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Data about the bionomics of the pollen wasp Ceramius palaestinensis (Giordani Soika, 1957) are presented for the first time. Ceramius palaestinensis is characterized by the following ethological elements: (i) the nest is excavated in non-friable soil; (ii) the burrow is surmounted by a turret from earth extracted from within the burrow; (iii) the nest is possibly perennial; (iv) the nest has a relatively short, vertical to sub-vertical main shaft with an expansion at the bottom; (v) the main shaft is not terminated by a cell; (vi) secondary shafts are absent; (vii) the cells are sub-horizontal, all at different depths; (viii) brood cells are constructed mud-cells built within an excavated cell, formed from earth excavated within the burrow; (ix) imagines visit only flowers of Trifolium (Fabaceae) and brood cells are provisioned exclusively with pollen from this plant genus; Trifolium species varying considerably in inflorescence morphology lead to different positions of foraging wasps on the inflorescences during flower visits; Trifolium resupinatum or T. clusii inflorescences with resupinate flowers function as a disc-shaped pseudanthium with the vexilla of the flowers arranged on the outer periphery serving as petal-like exhibition organs; and (x) males patrol and perch at water collection sites, at flowers and within nesting aggregations; copulations or copulatory attempts are observed there.  相似文献   

海切叶蜂的筑巢和访花行为   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1247-1254
【目的】研究毛乌素沙地重要野生传粉昆虫海切叶蜂Megachile maritima的筑巢和访花行为对保护其栖息环境具有重要意义。【方法】采用目测及拍照等方法对海切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观测;以2 m×2 m 样方的方式观测海切叶蜂的访花频率、单花停留时间及日活动规律等访花行为,其中日活动规律每天连续观测,共观测7天。【结果】海切叶蜂在沙土中筑巢,每巢只有一个巢室,其筑巢过程为:寻找合适的筑巢地点,挖巢,构建巢室,采集蜂粮,产卵,封住巢室,筑完一个巢。它连续筑完一个巢大约需要9 h。海切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取26~29片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮11~12次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的平均访花频率分别为(13.23±6.49)朵/min和(16.72±4.84)朵/min,平均单花停留时间分别为(3.08±2.48)s和(2.49±1.31)s。晴天,海切叶蜂在12:00~14:00期间活动较活跃。【结论】海切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似。该蜂在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的访花过程、访花频率及单花停留时间具有显著的差异。  相似文献   

Floral foraging resources are valuable for pollinator conservation on farmland, and their provision is encouraged by agri‐environment schemes in many countries. Across Europe, wildflower seed mixtures are widely sown on farmland to encourage pollinators, but the extent to which key pollinator groups such as solitary bees exploit and benefit from these resources is unclear. We used high‐throughput sequencing of 164 pollen samples extracted from the brood cells of six common cavity‐nesting solitary bee species (Osmia bicornis, Osmia caerulescens, Megachile versicolor, Megachile ligniseca, Megachile centuncularis and Hylaeus confusus) which are widely distributed across the UK and Europe. We documented their pollen use across 19 farms in southern England, UK, revealing their forage plants and examining the structure of their pollen transport networks. Of the 32 plant species included currently in sown wildflower mixes, 15 were recorded as present within close foraging range of the bees on the study farms, but only Ranunculus acris L. was identified within the pollen samples. Rosa canina L. was the most commonly found of the 23 plant species identified in the pollen samples, suggesting that, in addition to providing a nesting resource for Megachile leafcutter bees, it may be an important forage plant for these species. Higher levels of connectance and nestedness were characteristic of pollen transport networks on farms with abundant floral resources, which may increase resilience to species loss. Our data suggest that plant species promoted currently by agri‐environment schemes are not optimal for solitary bee foraging. If a diverse community of pollinators is to be supported on UK and European farmland, additional species such as R. canina should be encouraged to meet the foraging requirements of solitary bees.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major threat for beneficial organisms and the ecosystem services they provide. Multiple‐habitat users such as wild bees depend on both nesting and foraging habitat. Thus, they may be affected by the fragmentation of at least two habitat types. We investigated the effects of landscape‐scale amount of and patch isolation from both nesting habitat (woody plants) and foraging habitat (specific pollen sources) on the abundance and diet of Osmia bicornis L. Trap‐nests of O. bicornis were studied in 30 agricultural landscapes of the Swiss Plateau. Nesting and foraging habitats were mapped in a radius of 500 m around the sites. Pollen composition of larval diet changed as isolation to the main pollen source, Ranunculus, increased, suggesting that O. bicornis adapted its foraging strategy in function of the nest proximity to main pollen sources. Abundance of O. bicornis was neither related to isolation or amount of nesting habitat nor to isolation or abundance of food plants. Surprisingly, nests of O. bicornis contained fewer larvae in sites at forest edge compared to isolated sites, possibly due to higher parasitism risk. This study indicates that O. bicornis can nest in a variety of situations by compensating scarcity of its main larval food by exploiting alternative food sources.  相似文献   

Pollen analyses were used to determine pollen foraging resources of adult Mexican corn rootworms, Diabrotica virgifera zeae Krysan & Smith, captured near Temple, Bell County, TX, in 1996 and 1997. In 1996, adult Mexican corn rootworms were captured in a corn, Zea mays L., field. In 1997, nine locations outside of cornfields were added. Overall, 92% of the beetles (n = 1,323) contained pollen. More than 142,000 pollen grains were counted, representing 45 families, 63 genera, and 27 species. Overall, in 1996, noncorn grass pollen (70%) occurred in the greatest percentage of total pollen followed by corn (17%), then nongrass pollen (13%). In 1997, noncorn grass pollen (76%) had the greatest percentage, then nongrass (18%), and finally corn pollen (6%). Corn pollen was found in 34% of the beetles in 1996 and 26% in 1997. Fifteen Asteraceae taxa were encountered including sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. Thirteen Fabaceae were found including soybean, Glycine max L. Mexican corn rootworm adults foraged mainly on noncorn grass pollen, but also foraged on pollen from a large diversity of plant species, indicating that noncorn pollen may play a role in the food habits of Mexican corn rootworm adults.  相似文献   

1. Habitat loss and fragmentation potentially affect the performance of bees that forage nectar and pollen of plants in their habitats. In forest landscapes, silvicultural conifer plantations often have reduced and fragmented natural broadleaf forests, which seem to provide more floral resources for bees than do the plantations. 2. This study evaluated the effects of forest characteristics (i.e. elevation, area, edge length, and tree size of natural forests) on pollen diets (plant taxa assemblages of pollen grains in provisions) and total provision mass in oviposited chambers in nests made by a standardised number of Osmia cornifrons bees at 14 sites in a forestry area in central Japan. 3. From April to May, the numbers of nests and chambers per nest increased, and the provision mass per chamber decreased. Main pollen sources were Prunus at higher elevations in April and Wisteria at lower elevations in May, foraging on which increased the numbers of nests and chambers per nest. The provision mass per chamber was smaller at higher elevations in more fragmented natural forests. Decreases in the area of natural forests within the foraging range (400‐m radii) of O. cornifrons increased the utilisation of Rubus pollen and decreased the total provision mass. 4. These findings suggest that the loss and fragmentation of natural broadleaf forests change pollen diets and reduce the provision mass of mason bees, which may reduce the number and size of their offspring.  相似文献   

Evers  David C. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):415-420
A newly devised nightlighting technique was used to capture breeding adult common loons (Gavia immer) at the Seney National Wildlife Refuge in northern Michigan in 1989. The behaviors of 6 pairs of known-sex, color-marked common loons were subsequently quantified during the breeding cycle in 1990. Collected observational data indicate that foraging, resting, locomotion, and preening were frequent throughout the breeding cycle. Time spent foraging was greatest during the pre-nesting period (53 to 57%), but declined significantly during the nesting and post-nesting periods (p<0.05). Time spent foraging during the pre-nesting period was similar to that of fall and winter studies. During the pre-nesting period adult loons spent about 15% of the time in locomotion; this was significantly greater than the other time periods (p<0.05) and is attributed to selecting a nest site. During the nesting cycle, almost half of each bird's time spent was nest-sitting. Sexual differences were negligible during nest-sitting. Resting and chick-rearing were the predominant behaviors during the post-nesting period and were responsible for the biggest difference in parental duties. Time spent preening declined from 8% during the pre-nesting period to 4 to 5% during the post-nesting period. Time spent by nesting pairs to produce chicks is approximately 10% during pre-nesting, 48 to 49% during nesting, and between 38 to 44% during post-nesting. By quantifying and establishing behavioral standards, subtle abnormalities or changes can be detected to better manage for viable common loon populations.  相似文献   

Concerns over the availability of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) to meet pollination demands have elicited interest in alternative pollinators to mitigate pressures on the commercial beekeeping industry. The blue orchard bee, Osmia lignaria (Say), is a commercially available native bee that can be employed as a copollinator with, or alternative pollinator to, honeybees in orchards. To date, their successful implementation in agriculture has been limited by poor recovery of bee progeny for use during the next spring. This lack of reproductive success may be tied to an inadequate diversity and abundance of alternative floral resources during the foraging period. Managed, supplementary wildflower plantings may promote O. lignaria reproduction in California almond orchards. Three wildflower plantings were installed and maintained along orchard edges to supplement bee forage. Plantings were seeded with native wildflower species that overlapped with and extended beyond almond bloom. We measured bee visitation to planted wildflowers, bee reproduction, and progeny outcomes across orchard blocks at variable distances from wildflower plantings during 2015 and 2016. Pollen provision composition was also determined to confirm O. lignaria wildflower pollen use. Osmia lignaria were frequently observed visiting wildflower plantings during, and after, almond bloom. Most O. lignaria nesting occurred at orchard edges. The greatest recovery of progeny occurred along the orchard edges having the closest proximity (80 m) to managed wildflower plantings versus edges farther away. After almond bloom, O. lignaria nesting closest to the wildflower plantings collected 72% of their pollen from Phacelia spp., which supplied 96% of the managed floral area. Phacelia spp. pollen collection declined with distance from the plantings, but still reached 17% 800 m into the orchard. This study highlights the importance of landscape context and proximity to supplementary floral resources in promoting the propagation of solitary bees as alternative managed pollinators in commercial agriculture.  相似文献   

The flowers ofPavonia cancellata, a creeping ruderal half-shrub of northeastern Brazil, open synchronously at 6:00 h with all anthers already dehisced. The oligolectic beePtilothrix plumata was the most effective pollinator. During 90—180 min, female bees make up to 40 brief pollen collection trips to provision their brood cells. The pollen of about 40 flowers ofP. cancellata is needed to feed one bee larva. The most frequent flower visitors, however, are the specialized curculionid beetlesPristimerus calcaratus, which do not crosspollinate the flowers. They perforate the epidermis with their mouthparts, provoking dehydration, and then actively close the loose petals with their legs. Two hours after opening, half of the flowers had already been closed by the beetles. We interpret the fast, uninterrupted pollen foraging ofPtilothrix plumata bees as a strategy adapted to synchronous pollen presentation ofPavonia and to competition withPristimerus calcaratus: the female bees have to provision their brood cells before the beetles succeed in closing the flowers.  相似文献   

Summary Most passerines have all-purpose territories in which both breeding and feeding take place. However, Ortolan Buntings (Emberiza hortulana) in Norway seem to depend on foraging areas outside nesting territories. We used radio transmitters to study patterns of farmland use by Ortolan Buntings nesting on a burned forest area. Territories on the forest burn were located closer to farmland than expected by chance. Males were absent from territories on average 27 % of the time and used foraging areas up to 2.7 km away from their territories. Males had to fly over an average of 1.4 territories of other males to reach those foraging areas. The distance between territory and closest area of farmland (range 40–460 m) did not affect the proportion of time absent from territories, or other measures of farmland use. However, there was a trend that duration of absences increased with territory-farmland distance among mated males, and duration of absences were shorter during the nestling period than before. Thus, it seems that minimizing travel costs may be a behavioural strategy. Even so, males with territories close to farmland were not more often paired than males further away from farmland. These findings indicate that the spatial distribution of one habitat (farmland) affects territory establishment and foraging behaviour of Ortolan Buntings nesting in another habitat (a forest burn).
Nutzung von Ackerland durch Ortolane (Emberiza hortulana) einer benachbarten Brandfl?che
Zusammenfassung Bei den meisten Singv?geln ist das Revier sowohl Brut- als auch Nahrungsraum. Bei Ortolanen (Emberiza hortulana) in Norwegen, die auf Brandflachen brüten, scheint dies aber anders zu sein. Radiotelemetrische Untersuchen zeigten, dass sie von Nahrungsgründen au?erhalb der Brutterritorien abh?ngig sind. Die Nester auf den Brandflachen h?uften sich am Rand zum benachbarten Ackerland. M?nnchen waren durchschnittlich 27 % der Zeit vom Brutrevier abwesend und gingen his zu 2,7 km vom Brutplatz entfernt auf Nahrungssuche, wozu sie durchschnittlich 1,4 Reviere anderer M?nnchen überfliegen mussten. Der Abstand zwischen Brutrevier und n?chstem Nahrungsplatz (zwischen 40 und 460 m) hatte keinen Einfluss auf den Zeitanteil au?erhalb des Brutreviers. Die Dauer der Abwesenheit stieg jedoch bei verpaarten M?nnchen mit der Entfernung zwischen Brutrevier und Ackerland und sie war kürzer w?hrend der Nestlingsphase. Dies wird als Verhaltensstrategie zur Minimierung der Flugkosten interpretiert. M?nnchen mit Revieren n?her am Ackerland waren nicht h?ufiger verpaart als mehr entfernte Revierinhaber. Diese Untersuchungen zeigen, dass beim Ortolan die r?umliche Verteilung eines Habitats (hier Ackerland) einen Einfluss auf die Etablierung von Brutrevieren und das Nahrungssuchverhalten in einem anderen Lebensraum (hier Brandfl?chen) hat.

F. J. Pulido  M. Díaz 《Oecologia》1997,111(3):434-442
 In spite of recent theoretical interest, few field studies have addressed the links between individual behavioral decisions and population distribution. This work analyzes the foraging behavior of individuals and the spatial distribution of a population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) just before the main breeding season, when blue tit foraging was not affected by central-place or flocking behaviors. The study was carried out in open holm oak Quercus ilex woodlands (dehesas) that are patchy for canopy-foraging birds because of the scattered arrangement of trees. Residence time on each tree was not correlated either with previous flight time or with prey abundance in trees. Flight distances between trees were larger than average distances estimated in random samples of holm oaks taken close to foraging birds. Trees were not selected by birds on the basis of their expected energy costs and rewards. Bird abundance was not related to food availability in trees or to tree size across dehesas. However, bird abundance was strongly correlated with tree density and with the availability of tree holes for nesting, to the extent that the proportion of tits matched the proportions of both tree abundance and hole abundance across study plots. Overall, neither the behavior of individuals nor the distribution of the population of blue tits corresponded with food resources, which appeared superabundant; instead, tits appeared to behave and be distributed according to the distribution of structural resources such as trees and tree holes for nesting. Received: 18 August 1996 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   


The recently described solitary bee Monoeca catarina Aguiar (Apidae, Tapinotaspidini) is only known from two nest aggregations on Santa Catarina Island, state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Nests are excavated in sandy soils along trails near dunes and beaches. Up to 287 nests were counted in one aggregation. Bees were active for about seven weeks from late November to mid-January suggesting a univoltine life cycle. Males perform patrolling flights over the nest area and mate with females sitting on low vegetation. Males and females visited Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Verbenaceae) for nectar, and females were observed foraging on Tetrapterys sp. or Heteropterys sp. flowers (Malpighiaceae). Pollen loads consisted almost exclusively of Malpighiaceae pollen. Potential natural enemies are the cleptoparasitic bee Protosiris Roig-Alsina sp. (Apidae, Osirini) recorded within the aggregations, and the mutillid wasp Hoplocrates specularis (Gerstaecker) (Mutillidae, Sphaeropthalmini) seen entering the Monoeca nests and mating within the aggregations. Except for the soil characteristics, our observations on nesting and foraging behavior and associated potential enemies fit well into the facts reported from other Monoeca species.  相似文献   

Establishment of polyploid individuals within diploid populations is theoretically unlikely unless polyploids are reproductively isolated, pre-zygotically, through assortative pollination. Here, we quantify the contribution of pollinator diversity and foraging behaviour to assortative pollen deposition in three mixed-ploidy populations of Chamerion angustifolium (Onagraceae). Diploids and tetraploids were not differentiated with respect to composition of insect visitors. However, foraging patterns of the three most common insect visitors (all bees) reinforced assortative pollination. Bees visited tetraploids disproportionately often and exhibited higher constancy on tetraploids in all three populations. In total, 73% of all bee flights were between flowers of the same ploidy (2x–2x, 4x–4x); 58% of all flights to diploids and 83% to tetraploids originated from diploid and tetraploid plants, respectively. Patterns of pollen deposition on stigmas mirrored pollinator foraging behaviour; 73% of all pollen on stigmas (70 and 75% of pollen on diploid and tetraploid stigmas, respectively) came from within-ploidy pollinations. These results indicate that pollinators contribute to high rates of pre-zygotic reproductive isolation. If patterns of fertilization track pollen deposition, pollinator–plant interactions may help explain the persistence and spread of tetraploids in mixed-ploidy populations.  相似文献   

 We examined the influence of pollen competitive environment on pollen performance in Mirabilis jalapa. We used the number of pollen grains and the number of pollen tubes per pistil as measures of pollen competition. Pollen germination, pollen tube penetration into the style, and pollen tube growth rates were used as measures of pollen performance. All three measures of pollen performance were affected by the competitive environment. Pollen germination was greatest at intermediate pollen load sizes. The percentage of germinated pollen grains that penetrated the stigma and grew into the style decreased with pollen load size. Pollen tube growth rate in the style was greater and more variable with larger numbers of pollen tubes in the style. Controlling for the degree of selection at the stigma indicated that pollen-pollen or pollen-style interactions were the likely causes of increased growth rates. Received: 28 October 1996 / Revision accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

1. Females of the desert solitary bee Anthophora pauperata collect nectar and pollen almost exclusively from Alkanna orientalis (Boraginaceae). The bee and plant are found together in the early spring, living in the bottom of steep-sided wadis (dry river valleys) at an altitude of 1500 m in Egyptian Sinai. 2. Female A. pauperata showed clear morning and afternoon peaks in foraging activity, separated by a 2–3 h midday period spent in their underground nests. This study analyses the following in order to identify the factors structuring this daily pattern: thermal aspects of the bee and its environment, temporal patterns of resource provision by the plant, and female nectar and pollen foraging behaviour. 3. Although A. pauperata can generate substantial heat endothermically, morning and evening ambient temperatures well below 10 °C defined a thermal window within which foraging occurred. Maximum air temperatures were moderate (25–30 °C), and examination of the physiology and behaviour of A. pauperata suggests that the midday reduction in flight activity was not due to thermal constraints. 4. Alkanna orientalis produces protandrous hermaphroditic flowers. Female A. pauperata collected pollen from male-phase flowers and harvested nectar preferentially from female-phase flowers. Although the nectar standing crop was relatively constant throughout the day, pollen availability peaked strongly in the early afternoon. 5. Female A. pauperata visited young male-phase flowers as soon as they opened, generating an early afternoon peak in pollen foraging activity and depleting the pollen standing crop rapidly. A morning peak in pollen foraging occurred when females gleaned remnant pollen from flowers that had opened the previous day. Pollen availability in the morning was far lower than in the early afternoon, and the time taken to collect a full pollen load in the morning was significantly longer. Collection of pollen in the morning despite very low resource availability suggests that pollen may be a limiting resource for A. pauperata. 6. In contrast to many existing examples of bimodal activity patterns in highly endothermic bees, the bimodal activity patterns of female A. pauperata appear to be driven not by thermal considerations but by daily patterns of pollen release from its principal food source.  相似文献   

We used GPS data‐loggers, video‐recordings and dummy eggs to assess whether foraging needs may force the low incubation attentiveness (< 55%) of the Crab Plover Dromas ardeola, a crab‐eating wader of the Indian Ocean that nests colonially in burrows. The tidal cycle was the major determinant of the time budget and some foraging trips were more distant from the colony than previously known (up to 26 km away and lasting up to 45 h). The longest trips were mostly made by off‐duty parents, but on‐duty parents also frequently left the nest unattended while foraging for 1–7 h. However, the time spent at the colony area (47%) and the time spent roosting on the foraging grounds (16%) would have allowed almost continuous incubation, as in other species with shared incubation. Therefore, the low incubation attentiveness is not explained by the need for long foraging trips but is largely dependent on a high intermittent rhythm of incubation with many short recesses (5.8 ± 2.6 recesses/h) that were not spent foraging but just outside the burrow or thermoregulating at the seashore. As a result, the eggs were warmed on average only 1.7 °C above burrow temperature, slightly more during high tide periods and when burrow temperature was lower between 20:00 and 10:00 h, only partly counteracting the temperature fluctuations of the incubation chamber. These results suggest that low incubation attentiveness is due to the favourable thermal conditions provided by safe nesting burrows and by the hot tropical breeding season, a combination that allows simultaneous foraging by parents and the exploitation of distant foraging grounds. Why Crab Plovers engage in many short recesses from incubation still remains to be clarified but the need to thermoregulate at the seashore and to watch for predators may play a role.  相似文献   

  • Analyses of resource presentation, floral morphology and pollinator behaviour are essential for understanding specialised plant‐pollinator systems. We investigated whether foraging by individual bee pollinators fits the floral morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis, whose flowers are characterised by a nectar scale‐staminode complex and pollen release by thigmonastic stamen movements.
  • We described pollen and nectar presentation, analysed the breeding system and the foraging strategy of bee pollinators. We determined the nectar production pattern and documented variations in the longevity of floral phases and stigmatic pollen loads of pollinator‐visited and unvisited flowers.
  • Bicolletes indigoticus (Colletidae) was the sole pollinator with females revisiting flowers in staminate and pistillate phases at short intervals, guaranteeing cross‐pollen flow. Nectar stored in the nectar scale‐staminode complex had a high sugar concentration and was produced continuously in minute amounts (~0.09 μl·h?1). Pushing the scales outward, bees took up nectar, triggering stamen movements and accelerating pollen presentation. Experimental simulation of this nectar uptake increased the number of moved stamens per hour by a factor of four. Flowers visited by pollinators received six‐fold more pollen on the stigma than unvisited flowers, had shortened staminate and pistillate phases and increased fruit and seed set.
  • Flower handling and foraging by Bicolletes indigoticus were consonant with the complex flower morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis. Continuous nectar production in minute quantities but at high sugar concentration influences the pollen foraging of the bees. Partitioning of resources lead to absolute flower fidelity and stereotyped foraging behaviour by the sole effective oligolectic bee pollinator.

The aim of this paper is to characterise theairborne behaviour of an allergenic andabundant pollen type, Platanus, in sevensites of the Aerobiological Network ofCatalonia (Xarxa Aerobiològica deCatalunya, XAC). In Catalonia, the mostextended Platanus species is Platanus × hybrida Brot., widely planted inforestry and as ornamental tree in streets andgardens. Naturalised specimens can also befound along river banks.The pollen records analysed are from differentperiods comprised between 1994 and 2000 inBarcelona, Bellaterra, Cambrils, Girona,Lleida, Manresa and Tarragona. All data wereobtained using seven-day volumetric spore Hirsttraps.Platanus pollination is concentrated in afew weeks, between March and April. Platanus pollen is present in all theatmospheric pollen spectra for the sitesmentioned above. In Barcelona, Platanuspollen attained the highest concentrations,with an extreme annual index (sum of the meandaily concentrations) of 25790 in 1997, and amaximum daily concentration of 2567 P/m3on 15th March 2000. The lowest annual index(647) corresponds to Cambrils, 2000, and thelowest maximum daily concentration (74P/m3) was registered on 7th April1996, in Manresa.The interannual variation of Platanuspollen values can be explained not only bymeteorological parameters and the endogenousfactors of the tree, but also by human activitysuch as elimination, pruning and watering.  相似文献   

We describe cooperative hunting by Brown-necked Raven (Corvus ruficollis) on Egyptian Mastigure (Uromastyx aegyptius) in the Arava Valley, Israel. At first, in all nine observed hunts, the ravens were observed to be in the vicinity and were seen simultaneously. The Mastigure was almost always at a distance from the burrow entrance and either foraging on the bushes or lying flattened on a bush sunning itself. The attack started when a circling pair of ravens flew in at high speed and landed on the entrance of the burrow, cutting off the escape route of the lizard. Following this maneuver, the other ravens attacked the lizard. The ravens pecked randomly at the most exposed part of the lizard, eventually causing its death. Only when the lizard was evidently dead did the two individuals that blocked the escape route join in the feeding ravens.  相似文献   

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