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Dasypsyllus picaflori n. sp. est décrit à partir de puces prélevées dans un nid de Trochilidae, Oreotrochilus leucopleurus Gould 1847, au Chili. C’est la deuxième espèce de Puce signalée chez des Colibris. Taxonomie, répartition, spécificité et écologie des espèces et sous-espèces connues dans le genre Dasypsyllus sont rappelées.  相似文献   

A new genus and a new species of the echinoid family Archiaciidae from Cenomanian deposits in Sarthe (Paris Basin, France) are described. The genus Ulphaceaster nov. gen. can be distinguished from other archiaciids by its anterior ambulacrum, which is located in a deep groove running from the peristome to the apex where the test enlarges in a tea-spoon shape. The apical rostrum is taller and more slender than for species of the close genus Claviaster. The species Uphaceaster sarthacensis sp. nov. is known from the Saint-Ulphace locality only (Sables et Grès de Lamnay Formation, La Garenne quarry), where it is found in shallow marine sandy limestones, from infralittoral deposit environments.  相似文献   

Les vingt-quatre espèces actuellement attribuées au genre Megalocoleus sont réexaminées après étude de tous les types disponibles. Les genitalia mâles et femelles apportent des caractères discriminants beaucoup plus fiables que les caractères externes et sont souvent indispensables pour séparer les espèces. Quelques caractères externes se révèlent néanmoins utiles mais ces derniers sont particulièrement difficiles à apprécier sur les spécimens qui ne sont pas en parfait état. Au terme de cette revue, il apparaît que le genre ne pourra être correctement défini qu’après étude de toutes les espèces décrites dans le genre voisin Amblytylus. Les modifications suivantes peuvent être néanmoins proposées dès à présent:– Réhabilitation d’une espèce, Megalocoleus krueperi (Reuter, 1879) bona species; en conséquence, M. satrapes Horváth, 1907 et M. binotatus (Wagner, 1953), auparavant synonymes de M. lunula, deviennent synonymes de M. krueperi (Reuter, 1879). – Mise en synonymie de 8 espèces: M. hungaricus Wagner, 1944 n. syn. de M. naso (Reuter, 1879); M. ocrensis Wagner, 1972 n. syn. de M. exsanguis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835); M. bifidus Wagner, 1973 n. syn. et M. fasciatus Wagner, 1969 n. syn. de M. lunula (Fieber, 1861); M. hirsutus Drapolyuk, 1991 n. syn. de M. signoreti (Reuter, 1879); M. confusus Wagner, 1958 n. syn. et M. pericarti Linnavuori, 1970 n. syn. de M. molliculus (Fallén, 1807). – Exclusion du genre Megalocoleus de quatre espèces; trois sont mises en synonymie: M. femoralis (Reuter, 1879), n. syn. de Tinicephalus hortulanus (Meyer-Dür, 1843), M. fumanae Wagner, 1974 n. syn. de Tinicephalus croceus Wagner 1969, M. servadeii Wagner, 1954 n. syn. d’Amblytylus tarsalis Reuter, 1894; une espèce, M. atricornis devient Tinicephalus atricornis (Wagner, 1965) n. comb. Une clé d’identification pratique (en français et en anglais), basée sur des caractères externes, tente de séparer les 14 espèces de Megalocoleus que le genre compte après cette étude.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(4):227-234
Two viperid snakes, Vipera natiensis sp. n. (belonging to the Vipera aspis group) and Vipera sp., have been found in the Pliocene of Minorca. On the other hand, an indeterminate viperid extends back the fossil record of the family in the Balearic Islands, to the Middle Miocene. These fossils represent the first report of viperids from the Balearic Islands. Vertebra of Vipera natiensis sp. n. are characterised by a concave anterior border of zygosphene, dorsoventrally flattened, short (as wide as long) and blunt prezygapophyseal processes. Centrum convex in transverse section, subcentral margins poorly marked and presence of two well defined subcotylar tubercles. Hypapophysis located posteriorly on the centrum and not prolonged anteriorly, or only slightly prolonged as a keel. The dorsal border of the neural spine is slightly thickened; the posterior border of the neural spine is markedly inclined posteriorly; as a result, the spine forms a posterior point, which is more or less developed, depending on the position of the vertebra along the vertebral column. The presence of Viperidae in the Neogene of the Balearic Islands involves the existence of a terrestrial connection between this archipelago and the continent during the Early Miocene and/or Middle Miocene and perhaps the presence of a later connection during the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

Intact sediment-water columns from a flowing cypress swamp receiving primary wastewater effluent were used to evaluate inorganic N removal and to determine the fate of 15NH inf4 sup+ -N added to the floodwater. Treatments represented wetland sites which had received 0 (initial application), 2, and 50 years of primary wastewater application. The rate of inorganic-N decrease in the floodwater was greatest for the initial application columns, primarily due to sediment adsorption of NH inf4 sup+ , followed by 2-year and 50-yr-columns. Maximum removal rates were 318, 296, and 148 mg N m–2 day–1, respectively. At the end of the 21-day study period, only 0.5 to 2.3% of applied 15N was recovered in the floodwater and 11.4 to 17.3% was recovered in the sediment, with the remaining 82.2 to 86.3% being lost from the sediment-water system. Results of the study indicated that N removal efficiency did not decrease with prolonged wastewater application, despite reduced sediment adsorption capacity, because of the significance of gaseous N losses (nitrification-denitrification, NH3 volatilization) as an N sink in the sediment-water system.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 7712  相似文献   

Une nouvelle espèce du genre Pseudamaurops Jeannel, 1948, récoltée dans une grotte à proximité de Virpazar, au Monténégro, et décrite et illustrée. Il s’agit là du troisième représentant du genre, deux autres espèces ayant été décrites d’Albanie. La position taxonomique de la nouvelle espèce est discutée, quelques remarques sur le genre et deux genres apparentés, Bergrothia Reitter, 1884 et Zoufalia Reitter, 1918, sont fournies.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont isolé, par le procédé deVanbreuseghem, des couches superficielles du sol, un champignon appartenant au genreAleurisma Link. Ils ont réussi, bien que difficilement, de l'inoculer à l'homme, chez lequel ce champignon a provoqué un herpès circiné typique. Le rôle pathogène de l'Aleurisma a été confirmé par la rétroculture des vésicules de la lésion expérimentale, rétroculture qui a reproduit exactement le champignon inoculé. Outre les affinités botaniques (présence des aleuries) et pathogéniques (capacité de provoquer des dermatomycoses superficielles), les auteurs ont découvert une certaine parenté antigénique entre les dermatophytes communs et le champignon isolé par eux. Bien plus, leurs propriétés fermentatives étaient aussi semblables. La présence dans le sol de champignons autres que les dermatophytes communs, mais assez proches d'eux, tant du point de vue botanique et fermentatif que du point de vue pathogénique et antigénique, vient, selon les auteurs, à l'appui de la thése, d'après laquelle, les dermatophytes proviennent des champignons saprophytes du sol.
Summary The authors isolated, from the superficial layers of the soil, a fungus belonging to the genusAleurismaLink. Although with difficulty, they were able to inoculate this fungus in man. The lesion it provoked, was of herpes circinatus type. The cultures obtained from the vesicles of the experimental lesion reproduced the strain first inoculated. Besides the botanical (presence of aleuries) and pathogenic affinities (capacity of causing superficial mycosis) the authors were able to demonstrate a certain antigenic resemblance between this fungus and the common ringworm agents. Their fermentative properties were also similar.The presence in the soil of fungi related to dermatophytes, their botanical, fermentative, pathogenic and antigenic affinities are considered by the authors as an argument in behalf of the thesis, according which, dermatophytes take their origin from saprophytic fungi of the soil.

Living beings are inventing, testing, improving new concepts, solutions and devices from hundred millions years. These living systems are able of self-feeding, they take their energy for the environment and also, they are able of reproduction, adaptation and self-repairing. Living beings as birds, butterflies, sharks and dolphins have optimized flight and swimming and their surface for moving with the lowest energy cost. The golf ball, the wings of aircraft, ships and submarines… are now inspired by the Nature's aero- and hydrodynamism. Our organs and tissues are under the control of millions of microsensors, which measure physical, chemical, mechanical… parameters and are associated to microactuators. This distributed intelligence is present even in the structure of living beings. The wing of fly or dragon fly and also bones have extraordinary characteristics of mechanical resistance and lightness and their complex structure is designed so that at any place there is exactly and appropriate quantities of matter with the good orientation and the smallest weight. The new materials, micro- and nanotechnologies, signal processing, the progress in chemistry and optics… allow us to understand and also to design and build at the scale and size of Nature, using its concepts and taking advantage of the human technologies. It is not always possible to copy directly living beings and their solutions; nature does not give us blue print “ready to copy”. We have to analyze the content of the “huge data bank” of living beings for the adaptation of our technologies. Miniaturization, intelligence, low energy, recycling, low cost, high reliability are the main qualities of “bioinspired devices”. They fit exactly with the needs of modern users. The multidisciplinary and the bioinspired approach have to link engineers, scientists and industrials for taking real benefits.  相似文献   

This study concerns the species list of Hymenoptera Apoidea Andrenidae belonging to Andrena genus collected during years 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 in the north-eastern Algeria. A total of 58 species from 27 subgenera are reported including a species described in 2011, Andrena (Parandrenella) tebessana Scheuchl, Benarfa & Louadi. Two species are new for the Algerian fauna: A. (Orandrena) monilia Warncke 1967 and A. (Suandrena) cyanomicans Pérez 1895. A. (Margandrena) quinquepalpa Warncke 1980 has been only very recently cited from Algeria from the material described here. The present study also includes the Algerian distribution of each species, flight periods and flower choices.  相似文献   

Many species concepts have been proposed, but biologists and palaeontologists can use the same concept to interpret present and past biodiversity as well as evolution at the species level. But the present development of many disciplines creates the opportunity of reciprocal enlightenment of the pictures obtained of species according to different criteria: morphology, hybridization, and affiliation. Observations of long (geological) and short (biological, ecological) time intervals can consequently be more easily integrated. The increase in number of developmental studies is also an important event for understanding morphological evolution. In this context, the present work aims to comment on a few studies done on rodents (Rodentia, Mammalia), which successively deal with species recognition, estimation of past biodiversity, and the pictures given by fossils of morphological evolution.  相似文献   

More than 90 remains of rhinoceroses bones and teeth have been recovered from the Layna Pliocene deposit. They correspond to a middle sized animal with stout bones and is quite different from both the large sized Pliocène D. megarhinus, the lower Villafranchian D. jeanvireti and the slim small Villafranchian D. etruscus. Its a new species belonging to the Dicerorhinus genus: D. miguelcrusafonti nov. sp. This species is also found in the Perpignan Pliocene formation, together with D. megarhinus.  相似文献   

AimTo evaluate the usefulness of a low dose SPECT/CT and the added value of an additional “diagnostic” centred CT-scan in cancer patients with a solitary focus observed on planar whole-body bone scintigraphy (PWBS) and classified as indeterminate or suspicious.Material and methodsSixty consecutive patients underwent a low dose SPECT/CT acquisition (120 kV, 30 mAs, 3 mm slice thickness) followed by a “diagnostic” CT-scan (120 kV, 100 mAs, 1.25 mm slice thickness) centred on the focus. The first observer considered prospectively WBS, low-dose SPECT/CT and finally the centred SPECT/CT. A blinded review was performed by a second observer.ResultsPWBS depicted solitary indeterminate or suspicious foci in 38 and 22 patients, respectively. SPECT/CT acquisitions clarified 73% (44/60) of the foci. Additional diagnostic CT-scan altered low-dose SPECT/CT results in nine patients. Additional foci (not found by PWBS) located outside the scanning area of the centred diagnostic CT-scan were found in 20 patients. Inter observer agreement for PWBS, low-dose SPECT/CT and diagnostic SPECT/CT was equal to 0.542, 0.68 and 0.694, respectively. ROC analysis showed no difference between low-dose SPECT/CT and diagnostic SPECT/CT for observer 1 and observer 2.ConclusionThis study shows that a conventional low-dose SPECT/CT in patients presenting with a solitary focus on PWBS is sufficient to improve both accuracy and inter observer variability of bone scanning. A CT volume session should not be limited to the area of the solitary focus since additional foci located outside the centred CT-scan frequently occurred.  相似文献   

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