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Race to the Future is an exciting and dynamic activity modeled after the reality television show The Amazing Race. It exemplifies how 21st century skills can be incorporated into core subject instruction and at the same time positively enhance student engagement. In this activity, students work quickly and cooperatively with their teammates and use 21st century skills to successfully decipher five clues related to science content. We have used this activity with excellent results with different groups of students (middle school, high school, and university students), for different purposes (ice-breaker, team-building, course assessment, and evaluation), and in broad curriculum areas (science and math). However, the activity is especially powerful when introduced during the first day or week of class. The meaningful and enjoyable student collaboration, the upbeat class environment, and the enhanced student engagement achieved at the conclusion of this challenging activity set an optimal teaching and learning environment for the entire quarter/semester.  相似文献   

脑科学研究对于人类不断认识自身与世界有着重要意义,近年来主要发达国家纷纷制订脑科学研究规划,加大对脑科学研究的投入,力图占领这一领域的研究制高点,并推动相关产业的进步。分析了世界脑科学发展的总体态势,介绍了我国脑科学研究的总体部署和突出进展,并探讨了脑科学研究的发展前景。  相似文献   

Mealworms, yum yum! Insects are an exciting way for middle school students to acquire science process skills. A teacher eating a mealworm will certainly capture the attention of students, and explaining the common practice of insect eating among people in other countries is a great way to include culture in a science lesson. This article provides the teacher with basic information on: (a) how to set up and maintain a mealworm colony, (b) instructions on setting up an observational journal as well as a sample organizational template, and (c) a number of explorations and activities to do with mealworms.  相似文献   

现代科学技术中的生态研究问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境污染、生态问题是当今世界所面临的主要问题,研究环境的保护与改善,首先必须解决生态失调问题。生态问题已成为众多学科涉足研究的课题。生态学的基本理论和方法就客观成为各学科处理生态问题所依据的准则,  相似文献   

The main purposes of this activity are to help students explore possible factors affecting the extent of the damage of earthquakes and learn the ways to reduce earthquake damages. In these inquiry-based activities, students have opportunities to develop science process skills and to build an understanding of the relationship among science, technology, and society as recommended in the National Science Education Standards.  相似文献   

Choosing what scientific project to pursue is the most important decision that scientists at all levels continually face. Time devoted to a project can further desirable knowledge and advance a career or cost years in lost opportunity. Knowing what to consider before embarking on a specific scientific journey, as well as when to drop a project and change course, offers a way of practicing science that keeps us mindful of what is relevant at a given time and place while preserving our freedom to explore the most exciting findings. This article explores both the pressures that restrict this delicate decision-making process and the processes that scientists can apply to overcome those pressures. Above all else, as it turns out, we must still love the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake – and this love directly impacts our results.  相似文献   

In this article, the author describes activities that have been proven to teach young learners to sort and classify objects that contain more than one attribute. The activities require that students employ the use of sorting hoops and attribute blocks to create Venn diagrams, the assembly of which requires practice. The author also describes crosscurricular uses of these learning tools.  相似文献   

The authors illustrate an effective lessonplanning technique known as unpacking for the broad topic of water. Interconnections among science disciplines are shown for numerous possible subtopics. Two lesson sets are included, the first dealing with properties of water and the second dealing with water as a resource.  相似文献   

Professor Richard Hobbs has had a profound influence on the development of the discipline of restoration ecology. With more than 300 publications spanning a broad scope of applied ecological sciences, he has collaborated with hundreds of researchers. His sometimes‐provocative insights, balanced by extensive empirical research, will have a lasting impact by encouraging people to think more broadly about the science and practice of ecological restoration. Here, on the eve of his retirement, some of his staff and students, past and present, take a retrospective look at his contributions to restoration ecology both as a scientist and as a mentor.  相似文献   

刘艳艳  史志远  李家美 《广西植物》2022,42(Z1):110-115
高校标本馆作为重要的科普和教学实践基地,是连接大学与社会的桥梁,在提升高校社会影响力和加快高校发展中起着重要作用。目前,高校标本馆普遍存在经费少和缺乏管理等问题。如何立足高校现状,有效解决标本采集和标本数字化过程中耗时耗力的难题,建设具有地方特色的新型植物标本馆,是高校标本馆建设关注的焦点之一。该文以河南农业大学植物标本馆新馆建设为例,介绍了河南农业大学标本馆成立以来,充分发挥高校的人力资源优势,让学生通过实验课或野外实习积极参与新型植物标本馆的建设,基本实现了标本采集、制作、鉴定和数字化的同步进行。在这一过程中,既有效锻炼了学生能力,加深了学生对植物形态的认识,发挥了植物标本馆在教学、科学研究及科学普及中的积极作用,又极大地丰富了标本馆馆藏量,有效地促进了高校新型植物标本馆的发展。  相似文献   

Everyone needs strong observational skills to solve challenging problems and make informed decisions. However, many students expect to find exact answers to their questions by using the internet and do not understand the role of uncertainty, especially in decision making and scientific research. Humans and other animals choose among many options by using information about their environment. During this activity, students use their observational skills to analyze data from images of grass shrimp and a highly variable salt-marsh habitat as case studies for prioritizing different pieces of information. They gain an increased appreciation of natural variability and learn to build a consensus in a scenario that has no correct answer.  相似文献   

Much of the research on the nitrogen cycle aims to improving scientific understanding but is not focused specifically on removing or reducing the scientific uncertainties that constrain policy makers in the formulation of appropriate responses to old or emerging environmental problems. Policy makers, for example, commonly find it difficult to assess the spatial or temporal importance of the various risks to human and ecosystem health that stem from man's interference with the natural N cycle. This paper will justify this conclusion by reference to the findings of a recent study on non-point pollution from crop production in China. The findings concern the perceived risks of groundwater nitrate to human health; uncertainties about critical NOx levels and their interactions with other pollutants; various other dimensions of man's impact on the N cycle. The paper will go on to suggest a more systematic process or pathway by which scientists can select and design their research in a manner that could give more effective support to policy makers.  相似文献   

The current enthusiasm for the circular economy (CE) offers a unique opportunity to advance the impact of research on sustainability transitions. Diverse interpretations of CE by scholars, however, produce partly opposing assessments of its potential benefits, which can hinder progress. Here, we synthesize policy-relevant lessons and research directions for a sustainable CE and identify three narratives—optimist, reformist, and skeptical—that underpin the ambiguity in CE assessments. Based on 54 key CE scholars’ insights, we identify three research needs: the articulation and discussion of ontologically distinct CE narratives; bridging of technical, managerial, socio-economic, environmental, and political CE perspectives; and critical assessment of opportunities and limits of CE science–policy interactions. Our findings offer practical guidance for scholars to engage reflexively with the rapid expansion of CE knowledge, identify and pursue high-impact research directions, and communicate more effectively with practitioners and policymakers.  相似文献   

Much of the research on the nitrogen cycle aims to improving scientific understanding but is not focused specifically on removing or reducing the scientific uncertainties that constrain policy makers in the formulation of appropriate responses to old or emerging environmental problems. Policy makers, for example, commonly find it difficult to assess the spatial or temporal importance of the various risks to human and ecosystem health that stem from man's interference with the natural N cycle. This paper will justify this conclusion by reference to the findings of a recent study on non-point pollution from crop production in China. The findings concern the perceived risks of groundwater nitrate to human health; uncertainties about critical NOX levels and their interactions with other pollutants; various other dimensions of man's impact on the N cycle. The paper will go on to suggest a more systematic process or pathway by which scientists can select and design their research in a manner that could give more effective support to policy makers.  相似文献   


In this study, a process was designed, in which a lemon seed grew into a seedling, using the inquiry-based science learning approach. This aimed to increase the overall development of the scientific process skills of children and their sensitivity to nature. The germination, growth and development of a plant were meticulously and systematically observed in a long period from seed to seedling. This process contributed to the children’s integration of scientific process skills based on observation and measurement and structuring of concepts related to germination, growth and development in science lessons. It also supported the development of children’s love of nature through allowing them to make meaningful connections with nature.  相似文献   

Code review increases reliability and improves reproducibility of research. As such, code review is an inevitable step in software development and is common in fields such as computer science. However, despite its importance, code review is noticeably lacking in ecology and evolutionary biology. This is problematic as it facilitates the propagation of coding errors and a reduction in reproducibility and reliability of published results. To address this, we provide a detailed commentary on how to effectively review code, how to set up your project to enable this form of review and detail its possible implementation at several stages throughout the research process. This guide serves as a primer for code review, and adoption of the principles and advice here will go a long way in promoting more open, reliable, and transparent ecology and evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

In this interdisciplinary and field-based activity, grade 5 to 9 students engage in a comprehensive scientific study of snow. Through a series of in-class and out-of-class structured interdisciplinary and team-teaching lesson progressions, students will collect data to be able to analyze and apply knowledge about weather, the physical properties of snow, and the structure of matter that will increase understanding about the nature of science.  相似文献   

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