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Various polymers were used as transfection factors for small interfering RNA (siRNA) to effectively suppress human cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4-immunoglobulin (hCTLA4Ig) gene in transgenic rice cells. Five kinds of polymers (PEI, PVA, PVP, and 8 and 20 kDa PEGs) were applied for delivery of siRNA with lipofectamine used as a control. In the cytotoxicity test, all polymers except 8 kDa PEG showed nontoxicity in relation to cell viability. For transfection efficiency, polyplexes composed of siRNA and PEG (20 kDa) did not significantly reduce production of intracellular hCTLA4Ig. On the other hand, siRNA + PEI polyplexes showed the most effective suppression efficiency with regards to production of intracellular hCTLA4Ig among all other polyplexes (PVA, PVP, and PEG (8 kDa)). Effects of molecular weight ratios of siRNA:PEI were investigated to obtain optimal transfection efficiency and avoid excessive damage to cells. PEI-based polyplexes with a 1:10 ratio of siRNA:PEI reduced production of intracellular hCTLA4Ig up to 70.6% without alteration of cell viability. These results demonstrate that PEI-based polyplexes are easy to prepare, inexpensive, non-toxic, and effective to deliver siRNA to transgenic plant cell cultures.  相似文献   

We report the development and characterization of a novel nanometric system for specific delivery of therapeutic siRNA for cancer treatment. This vector is based on a binary mixture of the cationic surfactant dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride (DODAC) and the helper lipid monoolein (MO). These liposomes were previously validated by our research group as promising non-viral vectors for nucleic acid delivery. In this work, the DODAC:MO vesicles were for the first time functionalized with polyethylene glycol and PEG-folate conjugates to achieve both maximal stability in biological fluids and increase selectivity toward folate receptor α expressing cells. The produced DODAC:MO:PEG liposomes were highly effective in RNA complexation (close to 100%), and the resulting lipoplexes also demonstrated high stability in conditions simulating their administration by intravenous injection (physiological pH, high NaCl, heparin and fetal bovine serum concentrations). In addition, cell uptake of the PEG-folate-coated lipoplexes was significantly greater in folate receptor α positive breast cancer cells (39% for 25?µg/mL of lipid and 31% for 40?µg/mL) when compared with folate receptor α negative cells (31% for 25?µg/mL of lipid and 23% for 40?µg/mL) and to systems without PEG-folate (≈13% to 16% for all tested conditions), supporting their selectivity towards the receptor. Overall, the results support these systems as appealing vectors for selective delivery of siRNA to cancer cells by folate receptor α-mediated internalization, aiming at future therapeutic applications of interest.  相似文献   

Almost from the time of their rediscovery in the 60's and the demonstration of their entrapment potential, liposomal vesicles have drawn attention of researchers as potential carriers of various bioactive molecules that could be used for therapeutic applications in humans and animals. Several commercial liposome-based drugs have already been discovered, registered and introduced with great success on the pharmaceutical market. However, further studies, focusing on the elaboration of more efficient and stable amphiphile-based vesicular (or non-viral) drug carriers are still under investigation. In this review we present the achievements of our group in this field. We have discovered that natural amphiphilic dihydroxyphenols and their semisynthetic derivatives are promising additives to liposomal lipid compositions. The presence of these compounds in lipid composition enhances liposomal drug encapsulation, reduces the amount of the lipid carrier necessary for efficient entrapment of anthracycline drugs by a factor of two, stabilizes liposomal formulation of the drug (both in suspension and in a lyophilized powder), does not influence liposomal fate in the blood circulation system and benefits from other biological activities of their resorcinolic lipid modifiers.  相似文献   

Stringent microbial cell barriers limit the application of many substances in research and therapeutics. Carrier peptides that penetrate or translocate across cell membranes may help overcome this problem. To assess peptide-mediated delivery into two yeast and three bacterial species, a range of cell penetrating and signal peptide sequences were fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP), expressed in Escherichia coli, partially purified and incubated with growing cells. Fluorescence microscopy indicated several peptides that mediated delivery. In particular, VLTNENPFSDP efficiently delivered GFP into Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus, while YKKSNNPFSD was most efficient for Bacillus subtilis and CFFKDEL for Escherichia coli. Carrier peptides may improve delivery of certain large molecular mass molecules into microorganisms for research and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Gene therapy by delivery of nonviral expression vectors is highly desirable, due to their safety, stability, and suitability for production as bulk pharmaceuticals. However, low transfection efficiency remains a limiting factor in application on nonviral gene delivery. Despite recent advances in the field, there are still major obstacles to overcome. In an attempt to construct more efficient nonviral gene delivery vectors, we have designed a series of novel lipopeptide transfection agents, consisting of an alkyl chain, one cysteine, 1 to 4 histidine and 1 to 3 lysine residues. The lipopeptides were designed to facilitate dimerization (by way of the cysteine residues), DNA binding at neutral pH (making use of charged lysine residues), and endosomal escape (by way of weakly basic histidine residues). DNA/lipopeptide complexes were evaluated for their biophysical properties and transfection efficiencies. The number and identity of amino acids incorporated in the lipopeptide construct affected their DNA/lipopeptide complex forming capacity. As the number of lysine residues in the lipopeptide increased, the DNA complexes formed became more stable, had higher zeta potential (particle surface charge), and produced smaller mean particle sizes (typically 110 nm at a charge ratio of 5.0 and 240 nm at a charge ratio of 1.0). The effect of inclusion of histidines in the lipopeptide moiety had the opposite effect on complex formation to lysine, but was necessary for high transfection efficiency. In vitro transfection studies in COS-7 cells revealed that the efficiency of gene delivery of the luciferase encoding plasmid, pCMV-Luc, mediated by all the lipopeptides, was much higher than poly(L-lysine) (PLL), which has no endosomal escape system, and in two cases was slightly higher than that of branched polyethylenimine (PEI). Lipopeptides with at least two lysine residues and at least one histidine residue produced spontaneous transfection complexes with plasmid DNA, indicating that endosomal escape was achieved by incorporation of histidine residues. These low molecular weight peptides can be readily synthesized and purified and offer new insights into the mechanism of action of transfection complexes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tumor cells such as leukemia and lymphoma cells are possible targets for gene therapy. However, previously leukemia and lymphoma cells have been demonstrated to be resistant to most of non-viral gene transfer methods. METHODS: The aim of this study was to analyze various methods for transfection of primary leukemia cells and leukemia cell lines and to improve the efficiency of gene delivery. Here, we evaluated a novel electroporation based technique called nucleofection. This novel technique uses a combination of special electrical parameters and specific solutions to deliver the DNA directly to the cell nucleus under mild conditions. RESULTS: Using this technique for gene transfer up to 75% of primary cells derived from three acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients and K562 cells were transfected with the green flourescent protein (GFP) reporter gene with low cytotoxicity. In addition, 49(+/- 9.7%) of HL60 leukemia cells showed expression of GFP. CONCLUSION: The non-viral transfection method described here may have an impact on the use of primary leukemia cells and leukemia cell lines in cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

Introduction of foreign genes into target cells is a crucial step for achievement of gene therapy. We have recently developed a novel transfection system for eukaryotic cells, namely the electric pulse-activated gas plasma generator. To measure the transfection efficiency and mortality by flow-cytometry, we employed enhanced green fluorescent protein and propidium iodide staining, respectively. One day after the 1-3s plasma exposures with DNA concentration at 0.5 microg/microl, favorable transfection efficiencies (17.8-21.6%) and mortalities (0.65-2.86%) were obtained for HeLa-S3, HT-1080 and MCF-7 cells. The recipient cells became transiently permeable for plasmid DNA during the plasma exposure, suggesting that plasma-mediated transfection may involve similar mechanisms that accounts for electroporation. The relatively low mortality rates are encouraging in our attempt to apply this system to the various cell lines including the primary cell cultures.  相似文献   

The feasibility of a new transfection agent, HBPL, for the production of recombinant IgG antibody via TGE as well as for the transfection of primary cells is studied. Under the conditions investigated, transfection of CHO-DG44 cells using HBPL results in IgG yields that are comparable to those obtained with PEI. In experiments with CHO-K1 cells and MEFs the use of HPBL allows to achieve transfection efficiencies comparable to or better than those obtained with PEI or Fugene?. HBPL-mediated transfection does not require complex pre-formation, works well in serum-containing media and is biodegradable, which may prevent cumulative cytotoxicity and facilitates downstream processing.  相似文献   

A new approach to optimization of mixtures for the condensation and introduction of plasmid DNA into eukaryotic cells is proposed, which is based on the formation of ternary interpolyelectrolyte complexes (IPEC) DNA/polycation/polyanion. Polyethyleneimine (PEI) with M 30-40 kDa as polycation and polyacrylic acid (PA) with M 20 kDa or its grafted copolymer with polyethyleneglycol (PEG) as polyanion were used, and ternary complexes with various ratios of the components were prepared. The PA-PEG incorporation into a ternary complex (by itself or as a 1:1 mixture with PA) was shown to confer the solubility onto complexes in a wide range of DNA/PEI ratios. Incorporation of even minute amounts of PA-PEG (as a 1:9 mixture with PA), while not completely preventing the aggregation of ternary IPEC, drastically changed their sorption characteristics. Using a beta-galactosidase-encoding plasmid, efficiencies of transfection of the CHO-AA8 and 293 cells for different IPEC and DNA/lipofectin complex were compared. The maximum efficiency was exhibited by ternary complex DNA/PEI/polyanion where a 1:1 mixture of PA and PA-PEG was used as polyanion. Possible reasons for this effect and further ways of optimization of mixtures for expression of plasmid DNA in the context of the new approach are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel cationic derivative of cholesterol, 3 beta [N-(N',N'-dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol), has been synthesized and used to prepare sonicated liposomes with dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine. This novel cationic liposome reagent facilitates efficient DNA mediated transfection in A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells, A549 human lung carcinoma cells, L929 mouse fibroblast cells, and YPT minipig primary endothelial cells. The activity was greater than that of a commercial reagent, Lipofectin, and was approximately 4-fold less toxic than Lipofectin when assayed with A431 cells. The reagent is easy to synthesize and stable for at least 6 weeks.  相似文献   

RNA interference(RNAi)targeting lethal genes in insects has great potential for sustainable crop protection.Compared with traditional double-stranded(ds)RNA delivery systems,nanoparticles such as chitosan,liposomes,and cationic dendrimers offer advantages in delivering dsRNA/small interfering(si)RNA to improve RNAi efficiency,thus promoting the development and practice of RNAi-based pest management strategies.Here,we illustrate the limitations of traditional dsRNA delivery systems,reveal the mechanism of nanoparticle-mediated RNAi,summarize the recent progress and successful applications of nanoparticle-mediated RNAi in pest management,and finally address the prospects of nanoparticle-based RNA pesticides.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) targeting lethal genes in insects has great potential for sustainable crop protection. Compared with traditional double-stranded (ds)RNA delivery systems, nanoparticles such as chitosan, liposomes, and cationic dendrimers offer advantages in delivering dsRNA/small interfering (si)RNA to improve RNAi efficiency, thus promoting the development and practice of RNAi-based pest management strategies. Here, we illustrate the limitations of traditional dsRNA delivery systems, reveal the mechanism of nanoparticle-mediated RNAi, summarize the recent progress and successful applications of nanoparticle-mediated RNAi in pest management, and finally address the prospects of nanoparticle-based RNA pesticides.  相似文献   

A non-viral transfection method for oral mucosal cells was investigated using a modified transfection method and five commercial transfection reagents. The CellFECTINTM gave the highest expression of a transfected gene. When the mucosal cells were transfected with 0.3 ng DNA/cell, the transfection efficiency was optimal, and the production of a reporter protein increased up to ten times higher than those with the other transfection reagents.  相似文献   

In vivo gene delivery mediated by cationic lipids is often compromised by aggregation due to complexation with proteins in the blood. To improve the stability of cationic lipid-DNA complexes, the present study aimed to develop a novel approach in which a poly(cationic lipid) (PCL) is utilized to form stable cationic polyplexes for gene transfection. Hydrogenation of the acrylamide analogue of betaAE-DMRI, the polymerizable precursor of PCL, provided a monomeric lipid derivative (MHL) which was used for direct comparison of corresponding lipoplex stability, toxicity, and transfection activity. Various formulations of cationic liposomes, such as MHL, MHL-cholesterol (Chol), PCL, PCL-Chol, DOTAP-Chol, and commercially available lipofectamine were generated and examined in this study. The new poly(cationic lipid) did not display any significant toxicity to rat hepatocytes or Hep G2 cells as indicated by an LDH leakage assay. Furthermore, PCL was significantly less toxic than MHL, DOTAP-Chol or lipofectamine. Suspensions of PCL were resistant to aggregation even after 24 h of exposure to solutions containing 50 and 100% fetal bovine serum (FBS). In contrast, suspensions of lipofectamine extensively aggregated after 24 h of exposure to 50% FBS. To examine the influence of lipid polymerization on gene transfer activity, liposome-mediated transfections of a luciferase vector (pGL3) were performed in Hep G2 and Alexander cell lines. The luciferase activity of the PCL formulations in Hep G2 cells were similar to those of the MHL, DOTAP-Chol and lipofectamine formulations, demonstrating that lipid polymerization does not compromise transfection activity. In comparison to the monomeric precursor MHL and to the industry transfection standards DOTAP and lipofectamine, the novel poly(cationic lipid) exhibited the lowest cytotoxicity, was the most resistant to serum-induced aggregation and had comparable transfection activity when coformulated with cholesterol. This novel polymerization approach for the development of stable and active polyplexes may prove a valuable alternative for in vivo gene delivery.  相似文献   

Summary The molecular mechanisms that regulate the synthesis of salivary proteins are unknown. The paucity of homogeneous cell populations of parotid acinar cells has become a limiting factor for such a study. Therefore, the establishment of immortalized clones of acinar cells is essential. This study has established primary cultures of rat and human parotid epithelial cells that are suitable for transfection with plasmid vectors, pSV2, pSV3, and pSV5 to generate immortalized cells in vitro. Among various techniques used, the rat and human parotid tissue or cellular clumps when restrained in chicken plasma clot allowed the outgrowth of epithelial cells that maintained epithelial cell morphology for over 4 wk. However, the initial growth requirements for rat and human parotid cells were different. The presence of 10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum in supplemented MCDB-LB medium was essential for the outgrowth of rat parotid epithelial cells, but this was not needed for the outgrowth of human parotid epithelial cells. The growth of both human and rat parotid epithelial cells can be maintained in serum-free supplemented MCDB-LB. These primary cultures contained amylase-producing cells as demonstrated by immunofluorescent technique, and they were transfected with pSV2, pSV3, and pSV5 using primarily the calcium phosphate-DNA co-precipitation technique. After initial extensive cell death, many cells with epithelial cell morphology survived.  相似文献   



Biolistic transfection is proving an increasingly popular method of incorporating DNA or RNA into cells that are difficult to transfect using traditional methods. The technique routinely uses 'microparticles', which are ~1 μm diameter projectiles, fired into tissues using pressurised gas. These microparticles are efficient at delivering DNA into cells, but cannot efficiently transfect small cells and may cause significant tissue damage, thus limiting their potential usefulness. Here we describe the use of 40 nm diameter projectiles - nanoparticles - in biolistic transfections to determine if they are a suitable alternative to microparticles.


Examination of transfection efficiencies in HEK293 cells, using a range of conditions including different DNA concentrations and different preparation procedures, reveals similar behaviour of microparticles and nanoparticles. The use of nanoparticles, however, resulted in ~30% fewer damaged HEK293 cells following transfection. Biolistic transfection of mouse ear tissue revealed similar depth penetration for the two types of particles, and also showed that < 10% of nuclei were damaged in nanoparticle-transfected samples, compared to > 20% in microparticle-transfected samples. Visualising details of small cellular structures was also considerably enhanced when using nanoparticles.


We conclude that nanoparticles are as efficient for biolistic transfection as microparticles, and are more appropriate for use in small cells, when examining cellular structures and/or where tissue damage is a problem.  相似文献   

We reported recently that albumin is a suitable drug carrier for targeted delivery of methotrexate (MTX) to tumors. Due to pathophysiological conditions in neoplastic tissue, high amounts of albumin accumulate in tumors and are metabolized by malignant cells. MTX, covalently coupled to human serum albumin (MTX-HSA) for cancer treatment, is currently being evaluated in phase II clinical trials. Because synovium of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) shares various features observed also in tumors, albumin-based drug targeting of inflamed joints might be an attractive therapeutic approach. Therefore, the pharmacokinetics of albumin and MTX in a mouse model of arthritis was examined. Additionally, uptake of albumin by synovial fibroblasts of RA patients and the efficacy of MTX and MTX-HSA in arthritic mice were studied. The results show that when compared with MTX, significantly higher amounts of albumin accumulate in inflamed paws, and significantly lower amounts of albumin are found in the liver and the kidneys. The protein is metabolized by human synovial fibroblasts in vitro and in vivo. MTX-HSA was significantly more effective in suppression of the onset of arthritis in mice than was MTX. In conclusion, albumin appears to be a suitable drug carrier in RA, most likely due to effects on synovial fibroblasts, which might increase therapeutic efficacy and reduce side effects of MTX.  相似文献   

Synthesis of eukaryotic ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) includes methylation of scores of nucleotides at the 2'-O-ribose position (Nm) by small nucleolar RNP complexes (snoRNPs). Sequence specificity is provided by the snoRNA component through base-pairing of a guide sequence with rRNA. Here, we report that methylation snoRNPs can be targeted to many new sites in yeast rRNA, by providing the snoRNA with a novel guide sequence, and that in some cases growth and translation activity are strongly impaired. Novel snoRNAs can be expressed individually or by a unique library strategy that yields guide sequences specific for a large target region. Interference effects were observed for sites in both the small and large subunits, including the reaction center region. Targeting guide RNAs to nucleotides flanking the sensitive sites caused little or no defect, indicating that methylation is responsible for the interference rather than a simple antisense effect or misguided chaperone function. To our knowledge, this is the only approach that has been used to mutagenize the backbone of rRNA in vivo.  相似文献   

Dang SP  Wang RX  Qin MD  Zhang Y  Gu YZ  Wang MY  Yang QL  Li XR  Zhang XG 《Plasmid》2011,66(1):19-25
Albumin microbubbles have been intensively studied for their application in gene delivery. However, with negative surface potential, albumin microbubbles hardly bind plasmid DNA, which might contribute to their low transgene efficiency. In this study, we developed polyethylenimine (PEI) coated albumin microbubbles (PAMB) which were prepared by sonicating the mixture of human albumin, PEI, polyethylene glycol and glucose. CHO cells, COS cells and 293T cells were transfected with PEI, PEI + albumin, PAMB and Lipofectamine 2000, respectively. Our results showed that the surface potential was elevated and PAMB could bind plasmid DNA. The transgene efficiency of PAMB was higher than PEI and PEI + albumin (P < 0.05), and PAMB performed the same transgene effect as Lipofectamine 2000 did but with lower cytotoxicity than Lipofectamine 2000. Albumin microbubbles modified by PEI has high transgene efficiency and low cytotoxicity even without ultrasound medication, making it a useful non-virus gene delivery method in vitro.  相似文献   

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