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转线粒体细胞模型是由无线粒体DNA(mtDNA)细胞与mtDNA供体通过融合的方法而形成的融合细胞。随着转线粒体技术的发展,制备该细胞模型的方法也多种多样。现今,转线粒体模型的应用十分广泛,不仅可应用于线粒体相关疾病的基础研究,而且在线粒体相关疾病的临床研究中也发挥了重要的作用。融合细胞具有一致的核背景,可以消除核基因的作用,因而有助于判断mtDNA突变的致病作用及机制和线粒体缺陷的致病作用及机制。此外,利用该模型还可作为探讨线粒体相关疾病基因治疗和筛选疾病治疗药物的有效模型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨蛛网膜下腔注射左旋布比卡因和布比卡因对剖宫产手术中的麻醉效果。方法:选取2012年3月到2013年3月期间在我院住院进行剖宫产手术产妇60例作为研究对象。随机分为左旋布比卡因组与布比卡因组,观察两组患者的麻醉效果以及术后不良反应的发生情况。结果:剖宫产手术中左旋布比卡因和布比卡因的蛛网膜下腔注射麻醉后的5min和7min后MAP值与麻醉前比较差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。左旋布比卡因和布比卡因的蛛网膜下腔注射麻醉后的5min、7min、10min以及15minHR值比较差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。左旋布比卡因和布比卡因的蛛网膜下腔注射麻醉后Bromage评分0分时间和麻醉后切口感觉疼痛时间相比差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。左旋布比卡因和布比卡因麻醉后的不良反应的发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:剖宫产手术麻醉中布比卡因的麻醉效果好于左旋布比卡因,临床上剖宫产等腹部手术应该选择布比卡因进行临床麻醉..  相似文献   

摘要目的:探讨蛛网膜下腔注射左旋布比卡因和布比卡因对剖宫产手术中的麻醉效果。方法:选取2012 年3 月到2013 年3 月 期间在我院住院进行剖宫产手术产妇60 例作为研究对象。随机分为左旋布比卡因组与布比卡因组,观察两组患者的麻醉效果以 及术后不良反应的发生情况。结果:剖宫产手术中左旋布比卡因和布比卡因的蛛网膜下腔注射麻醉后的5 min 和7 min 后MAP 值与麻醉前比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。左旋布比卡因和布比卡因的蛛网膜下腔注射麻醉后的5 min、7 min、10 min 以及 15minHR值比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。左旋布比卡因和布比卡因的蛛网膜下腔注射麻醉后Bromage 评分0分时间和麻 醉后切口感觉疼痛时间相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。左旋布比卡因和布比卡因麻醉后的不良反应的发生率比较差异无统 计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:剖宫产手术麻醉中布比卡因的麻醉效果好于左旋布比卡因,临床上剖宫产等腹部手术应该选择布比卡 因进行临床麻醉。  相似文献   

目的:比较药物治疗与布比卡因局部阻滞治疗输尿管上段结石所致的肾绞痛的临床疗效。方法:选择输尿管结石患者共120例。随机分成药物治疗组(M组)与局部阻滞组(B组)各60例,其中药物治疗组采用杜冷丁加阿托品治疗,局部阻滞组采用布比卡因行痛区局部阻滞,两组年龄、性别均无统计学差异,比较两组患者治疗的总有效率、不良反应、镇痛起效时间、缓解时间等疗效指标。结果:局部阻滞组治疗的总有效率大于药物治疗组,不良反应也比药物治疗组少。疼痛起效时间及缓解时间,局部阻滞组均明显短于药物治疗组。结论:布比卡因局部阻滞治疗输尿管上段结石所致的肾绞痛临床疗效明显优于以杜冷丁加阿托品为代表的药物治疗。  相似文献   

线粒体氧应激损伤的防御体系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
邱小忠  陈瑗  周玫 《生命的化学》2001,21(2):141-143
线粒体在细胞代谢和能量过程扮演着重要的角色 ,由于线粒体内膜的高选择透过性 ,线粒体较独立于外界环境 ,线粒体只有在能量吸收和转换过程中 ,受到外界环境的影响 ,产生线粒体氧应激损伤。电子由NADH或FADH2 通过电子传递体传递给分子氧的呼吸作用 ,也是作为呼吸副产品的活性氧(ROS)和自由基的产生过程 ,分子氧一方面是电子传递链上电子和质子氢的末端受体 ,另一方面分子氧能启动氧化过程 ,质子氧接受一个泄漏的电子 ,变成超氧阴离子 (O·-2 ) ,O·-2是体内活性氧的主要来源 ,活性氧的不断积累能导致线粒体结构和功能的广泛损…  相似文献   

目的 观察舒芬太尼-布比卡因用于子宫下段剖宫产术后镇痛,与等效价的芬太尼-布比卡因比较,在镇痛效果、临床副作用方面有无优越性.方法 选择择期硬膜外阻滞麻醉下行子宫下段剖宫产术31例,随机分为两组:A组(芬太尼-布比卡因组)16例;B组(舒芬太尼-布比卡因组)15例.A组给予负荷量芬太尼20μg和0.125%布比卡因4ml;B组给予负荷量舒芬太尼2 μg和0.125%布比卡因4 ml.两组均采用珠海福尼亚电子微量泵CPE-101-200型行自控硬膜外镇痛.观察术后4、8、16、24 h的疼痛、镇静、呕吐的评分,记录心率、血氧饱和度、镇痛液消耗量.疼痛情况用水平视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评估,镇静程度按四点评估表法分类.结果 与A组比较,B组各时点VAS评分普遍低于A组,但仅术后8 h和24 h差异有显著统计学意义(.P<0.05).两组病人镇静评分均无达到3分者,手术后4、8、24 h B组镇静评分达2分者明显多于A组(P<0.05).两组术后呕吐发生率都低,组问无显著统计学意义(P>O.05).结论 子宫下段剖宫产术后舒芬太尼-布比卡因组的硬膜外镇痛效果略优于芬太尼-布比卡因组.镇静作用明显高于芬太尼-布比卡因组,而且不会增加呕吐、呼吸抑饲等副作用的发生率.  相似文献   

镉(cadmium,Cd)是一种生物累积性的有毒重金属元素,能够在肾组织大量蓄积并引起肾发生病变和功能损伤。前期研究证实,Cd处理能够引起猪肾PK-15细胞的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)水平升高和细胞死亡,但详细机制有待进一步研究。本研究以PK-15细胞为研究对象,通过CCK-8检测、透射电镜观察、DCFH-DA标记、JC-1染色、彗星实验和流式细胞术等研究手段,分别检测Cd处理后的细胞活性、形态变化、ROS生成、线粒体膜电位Δψm、DNA损伤及细胞凋亡情况。CCK-8实验结果显示,CdCl2处理后PK-15细胞活性下降,且呈时间和剂量依赖性;形态学观察发现,CdCl2处理引起PK-15细胞皱缩、变圆,细胞核固缩、染色质凝聚,线粒体肿胀、线粒体嵴减少或消失;荧光染色和流式细胞术检测结果显示,CdCl2处理引起PK-15细胞内ROS水平升高、线粒体膜电位Δψm下降和DNA损伤,最终导致细胞凋亡。Western印迹结果显示,CdCl2处理组中促凋亡蛋白质Bax表达量上调,抑凋亡蛋白质Bcl-2表达量下调,并且CdCl2处理组检测到了活化状态的裂解胱天蛋白酶3(cleaved caspase 3)。此外,ROS清除剂N-乙酰基-L-半胱氨酸(N-acetyl-L-cysteine,NAC)缓解了CdCl2引起的线粒体损伤、DNA损伤和细胞凋亡。综上所述,Cd通过引发氧化应激和线粒体损伤诱导PK-15细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

目的探讨线粒体损伤在活性氧诱导晶体上皮细胞凋亡中的作用。方法以过氧化氢为处理因素,MTT方法测定过氧化氢对晶体上皮细胞的半数致死浓度(IC50),使用确定的IC50处理培养的人晶体上皮细胞,琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测DNA片段化降解,流式细胞术检测细胞线粒体跨膜电位(Δψm)变化、透射电镜观察细胞线粒体形态,定量免疫印迹检测胞质溶胶中细胞色素c含量的变化及caspase-3的活化。结果过氧化氢对晶体上皮细胞的IC50是32.24μmol/L。32.24μmol/L的过氧化氢处理12h可以检测到晶体上皮细胞染色体DNA发生片段化降解;6h可以检测到线粒体跨膜电位去极化,且随时间延长逐渐加强;18h透射电镜观察可见明显的线粒体膜损伤。定量免疫印迹分析显示细胞色素c在胞质溶胶中的表达逐渐提高及caspase-3活化加强。结论活性氧可能是通过诱导线粒体结构和功能损伤导致晶体上皮细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

热应激心肌细胞损伤的线粒体机制探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的:观察热应激对大鼠凡肌细胞线粒体氧化磷酸化和钙代谢功能的影响、研究线粒体膜渗透性转移(PT)的变化及其病理学意义、探索热应激心肌细胞损伤发生机制。方法:用Klark氧电极极谱法测定线粒体呼吸功能,用生物发光法主肌ATP含量及线粒体Ca^2+。ATP酶活性;用电感耦合等离子-原子发射光谱仪测定线粒体内Ca^2+含量,用分光光度法测定线粒体膜PT。结果:热应激大鼠心肌细胞线粒体的呼吸控制率(RCP  相似文献   

葛根素抗心肌细胞过氧化氢损伤的线粒体相关机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨葛根素(puerarin,Pue)预处理抗过氧化氢(H2O2)应激损伤的作用是否与线粒体渗透性转换孔和/或线粒体钙激活钾通道有关。方法:采用酶解分离大鼠心肌细胞模型,台盼蓝拒染法测定心肌细胞存活率;Rhodamine123孵育测定线粒体膜电位值,分离线粒体测定mPTP孔开放程度。结果:与H2O2应激组相比,Pue(0.24mmol/L)预处理5min可明显对抗H2O2应激引起的心肌细胞存活率的降低,线粒体钙激活钾通道阻断剂paxilline(Pax,1μmol/L,预处理30min)、线粒体渗透性转换孔开放剂atractyloside(20μmol/L,预处理20min)或PKC抑制剂chelerythrine(5μmol/L,预处理30min)可拮抗Pue的作用。Pue预处理或钙激活钾通道开放剂NS1619(10μmol/L,10min)都明显减弱H2O2应激引起的线粒体膜电位的去极化,线粒体渗透性转换孔开放剂atractyloside能明显减弱Pue的作用。在分离心肌线粒体模型上,Pue(0.24mmol/L,5min)显著减弱CaCl2诱导的线粒体在A520处吸光度降低,Pax(1μmol/L,5min)可拮抗Pue的作用。结论:在大鼠分离心肌细胞模型或分离线粒体模型上,Pue预处理具有抗过氧化氢应激损伤的作用,这种保护作用可能与其抑制线粒体渗透性转换孔的开放和促进线粒体钙激活钾通道的开放有关。  相似文献   

目的:观察线粒体钙单向转运体在心肌低氧/复氧损伤中的作用并探讨其机制。方法:应用Langendorff大鼠心脏灌流模型,低氧/复氧(H/R)采用冠脉前降支结扎30 min、复灌120 min的方法。用生物信号采集系统记录左室发展压(LVDP)、左室压最大上升/下降速率(±dP/dtmax)、左室舒张末压(LVEDP);分光光度法分别检测冠脉流出液中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的含量和线粒体活性氧(ROS);TTC染色法检测心肌梗死面积。结果:与单纯低氧/复氧组相比,复氧起始给予线粒体钙单向转运体抑制剂钌红(5μmol/L)明显改善左心室各项功能指标,减小心肌梗死面积,降低线粒体ROS和冠脉流出液中LDH含量;而在复氧期起始给予线粒体钙单向转运体激动剂精胺(20μmol/L),显著升高了线粒体ROS活性,冠脉流出液中LDH含量在复氧5 min、20 min、30 min时显著增多,左心室各项功能指标与心肌梗死面积与单纯低氧/复氧组相比无显著差异。ROS清除剂MPG(1 mmol/L)与精胺联合应用则取消了精胺的作用。结论:抑制线粒体钙单向转运体可能通过减少线粒体ROS的生成减轻心脏低氧/复氧损伤。  相似文献   

The dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor vildagliptin (VLD), a widely used anti‐diabetic drug, exerts favourable effects on vascular endothelium in diabetes. We determined for the first time the improving effects of VLD on mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic mice and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cultured under hyperglycaemic conditions, and further explored the mechanism behind the anti‐diabetic activity. Mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) production was detected by fluorescent microscope and flow cytometry. Mitochondrial DNA damage and ATP synthesis were analysed by real time PCR and ATPlite assay, respectively. Mitochondrial network stained with MitoTracker Red to identify mitochondrial fragmentation was visualized under confocal microscopy. The expression levels of dynamin‐related proteins (Drp1 and Fis1) were determined by immunoblotting. We found that VLD significantly reduced mtROS production and mitochondrial DNA damage, but enhanced ATP synthesis in endothelium under diabetic conditions. Moreover, VLD reduced the expression of Drp1 and Fis1, blocked Drp1 translocation into mitochondria, and blunted mitochondrial fragmentation induced by hyperglycaemia. As a result, mitochondrial dysfunction was alleviated and mitochondrial morphology was restored by VLD. Additionally, VLD promoted the phosphorylation of AMPK and its target acetyl‐CoA carboxylase in the setting of high glucose, and AMPK activation led to a decreased expression and activation of Drp1. In conclusion, VLD improves endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetes, possibly through inhibiting Drp1‐mediated mitochondrial fission in an AMPK‐dependent manner.  相似文献   

活性氧介导内皮素-1诱导的培养新生大鼠心肌细胞肥大   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang YZ  Luo JD 《生理学报》2004,56(3):403-406
实验在原代培养的新生大鼠心肌细胞中进行,检测内皮素-1(endothelin-1,ET-1)及其他药物对心肌细胞活性氧(reactiveoxygen species,ROS)产生和心肌细胞肥大的作用,以探讨ROS在ET-1诱导的心肌细胞肥大信号通路中的作用及ROS与蛋白激酶C(protein kinase C,PKC)活化的关系。细胞内ROS水平用ROS敏感的荧光探针2,7-dichlorofluorescin dictate(DCF-DA)反映,心肌细胞肥大通过细胞内RNA含量、细胞内蛋白质含量、细胞表面积大小来确定。实验结果如下:单独使用ET-1后,心肌细胞内反应ROS含量的DCF-DA荧光值比对照组增加77%,反应心肌肥大的PI荧光值、细胞内蛋白质含量、细胞表面积也分别比对照组增加128%、87%和151%。ET-1合用内皮素受体A亚型(ET_A)受体拮抗剂ABT-627、PKC抑制剂CC或过氧化氢酶后,DCF-DA的增加分别减弱62%、60%和51%,同时心肌细胞肥大也被抑制,单独使用PKC激动剂佛波醇脂(PMA)也能使DCF-DA的产生比对照组增加74%。因此,在ET-1诱导心肌细胞肥大的过程中,ET-1能够使心肌细胞产生ROS和诱导ROS依赖的心肌细胞肥大,这一作用依赖于ET_A受体的激活和PKC的活化,·ROS在ET-1诱导心肌细胞肥大中起信号传递的作用。  相似文献   

If a coronary blood vessel is occluded and the neighboring cardiomyocytes deprived of oxygen, subsequent reperfusion of the ischemic tissue can lead to oxidative damage due to excessive generation of reactive oxygen species. Cardiomyocytes and their mitochondria are the main energy producers and consumers of the heart, and their metabolic changes during ischemia seem to be a key driver of reperfusion injury. Here, we hypothesized that tracking changes in cardiomyocyte metabolism, such as oxygen and ATP concentrations, would help in identifying points of metabolic failure during ischemia and reperfusion. To track some of these changes continuously from the onset of ischemia through reperfusion, we developed a system of differential equations representing the chemical reactions involved in the production and consumption of 67 molecular species. This model was validated and used to identify conditions present during periods of critical transition in ischemia and reperfusion that could lead to oxidative damage. These simulations identified a range of oxygen concentrations that lead to reverse mitochondrial electron transport at complex I of the respiratory chain and a spike in mitochondrial membrane potential, which are key suspects in the generation of reactive oxygen species at the onset of reperfusion. Our model predicts that a short initial reperfusion treatment with reduced oxygen content (5% of physiological levels) could reduce the cellular damage from both of these mechanisms. This model should serve as an open-source platform to test ideas for treatment of the ischemia reperfusion process by following the temporal evolution of molecular concentrations in the cardiomyocyte.  相似文献   

In this study, the mitochondrial damage effect and mechanism of zearalenone (ZEA) in swine small intestine IPEC‐J2 cells in vitro were comprehensively characterized. The analyses revealed that ZEA at high doses (8 and 7 μg/mL) can significantly increase P < 0.05 the malondialdehyde levels and decrease antioxidant enzymes activities after 48 h of exposure. Meanwhile, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation increased in high dose ZEA‐treated groups after 2 h treatment, but decreased due to the ROS‐induced mitochondrial damage and the caused cell apoptosis after 48 h of high does ZEA treatment. Moreover, the decreasing of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP; ΔΨ) in high dose ZEA exposure was observed in line with the increasing ROS production in mitochondria. Results suggest that ZEA exposure can induce mitochondrial damage by reducing antioxidant enzyme activities, accumulation of ROS, and decreasing MMP. The mitochondrial damage had a dramatic concentration–effects relationship with ZEA.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in mitochondria have been primarily attributed to fission and fusion, while the more pliable transformations of mitochondria (remodeling, rounding, or stretching) have been largely overlooked. In this study, we quantify the contributions of fission and remodeling to changes in mitochondrial morphology induced by the Ca2+ ionophore 4Br‐A23187 and the metabolic toxin rotenone. We also examine the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the regulation of mitochondrial remodeling. In agreement with our previous studies, mitochondrial remodeling, not fission, is the primary contributor to Ca2+‐mediated changes in mitochondrial morphology induced by 4Br‐A23187 in rat cortical astrocytes. Treatment with rotenone produced similar results. In both paradigms, remodeling was selectively blocked by antioxidants whereas fission was not, suggesting a ROS‐mediated mechanism for mitochondrial remodeling. In support of this hypothesis, inhibition of endogenous ROS by overnight incubation in antioxidants resulted in elongated reticular networks of mitochondria. Examination of inner and outer mitochondrial membranes revealed that they largely acted in concert during the remodeling process . While mitochondrial morphology is traditionally ascribed to a net output of fission and fusion processes, in this study we provide evidence that the acute pliability of mitochondria can be a dominant factor in determining their morphology. More importantly, our results suggest that the remodeling process is independently regulated through a ROS‐signaling mechanism.


目的建立大鼠心肌纤维化(myocardial fibrosis,MF)模型,探讨其病变规律,为临床防治MF研究提供实验动物模型。方法 100只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为模型组(92只)和伪手术组(8只),模型组进行心脏冠状动脉结扎(coronary artery ligation,CAL),手术后第7、14、21、28、35、42、49、56天分别处死;留取心脏标本,HE染色和Masson染色观察心肌组织基本结构,定量测定心脏组织羟脯氨酸含量、心肌胶原和转化生长因子β1(transfor-ming growth factor,TGF-β1)的表达。另设立伪手术组作为对照。结果与伪手术组组相比,模型组大鼠手术7 d后心肌组织炎性反应即已严重,心肌细胞断裂,心肌胶原含量显著升高(P〈0.01),羟脯氨酸含量升高(P〈0.05),TGF-β1表达显著增高并持续保持在较高水平(P〈0.01),纤维化反应在第42天达到高峰,其后有好转趋势。结论 CAL法能成功建立可靠的心肌纤维化动物模型,其机制可能与上调TGF-β1表达有关。  相似文献   

Tetrahydroisoquinoline (TIQ) derivatives are putative neurotoxins that may contribute to the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease. One TIQ, norsalsolinol (NorSAL), is present in dopamine-rich areas of human brain, including the substantia nigra. Here, we demonstrate that NorSAL reduces cell viability and induces apoptosis via cytochrome c release and caspase 3 activation in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. Cytochrome c release, caspase 3 activation, and apoptosis induction were all inhibited by the antioxidant N -acetylcysteine. Thus, reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute to apoptosis induced by NorSAL. Treatment with NorSAL also increased levels of oxidative damage to DNA, a stimulus for apoptosis, in SH-SY5Y. To clarify the mechanism of intracellular DNA damage, we examined the DNA damage caused by NorSAL using 32P-5'-end-labeled isolated DNA fragments. NorSAL induced DNA damage in the presence of Cu(II). Catalase and bathocuproine, a Cu(I) chelator, inhibited this DNA damage, suggesting that ROS such as the Cu(I)-hydroperoxo complex derived from the reaction of H2O2 with Cu(I), promote DNA damage by NorSAL. In summary, NorSAL-generated ROS induced oxidative DNA damage, which led to caspase-dependent apoptosis in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Ischemic stroke is caused by acute neuronal degeneration provoked by interruption of cerebral blood flow. Although the mechanisms contributing to ischemic neuronal degeneration are myriad, mitochondrial dysfunction is now recognized as a pivotal event that can lead to either necrotic or apoptotic neuronal death. Lack of suitable 'upstream' targets to prevent loss of mitochondrial homeostasis has, so far, restricted the development of mechanistically based interventions to promote neuronal survival. Here, we show that the uncoupling agent 2,4 dinitrophenol (DNP) reduces infarct volume approximately 40% in a model of focal ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat brain. The mechanism of protection involves an early decrease in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species formation and calcium uptake leading to improved mitochondrial function and a reduction in the release of cytochrome c into the cytoplasm. The observed effects of DNP were not associated with enhanced cerebral perfusion. These findings indicate that compounds with uncoupling properties may confer neuroprotection through a mechanism involving stabilization of mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Muqbil I  Azmi AS  Banu N 《FEBS letters》2006,580(16):3995-3999
Over the years, several lines of evidence have emerged supporting the role of stress in the development and progression of cancer. Stress can cause an increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decrease in the in vivo antioxidant defense systems. A ROS-induced DNA damage in peripheral lymphocytes, liver and skin cells may be revealed by Comet assay. To test whether DNA is damaged by stress/DMBA/stress and DMBA, rats were exposed to multiple doses of DMBA in the presence and absence of restraint stress, and DNA damage was evaluated. Insignificant differences were detected in all the three cells tested (peripheral lymphocytes, liver and skin cells) between control and stress treatment in terms of frequencies of damaged DNA. The extent of DNA migration was enhanced in DMBA treated rats in a dose dependent manner. Pre-stress DMBA treatment showed still higher frequencies of damage in comparison with control, stress alone or DMBA alone groups. Thus, prior exposure to stress clearly enhanced the DMBA induced DNA damage, especially so in the skin cells (target organ of the carcinogen application) than liver and peripheral lymphocytes as observed on the basis of the extent of DNA migration (tail DNA) during single cell gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

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