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Two of thirteen bacillar strains isolated from the inner tissues of cotton plants were found to produce type II restriction endonucleases. The investigation of the site specificity of these enzymes showed that they are AsuI and Eco31I isoschizomers.  相似文献   

A set of 6 base-modified 2′-deoxyadenosine derivatives was incorporated to diverse DNA sequences by primer extension using Vent (exo-) polymerase and the influence of the modification on cleavage by diverse restriction endonucleases was studied. While 8-substituted (Br or methyl) adenine derivatives were well tolerated by the restriction enzymes and the corresponding sequences were cleaved, the presence of 7-substituted 7-deazaadenine in the recognition sequence resulted in blocking of cleavage by some enzymes depending on the nature and size of the 7-substituent. All sequences with modifications outside of the recognition sequence were perfectly cleaved by all the restriction enzymes. The results are useful both for protection of some sequences from cleavage and for manipulation of functionalized DNA by restriction cleavage.  相似文献   

Orthodox Type IIP restriction endonucleases, which are commonly used in molecular biological work, recognize a single palindromic DNA recognition sequence and cleave within or near this sequence. Several new studies have reported on structural and biochemical peculiarities of restriction endonucleases that differ from the orthodox in that they require two copies of a particular DNA recognition sequence to cleave the DNA. These two sites requiring restriction endonucleases belong to different subtypes of Type II restriction endonucleases, namely Types IIE, IIF and IIS. We compare enzymes of these three types with regard to their DNA recognition and cleavage properties. The simultaneous recognition of two identical DNA sites by these restriction endonucleases ensures that single unmethylated recognition sites do not lead to chromosomal DNA cleavage, and might reflect evolutionary connections to other DNA processing proteins that specifically function with two sites.  相似文献   

Type II restriction enzymes generally recognize continuous sequences of 4-8 consecutive base pairs on DNA, but some recognize discontinuous sites where the specified sequence is interrupted by a defined length of nonspecific DNA. To date, a mechanism has been established for only one type II endonuclease with a discontinuous site, SfiI at GGCCNNNNNGGCC (where N is any base). In contrast to orthodox enzymes such as EcoRV, dimeric proteins that act at a single site, SfiI is a tetramer that interacts with two sites before cleaving DNA. BglI has a similar recognition sequence (GCCNNNNNGGC) to SfiI but a crystal structure like EcoRV. BglI and several other endonucleases with discontinuous sites were examined to see if they need two sites for their DNA cleavage reactions. The enzymes included some with sites containing lengthy segments of nonspecific DNA, such as XcmI (CCANNNNNNNNNTGG). In all cases, they acted at individual sites. Elongated recognition sites do not necessitate unusual reaction mechanisms. Other experiments on BglI showed that it bound to and cleaved DNA in the same manner as EcoRV, thus further delineating a distinct group of restriction enzymes with similar structures and a common reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

Type II restriction endonucleases usually recognize 4-6-base pair (bp) sites on DNA and cleave each site in a separate reaction. A few type II endonucleases have 8-bp recognition sites, but these seem unsuited for restriction, since their sites are rare on most DNA. Moreover, only one endonuclease that recognizes a target containing 8 bp has been examined to date, and this enzyme, SfiI, needs two copies of this site for its DNA cleavage reaction. In this study, several endonucleases with 8-bp sites were tested on plasmids that have either one or two copies of the relevant sequence to determine if they also need two sites. SgfI, SrfI, FseI, PacI, PmeI, Sse8781I, and SdaI all acted through equal and independent reactions at each site. AscI cleaved the DNA with one site at the same rate as that with two sites but acted processively on the latter. In contrast, SgrAI showed a marked preference for the plasmid with two sites and cleaved both sites on this DNA in a concerted manner, like SfiI. Endonucleases that require two copies of an 8-bp sequence may be widespread in nature, where, despite this seemingly inappropriate requirement, they may function in DNA restriction.  相似文献   

Abstract The galactophilic lectin of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA-I) was used for mitogenic stimulation of peripheral bloodlymphocytes from cancer-bearing patients and healthy subjects. This lectin, which preferentially stimulates sialidase-treated lymphocytes, was shown to be useful in the detection of an impairment in the mitogenic response of the patients' lymphocytes. Its efficiency was at least as that of the Phaseolus vulgaris lectin (PHA), which is widely used for the diagnosis and prognosis of deficient immunocompetence states.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(5):907-919.e7
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Two novel type II restriction endonucleases, designated as BpaI and BpnI, were isolated from Bacillus pasteurii strain1761 and Bacillus pantothenticus strain1639, respectively. They were partially purified and SDS-PAGE indicated Mr values of 28 and 67 kDa for BpaI, 28 and 48 kDa for BpnI. The partially purified endonucleases hydrolyzed DNA into discrete fragments: pUC18 (2.6 kb for BpaI; 1.8 and 0.8 kb for BpnI), pBR322 (2.5 and 1.8 kb for BpaI; 2.6 and 1.7 kb for BpnI) and phix174 DNA (3.2 and 2.1 kb for BpaI; 4 and 1.3 kb for BpnI).  相似文献   

The 2.1A crystal structure of the unliganded type II restriction endonuclease, HincII, is described. Although the asymmetric unit contains only a single monomer, crystal lattice contacts bring two monomers together to form a dimer very similar to that found in the DNA bound form. Comparison with the published DNA bound structure reveals that the DNA binding pocket is expanded in the unliganded structure. Comparison of the unliganded and DNA liganded structures reveals a simple rotation of subunits by 11 degrees each, or 22 degrees total, to a more closed structure around the bound DNA. Comparison of this conformational change to that observed in the other type II restriction endonucleases where DNA bound and unliganded forms have both been characterized, shows considerable variation in the types of conformational changes that can occur. The conformational changes in three can be described by a simple rotation of subunits, while in two others both rotation and translation of subunits relative to one another occurs. In addition, the endonucleases having subunits that undergo the greatest amount of rotation upon DNA binding are found to be those that distort the bound DNA the least, suggesting that DNA bending may be less facile in dimers possessing greater flexibility.  相似文献   

Restriction-modification (RM) systems are important for bacteria to limit foreign DNA invasion. The naturally competent bacterium Helicobacter pylori has highly diverse strain-specific type II systems. To evaluate the roles of strain-specific restriction in H. pylori natural transformation, a markerless type II restriction endonuclease-deficient (REd) mutant was constructed. We deleted the genes encoding all four active type II restriction endonucleases in H. pylori strain 26695 using sacB-mediated counterselection. Transformation by donor DNA with exogenous cassettes methylated by Escherichia coli was substantially (1.7 and 2.0 log(10) for cat and aphA, respectively) increased in the REd strain. There also was significantly increased transformation of the REd strain by donor DNA from other H. pylori strains, to an extent corresponding to their shared type II R-M system strain specificity with 26695. Comparison of the REd and wild-type strains indicates that restriction did not affect the length of DNA fragment integration during natural transformation. There also were no differentials in cell growth or susceptibility to DNA damage. In total, the data indicate that the type II REd mutant has enhanced competence with no loss of growth or repair facility compared to the wild type, facilitating H. pylori mutant construction and other genetic engineering.  相似文献   


The restriction endonucleases of type I and II from Haemophilus influenzae were studied for their activity on transforming and transfecting DNA. Type I restriction enzyme from Haemophilus influenzae Rf, which requires adenosine 5'-triphosphate, reduced the size of unmodified bacterial DNA from 66x106 daltons to approximately 18x106 daltons and did not attack modified DNA. The action of this enzyme gives only a low level of inactivation of single and linked markers in the transforming DNA. In contrast the HP1c1 phage DNA was drastically inactivated by this enzyme. The endoR.Hind III degrades the ummodified bacterial DNA but the segments generated by this enzyme are still capable of being integrated in transformation. The enzyme has no activity on HP1c1 phage DNA.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases (13 out of 18 species used for the test) were certified to cleave single-stranded(ss)DNA. Such enzymes as AvaII, HaeII, DdeI, AluI, Sau3AI, AccII,TthHB8I and HapII were newly reported to cleave ssDNA. A model to account for the cleavage of ssDNA by restriction enzymes was proposed with supportive data. The essential part of the model was that restriction enzymes preferentially cleave transiently formed secondary structures (called canonical structures) in ssDNA composed of two recognition sequences with two fold rotational symmetry. This means that a restriction enzyme can cleave ssDNAs in general so far as the DNAs have the sequences of restriction sites for the enzyme, and that the rate of cleavage depends on the stabilities of canonical structures.  相似文献   

Recently determined crystal structures of type II restriction endonucleases have produced a plethora of information on the basis for target site sequence selectivity. The positioning and role of metal ions in DNA recognition sites might reflect important properties of protein-DNA interaction. Although acidic and basic groups in the active sites can be identified, and in some cases divalent-metal binding sites delineated, a convincing picture clarifying the way in which the attacking hydroxide ion is generated, and the leaving group stabilized, has not been elucidated for any of the enzymes. We have examined the interatomic distances between metal ions and proposed key catalytic residues in the binding sites of seventeen type II restriction endonucleases whose crystal structures are documented in literature. The summary and critical evaluation of structural assignments and predictions made earlier have been useful to group these enzymes. All the enzymes used for this study have been categorized on the basis of the number of metal ions identified in their crystal structures. Among 17 experimentally characterized (not putative) type II REases, whose apparently full-length sequences are available in REBASE, we predict 8 (47%) to follow the single metal ion mechanism, 5 to follow the two metal ion mechanism, 2, the three metal ion mechanism, 1, the four metal ion mechanism and 1 the six metal ion mechanism.  相似文献   

The vibrational dynamics of various type II restriction endonucleases, in complex with cognate/non-cognate DNA and in the apo form, are investigated with the elastic network model in order to reveal common functional mechanisms in this enzyme family. Scissor-like and tong-like motions observed in the slowest modes of all enzymes and their complexes point to common DNA recognition and cleavage mechanisms. Normal mode analysis further points out that the scissor-like motion has an important role in differentiating between cognate and non-cognate sequences at the recognition site, thus implying its catalytic relevance. Flexible regions observed around the DNA-binding site of the enzyme usually concentrate on the highly conserved β-strands, especially after DNA binding. These β-strands may have a structurally stabilizing role in functional dynamics for target site recognition and cleavage. In addition, hot spot residues based on high-frequency modes reveal possible communication pathways between the two distant cleavage sites in the enzyme family. Some of these hot spots also exist on the shortest path between the catalytic sites and are highly conserved.  相似文献   

Type II restriction endonucleases recognize 4-8 base-pair-long DNA sequences and catalyze their cleavage with remarkable specificity. Crystal structures of the PD-(DE)XK superfamily revealed a common alpha/beta core motif and similar active site. In contrast, these enzymes show little sequence similarity and use different strategies to interact with their substrate DNA. The intriguing question is whether this enzyme family could have evolved from a common origin. In our present work, protein structure stability elements were analyzed and compared in three parts of PD-(DE)XK type II restriction endonucleases: (1) core motif, (2) active-site residues, and (3) residues playing role in DNA recognition. High correlation was found between the active-site residues and those stabilization factors that contribute to preventing structural decay. DNA recognition sites were also observed to participate in stabilization centers. It indicates that recognition motifs and active sites in PD-(DE)XK type II restriction endonucleases should have been evolutionary more conserved than other parts of the structure. Based on this observation it is proposed that PD-(DE)XK type II restriction endonucleases have developed from a common ancestor with divergent evolution.  相似文献   

How restriction enzymes with their different specificities and mode of cleavage evolved has been a long standing question in evolutionary biology. We have recently shown that several Type II restriction endonucleases, namely SsoII (downward arrow CCNGG), PspGI (downward arrow CCWGG), Eco-RII (downward arrow CCWGG), NgoMIV (G downward arrow CCGGC), and Cfr10I (R downward arrow CCGGY), which recognize similar DNA sequences (as indicated, where the downward arrows denote cleavage position), share limited sequence similarity over an interrupted stretch of approximately 70 amino acid residues with MboI, a Type II restriction endonuclease from Moraxella bovis (Pingoud, V., Conzelmann, C., Kinzebach, S., Sudina, A., Metelev, V., Kubareva, E., Bujnicki, J. M., Lurz, R., Luder, G., Xu, S. Y., and Pingoud, A. (2003) J. Mol. Biol. 329, 913-929). Nevertheless, MboI has a dissimilar DNA specificity (downward arrow GATC) compared with these enzymes. In this study, we characterize MboI in detail to determine whether it utilizes a mechanism of DNA recognition similar to SsoII, PspGI, EcoRII, NgoMIV, and Cfr10I. Mutational analyses and photocross-linking experiments demonstrate that MboI exploits the stretch of approximately 70 amino acids for DNA recognition and cleavage. It is therefore likely that MboI shares a common evolutionary origin with SsoII, PspGI, EcoRII, NgoMIV, and Cfr10I. This is the first example of a relatively close evolutionary link between Type II restriction enzymes of widely different specificities.  相似文献   

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