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The proband and two maternal uncles were similarly affected by a unique constellation of mental retardation and physical abnormalities. There were severe retardation, growth less than the third percentile, and significantly delayed bone age. They manifested deafness, a flat nasal bridge, several ocular abnormalities, and a rudimentary scrotum with cryptorchidism, and one had a small penis. The proband also had onychodystrophy of his fingers and toes. Their birth weights and lengths were less than expected. No chromosomal or biochemical abnormality was detected. Both uncles died, but the proband is healthy at 4 years. Their phenotype is distinguished from other forms of X-linked mental retardation and appears to be a new syndrome.  相似文献   

Linkage of the gene responsible for an X-linked early onset parkinsonism disorder with mental retardation (McKusick 311510) to DNA probes that detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms is described. The disease gene is linked to the F8C gene, and to DNA probes detecting polymorphic loci DXS52, DXS15, DXS134, and DXS374 with maximum lod scores at theta = 0 of 5.08, 5.19, 5.00, 5.03, and 4.46, respectively. Multipoint linkage analysis gives a maximum multipoint lod score of 6.75 at the F8C gene. This places the disease gene in chromosomal region Xq27.3-qter.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and verbal studies were done on members of four families with non-specific X-linked mental retardation. Cytogenetic analysis was done using media 199 and GTG-banding; one family had a marker X with a fragile site in band Xq27 or 28. Preliminary results indicate variation of culture conditions can effect the frequency of the marker X. A generalized language disability was found which tended to concentrate in the areas of auditory reception, auditory sequential memory, visual closure and grammatic closure. Articulation errors involved the same sounds which are late in normal development and occur most frequently in both the general population and a Down syndrome population.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results of a genetic-diagnostic survey of 274 institutionalized moderately mentally retarded adult males and compare these data with those from our previous studies in the severely mentally retarded and from a comparable population of 262 institutionalized moderately mentally retarded males and females (The Borgenstein experience). Special attention is paid to the nosology of X-linked mental retardation and familial mental retardation in general.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis and DNA sequencing in a family exhibiting an X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) syndrome, characterized by microcephaly, epilepsy, ataxia, and absent speech and resembling Angelman syndrome, identified a deletion in the SLC9A6 gene encoding the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE6. Subsequently, other mutations were found in a male with mental retardation (MR) who had been investigated for Angelman syndrome and in two XLMR families with epilepsy and ataxia, including the family designated as having Christianson syndrome. Therefore, mutations in SLC9A6 cause X-linked mental retardation. Additionally, males with findings suggestive of unexplained Angelman syndrome should be considered as potential candidates for SLC9A6 mutations.  相似文献   

We report a three-generation family manifesting a previously undescribed X-linked mental retardation syndrome. Four of the six moderately retarded males have had episodes of manic-depressive psychosis. The phenotype also includes pyramidal signs, Parkinsonian features, and macroorchidism, but there are no characteristic dysmorphic facial features. Affected males do not show fragile sites at distal Xq on cytogenetic analysis, nor do they have expansions of the CGG repeats at the FRAXA, FRAXE, or FRAXF loci. Linkage analyses were undertaken, and a maximal LOD score of 3.311 at theta = .0 was observed with the microsatellite marker DXS1123 in Xq28. A recombination was detected in one of the affected males with DXS1691 (Xq28), which gives the proximal boundary of the localization. No distal recombination has been detected at any of the loci tested.  相似文献   

We have examined seven pedigrees that include individuals with a recently described X-linked form of severe mental retardation associated with alpha-thalassemia (ATR-X syndrome). Using hematologic and molecular approaches, we have shown that intellectually normal female carriers of this syndrome may be identified by the presence of rare cells containing HbH inclusions in their peripheral blood and by an extremely skewed pattern of X inactivation seen in cells from a variety of tissues. Linkage analysis has localized the ATR-X locus to an interval of approximately 11 cM between the loci DXS106 and DXYS1X (Xq12-q21.31), with a peak LOD score of 5.4 (recombination fraction of 0) at DXS72. These findings provide the basis for genetic counseling, assessment of carrier risk, and prenatal diagnosis of the ATR-X syndrome. Furthermore, they represent an important step in developing strategies to understand how the mutant ATR-X allele causes mental handicap, dysmorphism, and down-regulation of the alpha-globin genes.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old boy developed progressive neurological deterioration in his third year, characterized by dementia, ataxia, myoclonic jerks, and bilateral macular cherry-red spots. Hexosaminidase A (HEX A) was partially decreased in the patient''s serum, leukocytes, and cultured skin fibroblasts. Hexosaminidase was studied in serum and leukocytes from family members. Four members of the paternal branch appeared to be carriers of classical infantile Tay-Sachs allele, HEX alpha 2, probably receiving the gene from one great-grandparent of Ashkenazi origin. In the maternal branch, no one was a carrier of classical infantile Tay-Sachs disease, but five individuals were carriers of a milder alpha-locus defect. The patient, therefore, was a genetic compound of two different alpha-locus hexosaminidase mutations. At least 21 families with late-infantile or juvenile GM2 gangliosidosis have been reported, 18 of them with alpha-locus mutations, and three with beta-locus mutations. Genetic compounds of hexosaminidase have been reported in at least seven families, five with alpha-locus mutations and two with beta-locus mutations. The compound had the phenotype of infantile Tay-Sachs disease in one family, infantile Sandhoff disease in another, and the normal phenotype in the rest.  相似文献   

A new gene whose product is essential for production of all three hydrogenase isoenzymes in Escherichia coli has been identified. This gene, termed hydF, mapped at 59 min in the E. coli chromosome and resided next to the hydB gene. The map order of these genes was hydE, hydF, hydB, fhlA, and fdv. The hydF gene was transcribed from its own promoter and coded for a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 43,000 to 44,000. Expression of the hydF operon was enhanced by anaerobic growth conditions. Partial products of the hydF gene were capable of supporting various levels of hydrogenase activity in a hydF mutant in the presence of the fhlA gene product, also produced from multicopy plasmids. In the presence of a second mutation in an unidentified, unlinked gene, hydrogenase activity in a hydF mutant was restored by plasmids which carried incomplete hydF and hydB+ genes. These results suggest that the products of hydF and fhlA interact with each other and with yet one other gene product.  相似文献   

We have identified one frameshift mutation, one splice-site mutation, and two missense mutations in highly conserved residues in ZDHHC9 at Xq26.1 in 4 of 250 families with X-linked mental retardation (XLMR). In three of the families, the mental retardation phenotype is associated with a Marfanoid habitus, although none of the affected individuals meets the Ghent criteria for Marfan syndrome. ZDHHC9 is a palmitoyltransferase that catalyzes the posttranslational modification of NRAS and HRAS. The degree of palmitoylation determines the temporal and spatial location of these proteins in the plasma membrane and Golgi complex. The finding of mutations in ZDHHC9 suggests that alterations in the concentrations and cellular distribution of target proteins are sufficient to cause disease. This is the first XLMR gene to be reported that encodes a posttranslational modification enzyme, palmitoyltransferase. Furthermore, now that the first palmitoyltransferase that causes mental retardation has been identified, defects in other palmitoylation transferases become good candidates for causing other mental retardation syndromes.  相似文献   

A large French family including members affected by nonspecific X-linked mental retardation, with or without autism or pervasive developmental disorder in affected male patients, has been found to have a 2-base-pair deletion in the Neuroligin 4 gene (NLGN4) located at Xp22.33. This mutation leads to a premature stop codon in the middle of the sequence of the normal protein and is thought to suppress the transmembrane domain and sequences important for the dimerization of neuroligins that are required for proper cell-cell interaction through binding to beta-neurexins. As the neuroligins are mostly enriched at excitatory synapses, these results suggest that a defect in synaptogenesis may lead to deficits in cognitive development and communication processes. The fact that the deletion was present in both autistic and nonautistic mentally retarded males suggests that the NLGN4 gene is not only involved in autism, as previously described, but also in mental retardation, indicating that some types of autistic disorder and mental retardation may have common genetic origins.  相似文献   

X-linked keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (KFSD) is a rare disorder affecting both skin and eyes. In the two extended KFSD families analysed to date, the gene was mapped to Xp22.13–p22.2. By analyzing several new markers in this region, we were able to narrow the candidate region to a 1-Mb interval between DXS7161 and (DXS7593, DXS7105) in the large Dutch pedigree. In addition, we analyzed 23 markers in Xp21.2– p22.2 in a German family with KFSD. Haplotype and recombination analysis positioned the KFSD gene in this family most likely outside the candidate region on Xp22.13–p22.2. This finding is suggestive for genetic heterogeneity: in this pedigree there is either another locus on the X-chromosome, or KFSD is transmitted here as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expression. Received: 28 May 1996 / Accepted: 28 May 1997  相似文献   

A locus for X-linked nonsyndromic deafness has previously been allocated to the Xq13-q21 region based on linkage studies in two separate pedigrees. This has been substantiated by the observation of deafness as a clinical feature of male patients with cytogenetically detectable deletions across this region. The question of a second locus for deafness in this chromosomal region has been raised by the audiologically distinct nature of the deafness in some of the deleted patients compared to that observed in those patients upon whom the linkage data are based. We have performed detailed clinical evaluation and linkage studies on seven pedigrees with nonsyndromic X-linked deafness and conclude that there is evidence for at least two loci for this form of deafness, including one in the Xq13-q21 region. We have observed different radiological features among the pedigrees which map to Xq13-q21, suggesting that even among these pedigrees the deafness is due to different pathological processes. Given these findings, we suggest that the classification of nonsyndromic X-linked deafness based solely on audiological criteria may need to be reviewed.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis is described in a family with X-linked mental retardation, ataxia, weakness, floppiness, delayed motor development, absence of deep tendon reflexes, hearing impairment and loss of vision (MIM no. 301835). The disease has a fatal course due to the susceptibility of the patients to infections, especially of the respiratory tract. Clinical signs indicate impairment of the posterior columns, peripheral motor and sensory neurons and the second and eighth cranial nerves and/or their nuclei. The involvement of the posterior columns of the spinal cord is further suggested by the almost complete absence of myelinated fibers therein. We localized the responsible gene(s) to Xq21.33–q24 between DXS1231 and DXS1001 with a maximum lod score of 6.97. The proteolipid protein gene, which codes for two myelin proteins of the central nervous system and is located in this region, was considered as a candidate gene for this disorder. However, no mutations were found in the protein-coding part of this gene. Received: 22 March 1996  相似文献   

Although sport for athletes with mental retardation (MR) is achieving an important role, the literature concerning basketball tests and training is still poor. The aims of this study were to verify whether the basketball test battery could be an appropriate modality to classify the players in the Promotion (Pro) category, to assess basketball abilities before (PRE) and after (POST) an 8-month training in players with MR in relation to Competitive (Comp) and Pro categories, to analyze the variation of specific basketball abilities based on subjects' MR diagnosis. Forty-one male basketball players with MR (17 Comp and 24 Pro; age range 18-45 years; MR: 15% mild, 54% moderate, 29% severe, and 2% profound) were assessed PRE and POST training through the basketball test battery, which assessed 4 ability levels of increasing difficulty (from I to IV), each one characterized by the analysis of fundamental areas (ball handling, reception, passing, and shooting). Level I was significantly changed after the intervention period regardless of the Category, whereas shooting was affected by the interaction between Category and Intervention. The results showed significant differences between categories in the scores of individual global, level I, level II, level III, and in all fundamental areas. Individual global score in both categories significantly increased. The players of Comp significantly improved in level III, in ball handling, reception, passing, and shooting scores. The players of Pro improved significantly in level II, in ball handling, reception, and passing scores. Individual global, ability levels I-III, and fundamental area scores were negatively correlated to the MR level indicating that the players with a lower MR obtained higher ability scores. In conclusion, it was found that the basketball test battery could be useful for improving and monitoring training in both Comp and Pro players.  相似文献   

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