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麻醉是果蝇实验中最基本的操作,乙醚是最常用的麻醉剂。但因为乙醚是二类易制毒化学品而被国家控制使用。报道一种容易获得的试剂——乙酸乙酯对果蝇的麻醉效果。实验采用的麻醉室大小为125cm3,每处理20~30只果蝇,乙酸乙酯剂量为40、80、120μL,以同等剂量的乙醚为对照,每个实验重复4次,用所有果蝇完全麻醉后20min及120min时的未苏醒率为指标评估麻醉效果及安全性。结果表明:乙酸乙酯对果蝇具有麻醉作用;麻醉时乙酸乙酯开始起效应的时间略晚于同等剂量的乙醚,但使果蝇完全麻醉的时间却比同等剂量的乙醚略短或相接近;麻醉持续的时间则长于同等剂量的乙醚。乙酸乙酯麻醉的果蝇,90%以上的果蝇均在120min内苏醒,表明在这些剂量范围内是安全的。乙酸乙酯完全可以替代乙醚用于果蝇的麻醉。  相似文献   

The green lacewing, Chrysopa oculata Say, was significantly attracted to sticky cards baited with undiluted methyl salicylate (MeSA) in an unsprayed vineyard in Washington State. During the first three weeks of the five week experiment 5-8 times as many C. oculata were trapped on MeSA-baited as on unbaited or hexane-baited cards. Diluted (10%, 1%) MeSA-baited cards did not attract C. oculata. These results are discussed with respect to a hypothesis that only lacewings with carnivorous adults are attracted to MeSA.  相似文献   

Chilling injury: a plea for uniform terminology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract This article proposes definitions for the terms now commonly applied to studies of both the molecular and cellular aspects of chilling injury. They are proposed with the intent of increasing the precision and clarity of communications on the subject and arc based on the present understanding and current hypotheses regarding the molecular events underlying the development of the visible symptoms of chilling injury.  相似文献   

Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) was tested against a range of organisms including glutaraldehyde-resistant mycobacteria, Bacillus subtilis spores and coat-defective spores. Glutaraldehyde (GTA) and peracetic acid (PAA) were tested for comparative purposes. Both suspension and carrier tests were performed using a range of concentrations and exposure times. All three biocides were very effective (> or = 5 log reduction) against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in suspension tests. OPA and GTA (PAA was not tested) were also very effective against Staph. aureus and Ps. aeruginosa in carrier tests. OPA showed good activity against the mycobacteria tested including the two GTA-resistant strains, but 0.5% w/v OPA was found not to be sporicidal. However, limited activity was found with higher concentrations and pH values. Coat-defective spores were more susceptible to OPA, suggesting that the coat may be responsible for this resistance. The findings of this study suggest that OPA is effective against GTA-resistant mycobacteria and that it is a viable alternative to GTA for high level disinfection.  相似文献   

随着生物化工技术的不断发展成熟,通过改造微生物已可以实现二氧化碳、甲烷等温室气体的固定、转化和利用,而电子传递及能量供给对微生物固碳效率起着决定性的作用。本文首先分析了好氧性嗜甲烷菌、化能自养微生物等天然微生物细胞内外的直接、间接电子传递系统。在此基础上,围绕微生物固碳细胞工厂的构建,进一步介绍了基于光能、电能的人工电子供给策略及其对固碳过程中代谢通量、合成路径和供能效率的影响。最后针对微生物固碳的关键共性技术难点,简要展望了可行性的解决方案及相关应用前景。  相似文献   

CO2 responsiveness of plants: a possible link to phloem loading   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Of the many responses of plants to elevated CO2, accumulation of total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC in % dry weight) in leaves is one of the most consistent. Insufficient sink activity or transport capacity may explain this obvious disparity between CO2 assimilation and carbohydrate dissipation and structural investment. If transport capacity contributes to the problem, phloem loading may be the crucial step. It has been hypothesized that symplastic phloem loading is less efficient than apoplastic phloem loading, and hence plant species using the symplastic pathway and growing under high light and good water supply should accumulate more TNC at any given CO2 level, but particularly under elevated CO2. We tested this hypothesis by carrying out CO2 enrichment experiments with 28 plant species known to belong to groups of contrasting phloem-loading type. Under current ambient CO2 symplastic loaders were found to accumulate 36% TNC compared with only 19% in apoplastic loaders (P=0.0016). CO2 enrichment to 600 μmol mol?1 increased TNC in both groups by the same absolute amount, bringing the mean TNC level to 41% in symplastic loaders (compared to 25% in apoplastic loaders), which may be close to TNC saturation (coupled with chlornplast malfunction). Eight tree species, ranked as symplastic loaders by their minor vein companion cell configuration, showed TNC responses more similar to those of apoplastic herbaceous loaders. Similar results are obtained when TNC is expressed on a unit leaf area basis, since mean specific leaf areas of groups were not significantly different. We conclude that phloem loading has a surprisingly strong effect on leaf tissue composition, and thus may translate into alterations of food webs and ecosystem functioning, particularly under high CO2.  相似文献   

The current flow of carbon for the production, use, and waste management of polymer‐based products is still mostly linear from the lithosphere to the atmosphere with rather low rates of material recycling. In view of a limited future supply of biomass, this article outlines the options to further develop carbon recycling (C‐REC). The focus is on carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and use for synthesis of platform chemicals to produce polymers. CO2 may be captured from exhaust gases after combustion or fermentation of waste in order to establish a C‐REC system within the technosphere. As a long‐term option, an external C‐REC system can be developed by capturing atmospheric CO2. A central role may be expected from renewable methane (or synthetic natural gas), which is increasingly being used for storage and transport of energy, but may also be used for renewable carbon supply for chemistry. The energy input for the C‐REC processes can come from wind and solar systems, in particular, power for the production of hydrogen, which is combined with CO2 to produce various hydrocarbons. Most of the technological components for the system already exist, and, first modules for renewable fuel and polymer production systems are underway in Germany. This article outlines how the system may further develop over the medium to long term, from a piggy‐back add‐on flow system toward a self‐carrying recycling system, which has the potential to provide the material and energy backbone of future societies. A critical bottleneck seems to be the capacity and costs of renewable energy supply, rather than the costs of carbon capture.  相似文献   

A model was developed to calculate carbon fluxes from agricultural soils. The model includes the effects of crop (species, yield and rotation), climate (temperature, rainfall and evapotranspiration) and soil (carbon content and water retention capacity) on the carbon budget of agricultural land. The changes in quality of crop residues and organic material as a result of changes in CO2 concentration and changed management were not considered in this model. The model was parameterized for several arable crops and grassland. Data from agricultural, meteorological, soil, and land use databases were input to the model, and the model was used to evaluate the effects of different carbon dioxide mitigation measures on soil organic carbon in agricultural areas in Europe. Average carbon fluxes under the business as usual scenario in the 2008–2012 commitment period were estimated at 0.52 tC ha?1 y?1 in grassland and ?0.84 tC ha?1 y?1 in arable land. Conversion of arable land to grassland yielded a flux of 1.44 tC ha?1 y?1. Farm management related activities aiming at carbon sequestration ranged from 0.15 tC ha?1 y?1 for the incorporating of straw to 1.50 tC ha?1 y?1 for the application of farmyard manure. Reduced tillage yields a positive flux of 0.25 tC ha?1 y?1. The indirect effect associated with climate was an order of magnitude lower. A temperature rise of 1 °C resulted in a ?0.05 tC ha?1 y?1 change whereas the rising CO2 concentrations gave a 0.01 tC ha?1 y?1 change. Estimates are rendered on a 0.5 × 0.5° grid for the commitment period 2008–2012. The study reveals considerable regional differences in the effectiveness of carbon dioxide abatement measures, resulting from the interaction between crop, soil and climate. Besides, there are substantial differences between the spatial patterns of carbon fluxes that result from different measures.  相似文献   

Kristin Palmqvist 《Planta》1993,191(1):48-56
The CO2 dependence of net CO2 assimilation was examined in a number of green algal and cyanobacterial lichens with the aim of screening for the algal/cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) in these symbiotic organisms. For the lichens Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd., P. canina (L.) Willd. and P. neopolydactyla (Gyeln.) Gyeln., the photosynthetic performance was also compared between intact thalli and their respective photobionts, the green alga Coccomyxa PA, isolated from Peltigera aphthosa and the cyanobacterium Nostoc PC, isolated from Peltigera canina. More direct evidence for the operation of a CCM was obtained by monitoring the effects of the carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors acetazolamide and ethoxyzolamide on the photosynthetic CO2use efficiency of the photobionts. The results strongly indicate the operation of a CCM in all cyanobacterial lichens investigated and in cultured cells of Nostoc PC, similar to that described for free-living species of cyanobacteria. The green algal lichens were divided into two groups, one with a low and the other with a higher CO2-use efficiency, indicative of the absence of a CCM in the former. The absence of a CCM in the low-affinity lichens was related to the photobiont, because free-living cells of Coccomyxa PA also apparently lacked a CCM. As a result of the postulated CCM, cyanobacterial Peltigera lichens have higher rates of net photosynthesis at normal CO2 compared with Peltigera aphthosa. It is proposed that this increased photosynthetic capacity may result in a higher production potential, provided that photosynthesis is limited by CO2 under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in soil carbon storage that accompany land‐cover change may have significant effects on the global carbon cycle. The objective of this work was to examine how assumptions about preconversion soil C storage and the effects of land‐cover change influence estimates of regional soil C storage. We applied three models of land‐cover change effects to two maps of preconversion soil C in a 140 000 ha area of northeastern Costa Rica. One preconversion soil C map was generated using values assigned to tropical wet forest from the literature, the second used values obtained from extensive field sampling. The first model of land‐cover change effects used values that are typically applied in global assessments, the second and third models used field data but differed in how the data were aggregated (one was based on land‐cover transitions and one was based on terrain attributes). Changes in regional soil C storage were estimated for each combination of model and preconversion soil C for three time periods defined by geo‐referenced land‐cover maps. The estimated regional soil C under forest vegetation (to 0.3 m) was higher in the map based on field data (10.03 Tg C) than in the map based on literature data (8.90 Tg C), although the range of values derived from propagating estimation errors was large (7.67–12.40 Tg C). Regional soil C storage declined through time due to forest clearing for pasture and crops. Estimated CO2 fluxes depended more on the model of land‐cover change effects than on preconversion soil C. Cumulative soil C losses (1950–1996) under the literature model of land‐cover effects exceeded estimates based on field data by factors of 3.8–8.0. In order to better constrain regional and global‐scale assessments of carbon fluxes from soils in the tropics, future research should focus on methods for extrapolating regional‐scale constraints on soil C dynamics to larger spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Conclusion Present evidence is highly suggestive of a stepwise mechanism with a common initial step of HCO 3 activation, for all enzymes that use HCO 3 rather than CO2 as the substrate. This activated form of HCO 3 appears to be the carbonic-phosphoric anhydride, although this has only been proved rigorously with carbamoyl phosphate synthetase. Further studies using isotope scrambling and other techniques will be necessary to establish conclusively that this is the case with the other enzymes.For brevity an extensive bibliographical coverage has not been attempted, and only references directly relevant to the points discussed have been included.  相似文献   

CO 2 levels in freshwater systems can fluctuate widely, potentially influencing photosynthetic rates and growth of phytoplankton. Given the right conditions, this can lead to bloom formation and affect water quality. This study investigated the acquisition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC ) by six species of microalgae, a cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii , the diatoms Cyclotella sp., Nitzschia sp., and the green algae Stichococcus sp., Staurastrum sp., and Monoraphidium sp., all isolated from a subtropical reservoir in Australia. Carbon acquisition characteristics, specifically the affinity for DIC , internal pH , and internal DIC concentrations were measured. Affinities for CO 2 () ranged between 0.7 and 6 μM CO 2. This was considerably lower than air‐equilibrated surface water CO 2 concentrations, and below reported affinities for CO 2 of RuBisCO suggesting operation of active carbon dioxide concentrating mechanisms (CCM s) in all species. Internal pH was lowest for Cyclotella sp. at 7.19, and highest for Staurastrum sp., at 7.71. At 180 μM external DIC , ratios of internal:external CO 2 ranged from 2.5 for Nitzschia sp. to 14 in C. raciborskii . Internal HCO 3? concentration showed a linear relationship with surface area to biovolume ratio (SA :Vol). We hypothesized that species with a higher SA :Vol suffer more from diffusive escape of CO 2, thus storage of DIC as bicarbonate is favored in these strains. For C. raciborskii , under stratified summer conditions, its strong CCM , and resilient photosynthetic characteristics may contribute to its bloom forming capacity.  相似文献   

The work presents a characterisation study of Accurel EP100 (polypropylene based hydrophobic granules) as support material for lipase (Lypozyme 10,000 l, from native Rhizomucor miehei) operating as biocatalyst in supercritical CO2 as solvent. The study involved assay of biocatalytic activity and operational stability as functions of system pressure and temperature. Furthermore, the presence of diffusion limitations was tested, by varying the bed diameter and support particle size. In addition, SEM and Gas Absorption were employed to test the mechanical stability. Results were compared with the commercially available biocatalyst Lipozyme™ IM60.

Pressure did not have a significant effect on the activity or the stability, while temperature had a positive effect on the activity and negative effect on the stability. As expected, an ‘optimum’ value of system water content gave maximum catalytic activity for each biocatalyst. External- and internal-diffusion limitations were both found negligible. The mechanical stability analysis demonstrated little (if any) effect of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) on the structural integrity of Accurel EP100, although subtle increases in pore volume and surface area were observed.  相似文献   

An aerobic methanotrophic-heterotrophic soil community has been characterised when growing with different partial pressures of CO2. The methanotrophic population using methane as carbon source reached 3 × 107 cfu ml–1 with one of the major methanotrophs being of type II which uses the serine pathway for C assimilation. Optimal methanotrophic activity required the addition of CO2, and in the absence of CO2 no methane oxidisers grew. Partial pressures of CO2 from 1.6 to 11.6 kPa gave optimal cell growth and production of soluble organic compounds. Biomass yield, soluble organics and CO2 production were 0.36, 0.15, and 0.48 mg mg–1 methane uptake, respectively, with CO2 at 11.6 kPa. The results presented here may have important implications for the use of methane-oxidising bacteria in bioremedial applications.  相似文献   

Although studies have shown that peatland drainage andharvesting alter local hydrology, microclimate, and peatcharacteristics, little is known about the effects of these changes onCO2 production rates. This study examines the differentfactors affecting CO2 production from natural and cutoverpeatlands. Laboratory peat incubations were performed under aerobic andanaerobic conditions to determine the influence of temperature, soilmoisture, and peat depth on CO2 production rates from peatsamples taken from: (1) a natural peatland; (2) a 2-yearpost-cutover peatland and; (3) a 7-year post-cutover peatland.CO2 production rates ranged from 0.21 to 4.87 µmolg–1 d–1 under anaerobic conditions,and from 0.37 to 15.69 µmol g–1d–1 in the aerobic trials. While no significantdifferences were found between the CO2 production rates ofthe two cutover sites, the natural site consistently displayed higherproduction values. The natural site was also the only site to exhibitstrong depth dependent trends, thus indicating the importance of theupper peat layer with respect to substrate quality. Higher productionrates were found under aerobic than anaerobic conditions, with thegreatest response to oxygen observed at the natural site. Productionrates increased with both temperature and soil moisture, with maximumproduction rates found at 20 °C and 92% moisture content.Temperature responses were generally greater at the cutover sites, whilesoil moisture had greater effects on the natural site peat.Results of this work agree with previous studies that suggest that itis essential to begin restoration once a cutover peatland is abandoned.Re-wetting a cutover peatland (through restoration practices) isnecessary to prevent an increase in peat temperature and CO2production since cutover peat has higher Q10 values thannatural peat. A decrease in overall peatland oxidation should reduce thepersistent source of atmospheric CO2 from cutover peatlandsand the irreversible changes in peat structure that impedeSphagnum re-establishment.  相似文献   

Release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by seaweed underpins the microbial food web and is crucial for the coastal ocean carbon cycle. However, we know relatively little of seasonal DOC release patterns in temperate regions of the southern hemisphere. Strong seasonal changes in inorganic nitrogen availability, irradiance, and temperature regulate the growth of seaweeds on temperate reefs and influence DOC release. We seasonally surveyed and sampled seaweed at Coal Point, Tasmania, over 1 year. Dominant species with or without carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) were collected for laboratory experiments to determine seasonal rates of DOC release. During spring and summer, substantial DOC release (10.06–33.54 μmol C · g DW−1 · h−1) was observed for all species, between 3 and 27 times greater than during autumn and winter. Our results suggest that inorganic carbon (Ci) uptake strategy does not regulate DOC release. Seasonal patterns of DOC release were likely a result of photosynthetic overflow during periods of high gross photosynthesis indicated by variations in tissue C:N ratios. For each season, we calculated a reef-scale net DOC release for seaweed at Coal Point of 7.84–12.9 g C · m−2 · d−1 in spring and summer, which was ~16 times greater than in autumn and winter (0.2–1.0 g C · m−2 · d−1). Phyllospora comosa, which dominated the biomass, contributed the most DOC to the coastal ocean, up to ~14 times more than Ecklonia radiata and the understory assemblage combined. Reef-scale DOC release was driven by seasonal changes in seaweed physiology rather than seaweed biomass.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of kaempferol and quercetin against planktonic and biofilm forms of the Candida parapsilosis complex. Initially, nine C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, nine C. orthopsilosis and nine C. metapsilosis strains were used. Planktonic susceptibility to kaempferol and quercetin was assessed. Growing and mature biofilms were then exposed to the flavonoids at MIC or 10xMIC, respectively, and theywere also analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The MIC ranges were 32-128 µg ml?1 for kaempferol and 0.5-16 µg ml?1 for quercetin. Kaempferol and quercetin decreased (P?<?0.05) the metabolic activity and biomass of growing biofilms of the C. parapsilosis complex. As for mature biofilms, the metabolic effects of the flavonoids varied, according to the cryptic species, but kaempferol caused an overall reduction in biofilm biomass. Microscopic analyses showed restructuring of biofilms after flavonoid exposure. These results highlight the potential use of these compounds as sustainable resources for the control of fungal biofilms.  相似文献   

Ethyl acetate removal from an air stream was carried out by using a flat composite membrane bioreactor. The composite membrane consisted of a dense polydimethylsiloxane top layer with an average thickness of 0.3 μm supported in a porous polyacrylonitrile layer (50 μm). The membrane bioreactor (MBR) was operated during 3 months, and a maximum elimination capacity of 225 g m−3 h−1 at an empty bed residence time of 60 s was observed. Removal efficiencies higher than 95% were obtained for inlet loads lower than 200 g m−3 h−1 and empty bed residence times as short as 15 s. The estimated yield coefficient, determined from the carbon dioxide production, resulted in 0.82 g dry biomass synthesized per gram of ethyl acetate degraded. No data of ethyl acetate treatment in MBR have been found in the literature, but the results illustrate that membrane bioreactors can potentially be a good option for its treatment.  相似文献   

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