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Brilliant Green (BG) agar and Hektoen enteric (HE) agar media were compared for their efficiency in isolating salmonellae from various food products. Of the 11,226 food specimens examined, 1,662 (or 14.9%) yielded salmonellae. Of this number, 1,475 (88.7%) were recovered from BG agar and 1,315 (79.1%) were recovered from HE agar media. The results indicate that BG agar is more effective in isolating salmonellae from food products. A smaller subsidiary study showed HE agar to be more selective than BG agar. Four hundred ten specimens yielded 92 nonlactose-fermenting isolants other than salmonellae on BG agar and only 11 such isolants on HE agar.  相似文献   

Commercial brilliant green (BG)-sulfa agar was found to be nonselective toward a test series of Enterobacteriaceae. Various formulations of BG were prepared by using Trypticase soy agar (BBL) as a base. Results were more reproducible when BG dye was added after sterilization than before. Sulfonamides improved selectivity as compared with brilliant green alone. Sulfanilamide (SN) was slightly more selective for salmonellae than other sulfonamides tested. Bile salts and sodium dodecyl sulfate markedly reduced the toxicity of BG to all the test bacteria. Enterobacter strains were most difficult to inhibit. A combination of 5 mg of BG and 1 g of SN/liter prevented growth of Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli and retarded growth of Enterobacter strains. The BG-SN agars were superior in selectivity to a series of commercial agars tested, and numbers of salmonellae recovered on BG-SN agar and Trypticase soy agar (BBL) were the same. Brilliant green agars with various degrees of selectivity are described.  相似文献   

Growth and Plating Efficiency of Methanococci on Agar Media   总被引:20,自引:13,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Plating techniques for cultivation of methanogenic bacteria have been optimized for two members of the genus Methanococcus. Methanococcus maripaludis and Methanococcus voltae were cultivated on aerobically and anaerobically prepared agar media. Maintenance of O2 levels below 5 μl/liter within an anaerobic glove box was necessary during plating and incubation for 90% recovery of plated cells. Under an atmosphere of H2, CO2, and H2S (79:20:1), 2 to 3 days of incubation at 37°C were sufficient for the formation of visible colonies. The viability of plated cells was significantly affected by the growth phase of the culture, H2S concentration, and the volume of medium per plate. In addition, colony size of methanococci was affected by agar type, as well as by the concentrations of agar, H2S, and bicarbonate.  相似文献   

The effect of Brilliant Green on motility was studied with Salmonella anatum, S. derby, S. tennessee, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Semisolid tryptic soy-agars containing 0, 20, or 40 mg of Brilliant Green per liter were used as the motility media. Both concentrations of Brilliant Green inhibited the growth of the non-Salmonella species through the semisolid agar. For 24 hr, the Brilliant Green appeared to limit the growth of the salmonellae; however, by 48 hr the salmonellae were able to grow through the semisolid agars. The presence of Brilliant Green in the motility media aided in the detection of Salmonella when mixed cultures were used.  相似文献   

A Modification of Brilliant Green Agar for Improved Isolation of Salmonella   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1  
Five organisms commonly found to be capable of growth on commercial Brilliant Green Agar (BGA) after enrichment in Muller-Kauffman Tetrathionate broth (MKT) were tested for sensitivity to 18 antimicrobial agents. The sensitivities of two Salmonella serotypes to these agents were also tested. A combination of sulphacetamide (at 1.0 mg/ml) and mandelic acid (at 0.25 mg/ml) incorporated into BGA was found to give maximum recovery of salmonellas from MKT broth enrichment whilst giving maximum suppression of contaminating organisms. More importantly, this Antibiotic-enriched Brilliant Green Agar (ABG) gave a lower incidence of false positive results when compared with commercial BGA. Increasing the incubation temperature from 35 to 43°C was found to accentuate the selectivity of ABG without inhibiting the growth of salmonellas. A total of 31 Salmonella serotypes were tested for their ability to grow on ABG at 43°C; all produced typical colonies.  相似文献   

A study of the inhibitory effect of 24 different combinations of brilliant green and bile salts concentrations was conducted, using seven species of microorganisms capable of fermenting mannitol. The inhibitory effect of brilliant green decreased as the bile salts concentration was increased. Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus rettgeri were inhibited by all test media. Escherichia coli was inhibited in all but two combinations of brilliant green and bile salts. Aerobacter aerogenes generally followed a pattern of growth similar to that of three species of salmonellae. Three of the 24 combinations of brilliant green and bile salts showed little or no inhibition of salmonellae but did inhibit the other organisms studied.  相似文献   

A Novel Chromogenic Ester Agar Medium for Detection of Salmonellae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A novel agar medium, chromogenic Salmonella esterase (CSE) agar, for the differentiation of salmonellae is described. The agar contains peptones and nutrient extracts together with the following (grams per liter unless otherwise specified): 4-[2-(4-octanoyloxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-vinyl]-quinolinium-1-(propan-3-yl carboxylic acid) bromide (SLPA-octanoate; bromide form), 0.3223; lactose, 14.65; trisodium citrate dihydrate, 0.5; Tween 20, 3.0; ethyl 4-dimethylaminobenzoate, 0.035% (wt/vol), novobiocin, 70 mg liter−1. The key component of the medium is SLPA-octanoate, a newly synthesized ester formed from a C8 fatty acid and a phenolic chromophore. In CSE agar, the ester is hydrolyzed by Salmonella spp. to yield a brightly colored phenol which remains tightly bound within colonies. After 24 h of incubation at 37 or 42°C, colonies of typical Salmonella spp. were burgundy colored on a transparent yellow background, whereas non-Salmonella spp. were white, cream, yellow or transparent. CSE agar was evaluated by using a panel of strains including a high proportion of Salmonella and non-Salmonella strains giving atypical reactions on other differential agars. The sensitivity (93.1%) of CSE agar for non-typhi salmonellae compared favorably with those of Rambach (82.8%), xylose-lysine-deoxycholate (XLD; 91.4%), Hektoen-enteric (89.7%), and SM ID (91.4%) agars. The specificity (93.9%) was also comparable to those of other Salmonella media (SM ID agar, 95.9%; Rambach agar, 91.8%; XLD agar, 91.8%; Hektoen-enteric agar, 87.8%). Strains of Citrobacter freundii and Proteus spp. giving false-positive reactions with other media gave a negative color reaction on CSE agar. CSE agar enabled the detection of >30 Salmonella serotypes, including agona, anatum, enteritidis, hadar, heidelberg, infantis, montevideo, thompson, typhimurium, and virchow, which accounted for 91.8% of the salmonella isolates recorded by the Public Health Laboratory Service (Colindale, London, England) for 1997.  相似文献   

Four plating media, Hektoen enteric (HE), xylose-lysine deoxycholate (XLD), tryptic soy-xylose-lysine (TSXL), and tryptic soy-brillant green (TSBG) agars with and without 10 mg of added novobiocin per ml, were evaluated for recovery of Salmonella from roast beef and deboned turkey. Colonies producing a reaction typical of H2S-positive salmonellae (alkaline with black centers) were picked. On the media without novobiocin, from 109 determinations on 75 samples, number of salmonellae found and false-positives were, respectively: HE—13, 58; XLD—17, 18; TSXL—23, 0; TSBG—22, 7. When novobiocin was present the corresponding results were: HE—17, 24; XLD—21, 2; TSXL—23, 3; TSBG—20, 7. A total of 25 determinations were positive on one or more agars. False-positives on HE and XLD without novobiocin were predominantly Proteus, which were almost totally eliminated by addition of 10 mg of novobiocin per liter. If alkaline H2S-negative colonies had been considered, many more false-positives would have been found on HE and XLD but not on TSBG or TSXL. Addition of novobiocin markedly improved isolations of salmonellae from XLD and HE and reduced the number of false-positives. Addition of novobiocin did not improve performance of TSXL and slightly impaired differentiation of salmonellae from Citrobacter on TSBG. XLD with novobiocin and TSXL are highly specific for H2S-positive salmonellae, and the appearance of Salmonella-like colonies on these media can be considered a presumptive test for H2S-positive salmonellae.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa having colonies that resemble those of salmonellas on brilliant green agar is almost totally inhibited by the addition of 1.0 mg/ml of sulphacetamide to the medium. Low numbers of Ps. aeruginosa grew equally well on brilliant green and nutrient agar, but 106–107 organisms were needed before any growth appeared on the medium containing sulphacetamide. During 12 months of routine use of the sulphacetamide medium, involving almost 3000 plates, Ps. aeruginosa has been isolated as a contaminant only once. Forty-seven salmonella serotypes were grown on the sulphacetamide brilliant green agar in the same period.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial activity of brilliant green dye in Trypticase soy broth (BBL) is reduced and ultimately destroyed by prolonged autoclaving at 121 C. Loss of antimicrobial activity is accompanied by decolorization of the dye. This is consistent with other evidence that antimicrobial activity of brilliant green resides in the colored dye ion. The dye is not decolorized when heated in distilled water or peptone, but is decolorized by heating in glucose, glycine, or sodium dodecyl sulfate, showing that decolorization results from reaction with components of the medium. To ensure optimal results, it is recommended that bacteriological media be sterilized by heat prior to addition of brilliant green dye.  相似文献   

During this study, 2,855 stool specimens from patients at Cook County Hospital were cultured for enteric pathogens. Hektoen Enteric Agar (HE) was compared with E M B and S S Agars by replicate samplings with both direct and indirect methods. Shigella species were recovered more than twice as often on HE Agar as on S S Agar by both methods. With the direct method only, out of 98 Shigella isolated, 97 were isolated from HE Agar, 74 were recovered from E M B Agar, and 40 were found on S S Agar. In addition, HE yielded better isolation of Salmonella strains than did S S or E M B by either direct or indirect methods. The greater efficiency of HE medium is discussed with respect to colonial recognition of enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

Chick embryo electroporation is a powerful tool for the introduction of transgenes into tissues of interest for the study of developmental biology. This method often uses Fast Green to visualize the injected area by staining the solution containing DNA green. Here, we show that Fast Green fluoresces in a red color after electroporation, suggesting that researchers need to be cautious when detecting red fluorescence. Fast Green solution did not show any fluorescence before injection into chick embryos, but fluoresced red within 3 min post-injection into chick embryos. We identified Brilliant Blue as suitable alternative dye for use as an indicator of injection sites in ovo electroporation. We found that 0.2% of Brilliant Blue was sufficient to track the area of DNA injection. In addition, this chemical did not show red fluorescence after electroporation. Our findings demonstrate that Brilliant Blue can be used for detecting red fluorescent proteins introduced into chick embryos by electroporation. Our study also shows useful examples for the application of Brilliant Blue for the precise quantification of two fluorescence intensities after EGFP and mCherry co-electroporation.  相似文献   

A new agar plating medium for the isolation of enteric pathogens is described. This medium contains greater quantities of peptone to offset the inhibitory effects of bile salts. Additional carbohydrates and larger quantities of those previously used have also been incorporated into the medium to differentiate pathogens from some of the slow lactose fermenters. The use of an indicator system never used before in a differential plating medium opens new possibilities for improvement over traditional and newer selective media. Known strains from the various genera of Enterobacteriaceae have been tested for colonial differentiation as well as for possible inhibitory effects. The results show the medium to be highly selective for the shigellae as well as for other enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

The efficiency of plating of phages derived by ultraviolet induction of, or by lytic growth on, certain strains of Streptococcus cremoris was found to vary by as much as 105 depending on the lactose concentration of the medium in which the indicator bacteria were grown and the length of time the stationary-phase indicator cultures were aged. This effect was noted only when the culture was used as an indicator for phages that had previously grown on an apparently unrelated strain of bacteria. Conditions of culturing and aging had no detectable effect upon the ability of a strain to serve as an indicator for phage that had previously been cultured on the same strain. These observations suggest the presence of some kind of physiologically labile restriction system in strains of S. cremoris. The implications of this finding for increasing the sensitivity of the host range test in determining phage susceptibility, whether from induced lysates, whey, or lytic phage stocks, are discussed. It is recommended that, for all such testing, the concentration of lactose in buffered media be increased to such levels as required to obtain a final pH similar to that of a freshly coagulated milk culture, namely, below pH 5.0.  相似文献   

The presence of Ca2+ (concentration, ca. 0.4 mM) in the growth medium causes cells of Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) to aggregate, leading to a decrease in plating efficiency. When the Ca2+ concentration in the medium was reduced 20-fold, cell aggregation did not occur and the plating efficiency increased from an initial value of 34% to a final value of 56%.  相似文献   

低毒高效的SDS-PAGE考马斯亮蓝染色方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:比较SDS-PAGE的4种考马斯亮蓝染色方法。方法:以牛血清白蛋白为材料进行SDS-PAGE,分别比较考马斯亮蓝G-250(CBB G-250)盐酸法、CBB G-250-Al2(SO4)3法、Bio-Rad公司的Bio-Safe染色液及传统法等4种染色方法的灵敏度和操作性,并将上述4种染色方法应用于蛋白Markers检测。结果:CBB G-250-Al2(SO4)3法和Bio-Safe法的检测灵敏度都可达19.2 ng,而CBB G-250盐酸法和传统法的检测灵敏度则为28.9 ng。结论:CBB G-250盐酸法可作为快速、低毒、高效的染色方法,CBB-Al2(SO4)3法则可用于灵敏度要求较高的检测。  相似文献   

目的选用5种常用培养基,对沙门菌进行培养试验,比较其增菌效果。方法以5种培养基对沙门菌进行静止需氧培养和静止厌氧培养实验,观察pH对沙门菌生长的影响,并在已选定的最佳条件下进行模拟样品实验。结果得出样品中沙门菌的最低检出限。结论该研究为提高进出口食品中沙门菌的检出率奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Some chemical and physical properties of agarose (AG) and agaropectin (AP) isolated from agar of various red seaweeds were studied. The two components were isolated by acrinol. Methanol containing sodium iodide was superior to the mixed solvent of ethanol and acetone (1:1) as solvent for removing acrinol. Greater value of the ratio of intrinsic viscosity of both AG and AP in the solution of 0.1 m sodium chloride against that in the mixed solution of 4 m urea and 0.001 m sodium thiocyanate made water holding capacity greater except sample whose molecular weight is very small. Water holding capacity of AG was decreased with increasing ratio of d-galactose plus 6-O-methyl-d-galactose against 3,6-anhydro-l-galactose, and with lower liquefying temperature of gel. In the case of AP, however, these relations were not always distinct.  相似文献   

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