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In the present work, we examined the correlation between 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE)-induced conformational transitions of human carbonic anhydrase II (HCAII) and its aggregation propensity. Circular dichroism data indicates that protein undergoes a transition from β-sheet to α-helix on addition of TFE. The protein was found to aggregate maximally at moderate concentration of TFE at which it exists somewhere between β-sheet and α-helix, probably in extended non-native β-sheet conformation. Thioflavin-T (ThT) and Congo-Red (CR) assays along with fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data suggest that the protein aggregates induced by TFE possess amyloid-like features. Anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) binding studies reveal that the exposure of hydrophobic surface(s) was maximum in intermediate conformation. Our study suggests that the exposed hydrophobic surface and/or the disruption of the structural features protecting a β-sheet protein might be the major reason(s) for the high aggregation propensity of non-native intermediate conformation of HCAII.  相似文献   

A functional model for the S4/IV -helix of the action potential sodium channel is described by means of a thermodynamic approach. The model is based on a phase transition between the -helix and an ion conducting channel-helix which is similar to the well established helix-coil transition in solution. The right hand channel-helix is a peptide chain with an alternating sequence of torsional angles (11)=(87°, 315°) and (22)=(22°, 107°) which yields a helix of 13.5 Å per turn. The axial dipole moments of the peptide bonds of this chain of l-amino acids nearly cancel each other out in similar way to those in the gramicidin A channel, which is formed by alternating d-and l-amino acids. The helix, which does not contain any H-bonds, is stabilized by a helical file of water molecules which includes the permeating ion(s). This file turns around the channel-helix to form a relatively stable double helix structure which corresponds to the open channel. Since every third side chain in the S4/IV helix carries a positive charge their environments must be polarized. These polarized regions form a left hand screening-helix around the -helix are broken and the internal -carbon atom is considered as fixed, the outer ten residues leave the membrane while the internal ten residues form the channel-helix. In this configuration every positively charged side chain matches nearly exactly every second polarized region of the screening-helix leaving the three regions in-between exposed to the water file containing the ion(s). This further stabilizes the channel and agrees nicely with the idea of cationic selectivity. An analysis of the energetics of the -helix-channel-helix transition showed that the voltage-independent part of the free energy per helix residue could well be close to 0 kcal/mol and thus be in the range where a transition could occur. Two voltage-dependent contributions were included: the break down of the considerable dipole of the -helix and the outward shift of the positive charges of the side chains upon channel-helix formation. Taking into account the fact that the formation of an -helix is a highly cooperative process the degree of voltage dependence of the probability of formation of a channel-helix proved to be in the same range as experimental values for the open probability of modified Na channels whose inactivation had been removed. With regard to gating currents, the model predicts that 2.74 positive charges are moved in an outward direction. Consequences of the model for other experimental findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A strategy for modelling transmembrane -helix bundles has been investigated. Results concerning the rotational orientations of the helices are described and perspectives for extensions of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Linear heptapeptide surfactin was prepared by alkaline cleavage of the lactone ring of cyclic surfactin. The structure of linear surfactin was characterised and confirmed by FAB-mass-spectroscopy, FT-IR and HPLC analysis. It was found that linear surfactin easily forms micelles in aqueous solutions by coordinating -sheet formation from -helical monomolecules, and the cmc value found to be 1.28×10–5 M. The CD spectra indicates conformational change of linear surfactin from -helical below cmc to -sheet above cmc.  相似文献   

The effect on protein conformation and thermal stability was studied for β-Galactosidase (β-Gal) encapsulated in the nanopores of a silicate matrix (Eβ-Gal). Circular dichroism spectra showed that, compared with the enzyme in buffer (Sβ-Gal), Eβ-Gal exhibited a higher content of α-helix structure. Heating Eβ-Gal up to 75?°C caused a decrease in the content of β-sheet structure and additional augments on Eβ-Gal components attributed to helical content, instead of the generalized loss of the ellipticity signal observed with Sβ-Gal. Steady state fluorescence spectroscopy analysis evidenced an Eβ-Gal structure less compact and more accessible to solvent and also less stable against temperature increase. While for Sβ-Gal the denaturation midpoint (Tm) was 59?°C, for Eβ-Galit was 48?°C. The enzymatic activity assays at increasing temperatures showed that in both conditions, the enzyme lost most of its hydrolytic activity against ONPG at temperatures above 65?°C and Eβ-Gal did it even at lower T values. Concluding, confinement in silica nanopores induced conformational changes on the tertiary/cuaternary structure of Eβ-Gal leading to the loss of thermal stability and enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Globular proteins are typically unfolded by SDS to form protein-decorated micelle-like structures. Several proteins have been shown subsequently to refold by addition of the nonionic surfactant octaethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C12E8). Thus SDS converts β-lactoglobulin, which has mainly β-sheet secondary structure, into a state rich in α-helicality, while addition of C12E8 leads to refolding and recovery of the original β-sheet structure. Here we extend these studies to the large β-sheet-rich cellulase Cel7b from Humicola insolens whose enzymatic activity provides a very sensitive refolding parameter. The enzymes widespread usage in the detergent industry makes it an obvious model system for protein-surfactant interactions. SDS-unfolding and subsequent refolding using C12E8 were investigated at pH 4.2 using near- and far-UV circular dichroism (CD), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and activity measurements. The Cel7b:SDS complex can be described as a random configuration of 3–4 connected core-shell structures in which the protein is converted to a mainly α-helical secondary structure. Addition of C12E8 recovers almost all the secondary structure, part of the tertiary structure, about 50% of the activity and dissociates part of the protein population completely from detergent micelles. The lack of complete refolding may be due to charge neutralisation of Cel7b by SDS, kinetically trapping the enzyme into aggregated structures. In support of this, aggregates did not form when C12E8 was first mixed with Cel7b followed by addition of SDS. Formation of such aggregates may be a general phenomenon hampering quantitative refolding from the SDS-denatured state.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate if the packing motifs of native transmembrane helices can be produced by simulations with simple potentials and to develop a method for the rapid generation of initial candidate models for integral membrane proteins composed of bundles of transmembrane helices. Constituent residues are mapped along the helix axis in order to maintain the amino acid sequence-dependent properties of the helix. Helix packing is optimized according to a semi-empirical potential mainly composed of four components: a bilayer potential, a crossing angle potential, a helix dipole potential and a helix-helix distance potential. A Monte Carlo simulated annealing protocol is employed to optimize the helix bundle system. Necessary parameters are derived from theoretical studies and statistical analysis of experimentally determined protein structures. Preliminary testing of the method has been conducted with idealized seven Ala20 helix bundles. The structures generated show a high degree of compactness. It was observed that both bacteriorhodopsin-like and δ-endotoxin-like structures are generated in seven-helix bundle simulations, within which the composition varies dependent upon the cooling rate. The simulation method has also been employed to explore the packing of N = 4 and N = 12 transmembrane helix bundles. The results suggest that seven and 12 transmembrane helix bundles resembling those observed experimentally (e.g., bacteriorhodopsin, rhodopsin and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) may be generated by simulations using simple potentials. Received: 16 November 1998 / Revised version: 26 March 1999 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

Twenty-one different caprine and 13 ovine MHC-DRB exon 2 sequences were determined including part of the adjacent introns containing simple repetitive (gt)n(ga)m elements. The positions for highly polymorphic DRB amino acids vary slightly among ungulates and other mammals. From man and mouse to ungulates the basic (gt)n(ga)m structure is fixed in evolution for 7 × 107 years whereas ample variations exist in the tandem (gt)n and (ga)m dinucleotides and especially their degenerated derivatives. Phylogenetic trees for the -helices and -pleated sheets of the ungulate DRB sequences suggest different evolutionary histories. In hoofed animals as well as in humans DRB -sheet encoding sequences and adjacent intronic repeats can be assembled into virtually identical groups suggesting coevolution of noncoding as well as coding DNA. In contrast a-helices and C-terminal parts of the first DRB domain evolve distinctly. In the absence of a defined mechanism causing specific, site-directed mutations, double-recombination or gene-conversion-like events would readily explain this fact. The role of the intronic simple (gt)n(ga)m repeat is discussed with respect to these genetic exchange mechanisms during evolution.  相似文献   

Rhodnius prolixus Nitrophorin 4 (abbreviated NP4) is an almost pure β-sheet heme protein. Its dynamics is investigated by X-ray structure determination at eight different temperatures from 122 to 304 K and by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy. A comparison of this β-sheet protein with the pure α-helical protein myoglobin (abbreviated Mbmet) is performed. The mean square displacement derived from the Mössbauer spectra increases linearly with temperature below a characteristic temperature T c. It is about 10 K larger than that of myoglobin. Above T c the mean square displacements increase dramatically. The Mössbauer spectra are analyzed by a two state model. The increased mean square displacements are caused by very slow motions occurring on a time scale faster than 140 ns. With respect to these motions NP4 shows the same protein specific modes as Mbmet. There is, however, a difference in the fast vibration regime. The B values found in the X-ray structures vary linearly over the entire temperature range. The mean square displacements in NP4 increase with slopes which are 60% larger than those observed for Mbmet. This indicates that nitrophorin has a larger structural distribution which makes it more flexible than myoglobin.  相似文献   

Back-propagation, feed-forward neural networks are used to predict a-helical transmembrane segments of proteins. The networks are trained on the few membrane proteins whose transmembrane -helix domains are known to atomic or nearly atomic resolution. When testing is performed with a jackknife procedure on the proteins of the training set, the fraction of total correct assignments is as high as 0.87, with an average length for the transmembrane segments of 20 residues. The method correctly fails to predict any transmembrane domain for porin, whose transmembrane segments are -sheets. When tested on globular proteins, lower and upper limits of 1.6 and 3.5% for a total of 26826 residues are determined for the mispredicted cases, indicating that the predictor is highly specific for -helical domains of membrane proteins. The predictor is also tested on 37 membrane proteins whose transmembrane topology is partially known. The overall accuracy is 0.90, two percentage points higher than that obtained with statistical methods. The reliability of the prediction is 100% for 60% of the total 18242 predicted residues of membrane proteins. Our results show that the local directional information automatically extracted by the neural networks during the training phase plays a key role in determining the accuracy of the prediction. Correspondence to: R. Casadio  相似文献   

The BK channel is one of the most broadly expressed ion channels in mammals. In many tissues, the BK channel pore-forming α-subunit is associated to an auxiliary β-subunit that modulates the voltage- and Ca(2+)-dependent activation of the channel. Structural components present in β-subunits that are important for the physical association with the α-subunit are yet unknown. Here, we show through co-immunoprecipitation that the intracellular C-terminus, the second transmembrane domain (TM2) and the extracellular loop of the β2-subunit are dispensable for association with the α-subunit pointing transmembrane domain 1 (TM1) as responsible for the interaction. Indeed, the TOXCAT assay for transmembrane protein-protein interactions demonstrated for the first time that TM1 of the β2-subunit physically binds to the transmembrane S1 domain of the α-subunit.  相似文献   

Proteinase K (E.C., a serine proteinase from fungus Tritirachium album, has been used as a model system to investigate the conformational changes induced by monohydric alcohols at low pH. Proteinase K belongs to α/β class of proteins and maintains structural integrity in the range of pH 7.0–3.0. Enzyme acquires partially unfolded conformation (UP) at pH 2.5 with lower activity, partial loss of tertiary structure and exposure of some hydrophobic patches. Proteinase K in stressed state at pH 2.5 is chosen and the conformational changes induced by alkyl alcohols (methanol/ethanol/isopropanol) are studied. At critical concentration of alcohol, conformational switch occurs in the protein structure from α/β to β-sheet driving the protein into O-state. Complete loss of tertiary contacts and proteolytic activity in O-sate emphasize the involvement of alpha regions in maintaining the active site of the enzyme. Moreover, isopropanol induced unfolding of proteinase K in UP state occurred in two steps with the formation of β state at low alcohol concentration followed by stabilization of β state at high alcohol concentration. GuHCl and temperature induced unfolding of proteinase K in O-state (in 50% isopropanol) is non-cooperative as the transition curves are biphasic. This suggests that the structure of proteinase K in O-state has melted alpha regions and stabilized beta regions and that these differentially stabilized regions unfold sequentially. Further, the O-state of proteinase K can be attained from complete unfolded protein by the addition of 50% isopropanol. Hence the alcohol-induced O-state is different from native state or completely unfolded state and shows characteristics of the molten globule-like state. Thus, this state may be functioning as an intermediary in the folding pathway of proteinase K.  相似文献   

Human adult haemoglobin consists of two unlike pairs of polypeptide chains, and can be described as α2β2. Amino-acid substitutions in either of the two types of chain result in α- and β-chain variants. In thalassaemia, which causes a lowered production of haemoglobin, the α or the β chain can be affected, the result being α- or β-thalassaemia. There is a quantitative difference in the proportion of α- and β-chain variants to normal haemoglobin in the respective heterozygotes, and there is also a difference in the pattern of inheritance of α- and β-thalassaemia: these could possibly be explained by assuming that man has one gene for the β- and two for the α-chain.  相似文献   

Jin Zou  Naoki Sugimoto 《Biometals》2000,13(4):349-359
Role of some metal ions on the conformations of peptides was examined by using a series of short alanine-based peptides with single Trp-His (W-H) interaction in different environments. Circular dichroism (CD), Trp (W) fluorescence emission, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy revealed that there is a conformational role of Cu2+ in inducing and enhancing the formation of -helix conformation. The complexation of the peptide with Cu2+ is responsible to the conformational effect because the chelation is able to stabilize peptide with an -helix conformation. The possible factors affecting the role of Cu2+ are discussed in the paper. The results in this paper are useful to understand the important structural role of Cu2+ in protein folding and the possible mechanism in some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

The activation of voltage-gated ion channels is controlled by the S4 helix, with arginines every third residue. The x-ray structures are believed to reflect an open-inactivated state, and models propose combinations of translation, rotation, and tilt to reach the resting state. Recently, experiments and simulations have independently observed occurrence of 310-helix in S4. This suggests S4 might make a transition from α- to 310-helix in the gating process. Here, we show 310-helix structure between Q1 and R3 in the S4 segment of a voltage sensor appears to facilitate the early stage of the motion toward a down state. We use multiple microsecond-steered molecular simulations to calculate the work required for translating S4 both as α-helix and transformed to 310-helix. The barrier appears to be caused by salt-bridge reformation simultaneous to R4 passing the F233 hydrophobic lock, and it is almost a factor-two lower with 310-helix. The latter facilitates translation because R2/R3 line up to face E183/E226, which reduces the requirement to rotate S4. This is also reflected in a lower root mean-square deviation distortion of the rest of the voltage sensor. This supports the 310 hypothesis, and could explain some of the differences between the open-inactivated- versus activated-states.  相似文献   

The packing of α-helices and β-sheets in six αβ proteins (e.g. flavodoxin) has been analysed. The results provide the basis for a computer algorithm to predict the tertiary structure of an αβ protein from its amino acid sequence and actual assignment of secondary structure.The packing of an individual α-helix against a β-sheet generally involves two adjacent ± 4 rows of non-polar residues on the α-helix at the positions i, i + 4, i + 8, i + 1, i + 5, i + 9. The pattern of interacting β-sheet residues results from the twisted nature of the sheet surface and the attendant rotation of the side-chains. At a more detailed level, four of the α-helical residues (i + 1, i + 4, i + 5 and i + 8) form a diamond that surrounds one particular β-sheet residue, generally isoleucine, leucine or valine. In general, the α-helix sits 10 Å above the sheet and lies parallel to the strand direction.The prediction follows a combinational approach. First, a list of possible β-sheet structures (106 to 1014) is constructed by the generation of all β-sheet topologies and β-strand alignments. This list is reduced by constraints on topology and the location of non-polar residues to mediate the sheet/helix packing, and then rank-ordered on the extent of hydrogen bonding. This algorithm was uniformly applied to 16 αβ domains in 13 proteins. For every structure, one member of the reduced list was close to the crystal structure; the root-mean-square deviation between equivalenced Cα atoms averaged 5.6 Å for 100 residues. For the αβ proteins with pure parallel β-sheets, the total number of structures comparable to or better than the native in terms of hydrogen bonds was between 1 and 148. For proteins with mixed β-sheets, the worst case is glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, where as many as 3800 structures would have to be sampled. The evolutionary significance of these results as well as the potential use of a combinatorial approach to the protein folding problem are discussed.  相似文献   

The α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), assembled as homomeric pentameric ligand-gated ion channels, is one of the most abundant nAChR subtypes in the brain. Despite its importance in memory, learning and cognition, no structure has been determined for the α7 nAChR TM domain, a target for allosteric modulators. Using solution state NMR, we determined the structure of the human α7 nAChR TM domain (PDB ID: 2MAW) and demonstrated that the α7 TM domain formed functional channels in Xenopus oocytes. We identified the associated binding sites for the anesthetics halothane and ketamine; the former cannot sensitively inhibit α7 function, but the latter can. The α7 TM domain folds into the expected four-helical bundle motif, but the intra-subunit cavity at the extracellular end of the α7 TM domain is smaller than the equivalent cavity in the α4β2 nAChRs (PDB IDs: 2LLY; 2LM2). Neither drug binds to the extracellular end of the α7 TM domain, but two halothane molecules or one ketamine molecule binds to the intracellular end of the α7 TM domain. Halothane and ketamine binding sites are partially overlapped. Ketamine, but not halothane, perturbed the α7 channel-gate residue L9′. Furthermore, halothane did not induce profound dynamics changes in the α7 channel as observed in α4β2. The study offers a novel high-resolution structure for the human α7 nAChR TM domain that is invaluable for developing α7-specific therapeutics. It also provides evidence to support the hypothesis: only when anesthetic binding perturbs the channel pore or alters the channel motion, can binding generate functional consequences.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are involved in fast synaptic transmission in the central and peripheral nervous system. Among the many different types of subunits in nAChRs, the β2 subunit often combines with the α4 subunit to form α4β2 pentameric channels, the most abundant subtype of nAChRs in the brain. Besides computational predictions, there is limited experimental data available on the structure of the β2 subunit. Using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, we solved the structure of the entire transmembrane domain (TM1234) of the β2 subunit. We found that TM1234 formed a four-helix bundle in the absence of the extracellular and intracellular domains. The structure exhibited many similarities to those previously determined for the Torpedo nAChR and the bacterial ion channel GLIC. We also assessed the influence of the fourth transmembrane helix (TM4) on the rest of the domain. Although secondary structures and tertiary arrangements were similar, the addition of TM4 caused dramatic changes in TM3 dynamics and subtle changes in TM1 and TM2. Taken together, this study suggests that the structures of the transmembrane domains of these proteins are largely shaped by determinants inherent in their sequence, but their dynamics may be sensitive to modulation by tertiary and quaternary contacts.  相似文献   

Hayward S  Milner-White EJ 《Proteins》2011,79(11):3193-3207
α-sheet has been proposed to be the main constituent of the toxic amyloid intermediate. Molecular dynamics simulations on proteins known to be involved in amyloid diseases have demonstrated that β-sheet can, under certain conditions, spontaneously convert to α-sheet via ββ→α(R)α(L) peptide-plane flipping. Using torsion-angle driving to simulate this flip the transition has been investigated for parallel and antiparallel sheets. Concerted and sequential flipping processes were simulated, the former allowing direct calculation of helical parameters. For antiparallel sheet, the strands tend to splay apart during the transition. This can be understood by consideration of the geometry of repeating dipeptide conformations. At the end of the transition antiparallel α-sheet is slightly twisted, comprising gently curving strands. In parallel sheet, the strands maintain identical conformations and stay hydrogen bonded during the transition as they curl up to suggest a hitherto unseen structure, the multi-helix α-nanotube. Intriguingly, the α-nanotube has some of the characteristics of the parallel β-helix, a single-helix structure also implicated in amyloid. Unlike the β-helix, α-nanotube formation could involve identical strands aligning with each other in register as in most amyloids.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional Ising model is used to study the thermal denaturation of parallel β-sheet structures in biomolecules.The fraction of intact hydrogen bonds and the excess heat capacity are evaluated as a function of the temperature.  相似文献   

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