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Abstract Oak gallwasps (Hymenoptera; Cynipidae, tribe Cynipini) are cyclically parthenogenetic insects that induce galls on specific plant hosts in the family Fagaceae. Understanding the processes underlying the evolution of specific oak associations requires knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships among oak gallwasp genera. Although three major lineages of oak gallwasps have been identified, the status and relationships of several species‐poor but biologically significant genera remain unresolved. Two such genera are Chilaspis and Dryocosmus, whose western palaearctic species all gall oaks in the section Cerris. Dryocosmus is particularly significant biologically because it includes: (a) the only palaearctic gallwasp to gall chestnuts, Castanea, and (b) nearctic species. The oak section Cerris is wholly absent from the nearctic, and the relationship between palaearctic and nearctic Dryocosmus is significant for patterns of host plant evolution in the tribe as a whole. We examined the relationships between Chilaspis, Dryocosmus and other oak cynipid genera using cladograms from sequence data for two mitochondrial loci (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and cytochrome b) and two nuclear loci (the 28S ribosomal gene regions D2 and D3–5). Our analyses support the following conclusions: (1) palaearctic Chilaspis and Dryocosmus species form an intermingled monophyletic group. (2) We propose that Chilaspis Mayr, 1881 is a syn.n. of Dryocosmus Giraud, 1859 and propose the name D. mayri as a comb.rev. for the species previously named C. mayri, and D. nitidus and D. israeli as comb.n. of C. nitida and C. israeli, respectively. (3) We reassess the utility of morphological characters previously regarded as diagnostic for these genera. (4) Two species previously known only from a single generation represent two halves of a single species lifecycle. Dryocosmus nervosus is here designated a syn.n. of D. cerriphilus. (5) The nearctic species D. favus lies outside the palaearctic Chilaspis/Dryocosmus clade, and Dryocosmus as currently recognized is not a monophyletic group. (6) Dryocosmus/Chilaspis is closely related to the other oak gallwasp taxa (Aphelonyx, Plagiotrochus, Pseudoneuroterus, Trichagalma, and some Neuroterus species) galling section Cerris oaks. This implies an early branching evolution of this oak association within this group, and supports previous work showing the rarity of oak gallwasp host shifts.  相似文献   

A new species,Brongniartia papyracea (Fabaceae: Faboideae), from southern Jalisco and southwestern Michoacán, is described and illustrated. Its morphological affinities withB. podalyrioides from central Mexico are discussed, and habitat data are given.
Résumé  Se describe una especie nueva,Brongniartia papyracea (Fabaceae: Faboideae), del sur de Jalisco y suroeste de Michoacán, México. Se discuten sus afinidades morfológicas conB. podalyrioides des centro de México y se proporcionan datos de su hábitat.

SYNOPSIS. A checklist is given of the 89 named species of the gregarine family Lecudininae, exclusive of the 42 named species of the genus Lecudina (phylum Apicomplexa. class Sporozoea, subclass Gregarinia, order Eugregarinida, suborder Aseptatina). The list includes also the synonyms, host names, locations in hosts, known geographic distributions of the species, as well as key references. Another list is given of synonyms, lapsi calami, nomina nuda, etc., associated with the genera. A new genus, Paraophioidina g. n., with type species, Paraophioidina haeckeli (Mingazzini, 1891) and a new species, Lankesteria ormieresi sp. n., are described. There are also new combinations in the genera Bhatiella, Ancora, Monocystella, Ascocystis, and Paraophioidina.  相似文献   

Daniel E. Atha 《Brittonia》2008,60(2):185-189
Acalypha gentlei is described, illustrated and mapped. The species is endemic to Belize and adjacent areas of Mexico and Guatemala and restricted to semi-deciduous moist forests on limestone. The species is referred to Acalypha subgenus Linostachys.
Resumen  Se describe, ilustra y grafica la distribución de Acalypha gentlei. Esta especie nueva es endémica a Belice y áreas adyacentes de México y Guatemala, y está restringida a bosques húmedos semi-deciduos sobre caliza. La especie es referida a Acalypha subgénero Linostachys.

Hallucinogenic Mushrooms in Mexico: An Overview. Psilocybe, with 53 known hallucinogenic species in Mexico, is the most important and diverse group of sacred mushrooms used by Mexican indigenous cultures. Psilocybe caerulescens, known by the present-day Nahuatl Indians as teotlaquilnanácatl, is hypothesized to be the ceremonially-used teonanácatl mushroom cited by Sahagún in the 16th century, the true identity of which has remained obscure for centuries. Correcting a widely disseminated error derived from early published information on Mexican hallucinogenic mushrooms, emphasis is placed on the fact that Panaeolus species have never been used traditionally in Mexico. Reports of the use of species of Amanita, Clavaria, Conocybe, Cordyceps, Dictyophora, Elaphomyces, Gomphus, Lycoperdon, Psathyrella, and Stropharia as sacred or narcotic mushrooms are discussed. A brief history of the discovery of hallucinogenic mushrooms in Mexico is presented, as well as notes on their taxonomy, distribution, and traditional use in Mexico.
Hongos Alucinógenos en México: Historia, Taxonomia, Distribución Geográfica y Uso Tradicional. Psilocybe, con 53 especies alucinógenas conocidas en México, es el grupo más importante y más diverso de hongos sagrados usados por las culturas indígenas mexicanas. Se propone aquí que Psilocybe caerulescens, nombrado por los nahuatls de hoy día teotlaquilnanácatl, es el hongo ceremonial teonanácatl citado por Sahagún en el siglo XVI, cuya identidad verdadera permanece oscura desde hace siglos. A fin de corregir un error muy diseminado derivado de los primeros datos publicados sobre los hongos alucinógenos mexicanos, se hará hincapié en el hecho de que las especies Paneolus nunca han sido usadas tradicionalmente en México. Se discutirán aquí informes sobre el uso de especies de Amanita, Clavaria, Conocybe, Cordyceps, Dictyophora, Elaphomyces, Gomphus, Lycoperdon, Psathyrella y Stropharia como hongos sagrados o narcóticos, y se presentará también una breve historia del descubrimiento de hongos alucinógenos en México, como también algunos datos sobre su taxonomía, su distribución, y su uso tradicional en México.

SYNOPSIS. It is evident from a survey of the Russian literature that many species of avian haematozoa recorded do not meet the basic criteria required by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Thus 28 species of Haemoproteus and 4 species of Leucocytozoon are considered to be nomina nuda, while 1 species, Leucocytozoon turtur orientalis is a synonym of L. marchouxi.  相似文献   


Octopus hubbsorum Berry, 1953 is the most important species for commercial fishing in the Mexican Pacific. However, there is a lack of information regarding population structure that could have important management implications. We tested 44 microsatellite loci in O. hubbsorum by cross-amplification from O. bimaculatus.

Methods and results

Genetic diversity and structure was tested over 30 octopus sampled from Santa Cruz de Miramar (Nayarit, México). A total of 11 loci were successfully amplified. All loci were polymorphic with the number of effective alleles ranging from 2.13 to 23.14, while three loci significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No significant LD was observed between pairs of loci (P?≥?0.05). The application of the new markers in a O. hubbsorum population from Santa Cruz de Miramar Nayarit, México, did not showed Wahlund or isolate breaking effects due to the mixing of distinct populations.


The loci were useful to estimate levels of pairwise relatedness and to discard the presence of recent demographic bottlenecks in the population. We consider that eight microsatellites are adequate from the 11 amplified loci



Two French fossil Histeridae are described or revised, viz. Hister cerestensis n. sp. from the Oligocene of Céreste (Lubéron) and Plegaderus pitoni (Theobald, 1935), n. comb. from the Pliocene of Chambon Lake (Puy-de-Dôme). Morphometric data are used to compare fossil and extant taxa, with multivariate statistics. A list of the fossil Histeridae is given.  相似文献   

Dioscorea howardiana is proposed as a new species from Mexico and Central America as far south as Panama, and is described and illustrated. It most closely resemblesD. liebmannii. Relationships, distribution, and ecological preferences of the new species are discussed.
Resumen   Dioscorea howardianase propone como una especie nueva de México y Centroamérica, es descrita e ilustrada. Es semejante aD. liebmannii. Se discuten sus relaciones, su distribución geográfica y preferencias ecológicas.

Les vingt-deux espèces actuellement répertoriées dans le genre paléarctique Amblytylus Fieber ont été examinées. Le genre est redéfini principalement d’après les caractères des genitalia mâles. Dix espèces sont maintenues dans le genre: A. albidus (Hahn 1834), A. amoenus Wagner 1958, A. arnoldiorum Kerzhner 1977, A. brevicollis Fieber 1858, A. concolor Jakovlev 1877, A. crassicornis Wagner 1964, A. jani Fieber 1858, A. montanus Wagner 1974, A. nasutus (Kirschbaum 1856), A. peitho Linnavuori 1997; toutefois, A. amoenus est considérée comme incertae sedis et A. jani comme nomen dubium. Deux espèces sont transférées dans le genre Megalocoleus Reuter: Megalocoleus delicatus (Perris 1857) n. comb., Megalocoleus tarsalis (Reuter 1894) n. comb. Dix espèces sont mises en synonymie; soit avec une espèce d’Amblytylus: A. similis Wagner 1971 n. syn. de A. albidus (Hahn 1834); A. gregarius Linnavuori 1961 n. syn. de A. brevicollis Fieber 1868; A. vittiger Reuter 1899 n. syn., A. longicornis Wagner 1953 n. syn. et A. eckerleini Wagner 1964 n. syn. de A. concolor Jakovlev 1877; soit avec une espèce de Megalocoleus: A. erectus Wagner 1971 n. syn. de M. longirostris (Fieber 1861); A. glaucicollis Kerzhner 1977 n. syn. de M. exanguis (Herrich-Schaeffer 1835); A. macedonicus Wagner 1956 n. syn. de M. naso (Reuter 1879) n. comb.; A. luridus Hoberlandt 1961 n. syn. et A. scutellaris Horvath 1905 n. syn. de M. delicatus (Perris 1857) n. comb. Un lectotype est désigné pour quatre espèces (Lopus nasutus Kirshbaum, Amblytylus vanduzeei Blatchey, Amblytylus scutellaris Horváth, Capsus delicatus Perris). Une clé d’identification pratique bilingue (français et anglais) basée surtout sur des caractères externes tente de séparer les espèces d’Amblytylus. Une clé révisée des espèces de Megalocoleus est également fournie. Les deux genres Amblytylus et Megalocoleus, très semblables par l’habitus, restent difficiles à définir. Seules les plantes-hôtes - des Poaceae chez les Amblytylus, des Asteraceae chez les Megalocoleus - et dans une moindre mesure la vesica pourvue de deux processus apicaux (Amblytylus) ou d’un seul (Megalocoleus) semble indiquer l’existence de deux groupes d’espèces distincts.  相似文献   

A morphological analysis ofPhysalis and several closely related genera, with emphasis on a group of species known as “atypicalPhysalis,” showed that two of the atypical species are better treated as a distinct genus.Tzeltalia is described and two new combinations are made:T. amphitricha andT. calidaria. Restricted to the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, and adjacent Guatemala,Tzeltalia is distinguished fromPhysalis by a combination of characters including shrubby habit; fasciculate flowers; lobed corolla; scabrate pollen; and non-invaginated, partially open, coriaceous, and reticulate-veined fruiting calyx.
Resumen  El análisis de un grupo de especies atípicas dePhysalis y otros géneros relacionados demostró que dos especies deben considerarse como otro género. Se describeTzeltalia, un género restringido a los altos de Chiapas, México, y Guatemala y se hacen dos nuevas combinaciones,T. amphitricha yT. calidaria.Tzeltalia se distingue dePhysalis por una combinación de caracteres que incluyen un habito arbustivo, flores fasciculadas, corola lobulada, polen escabroso, cáliz del fruto no invaginado, parcialmente abierto, coriáceo y con venación reticulada.

Dalea pseudocorymbosa is described from the western part of the state of Durango, Mexico. It is referred to Dalea subgenus Parosela section Parosela series Psoraleoides. It is morphologically most similar to Dalea tomentosa var. mota but is distinguished from it by characters of the leaf, inflorescence, and flower.
Resumen   Dalea pseudocorymbosa es descrita de la parte oeste del estado de Durango, México. Pertenece al subgénero Parosela sección Parosela serie Psoraleoides. Es morfológicamente muy similar a Dalea tomentosa var. mota pero se distingue de esta por sus caracteres de hoja, inflorescencia y flores.

Examination of 1492 specimens of Ch. limbata (Fabricius, 1775) from the entire distribution range resulted in the discrimination of six subspecies: limbata (West Europe excluding the Apennine Peninsula, the Crimea, north and south of European Russia, the Great Caucasus, Northern Kazakhstan, and southern West Siberia), discipennis (Ménétriés, 1848) (southeast of European Russia, Western Kazakhstan), hochhuthii (Suffrian, 1851) (south of East Siberia, Eastern Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Northern China), luigionii (Depoli, 1936) (the Apennines, the Alps, Herzegovina, the Mediterranean coast of France); russiella ssp. n. (deciduous forests, forest-steppe and steppe of European Russia and Ukraine); volodi ssp. n. (alpine regions of the Lesser Caucasus and eastern Turkey). Ch. limbata findelii (Suffrian, 1851) is a new junior synonym of Ch. limbata limbata.  相似文献   

Two new species ofPhysalis, both endemic to Jalisco, Mexico, are described and illustrated:P. longiloba andP. tamayoi.
Resumen  Se describen e ilustran dos nuevas especies dePhysalis endémicas de Jalisco, México:P. longiloba y.P. tamayoi.

Utricularia regia is described and illustrated. It occurs in the Sierra Madre del Sur region of Guerrero, Mexico, and belongs to section Psyllosperma; a key to differentiate the species of sect. Psyllosperma is included. The new species is similar to Utricularia hintonii and U. petersoniae, from which it differs in the unusual division of the upper lip of the corolla into four lobes and its peculiar coloration pattern. A table comparing the differences among these three species is presented. Utricularia regia adds a new, narrowly endemic species to the flora of Guerrero, Mexico.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra como especie nueva para la ciencia a Utricularia regia a partir de ejemplares procedentes del estado de Guerrero, México. La nueva especie se ubica en la sección Psyllosperma y está mejor relacionada con Utricularia hintonii y U. petersoniae; de las que se diferencia por la división del labio superior de la corola en cuatro lóbulos y por su peculiar coloración; se presenta una tabla en la que se comparan más ampliamente estas tres especies y se incluye también una clave para diferenciar las especies de la sección Psyllosperma. Utricularia regia agrega un elemento endémico más a la flora de Guerrero y de México.

Le genre Cryptotrogus Kraatz, 1888 est étudié. Après étude des spécimens-types des espèces associées et de nouveaux matériels, ce genre est redéfini et Cyphonoxia Reitter, 1889 en est à nouveau considéré comme synonyme. Les nouvelles combinaisons et synonymies suivantes sont établies ou restaurées : Cryptotrogus buettikeri (Sabatinelli & Pontuale, 1998) n. comb., Cryptotrogus delhiensis (Anand, 1988) n. comb., Cryptotrogus haarlovi (Petrovitz, 1955) n. comb., Cryptotrogus kermanensis (Semenov & Medvedev, 1936) n. comb., Cryptotrogus kircheri (Balthasar, 1930) n. comb., Cryptotrogus praestabilis (Reitter, 1889) n. comb., Cryptotrogus tatianae (Semenov & Medvedev, 1936) n. comb., Cryptotrogus zarudnyi (Semenov & Medvedev, 1936) n. comb., Cyphonotus bicoloratus Petrovitz, 1962 n. syn. de Cryptotrogus mesopotamicus (Petrovitz, 1962), Cryptotrogus miksici Petrovitz, 1965, et Cryptotrogus orita (Reitter, 1902) n. syn. de Cryptotrogus niveus (Hampe, 1852), Cyphonoxia glasunowi Semenov, 1897 n. syn. de Cryptotrogus brenskei (Reitter, 1895) comb. rev., Cyphonoxia kermanensis Semenov & Medvedev, 1936 n. syn. de Cryptotrogus zarudnyi (Semenov & Medvedev, 1936) n. comb., Cryptotrogus zemindar (Sharp, 1876) n. comb. Par ailleurs, huit espèces sont décrites et comparées aux espèces proches : sept d’Iran, Cryptotrogus borumandi n. sp., Cryptotrogus ebrahimii n. sp., Cryptotrogus miesseni n. sp., Cryptotrogus mirzayansi n. sp., Cryptotrogus monodi n. sp., Cryptotrogus morgani n. sp. et Cryptotrogus parallelus n. sp., et une, Cryptotrogus irakanus n. sp., d’Irak. Enfin, de nouvelles données sont présentées pour quelques espèces de la faune iranienne appartenant aux genres Melolontha Fabricius, 1775, Anoxia Castelnau, 1832, Polyphylla Harris, 1841 et Microphylla Kraatz, 1890. Une espèce est nouvelle pour la faune d’Iran : Melolontha aceris Faldermann, 1835.  相似文献   

The little that remains of Motschoulsky’s myriapodological legacy in the collection of Moscow’s Zoological Museum proves to be of very limited value. Only one species of Diplopoda described by Motschoulsky, the Caucasian Hirudisoma roseum (Victor, 1839), is still in use, yet requiring a neotype designation, whereas the remaining few myriapod names he proposed are either nomina dubia or nomina nuda. The former include Scolopendra pentagramma Motschoulsky, 1866 (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae) and Strongylosoma carinulatum Motschoulsky, 1866 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae), both from Japan, as well as Julus costulatus Motschoulsky, 1851 (Diplopoda, Callipodida, Schizopetalidae?), from Montenegro, because their type material is either inadequate or missing.  相似文献   

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