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高原青少年最大有氧能力的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用自行车递增负荷运动试验,对青海西宁地区(海拔2260m)86名13~16岁男女中学生的最大摄氧量,无氧阈以及血氧饱和度等指标进行了测定。结果表明,高原青少年的最大摄氧量较低,而无氧阈则较高。血氧饱和度随负荷增加逐渐降低,在接近极限负荷时迅速下降,提示高原低氧是限制最大运动能力的主要因素。无氧阈较高说明高原青少年组织细胞利用氧的能力提高,这是对高原低氧环境长期适应的结果。  相似文献   

目的:通过运用水槽对上海优秀青少年游泳运动员有氧能力进行测试,掌握其有氧能力水平。方法:运用游泳水槽进行递增负荷测试,测试最大摄氧量(VO2max)、相对最大摄氧量(VO2max/kg)、呼吸熵(RQ)、最高乳酸(BLamax)和乳酸恢复率(RQ%)等指标。结果:男、女运动员的起始速度为1.20 m/s和1.16 m/s,每分钟递增0.04 m/s的VO2max测试模式是青少年运动员的适宜模式;上海优秀青少年男子和女子游泳运动员VO2max/kg分别为(59.06±5.20)ml/(min.kg)和(57.20±2.81)ml/(min.kg)。结论:上海优秀男、女青少年游泳运动员的VO2max/kg低于国外优秀运动员,乳酸清除代谢的能力强于国内运动员。  相似文献   

本工作调查了常氧和三种减压低氧环境中,中度吸气阻力(IR,0.44kPa·s·L ̄(-1)负荷对最大有氧工作能力(VO_(2max))的影响。受试者为6名健康的男性青年。结果表明:无IR负荷及IR负荷条件下,VO_(2max)和耐力时间(ET)均显示出随低氧程度的增加而显著降低(P<0.01);与常氧环境的结果相似,在低氧环境中IR负荷导致了VO_(2max)的进一步减小(P<0.01)。上述结果提示,无论常氧和低氧环境,中度的IR负荷均可导致人员极限工作能力的下降。  相似文献   

目的:探讨天津市男子橄榄球运动员高原冬训期间心率和某些生化指标的变化规律,为运动员身体机能监控及合理安排运动负荷提供依据。方法:10名男子橄榄球运动员在云南昆明呈贡训练基地(海拔1 906.6 m)进行为期8周冬训,大致分为高原适应阶段(第1周)、体能储备阶段(第2~4周)、春节调整周(第5周)、技战术训练阶段(第6~8周)四个阶段。运用Polar-Team2心率表对冬训期间各阶段训练课的心率进行跟踪测试;并测试血红蛋白(Hb)、血尿素氮(BUN)、肌酸激酶(CK)等生化指标的变化。结果:①第2~4周最高心率(188.43±12.18 beats/min)、平均心率(125.43±9.11 beats/min)分别高于第1周最高心率(167.43±10.23 beats/min,P<0.05)、平均心率(101.05±12.81 beats/min,P<0.05);第6~8周最高心率(192.91±9.05 beats/min,P<0.05)、平均心率(116.28±11.54 beats/min,P<0.05)均高于第1周;第2~4周平均心率高于第6~8周(P<0.05)。②冬训期间Hb基本处于正常范围内,第7周时出现明显升高(161.17±17.97 g/L),较冬训前显著增加(P<0.05);BUN出现先升高后下降的变化,峰值出现在第4周(7.64±1.53 mmol/L),较冬训前显著提高(P<0.05),第5周后下降,基本保持在冬训前水平;CK处于较高水平,峰值分别出现在第3周(312.11±134.32 U/L)和第6周(274.50±72.21 U/L),第7~8显著下降。结论:橄榄球运动员高原冬训期间应加强对Hb和CK检测,Hb保持在较高水平、血清CK水平约200~300 U/L,可使运动员身体机能较好地适应高原训练要求。  相似文献   


采用实验室递增负荷运动试验和运动现场血乳酸的测定,研究了高原(2260m)女子公路自行车运动员的通气无氧阈、乳酸阈及最大氧耗量。结果发现,通气无氧阈时的氧耗量为2.03l/min,功率为131.4W;乳酸阈(以运动速度表示)为33.0km/h。通气无氧阈时对应的心率(137次/min)低于乳酸阈的心率(153次/min)。最大氧耗量的绝对值(2.8l/min)和相对值(47.4ml/kg.min)分别比平原运动员低22.2%和22.9%,但与平原运动员高原训练期间的测试值(2.8l/min)比较,高原与平原运动员最大氧耗量的差异消失。在相同氧耗量(2.8l/min)条件下运动时,高原运动员完成的功率(251W)低于平原运动员(274W)。  相似文献   

一些细菌和真菌的解磷能力及其机理初探*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
4株细菌和8株真菌培养6d后,发现培养液中有机酸含量大幅度增加,pH大幅度地下降,磷的含量大幅度增加,真菌比细菌表现出更强的溶解磷矿粉的能力。不同的微生物分泌有机酸的数量和种类差别很大,真菌分泌的有机酸种类比细菌要多。但是,培养液中有机酸总量与解磷量之间并不存在显著的相关性。  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the relationship between aerobic fitness and metabolic power metrics in elite male soccer players, and the possible differences that playing positions might impose during match play over new metabolic power metrics. Sixty-two elite professional male soccer players (13 central backs, 13 side backs, 22 midfielders, and 14 forwards) took part in the study. Players were monitored during eleven months of full training (including pre-season and in-season) and over all official matches (Serie A matches, Italy Cup matches). Aerobic fitness tests were conducted one week after the start of the preseason, and 8, 24 and 36 weeks after the beginning of the Championship. Players’ aerobic fitness and metabolic power metrics were considered as the mean of all seasonal testing and of pooling data of 38 championship matches and 3 or 6 Italy Cup matches for all the calculations respectively. The velocity at 4 mmol·L-1 (VL4) was significantly related to metabolic power metrics match variables with correlation ranging from trivial to very large (r = 0.32 to r = 0.89). Receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that speed at VL4 was sensitive in detecting high metabolic power distance (HMPD) changes in all but central back players as revealed by area under the curve (central back .78, 95%CI .47 to .95; full back .93, 95%CI .64 to 0.99; midfielder .88, 95%CI .67 to 0.98; forward .90, 95%CI .62 to 0.99). This study’s findings provide further evidence for the ecological validity of aerobic fitness in elite male soccer players. Players having a HMPD cut-off equal to or higher than > 1450 m for central backs, > 1990 m for full backs, > 2170 m for midfielders and > 1670 m for forwards may be considered as possessing superior aerobic fitness status. In light of this study’s findings, the VL4 test may be considered a valid test to evaluate meaningful information for direct generic aerobic training in soccer players.  相似文献   

目的:通过对台阶-VO2max、台阶-PWC170-VO2max、功率车-VO2max三种间接测量有氧能力结果与直接法-VO2max进行相关性分析,为部队选择更准确、适用的有氧能力测量方法提供参考。方法:以12名男性青年作为受试对象,通过间接法测量台阶-VO2max、台阶-PWC170-VO2max、功率车-VO2max,对测量结果进行比较并与直接法-VO2maxVO2max进行相关性分析。结果:①数值上,功率车-VO2max>直接法-VO2max>台阶-PWC170-VO2max>台阶-VO2max,台阶-PWC170-VO2max、台阶-VO2max与直接法-VO2max有显著差异(P<0.05),功率车-VO2max与直接法-VO2max相近;②台阶-VO2max、台阶-PWC170-VO2max、功率车-VO2max三种间接测量结果与直接法-VO2max相关,相关系数分别为0.639,0.790,0.872(P<0.05)。结论:三种间接法测得VO2max结果中,功率车-VO2max与直接法-VO2max相关性最好,数值最接近,因此功率车- VO2max法可以作为部队测量有氧耐力首选方法。  相似文献   

In rugby union, physical characteristics may partially contribute to long-term career progression, especially during adolescence. Therefore, the primary purpose of the study was to evaluate Italian regional rugby union academy players’ (i.e., under-18) anthropometric and physical characteristics during a competitive season. Body mass, height, upper- and lower-body maximal strength, sprint, and high-intensity running ability were assessed in 29 elite players (backs, n = 13, forwards, n = 16). A mixed-design analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures showed that backs were shorter (ES = 0.59), lighter (ES = 0.94), stronger relative to body mass (bench press; ES = 0.60; deadlift; ES = 0.63; clean ES = 0.63; rowing ES = 0.67), and fitter (shuttle run max; ES = 0.38; shuttle run tot; ES = 0.79) than forwards. However, the forwards achieved greater sprint momentum (initial sprint momentum; ES = 0.97; maximal sprint momentum; ES = 0.98). During the season, players changed in stature, upper-body maximal strength, jumping, and high intensity running (p < 0.05), but not in body weight or lower-body maximal strength (p > 0.05). Maximal strength improved in the first part of the season, whereas jumping and sprinting performances increased in the last part of the season. Therefore, these findings highlight the importance of regularly monitoring the physical development in a long-term perspective, even suggesting that physiological adaptations are heterochronic between positional roles.  相似文献   

Eight highly trained male kayakers were studied to determine the relationship between critical power (CP) and the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA). Four exercise sessions of 90 s, 240 s, 600 s, and 1200 s were used to identify the CP of each kayaker. Each individual CP was obtained from the line of best fit (LBFCP) obtained from the progressive work output/time relationships. The OBLA was identified by the 4 mmol·l–1 blood lactate concentration and the work output at this level was determined using a lactate curve test. This consisted of paddling at 50 W for 5 min after which a 1-min rest was taken during which a 25-l blood sample was taken to analyse for lactate. Exercise was increased by 50 W every 5 min until exhaustion, with the blood sample being taken in the 1-min rest period. The exercise intensity at the OBLA for each subject was then calculated and this was compared to the exercise intensity at the LBFCP. The intensity at LBFCP was found to be significantly higher (t=2.115, P<0.05) than that at the OBLA of 4 mmol·1–1. These results were further confirmed by significant differences being obtained in blood lactate concentration (t=8.063, P<0.05) and heart rate values (t=2.90, P<0.05) obtained from the exercise intensity at LBFCP over a 20-min period and that of the anaerobic threshold (Than) parameters obtained from the lactate/heart rate curve. These differences suggest that CP and Than are different physiological events and that athletes have utilised either one or the other methods for monitoring training and its effects.  相似文献   

[Purpose]This study aimed to investigate the effects of gradient and age on energy expenditure and fat metabolism during aerobic exercise at equal intensity in women.[Methods] Thirty women in their twenties (n=15) and fifties (n=15) were enrolled. All subjects performed aerobic exercise on a treadmill for 10 min at 0% and 6% gradient repeatedly to elicit 50%, 60%, and 70% VO2max.[Results]Energy expenditure and fat oxidation were higher during aerobic exercise at 6% of the gradient than at 0%, and there was no significant difference in carbohydrate oxidation in any age group.[Conclusion]Aerobic exercise at a 6% gradient was more favorable for fat oxidation than a 0% gradient in all age groups. In particular, in the case of women in their fifties, walking on a gradient of 6%, which is favorable for increasing fat oxidation, was more effective than walking on flat ground for preventing and reducing obesity. However, to examine the difference in fat oxidation among exercise intensities more accurately, exercise performed for longer than 30 min is required. Follow-up studies are required to investigate the effect of various gradients on physiological and metabolic characteristics when carrying out aerobic exercises for more than 30 min.  相似文献   

Energy expenditure was evaluated for 6 Basket players while exercising on a cyclergometer. Oxygen consumption (VO2), pulmonary ventilation (VE), heart rate (HR), respiratory quotient (QR) and other parameters were estimated at various levels of load (25 Watt each step of 3 minutes duration), till to submaximal load of 175 Watt. The same subjects participate to a regular Basket game and their heart rate was continuously stored on a tape recorder (Holter). Arterial blood pressure was also taken whenever possible (timeout, etc). From the laboratory and field data, estimates were made for the oxygen consumption together with energy cost of the game. This can be assume a net value of 0.1339 Kcal X Kg-1 X min-1.  相似文献   

Despite its growing popularity, few studies have investigated specific physiological demands for elite female futsal. The aim of this study was to determine aerobic fitness in elite female futsal players using laboratory and field testing. Fourteen female futsal players from the Venezuelan National team (age =21.2±4.0 years; body mass =58.6±5.6 kg; height =161±5.0 cm) performed a progressive maximal treadmill test under laboratory conditions. Players also performed a progressive intermittent futsal-specific field test for endurance, the Futsal Intermittent Endurance Test (FIET), until volitional fatigue. Outcome variables were exercise heart rate (HR), VO2, post-exercise blood lactate concentrations ([La]b) and running speeds (km · h-1). During the treadmill test, VO2max, maximal aerobic speed (MAS), HR and peak [La]b were 45.3±5.6 ml · kg-1 · min-1, 12.5±1.77 km · h-1, 197±8 beats · min-1 and 11.3±1.4 mmol · l-1, respectively. The FIET total distance, peak running velocity, peak HR and [La]b were 1125.0±121.0 m, 15.2±0.5 km · h-1, 199±8 beats · min-1 and 12.5±2.2 mmol · l-1, respectively. The FIET distance and peak speed were strongly associated (r= 0.85-87, p < 0.0001) with VO2max and MAS, respectively. Peak HR and [La]b were not significantly different between tests. Elite female futsal players possess moderate aerobic fitness. Furthermore, the FIET can be considered as a valid field test to determine aerobic fitness in elite level female futsal players.  相似文献   

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