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Cette publication présente les résultats d’une étude de 6.263 spécimens de Xylocopinae récoltés en France métropolitaine (France continentale et Corse) et en Belgique et qui proviennent de récoltes personnelles et de 63 institutions et collections privées. Les Xylocopinae de France sont représentées par 11 espèces du genre Ceratina et 4 espèces du genre Xylocopa. Seules deux de ces espèces sont présentes en Belgique : Xylocopa violacea (L.) et Ceratina cyanea (Kirby). Un nouveau sous-genre pour le genre Ceratina est décrit : Dalyatina n. subg. Il comporte l’espèce méditerranéenne Ceratina parvula Smith présente en France, ainsi que six autres espèces d’Afrique subsaharienne. Pour chaque genre, sous-genre et espèce, les auteurs fournissent une diagnose, une diagnose différentielle, la liste des fleurs visitées, la liste des sites de nidification, la carte de distribution en France métropolitaine, un diagramme phénologique et une clé d’identifi cation des genres, sous-genres et espèces. La systématique, la biogéographie, l’écologie et le sexe ratio des espèces sont présentés et discutés. Les Xylocopinae apparaissent comme très largement polylectiques mais montrent une très nette affinité envers les Lamiaceae, les Asteraceae Cardueae et, pour le genre Xylocopa, envers les Fabaceae. Toutes les espèces présentent une phénologie estivale qui s’étend d’avril à septembre. Le sexe-ratio de la plupart des espèces est biaisé vers les femelles. Aucun mâle de C. parvula, pour 120 femelles, n’a été observé ce qui suggère que, en France du moins, l’espèce pourrait se reproduire par parthénogenèse thélytoque comme c’est le cas de C. dallatorreana Friese. La publication comprend 62 dessins au trait, 18 photos au microscope électronique à balayage, 17 cartes, 14 graphiques de phénologie, une liste de 232 espèces de fleurs visitées par les Xylocopinae, dont 176 observations originales, et 171 références.  相似文献   

L'analyse pollinique de 130 échantillons de miel issus de six zones de végétation depuis le Maroc jusqu'au Golfe de Guinée, met en évidence les principals différences dans le comportement d'affouragenemt de quatre variétés d'Apis mellifera (adansonii et sahariensis à langue longue; major et intermissa à langue courte). Dans la zone tropicale humide forestière guinéo-congolaise et intermédiare guinéo-congolaise/soudanienne, les abeilles sont très sélectives dans leur choix; elles privilégient les sommets très fleuris des frondaisons proches des ruches où elles recherchent les gros fournisseurs de nectar parmi les espèces melittophiles de préférence. Quelques rares taxons anémophiles porteurs de miellat (Celtis) sont localement visités. Au sein de ces forêts, le comportement d'affouragement des abeilles varie peu quelque soit la saison. Dans les zones plus sèches soudaniennes ou semi-arides de savane et dans les régions méditerranéennes ou intermédiaires sahéliennes et méditerranéennes, les abeilles apparaissent moins sélectives et exploitent une très large proportion de la flore mélittophile ou amphiphile disponible, ainsi qu'une proportion plus élevée d'anémophiles à miellat, surtout en région méditerranéenne. En savane, le comportement de butinage varie suivant les saisons: la strate arborescente est principalement visitée au cours de la saison sèche tandis que celle herbacée en fleur est exploitée durant la saison humide. Le rythme des successions des floraisons est ainsi perceptible dans la composition pollinique des miels. En zone méditerranéenne, la strate herbacée est celle qui fournit le plus de nectar, à l'exception de certaines essences introduites, comme les Eucalyptus en fin de saison des pluies / début de saison sèche. En zone humide forestière, de nombreux arbres prèsentent de grandes fleurs colorées odoriférantes produisant de grandes quantités de nectar au cours des deux saisons. Au contraire, en zone méditerranénenne, la plupart des fleurs nectarifères portées par des herbacées sont petites et donnent peu de nectar. Dès lors, les abeilles sont obligées d'élargir leur champ de butinage. La composition floristique des miels ne reflète réellement la structure de la végétation que dans le cas des régions sèches où les abeilles exploitent l'ensemble de la végétation. En revanche dans les régions tropicales humides forestières ou de savane arborée, le spectre pollinique des miels ne correspond qu'aux formations végétales entourant les ruches parfois représentatives des grands types de végétation de la région. Seules alors les endémiques ou certaines associations spécifiques permettent une bonne typification des miels. Le degré de sélectivité des abeilles vis à vis de la flore ne paraît être influencé que par la morphologie florale, la phénologie et les facteurs climatiques les conditionnant ainsi que par la longueur de la langue.

The pollen analysis presented here concern about 130 honey samples from six vegetation zones from Morocco to the Gulf of Guinea. They illustrate the principal differences in foraging behaviour between four bee races of Apis mellifera (adansonii and sahariensis with a long tongue; intermedia and major with a short tongue). In the tropical rain forest guineo-congolian and intermediate guineo-congolian/sudanian regions, the bees are very selective in their choice. They favour near the hives the richly flowering forest canopy of honey-producing entomophilous species. Some rare anemophilous taxons with honeydew (Celtis) are localy visited. In such forest, the foraging behaviour is not very different between dry or wet season. In the drier soudanian or semi-arid savannah and in the mediterrenean and intermediate sahelian and mediterranean zones the bees sem less selective and gather on a very large part of the melittophilous or other available species. They also gather on a high proportion of anemophilous species with honeydew, in particular in mediterranean regions. In savannah country the foraging varies with the seasons, the forest stratum is principaly visited during the dry season and the herbaceous stratum during the wet season. The rhythm of successive flowering is thus visible in the honey pollen spectra. In the mediterranean region the herbaceous stratum produces most of the nectar with the exception of some introduced species like Eucalyptus at the end of the wet season/beginning of the dry season. In wet forest zone many trees have large fragrant and highly coloured flowers producing abundant nectar. On the other hand, the nectariferous flowers, small and containing little nectar are found on herbaceous plants in the mediterranean region. Here the bees need to extend widely their gathering area. Consequently the pollen spectra of the honey correspond to the composition of the vegetation only in the dry regions where the bees exploit all available species. In contrast, in tropical rainforest or tree-savannah regions the pollen spectrum of the honey agrees only with the vegetation formation in the vicinity of the hives, sometimes representative of the major vegetation types of the region. Only endemics or certain species associations allow a clear identification of the honeys. The degree of selectivity of the bees is only influenced by floral morphology, phenoloay, climatic factors and the length of the tongue. It appears independant of the morphology and the race of the insects. This explains why bees adapt so well their foraging behaviour to major vegetation types as this can be seen in the America where they were introduced.  相似文献   

The classification of the ovarian stages remains still vague. The ultrastructure of the basal follicle made it possible to solve this problem. From the sixth to the eighth day of the worker bee's adult life, the length of the ovariole hardly exceeds 2 mm. The basal oocytes of stages 1 and 2 are characterized by the presence of many ranges of granules encircled by the dilated cylinders of the granular endoplasmic reticulum. These cylinders decondensate the proteinic granules and the lipidic globules generating multivesicular bodies. The basal oocyte, at the third stage of development, measures 0.35+/-0.05 mm in length. This stage of the previtellogenesis' end is characterized by the appearance, in the ooplasm, of many tubules, whose dilated end constitutes a lysosome. At the beginning of the second week, vitellogenesis starts. Stage 4 is defined by the appearance, in the ooplasm, of the yellow granules in relationship to the tubular formations. At the 14th to 16th days of the adult life, 25+/-7.1% of the worker bees reach the end vitellogenesis, or stage 5. The ovariole, about 7 mm in length, contains 11 follicles. This stage 5 is distinguished by the synthesis from the vitelline membrane, the regression of the size of yellow granules and the accessory cores. The sixth stage or oocyte maturation is reached by 12.5+/-3.5% of the workers aged 18 to 20 days. It is defined by the presence of the chorion, the dissolution of the yellow granules, the disappearance of the accessory nuclei and the total degeneration of the follicular cells.  相似文献   

  1. 1.
    Teucrium scorodonia L. je víceletá lody?natá rostlina, která vy?aduje nejméně osmitýdenní jarovizaci p?i 3°C teploty. Indukce a po?átek kvetení probíhají na dlouhém dni.  相似文献   

The human lineage has a very ancient origin, as most of the mammals. Its oldest representatives, anthropoid primates, have been described from Asia some 45 million years ago. During this long evolutionary story, two critical stages have appeared as especially important, their beginning in Asia and the emergence of hominids in Africa, some seven million years ago. These two stages are discussed hereby with new data relative to their Asian origins and their dispersal into Africa between 45 and 40 million years ago. Following this dispersal event, these primates evolved in Africa and gave rise to the early hominids. These appeared around seven million years ago and have three distinct representatives. Among them, Toumaï appears as the oldest and the closest to our ancestry, a point that is evidenced here.  相似文献   

Biologia Plantarum - On a traité des graines d’orge à différentes fréquences ultrasonores (30, 80, 570, 720, 960 kHz) avec des puissances de 2 à 5 W/cm2, de 5 à...  相似文献   

The birth of agriculture east of the Fertile Crescent, between the Iranian plateau, Central Asia and South Asia, is poorly known. This area is vast and the archaeological data relating to this period, the Neolithic, is extremely limited. Most researchers agree that plants and animals’ domestication was introduced in this area from south-west Asia, similarly to what happened in Europe. In this scenario, agriculture emerged in the Fertile Crescent, between the Levant, Anatolia and the Zagros, 12.000 to 11.000 years ago, and then spread to other regions further east, across the Iranian plateau to Central Asia and the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent, beginning between the 8th and 7th millennia BCE. This article summarizes the main available data relating to this topic with a focus on the Indo-Iranian Borderlands, between southeastern Iran and Pakistan. Currently available paleoclimatic, paleogenetic and archaeological records are presented. A synthesis and discussion is then provided in the conclusion as well as reconstructions based on these records. Issues or challenges relating to the research on the earliest farming villages are mentioned while directions for future research are evoked.  相似文献   

A study of the most important polliniferous plants for European and Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) was made in Quintana Roo state. Comparisons were made between the plants visited by both bee types in order to determine whether there were qualitative or quantitative differences in their choice of plant species. Also some foraging strategies of the honeybees were analysed. Pollen from pollen load samples was acetolysed and mounted on slides. Subsequently the pollen grains were identified, counted and photographed. A total of 206 pollen load samples were collected at Palmas and St. Teresa during two years. The most frequent species in the pollen load samples from European and Africanized honeybees were Cecropia peltata, Metopium brownei, Lonchocarpus sp. 2, Viguiera dentata, Eragrostis sp. 1, Bursera simaruba and Eupatorium albicaule. Both types of honey bees show a high reliance on pollen from only a few species, the first five named above comprised around 50% of all the mean percentage frequencies. Families that contributed with the largest number of pollen species were Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Sapindaceae, Poaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae and Tiliaceae. C. peltata, Trema micrantha, B. simaruba, Eugenia sp. 1, Thouinia canesceras, Pouteria sp. 1, Mimosa bahamensis and V. dentata, were the pollen species with the largest percentages of occurrence in both European and Africanized bee pollen load samples, and also represent a "long-term" food resources during the year.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic organisms are much used nowadays as bio-indicators for their ability to reflect different disturbances of aquatic ecosystems. However, they have never been used to assess the ecological status of the lagoons of Benin. The current study aims at revealing the ecological state of the lagoon of Porto-Novo through the study of changes in the settlement of benthic organisms collected in this lagoon. The sampling was carried out from July 2007 to June 2009 on a frequency of four seasons of collection per year. The self-organizing map (SOM) of Kohonen has been used for various patterns of distribution of collected organisms. A discriminant analysis (AFD) has allowed the identification of the parameters that govern the patterns observed in this environment. Four groups of macrobenthic communities emerged that were well predicted (75%). The distribution of benthic macro invertebrates of this lagoon is therefore zonal, seasonal and discriminated by variables of mineralization and sediment grain size. The difference in taxonomic richness corresponds to environmental conditions of stations appearing more or less stable and highlighting a gradient of the stress on organisms. Places with unstable conditions are affected by human activities due to their proximity to homes that are enriched in organic matter. These places are full of polluted-tolerant species such as the Gastropods Potamididae, Cirratulidae Polychaetes, Diptera Chironomidae and Oligochaeta. The macrobenthic fauna, which is well differentiated in the groups, is then subjected to human disturbance.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(5):317-324
Application of the fuzzy set theory to the biometric evaluation of the species Nummulites millecaput in the western part of the Tethys. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the ability of the fuzzy-set theory to contribute to the evaluation of paleontological problems. As an example, the species Nummulites millecaput, Boubée has been chosen. One hundred specimens of this species, collected from four localities (Arrimblar, Adelholzen, Dudar, and Mount-Kotuc) have been prepared (equatorial sections) for the biometric measurement of the external and internal characteristics. First a traditional statistical evaluation was performed, followed by the construction of membership functions, the latter ones expressing in the best way the transitions from one locality to the other. The results of this evaluation confirmed that from Aquitaine (France) to Armenia, the same species – Nummulites millecaput – was distributed during the Eocene. To cite this article: G. Bárdossy et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

Résumé En vue d'une étude, au laboratoire, de la nodulation et de la symbiose plante-bactérie des préparations de protoplastes de mésophylle et de nodule racinaire ont été effectuées chez le haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris variété Constant). Pour chaque préparation, les conditions opératoires et les concentrations optimales de cellulase et de pectinase en solution, dans du mannitol 0,6M ont été définies.Áprès 15 jours, 10 à 15% des protoplastes de mésophylle mis en culture dans le milieu B5 de Gamborg se divisent 2 à 3 fois. Des essais de fusion réalisés avec des faibles densités cellulaires entre protoplastes de mésophylle et protoplastes de nodule ont, donné des taux de fusion de l'ordre de 2,43%.
Study of the symbiosis Rhizobium-legume: Preparation of isolated cells forin vitro study
Summary With a view to studyin vitro the processes of nodulation and plant-bacteria symbiosis, preparation of mesophyll protoplasts and root nodule protoplasts have been realized fromPhaseolus vulgaris (Constant var.).For every preparation the process of experimentation and optimum concentrations of cellulase and pectinase diluted in mannitol 0,6M have been defined.After a 15 days' period, 10 to 15% of mesophyll protoplasts divided twice or even three times in B5 Gamborg's medium. Although we used low rate cell concentrations, root nodule protoplasts and mesophyll protoplasts have been able to fuse in the proportion of 2,43%.

An annotated checklist of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) is compiled for Guadeloupe, an island located in the Lesser Antilles of the eastern Caribbean. The list has seventeen species, including three exotic species to the Caribbean, two apparently endemic of Guadeloupe, six species only known from the Caribbean and five species that occur both on the mainland and the Caribbean. The list is created using data from literature and from our own field researches, carried out between 2011 and 2013. A list of visited flowers, along with ecological notes for each species is also given.  相似文献   

Notre étude menée durant les années 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 et 2013 sur le genre Andrena (Hymenoptera : Apoidea, Andrenidae) dans la région saharienne de l’Algérie orientale, a permis de dégager une liste d’espèces. La localité d’El Oued est prospectée pour la première fois et 383 spécimens ont été collectés (82 mâles, 301 femelles). On dénombre 30 espèces. La phénologie et les choix floraux sont aussi étudiés.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(2):125-132
Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the study of ancient DNA. The properties of ancient DNA (aDNA) make difficult the retrieval of DNA sequence. The advantage of Real-Time PCR was exploited, for the first time, in the study of aDNA. We determined the optimal condition to amplify, in one round of PCR, aDNA, which should be directly sequenced. Beside the verification of aDNA authenticity, we compared two cleaning bone methods: scalpel and ethanol. The ethanol specimens showed the best DNA yield. The aDNA was extracted and amplified (mitochondrial hypervariable region I) from five skeletons exhumed from the archaeological site of Notre-Dame-du-Bourg (France), dated from 3rd to 17th century. To cite this article: R. Kefi et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003) 125–132.  相似文献   

We report a case of increased Indium 111 pentetreotide (Octreoscan®) uptake in the processus incinatus of pancreas. 68 Gallium somatostatin analog radiotracer uptake in the head of the pancreas is a common finding, however, this pitfall has never been described with Indium 111 pentetreotide SPECT.  相似文献   

Abrigo de la Quebrada offers an exceptional sequence with nine occupation levels which seven belongs to Middle Paleolithic. The division between levels II to V and VII to IX by a sterile level VI allow us to study diachronic changes on raw materials and knapping systems. This data is compared with other contemporary sites to evaluate technological trends and the raw material availability in the central region of Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

In healthcare, technologies have a critical role in diagnostic, treatment and monitoring of the patients, either in hospitals settings or at home. But in order to be used in clinical routine, their assessment does not always comply with strict scientific criteria. In some situations, these technologies can also turn out useless, too costly or dangerous when integrated without precaution in the healthcare professional environment. In France, to address this issue, the Ministry of Health and the National Agency for Research in Medicine have installed new “Innovative Technologies” (IT) modules attached to existing Centres for Clinical Research (CRC). Eight CRC-IT (in short, CIT) have been accredited in different technological domains. They may support and secure the dissemination of promising IT applications in healthcare by assessing (i) the actual benefit for the patients, or medical service rendered, (ii) the potential drawbacks and (iii) the anticipated Return On Investment for the healthcare system. The procedures used to evaluate other healthcare innovations such as new drugs cannot be applied for the evaluation of innovative technologies. CIT also have to adapt their methodology to the type of device and domain. Besides the impact on the patient or public health, CIT are able to analyze the impact of innovative technologies on the quality of care and on their use by professionals.  相似文献   

Le cancer du col de l’utérus reste un problème de santé publique puisque 900 000 nouveaux cas sont diagnostiqués chaque année de par le monde [Luthra] et il est responsable en France de plus de 1600 décès par an. Pourtant, depuis plus de 40 ans, le dépistage de masse des précurseurs du cancer invasif est tout à fait réalisable et le traitement des anomalies cervicales pré-invasives amène généralement à la guérison.  相似文献   

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