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Angiotensin II (AII) is a major regulator of cardiovascular function and fluid homeostasis. Recently, the cDNA for an AII receptor (AT1) was cloned from rat smooth muscle and bovine adrenal. To search for AII receptor subtypes, we amplified rat adrenal cortex cDNA by PCR using primers based on the AT1 receptor. The product was distinct from the AT1 receptor as indicated by restriction enzyme analysis and DNA sequencing. A full-length cDNA clone (2.2 kilobase pairs) encoding a novel AII receptor (AT3) was obtained by screening an adrenal cortex library. The AT3 cDNA encodes a Mr 40,959 protein with 95% amino acid identity to the rat smooth muscle receptor, but the overall nucleotide similarity is 71% due to low homology in the 5'- (58%) and 3'- (62%) untranslated regions. Expressed AT3 receptors in Xenopus oocytes and COS-7 cells mediate agonist-induced Ca2+ mobilization but are pharmacologically distinct from the AT1 receptors. AT3 mRNA is most abundant in the adrenal cortex and pituitary and differs from AT1 mRNA in its tissue distribution. The structural features of the AT3 receptor, including two additional potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C, could be related to the distinctive binding properties of the adrenal and vascular receptors and to their differential regulation during altered sodium intake.  相似文献   

The human angiotensin II (AII) type 1a receptor gene and its upstream control sequence has been cloned from a human leukocyte genomic library. The promoter element CAAT and TATA sequences were found at -602 and -538, respectively, upstream from the translational initiation site. The deduced protein sequence is homologous to rat and bovine AT1a receptors (94.7% and 95.3% identity). The expressed gene exhibited high-affinity AII and Dup753 binding and was functionally coupled to inositol phosphate turnover. Northern analysis of human tissues showed AT1 receptor mRNA expression in placenta, lung, heart, liver, and kidney. Using 5' untranslated and coding sequence as probes in a Southern blot analysis, it was established that another AT1 subtype exists in the human genome.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor has recently been shown to interact with several classes of cytoplasmic proteins that regulate different aspects of AT1 receptor physiology. Employing yeast two-hybrid screening of a mouse kidney cDNA library with the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the murine AT1a receptor as a bait, we have isolated a novel protein with a predicted molecular mass of 18 kDa, which we have named ATRAP (for AT1 receptor-associated protein). ATRAP interacts specifically with the carboxyl-terminal domain of the AT1a receptor but not with those of angiotensin II type 2 (AT2), m3 muscarinic acetylcholine, bradykinin B2, endothelin B, and beta2-adrenergic receptors. The mRNA of ATRAP was abundantly expressed in kidney, heart, and testis but was poorly expressed in lung, liver, spleen, and brain. The ATRAP-AT1a receptor association was confirmed by affinity chromatography, by specific co-immunoprecipitation of the two proteins, and by fluorescence microscopy, showing co-localization of these proteins in intact cells. Overexpression of ATRAP in COS-7 cells caused a marked inhibition of AT1a receptor-mediated activation of phospholipase C without affecting m3 receptor-mediated activation. In conclusion, we have isolated a novel protein that interacts specifically with the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the AT1a receptor and affects AT1a receptor signaling.  相似文献   

Ral is a member of the small GTPase-binding protein (G protein) family, and plays an important role in the Ras-RalGDS signal transduction pathway. A series of recent findings reveal several important downstream target proteins of Ral, such as RalBP1, Reps1, and others. Here we report another binding partner for RalBP1, which we have isolated from the human fetal brain library. The human REPS1 protein shares 83% amino acid identity with the mouse Reps1 protein. Northern blot analysis shows that the REPS1 is expressed in a variety of tissues, with the strongest expression in the heart and testis.  相似文献   

Cheng C  Xu J  Ye X  Dai J  Wu Q  Zeng L  Wang L  Zhao W  Ji C  Gu S  Xie Y  Mao Y 《Molecular biology reports》2002,29(3):281-286
We report here cloning and characterization of a novel human gene, termed VMP, which is a vesicular membrane protein. RT-PCR analysis shows that VMP is expressed exclusively in brain of the 16 tissues examined, suggesting that it is a neuron-specific membrane protein. The cDNA encodes 195 amino acid with a putative molecular weight of about 24 KDa. VMP contains two putative membrane spanning domains and a hydrophilic tail homologous to the microtubule-binding domain of MAPs. So it is speculated that VMP may associated with microtubules through its C-terminal and plays an important role in vesicular organelles transport and nerve signals.  相似文献   

We report the identification and characterization of a novel cytokine-like gene family using structure-based methods to search for novel four-helix-bundle cytokines in genomics databases. There are four genes in this family, FAM3A, FAM3B, FAM3C, and FAM3D, each encoding a protein (224-235 amino acids) with a hydrophobic leader sequence. Northern analysis indicates that FAM3B is highly expressed in pancreas, FAM3D in placenta, and FAM3A and FAM3C in almost all tissues. Immunohistochemistry showed that FAM3A is expressed prominently in the vascular endothelium, particularly capillaries. We found that FAM3A and FAM3B protein were both localized to the islets of Langerhans of the endocrine pancreas. Recombinant FAM3B protein has delayed effects on beta-cell function, inhibiting basal insulin secretion from a beta-cell line in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of a novel T cell activation gene   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We have used the technique of subtractive hybridization to identify a T cell gene selectively expressed during activation via the antigen-receptor pathway. This gene, termed TCA3 (for T cell activation) encodes a mRNA which is expressed following concanavalin A (Con A) activation of T cell clones at levels of approximately 1% total poly(A)-containing mRNA. The cDNA isolate, termed TCA3.0, is 512 bases in length excluding poly(A) and encodes a predicted 92-amino acid protein having the characteristics of a secreted polypeptide of approximately 69 amino acids. The genomic organizations of TCA3 was determined for two lambda phage clones and was found to be a single copy gene containing at least three exons dispersed over less than 4.7 kb. The temporal appearance of TCA3 mRNA in response to several activating agents was examined. It is not transcribed in response to interleukin 2 stimulation, but is transcribed in response to either antigen or Con A stimulation and can be detected as early as 1 hr poststimulation. Expression TCA3 in response to Con A is blocked by cyclosporin A treatment. The combined data suggest that TCA3 may represent a new lymphokine.  相似文献   

Two Tetrahymena kinesin-like proteins (klps) of the kinesin II subfamily, Kin1 and Kin2, were first identified by Brown et al. [1999: Mol Biol Cell 10: 3081-3096] and shown to be involved in ciliary morphogenesis probably as molecular motors in intraciliary transport (ICT). Using Tetrahymena genomic DNA as a template, we cloned Kin5, another kinesin II subfamily member. Kin5 is upregulated upon deciliation, suggesting that Kin5 is a ciliary protein. Kin5 is most closely related to Osm3, a Caenorhabditis elegans kinesin II; Osm3 and Kin5 have a 56% identity, which rises to 60.4% in the motor domain and a 45% identity in a 60 amino acid region of the C-terminal FERM (4.1, Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin) domain, not present in Kin1 or Kin2, which we hypothesize to be a critical domain either for dimerization or for cargo recognition in ICT. An antibody to a peptide sequence from the tail region of Kin5 localizes in a punctate pattern along the ciliary axoneme, colocalizing with an antibody to the raft protein IFT139. These findings suggest that Kin5 is an ICT motor like Osm3. Osm3 orthologs apparently transport membrane proteins and Kin5 may be the homodimeric kinesin II that performs this function in Tetrahymena cilia.  相似文献   

The EF-hand proteins, containing conserved Ca2+ binding motifs, play important roles in many biological processes. Through data mining, a novel human gene, CAGLP (calglandulin-like protein) was predicted and subsequently isolated from human skeleton muscle. The open reading frame of CAGLP is 543 bp in length, coding a putative Ca2+ binding protein with four EF-hand motifs. The deduced amino acid sequence of CAGLP displays high similarity with Bothrops insularis snake protein calglandulin (80%). The results of PCR amplification using cDNA from 17 human tissues indicated that human CAGLP is expressed in prostate, thymus, heart, skeleton muscle, bone marrow and ovary. Functional CAGLP::EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) fusion protein revealed that CAGLP accumulated through-out Hela cells. Western blot using anti-EGFP antibodies indicated that the CAGLP protein has a molecular weight of about 19 kD. A phylogenetic tree showed that CAGLP and calglandulin may be orthologous proteins representing a distinct group in the EF-hand proteins.  相似文献   

Tektins comprise a family of filament-forming proteins that are known to be coassembled with tubulins to form ciliary and flagellar microtubules. A new member of the tektin gene family was cloned from the human fetal brain cDNA library. We hence named it the human TEKTIN1 gene. TEKTIN1 cDNA consists of 1375 bp and has a putative open reading frame encoding 418 amino acids. The predicted protein is 48.3 kDa in size, and its amino acid sequence is 82% identical to that of the mouse, rat, and dog. One conserved peptide RPNVELCRD was observed at position number 323–331 of the amino acid sequence, which is a prominent feature of tektins and is likely to represent a functionally important protein domain. TEKTIN1 gene was mapped to the human chromosome 17 by BLAST search, and at least eight exons were found. Northern blot analysis indicated that TEKTIN1 was predominantly expressed in testis. By in-situ hybridization analysis, TEKTIN1 mRNA was localized to spermatocytes and round spermatids in the seminiferous tubules of the mouse testis, indicating that it may play a role in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Gap junctions are intercellular, water-filled channels composed of transmembrane proteins called connexins, six of which are arranged radially and dock with six homologous proteins in an adjacent cell to form an approximate 16 A pore. Through this pore cell-to-cell transfer of small water-soluble molecules up to about 1000 daltons occurs along concentration gradients. Connexins comprise a multigene family that share consensus sequences in the trans-membrane domains and the first and second extracellular loops. Comparison of the protein sequences of known human connexins with the draft nucleotide sequence of the human genome revealed two clones from chromosome 6 which showed strong similarity to highly conserved connexin sequences. Detailed analysis revealed the presence of a 672 nt open reading frame in these clones, encoding a 223 amino acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular weight of about 25 kD. This is smaller than other known human connexins. The ORF of the potential connexin25 was amplified by semi-nested PCR using human genomic DNA as a template. To confirm that this new gene encodes a connexin, Cx25 was transfected into a gap junction deficient subclone of the human HeLa cell line. After selection of transformants, cells were microinjected with the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow. Transfectants but not controls successfully transferred dye, demonstrating that this new gene encodes a functional connexin.  相似文献   

We cloned a new functional ALDH gene (ALDHx) from a human genomic library in cosmid pWE-15 by screening with a 29-nucleotide probe partially matched to a conserved region of the ALDH1 and ALDH2 genes. The new ALDHx gene does not contain introns in the coding sequence for 517 amino acid residues. The degree of resemblance between the deduced amino acid sequences of the new ALDHx gene and the ALDH2 gene is 72.5% (alignment of 517 amino acid residues), while that between the ALDHx and the ALDH1 gene is 64.6% (alignment of 500 amino acid residues). The amino acid residues (Cys-162, Cys-302, Glu-268, Glu-487, Gly-223, Gly-225, Gly-229, Gly-245 and Gly-250), which exist in both ALDH1 and ALDH2 isozymes and have been implicated in functional and structural importance, are also preserved in the deduced sequence of the new ALDHx gene. Northern blot hybridization with ALDHx probe revealed the existence of a unique mRNA band (3.0 kilobases) in the human liver and testis tissues. Using the new ALDHx probe, we cloned the cDNA of the gene from a human testis cDNA library in lambda gt11 vector. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA differs from that of the genomic sequence at three nucleotide positions resulting in the exchange of 2 deduced amino acid residues. These positions are polymorphic as further demonstrated by the PCR amplification of the targeted region followed by nucleotide sequence analysis of the genomic DNA from eight unrelated individuals. Alignment of the genomic and cDNA sequence indicates that although the ALDHx gene appears to have no intron in its coding sequence, an intron of 2.6 kilobases is found to interrupt the 5'-untranslated (5'-UT) sequence. Primary extension and S1 mapping analysis indicate the existence of at least two 5'-UT exons. The new ALDHx gene was assigned to chromosome 9 by Southern blot hybridization of DNA samples from a panel of rodent-human hybrid cell lines.  相似文献   

H Yajima  H Inoue  A Oikawa    A Yasui 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(19):5359-5362
We cloned a genomic fragment of a photolyase gene from Neurospora crassa by polymerase chain reaction using synthesized oligonucleotide primers designed from the most conserved amino acid sequences among photolyases of various organisms. Using the cloned fragment as a hybridization probe we isolated a genomic fragment and cDNA clones encoding the complete photolyase gene of this organism. The amino acid sequence of the photolyase deduced from the determined nucleotide sequence indicates a protein consisting of 615 amino acid residues (Mr 69,971), which is most similar to that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Like yeast photolyase it contains a protruding amino terminus which is missing in photolyases of bacterial origin. Comparison of amino acids sequences among six photolyases suggests that the Neurospora crassa photolyase is more similar to photolyases of pterin type than those of deazaflavin type.  相似文献   

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