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A PCR-ELISA method was extended for detection of most common Bifidobacterium species in humans and applied to a feeding trial including administration of Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 and galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS)-containing syrup as probiotic and prebiotic preparations, respectively. For PCR-ELISA, oligonucleotide probes based on 16S rDNA sequences were designed and tested for specificity and sensitivity with nine different bifidobacterial species followed by analysis of faecal samples. Bifidobacteria were monitored for their fluctuations during and after the feeding trial. Bifidobacterium longum was the most common species found in the faecal samples, followed by B. adolescentis and B. bifidum. During ingestion of the probiotic B. lactis Bb-12, the strain appeared in the faeces but was absent again one week after finishing of the trial. The species that were observed in the faecal samples taken prior to the feeding experiments persisted also in samples derived from the pre-feeding and feeding periods. The most consistent change observed was the decrease in the relative amount of B. longum in the test group ingesting either B. lactis Bb-12 alone or in combination with GOS-syrup. Since the amounts of B. longum increased again in the post-feeding sample with these subjects, it may suggest that to some extent B. lactis Bb-12 is able to transiently replace B. longum.  相似文献   

Bifidobacterium lactis JCM 10602T (T = type strain) and Bifidobacterium animalis JCM 1190T were found to be phenotypically similar. These strains were subjected to investigation of their genetic relationships. The 16S rRNA sequence of B. animalis JCM 1190T was aligned with that of other Bifidobacterium species. B. animalis and B. lactis were the most closely related species in the phylogenetic tree and showed a high similarity in sequences (98.8%). The levels of DNA-DNA hybridization between the type strains of B. lactis and B. animalis ranged from 85.5 to 92.3%, showing that they represent a single species. It is proposed that B. lactis should be considered as a junior subjective synonym of B. animalis.  相似文献   

AIMS: The effect of immobilization and long-term continuous culture was studied on probiotic and technological characteristics of lactic acid and probiotic bacteria. METHODS AND RESULTS: A continuous culture in a two-stage system was carried out for 17 days at different temperatures ranging from 32 to 37 degrees C, with a first reactor containing Bifidobacterium longum ATCC 15707 and Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis MD immobilized separately in gel beads, and a second reactor operated with free cells released from the first reactor. The tolerance of free cells from both strains produced in the effluent medium of both reactors to hydrogen peroxide, simulated gastric and intestinal juices, antibiotics and nisin, and freeze-drying markedly increased with culture time and was generally higher after 6 days than that of stationary-phase cells produced during free-cell batch fermentations. The reversibility of the acquired tolerance of B. longum, but not L. diacetylactis, to antibiotics was shown during successive free-cell batch cultures. CONCLUSIONS: Free cells produced from continuous immobilized-cell culture exhibited altered physiology and increased tolerance to various chemical and physico-chemical stresses. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Continuous culture with immobilized cells could be used to produce probiotic and lactic acid bacteria with enhanced technological and probiotic characteristics.  相似文献   

To determine the influence of either exclusive breast-feeding or formula feeding on both composition and quantity of the gut microbiota in infants, we have developed real-time, quantitative PCR assays for the detection of Bifidobacterium spp. and Clostridium difficile. Furthermore, we have monitored the prevalence and counts of Escherichia coli by applying a previously described real-time PCR assay. We found all 100 infants tested to be colonized by Bifidobacterium spp. The bifidobacterial counts were comparable between the 50 breast-fed and 50 formula-fed infants with median values of 10.56 log10 and 10.24 log10 CFU g(-1) wet weight faeces, respectively. C. difficile was detected in 14% of the breast-fed and 30% of the formula-fed infants. In addition, the C. difficile counts were significantly lower in breast-fed infants than in the formula-fed group (median values of 3.28 log10 and 7.43 log10 CFU g(-1), respectively; p=0.03). The prevalence of E. coli in the breast-fed and formula-fed group was 80% and 94%, respectively. Also, the E. coli counts in colonized infants was significantly lower in the breast-fed infants than in the formula-fed group (median values of 9.11 log10 and 9.57 log10 CFU g(-1), respectively; p=0.004). We conclude that the prevalence and counts of C. difficile as well as E. coli are significantly lower in the gut microbiota of breast-fed infants than in that of formula-fed infants, whereas the prevalence and counts of Bifidobacterium spp. is similar among both groups.  相似文献   

一株抗G- 菌和酵母菌的乳酸乳球菌的分离鉴定与抗菌活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以G+ 菌金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)作为指示菌, 通过抑菌筛选法从生牛奶中初筛得到具有抑菌活性的14株细菌菌株, 然后通过个体形态与培养特征观测、部分生理生化反应、G + C mol%测定、16S rDNA序列比对分析、PCR扩增特异性N-乙酰胞壁酸水解酶基因和序列对比分析等鉴定, 确定其中的一株具有较高抑菌活性的分离株为乳酸乳球菌乳酸亚种(Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis)菌株, 命名为MB191。对多种G+ 细菌、G- 细菌、酵母菌和丝状真菌的对峙培养抗性测定结果表明, MB191除对供试G+ 细菌具有较高的抑菌活性以外, 还对丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonas syringae)、荧光假单胞菌(P. fluorescens)等G- 细菌和汉逊德巴利酵母(Debaryomyces hansenii)等具有明显的抑菌活性。乳酸乳球菌的这一特性目前尚未见文献报道。  相似文献   

A DNA hybridization assay was developed using a cloned hepatitis B viral genome to detect the presence of infectious virions in human serum. The merit of this assay was to put in evidence virus particles in 7 out of 133 sera that were negative for surface antigen (HBsAg) using routine serological methods. The usefulness of this assay was confirmed by actual visualization of the virus under electron microscope. Some serum samples although positive for surface antigen, did not give a hybridization signal by dot blot assay and might indicate cases of acute hepatitis  相似文献   


The sweet-tasting protein brazzein is a candidate sugar substitute owing to its sweet, sugar-like taste and good stability. To commercialize brazzein as a sweetener, optimization of fermentation and purification procedure is necessary. Here, we report the expression conditions of brazzein in the yeast Kluyveromices lactis and purification method for maximum yield. Transformed K. lactis was cultured in YPGlu (pH 7.0) at 25?°C and induced by adding glucose:galactose at a weight ratio of 1:2 (%/%) during the stationary phase, which increased brazzein expression 2.5 fold compared to the previous conditions. Cultures were subjected to heat treatment at 80?°C for 1?h, and brazzein containing supernatant was purified using carboxymethyl-sepharose cation exchange chromatography using 50?mM NaCl in 50?mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.0) as a wash buffer and 400?mM NaCl (pH 7.0) for elution. The yield of purified brazzein under these conditions was 2.0-fold higher than that from previous purification methods. We also determined that the NanoOrange assay was a suitable method for quantifying tryptophan-deficient brazzein. Thus, it is possible to obtain pure recombinant brazzein with high yield in K. lactis using our optimized expression, purification, and quantification protocols, which has potential applications in the food industry.  相似文献   

The number of bifidobacteria in faeces and intestinal contents has been shown to be reduced with increasing age of the subject. The adhesion of four Bifidobacterium strains was tested to mucus isolated from subjects of different age. All strains bound significantly less to mucus isolated from elderly subjects, compared to mucus from the other age groups. Two of the tested strains also showed decreased adhesion to mucus isolated from 6-month-old and adult subjects compared to the adhesion to mucus from 2-month-old subjects. The results suggest that reduced adhesion may be a factor involved in the decreasing colonisation of elderly subjects by bifidobacteria.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop a quick and accurate PCR‐based method to evaluate viable Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult (BbrY) in human faeces. Methods and Results: The number of BbrY in faeces was detected by using strain‐specific quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR) derived from a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. And using propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment, which combined a DNA‐intercalating dye for covalently linking DNA in dead cells and photoactivation, only viable BbrY in the faeces highly and significantly correlated with the number of viable BbrY added to faecal samples within the range of 105–109 cells per g of faeces was enumerated. After 11 healthy subjects ingested 10·7 log CFU of BbrY daily for 10 days, 6·9 (±1·5) log CFU g?1 [mean (±SD)] of BbrY was detected in faeces by using strain‐specific transgalactosylated oligosaccharide–carbenicillin (T‐CBPC) selective agar medium. Viable BbrY detected by qPCR with PMA treatment was 7·5 (±1·0) log cells per g and the total number (viable and dead) of BbrY detected by qPCR without PMA treatment was 8·1 (±0·8) log cells per g. Conclusions: Strain‐specific qPCR with PMA treatment evaluated viable BbrY in faeces quickly and accurately. Significance and Impact of the Study: Combination of strain‐specific qPCR and PMA treatment is useful for evaluating viable probiotics and its availability in humans.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus gasseri K7 is a probiotic strain that produces bacteriocins gassericin K7 A and K7 B. In order to develop a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the detection of L. gasseri K7, 18 reference strains of the Lactobacillus acidophilus group and 45 faecal samples of adults who have never consumed strain K7 were tested with PCR using 14 pairs of primers specific for gassericin K7 A and K7 B gene determinants. Incomplete gassericin K7 A or K7 B gene clusters were found to be dispersed in different lactobacilli strains as well as in faecal microbiota. One pair of primers was found to be specific for the total gene cluster of gassericin K7A and one for gassericin K7B. The real-time PCR analysis of faecal samples spiked with K7 strain revealed that primers specific for the gene cluster of the gassericin K7 A were more suitable for quantitative determination than those for gassericin K7 B, due to the lower detection level. Targeting of the gassericin K7 A or K7 B gene cluster with specific primers could be used for detection and quantification of L. gasseri K7 in human faecal samples without prior cultivation. The results of this study also present new insights into the prevalence of bacteriocin-encoding genes in gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Analysis of the sequence of a randomly cloned chromosomal DNA fragment (3.2 kb) from Lactococcus lactis revealed the presence of part of an open reading frame, designated amd1, which specifies a protein displaying significant similarity to aminoacylases from various bacteria. The presence of an immobilised copy of an IS982 element immediately upstream of the coding region of amd1 has probably resulted in the displacement of amd1's native promoter. This genetic organisation was shown to be retained in seven other dairy strains, one of which was only slightly different. The amd1 gene was overexpressed in L. lactis NZ9800 under the control of the inducible nisA promoter and the deacetylating capacity of its gene product was measured on a number of substrates.  相似文献   

目的构建能够在大肠埃希菌和双歧杆菌中穿梭表达目的基因的载体,并用此载体在大肠埃希菌和双歧杆菌中表达人白介素-10基因(hIL-10)的蛋白产物;为hIL-10基因重组双歧杆菌治疗炎症性肠病做前期准备。方法以质粒pDG7为模板扩增pMB1片段,构建表达质粒pET28B1。用PCR法扩增hIL-10基因,将此目的基因以及pET28B1经酶切后用连接酶连接,形成重组质粒pET28B1-hIL10。pET28B1-IL10转染大肠埃希菌BL21和长双歧杆菌。最后用Western blot检测hIL-10基因在大肠埃希菌和长双歧杆菌中的表达情况。结果pET28B1-hIL10阳性克隆扩增后提取质粒并进行基因测序,结果显示插入片段为hIL-10,序列正确且无突变。hIL-10基因在大肠埃希菌、长双歧杆菌中的诱导表达产物通过Western blot检测验证为IL-10蛋白,显示该hIL-10表达载体在大肠埃希菌阳性克隆中经诱导可高量表达,在长双歧杆菌体中有少量表达。结论成功构建质粒pET28B1,该质粒能够在大肠埃希菌和双歧杆菌中穿梭表达目的基因hIL-10。  相似文献   

Intra-species analysis of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) on human fecal Bifidobacterium longum isolates revealed that a majority of 12 Japanese subjects harbored strains of unique PFGE types or subtypes over a 68-week period, suggesting that "indigenous"Bifidobacterium strains remain stable for a considerable time in each individual intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   

Human gut symbiont bifidobacteria possess carbohydrate-degrading enzymes that act on the O-linked glycans of intestinal mucins to utilize those carbohydrates as carbon sources. However, our knowledge about mucin type O-glycan degradation by bifidobacteria remains fragmentary, especially regarding how they decompose sulfated glycans, which are abundantly found in mucin sugar-chains. Here, we examined the abilities of several Bifidobacterium strains to degrade a sulfated glycan substrate and identified a 6-sulfo-β-d-N-acetylglucosaminidase, also termed sulfoglycosidase, encoded by bbhII from Bifidobacterium bifidum JCM 7004. A recombinant BbhII protein showed a substrate preference toward 6-sulfated and 3,4-disulfated N-acetylglucosamines over non-sulfated and 3-sulfated N-acetylglucosamines. The purified BbhII directly released 6-sulfated N-acetylglucosamine from porcine gastric mucin and the expression of bbhII was moderately induced in the presence of mucin. This de-capping activity may promote utilization of sulfated glycans of mucin by other bacteria including bifidobacteria, thereby establishing the symbiotic relationship between human and gut microbes.  相似文献   

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