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Transcranial Doppler ultrasound-determined middle (MCA) and anterior (ACA) cerebral artery mean flow velocities (Vmean) and pulsatility indexes (PI) were measured during "no-load" [21, 60, and 102 revolutions/min (rpm)] and loaded cycling (30, 60, and 149 W) at approximately 60 rpm. At rest Vmean MCA was 51 (36-55) cm/s (median and range; n = 10) and Vmean ACA was 41 (36-49) cm/s (n = 7; P < 0.05). With no load on the cycle Vmean MCA increased 4 (2-36), 10 (0-47), and 27% (4-58) (P < 0.05) at the three pedaling frequencies, respectively; arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) remained constant. During loaded cycling the increases were 19 (6-42), 25 (2-45), and 32% (12-67) (P < 0.01), respectively, with only a minimal change in PaCO2. No significant changes were observed in Vmean ACA. Changes in Vmean MCA were similar to those recorded by the initial slope index (ISI) of the 133Xe clearance method (n = 11), which in turn were smaller than increases recorded by the fast-compartment flow. PI ACA followed PI MCA during no-load as well as loaded exercise and increased with work rate, perhaps reflecting an increase in pulse pressure from 56 (48-63) mmHg at rest to 109 (88-123) mmHg at 149 W (P < 0.01). Data demonstrate a graded increase in regional cerebral perfusion during dynamic exercise corresponding to the MCA territory.  相似文献   

We used the microdialysis technique to measurethe interstitial concentration of several putative metabolic stimulantsof the exercise pressor reflex during 3- and 5-Hz twitch contractions in the decerebrate cat. The peak increases in heart rate and mean arterial pressure during contraction were 20 ± 5 beats/min and 21 ± 8 mmHg and 27 ± 9 beats/min and 37 ± 12 mmHg for the 3- and 5-Hz stimulation protocols, respectively. All variables returned tobaseline after 10 min of recovery. Interstitial lactate rose (P < 0.05) by 0.41 ± 0.15 and0.56 ± 0.16 mM for the 3- and 5-Hz stimulation protocols,respectively, and were not statistically different from one another.Interstitial lactate levels remained above(P < 0.05) baseline during recoveryin the 5-Hz group. Dialysate phosphate concentrations (corrected forshifts in probe recovery) rose with stimulation(P < 0.05) by 0.19 ± 0.08 and0.11 ± 0.03 mM for the 3- and 5-Hz protocols. There were nodifferences between groups. The resting dialysateK+ concentrations for the 3- and5-Hz conditions were 4.0 ± 0.1 and 3.9 ± 0.1 meq/l,respectively. During stimulation the dialysate K+ concentrations rose steadilyfor both conditions, and the increase from rest to stimulation(P < 0.05) was 0.57 ± 0.19 and0.81 ± 0.06 meq/l for the 3- and 5-Hz conditions, respectively,with no differences between groups. Resting dialysate pH was6.915 ± 0.055 and 6.981 ± 0.032 and rose to 7.013 (P < 0.05) and 7.053 (P < 0.05) for the 3- and 5-Hzconditions, respectively, and then became acidotic (6.905, P < 0.05) during recovery (5 Hzonly). This study represents the first time simultaneous measurements of multiple skeletal muscle interstitial metabolites and pressor responses to twitch contractions have been made in the cat. These datasuggest that interstitial K+ andphosphate, but not lactate and H+,may contribute to the stimulation of thin fiber muscle afferents duringcontraction.


The effects of changes in transmural pressure on brachial artery mean blood velocity (MBV) were examined in humans. Transmural pressure was altered by using a specially designed pressure tank that raised or lowered forearm pressure by 50 mmHg within 0.2 s. Brachial MBV was measured with Doppler directly above the site of forearm pressure change. Pressure changes were evoked during resting conditions and after a 5-s handgrip contraction at 25% maximal voluntary contraction. The handgrip protocol selected was sufficiently vigorous to limit flow and sufficiently brief to prevent autonomic engagement. Changes in transmural pressure evoked directionally similar changes in MBV within 2 s. This was followed by large and rapid adjustments [-2.14 +/- 0.24 cm/s (vasoconstriction) during negative pressure and +2.14 +/- 0.45 cm/s (vasodilatation) during positive pressure]. These adjustments served to return MBV to resting levels. This regulatory influence remained operative after 5-s static handgrip contractions. Of note, changes in transmural pressure were capable of altering the timing of the peak MBV response (5 +/- 0, 2 +/- 0, 6 +/- 1 s ambient, negative, and positive pressure, respectively) as well as the speed of MBV adjustment (-2.03 +/- 0.18, -2.48 +/- 0.15, -0.84 +/- 0.19 cm x s(-1) x s(-1) ambient, negative, and positive pressure, respectively) after handgrip contractions. Vascular responses, seen with changes in transmural pressure, provide evidence that the myogenic response is normally operative in the limb circulation of humans.  相似文献   

The effects of dynamic and intermittent isometric knee extension exercises on skeletal muscle blood flow and flow heterogeneity were studied in seven healthy endurance-trained men. Regional muscle blood flow was measured using positron emission tomography (PET) and an [(15)O]H(2)O tracer, and electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded in the quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle during submaximal intermittent isometric and dynamic exercises. QF blood flow was 61% (P = 0.002) higher during dynamic exercise. Interestingly, flow heterogeneity was 13% (P = 0.024) lower during dynamic compared with intermittent isometric exercise. EMG activity was significantly higher (P < 0.001) during dynamic exercise, and the change in EMG activity from isometric to dynamic exercise was tightly related to the change in blood flow in the vastus lateralis muscle (r = 0.98, P < 0.001) but not in the rectus femoris muscle (r = -0.09, P = 0.942). In conclusion, dynamic exercise causes higher and less heterogeneous blood flow than intermittent isometric exercise at the same exercise intensity. These responses are, at least partly, related to the increased EMG activity.  相似文献   

We sought to examine the regulation of cerebral blood flow during 10 min of recovery from mild, moderate, and heavy cycling exercise by measuring middle cerebral artery blood velocity (MCA V). Transfer function analyses between changes in arterial blood pressure and MCA V were used to assess the frequency components of dynamic cerebral autoregulation (CA). After mild and moderate exercise, the decreases in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and mean MCA V (MCA Vm) were small. However, following heavy exercise, MAP was rapidly and markedly reduced, whereas MCA Vm decreased slowly (-23 +/- 4 mmHg and -4 +/- 1 cm/s after 1 min for MAP and MCA Vm, respectively; means +/- SE). Importantly, for each workload, the normalized low-frequency transfer function gain between MAP and MCA Vm remained unchanged from rest to exercise and during recovery, indicating a maintained dynamic CA. Similar results were found for the systolic blood pressure and systolic MCA V relationship. In contrast, the normalized low-frequency transfer function gain between diastolic blood pressure and diastolic MCA V (MCA Vd) increased from rest to exercise and remained elevated in the recovery period (P < 0.05). However, MCA Vd was quite stable on the cessation of exercise. These findings suggest that MCA V is well maintained following mild to heavy dynamic exercise. However, the increased transfer function gain between diastolic blood pressure and MCA Vd suggests that dynamic CA becomes less effective in response to rapid decreases in blood pressure during the initial 10 min of recovery from dynamic exercise.  相似文献   

Changes in middle cerebral artery flow velocity (Vmean), measured by transcranial Doppler ultrasound, were used to determine whether increases in mean arterial pressure (MAP) or brain activation enhance cerebral perfusion during exercise. We also evaluated the role of "central command," mechanoreceptors, and/or muscle "metaboreceptors" on cerebral perfusion. Ten healthy subjects performed two levels of dynamic exercise corresponding to a heart rate of 110 (range 89-134) and 148 (129-170) beats/min, respectively, and exhaustive one-legged static knee extension. Measurements were continued during 2-2.5 min of muscle ischemia. MAP increased similarly during static [114 (102-133) mmHg] and heavy dynamic exercise [121 (104-136) mmHg] and increased during muscle ischemia after dynamic exercise. During heavy dynamic exercise, Vmean increased 24% (10-47%; P less than 0.01) over approximately 3 min despite constant arterial carbon dioxide tension. In contrast, static exercise with a higher rate of perceived exertion [18 (13-20) vs. 15 (12-18) units; P less than 0.01] was associated with no significant change in Vmean. Muscle ischemia after exercise was not associated with an elevation in Vmean, and it did not provoke an increase in Vmean after static exercise. Changes in Vmean during exercise were similar to those recorded with the initial slope index of the 133Xe clearance method. The data show that middle cerebral artery mean flow velocity reflects changes in cerebral perfusion during exercise. Furthermore, they support the hypothesis that cerebral perfusion during exercise reflects an increase in brain activation that is independent of MAP, central command, and muscle metaboreceptors but is likely to depend on influence of mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   

Ventilatory, cardiovascular and metabolic functions and work performance were studied in men performing incremental-load dynamic leg exercise until exhaustion. Part I: Responses to supine exercise were investigated in 8 subjects during exposure of the lower body to subatmospheric pressure at -6.67 kPa (-50 mm Hg) (Lower Body Negative Pressure, LBNP). Due to curtailment of stroke volume, cardiac output was reduced by LBNP over a wide range of work intensities, including heavy loads: ventilation, oxygen uptake and blood lactate concentrations increased with work load, but at lower rates than in the control condition. Part II: In 9 subjects, work performance was compared in three conditions: supine exercise with and without LBNP, and upright exercise. Performance in supine exercise was enhanced by LBNP, and was further improved in upright exercise. In supine exercise, the LBNP-induced reduction in blood lactate and enhancement of work performance are attributed to a more efficient muscle blood flow resulting from increased local perfusion pressure. This strongly suggests that the primary limitation of work performance was set by the peripheral circulation in working muscles rather than by cardiac performance. A similar mechanism may, in part, explain why work performance in dynamic leg exercise was greater in the upright than in the supine posture. It is also concluded that supine leg exercise during LBNP is a useful model of upright exercise, with regard to the central circulation and the circulation in working muscles.  相似文献   

Although cerebral autoregulation (CA) appears well maintained during mild to moderate intensity dynamic exercise in young subjects, it is presently unclear how aging influences the regulation of cerebral blood flow during physical activity. Therefore, to address this question, middle cerebral artery blood velocity (MCAV), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (Pa(CO(2))) were assessed at rest and during steady-state cycling at 30% and 50% heart rate reserve (HRR) in 9 young (24 +/- 3 yr; mean +/- SD) and 10 older middle-aged (57 +/- 7 yr) subjects. Transfer function analysis between changes in MAP and mean MCAV (MCAV(mean)) in the low-frequency (LF) range were used to assess dynamic CA. No age-group differences were found in Pa(CO(2)) at rest or during cycling. Exercise-induced increases in MAP were greater in older subjects, while changes in MCAV(mean) were similar between groups. The cerebral vascular conductance index (MCAV(mean)/MAP) was not different at rest (young 0.66 +/- 0.04 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1) vs. older 0.67 +/- 0.03 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1); mean +/- SE) or during 30% HRR cycling between groups but was reduced in older subjects during 50% HRR cycling (young 0.67 +/- 0.03 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1) vs. older 0.56 +/- 0.02 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1); P < 0.05). LF transfer function gain and phase between MAP and MCAV(mean) was not different between groups at rest (LF gain: young 0.95 +/- 0.05 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1) vs. older 0.88 +/- 0.06 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1); P > 0.05) or during exercise (LF gain: young 0.80 +/- 0.05 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1) vs. older 0.72 +/- 0.07 cm x s(-1) x mmHg(-1) at 50% HRR; P > 0.05). We conclude that despite greater increases in MAP, the regulation of MCAV(mean) is well maintained during dynamic exercise in healthy older middle-aged subjects.  相似文献   

Effects of graded supine dynamic exercise (30, 60, and 80-90% of maximal physical capacity, i.e., work loads of 69, 132, and 188 W) on renal vascular resistance (RVR); renal sympathetic nerve activity [assessed by the renal venous overflow of norepinephrine (NE)]; renal overflows of dopamine (DA), immunoreactive neuropeptide Y (NPY-LI), and renin; as well as plasma concentrations of angiotensin-(1-8)-octapeptide (ANG II) were evaluated in eight healthy male volunteers. Exercise evoked stimulus-dependent and marked elevations of RVR, arterial NE, epinephrine (Epi), and DA. RVR increased by 140% and the renal overflows of NE and DA increased by 1,331 and 179%, respectively, at 188 W. A net removal of NPY-LI at rest turned into a small net renal overflow, which correlated with increases in RVR at 188 W. Increases in renin release (+1,200% at 188 W) correlated with increases in renal NE and DA overflows and with arterial Epi levels. Arterial ANG II levels increased stimulus dependently (by 264% at 188 W) and correlated more closely with increases in RVR than did other variables. Thus dynamic exercise is a potent stimulus for renal nerve activation in humans, and renal sympathetic nerve activity may contribute to increased RVR both directly (NE and, at exhaustive work loads, possibly NPY) and indirectly (via renin-mediated ANG II formation).  相似文献   

Exercise challenges cerebral autoregulation (CA) by a large increase in pulse pressure (PP) that may make systolic pressure exceed what is normally considered the upper range of CA. This study examined the relationship between systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) and systolic (V(s)), diastolic (V(d)). and mean (V(m)) middle cerebral artery (MCA) blood flow velocity during mild, moderate, and heavy cycling exercise. Dynamic CA and steady-state changes in MCA V in relation to changes in arterial pressure were evaluated using transfer function analysis. PP increased by 37% and 57% during moderate and heavy exercise, respectively (P < 0.05), and the pulsatility of MCA V increased markedly. Thus exercise increased MCA V(m) and V(s) (P < 0.05) but tended to decrease MCA V(d) (P = 0.06). However, the normalized low-frequency transfer function gain between MAP and MCA V(m) and between SBP and MCA V(s) remained unchanged from rest to exercise, whereas that between DBP and MCA V(d) increased from rest to heavy exercise (P < 0.05). These findings suggest that during exercise, CA is challenged by a rapid decrease rather than by a rapid increase in blood pressure. However, dynamic CA remains able to modulate blood flow around the exercise-induced increase in MCA V(m), even during high-intensity exercise.  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow (CBF) in humans was measured at rest and during dynamic exercise on a cycle ergometer corresponding to 56% (range 27-85) of maximal O2 uptake (VO2max). Exercise bouts were performed by 16 male and female subjects, lasted 15 min each, and were carried out in a semisupine position. CBF (133Xe clearance) was expressed as the initial slope index (ISI) and as the first compartment flow (F1). CBF at rest [ISI, 58 (range 45-73); F1, 76 (range 55-98) ml.100 g-1.min-1] increased during exercise [ISI to 79 (57-94) and F1 to 118 (75-164) ml.100 g-1.min-1, P less than 0.01]. CBF did not differ significantly between work loads from 32 (24-33) to 86% (74-96) of VO2max (n = 10). During exercise, mean arterial pressure increased from 84 (60-100) to 101 (78-124) Torr (P less than 0.01) and PCO2 remained unchanged [5.1 (4.6-5.6) vs. 5.4 (4.4-6.3) kPa, n = 6]. These results demonstrate a median increase of 31% (0-87) in CBF by ISI and a median increase of 58% (0-133) in CBF by F1 during dynamic exercise in humans.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to use the microdialysis technique to determine skeletal muscle interstitial glucose and lactate concentrations during dynamic incremental exercise in humans. Microdialysis probes were inserted into the vastus lateralis muscle, and subjects performed knee extensor exercise at workloads of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 W. The in vivo probe recoveries determined at rest by the internal reference method for glucose and lactate were 28.7 +/- 2.5 and 32.0 +/- 2.7%, respectively. As exercise intensity increased, probe recovery also increased, and at the highest workload probe recovery for glucose (61.0 +/- 3.9%) and lactate (66. 3 +/- 3.6%) had more than doubled. At rest the interstitial glucose concentration (3.5 +/- 0.2 mM) was lower than both the arterial (5.6 +/- 0.2 mM) and venous (5.3 +/- 0.3 mM) plasma water glucose levels. The interstitial glucose levels remained lower (P < 0.05) than the arterial and venous plasma water glucose concentrations during exercise at all intensities and at 10, 20, 30, and 50 W, respectively. At rest the interstitial lactate concentration (2.5 +/- 0.2 mM) was higher (P < 0.05) than both the arterial (0.9 +/- 0. 2 mM) and venous (1.1 +/- 0.2 mM) plasma water lactate levels. This relationship was maintained (P < 0.05) during exercise at workloads of 10, 20, and 30 W. These data suggest that interstitial glucose delivery at rest is flow limited and that during exercise changes in the interstitial concentrations of glucose and lactate mirror the changes observed in the venous plasma water compartments. Furthermore, skeletal muscle contraction results in an increase in the diffusion coefficient of glucose and lactate within the interstitial space as reflected by an elevation in probe recovery during exercise.  相似文献   

Plasma and muscle amino acid (AA) and ammonia (NH3) responses were measured during prolonged submaximal exercise in humans. Increased NH3 production during submaximal exercise has been attributed to the activity of the purine nucleotide cycle, without consideration of any possible contribution from AA. Six men cycled at 75% of maximal O2 uptake until exhaustion on two occasions after 2.5 days of ingestion of a high-carbohydrate or mixed diet. Plasma samples (antecubital vein) and muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis) were obtained at rest and during exercise and analyzed for plasma and muscle NH3 and AA as well as muscle metabolites. There were no significant diet effects in these parameters, so the majority of results focus on the effects of exercise. Plasma and muscle NH3 increased significantly from the onset and continued to increase throughout exercise. The total and total essential [AA] of muscle were significantly increased at exhaustion, whereas both the plasma and muscle branched-chain AA contents were unchanged. This suggests that protein catabolism was occurring during exercise and the branched-chain AA were used for energy and NH3 production.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether microdialysis and the internal reference thallium-201 ((201)Tl) could accurately measure muscle interstitial K+ (Ki+) before, during, and after exercise. The relative loss of (201)Tl and simultaneous relative recovery of K+ were measured in vitro for 12 microdialysis probes that were bathed in Ringer acetate medium and perfused at various flows (3-10 microl/min). (201)Tl loss was linearly related to K+ recovery, and their level of agreement was not different from zero. Microdialysis and (201)Tl were then used to measure Ki+ in the gastrocnemius medialis muscle of four humans during rest and static plantar flexion exercise. At rest, Ki+ was 3.9-4.3 mmol/l when the perfusate flow was 2 or 5 microl/min. During exercise, Ki+ increased from 6.9 +/- 0.4 to 7.5 +/- 0.3 mmol/l at low to high intensity and declined to 5.2 +/- 0.3 mmol/l after exercise. These results suggest that large changes in Ki+ in human skeletal muscle can be accurately measured by using microdialysis and (201)Tl.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether endurance exercise training increases the ability of human skeletal muscle to accumulate glycogen after exercise. Subjects (4 women and 2 men, 31 +/- 8 yr old) performed high-intensity stationary cycling 3 days/wk and continuous running 3 days/wk for 10 wk. Muscle glycogen concentration was measured after a glycogen-depleting exercise bout before and after endurance training. Muscle glycogen accumulation rate from 15 min to 6 h after exercise was twofold higher (P < 0.05) in the trained than in the untrained state: 10.5 +/- 0.2 and 4.5 +/- 1.3 mmol. kg wet wt(-1). h(-1), respectively. Muscle glycogen concentration was higher (P < 0.05) in the trained than in the untrained state at 15 min, 6 h, and 48 h after exercise. Muscle GLUT-4 content after exercise was twofold higher (P < 0.05) in the trained than in the untrained state (10.7 +/- 1.2 and 4.7 +/- 0.7 optical density units, respectively) and was correlated with muscle glycogen concentration 6 h after exercise (r = 0.64, P < 0.05). Total glycogen synthase activity and the percentage of glycogen synthase I were not significantly different before and after training at 15 min, 6 h, and 48 h after exercise. We conclude that endurance exercise training enhances the capacity of human skeletal muscle to accumulate glycogen after glycogen-depleting exercise.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of elevated temperature on muscle energy turnover during dynamic exercise. Nine male subjects performed 10 min of dynamic knee-extensor exercise at an intensity of 43 W (SD 10) and a frequency of 60 contractions per minute. Exercise was performed under normal (C) and elevated muscle temperature (HT) through passive heating. Thigh oxygen uptake (V(O2)) was determined from measurements of thigh blood flow and femoral arterial-venous differences for oxygen content. Anaerobic energy turnover was estimated from measurements of lactate release as well as muscle lactate accumulation and phosphocreatine utilization based on analysis of muscle biopsies obtained before and after each exercise. At the start of exercise, muscle temperature was 34.5 degrees C (SD 1.7) in C compared with 37.2 degrees C (SD 0.5) during HT (P < 0.05). Thigh V(O2) after 3 min was 0.52 l/min (SD 0.11) in C and 0.63 l/min (SD 0.13) in HT, and at the end of exercise it was 0.60 l/min (SD 0.14) and 0.61 l/min (SD 0.10) in C and HT, respectively (not significant). Total lactate release was the same between the two temperature conditions, as was muscle lactate accumulation and PCr utilization. Total ATP production (aerobic + anaerobic) was the same between each temperature condition [505.0 mmol/kg (SD 107.2) vs. 527.1 mmol/kg (SD 117.6); C and HT, respectively]. In conclusion, within the range of temperatures studied, passively increasing muscle temperature before exercise has no effect on muscle energy turnover during dynamic exercise.  相似文献   

To determine whether lactic acid production contributes significantly to the cardiac responses to muscular dynamic exercise, we administered intravenous sodium dichloroacetate (32 mumol.kg-1.min-1), a pyruvate dehydrogenase activator that facilitates lactate metabolism via the tricarboxylic cycle, in 12 dogs during two graded levels of treadmill exercise. Similar exercise was carried out in nine normal dogs receiving equimolar doses of NaCl. In the latter group, arterial lactate increased progressively from 0.80 +/- 0.11 (SE) mmol/l at rest to 2.13 +/- 0.28 mmol/l by the end of exercise. In contrast, arterial lactate did not change significantly (0.98 +/- 0.12 to 0.95 +/- 0.11 mmol/l) during exercise in dogs receiving dichloroacetate infusion. Dichloroacetate infusion also reduced the increases in plasma norepinephrine, heart rate, and left ventricular contractile indexes that occurred during exercise, suggesting that the sympathetic cardiac stimulation occurring during exercise may be related to the production of lactic acid. However, dichloroacetate affected neither the net increase in cardiac output nor the relationship between total body oxygen consumption and cardiac output that occurred during exercise. Thus we conclude that lactic acid production is not essential to the increase in cardiac output that occurs during mild-to-moderate exercise.  相似文献   

Whether neurogenic vasodilatation contributes to exercise hyperemia is still controversial. Blood flow to noncontracting muscle, however, is chiefly regulated by a neural mechanism. Although vasodilatation in the nonexercising limb was shown at the onset of exercise, it was unclear whether central command or muscle mechanoreflex is responsible for the vasodilatation. To clarify this, using voluntary one-legged cycling with the right leg in humans, we measured the relative changes in concentrations of oxygenated-hemoglobin (Oxy-Hb) of the noncontracting vastus lateralis (VL) muscle with near-infrared spectroscopy as an index of tissue blood flow and femoral blood flow to the nonexercising leg. Oxy-Hb in the noncontracting VL and femoral blood flow increased (P < 0.05) at the start period of voluntary one-legged cycling without accompanying a rise in arterial blood pressure. In contrast, no increases in Oxy-Hb and femoral blood flow were detected at the start period of passive one-legged cycling, suggesting that muscle mechanoreflex cannot explain the initial vasodilatation of the noncontracting muscle during voluntary one-legged cycling. Motor imagery of the voluntary one-legged cycling increased Oxy-Hb of not only the right but also the left VL. Furthermore, an increase in Oxy-Hb of the contracting VL, which was observed at the start period of voluntary one-legged cycling, had the same time course and magnitude as the increase in Oxy-Hb of the noncontracting muscle. Thus it is concluded that the centrally induced vasodilator signal is equally transmitted to the bilateral VL muscles, not only during imagery of exercise but also at the start period of voluntary exercise in humans.  相似文献   

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