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La Réunion, one of the three Mascarene islands located in the Indian Ocean, remained devoid of inhabitants until it was first colonized by the French in the middle of the 17th century. The continuous flow of foreign-born slaves and immigrant workers from Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and China to work on coffee and sugar cane plantations led to the island becoming a melting pot of people of multiple ethnic origins. To establish the impact of the different incoming ethnic groups on the present Reunionese gene pool, we have sequenced both hypervariable regions I and II of the mitochondrial DNA molecule, the 9 bp COII/tRNA(Lys) deletion, and four SNPs located in the coding region in a total of 41 samples of the general population, and a further 18 STRs and 35 SNPs on the Y chromosome in 26 of these samples. Our results show that there was a strong sexual bias (asymmetrical gene flow) in the peopling of La Réunion, where admixture events were mainly between male settlers and females from the incoming slave groups. Most of the Y-chromosome gene pool is of European/Middle Eastern ancestry (85%), whereas the mtDNA gene pool is mainly of Indian and East Asian ancestry (70%). The absence of genetic diversity within these two major components of the mtDNA gene pool suggests these populations may have witnessed strong founder effects during the colonization process.  相似文献   

In the Indo-Pacific region, rivers are inhabited by amphidromous gobies. They are often subjected to a heavy fishing pressure, highlighting the urgent need to acquire knowledge on their biology for management purposes. This study investigated the reproductive strategy of Sicyopterus lagocephalus, a widespread amphidromous goby, in two rivers of La Réunion Island. Histological observations of ovarian samples and oocyte-size frequency distributions revealed that females had a group-synchronous ovarian follicle development (i.e., two cohorts of oocytes were distinguished simultaneously in ovaries). Females laid an entire clutch in a unique event (from 14,304 to 232,475 eggs) and then another batch of oocytes was recruited, showing that the annual fecundity is indeterminate. Ovarian growth was isometric at all oocyte development stages showing that the gonadosomatic index (GSI) is a good proxy of reproductive condition. The main reproductive season of S. lagocephalus spanned from early February to May with a narrower range upstream and a wider one downstream. Reproduction activity is mainly restricted by water temperatures in upstream areas, whereas it is likely influenced by female body condition and competition in downstream areas. The variability of reproductive traits leads to size structure variation in stocks of spawning females throughout the year.  相似文献   

The large heterogeneity in the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene is the main difficulty for genotype characterization. Numerous studies have reported considerable variations in frequencies of CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations in different populations, such as African, Asian, or European populations. To completely characterize the spectrum of mutations in the CFTR gene in the Réunion Island population, we screened 228 CF chromosomes using denaturing high-pressure liquid chromatography and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis following by direct sequencing. We identified 27 mutations, accounting for 93% of CF chromosomes. They included three novel mutations (M1T, 3121-3C-->G, and L1324P), which are described in this paper. The detection of such a high proportion of Réunion Island CFTR mutations is important for improving neonatal screening of CF on Réunion Island.  相似文献   



For decades La Réunion has experienced a number of epidemics that have resulted in efforts to control the density of Aedes species on this Island. This study was conducted to assess household-level expenditure on protective measures against mosquito nuisance on the Island of La Réunion in 2012.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Data was collected during a cross-sectional survey of 1024 households and used to determine the relationship between the use of chemically-based protective measures and subjective and objective indicators of the density of Aedes albopictus. The average household expenditure in July 2012 was USD 9.86 and the total household-level expenditure over a one-year period was extrapolated to USD 28.05million (range: USD 25.58 million to USD 30.76 million). Much of this money was spent on measures thought to be relatively ineffective against Aedes mosquitoes. Expenditure on protective measures was not influenced by the level of knowledge on mosquitoes or by the visual nuisance they generated at home, but rather by the perception of risk related to a future epidemic of chikungunya and socioeconomic factors. Most importantly, household spending on protective measures was found to be influenced by a measure of zone-level mosquito density (the Breteau index), but not by objective indicators of the presence of mosquitoes within or around the house.


Household-level expenditure on chemically-based protective measures is high when compared to the investment made by public entities to achieve vector control, and it is differentially influenced by subjective and objective measures of mosquito density. The current situation could be improved, firstly by ensuring that the public is well-informed about mosquitoes and the effectiveness of various protective measures, and secondly by implementing interventions that could either complement current vector-control strategies and improve their effectiveness on a country-level, or that would steer the population toward the appropriate behaviours.  相似文献   

Arbovirus vector dynamics and spread are influenced by climatic, environmental and geographic factors. Major Chikungunya and Dengue fever outbreaks occurring the last 10 years have coincided with the expansion of the mosquito vector Aedes albopictus to nearly all the continents. We characterized the ecological (larval development sites, population dynamics, insemination and daily survival rates) and genetic (diversity, gene flow, population structure) features of two Aedes albopictus populations from distinct environments (rural and urban) on Réunion Island, in the South-West Indian Ocean. Microsatellite analysis suggests population sub-structuring Ae. albopictus populations. Two genetic clusters were identified that were significantly linked to natural versus urban habitats with a mixed population in both areas. Ae. albopictus individuals prefer urban areas for mating and immature development, where hosts and containers that serve as larval development sites are readily available and support high population densities, whereas natural environments appear to serve as reservoirs for the mosquito.  相似文献   

Single macropterous female of Trigonocranus emmeae Fieber, 1876 has been found during the faunistic studies in semi-natural plant communities of Oświęcim city in southern Poland. It is the first record of this species in Poland. Trigonocranus emmeae is rarely collected within the wide range of its distribution, mostly due to its hidden life mode.  相似文献   



This study was conducted to assess the impact of chikungunya on health costs during the epidemic that occurred on La Réunion in 2005–2006.

Methodology/Principal Findings

From data collected from health agencies, the additional costs incurred by chikungunya in terms of consultations, drug consumption and absence from work were determined by a comparison with the expected costs outside the epidemic period. The cost of hospitalization was estimated from data provided by the national hospitalization database for short-term care by considering all hospital stays in which the ICD-10 code A92.0 appeared. A cost-of-illness study was conducted from the perspective of the third-party payer. Direct medical costs per outpatient and inpatient case were evaluated. The costs were estimated in Euros at 2006 values. Additional reimbursements for consultations with general practitioners and drugs were estimated as €12.4 million (range: €7.7 million–€17.1 million) and €5 million (€1.9 million–€8.1 million), respectively, while the cost of hospitalization for chikungunya was estimated to be €8.5 million (€5.8 million–€8.7 million). Productivity costs were estimated as €17.4 million (€6 million–€28.9 million). The medical cost of the chikungunya epidemic was estimated as €43.9 million, 60% due to direct medical costs and 40% to indirect costs (€26.5 million and €17.4 million, respectively). The direct medical cost was assessed as €90 for each outpatient and €2,000 for each inpatient.


The medical management of chikungunya during the epidemic on La Réunion Island was associated with an important economic burden. The estimated cost of the reported disease can be used to evaluate the cost/efficacy and cost/benefit ratios for prevention and control programmes of emerging arboviruses.  相似文献   

Competitive displacement is the outcome of interspecific competition between invading and native species. Alien insect species invade not only cultivated areas but also natural habitats. We prospected the cockroach fauna on two oceanic islands (Mayotte and La Réunion) to investigate the impact of altitude and anthropic disturbance on the distribution of these species. Most invading cockroach species seem to benefit from cultivation of land whereas endemic species occupy more specific and reduced habitats that are threatened by human impact.  相似文献   

Pristionchus fissidentatus n. sp., isolated from soil in Nepal, and P. elegans n. sp., isolated from Phelotrupes auratus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Japan, are described. The two new species are recognized as basal within the genus and thus occupy an important position for macroevolutionary studies that center on the model P. pacificus. Pristionchus fissidentatus n. sp. is distinguished by its unique stegostomatal morphology: in the stenostomatous form, the right subventral ridge has three prominent cusps and the left subventral sector has, in addition to a plate with two cusps, a prominent denticle slightly left of ventral; in the eurystomatous form, the right subventral stegostomatal sector shows both a tooth and a ridge with several cusps. Diagnostic of P. elegans n. sp. is the structure of the stenostomatous cheilostom, which bulges medially and is underlain by a large vacuolated ring. No eurystomatous form has been observed in P. elegans n. sp. Reproductive modes of P. fissidentatus n. sp. and P. elegans n. sp. are hermaphroditic and gonochoristic, respectively. The additional isolation of P. fissidentatus n. sp. from soil and two species of scarab beetle on La Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean suggests a broad geographic range for this species.  相似文献   



Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a recently re-emerged arthropod borne virus responsible for a massive outbreak in the Indian Ocean and India, and extended to Southeast Asia as well as Italy. CHIKV has adapted to Aedes albopictus, an anthropophilic mosquito species widely distributed in Asia, Europe, Africa and America. Our objective was to determine the clinical and biological features of patients at the acute phase of CHIKV infection.

Methods and Findings

A prospective study enrolled 274 consecutive patients with febrile arthralgia recorded at the Emergency Department of the Groupe Hospitalier Sud-Réunion between March and May 2006. Three groups were defined: one group of 180 viremic patients (positive CHIKV RT-PCR), one group of 34 patients with acute post-viremic infection (negative CHIKV RT-PCR, positive anti-CHIKV IgM and negative IgG), and one group of 46 uninfected patients (negative CHIKV RT-PCR, anti-CHIKV IgM and IgG). Bivariate analyses of clinical and biological features between groups were performed. Patients with CHIKV viremia presented typically with asymmetrical bilateral polyarthralgia (96.5%) affecting the lower (98%) and small joints (74.8%), as well as asthenia (88.6%), headache (70%), digestive trouble (63.3%), myalgia (59%), exanthems (47.8%), conjunctival hyperhemia (23%) and adenopathy (8.9%). Vertigo, cutaneous dysesthesia, pharyngitis and haemorrhages were seldom observed. So far unreported symptoms such as chondrocostal arthralgia (20%), entesopathies (1.6%), talalgia (14%) were also noted. Prurit was less frequent during the viremic than post-viremic phase (13.9% vs. 41.2%; p<0.001), whereas lymphopenia was more frequent (87.6% vs. 39.4%; p<0.001). Others biological abnormalities included leukopenia (38.3%), thrombocytopenia (37.3%), increased ASAT and ALAT blood levels (31.6 and 7.3%, respectively) and hypocalcemia (38.7%). Lymphopenia <1,000/mm3 was very closely associated with viremic patients (Yule coefficient 0.82, positive predictive value 92.3%). Age under 65 was associated with a benign course, as no patients younger than 65 had to be hospitalized (Yule coefficient 0.78).


The diagnosis of CHIKV infection in acute phase is based on commonly accepted clinical criteria (fever and arthralgia), however clinical and biological diffrences exist in acute phase depending on whether or not the patient is within the viremic phase of the infection.  相似文献   

A simple method for the preparation of lymphoblastoid cell lines from small amounts (100 microliter) of frozen whole blood is described. A success score greater than 90% was obtained for EBV transformations using blood samples which had been collected several months before the infection. Due to the simplicity of the technique, up to 80 samples could be processed per day. This technique was used to prepared 242 permanent cell lines from 13 large families from Réunion Island showing blood group H deficiency. These cell lines are now available for genetic studies.  相似文献   

Chikungunya is a re-emerging arboviral disease transmitted by Aedes spp. mosquitoes. Although principally endemic to Africa and Asia, recent outbreaks have occurred in Europe following introductions by returning travellers. A particularly large outbreak occurred on Réunion Island in 2006, the published data from which forms the basis of the current study. A simple, deterministic mathematical model of the transmission of the virus between humans and mosquitoes was constructed and parameterised with the up-to-date literature on infection biology. The model is fitted to the large Réunion epidemic, resulting in an estimate of 4.1 for the type reproduction number of chikungunya. Although simplistic, the model provided a close approximation of both the peak incidence of the outbreak and the final epidemic size. Sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulation demonstrated the strong influence that both the latent period of infection in humans and the pre-patent period have on these two epidemiological outcomes. We show why separating these variables, which are epidemiologically distinct in chikungunya infections, is not only necessary for accurate model fitting but also important in informing control.  相似文献   

Cuet  P.  Pierret  C.  Cordier  E.  Atkinson  M. J. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2011,30(1):37-43

Phosphate uptake (P-uptake) into coral reef communities has been hypothesized to be mass-transfer limited. One method of demonstrating mass-transfer limitation of P-uptake is to show dependence of P-uptake on water velocity. Water velocity across reef flats varies with tides and swell; thus, we measured P-uptake over the entire reef flat on eight different days, representing a range in water velocities. P-uptake was calculated from changes in P concentration of the water column. Changes in P concentration were measured by water sampling at six sites along a 300-m cross-reef transect while simultaneously measuring water velocity. To smooth the variability in phosphate concentrations, peristaltic pumps were used to get time-integrated water samples for 4–6 h at each site. Water velocities were measured in the middle of the transect using an acoustic Doppler current profiler and were averaged to match the time-integrated water sampling. Depth-averaged cross-reef water velocities were 0.031 ± 0.013 m s−1 (mean ± SD), while the root-mean-square water velocities, accounting for oscillatory flow, averaged 3.3 times higher, 0.101 ± 0.021 m s−1 (mean ± SD). Phosphate decreased along all transects. The first-order rate constant for P-uptake (S) was 8.5 ± 2.4 m d−1 (mean ± SD) and increased linearly with root-mean-square water velocity. The Stanton number derived from oscillatory flow, the ratio of the first-order rate constant for P-uptake to the root-mean-square water velocity (S/U rms), was (9.4 ± 1.2) × 10−4 (mean ± SD). P-uptake ranged from 0.2 to 1.1 mmol P m−2 d−1, demonstrating that P-uptake is variable on short time scales and is directly related to P concentration and water velocity.


We investigated the reproductive system of the threatened taxon Dombeya acutangula ssp. acutangula Cav. (Sterculiaceae), an endemic tree of the Mascarene archipelago (Indian Ocean). A controlled crossing experiment was performed in two natural populations located in the remnants of the low-elevation dry forest on the island of La Réunion. Active pollination, probably mainly by insects, was necessary for reproduction in this species. Individuals varied in their degree of self-sterility from 0 to 100%. Outcrossing between nearby individuals produced lower seed set than did crosses between more distant individuals within one of the two tested populations. The variation in reproductive success on selfing and in the different types of crosses could result from inbreeding depression causing embryo death, and we provide evidence that progenies from selfing have lower seed size and quality. However, for inbreeding depression to account for the dramatic variation in seed set found in our crossing experiment, the distribution of genetic load and number of lethal factors required appear unrealistic. We favour an alternative interpretation, that D. acutangula possesses an incompatibility system similar to that found in other Sterculiaceae species such as Theobroma cacao L. Such an incompatibility system allows a certain amount of selfing, and different individuals vary in their degree of self-incompatibility. The low success of crosses among close neighbours in one population suggests that there was spatial structure for incompatibility alleles in that population. This could partly explain the decline of the species in fragmented and disturbed habitats, since relatedness at incompatibility loci may increase in small or isolated population and thus reduce mate availability. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 3 August 1998  相似文献   

The relationship between length of individual Stegastes nigricans and size of the territory that they defend, and both the spatial and temporal variation in territoriality were investigated monthly on a fringing coral reef of Réunion Island over the course of one year. Length of individual S. nigricans was correlated positively with size of the territory. Most small individuals were found separate from adults, in areas with low algal turf cover. This is probably due to strong intra-specific competition for access to algal food resources and shelter availability, and/or differences in habitat preference. Both abundance of individuals and surface defended showed seasonal fluctuations. Densities were slightly higher in austral summer than in winter, and the surface defended by individuals larger than 8cm increased in winter. A permanent redistribution of territories also occured between individuals over time.  相似文献   



An outbreak of chikungunya virus affected over one-third of the population of La Réunion Island between March 2005 and December 2006. In June 2005, we identified the first case of mother-to-child chikungunya virus transmission at the Groupe Hospitalier Sud-Réunion level-3 maternity department. The goal of this prospective study was to characterize the epidemiological, clinical, biological, and radiological features and outcomes of all the cases of vertically transmitted chikungunya infections recorded at our institution during this outbreak.

Methods and Findings

Over 22 mo, 7,504 women delivered 7,629 viable neonates; 678 (9.0%) of these parturient women were infected (positive RT-PCR or IgM serology) during antepartum, and 61 (0.8%) in pre- or intrapartum. With the exception of three early fetal deaths, vertical transmission was exclusively observed in near-term deliveries (median duration of gestation: 38 wk, range 35–40 wk) in the context of intrapartum viremia (19 cases of vertical transmission out of 39 women with intrapartum viremia, prevalence rate 0.25%, vertical transmission rate 48.7%). Cesarean section had no protective effect on transmission. All infected neonates were asymptomatic at birth, and median onset of neonatal disease was 4 d (range 3–7 d). Pain, prostration, and fever were present in 100% of cases and thrombocytopenia in 89%. Severe illness was observed in ten cases (52.6%) and mainly consisted of encephalopathy (n = 9; 90%). These nine children had pathologic MRI findings (brain swelling, n = 9; cerebral hemorrhages, n = 2), and four evolved towards persistent disabilities.


Mother-to-child chikungunya virus transmission is frequent in the context of intrapartum maternal viremia, and often leads to severe neonatal infection. Chikungunya represents a substantial risk for neonates born to viremic parturients that should be taken into account by clinicians and public health authorities in the event of a chikungunya outbreak.  相似文献   

The first and presently only record of a ponyfish is described from the Lower Oligocene of the Grube Unterfeld (“Frauenweiler”) clay pit at Rauenberg (S Germany) and compared with other extant and fossil representatives of the Leiognathidae. It differs from all extant (and probably also fossil) members of this family in the coalescence of the ascending and articular processes of the premaxilla and the presence of a straight maxilla with a prominent dorsal crest. It furthermore differs from most extant and probably also fossil Leiognathidae in the combination of the following characters: the presence of multiple-rowed villiform teeth on the oral jaws; the presence of three supraneurals; third and fourth dorsal as well as third anal fin spines that are smooth at their anterior margins; delicate longitudinal surface striations on the neural and haemal spines of the vertebral column as well as on the dorsal and anal fin pterygiophores and on the dorsal, anal and pelvic fin spines; small but not plate-like distal expansions on the dorsal and haemal spines of the fourth preural centrum; the presence of autogenous hypurals; and a squamation that extends anteriorly onto the occipital and otic regions but not onto the cheeks. In terms of its general morphological traits, it resembles Leiognathoides altapinna, a species that has been reported from contemporary localities in Switzerland and Russia, although there are also some deviations that may be indicative of a different species. However, with the available materials, it is difficult to decide whether these differences are of taxonomic significance, so the new record is assigned to the genus Leiognathoides as cf. L. altapinna. The Oligocene specimens from France as well as the Lower Miocene specimens from the Czech Republic clearly belong to different taxa and probably not to the genus Leiognathoides at all. With regard to the palaeoecological and palaeogeographical framework, the new record indicates a tropical to subtropical climate and a waterway connection with the eastern Paratethys.  相似文献   

Most natural habitat in the Mascarene Islands (Mauritius, La Réunion and Rodrigues) has been transformed. Although urbanisation, agriculture and alien plant invasions have transformed large areas in La Réunion, the island has by far the greatest area of intact habitats in the Mascarenes, but remaining natural areas are under threat. We propose a protocol for defining a system of habitat types and for using these to provide a preliminary assessment of conservation priorities for La Réunion. The protocol draws on existing data and expert knowledge to map habitat types, assesses the extent of habitat transformation, and quantifies heterogeneity between habitat types based on climate, topography and geology. The pattern of habitat transformation was uneven among the nineteen habitat types identified. While three habitats have lost > 95% of their original area, four still retain> 80% of their original extent. Habitat types could be grouped into the following categories: (i) transformed habitats with low levels of plant endemism, (ii) habitats confined to homogenous geology with high levels of plantendemism, and (iii) species-rich heterogeneous habitats on diverse geological types. Priority habitats were also identified using municipalities as a basis for implementation. Urgent action is required for several habitat types where a large part of the original extent has been transformed. Three municipalities which contain more than 10 habitat types should receive conservation priority. The analysis provides the basis for setting conservation priorities in La Réunion at the regional and local scale. Implications of the results are discussed with reference to requirements for finer-scale conservation planning.  相似文献   

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