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Studies on thiamin biosynthesis have so far been achieved in eubacteria, yeast and plants, in which the thiamin structure is formed as thiamin phosphate from a thiazole and a pyrimidine moiety. This condensation reaction is catalyzed by thiamin phosphate synthase, which is encoded by the thiE gene or its orthologs. On the other hand, most archaea do not seem to have the thiE gene, but instead their thiD gene, coding for a 2-methyl-4-amino-5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine (HMP) kinase/HMP phosphate kinase, possesses an additional C-terminal domain designated thiN. These two proteins, ThiE and ThiN, do not share sequence similarity. In this study, using recombinant protein from the hyperthermophile archaea Pyrobaculum calidifontis, we demonstrated that the ThiN protein is an analog of the ThiE protein, catalyzing the formation of thiamin phosphate with the release of inorganic pyrophosphate from HMP pyrophosphate and 4-methyl-5-β-hydroxyethylthiazole phosphate (HET-P). In addition, we found that the ThiN protein can liberate an inorganic pyrophosphate from HMP pyrophosphate in the absence of HET-P. A structure model of the enzyme–product complex of P. calidifontis ThiN domain was proposed on the basis of the known three-dimensional structure of the ortholog of Pyrococcus furiosus. The significance of Arg320 and His341 residues for thiN-coded thiamin phosphate synthase activity was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. This is the first report of the experimental analysis of an archaeal thiamin synthesis enzyme.  相似文献   

Using synchrotron radiation, the X-ray diffraction intensities of crystals of p-hydroxy-benzoate hydroxylase, complexed with the substrate p-hydroxybenzoate, were measured to a resolution of 1.9 A. Restrained least-squares refinement alternated with rebuilding in electron density maps yielded an atom model of the enzyme-substrate complex with a crystallographic R-factor of 15.6% for 31,148 reflections between 6.0 and 1.9 A. A total of 330 solvent molecules was located. In the final model, only three residues have deviating phi-psi angle combinations. One of them, the active site residue Arg44, has a well-defined electron density and may be strained to adopt this conformation for efficient catalysis. The mode of binding of FAD is distinctly different for the different components of the coenzyme. The adenine ring is engaged in three water-mediated hydrogen bonds with the protein, while making only one direct hydrogen bond with the enzyme. The pyrophosphate moiety makes five water-mediated versus three direct hydrogen bonds. The ribityl and ribose moieties make only direct hydrogen bonds, in all cases, except one, with side-chain atoms. The isoalloxazine ring also makes only direct hydrogen bonds, but virtually only with main-chain atoms. The conformation of FAD in p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase is strikingly similar to that in glutathione reductase, while the riboflavin-binding parts of these two enzymes have no structural similarity at all. The refined 1.9 A structure of the p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase-substrate complex was the basis of further refinement of the 2.3 A structure of the enzyme-product complex. The result was a final R-factor of 16.7% for 14,339 reflections between 6.0 and 2.3 A and an improved geometry. Comparison between the complexes indicated only small differences in the active site region, where the product molecule is rotated by 14 degrees compared with the substrate in the enzyme-substrate complex. During the refinements of the enzyme-substrate and enzyme-product complexes, the flavin ring was allowed to bend or twist by imposing planarity restraints on the benzene and pyrimidine ring, but not on the flavin ring as a whole. The observed angle between the benzene ring and the pyrimidine ring was 10 degrees for the enzyme-substrate complex and 19 degrees for the enzyme-product complex. Because of the high temperature factors of the flavin ring in the enzyme-product complex, the latter value should be treated with caution. Six out of eight peptide residues near the flavin ring are oriented with their nitrogen atom pointing towards the ring.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reddick JJ  Nicewonger R  Begley TP 《Biochemistry》2001,40(34):10095-10102
Thiamin phosphate synthase catalyzes the coupling of 4-methyl-5-(beta-hydroxyethyl)thiazole phosphate (Thz-P) and 4-amino-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpyrimidine pyrophosphate (HMP-PP) to give thiamin phosphate. In this paper, we demonstrate that 4-amino-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(trifluoromethyl)pyrimidine pyrophosphate (CF(3)-HMP-PP) is a very poor substrate [k(cat)(CH(3)) > 7800k(cat)(CF(3))] and that 4-amino-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methoxypyrimidine pyrophosphate (CH(3)O-HMP-PP) is a good substrate [k(cat)(OCH(3)) > 2.8k(cat)(CH(3))] for the enzyme. We also demonstrate that the enzyme catalyzes positional isotope exchange. These observations are consistent with a dissociative mechanism (S(N)1 like) for thiamin phosphate synthase in which the pyrimidine pyrophosphate dissociates to give a reactive pyrimidine intermediate which is then trapped by the thiazole moiety.  相似文献   

Mn2+-ion is linked to isolated chloroplast coupling factor CF-1 via the ATP bridge in the catalytically competent ternary complex as deduced from water proton relaxation rate measurements. Two essential SH-groups in CF-1 protein were modified with nitroxyl mercuric derivative as spin label. The substrate complex Ca2+-ATP is shown to induce the structural transition near the active site to the state with a stronger immobilized spin label. The distances between the paramagnetic metal ions and nitroxyl bound to the protein SH-group were evaluated as being in the range of 5-8,5 A for Cu2+ and 14-22 A for Mn2+.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases are extracellular enzymes taking part in the remodeling of extracellular matrix. The structures of the catalytic domain of MMP1, MMP3, MMP7 and MMP8 are known, but structures of enzymes belonging to this family still remain to be determined. A general approach to the homology modeling of matrix metalloproteinases, exemplified by the modeling of MMP2, MMP9, MMP12 and MMP14 is described. The models were refined using an energy minimization procedure developed for matrix metalloproteinases. This procedure includes incorporation of parameters for zinc and calcium ions in the AMBER 4.1 force field, applying a non-bonded approach and a full ion charge representation. Energy minimization of the apoenzymes yielded structures with distorted active sites, while reliable three-dimensional structures of the enzymes containing a substrate in active site were obtained. The structural differences between the eight enzyme-substrate complexes were studied with particular emphasis on the active site, and possible sites for obtaining selectivity among the MMP's are discussed. Differences in the P1' pocket are well-documented and have been extensively exploited in inhibitor design. The present work indicates that selectivity could be further improved by considering the P2 pocket as well.  相似文献   

Khare G  Kar R  Tyagi AK 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e22441
Tuberculosis (TB) continues to pose a serious challenge to human health afflicting a large number of people throughout the world. In spite of the availability of drugs for the treatment of TB, the non-compliance to 6-9 months long chemotherapeutic regimens often results in the emergence of multidrug resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis adding to the precariousness of the situation. This has necessitated the development of more effective drugs. Thiamin biosynthesis, an important metabolic pathway of M. tuberculosis, is shown to be essential for the intracellular growth of this pathogen and hence, it is believed that inhibition of this pathway would severely affect the growth of M. tuberculosis. In this study, a comparative homology model of M. tuberculosis thiamin phosphate synthase (MtTPS) was generated and employed for virtual screening of NCI diversity set II to select potential inhibitors. The best 39 compounds based on the docking results were evaluated for their potential to inhibit the MtTPS activity. Seven compounds inhibited MtTPS activity with IC(50) values ranging from 20-100 μg/ml and two of these exhibited weak inhibition of M. tuberculosis growth with MIC(99) values being 125 μg/ml and 162.5 μg/ml while one compound was identified as a very potent inhibitor of M. tuberculosis growth with an MIC(99) value of 6 μg/ml. This study establishes MtTPS as a novel drug target against M. tuberculosis leading to the identification of new lead molecules for the development of antitubercular drugs. Further optimization of these lead compounds could result in more potent therapeutic molecules against Tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis thiamin phosphate synthase complexed with the reaction products thiamin phosphate and pyrophosphate has been determined by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction phasing techniques and refined to 1.25 A resolution. Thiamin phosphate synthase is an alpha/beta protein with a triosephosphate isomerase fold. The active site is in a pocket formed primarily by the loop regions, residues 59-67 (A loop, joining alpha3 and beta2), residues 109-114 (B loop, joining alpha5 and beta4), and residues 151-168 (C loop, joining alpha7 and beta6). The high-resolution structure of thiamin phosphate synthase complexed with its reaction products described here provides a detailed picture of the catalytically important interactions between the enzyme and the substrates. The structure and other mechanistic studies are consistent with a reaction mechanism involving the ionization of 4-amino-2-methyl-5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine pyrophosphate at the active site to give the pyrimidine carbocation. Trapping of the carbocation by the thiazole followed by product dissociation completes the reaction. The ionization step is catalyzed by orienting the C-O bond perpendicular to the plane of the pyrimidine, by hydrogen bonding between the C4' amino group and one of the terminal oxygen atoms of the pyrophosphate, and by extensive hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions between the pyrophosphate and the enzyme.  相似文献   

The New York Structural Genomics Research Consortium has targeted highly conserved but uncharacterized enzyme families for structure determination. As part of this effort, the 2.65-Å crystal structure has been determined for Saccharomyces cerevisiae myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase (MIP), an essential enzyme that catalyzes critical steps in inositol biosynthesis. The structure determination of four independent monomers in the asymmetric unit (240 kDa) reveals atomic details and residue composition for the partially closed NAD-containing active sites in apo-configuration. The structure further reveals extensive interactions involved in tetrameric assembly of the enzyme complex.  相似文献   

Contemporary enzymes are highly efficient and selective catalysts. However, due to the intrinsically very reactive nature of active sites, gratuitous secondary reactions are practically unavoidable. Consequently, even the smallest cell, with its limited enzymatic repertoire, has the potential to carry out numerous additional, very likely inefficient, secondary reactions. If selectively advantageous, secondary reactions could be the basis for the evolution of new fully functional enzymes. Here, we investigated if Escherichia coli has cryptic enzymatic activities related to thiamin biosynthesis. We selected this pathway because this vitamin is essential, but the cell's requirements are very small. Therefore, enzymes with very low activity could complement the auxotrophy of strains deleted of some bona fide thiamin biosynthetic genes. By overexpressing the E. coli's protein repertoire, we selected yjbQ, a gene that complemented a strain deleted of the thiamin phosphate synthase (TPS)-coding gene thiE. In vitro studies confirmed TPS activity, and by directed evolution experiments, this activity was enhanced. Structurally oriented mutagenesis allowed us to identify the putative active site. Remote orthologs of YjbQ from Thermotoga, Sulfolobus, and Pyrococcus were cloned and also showed thiamin auxotrophy complementation, indicating that the cryptic TPS activity is a property of this protein family. Interestingly, the thiE- and yjbQ-coded TPSs are analog enzymes with no structural similarity, reflecting distinct evolutionary origin. These results support the hypothesis that the enzymatic repertoire of a cell such as E. coli has the potential to perform vast amounts of alternative reactions, which could be exploited to evolve novel or more efficient catalysts.  相似文献   

We report the cocrystal structures of a computationally designed and experimentally optimized retro-aldol enzyme with covalently bound substrate analogs. The structure with a covalently bound mechanism-based inhibitor is similar to, but not identical with, the design model, with an RMSD of 1.4 Å over active-site residues and equivalent substrate atoms. As in the design model, the binding pocket orients the substrate through hydrophobic interactions with the naphthyl moiety such that the oxygen atoms analogous to the carbinolamine and β-hydroxyl oxygens are positioned near a network of bound waters. However, there are differences between the design model and the structure: the orientation of the naphthyl group and the conformation of the catalytic lysine are slightly different; the bound water network appears to be more extensive; and the bound substrate analog exhibits more conformational heterogeneity than typical native enzyme–inhibitor complexes. Alanine scanning of the active-site residues shows that both the catalytic lysine and the residues around the binding pocket for the substrate naphthyl group make critical contributions to catalysis. Mutating the set of water-coordinating residues also significantly reduces catalytic activity. The crystal structure of the enzyme with a smaller substrate analog that lacks naphthyl ring shows the catalytic lysine to be more flexible than in the naphthyl–substrate complex; increased preorganization of the active site would likely improve catalysis. The covalently bound complex structures and mutagenesis data highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the de novo enzyme design strategy.  相似文献   

Girish TS  Sharma E  Gopal B 《FEBS letters》2008,582(19):2923-2930
Lysine biosynthesis is crucial for cell-wall formation in bacteria. Enzymes involved in lysine biosynthesis are thus potential targets for anti-microbial therapeutics. Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) catalyzes the first step of this pathway. Unlike its homologues, Staphylococcus aureus DHDPS is a dimer both in solution and in the crystal and is not feedback inhibited by lysine. The crystal structure of S. aureus DHDPS in the free and substrate bound forms provides a structural rationale for its catalytic mechanism. The structure also reveals unique conformational features of the S. aureus enzyme that could be crucial for the design of specific non-competitive inhibitors.  相似文献   

We purified a geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate (GGGP) synthase from Thermoplasma acidophilum by several steps of chromatography. Based on the proteinase-fragment-mass-pattern analysis of the SDS-PAGE band of the partially purified protein, the DNA sequence encoding the protein was identified from the whole genome sequence database of the species. The gene encoding GGGP synthase in T. acidophilum was cloned after PCR amplification of the gene from the genomic DNA. The recombinant enzyme was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. A single band with a molecular mass of 27 kDa was obtained by SDS-PAGE analysis. The apparent native molecular mass of the enzyme was about 50 kDa based on gel filtration chromatography, suggesting that the enzyme is active as a homodimer. As the GGGP synthase from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum has been reported as a pentamer, the enzymes of the two organisms have different oligomeric structures. Other characteristics, including substrate specificity, are similar for the GGGPs of these organisms.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of Escherichia coli sialic acid synthase   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Wnt-1, the vertebrate counterpart of the Drosophila wingless gene, plays an important role in the early morphogenesis of neural tissues. In this report, we have shown that overexpression of Wnt-1 can direct embryonic carcinoma P19 cells to differentiate into neuron-like cells in the absence of retinoic acid. Immunocytochemistry showed that these cells expressed neuronal markers, such as the neurofilament (NF) and microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), but failed to express the glial cell marker, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). RT-PCR revealed that two basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) genes, Mash-1 and Ngn-1, were up-regulated during the differentiation stage of Wnt-1-overexpressing P19 cells. These results suggest that the Wnt-1 gene promotes neuronal differentiation and inhibits gliogenesis during the neural differentiation of P19 cells, and that neural bHLH genes might be involved in this process.  相似文献   

Binding and activation of thiamin diphosphate in acetohydroxyacid synthase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acetohydroxyacid synthases (AHASs) are biosynthetic thiamin diphosphate- (ThDP) and FAD-dependent enzymes. They are homologous to pyruvate oxidase and other members of a family of ThDP-dependent enzymes which catalyze reactions in which the first step is decarboxylation of a 2-ketoacid. AHAS catalyzes the condensation of the 2-carbon moiety, derived from the decarboxylation of pyruvate, with a second 2-ketoacid, to form acetolactate or acetohydroxybutyrate. A structural model for AHAS isozyme II (AHAS II) from Escherichia coli has been constructed on the basis of its homology with pyruvate oxidase from Lactobacillus plantarum (LpPOX). We describe here experiments which further test the model, and test whether the binding and activation of ThDP in AHAS involve the same structural elements and mechanism identified for homologous enzymes. Interaction of a conserved glutamate with the N1' of the ThDP aminopyrimidine moiety is involved in activation of the cofactor for proton exchange in several ThDP-dependent enzymes. In accord with this, the analogue N3'-pyridyl thiamin diphosphate does not support AHAS activity. Mutagenesis of Glu47, the putative conserved glutamate, decreases the rate of proton exchange at C-2 of bound ThDP by nearly 2 orders of magnitude and decreases the turnover rate for the mutants by about 10-fold. Mutant E47A also has altered substrate specificity, pH dependence, and other changes in properties. Mutagenesis of Asp428, presumed on the basis of the model to be the crucial carboxylate ligand to Mg(2+) in the "ThDP motif", leads to a decrease in the affinity of AHAS II for Mg(2+). While mutant D428N shows ThDP affinity close to that of the wild-type on saturation with Mg(2+), D428E has a decreased affinity for ThDP. These mutations also lead to dependence of the enzyme on K(+). These experiments demonstrate that AHAS binds and activates ThDP in the same way as do pyruvate decarboxylase, transketolase, and other ThDP-dependent enzymes. The biosynthetic activity of AHAS also involves many other factors beyond the binding and deprotonation of ThDP; changes in the ligands to ThDP can have interesting and unexpected effects on the reaction.  相似文献   

Malate synthase from baker's yeast has been investigated in solution by the small-angle X-ray scattering technique. Size, shape and structure of the native substrate-free enzyme and of various enzyme-substrate complexes have been determined. As the enzyme was found to be rather unstable against X-rays, several precautions as well as sophisticated evaluation procedures had to be adopted to make sure that the results were not influenced by radiation damage. These included use of low primary intensity, short time of measurement, the presence of high concentrations of dithiothreitol, combined use of the conventional slit-collimation system and the new cone-collimation system. 1. For the native substrate-free enzyme the following molecular parameters could be established: radius of gyration R = 3.96 +/- 0.02 nm, maximum particle diameter D = 11.2 +/- 0.6 nm, radius of gyration of the thickness Rt = 1.04 +/- 0.04 nm, molecular weight Mr = 187000 +/- 3000, correlation volume Vc = 338 +/- 5 nm3, hydration x = 0.35 +/- 0.02 g/g, mean intersection length - l = 5.0 +/- 0.2 nm. Comparison of the experimental scattering curve with theoretical curves for various models showed that the enzyme is equivalent in scattering to an oblate ellipsoid of revolution rather than to a circular cylinder. The semiaxes of this ellipsoid are a = b = 6.06 nm and c = 2.21 nm. Thus with an axial ratio of about 1:0.36 the enzyme is of very anisometric shape. 2. Binding of the substrates (acetyl-CoA, glyoxylate) or the substrate analogue pyruvate causes slight structural changes of the enzyme. These changes are reflected mainly by a slight decrease of the radius of gyration (0.3--1.3%, as established both with the slit-smeared and the desmeared curves). Concomitantly there occurs a decrease of the maximum particle diameter and an increase of the radius of gyration of the thickness. These changes imply an increase of the axial ratio by 2.2--6.9%, i.e. substrate binding induces a decrease of anisometry. While the particle volume appears to be unchanged on binding glyoxylate or its analogue pyruvate, binding of acetyl-CoA causes slight changes of this parameter. In a similar manner the binding of acetyl-CoA leads to a slight enhancement of the molecular weight; this increase corresponds to the binding of 2.7 +/- 1 molecules of acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

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