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Hammatoderus wappesi n. sp. and H. garciaorum n. sp. are described from Mexico, Veracruz and Oaxaca and Veracruz, respectively. Hammoderus brasiliensis Breuning, 1943 and Plagiohammus camillus Dillon & Dillon, 1949 are proposed as synonyms of Hammatoderus confusor (Dillon & Dillon, 1941); Plagiohammus rotundipennis Breuning, 1950 is proposed as a synonym of Hammatoderus pollinosus (Bates, 1880). A replacement name, Deliathis neonivea nom. nov., for Deliathis nivea (Breuning, 1943) n. comb., a secondary homonym of D. nivea Bates, 1869, is proposed. Three other new combinations are proposed: Deliathis imperatrix (Thomson, 1868) n. comb.; Monochamus sargi (Bates, 1885) n. comb.; and Monochamus blairi (Breuning, 1936) n. comb. Monochamus sargi and Hammatoderus pollinosus are redescribed. Hammatoderus sticticus (Bates, 1874) is newly recorded from Bolivia, with H. confusor newly recorded from Argentina and Colombia and its known distribution in Brazil expanded to include the state of Sao Paulo. Distribution of Deliathis imperatrix in Mexico is expanded to include the state of Morelos. A key to species of Hammatoderus and a key to species of Taeniotesamazonum” group are also provided.  相似文献   


The differences between Anisopodus White, 1853 and Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847 are discussed and the gender of the latter is corrected. Notes on Hyperplatys pusillus (Bates, 1863) are provided. Hyperplatys nigrisparsus is considered a new rank for H. pusillus nigrisparsus (Bates, 1885). This species is newly recorded from Brazil (Amazonas). Alcidion laetulum Bates, 1880 (currently Nealcidion laetulum), Alcidion costatum Monné & Martins, 1976 (currently Nealcidion costatum), and Nealcidion murinum Monné, 1998, are synonymized with Alcidion bispinum Bates, 1863 (currently Nealcidion bispinum). Anisopodus melzeri Gilmour, 1965 is transferred to Hyperplatys with a new record from the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Notes on a second specimen of Confluentia colombiana (Gilmour, 1950) are provided. Three new species are described from Ecuador: Nealcidion kayi n. sp. (Acanthocinini), Hyperplatys pichinchensis n. sp. (Acanthocinini) and Confluentia quijos n. sp. (Colobotheini).  相似文献   

Le genre Cryptotrogus Kraatz, 1888 est étudié. Après étude des spécimens-types des espèces associées et de nouveaux matériels, ce genre est redéfini et Cyphonoxia Reitter, 1889 en est à nouveau considéré comme synonyme. Les nouvelles combinaisons et synonymies suivantes sont établies ou restaurées : Cryptotrogus buettikeri (Sabatinelli & Pontuale, 1998) n. comb., Cryptotrogus delhiensis (Anand, 1988) n. comb., Cryptotrogus haarlovi (Petrovitz, 1955) n. comb., Cryptotrogus kermanensis (Semenov & Medvedev, 1936) n. comb., Cryptotrogus kircheri (Balthasar, 1930) n. comb., Cryptotrogus praestabilis (Reitter, 1889) n. comb., Cryptotrogus tatianae (Semenov & Medvedev, 1936) n. comb., Cryptotrogus zarudnyi (Semenov & Medvedev, 1936) n. comb., Cyphonotus bicoloratus Petrovitz, 1962 n. syn. de Cryptotrogus mesopotamicus (Petrovitz, 1962), Cryptotrogus miksici Petrovitz, 1965, et Cryptotrogus orita (Reitter, 1902) n. syn. de Cryptotrogus niveus (Hampe, 1852), Cyphonoxia glasunowi Semenov, 1897 n. syn. de Cryptotrogus brenskei (Reitter, 1895) comb. rev., Cyphonoxia kermanensis Semenov & Medvedev, 1936 n. syn. de Cryptotrogus zarudnyi (Semenov & Medvedev, 1936) n. comb., Cryptotrogus zemindar (Sharp, 1876) n. comb. Par ailleurs, huit espèces sont décrites et comparées aux espèces proches : sept d’Iran, Cryptotrogus borumandi n. sp., Cryptotrogus ebrahimii n. sp., Cryptotrogus miesseni n. sp., Cryptotrogus mirzayansi n. sp., Cryptotrogus monodi n. sp., Cryptotrogus morgani n. sp. et Cryptotrogus parallelus n. sp., et une, Cryptotrogus irakanus n. sp., d’Irak. Enfin, de nouvelles données sont présentées pour quelques espèces de la faune iranienne appartenant aux genres Melolontha Fabricius, 1775, Anoxia Castelnau, 1832, Polyphylla Harris, 1841 et Microphylla Kraatz, 1890. Une espèce est nouvelle pour la faune d’Iran : Melolontha aceris Faldermann, 1835.  相似文献   

Les vingt-deux espèces actuellement répertoriées dans le genre paléarctique Amblytylus Fieber ont été examinées. Le genre est redéfini principalement d’après les caractères des genitalia mâles. Dix espèces sont maintenues dans le genre: A. albidus (Hahn 1834), A. amoenus Wagner 1958, A. arnoldiorum Kerzhner 1977, A. brevicollis Fieber 1858, A. concolor Jakovlev 1877, A. crassicornis Wagner 1964, A. jani Fieber 1858, A. montanus Wagner 1974, A. nasutus (Kirschbaum 1856), A. peitho Linnavuori 1997; toutefois, A. amoenus est considérée comme incertae sedis et A. jani comme nomen dubium. Deux espèces sont transférées dans le genre Megalocoleus Reuter: Megalocoleus delicatus (Perris 1857) n. comb., Megalocoleus tarsalis (Reuter 1894) n. comb. Dix espèces sont mises en synonymie; soit avec une espèce d’Amblytylus: A. similis Wagner 1971 n. syn. de A. albidus (Hahn 1834); A. gregarius Linnavuori 1961 n. syn. de A. brevicollis Fieber 1868; A. vittiger Reuter 1899 n. syn., A. longicornis Wagner 1953 n. syn. et A. eckerleini Wagner 1964 n. syn. de A. concolor Jakovlev 1877; soit avec une espèce de Megalocoleus: A. erectus Wagner 1971 n. syn. de M. longirostris (Fieber 1861); A. glaucicollis Kerzhner 1977 n. syn. de M. exanguis (Herrich-Schaeffer 1835); A. macedonicus Wagner 1956 n. syn. de M. naso (Reuter 1879) n. comb.; A. luridus Hoberlandt 1961 n. syn. et A. scutellaris Horvath 1905 n. syn. de M. delicatus (Perris 1857) n. comb. Un lectotype est désigné pour quatre espèces (Lopus nasutus Kirshbaum, Amblytylus vanduzeei Blatchey, Amblytylus scutellaris Horváth, Capsus delicatus Perris). Une clé d’identification pratique bilingue (français et anglais) basée surtout sur des caractères externes tente de séparer les espèces d’Amblytylus. Une clé révisée des espèces de Megalocoleus est également fournie. Les deux genres Amblytylus et Megalocoleus, très semblables par l’habitus, restent difficiles à définir. Seules les plantes-hôtes - des Poaceae chez les Amblytylus, des Asteraceae chez les Megalocoleus - et dans une moindre mesure la vesica pourvue de deux processus apicaux (Amblytylus) ou d’un seul (Megalocoleus) semble indiquer l’existence de deux groupes d’espèces distincts.  相似文献   

The species level taxonomy of Porthecla is revised. Six previously described species are recognized: P. ravus (Druce 1907); P. barba (Druce 1907); P. dinus (Hewitson 1867); P. porthura (Druce 1907); P. minyia (Hewitson 1867); P. gemma (Druce 1907), and another six new species are proposed: P. forasteira Faynel & Moser n. sp.; P. annette Faynel & Robbins n. sp.; P. johanna Faynel & Robbins n. sp.; P. peruensis Faynel & Moser n. sp.; P. prietoi Faynel & Busby n. sp. and P. willmotti Busby, Faynel & Moser n. sp. For each Porthecla species we present diagnostic characters, images of male and female adults, drawings of male and female genitalia, distribution maps, and notes on habitat and other biological traits. An identification key for males is provided. To stabilize names; lectotypes are designated for Thecla minyia Hewitson 1867, and Thecla gemma Druce 1907. Wing pattern resemblances between Porthecla and other genera are discussed.  相似文献   

A group of 10 species belonging to the Neotropical tribe Acratini Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, Bartolozzi & Sforzi 1999, is shown to be monophyletic by a phylogenetic analysis based on 48 morphological characters. A new genus, Pertusius n. gen., is described, based on three derived characters of external and genital morphology: venter of prorostrum of males with fine median longitudinal carina, base of elytra with deep pit at the place of insertion on mesonotum, and proximal sclerite of endophallus more or less horseshoe-shaped. Eight species were previously known and, according to former authors, belonged to the genera Acratus Lacordaire 1865 [Pertusius apicalis (Sharp 1895), n. comb., P. errabundus (Kleine 1927), n. comb., P. extrarius (Kleine 1927), n. comb., P. fidus (Kleine 1927), n. comb. and P. telesi (Soares & Meyer 1959), n. comb.] and Proteramocerus Kleine 1921 [Pertusius chalcites (Perty 1832), n. comb., P. filum (Sharp 1895), n. comb., and P. laevis (Germar 1824), n. comb.]. Four new synonymies are proposed: Proteramocerus disparilis Soares & Dias 1971, n. syn. for Acratus apicalis Sharp 1895; Teramocerus laevigatus Boheman 1840, n. syn. for Arrhenodes chalcites Perty 1832; Acratus extraordinarius Kleine 1927, n. syn. for Acratus errabundus Kleine 1927; Proteramocerus diringshofeni Soares & Dias 1971, n. syn. for Acratus filum Sharp 1895. Two new species are described: Pertusius guyanensis n. sp. from French Guiana, and P. mexicanus n. sp. from Mexico (Yucatán Peninsula). Pertusius apicalis is newly cited from Bolivia and Peru, P. chalcites from Argentina and Paraguay, P. extrarius from Ecuador, P. fidus from Peru and P. telesi from Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. An identification key to species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

The Palaearctic burrower bug genus Canthophorus Mulsant & Rey, 1866 (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) is revised. New data on the morphology and distribution are given. Structures of the female internal ectodermal terminalia and the completely inflated aedeagi in all species of the genus are described and illustrated for the first time. An extended differential diagnosis as a comparison with representatives of all Palearctic genera of the tribe Sehirini is given for the genus. Based on characters of the external morphology and terminalia of both sexes, new taxa are described: C. dubius sanigarum n. ssp., C. melanopterus mariae n. ssp., C. impressus hajastanicus n. ssp., and C. wagneri hyrcanicus n. ssp.; C. hissaricus Asanova, 1964 is downgraded to a subspecies level and included in C. mixtus Asanova, 1964. C. melanopterus niger (Vidal, 1950) is placed in synonymy with C. melanopterus melanopterus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835). A wide variability of the terminalia, especially in females, was found in C. melanopterus melanopterus; in the latter, six forms are described differing in the shape and size of sclerites in posterior pouches of the gynatrial sac and distributed mainly in the Mediterranean region. A key allowing identification of the species not only by males, but also by females, was compiled for the first time. It is shown that C. aeneus (Walker, 1867) [= Sehirus fuscipennis Horváth, 1899] and C. maculipes (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) have very significant differences from other species of Canthophorus in the male and female terminalia, and at the same time share some characters with the genus Adomerus Mulsant & Rey, 1866, including unique characters shared with several species of this group; therefore, the mentioned two species are transferred to the genus Adomerus.  相似文献   

A list of 285 species of Sarcophagidaе in the Middle East countries is presented with distributional data, including Bahrain (3 species), Cyprus (46), Egypt (both African and Asian parts) (114), Iran (83), Iraq (17), Israel (113), Jordan (14), Kuwait (3), Lebanon (13), Oman (2), Gaza Strip (5), Palestinian Authority (42), Quatar (1), Saudi Arabia (37), Syria (42), Turkey (both European and Asian parts) (157), United Arab Emirates (14) and Yemen (15). Three new synonyms are established: Blaesoxipha delilah Lehrer, 2006 = Agriella setosa Salem, 1938, syn. n.; Blaesoxipha nahaliana Lehrer, 2008 = Blaesoxipha popovi Rohdendorf, 1937, syn. n.; and Liosarcophaga daccanella Lehrer, 2008 = Liosarcophaga (s. str.) dux (Thomson, 1869), syn. n. Four new combinations for species names are proposed: Liopygia (Engelisca) adhamae (Lehrer & Abou-Ziad, 2008), comb. n.; Liosarcophaga (s. str.) pedestris (Villeneuve, 1910), comb. n.; Liosarcophaga (Pandelleisca) theodori (Lehrer, 1998), comb. n., and Liosarcophaga (Pharaonops) tewfiki (Salem, 1940), comb. n.  相似文献   

A new subfamily Rudisiricinae Gao, Rasnitsyn, Ren & Shih, n. subfam. and a new genus Rudisiricius Gao, Rasnitsyn, Ren & Shih, n. gen. with three new species R. belli Gao, Rasnitsyn, Ren & Shih n. sp., R. crassinodus Gao, Rasnitsyn, Ren & Shih, n. sp., and R. celsus Gao, Rasnitsyn, Ren & Shih, n. sp. are described and illustrated from the family Praesiricidae. The type specimens were collected from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, northeastern China. The new subfamily also includes Aulidontes Rasnitsyn from the Upper Jurassic of Karatau in Kazakhstan. This is the first record of Praesiricidae in China. These well-preserved nearly-complete new fossils reported here provide additional material and structure characters about this family, which helps filling some gap in the evolution of Lower Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of the genus Aneorhachis Kleine 1923 (Coleoptera: Brentidae) and a phylogenetic analysis of species belonging to this genus are carried out. The genus Ipsopisthius Kabakov 2001 is synonymised with Aneorhachis, and two new combinations are proposed: Aneorhachis hirta (Kabakov 2001), n. comb. and A. incerta (Kleine 1935), n. comb. Higonius nitens Goossens 2008 is synonymized with A. incerta. One new species is described from New Guinea, A. papuana n. sp. All the species are redescribed and type-specimens are illustrated; an identification key is proposed. A maximum parsimony analysis is provided on the base of 23 characters from adult morphology. This analysis confirms the monophyly of the genus and seems to show that Aneorhachis originated on continental Asia and then spread out eastward to colonize Pacific islands.  相似文献   

Deux nouveaux genres et six espèces nouvelles sont décrits de Guyane française, à savoir: Diplozona emboíiata n. sp., Guianocoris unicolor n. g., n. sp., Lundioides couturíerin. gen, n. sp., Neella guiana n. sp., Phytocorís guianus n. sp. et Phytocorís jugatus n. sp. La nouvelle combinaison Guianocoris ruber (Carvalho & Carpintero 1991a) n. comb, est proposée. Deux espèces sont redécrites et illustrées: Sthenaridea carvalhoi Schuh & Schwartz 1988 et Proboscidotyius nigrosquamis (Maldonado 1969). Les genitalias femelles d’lridopeplus pellucidipennis Bergroth 1910 sont décrits pour la premiere fois, ainsi que le mâle d’Henicocnemis luctuosa (Stål 1860). La variabilité de Monalonion annulipes Signoret 1858 est mise en évidence. Quatorze espèces sont signalées comme nouvelles pour la faune de Guyane: Fuivius bisbistiilatus (Stål 1860), F. satipoensis Carvalho & Costa 1994 Henicocnemis Iuctuosa (Stål 1860), Horcisoides punctatus (Carvalho 1976), Maxacalinus cuiabanus Carvalho 1976, Notholopus coreoides Carvalho 1975, N. cuiabanus Carvalho 1975, Proboscidotyius nigrosquamis (Maldonado 1969), Sthenaridea carvalhoi Schuh & Schwartz 1988, Taedia bananaiensis Carvalho & Costa 1994, T. cajabiana Carvalho 1976, T. coimbrai Carvalho 1975, T. compactoides Carvalho 1975 et T. xinguana Carvalho 1975, ce qui porte la liste provisoire des Miridae du Dèpartement à 46 espèces.  相似文献   

Qianaphaenops (Tiankengius) xigouicus Tian & Huang, n. subgen., n. sp. is described from a limestone cave in the Hanzhong Tiankeng Cluster, southwestern Shaanxi Province in the western part of Daba Shan Mountains, northern China. Tiankengius n. subgen. is related to Qianaphaenops (s. str.) Uéno, 2000 (a lineage of Guizhaphaenops Complex which ranges in northeastern Guizhou Province) instead of the genera Boreaphaenops Uéno, 2002 Yanzaphaenops Uéno, 2010 which are known from Shennongjia (eastern range of Daba Shan Mountains). However, Tiankengius is markedly distinct by several important features from Qianaphaenops. This is the first report of a troglobitic trechine beetle from Shaanxi Province, northern China.  相似文献   

A new genus and a new subgenus of semi-aphaenopsian trechine beetles are described from Furong Jiang valley in the bordering areas of Chongqing Shi (Municipality) and Guizhou Province, southwestern China: Deuveaphaenops Tian & Huang, n. gen. (type species: Deuveaphaenops qimenxicus Tian & Huang, n. sp. from Qimenxia Cave II, Wulong Xian, Chongqing) and Furongius Tian & Huang, n. subgen. (type species: Deuveaphaenops (Furongius) gelaophilus Tian & Huang, n. sp. from cave Xianmi Dong, Daozhen Xian, Guizhou). Deuveaphaenops probably belongs to the complex of Cathaiaphaenops, Qianotrechus, Guizhaphaenops and Sinotroglodytes.  相似文献   

The endogean carabid Typhlocharis zaballosi n. sp., belonging to the T. gomezi group, is described and illustrated. The work provides diagnostic characters, in particular the structure of male and female genitalia, affinities to putative relatives and some remarks on its ecology and distribution. A key for the identification of all known species of the T. gomezi species group are provided. Some remarks on the external microsculpture of the last abdominal sternum “belt” of T. carinata Serrano & Aguiar 2006, T. quarta Pérez-González & Zaballos 2013, T. crespoi Serrano & Aguiar 2007 and T. zaballosi n. sp. are given. An overall revision of the presence/absence of this structure in the genus is provided and its taxonomic relevance is also discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of Neoibidionini from Colombia are described: Psiloibidion boteroi n. sp. and Tropidion neisi n. sp. The previous key to species of Tropidion is modified to include the new species. The females of Compsibidion paradoxum Martins, 1971 and Glomibidion trinidadense (Gilmour, 1963) are described and illustrated for the first time. Moreover, the geographical distribution is expanded for nine species of Neoibidionini.  相似文献   

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