two species thus is very different, with the proximal part of the wing in D. buzzatii more closely allied to the thorax than to the distal part. Among line variation was significant for all traits in both species, and most pronounced for thorax length and the ratio parameters. Coefficients of variation were significantly different between the species for all traits, with those in D. aldrichi higher than in D. buzzatii. Genetic variance in plasticity was significant for all traits in D. buzzatii, but only for seven out of 12 in D. aldrichi. Additive genetic variances for all traits in both species were significantly larger than zero. Genetic correlations between thorax length and several wing length parameters, and between these and wing area, were positive and generally significant in both species. The genetic correlation between the distal and the proximal length of the third vein was not significantly different from zero in D. aldrichi, but negative and significant in D. buzzatii. Heritabilites varied significantly among temperatures for almost all traits in both species. Phenotypic variances were generally higher in D. aldrichi than in D. buzzatii, and commonly highest at the extreme temperatures in the former species. At the high temperature the genetic variances also were usually highest in D. aldrichi. The data clearly suggest that the process of thermal adaptation is species specific and caution against generalizations based on the study of single species.  相似文献   

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