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We present a hands-on outdoor activity coupled with classroom discussion to teach students about wildlife habitat selection, the process by which animals choose where to live. By selecting locations or habitats with many benefits (e.g., food, shelter, mates) and few costs (e.g., predators), animals improve their ability to survive and reproduce. Biologists track animal movement using radio telemetry technology to study habitat selection so they can better provide species with habitats that promote population growth. We present a curriculum in which students locate “animals” (transmitters) using radio telemetry equipment and apply math skills (use of fractions and percentages) to assess their “animal's” habitat selection by comparing the availability of habitat types with the proportion of “animals” they find in each habitat type.  相似文献   

To avoid unnecessary waste of limited resources and to help prioritize areas for conservation efforts, this study aimed to provide information on habitat use by elephants between the wet and dry seasons in the Mole National Park (MNP) of Ghana. We compiled coordinates of 516 locations of elephants’ encounters, 256 for dry season and 260 for wet season. Using nine predictor variables, we modeled the probability of elephant's distribution in MNP. We threshold the models to “suitable” and “nonsuitable” regions of habitat use using the equal training sensitivity and specificity values of 0.177 and 0.181 for the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Accuracy assessment of our models revealed a sensitivity score of 0.909 and 0.974, and a specificity of 0.579 and 0.753 for the dry and wet seasons, respectively. A TSS of 0.488 was also recorded for the dry season and 0.727 for the wet season indicating a good model agreement. Our model predicts habitat use to be confined to the southern portion of MNP due to elevation difference and a relatively steep slope that separates the northern regions of the park from the south. Regions of habitat use for the wet season were 856 km2 and reduced significantly to 547.68 km2 in the dry season. We observed significant overlap (327.24 km2) in habitat use regions between the wet and dry seasons (Schoener's D = 0.922 and Hellinger's‐based I = 0.991). DEM, proximity to waterholes, and saltlicks were identified as the key variables that contributed to the prediction. We recommend construction of temporal camps in regions of habitat use that are far from the headquarters area for effective management of elephants. Also, an increase in water point's density around the headquarters areas and selected dry areas of the park will further decrease elephant's range and hence a relatively less resource use in monitoring and patrols.  相似文献   

The case Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan) decided by the International Court of Justice is a landmark that introduces new parameters for measuring the “reasonableness” of scientific research by permit under the International Convention on Whaling. However, aspects of these parameters and how they may be applied in future cases remain uncertain. Because the Court's interpretation of the language “for purposes of scientific research” avoids defining scientific research, the Court's decision provides only a limited degree of clarification for States that intend to operate scientific whaling programs under Article VIII of the Convention. The Court's reasonableness test is unlikely to prevent scientific whaling. States who no longer support the dual object and purpose of the Whaling Convention may want to consider negotiating a new international instrument that would be more protective of whales and their habitat.  相似文献   

Sandelia bainsii is a range-restricted and highly threatened freshwater fish endemic to South Africa. Recent genetic evidence suggests that this species comprises three allopatrically distributed lineages that have been informally designated as Sandelia sp. “Kowie,” Sandelia sp. “Keiskamma” and Sandelia sp. “Buffalo.” As these lineages have only been recently identified and are likely to face a high risk of extinction because of restricted distributions, there is a critical need for generating ecological information to guide conservation prioritisation. The present study compared the historical and current distribution patterns, together with the habitat associations of Sandelia sp. “Kowie” in the Koonap and Kat rivers, tributaries of the Great Fish River. This study indicated that this lineage has been extirpated from one of the three localities in the Koonap River where it was historically abundant. In the Kat River, the current distribution of Sandelia sp. “Kowie” was comparable to its historical range, but its future persistence is threatened by the presence of non-native piscivores, instream physical barriers and potential future exploration for shale gas and infrastructure development in the Karoo Basin. A generalised hurdle negative binomial model revealed that although this lineage's probability of occurrence was high in habitats with boulder and sand substrates, and low conductivity, habitat characteristics were poor predictors of its abundance. Thus, it was postulated that the current range of this lineage probably represents the only available habitats for the persistence of different life stages for this taxon. Alternatively, the observed patterns may suggest the possibility of a shift in habitat associations, possibly for optimum utilisation of the remaining refugia within this river system. Immediate conservation measures should focus on preventing the spread on non-native invasive fishes, whereas future studies should evaluate the impacts of population fragmentation and identify appropriate intervention measures to maintain this lineage's long-term adaptive potential.  相似文献   

Ecological integrity is a functional property that integrates habitat functions and species information for maintaining key ecological interactions in predator-prey systems. As a functional property, ecological integrity can be modeled as a latent concept from observable spatial attributes that measure the ecosystem's capacity to provide suitable habitat conditions for apex predators. Ecological integrity is a tri-dimensional concept that stems from “stable”, “concurrent” and “intact” conditions. A theoretical framework and a methodology is presented here for modeling ecological integrity from observable attributes (as GIS layers) to obtain a spatial representation of the integrity condition. From a theoretical framework, the ecological integrity concept is obtained with a structural equation modeling approach, where several other latent variables are obtained for characterizing a hierarchical network of spatial information. Later on, these observable attributes, and several latent modeled variables are translated into sources of geographic information that can be used to monitor changes in the natural remnant areas due to human impacts. When examining the direct, indirect and total effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on ecological integrity, spatial intactness (e.g., the amount of remnant habitat and connectivity) and stability (resistance in the interaction network and mobile links) are the attributes more affected by the pathway effects. The balance of the formative parameters obtained for the model supports the idea that ecosystems that have a high degree of integrity should maintain a high level of stability, self-organization and naturalness. These attributes are achieved when spatial habitat intactness and species interactions are maintained.  相似文献   

To combat decades of anthropogenic degradation, restoration programs seek to improve ecological conditions through habitat enhancement. Rapid assessments of condition are needed to support adaptive management programs and improve the understanding of restoration effects at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Previous attempts to evaluate restoration practices on large river systems have been hampered by assessment tools that are irreproducible or metrics without clear connections to population responses. We modified a demonstration flow assessment approach to assess the realized changes in habitat quantity and quality attributable to restoration effects. We evaluated the technique's ability to predict anadromous salmonid habitat and survey reproducibility on the Trinity River in northern California. Fish preference clearly aligned with a priori designations of habitat quality: the odds of observing rearing Chinook or coho salmon within high‐quality habitats ranged between 10 and 16 times greater than low qualities, and in all cases the highest counts were associated with highest quality habitat. In addition, the technique proved to be reproducible with “substantial” to “almost perfect” agreement of results from independent crews, a considerable improvement over a previous demonstration flow assessment. These results support the use of the technique for assessing changes in habitat from restoration efforts and for informing adaptive management decisions.  相似文献   

The 1st International Conference on “Biotechnology in Agriculture” was held at the Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania, from the 22nd to the 23rd of April 2014. The conference was organized as collaboration between the Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) and the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. About 200 scientists from different countries presented their work orally or as posters covering the three main topics of the conference: plant, animal and food biotechnology. The conference included a field trip as well to the Experimental Didactic Economy Station and a Fish Farm, both belonging to the Agricultural University of Tirana. In this report, we describe the main topics of the Conference and a summary of talks and posters presented in different sessions. The main conclusions provided at the end of the activity, the objectives for the future and a brief overview of the field trips and pre- and post-conference tours are displayed in this current report. Since the conference on “Biotechnology in Agriculture” was the first one organized in Albania and also an international one, it was of a great interest for the participants and also for the scientific community working in the biotechnology area. Therefore, one of the decisions made at the end of the conference was to hold similar conferences periodically, every two years, at AUT.  相似文献   

Stemmata or “larval” eyes are of crucial importance for the understanding of the evolution and ontogeny of the hexapod's main visual organs, the compound eyes. Using classical neuroanatomical techniques, I showed that the persisting stemmata of Chaoborus imagos are connected to persisting stemma neuropils neighboring the first and second order neuropils of the compound eyes, and therefore also the imago possesses a stemma lamina and medulla closely associated with the architecture and the developmental pattern of those of the compound eyes. The findings are compared with other arthropods, e.g. accessory lateral eyes in Amandibulata and Myriapoda, suggesting some ancestral rather than derived character states. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A. Guillet 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):252-255
Guillet, A. 1979. Aspects of the foraging behaviour of the Shoebill. Ostrich 50:252-255.

The foraging behaviour of the Shoebill Balaeniceps rex. in relation to the bird's habitat and morphology, is described. The Shoebill preys on fish in shallow water, and uses platforms of floating vegetation as fishing sites. The Shoebill's behaviour in stalking, detecting and capturing prey is compared with foraging techniques used by herons and storks. The Shoebill uses a peculiar and complicated technique, called “collapsing”, for capturing prey.  相似文献   

In heterogeneous habitats with limited resources, spacing behaviour will affect individual variation in breeding success and density of populations, and is thus of general interest to ecologists. We investigated how red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris adapt their social organisation to tine‐grained heterogeneity in habitat quality, studying spacing behaviour, habitat use and population dynamics in a forest in north Italy, characterised by a mosaic of high‐quality (chestnut‐pine) and poor‐quality patches. We compared the data with those from more homogeneous broadleaf and mixed woodlands with similar overall tree seed abundance (“stable” habitats). Squirrels lived at lower densities (pre‐breeding density 0.39‐0.58 ha‐1) than in “stable” habitats, although breeding rate was not reduced. Female breeding success was related to being primiparous as yearlings, and increased with body mass and proportion high‐quality habitat in the home range. Persistency rate of females was as in stable habitats, It was higher than male persistency, but immigration and recruitment rates were male biased, resulting in even sex‐ratio. All residents occupied high‐quality patches, and no subadults established a permanent home range in poor‐quality habitat. Home range and core‐area size was typically larger in males than in females and a male's core‐area overlapped those of other males and of females. Female core‐areas were overlapped by males but not. or very little, by other females (intrasexual territoriality). Home ranges, or core‐areas, were not smaller than in “stable” habitats, nor did we find a higher degree of core‐area overlap. We conclude that in patchy habitats dominant, resident red squirrels exclude dispersing animals from preferred, high‐quality habitat, producing a spacing pattern referred to as ideal despotic distribution, and that poor patches were only used temporarily by transient individuals, resulting in a reduction of density in comparison to populations in “stable” habitats.  相似文献   

In this essay: I provide a brief history of habitat fragmentation research; I describe why its “non‐questions” (‘Is habitat fragmentation a big problem for wildlife species?” and, “Are the effects of habitat fragmentation generally negative or positive?”) are important to conservation; I outline my role in tackling these questions; I discuss reasons why the culture of habitat fragmentation research is largely incapable of accepting the answers; and I speculate on the future of habitat fragmentation research.  相似文献   

Marine mammal populations often have “hotspots” of distribution. Understanding what drives these is important for understanding relationships with habitat and evaluating exposure to threats. Few studies investigate the stability of hotspots, yet this information is vital in assessing their importance. In this study, over 9,000 sightings made during systematic surveys over 29 yr are used to establish the existence, locations, and temporal dynamics of hotspots for Hector's dolphins at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Sightings were divided into four seasons and three time periods to assess temporal trends in habitat use. Kernel density analysis was performed on sightings, weighted by survey effort. Density values at hotspots and reference areas were modeled according to season and time period using linear mixed models. Fifty percent of weighted sightings (n = 4,513) occurred within 21% of the study area. Hotspots had significantly higher densities during summer and these high‐density areas have remained consistent over time. Such consistency implies importance of these areas to the dolphins' ecology. This information adds to our knowledge of how this endangered species uses its habitat, suggests candidate areas for protection from threats, and provides a baseline for assessing habitat related impacts on Hector's dolphins at Banks Peninsula.© 2018 Society for Marine Mammalogy  相似文献   

The postural stability on a seesaw generating anterior–posterior instability with the eyes open (EO) and then the eyes closed (EC) in young healthy subjects (n = 28) before and 6 min after the maximum bicycle exercise (Wingate test) performed using lower limbs (“leg exercise”) or upper limbs (“hand exercise”) was investigated. It was found that “hand exercise” caused the same increase in average velocity (V, mm/s) and in the average range of sway of the centre of pressure (Qy, mm) as “leg exercise.” However, the duration of V recovery (EC: 2 min 30 s and 50 s; EO: 60 s and 40 s after “leg exercise” and “hand exercise,” respectively) and Qy (EC: 1 min 10 s and 30 s after “leg exercise” and “hand exercise,” respectively; EO: no changes from baseline) was shorter after “hand exercise.” In the presence of visual information, the increment in V decreased more than 2 times after “leg exercise” (+100.5% and + 40.5%, p < 0.01 for EC and EO, respectively) and after “hand exercise” (+73.0% and +30.3%, p < 0.01 for EC and EO, respectively). Moreover, Qy after both exercises remained at the initial level under EO conditions but significantly increased under EC conditions (+42.8%, p < 0.01 after “leg exercise” and +40.3%, p < 0.01 after “hand exercise”). Thus, the maximum exercise for the muscles of the upper limbs causes the same reduction in postural stability as analogous exercise for the muscles of the lower limbs, but the recovery period after “hand” exercise was shorter. The presence of visual information allows the baseline maintenance of postural stability and significantly reduces the strain of postural regulation while standing on a movable support after the maximum “leg exercise” and “hand exercise.”  相似文献   

Norway's claim to exclusive rights over the continental shelf surrounding the former terra nullius Arctic archipelago of Svalbard is controversial, with the unclear scope of the Svalbard Treaty recognized as “a main challenge” by Norway's parliament. This article explores the nature of this challenge by: (1) giving an account of the legal basis of the conflict; (2) analyzing its political context, and (3) discussing the contemporary judicial and political processes which may or may not resolve the conflict. This article concludes that the issue seems to escape judicial settlement, rendering the controversy a matter of international politics. With the world's eyes increasingly on the petroleum resources of the Arctic, a clarification over the legal status of the Svalbard shelf is not in sight.  相似文献   

Can democratic processes favour conservation outcomes in the tropics? This study focuses on local viewpoints within a forested landscape of high conservation significance in East Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Stakeholders received posters displaying results from a previous study; these posters emphasised local priorities and views regarding local biodiversity. We assess local attitudes to this information, and consider some implications. Knowledge of, and agreement with, poster content increased among villagers, townspeople and civil servants after they received posters. All respondents appreciated the posters and all supported some form of forest conservation. All respondents agreed that biodiversity conservation and local views are vital in land-use planning. All agreed that logging companies need to be better controlled, while 80% consider them a “major environmental threat”. These results bolster our belief that involving communities is not only an ethically defensible way to achieve conservation outcomes, but also a pragmatic opportunity to do so.  相似文献   

A new interpretation of L.S. Vygotsky's “The Tragedy of Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark” and his little-known publication “Traurnye stroki-Den' 9 ava.” An essential question (object) of these texts is the secret of genuine human overcoming of suffering. This is also the main problem of psychotherapy. Vygotsky's answer has both psychological and religious sgnificance: the experience of a tragedy is mediated by prayer. Vygotsky's idea creates the basis for religiously oriented, “synergetic” psychotherapy where the main process will be spiritual, including prayer.  相似文献   

The proximate/ultimate distinction in the multiple careers of Ernst Mayr   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ernst Mayr's distinction between “ultimate” and “proximate” causes is justly considered a major contribution to philosophy of biology. But how did Mayr come to this “philosophical” distinction, and what role did it play in his earlier “scientific” work? I address these issues by dividing Mayr's work into three careers or phases: 1) Mayr the naturalist/researcher, 2) Mayr the representative of and spokesman for evolutionary biology and systematics, and more recently 3) Mayr the historian and philosopher of biology. If we want to understand the role of the proximate/ultimate distinction in Mayr's more recent career as a philosopher and historian, then it helps to consider hisearlier use of the distinction, in the course of his research, and in his promotion of the professions of evolutionary biology and systematics. I believe that this approach would also shed light on some other important “philosophical” positions that Mayr has defended, including the distinction between “essentialism: and “population thinking.”  相似文献   

Biodemography is an emerging field of biology. Zoological Gardens can provide a lot of exact data on mean longevity and maximum life-span. The age of certain animal species are connected with their habitat, their ecology, and the taxonomy. Examples for ages and life-cycles are given for many taxonomic units in this article. The relevance for keeping is discussed. In the focus of the visitor's attention many old animals become “animal personalities”. Such charismatic zoo-animals are often elephants, hippopotamuses, bears or great apes.  相似文献   

This essay recapitulates major paths followed by the Russian tradition of what we refer to today as evolutionary developmental biology (“evo‐devo”). The article addresses several questions regarding the conceptual history of evolutionary embryological thought in its particularly Russian perspective: (1) the assertion by the St. Petersburg academician Wolff regarding the possible connections between environmental modifications during morphogenesis and the “transformation” of species, (2) the discovery of shared “principles” underlying animal development by von Baer, (3) the experimental expression of Baer's principles by Kowalevsky and Mechnikoff, (4) Severtsov's theory of phylembryogenesis, (5) Filatov's approach to the study of evolution using comparative “developmental mechanics”, and (6) Shmalgausen's concept of “stabilizing” selection as an attempt to elucidate the evolution of developmental mechanisms. The focus on comparative evolutionary embryology, which was established by Kowalevsky and Mechnikoff, still continues to be popular in present‐day “evo‐devo” research in Russia.  相似文献   

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