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《Science activities》2013,50(4):153-157
In the project presented in this article, high school students create and observe miniecosystems in an ecology unit designed around a 5E (engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation) instructional model. Students choose a wide variety of organisms and use creativity to design miniecosystems.  相似文献   

“At Washington School, Evanston, Illinois, the children themselves are proving that the ‘underachiever’ and the ‘slow learner’ may become obsolete as a classroom problem.”  相似文献   

In this article, the author describes activities that have been proven to teach young learners to sort and classify objects that contain more than one attribute. The activities require that students employ the use of sorting hoops and attribute blocks to create Venn diagrams, the assembly of which requires practice. The author also describes crosscurricular uses of these learning tools.  相似文献   

《Science activities》2013,50(2):56-60
"Mineral Detectives!" is one of eighteen lessons in the Private Whys? integrated science unit, which uses a guided inquiry investigation to teach students in grades three through five about the role of minerals in our lives. The University of North Texas developed Private Whys? with funding from the Copper Development Association. This lesson can easily be implemented in the classroom, and the entire unit can naturally be integrated into existing elementary school curricula.  相似文献   


Herbivores are important to ecosystems because they transfer energy stored in plant matter to other organisms. However, when herbivores occur in high abundances, they can become pests and harm the plants that form the basis of food webs. Mangroves are saltwater tolerant trees found along most tropical and subtropical shorelines. Because mangroves live between land and sea, a wide range of herbivores and other organisms, such as pathogens and parasites, affect them. Many of these organisms leave distinctive marks on the leaves that they eat or infect; scientists can use those marks to help identify the organisms that caused the damage. In this activity, students will take on the role of “Leaf Detectives” and examine patterns of leaf damage on red mangrove leaves (Rhizophora mangle) to infer which organism(s) are harming the mangroves on fictional Lobster Island. Students will collect data from their sample leaves, summarize the results with a graph, and then make a conclusion based on the scientific evidence. By classifying and measuring different damage patterns on leaves, students will learn how different organisms affect plants and food webs, develop pattern recognition skills, and practice using the scientific method to make evidence-based conclusions.  相似文献   


Scientific modeling along with hands-on inquiry can lead to a deeper understanding of scientific concepts among students in upper elementary grades. Even though scientific modeling involves abstract-thinking processes, can students in younger elementary grades successfully participate in scientific modeling? Scientific modeling, like all other aspects of scientific inquiry, has to be developed. This article clearly outlines how students in a first-grade classroom can develop and use scientific models to explain the properties and behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases in a unit on the states of matter.  相似文献   

The National Research Council's document, Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards (2000) describes an elementary science classroom as one that is composed of learners who are engaged in scientific processes. In such a setting, children ask real-world questions and seek real-world solutions. As students pursue their inquiries, they often move away from science textbooks, and they implement mathematical skills, read literature, conduct research in electronic databases, write stories, and so forth in a larger context. What was originally a regular science lesson becomes an opportunity for integration across the curriculum. This article describes an integrated unit on bats and specifically addresses the National Science Education Standards.  相似文献   

In this integrated inquiry, students in an elementary teaching methods class investigate a real-world problem outside the classroom. The students use the Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT) thinking strategy to find the causes of, impact of, and possible solutions to the problem. They present their findings and then discuss implementation of this activity in elementary classrooms. The activity is followed by a whole-class discussion about the activity and its application to the elementary classroom. This is an open-ended inquiry that future teachers will be able to do with their elementary school students.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors describe an integrated science and literacy instructional model in which students build background knowledge by engaging in free-choice learning options during an investigation of school yard habitats. Students interact with their peers while inquiring, discussing findings, and using print resources to enhance learning.  相似文献   

This inquiry-based activity designed for the fifth through 12th grade allows students to engage in an outdoor, place-based experience, working collaboratively both in groups and as a class to accomplish the class goal of creating a local tree map linked to student-collected data about each tree. During Local Tree Mapping, students explore the local trees in the yard or neighborhood of the school, while learning basic skills in geographical information systems and Microsoft Excel. Through this activity, students gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the role of trees within the Earth's ecosystems, as they collect data on tree type, height, diameter, age, and the longitude and latitude of the trees. An extension activity is described in which students can enter their tree data into a carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction calculator to determine how much CO2 is sequestered by the trees in their research site. Local Tree Mapping provides an opportunity for students to gain inquiry skills in science, mathematics, and geography as they participate firsthand in the collection, analysis, and presentation of real-world data that can be utilized by the local community.  相似文献   

This activity explores the cycling of carbon between the atmosphere (primarily as CO2) and biomass in plants, animals, and microscopic organisms. Students design soil respiration experiments using a protocol that resembles current practice in soil ecology. Three methods for measuring soil respiration are presented. Student-derived questions direct soil research projects.  相似文献   

Reaction time, the time between a stimulus and a person's reaction to it, is a concept familiar to most teenagers, particularly in the context of driving. We describe a simple inexpensive activity that utilizes students’ creativity and invokes the scientific method in order to explore reaction time. The goal of the activity is to give students a realistic understanding of their reaction time and to challenge them to consider the implications of this for driving scenarios.  相似文献   

This article describes an arts- and spatial thinking skill–integrated inquiry project applied to life science concepts from the Next Generation Science Standards for fourth grade students that focuses on two unifying or crosscutting themes: (1) structure (or “form”) and function and (2) use of models. Students made observations and photographs of common wild mammals that lived near their homes, such as squirrels, rabbits, deer, groundhogs, and opossums. They then created a three-dimensional diorama to showcase models of the various structures and functions that help the animals survive. These models included a papier-mâché model of the animal's home with explanations of its form and functions, acrylic polymer clay models of the animal, a student-drawn computer generated fold-up model of the animal in a natural history scene, models of the animal's dentition, and models of its skull made from recycled plastic bottles. Student comments, photographs of example finished products, a chart of spatial thinking skills addressed by the project, and a rubric for scoring this successful project are included.  相似文献   

The authors describe a set of upper-elementary activities that focuses on how animals communicate. The activities describe procedures that students working in groups can use to investigate the topic of animal communication. An initial information sheet, resource list, and grading rubric are provided. The lesson plan was field-tested in an upper-elementary classroom.  相似文献   

This activity is the result of a school-university collaboration among four educators (two intermediate classroom teachers, a vice-principal/teacher, and a university-based teacher educator/researcher) who worked together to improve the quality of learning in the classroom. The educators combined their teaching expertise to plan and co-teach an integrated science and music unit in a grade 4 and a grade 4/5 class. In this six-part unit students rotate through sound exploratory centers and conduct investigations to learn how different factors such as the size, material, and contents of containers affect the behavior of sound. Students also design and make their own instruments.  相似文献   

临床决策能力是一个医生的必备能力之一,是医学教育中必要且重要的培养目标之一。目前对医学生临床决策能力的培养没有形成完备的体系,一般安排在高年级阶段进行,为时较晚。如何把临床决策能力的培养融入低年级基础课中,以尽早开展能力训练值得探索研究。本研究以医学遗传学课程为例,结合探究式教学方式的特点,模拟临床决策思维过程的各细分模块,优化了课程设计,探索在低年级课程中融入临床决策能力的培养。结果提示:探究式课程设计能充分调动学生主动性,增加学生分析、思考的投入;在教师引导下,促使学生依循临床决策思维的过程得到有效地训练。最后,整理分析了探究式课程设计及实践的思路,总结了设计原则和要点,反思了教学中的经验得失。  相似文献   

The authors illustrate an effective lessonplanning technique known as unpacking for the broad topic of water. Interconnections among science disciplines are shown for numerous possible subtopics. Two lesson sets are included, the first dealing with properties of water and the second dealing with water as a resource.  相似文献   

Many topics in the secondary science classroom can be difficult to introduce to students in a manner that fully engages them, especially when presented using traditional teaching methods. However, with a little innovation and an emphasis on inquiry, even dry subjects can be presented in an appealing way. The authors developed an inquiry-based exercise that teaches students about flower anatomy and dissection. During this exercise, students investigate the morphology of simple and composite flowers using digital microscopes. Dissection of a simple flower results in a count of floral parts that is used to construct a floral formula. Students use appearance of structures to suggest function of sepals, petals, anthers, pistils, and components. Investigation of composite and bilabiate flowers introduces concepts of inflorescence and symmetry and asymmetry. Following self-guided inquiry by the students, the teacher uses a digital microscope, computer, and LCD projector to lead discussion of what was observed and to help assimilate important concepts.  相似文献   

Curriculum integration can increase the presence of science at the elementary level. The purpose of this article is to share how two second-grade teachers have integrated language arts content as a part of science-language arts instruction in a garden-based learning context. One application was a teacher-designed Gardening for Homonyms lesson, which supported new ways of thinking about words and wordplay while developing science vocabulary related to structure and function, diversity of life, and interdependent relationships in ecosystems. This article provides the lesson and discusses its implementation in two second-grade classrooms. Examples of student work illustrate children's creative thought around and application of multiple meaning words. Pre-, post-, and extended posttest measures of students' ability to generate and to use homonyms demonstrate that this science-language arts integrated lesson can result in both short- and long-term learning. Applications and follow-up from the lesson over two subsequent years have engaged second and third grade students in study/inquiry about plant growth and life cycles while utilizing many facets of language arts, which have ranged from labeling an experimental design and writing predictions and results to conversing about digital “GigaPan” images on growing strawberries.  相似文献   

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