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乌鲁木齐河源区12种藓类植物叶尖的微形态结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对乌鲁木齐河源区生长的12种藓类植物叶尖的顶端细胞,以及与其相邻的其他叶尖细胞表面的小孔、乳突、角质层纹饰等微结构,进行光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,为高山冻原区苔藓植物的结构、分类及生理生态学研究提供理论依据。结果表明:大多数藓类植物叶尖的顶端细胞透明,但形态各异,细胞比叶片细胞长,干时细胞壁有的收缩凹陷,有的并不收缩,细胞壁表面有不规则细纹及细小的颗粒;叶尖在干时边缘内卷或拧卷、细胞壁厚、表面有较多的小孔,这些特征有利于水分的吸收及抵御长期寒冷、反射太阳辐射对其伤害而适应环境所形成的生存策略。叶尖的类型对苔藓植物科、属级的分类意义不大,但其微形态如叶尖顶端细胞及其他细胞的形状、数目、细胞壁的凹陷程度以及其上角质层纹饰、乳突、粗疣及小孔等微形态结构特征,在同属的不同种之间存在明显差异,具有一定的分类学价值。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片方法和扫描电镜方法,对高寒冰缘区生长的15种藓类植物茎的结构进行解剖学观察分析,为高寒冰缘区藓类植物在极端环境下的生存机理及其生态应用提供依据。结果表明:高寒冰缘区的15种藓类植物的茎分为表皮、皮部、中轴三部分。茎表皮细胞多为一层,长短不一,细胞壁表面粗糙,表面纹饰多为鳞片状、颗粒状、浅窝点状,表皮细胞的细胞壁加厚程度不同;皮部所占面积最大,大部分有内、外皮部的分化,细胞壁由外向内逐渐变薄,细胞由小到大又到小的整齐或镶嵌排列;中轴分化但其细胞数多少不一,细胞壁多具角隅加厚。研究认为,高寒冰缘区藓类植物具有典型的耐寒、耐旱结构特征,这些结构特征能够增强藓类植物的支撑和传导水分的作用,以抵御长期寒冷、干旱、多强风等恶劣环境;其中细胞的形状、数目、细胞表面的纹饰等微形态结构特征也具有潜在的分类学意义。  相似文献   

在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,对新疆天山一号冰川地区生长的10种藓类植物的叶尖(毛尖)的形态、齿(刺毛)、疣、角质层纹饰等微结构进行观察,其中电镜观察结果均为首次报道。结果表明:10种藓类植物叶尖的顶尖细胞和边缘细胞大部分都是透明的,并且细胞壁厚,细胞腔大;而叶尖边缘内卷、粗糙,细胞壁厚,干时细胞壁上下或侧面凹陷,其上有较多的小孔,这些都是明显耐旱特征,有利于水分的吸收及抵御长期寒冷、反射太阳辐射对其伤害,叶尖的类型对苔藓植物科、属级的分类意义不大,但其微形态如叶尖细胞及边缘细胞的形状、数目、细胞壁的凹陷程度以及其上角质层纹饰、乳突的微形态在同属的不同种之间存在明显差异,对于属下种间的鉴定具有一定的分类学价值。  相似文献   

使用石蜡切片法,对不同生境下的17种藓类植物的叶片进行了解剖观察和比较分析,结果表明不同种类的藓类植物在中肋导水主细胞的有无、厚壁细胞是否分化、中肋细胞层数及细胞密度、叶片细胞层数、叶表附属物、叶片细胞密度等方面存在显著差异。藓类植物叶的解剖结构具有生态适应意义,旱生环境下的藓类植物,叶片细胞胞壁具不同程度的增厚,有些藓类植物叶片具附属结构,藓类植物中肋的有无,反映了对水分吸收和运输方式的不同。例如,荫湿生环境下的羽枝青藓Brachythecium plumosum,其中肋细胞胞壁较薄,无导水主细胞和副细胞的分化,也没有厚壁细胞分化,能够在阴湿环境下吸收水分和养分;钝叶匍灯藓Plagiom niumrostratum具有与旱生藓类植物相似的中肋结构,叶片较厚,中肋具导水主细胞,中肋背面具厚壁细胞,这些特点使该种藓类植物能够分布于间隙性干旱胁迫的环境中;水灰藓Hygro-hypnum luridum叶片纤细柔弱,仅1层细胞,细胞胞壁薄,叶表无附属结构,中肋细胞层数少,无导水主细胞分化,也没有厚壁细胞,这些特点使得水灰藓能够生长在水生环境中;东亚小金发藓Pogonatum inflexum和波叶仙鹤藓Atrich umundulatum的叶腹面覆盖着栉片,东亚砂藓Racomitrium japonicum、大羽藓Thuidium cym-bifolium、福氏蓑藓Macromitrium ferriei、东亚短颈藓Diphyscium fulvifolium、扭口藓Barbula unguiculata和角齿藓Ceratodon purpureus的叶片表面有乳头状突起或疣状物,这些附属结构使它们能够适应于旱生的环境中。  相似文献   

袁祯燕  王虹  王凯 《植物研究》2019,39(6):817-825
对采自新疆天山一号冰川冰缘区的35种生长在不同生境的藓类植物,分别观察离析后其叶片的中肋导水细胞长、宽,细胞壁厚薄、细胞端尾和纹孔场的数目。湿土面、阴湿岩面、土面和岩面四种生境下的藓类植物叶中肋细胞,随着生境中水分条件由湿到干其细胞长度、细胞宽度和厚度均有变大的趋势;中肋细胞端尾的形式多样,生长在土面的藓类具有多个端尾,具有增强细胞间的联系,有效控制导水和物质交换速度,并提高机械固着和支撑作用。不同生境下叶中肋细胞侧壁的纹孔场数目并无明显差异。中肋细胞的特征反映出其对冰缘区极端而复杂的环境的适应策略,为进一步研究苔藓植物在高寒环境地区的导水机理及生态适应性提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

以白云鄂博稀土矿区不同生境下常见的8种藓类(缨齿藓、尖叶对齿藓、真藓、短叶对齿藓、中华赤藓、黑对齿藓、闭蒴盐土藓、卷叶墙藓)为实验材料,以内蒙古贺兰山、桑根达来的同种植物标本为对照材料,利用体式显微镜和光学显微镜,对苔藓植物体的分枝状况和茎叶的解剖结构特征进行观察比较,探讨稀土元素对苔藓植物生长的影响。结果表明:(1)两地8种藓类植物在株高、茎宽、叶长和叶宽4个指标方面几乎都存在显著差异,而叶的长宽比和叶细胞(上部、中部、基部)长宽比差异不显著。(2)白云鄂博3个不同矿区的3种藓类植物在叶长和叶宽方面都是西矿主矿东矿,且西矿与东矿间差异显著;3个不同矿区植物的茎宽没有规律。(3)稀土元素含量是影响不同矿区苔藓植物生长的主要因素,并可能通过叶片影响植物体的生长。  相似文献   

新疆12种黄芩属植物叶表皮微形态结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜技术对新疆12种黄芩属植物叶片上的微形态特征进行观察。结果表明:该属植物叶的上表皮细胞形状及垂周壁式样有多种形式;而下表皮细胞形状均为不规则形,垂周壁式样均为深波形,不具分类学意义,但叶片两面分布的气孔器,在不同种间气孔大小、气孔密度、气孔指数、气孔外拱盖内缘等方面都存在着显著差异;其表皮角质层纹饰和表皮毛的微形态也各有不同;大多数植物叶片表面具腺点,其大小、分布及疏密程度也有不同。植物叶表皮上的这些微形态特征,可为探讨本属种间的分类学及亲缘关系提供一定的佐证。  相似文献   

对新疆天山一号冰川的10种真藓属植物的叶片结构进行解剖学观察,探究其叶片的形态特征与环境的关系和分类学意义,结果表明:这10种真藓植物叶片细胞中的细胞质较浓,中肋具大型的主细胞和较发达的小型厚壁细胞,叶的细胞壁加厚且在干时表面向内凹陷,大多数叶片表面具有颗粒及菱形、纵形等不同形状纹饰等,这些都是植物为了提高自身的抗寒耐旱性,减少水分蒸发,增强导水作用对环境的适应性。虽然有的种类亲缘关系很近,叶片具有相似之处,但用石蜡切片和扫描电镜相结合的方法可以较容易和准确地将它们区分开来,为真藓属植物的分类补充一些理论依据。  相似文献   

中国与北美苔藓植物区系关系的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
关于中国和北美间苔藓植物区系关系的研究是在20世纪90年代开始的。研究表明中国和北美苔类和藓类的种间关系疏远,这一事实说明两个大陆在第三纪后期分离后,由于地质、地理、气候等因素的差异致使苔藓植物区系成分也产生明显分异。虽然它们在科、属方面差异较小,但两个大陆已各自形成地区特有的苔类和藓类的属。已知的中国特有及东亚特有的苔类属有5个,藓类属有22个;而已知北美地区特有的苔类属有4个、藓类属有5个。北美东部和西部形成于不同地质时期,在苔藓植物方面与中国共同分布的科、属和种存在一定差异。从神农架藓类植物研究表明,从共同分布的种来看,北美东部与中国比北美西部与中国的相似性系数高约6%。从两地区间苔类和藓类植物的雌雄同株或雌雄异株及孢子直径大小而论,这两个因素似乎并不是影响苔藓植物在两大地区间分布的主要原因,但对苔藓植物的分布仍然十分重要。本文作者认为结合中国和北美的地史、地理条件及苔藓植物自身的特点,可以认为白令海峡不是阻碍中国和北美苔藓植物交流的绝对自然屏障;中国和北美苔藓植物区系关系目前的状况,是长期多次交流融合和分异的结果。  相似文献   

藓类植物的无性繁殖及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
藓类植物的无性繁殖方式复杂多样,在多变、极端或不可预测的环境中具有明显优势.按形态特点,藓类植物的无性繁殖方式分为营养繁殖和特化的无性繁殖方式2种,特化的无性繁殖体包括掉落枝尖部、鞭状枝、易掉落的小枝、珠芽、假根芽胞或块茎、芽胞、脆折的叶片和内生芽胞等8种类型.本文综述了藓类植物中无性繁殖体的形态及其发生过程,介绍了苔藓植物无性繁殖在组织培养、分子生物学研究、沙漠结皮形成过程以及园林建设上的应用.  相似文献   

上海市地面藓类植物的分布格局分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
曹同  陈怡  于晶  宋国元 《应用生态学报》2004,15(10):1785-1791
在上海市选取20个公园和2个化工厂设立22个样点,对地面藓类植物进行野外样方调查、标本鉴定和数据统计.基于75种记录的藓类植物及其盖度数据,应用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)分析其分布格局.结果表明,上海市地面藓类植物可聚类为3个样点组,样点组1为市中心2个公园和2个化工厂,共有藓类23种,总盖度最小(21.29%);样点组2为部分市中心公园和外围公园,共有藓类44种,总盖度37.94%;样点组3主要为外围公园和市郊公园,共有藓类49种,总盖度为49.66%.结果反映了藓类植物分布与不同生境,环境污染及人为干扰有一定相关性.  相似文献   

水分是荒漠植物生长最主要的限制因子,藓类结皮作为荒漠土壤表层重要覆被物,对土壤水分蒸发入渗具有重要影响。研究表明,在全球气候变化背景下,不确定的降水格局变化导致结皮层藓类植物出现集群死亡现象,但这一过程对荒漠地表土壤水分蒸发与入渗过程的影响及其机理尚不清楚。以古尔班通古特沙漠齿肋赤藓结皮为研究对象,利用便携式渗透计和蒸发仪,研究了结皮层藓类植物死亡对土壤水分蒸发与入渗的影响。结果表明,与裸沙相比,藓类结皮的存在显著抑制了水分入渗,而藓类植物死亡的结皮层抑制作用最大,其初渗速率、稳渗速率和累积入渗量分别是活藓类结皮的39.89%、85.91%及64.48%,仅为裸沙的5.96%、13.13%及20.42%。在水分蒸发初期,裸沙的水分蒸发速率明显高于活藓类结皮和藓类植物死亡的结皮层,但藓类植物死亡的结皮层维持相对稳定的蒸发速率的时间长于裸沙和活藓类结皮,这也导致最终累计蒸发量以藓类植物死亡的结皮层最高、裸沙最低。可见,荒漠生物土壤结皮中藓类植物死亡会明显减少土壤水分入渗、增大水分蒸发,进一步影响荒漠表层土壤水分格局,从而影响生物土壤结皮与维管植物的水分利用关系。  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae is a bacterial complex that is widespread through a range of environments, typically associated with plants where it can be pathogenic, but also found in non-plant environments such as clouds, precipitation, and surface waters. Understanding its distribution within the environment, and the habitats it occupies, is important for examining its evolution and understanding behaviours. After a recent study found P. syringae living among a range of vascular plant species in Iceland, we questioned whether lichens could harbour P. syringae. Sixteen different species of lichens were sampled all over Iceland, but only one lichen genus, Peltigera, was found to consistently harbour P. syringae. Phylogenetic analyses of P. syringae from 10 sampling points where lichen, tracheophyte, and/or moss were simultaneously collected showed significant differences between sampling points, but not between different plants and lichens from the same point. Furthermore, while there were similarities in the P. syringae population in tracheophytes and Peltigera, the densities in Peltigera thalli were lower than in moss and tracheophyte samples. This discovery suggests P. syringae strains can localize and survive in organisms beyond higher plants, and thus reveals opportunities for studying their influence on P. syringae evolution.  相似文献   

Our understanding of positive and negative plant interactions is primarily based on vascular plants, as is the prediction that facilitative effects dominate in harsh environments. It remains unclear whether this understanding is also applicable to moss–vascular plant interactions, which are likely to be influential in low-temperature environments with extensive moss ground cover such as boreal forest and arctic tundra. In a field experiment in high-arctic tundra, we investigated positive and negative impacts of the moss layer on vascular plants. Ramets of the shrub Salix polaris, herb Bistorta vivipara, grass Alopecurus borealis and rush Luzula confusa were transplanted into plots manipulated to contain bare soil, shallow moss (3 cm) and deep moss (6 cm) and harvested after three growing seasons. The moss layer had both positive and negative impacts upon vascular plant growth, the relative extent of which varied among vascular plant species. Deep moss cover reduced soil temperature and nitrogen availability, and this was reflected in reduced graminoid productivity. Shrub and herb biomass were greatest in shallow moss, where soil moisture also appeared to be highest. The relative importance of the mechanisms by which moss may influence vascular plants, through effects on soil temperature, moisture and nitrogen availability, was investigated in a phytotron growth experiment. Soil temperature, and not nutrient availability, determined Alopecurus growth, whereas Salix only responded to increased temperature if soil nitrogen was also increased. We propose a conceptual model showing the relative importance of positive and negative influences of the moss mat on vascular plants along a gradient of moss depth and illustrate species-specific outcomes. Our findings suggest that, through their strong influence on the soil environment, mat-forming mosses structure the composition of vascular plant communities. Thus, for plant interaction theory to be widely applicable to extreme environments such as the Arctic, growth forms other than vascular plants should be considered.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜对来自北美和东亚的变豆菜属植物(美国7个种,中国8个种)的果实表面微形态进行观察,结合前人对伞形科其他类群果实微形态特征的研究及近年来分子系统学证据,对变豆菜属的种间分类进行研究。结果显示,变豆菜属植物果实的形态大小、皮刺弯曲程度和果柄蜡质纹饰丰富多样。研究表明变豆菜属是一个自然类群,果实表面钩刺结构有利于该属植物的传播及扩散,果实微形态特征具有分类学价值,可作为种间分类的依据。根据变豆菜属果实表面微形态特征,编制了该属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin plays a major role in a variety of growth and developmental responses, even in the more ancient plants-for example, cell differentiation in mosses. Nevertheless, almost nothing is known about the distribution of auxin during moss development. To address this question, we characterised auxin distribution in the moss Physcomitrella patens using auxin-inducible reporter gene systems. Stable transgenic Physcomitrella plants were produced expressing the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene driven by the auxin-inducible promoters GH3 and DR5, respectively. Both fusions showed remarkable differences with respect to auxin-induced promoter strength and expression kinetics. A detailed characterisation of the GUS expression pattern in different developmental stages revealed that the highest auxin concentrations were in dividing and ontogenetic young cells.  相似文献   

上海市地面藓类植物生态位研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在上海市市区和西部郊区主要公园,以及吴泾化工厂和吴淞化工厂,共设立22个样点,调查发现共有7种地面藓类植物.根据Levins公式计算了7种藓类植物的生态位宽度.结果表明,藓类植物种数与生态位宽度符合:N=0.344×e-0.0377B,R=0.9684.大部分地面藓类植物生态位宽度很窄,68%种类生态位宽度小于0.1,因而在苔藓植物保护中应特别注意对小生境的保护.运用王刚的生态位重叠公式计测了其中重要值大于0.1的39种主要藓类植物的生态位重叠值,应用主坐标排序法和最小生成树法对它们进行分类.结果表明,这39种藓类植物可被分成5个生态类群,与生境有一定关系.  相似文献   

The distribution of the rare and endangered perennial herb Primulina tabacum Hance is restricted to eight karst caves in southern China. To conserve P. tabacum and to evaluate possible reintroduction, we studied its historical distribution and conducted field surveys of both its biotic and physical environment. We used detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis to investigate the plant community structure and to identify the major environmental factors associated with its presence at eight sites and absence from three other sites where it formerly grew. The results revealed differences in community structure among sites and close correlations between species composition and environmental conditions. The data indicate that P. tabacum has special ecological requirements, including alkaline soil, low soil content of N, P, K and organic matter, low light, a high soil water content and high relative humidity, and a high atmospheric CO2 concentration. Soil K content, relative humidity and atmospheric CO2 concentration were the three variables most strongly associated with the vegetation composition and structure of the 11 sites. It appears that as a result of reductions in humidity, some of the historical localities of P. tabacum may no longer be suitable for reintroduction. Pilea notata , Pteris cretica var. nervosa and two moss species, Heteroscyphus coalitus and Gymnostomiella longinervis , were strongly associated with P. tabacum . The first two plants could be useful as indicators of suitable environments for P. tabacum , and the moss species could be useful as nurse plants for the reintroduction of P. tabacum into wild habitats.  相似文献   

Bryophytes (mosses) are non‐vascular plants inhabited by a large number of fungal species, but whether mosses can act as reservoirs of fungal pathogens of crop plants has gained little attention. A few moss species including the Sunagoke moss (Racomitrium japonicum; family Grimmiaceae) are found to have modern economical applications in uses such as greening of urban environments. In a previous study, we identified fungi causing symptoms of varying severity in the commercially grown Sunagoke moss. The aim of this study was to test whether the same fungal isolates are pathogenic to vascular plants. An isolate of Fusarium avenaceum lethal to the Sunagoke moss caused root and crown rot in barley (Hordeum vulgare) and reduced germination of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and carrot (Daucus carota) grown in the infested soil. An isolate of Cladosporium oxysporum causing mild symptoms in moss reduced growth and caused reddening and premature death of carrot seedlings. On the other hand, isolates of Alternaria alternata and Fusarium oxysporum lethal to the Sunagoke moss caused no detectable symptoms in any tested vascular plant, suggesting specialisation of these isolates to moss. Chloroplast repositioning was observed in the neighbouring cells towards the initially infected cell following infection with F. avenaceum and A. alternata in Physcomitrella patens (family Funariaceae), a model moss used to study microscopic symptoms. Infection of P. patens with a non‐virulent Apiospora montagnei isolate induced formation of papillae in the moss cells, indicating activation of host defence as described in vascular plants. Results suggest that mosses and vascular plants may be linked by a common microbial interface constituted by pathogenic fungi. The findings have epidemiological implications that have gained little previous attention.  相似文献   

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