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Biochemical Genetics - Several proteins are involved in cholesterol homeostasis, as scavenger receptor class B type I and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters including ABCA1, ABCG1, ABCG5, and...  相似文献   

The recessive male sterile mutation haync2 of Drosophila melanogaster fails to complement certain beta 2-tubulin and alpha-tubulin mutations, suggesting that the haywire product plays a role in microtubule function, perhaps as a structural component of microtubules. The genetic interaction appears to require the presence of the aberrant product encoded by haync2, which may act as a structural poison. Based on this observation, we have isolated ten new mutations that revert the failure to complement between haync2 and B2tn. The revertants tested behaved as intragenic mutations of hay in recombination tests, and fell into two phenotypic classes, suggesting two functional domains of the hay gene product. Some revertants were hemizygous viable and less severe than haync2 in their recessive phenotype. These mutations might revert the poison by restoring the aberrant product encoded by the haync2 allele to more wild-type function. Most of the revertants were recessive lethal mutations, indicating that the hay gene product is essential for viability. These more extreme mutations could revert the poison by destroying the ability of the aberrant haywirenc2 product to interact structurally with microtubules. Flies heterozygous for the original haync2 allele and an extreme revertant show defects in both the structure and the function of the male meiotic spindle.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying chordoma pathogenesis are unknown. We therefore sought to identify novel mutations to better understand chordoma biology and to potentially identify therapeutic targets. Given the relatively high costs of whole genome sequencing, we performed a focused genetic analysis using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometer (Sequenom iPLEX genotyping). We tested 865 hotspot mutations in 111 oncogenes and selected tumor suppressor genes (OncoMap v. 3.0) of 45 human chordoma tumor samples. Of the analyzed samples, seven were identified with at least one mutation. Six of these were from fresh frozen samples, and one was from a paraffin embedded sample. These observations were validated using an independent platform using homogeneous mass extend MALDI-TOF (Sequenom hME Genotyping). These genetic alterations include: ALK (A877S), CTNNB1 (T41A), NRAS (Q61R), PIK3CA (E545K), PTEN (R130), CDKN2A (R58*), and SMARCB1 (R40*). This study reports on the largest comprehensive mutational analysis of chordomas performed to date. To focus on mutations that have the greatest chance of clinical relevance, we tested only oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that have been previously implicated in the tumorigenesis of more common malignancies. We identified rare genetic changes that may have functional significance to the underlying biology and potential therapeutics for chordomas. Mutations in CDKN2A and PTEN occurred in areas of chromosomal copy loss. When this data is paired with the studies showing 18 of 21 chordoma samples displaying copy loss at the locus for CDKN2A, 17 of 21 chordoma samples displaying copy loss at PTEN, and 3 of 4 chordoma samples displaying deletion at the SMARCB1 locus, we can infer that a loss of heterozygosity at these three loci may play a significant role in chordoma pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Reversible protein phosphorylation plays important roles in signal transduction. One gene, prpA, encoding a protein similar to eukaryotic types of phosphoprotein phosphatases PP1, PP2A, and PP2B, was cloned from the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. Interestingly, a eukaryotic-type protein kinase gene, pknE, was found 301 bp downstream of prpA. This unusual genetic arrangement provides the opportunity for study about how the balance between protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation can regulate cellular activities. Both proteins were overproduced in Escherichia coli and used to raise polyclonal antibodies. Immunodetection and RNA/DNA hybridization experiments suggest that these two genes are unlikely to be coexpressed, despite their close genetic linkage. PrpA is expressed constitutively under different nitrogen conditions, while PknE expression varies according to the nature of the nitrogen source. Inactivation analysis in vivo suggests that PrpA and PknE function to ensure a correct level of phosphorylation of the targets in order to regulate similar biological processes such as heterocyst structure formation and nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Tolerance to deacclimation is an important physiological feature in plants in the face of global warming, which is resulting in incidents of increases in winter...  相似文献   



To investigate the association of ABCG1, GALNT2 and HMGCR genes promoter DNA methylation with coronary heart disease (CHD) and explore the interaction between their methylation status and the CHD patients'' clinical characteristics in Han Chinese population.

Methods and results

Methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) technology was used to examine the role of the aberrant gene promoter methylation in CHD in Han Chinese population. A total of 85 CHD patients and 54 participants without CHD confirmed by angiography were recruited. 82.8% of the participants with ABCG1 gene promoter hypermethylation have CHD, while only 17.4% of the participants without hypermethylation have it. The average age of the participants with GALNT2 gene promoter hypermethylation is 62.10±8.21, while that of the participants without hypermethylation is 57.28±9.87; in the former group, 75.4% of the participants have CHD, compared to only 50% in the latter group. As for the HMGCR gene, the average age of the participants with promoter hypermethylation is 63.24±8.10 and that of the participants without hypermethylation is 57.79±9.55; its promoter hypermethylation is likely to be related to smoking. Our results indicated a significant statistical association of promoter methylation of the ABCG1 gene with increased risk of CHD (OR = 19.966; 95% CI, 7.319–54.468; P *<0.001; P *: adjusted for age, gender, smoking, lipid level, hypertension, and diabetes). Similar results were obtained for that of the GALNT2 gene (OR = 2.978; 95% CI, 1.335–6.646; P * = 0.008), but not of HMGCR gene (OR = 1.388; 95% CI, 0.572–3.371; P * = 0.469).


The present work provides evidence to support the association of promoter DNA methylation status with the risk profile of CHD. Our data indicates that promoter DNA hypermethylation of the ABCG1 and GALNT2 genes, but not the HMGCR gene, is associated with an increased risk of CHD. CHD, smoking and aging are likely to be the important factors influencing DNA hypermethylation.  相似文献   

Two closely related genes GUSP1 and GUSP2, within the universal stress protein (USP) family, were identified and cloned from water-stressed leaves of Gossypium arboreum. GUSP1 and GUSP2 genes code for proteins with predicted molecular weights of 18.2 and 19.1 kDa, respectively. Sequence analysis showed that GUSP1 and GUSP2 are highly similar to the bacterial MJ0577-type of adenosine-triphosphate-binding Usp proteins, which have been proposed to function as a molecular switch. Nucleotide sequences of these two genes showed 81% sequence similarity while their encoded proteins share 75% amino acid homology. Both proteins have high percentages of similarity (17% to 61%) to the USPs from a variety of bacteria and plants. Real-time polymerase chain reaction expression analysis revealed a high level of GUSP gene expression in leaves, roots, and stems exclusively in plants following water stress. The highest levels of drought-inducible expression were found in the leaves. A progressive decrease in expression was observed in the stem and roots compared to very low expression in control tissues.  相似文献   

XPMC2 is a Xenopus gene identified on the basis of its ability to correct a mitotic defect in fission yeast. Here we report the identification of cDNA clones for human XPMC2H, its mapping to the tuberous sclerosis gene TSC1 region on 9q34, determination of genomic structure, and identification of several coding region polymorphisms. The predicted protein has strong sequence similarity to the Xenopus gene. Through SSCP and heteroduplex analysis of genomic DNA, we found two intragenic polymorphisms but no evidence for significant mutations in patients with tuberous sclerosis in this gene.  相似文献   

Phytochemistry Reviews - Multidrug resistance is a major factor causing the failure of cancer chemotherapy. Efflux pumps of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter family expel a large array of...  相似文献   

The conversion of O-methylsterigmatocystin (OMST) and dihydro-O-methylsterigmatocystin to aflatoxins B1, G1, B2, and G2 requires a cytochrome P-450 type of oxidoreductase activity. ordA, a gene adjacent to the omtA gene, was identified in the aflatoxin-biosynthetic pathway gene cluster by chromosomal walking in Aspergillus parasiticus. The ordA gene was a homolog of the Aspergillus flavus ord1 gene, which is involved in the conversion of OMST to aflatoxin B1. Complementation of A. parasiticus SRRC 2043, an OMST-accumulating strain, with the ordA gene restored the ability to produce aflatoxins B1, G1, B2, and G2. The ordA gene placed under the control of the GAL1 promoter converted exogenously supplied OMST to aflatoxin B1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast, the ordA gene homolog in A. parasiticus SRRC 2043, ordA1, was not able to carry out the same conversion in the yeast system. Sequence analysis revealed that the ordA1 gene had three point mutations which resulted in three amino acid changes (His-400→Leu-400, Ala-143→Ser-143, and Ile-528→Tyr-528). Site-directed mutagenesis studies showed that the change of His-400 to Leu-400 resulted in a loss of the monooxygenase activity and that Ala-143 played a significant role in the catalytic conversion. In contrast, Ile-528 was not associated with the enzymatic activity. The involvement of the ordA gene in the synthesis of aflatoxins G1, and G2 in A. parasiticus suggests that enzymes required for the formation of aflatoxins G1 and G2 are not present in A. flavus. The results showed that in addition to the conserved heme-binding and redox reaction domains encoded by ordA, other seemingly domain-unrelated amino acid residues are critical for cytochrome P-450 catalytic activity. The ordA gene has been assigned to a new cytochrome P-450 gene family named CYP64 by The Cytochrome P450 Nomenclature Committee.  相似文献   

The migration of maize from tropical to temperate climates was accompanied by a dramatic evolution in flowering time. To gain insight into the genetic architecture of this adaptive trait, we conducted a 50K SNP-based genome-wide association and diversity investigation on a panel of tropical and temperate American and European representatives. Eighteen genomic regions were associated with flowering time. The number of early alleles cumulated along these regions was highly correlated with flowering time. Polymorphism in the vicinity of the ZCN8 gene, which is the closest maize homologue to Arabidopsis major flowering time (FT) gene, had the strongest effect. This polymorphism is in the vicinity of the causal factor of Vgt2 QTL. Diversity was lower, whereas differentiation and LD were higher for associated loci compared to the rest of the genome, which is consistent with selection acting on flowering time during maize migration. Selection tests also revealed supplementary loci that were highly differentiated among groups and not associated with flowering time in our panel, whereas they were in other linkage-based studies. This suggests that allele fixation led to a lack of statistical power when structure and relatedness were taken into account in a linear mixed model. Complementary designs and analysis methods are necessary to unravel the architecture of complex traits. Based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) estimates corrected for population structure, we concluded that the number of SNPs genotyped should be at least doubled to capture all QTLs contributing to the genetic architecture of polygenic traits in this panel. These results show that maize flowering time is controlled by numerous QTLs of small additive effect and that strong polygenic selection occurred under cool climatic conditions. They should contribute to more efficient genomic predictions of flowering time and facilitate the dissemination of diverse maize genetic resources under a wide range of environments.  相似文献   

RAG. Reenan  R. D. Kolodner 《Genetics》1992,132(4):975-985
The MSH1 and MSH2 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are predicted to encode proteins that are homologous to the Escherichia coli MutS and Streptococcus pneumoniae HexA proteins and their homologs. Disruption of the MSH1 gene caused a petite phenotype which was established rapidly. A functional MSH1 gene present on a single-copy centromere plasmid was incapable of rescuing the established msh1 petite phenotype. Analysis of msh1 strains demonstrated that mutagenesis and large-scale rearrangement of mitochondrial DNA had occurred. 4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining of msh1 yeast revealed an aberrant distribution of mtDNA. Haploid msh2 mutants displayed an increase of 85-fold in the rate of spontaneous mutation to canavanine resistance. Sporulation of homozygous msh2/msh2 diploids gave rise to a high level of lethality which was compounded during increased vegetative growth prior to sporulation. msh2 mutations also affected gene conversion of two HIS4 alleles. The his4x mutation, lying near the 5' end of the gene, was converted with equal frequency in both wild-type and msh2 strains. However, many of the events in the msh2 background were post-meiotic segregation (PMS) events (46.4%) while none (< 0.25%) of the aberrant segregations in wild type were PMS events. The his4b allele, lying 1.6 kb downstream of his4x, was converted at a 10-fold higher frequency in the msh2 background than in the corresponding wild-type strain. Like the his4x allele, his4b showed a high level of PMS (30%) in the msh2 background compared to the corresponding wild-type strain where no (< 0.26%) PMS events were observed. These results indicate that MSH1 plays a role in repair or stability of mtDNA and MSH2 plays a role in repair of 4-bp insertion/deletion mispairs in the nucleus.  相似文献   

The human S1-5 gene (fibrillin-like; FBNL) was originally isolated from a subtractively enriched cDNA library established from a subject with Werner syndrome (WS). We isolated genomic clones containing the entire S1-5 gene and determined its genomic structure including the exon–intron organization. The gene spanned approximately 18 kb of genomic DNA and consisted of 12 exons. Its expression was abundant in all tissues examined except brain and peripheral leukocytes, where it was undetectable. In addition, we have mapped S1-5 by fluorescencein situhybridization to chromosome 2p16, a position that excludes it as a candidate for WS. Our data should facilitate an understanding of the function and regulation of S1-5 in human tissues.  相似文献   

Mutations in several subgenomic regions of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been implicated in influencing the response to interferon (IFN) therapy. Sequences within HCV NS5A (PKR binding domain [PKRBD], IFN sensitivity-determining region [ISDR], and variable region 3 [V3]) were analyzed for the pretreatment serum samples of 60 HCV genotype 1-infected patients treated with pegylated IFN plus ribavirin (1b, n = 47; 1a, n = 13) but with different treatment outcomes, those with sustained virologic responses (SVR; n = 36) or nonresponders (NR; n = 24). Additionally, the sequence of the PKR/eIF-2alpha phosphorylation homology domain (E2-PePHD) region was determined for 23 patients (11 SVR and 12 NR). The presence of > 4 mutations in the PKRBD region was associated with SVR (P = 0.001) and early virologic responses (EVR; 12 weeks) (P = 0.037) but not rapid virologic responses (4 weeks). In the ISDR, the difference was almost statistically significant (68% of SVR patients with mutations versus 45% without mutations; P = 0.07). The V3 region had a very high genetic variability, but this was not related to SVR. Finally, the E2-PePHD (n = 23) region was well conserved. The presence of > 4 mutations in the PKRBD region (odds ratio [OR] = 9.9; P = 0.006) and an age of < or = 40 years (OR = 3.2; P = 0.056) were selected in a multivariate analysis as predictive factors of SVR. NS5A sequences from serum samples taken after 1 month of treatment and posttreatment were examined for 3 SVR and 15 NR patients to select treatment-resistant viral subpopulations, and it was found that in the V3 and flanking regions, the mutations increased significantly in posttreatment sera (P = 0.05). The genetic variability in the PKRBD (> 4 mutations) is a predictive factor of SVR and EVR in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with pegylated IFN and ribavirin.  相似文献   

J. W. Warmke  A. J. Kreuz    S. Falkenthal 《Genetics》1989,122(1):139-151
Using overlapping synthetic deficiencies, we find that a haplo-insufficient locus affecting flight behavior and the myosin light chain-2 gene co-map to the Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosome interval 99D9-E1 to 99E2-3. From screening over 9000 EMS-treated chromosomes, we obtained alleles of two complementation groups that map to this same interval. One of these complementation groups lfm(3)99Eb, exhibits dominant flightless behavior; thus, flightless behavior of the deficiency is in all likelihood due to hemizygosity of this single locus. Rescue of flightless behavior by a duplication indicates that the single allele, E38, of the Ifm(3)99Eb complementation group is a hypomorph. Based upon its map position and a reduction in concentration of myosin light chain-2 mRNA in heterozygotes, we propose that Ifm(3)Eb(E38) is a mutant allele of the myosin light chain-2 gene. Our genetic analysis also resulted in the identification of four dominant flightless alleles of an unlinked locus, l(3)nc99Eb, that exhibits dominant lethal synergism with Ifm(3)99Eb.  相似文献   

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